Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church

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in 1 chronicles 12:32 we read about the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times and I want to ask us do we have understanding of the times do we know what is happening in our Western world we see the collapse of the Christian fabric the collapse of the Christian worldview why is that because a foundation has been removed and the structure is collapsing what foundation the foundation of the authority of the word of God it's about time God's people went out there unashamedly uncompromising least oould in the Word of God and said this is what it's all about proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ show that we can defend our faith if we start standing on the Word of God that's what's gonna change this nation well good afternoon everyone you know how hard it is to talk to an empty room but I know there's lots of people watching out there and so I have to visualize in my mind thousands of people that are out there online who watch us well we're here in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum we still don't know when we're going to be allowed to open the Creation Museum and the I can counter to the public would love to see people pouring back in again as we've seen over the many years that we've been open here at the Creation Museum and also at the Ark Encounter fact millions of people have visited and so I know it's frustrating for all of us and it's difficult for us as well and difficult for our staff and difficult financially and in all sorts of other ways but we just need to pray that God will work on this whole situation for us I know he's in control and I know that he has it all under his sovereign rule well today I'm going to talk on the topic of the six days it's basically based on this book six days the age of the earth and the client of the church six day issue is such an emotional issue with so many people so many people in our churches so many Christians that I meet so many people say it doesn't matter whether you believe in six days or not and then a lot of our Christian academics and pastors will say well you can believe in millions of years and it doesn't matter and some people get very emotional about this and they say what why do you even care about that I mean the most important thing is to go out and preach about the gospel so we're going to talk about why it matters whether you believe in six days or not and there are a number of books and I'm going to use material from six days this one which is a much more detailed look and much more deeper theological look at this whole issue and a lot of the documentation I have in there and then the research we've done we did research on why Millennials have left the church and very few return in fact two-thirds of young people walk away from the church by college age very few return and then ready to return the Millennials that are left in the church and what they actually believe or don't believe and then this one which is I think a very very important book I'd like to get see it get a lot more traction already compromised we actually had America's research group do research on Christian colleges seminaries Bible colleges the the more that you call mainline more towards a conservative end of things in regard to their theology and what they believe particularly when it comes to Genesis and the actual results were was shocking revealing astounding and so I'll mention those at various places but the topic today is is six days of creation the age of the earth does it really matter well when we ask that question does it really matter when I asked that question in a different way does it really matter if we take God at His Word because that's the bottom line that's what it comes down to proverbs 30 verses 5 & 6 every word of God is pure and do not add to his words I believe on this issue of the age of the earth the six days of creation reading the book of Genesis that so many Christians so many of our Christian leaders have actually added to the Word of God and I'm going to divide this into three main sections number one it's an authority issue number two it's an indirect salvation issue and number three it's a gospel issue now I'm going to spend more on number one it's an authority issue it's an authority and then we'll briefly look at number two and number three you know in second media in secularists have come in the past to the Creation Museum and they want to interview our speakers or interview me I find that they usually bring up the issue of the age of the earth in a very scoffing way or why we believe in six days the age issue seems to be something they always come up with it's interesting I've noticed when ever articles are written about us in secular media and sometimes in some of the Christian media as well it'll say Answers in Genesis or the Ark Encounter or the Creation Museum Ken Ham these are the people that believe in six literal days and believe in a young earth and and they reject millions of years and of course they claim we reject science which we do not reject science secularists believe in millions of years and they have to why is it such an emotional issue the whole issue of the age of the earth I mean I've even seen programs on television with Richard Dawkins where if somebody disagrees with him about evolution he will obviously say they're wrong and so on but if you say the earth is only thousands years old here ballistic these sakura's absolutely get emotional over this issue but here's the point they have to believe in millions of years and why is that well how do you explain a process that you don't see happening you don't see molecules to man evolution happening and it's impossible because we don't see any mechanism where matter produces new information to add in to to the genes in fact we don't see any mechanism where you can produce DNA as an information system and code system codes and it come from intelligence information from previously existing information so how do you get people to believe an impossible process well you have to propose an incomprehensible amount of time none of us comprehend comprehend millions of years I mean we even sort of get surprised when we think about well what was here a couple of hundred years ago in America or three hundred years ago four hundred years ago we don't realize you know what man can do in such a short amount of time if we go back to 1954 George Wald was an American biochemist to receive nobel prize in 1967 he said this time is in fact the hero of the plot what we regard is impossible on the basis of human experience is meaningless here given so much time the impossible becomes possible the possible probable the problem virtually owns the virtually certain one has to only wait time itself performs the miracles for for the secularists time is so important you see if they don't have the millions of years I mean we see changes in animals creationists have talked about natural selection speciation we see that occurring what we don't see is one kind of animal changing into another we don't see that and so given enough time all the billions years hundreds of millions years that's what the section is saying are but all this time it happens but if they don't have that time let's say the universe the earth is only about 6,000 years old if the secularists agreed that that was so and the millions years wasn't true then they got a problem how do they postulate their evolutionary ideas they can't that's why they get so emotional about this they realize they have got to have the millions and billions of years in fact I find people like Richard Dawkins are the atheists you know if you don't believe in other aspects of their evolutionary processes they'll grown and carry on and so on but you don't believe in the billions of years then then you'll be called an D academic you'll be called anti-scientific here we called anti-intellectual because they will they will be so emotional about this that they have to they have to attack you and intimidate you and that's what's happened there's been an incredible intimidation to believe in the millions and billions of years there's academic intimidation which is why so many of our Christian academics believe in millions and billions of years to conform to what the world wants us to believe you know we make no apology about the fact that here at Answers in Genesis at the Creation Museum the Ark Encounter we believe God created in six literal days as we read in Genesis and we don't believe in the millions years we only believe in thousands years in fact we would say the whole universe is only about six thousand years old now people will say to me now wait a minute wait a minute the Bible doesn't say the earth is 6,000 years old and so the universe is 6,000 years old you don't get 6,000 by just reading a verse in the Bible and you don't when people say to me where does the Bible say that the universe is only say 6,000 years old well it doesn't and I'm glad it doesn't because if it did it would mean the Bible would not be infallible and why do I say that well you know God's written word was completed about 2,000 years ago so if 2,000 years ago it said the universe was 6,000 years old now to be eight thousand years old see but here's the thing the Bible doesn't give a specific age for the universe or the earth but it does give us a very specific history it starts off by telling us God created in six days now there's a big argument there where people say well those days could be long periods of time there could be millions of years we don't know what they are I hear that sort of thing in the church all the time well I'm gonna say we do know what they are from the language in Scripture but just just humor me for a moment let's just assume that they are six ordinary days just let's assume that even if you don't believe that let's just assume that if they are six 24-hour days then the Bible tells us that God made Adam on day six and then it tells us that Adam had a sunset at 130 years old and Seth fathered eNOS at 105 you know as fired the Kenan 90 keen on fathered mahalo el or have you pronounced it at 70 and he fathered Jared is 65 and Jared silent Enoch at 162 you know father my Thursday at 65 Murphy's our father Lamech at 187 they make father no 182 no father ham and Japeth at 500 in other words there a specific age is given specific ages when people were born when they died you have all those genealogies and if you add them up inscription when you get to Abraham and then to Christ and then to the present day you come to about 6000 years that's where we get the 6000 years from and that history is very very important because God's given this history in fact we have genealogies number of places in the Old Testament the New Testament ones by the way I'm much more summarized so don't just look at those look at the ones in Genesis 5 for instance and others that we have in the Old Testament but that history is there to show us that we all go back to Adam were all descendants of Adam are all one race we're all sinners and that God son stepped into history to be a descendant of Adam and then died for the descendants of Adam was raised from the dead and offers a free gift of salvation so this is very very important for us to have that history now that's 6,000 years though as I said to you assumes that the days of creation are ordinary 24-hour days so what are those days of creation I remember one lady to church once she was very emotional about it and she says I don't limit God to six days I allow him millions of years I'm not like you creationists I don't limit him to six days like you do and I said ma'am I don't limit God to six days I limit myself to letting God tell me what he did I don't tell God what he did and it's about time you stopped telling God what he did and you know I want I want to bring that up to us we need to let God tell us what he did he tells us through his written word what he did in history he's revealed to us through his written word we read in the New Testament we know what Jesus did concerning walking on water and and healing the blind and the lame and raising the dead and so on and the teaching that he gave from this written word well God has given us his written word from Genesis through revelation and I had one pastor once say to me but you know what the word for day in the Hebrew word for day is pronounced YUM as a Hebrew word for day he said but the word YUM can mean something out of an ordinary day and you're not my answer was of course it can mean something other than ordinary day but it can also mean an ordinary day and I remember him saying but a commit but it can mean something other than laundry day and I would say but my point is it can also mean an ordinary day so it's not a matter of that word day can mean something other than ordinary day it's a matter of what does the word day mean right there in Genesis chapter 1 you see most words have two or more meanings dependent upon context I mean think about it if there were people in this auditorium as we've had in the past and we will in the future once were allowed open again I could say I see somebody who's at the back of the auditorium sitting in one of the chairs at the back with their back against the back of the chair and maybe they have a sore back and they came back after being here earlier there's a word back having a number of different meanings well most words have two or more meanings dependent upon context you could tell what each of those those meanings were of the word back just from the context and the way I use that well consider the word day in English you can have different meanings back in my father's day there it means time it took ten days when you say you take ten days you're really meaning ten 24-hour days to drive across the Australian outback during the day when you say during the day you really mean the daylight portion of a day so there's the word day in English having three different meanings and the Hebrew word for day the word yawn has a similar range of meanings as does the English word for day for instance in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah as Americans say it the day of the Lord that's talking about time the tops not talking about a 24-hour days just saying the day of the Lord or in judges the day of the captivity of the land or in Genesis 2 verse 4 there is talking about the day that God created not talking about a specific day he's just talking about the time that he created referring back to the six days of creation see people often say or how can the word day in genesis one men an ordinary day when it doesn't mean an ordinary day there in Genesis 2 verse 4 well it's the context and that's what I want to show you it's the context the word day in the context the way it's were used there in the Hebrew language it means time you see the word day is used 2301 times in the Old Testament and singular or plural form you know what I finds interesting we know what the word day means everywhere it's used in the Old Testament except Genesis chapter 1 why is it always Genesis 1 that's the problem I don't hear people arguing about what the word day means elsewhere in the Old Testament I don't hear anyone saying how long did joshua take to march around Jericho was it a million years was it a hundred thousand years how long did he take when it says he must around in a day we know what that means it means it was an ordinary day you see here's the question we have to ask ourselves when does the word yom the Hebrew word for day when does it mean an ordinary day because it can mean an ordinary day in fact that's his main meaning his ordinary day but it can mean time it can have a number of different meanings if you go to a well-respected Hebrew lexicon a Hebrew dictionary and you look up the meaning of the word day you'll find lots of different meanings and the different contexts that are given but the examples of when the word day means an ordinary day well the first examples there are given Genesis chapter 1 verses 5 and then we go on from there to each of the other times for the six days in other words in this Brown driver Briggs very respected lexicon an example of when the word day means an ordinary day are the days of creation now if you look at a more modern Hebrew dictionary this Hebrew lexicon here mykola Baumgartner it actually goes through and gives you all the different times when day is used but then it lists the different meanings but number two it says day of 24 hours that's pretty specific the first example is Genesis 1:5 so there you have to respected Hebrew lexicons actually giving you examples of when the word day does mean an ordinary day and they have all sorts of other meanings for de listed there too but the examples of an ordinary day the days of creation and why is that so well if you ignore Genesis one just get rid of Genesis chapter one whenever the word day is used with a number four hundred and ten times out of Jena outside of Genesis one it always means an ordinary day whenever you have the phrase evening and morning together without the word day outside of Genesis 138 times it always means an ordinary day whenever you have evening with day or morning with day outside of Genesis 123 times each in fact always means an ordinary day and whenever you have the word night with day it means an ordinary day in other words if you ignore Genesis 1 in the rest of the Old Testament whenever the word day is user number whenever you have the phrase evening and morning or you have the word evening with day or morning with day or you have the word night with day it always means in context in ordinary day now if we know when day means an ordinary day then why is it so difficult to understand Genesis chapter 1 it must be extremely muddled and and not clear at all let's go and have a look so for the first day we have night we have evening we have morning we have first on number and we have day so you've got night with day you've got the phrase evening and morning good evening with day you got morning with day and you got number with day how can you come to any other conclusion that this is an ordinary day in fact look at each of the rest of them evening morning number day evening morning number day evening morning number day evening morning number day it's almost as if God is saying you know these people and the 21st century gotta be so thick that I'm gonna qualify the word day over and over and over again but they're still not gonna believe it because they don't believe my word and they don't want to believe my word you know if you go back to for instance Genesis 2:4 in the day that the Lord created there's no evening no mourning no evening a morning no number there the context means time it's the same for judges the day of the captivity the Lord or the one from my Ziya that we used but here in Genesis here in Genesis it is very different in Genesis chapter 1 because you've got evening and morning and number and for the first day you even have night qualifying the word day now let's go on where do we get the idea of the week prompt think about the rotation of the earth on its axis that's one day the relationship of the earth and the moon is a month the Earth and the Sun that's a year where is the seven-day we come from well there's only one place doesn't come from any astronomical observations then it comes from Scripture Exodus 20 verse 11 in six days the Lord made the heavens in the earth and the sea and all and in them is and rested on the seventh day therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and made it holy in other words the seven-day week comes from the fact that God made everything in six days and rested for one it wouldn't make sense that God made everything in millions of years and rested for millions of years it doesn't it doesn't fit at all with what Exodus 20 is saying to us in fact really God could have created everything in no time at all I mean he's God well he could do it in a second how come he strung it over six days that seems like an awful long time for God to take to create everything six days when he did it as a pattern for us and Exodus tells us right there the pattern of the seven-day week but then there are people that say to me now hang on a minute you're saying there was day and night day and night for each of the six days of creation but if you take Genesis and read it just as written the Sun Moon and stars weren't made until day four so how can you have day and night without the Sun well here's the point you don't need you don't need the Sun for day and night what do you need for day and night you need a light and darkness do you have light and darkness on day one and day two and day three well think about in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters and God said let there be light and he divided the light from the darkness in other words yes there was a light and there was darkness on day one now people say to me okay where'd the light come from well guess what I don't know God doesn't tell me and I believe it was a created light because God said let there be light some people say well God is light well why would he say let there be light it's a created light and it's interesting that he created the Sun on day 4 to rule over the day that already existed right the Sun and the moon to rule over the day and the night that already existed and from that time onward they were to rule over the day and the night the Sun and the moon and you see when you look at that you could say to yourself well why would God do it that way why would he leave the Sun until day 4 it's interesting down through the ages many cultures had tended to worship the Sun you know I think God is saying the Sun is my tool right I created the universe I create a space time and matter I created the earth I even created plants on day 3 so you go through and see that the Sun is my tool don't worship the Sun the Sun didn't give rise to the universe God did worship the God who made the universe who made a light and then made the Sun to rule the day that he had already created and this brings up another very important point too because there are many Christians that have said to me many Christian leaders have said to me well what's wrong with believing in the big name there are many you'll find in the church that say well surely in the beginning God created bang that's the big bang well wait a minute wait a minute the Big Bang idea is based on the religion of naturalism it's based on the religion of atheism the whole idea of the Big Bang was trying to explain everything by natural processes without God I mean the whole idea of millions of years really in regard to the fossil record came about in the 1700s and 1800 by those who wanted to explain everything by natural process as naturalism is our religion naturalism is the religion of atheism why would you want to take an idea based on AP and then I add that to the Bible and besides this when you look at the Big Bang model which has all sorts of problems when you actually look at it from a scientific perspective that's not our purpose today but when you take the Big Bang model it has the stars coming before the Sun and before the earth which is said to be a hot modern blob that cool down for millions of years before water before liquid water on the earth whereas the Bible tell us the Bible tells God made the earth first before the stars before the Sun and the earth wasn't a hot modern blob it was covered with water Regenesis one read the first day of creation and the Spirit of God hovered above the waters and the Sun Moon and stars were not made until day four after the earth you can't add the Big Bang to the Bible when you add the Big Bang to the Bible it's the same as when you take evolutionary ideas in geology and biology and add them to the Bible you're taking man's pagan religion of ebb of evolution man's pagan religion to explain things by natural processes and trying to add it into God's Word and changing the Word of God that's no different what the Israelites did in the Old Testament were they adopted the pagan religion of the age even child sacrifice and worship of idols and so on and they change the Word of God they undermine the authority of the word of God and people we have the same problem today there's nothing new Under the Sun and it permeates the church it permeates the Christian world we have the sake in the Word of God and we have put our trust in man instead of God and over and over in Scripture we're told don't trust man's future of trust and faith in God don't compromise the Word of God that's been a major factor in undermining biblical authority there's led to so many of the younger generations not believing God's Word and have walked away from the church but you know then I get these people they say no wait a minute wait a minute in fact just recently on the 700 club Pat Robinson was answering a question about the days of creation and in he believes in millions of years he made a lot of statements that don't even make sense but then he said but the Bible says this is the only passage he quoted from the Bible didn't quote Genesis but second Peter 3 with the Lord one day is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day as if to say see the word Dave we don't know what it means because here we're being told of days like a thousand years or a thousand years like a day wait a minute that has nothing to do with the days of creation you can't use a phrase from the New Testament to determine the meaning of a Hebrew word the Hebrew word Yan in Genesis a Hebrew word depends upon the Hebrew language in the context in which it's it's written a phrase from the New Testament doesn't determine the meaning of a Hebrew word but not only that look at second Peter 3 what's the context of second Peter 3 the context is the second coming beware in the last days scoffers will come saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they have done from the beginning of creation and for this they are willingly ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth created out of water and so on and willingly ignorant that the world that then was overflowed with water and perish there's a reference to the flood of Noah's day and they're willing the ignorant that there's going to be coming judgment by fire they say God didn't create God didn't send the flood he's not gonna come and judge by fire things just go on and on and on I mean that's what the evolutionists say basically you know things just go on and on and on for millions of years but for those that are saying where is the promise is coming you know we haven't we haven't seen him come you said he was coming back we haven't seen that ah but do not overlook this one fact with the Lord with the Lord not with what man notice with the Lord to God a day is like a thousand years and to God a thousand years like a day why he's at so a time he's not limited by natural processes and time so did God it doesn't matter whether it's a day or a thousand years we are bound in time because we're created in time God was not he exists in eternity and that's what this is saying and you know he tells us why he hasn't come for well since the first coming when he came as a babe in a manger and he hasn't come back in two thousand years it's not really he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance because he's a gracious garden or long-suffering God so we think it's a long time 2000 years but it's not a long time to God it's no time to God because he is outside of time that's what that verse is all about and for someone like Pat Robertson to quote that in regard to the days of creation is just nonsense it really is it is nonsense you know it's interesting - when people quote that passage that way a days like a thousand years I noticed something they only applied to the days of creation do you ever hear them are saying oh Jonah must have been in the fish three thousand years after all a day is a like a thousand years of course not you know we we will do anything but believe in the six literal days of creation why because we'll be intimidated by the world if we believe in six days in a young earth because they have to have their millions of years you know I like what Martin Luther wrote about this the great reformer in his day had a problem they were church fathers that said you know making making God created in six days well waymond here's the Infinite Creator God no he he could have created in no time at all you know he he could have created everything in one day well here's what Moses said when Moses writes that God created heaven and earth and whatever is in them in six days and let this period continue to have been six days and don't do not dementia to devise any comment according to which six days will one day but if you cannot understand how this could have been done in six days then grant the Holy Spirit the honor of being more learner than you are it's interesting in Martin Luther's day there were church fathers that had the opposite problem to today that was saying no God putting her done in six days he had to do it in a much shorter time and today they're saying no God couldn't have done six days he had to be millions of years and the reason they say millions years you think about this when people ring up millions ears or they bring up some of these positions like the gap theory in the day age theory and so on you didn't get millions ears from the Bible you've been influenced by outside of scripture because that's where you got the millions ears from you don't get it from Scripture then people say okay okay so there's six days why does it even matter I mean why does it matter if the earth is millions years old or if it's thousands of years old it's got nothing to do with the gospel it's just a side issue anyway no it's not it's an authority issue this is the absolute authority of the Word of God would we say it doesn't really matter if you believe in the virgin birth I mean it's not tied to salvation does it really matter if you believe that Jesus walked on water that's not tied to salvation it doesn't really matter if you believe Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead no where does it say you have to believe that to mature to be saved and you would say yeah but this is the Word of God you've got to take God's Word is written well that's my point this is the Word of God you see there are people who say but look we've got all these moral issues in the culture you know gay marriage and abortion and pedophilia the gender issues euthanasia surely it's much more important to to deal with those anyway the most important thing is to go out and talk about the gospel I've had pastors say to me oh who cares whether it's six days we just need to tell people about Jesus where's the message of Jesus comes from comes from this book if we have generations that have been told you know need to believe this book here and they start to doubt it and and and don't believe many other parts of it or a slippery sign of relief through the whole book they're not gonna listen to what you say about the gospel and look what's happened there's been an incredible exodus from the church the church is not impacting the culture like it used to we know the church is in big trouble I mean in the Western world from a human perspective it's fighting for its very life now I know the gates of Hell will not prevail against it but when you look at it from a human perspective what a mess in the church because we haven't stood on the Word of God and particularly in this era in Genesis we've given up biblical authority and that has impacted the younger generations who see us not standing on God's Word look I was interviewed on a radio program once by a Presbyterian minister and he said to me now wait a minute look you must agree that we can have as Krishna's as different denominations you got Baptist and Lutheran and Presbyterian and and so it goes on I mean there's all sorts of different denominations and there's different theological positions aren't there well yes I mean in eschatology there's pre mil post mil our mill windmill treadmill actually lots of different views of eschatology that's true different views of modes of baptism sprinkling immersion yeah different views about speaking in tongues whether it's still a gift or it's not yeah different views about the Sabbath day and so on I said yeah he said we have different views about Genesis it's the same thing no it's not and if you can understand this you get the point and then I want to illustrate it by showing you the rampant compromise in our churches and Christian colleges look when you're arguing about eschatological positions modes of baptism speaking in tongues Sabbath they obviously you know not everyone's right right God's going to sort us all out one day but primarily we're looking specifically at scripture what does the scripture teach here what does the scripture teach here what's it say here I yes but over here it says this and we're using scripture interpret Scripture but we're arguing primarily from Scripture but think about this when it comes to Genesis and all the different positions in Genesis day age Theory gap theory adding the millions of years into Scripture in some way local for whatever what's happening people are saying because of what the evolution is saying because of the Big Bang because of millions years we're taking these ideas outside of scripture going to scripture and we're trying to interpret scripture in some way to fit with man's beliefs of the day that's the difference and that's what's happened and that undermines the authority of Scripture that's why this issue is such a massive issue because to add millions of years to add man's ideas into the Bible is a direct attack on the authority of the Word of God and that's why I've always said that the Answers in Genesis ministry is a biblical authority ministry we're not just known about creation evolution and the age of the earth and the days of creation we're on about the authority of the word of God do we let God speak to us from his word or are we imposing our ideas on Scripture you know back in the 1700s in the eighteen hundreds before that time the majority of church fathers and so on believed in six days and a young universe but what happened was there were those particularly atheists and dears and 1700 and 1800 who popularized the idea that oh the fossil record took millions years to get there before man they want to explain everything by natural processes well what happened was there were church leaders they said I will take the millions ears and fit it in the Bible you know we'll fit it somewhere either before the first verse or we'll put it between verse 1 and verse 2 and of Genesis 1 and embedded the gap theory or we'll reinterpret the days of creation in some way but notice something trying to fit something from outside the Bible in above that's why I have all these different approaches here and then along came Darwin who said not only do you have the millions of years but look at animals we notice they change and so one kind of animal changed into another over millions of years and there are many in the church they said oh we'll take that and say God used evolution and and then Darwin popularized the idea that ape-like creatures turned into people Oh we'll take that idea and say God evolved Adam and Eve and so what you saw a rise in history in the church we're all these different positions gap theory de-age theory theistic evolution then there were those that said oh we can take the Big Bang and add that into the Bible and you can go and list all the compromised positions of Genesis 1 you'll find different colleges Bible colleges churches church leaders will have one of these sorts of positions gap theory de-age theistic evolution day gap day framework hypothesis progressive creation Adam is a metaphor for Israel cosmic temple inauguration view humans from animals with amnesia yeah these are all views you'll find in the church and certain denominations tend to take one view over the others more it depends on was influential in that denomination in their colleges whoever to teach a particular view but you notice something every one of those views every single one of them has one thing in common you know what it is every one of them adding millions of years into the Bible they're all attempts by man to somehow fit millions ears into the Bible I go to churches sometimes and they say oh we have an elder who believes in the gap theory or our pastor believes in theistic evolution oh we have people who believe in the day.i h theory and so on they say to me what's your position and I say other biblical one what do you mean I just take God's Word is written I don't try to add ideas from outside of scripture and you know what it's very clear that God created everything in six days it's very clear that death came after sin it's very clear there was a global flood they covered the highest hills under the whole heaven if you just read Genesis as written but see I think one of the reasons we have such diversity of views in a lot of our churches and Christian colleges is because even the majority of our academics I believe either don't or don't want to really understand science when I debated bill nye on this very stage a few years ago one of the first things I did was to define the terms science the word science comes from the Latin Center which means - no it means knowledge and I said you can gain knowledge by experimentation using your five senses and you can repeat your experiments over and over again that's what developed technology will call that observational you could call operational science but then when it comes to knowledge about the past when you weren't there our origins that's very different then that's called historical science and I believe a big problem we've got is that even many of our our Christian academics in our colleges Christian colleges Bible colleges many of our pastors really don't understand the difference between observational science and historical science you don't go out and see the age of rocks you have to interpret them based on assumptions about the past but you do go out and see the rocks the a big difference between historical science and observational science you know when we did the research on Christian colleges and Bible colleges and seminaries mainly towards the conservative men and we research the president's vice president's head of science head of Bible or religion in those colleges one of the questions are asked would you consider yourself to be a young author oldearth Christian and course the majority were Old Earth but then when we actually singled out the religion departments or Bible departments versus the science departments in these Christian institutions notice the religion department seventy-eight percent were Old Earth whereas a science department thirty-five percent in other words you're much more likely to find those believing in millions of years in the religion department of the Bible in fact rather than the science department I think one of the main reasons for that is because many in the science departments recognized this difference between observational science and historical science you know when you use a dating method like you uranium-lead or potassium-argon and so it's based on all sorts of assumptions and those assumptions are fallible assumptions so you can't prove using those dating methods the age of things in fact there's a lot in science that would contradict the idea of millions of years but the bottom line is the only way you'd know how old the earth is if someone was there who knows everything who told us well there is we have the Word of God who knows everything has always been there who told us in the beginning and then he created everything in six days and we have all that history that he's given us we need to take him at his word I want to show you what's been happening I know Christian colleges and Christian institutions and I use two examples in particular here because these are representative of the state of our Christian institutions in our Western well in fact around the whole world and this is a pandemic we should be really really concerned about I know we're in the middle of a corona virus pandemic as they call it people there's a pandemic in our churches that we've been ignoring and that we need to deal with and a suspended there's an organization called BioLogos no BioLogos were set up funding from the John Templeton Foundation and it was set up specifically to get the church to believe in evolution of millions of years their mission by logiss invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and Biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God's creation and then they list what they believe we believe that the diversity and interrelation of all life on Earth are best explained by the god-ordained process of evolution with common descent thus evolution is not in opposition to God but a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes now BioLogos actually has infiltrated so many of our Christian colleges and seminaries and Bible colleges even many of our conservative ones and they'll do it in a very subtle way you know like a science series for seminaries but it's really all about trying to get their tentacles in to get them to compromise God's Word I want to give you a specific example many of you are probably familiar with Wheaton College in fact we go to their website we college in Illinois they say as the top distinctively Christian liberal arts college in the u.s. really it's the top distinctively liberal arts Christian college while Wheaton College actually this was a headline on the bio locust website released a new book of on theories of origins and there are a number of professors from Wheaton College who are responsible for this the bio logo site said this a bio locust we're thrilled to announce the release of an important new book understanding scientific theories of origins cosmology geology and biology and a Christian perspective this book a textbook was written by five Whedon college professors the fruit of a three-year grant they received part BioLogos in 2013 and that was a seven-figure amount that they received to produce this new textbook and this is the textbook right here they want to see this textbook used in Christian colleges across the nation well I'm just going to give you a few quotes from this text book we've read through the entire textbook none of this has taken out of context a Bible first approach devalues the meaning fullness of creation revelation a Bible first approach and Answers in Genesis we are not ashamed to say we take a Bible first approach only God knows everything this is his word all Scripture is inspired by God this is where we start and you see the reason they make that statement because they're saying you can't just take Genesis as written you've got to listen to what man is saying about millions years in evolution and then reinterpret it for instance another quote the age of the earth now understood to be 4.5 5 billion years is really less a theory than is a measurement in other words it's fact that the universe is billions of years old you did not get that or the earth as billions years old I should say there you don't get that from Scripture that's man's fallible interpretation of the past that's from man's religion of naturalism in fact the Bible makes it clear you know if you believe in millions years you believed those fossil layers as the week and college professors here believe will lay down millions years before man then you've got death and diseases like cancer that you find in the fossil record and thorns that you find in the fossil record before man the Bible makes it clear man sinned cause death and disease and thorns came after the curse you can't add those two things together we would say most of your fossil records a record of the flood they go on in their textbook although some christians have argued the fall utterly disrupted some kind of original perfection of creation of course that's what we teach an Answers in Genesis we make no apology about it that's what the Bible teaches everything was very good when God created it but now the whole creation groans Romans eight they say there is no evidence from either the Bible or creation making that a foregone conclusion really by one man seen her world and death by sin death came upon all men that deals with with the human race in particular but Romans 8 says the whole creation groans because of sin and you see the the trouble is when you believe in millions of years you've got you've got to say them the death and the struggle we see today has gone on for millions of years so God used that because you believe in millions of years so you can't have a fall that changes everything and that's a incredible big stumbling block for people today young people then God's responsible for death disease cancer God's responsible then for the coronavirus it's all his fault the Bible says no man's responsible because we sinned against a holy God the world we looking at today is not the world as God made it it's fallen from the original perfection because of our sin the Bible makes it very clear they go on and say here it is enough to say the geological data support a flood of massive proportion is lacking furthermore no archaeological evidence lends to support of such a flood there are billions of dead things buried in rock layers all over the earth why do they not want to believe in a global flood because if you believe most of your fossil record came from a global flood then you've destroyed their supposed evidence for millions of years and they believe in millions of years so they can't have a global flood so they reject a global flood which means you're rejecting the Word of God in Genesis or what about this one humans are hominoid primates apes hominoid primates are Apes they actually state this in their textbook humans are apes in the hominid tribe with cognitive abilities that exceed those of all other primates evidence by our ever advancing technology cultural innovations and add up to the adaptability to different environments you you're just an ape you're just a bit more intelligent than the Apes I mean go down the local zoo and you'll have a look you're pretty similar I mean they're kept behind a big fence you're not allowed to go in there because I'll attack you and could kill you and they can't talk to you and they they don't use tools to invent tools and they don't do wonderful paintings and and they don't have a language but you you're very similar to them no the Bible says we're all descendants of Adam and Eve we're all one race we're made in the image of God no animal is we're different to the animals we're not basically Apes Apes animals humans are humans the Bible makes it very clear well then you get people like William Lane Craig who said to be a great apologist of our age research prophet philosophy at Talbot School of Theology is a sad thing with these people listen to what he says how old is the world its best estimates today are around 13.7 billion years or so now this is good you see this is a position I can embrace because there are people who will sit here in the same no it's six-and-a-half thousand years old that that is not a tenable position I don't think it's plausible the arguments that I give are right in line with mainstream science I'm not bucking up against mainstream science and ever sending these arguments whether I'm going with the flow of what contemporary cosmology and astrophysics supports in other words I go with what he says science he means a man's historical science man's fallible beliefs based on naturalism I go with what man says I don't go with what the Bible says that's the undermining of the authority of Scripture that has permeated our colleges permeated our churches and we wonder why we've got a problem losing the coming generations in our churches people we need to repent before a holy God as as God's people those colleges Christian colleges Bible colleges seminaries those professors who compromise God's Word in Genesis those pastors Christian leaders they need to get on their knees and repent before a holy God because we have dared to take man's pagan religion and reinterpret the Word of God and then we say oh what's happened to the church oh what's happened to the younger generations you know here is respect another one that we have here and this is from dr. John Collins from st. Louis and when we look at this here dr. Collins is actually professor of Old Testament at covenant theology Seminary in st. Louis Missouri it's known as the denominational seminary for the PCA and he's one of the ESV translators actually let's see what he says about the flood whether it's local or global what's your perspective on the flood do you think it was global or local well I think from the perspective of the words in Genesis 6 through 9 you can't tell the the its I mean at first reading it looks like it was global doesn't it because it's all the earth and the high mountains are covered and so forth oh you know you can't tell but at first reading it does seem to be global of course its global and the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered the waters prevailed above the mountains covering 15 cubits deep you know why he doesn't want to believe what it says because he admits if you just take it as written it seems to say global five because he believes in millions of years accommodating to the pagan religion of our age and you know here's another example from the from the same dr. Collins and and when talking about how many people so I defy you tell me how many people spied the flood right according to the Bible it was how many eight alright well let's see what dr. Collins says and do you think that the flood was universal or in terms of wiping out all of humanity or not I I would like to think so it's there's places where you get a little bit uncertain how long ago did it take place it becomes a question and I don't think I don't think there's any answer to that but you do find hints in some ancient expositors of the possibility that others besides Noah and his family survived the flood Josephus for example talks about that but I can't believe this I mean his books being used in seminaries in different parts of the nation influencing these students and pastors and others and he would dare point to Josephus to overrule the Word of God when Josephus was a historian but Josephus works are not the inspired Word of God now in Josephus it does say oh there is a great mountain in Armenia cabarrus upon which is reported that many who fled at the time of the deluge were saved wait a mo what does the Bible say it says all mankind other than those on the ark were killed during the flood and in fact in Genesis 9 we read the sons of Noah who went forth from the ark were shem ham and japheth and these three were the sons of Noah from these the people of the whole world were dispersed and then in 1 Peter 3 we read because they formerly did not obey when God's patient wait in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight persons were bought safely through the water the Bible makes it clear only eight people survived the flood and not only that all the people of world today go back to the three sons of Noah all mankind except eight were killed during the flood so what on earth is dr. John Collins doing there's hours of video on the internet you can watch of him we should be falling in our knees and weeping before a holy God because these people I'm not attacking their Christianity I'm not saying they're not Christians I'm not saying that at all but they are undermining the authority of the word of God and have actually had an incredible negative impact on the church in coming generations they have a lot to answer for they need to stand before God and tell him what he didn't say in his word that's what they need to do while they will one day you know I like what Martin Luther said the days of creation were ordinary days in length we must understand that these days were actual days contrary to the opinions of the Holy Fathers whenever we observed that the opinions of the fathers disagree with Scripture we reverently bear with them and acknowledge them to be our elders nevertheless we do not depart from the authority of Scripture for their sake that's what we should be saying people our churches need to stand up against these academics in our Christian colleges and Bible colleges they need to stop giving them funds they need to stop sending students to these colleges until they take a stand on the word of God in Genesis like they should now I said I would spend most of the time on the authority issue I just mentioned number two I said it's an indirect salvation issue I've already actually covered that we did that in the book already gone by the way when we looked at research why young people leaving the church and very few returning and a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were led to believe that you couldn't really trust the book of Genesis that to them science and undermine the authority of the word of God and they weren't taught apologetics weren't taught to defend their faith in other words that compromise was an incredible stumbling block to them and led them on a slide of doubt - unbelief through Scripture and you can look today church attendance from the greatest generation 56 percent down to the Millennials of 18 percent and Generation Z less than that we have a major problem in our church and the book ready to return well when we look at the Millennials that are left in our churches do you realize that only 40 percent say they're born again but 65 percent believe if you're a good person you'll go to heaven and one of the when you do the research and read the book you'll find one of the big issues that affected them was the issue of millions of years and then as we look at all that it's a gospel issue you know why it's a gospel issue it's a gospel issue for this reason because I already went through the whole issue of death bloodshed disease and suffering when you believe in millions of years you're saying God's responsible for death but diseases like cancer for the coronavirus causing deaths and so on God's responsible where the Bible says no our sin brought death into the world and disease and suffering it's our sin that's responsible and people those who believe in millions of years and that's the majority of our Christian leaders unfortunately it's an attack on the character of God Jesus wept at Lazarus tomb Jesus had compassion on people who are sick and heal them one day there's gonna be a new heavens and new earth aliy no more death and all those tears wiped away no more disease or suffering a restoration like it was originally but if you believe in millions of years you're gonna go to heaven and have all this death and suffering and all these tears and cancer because that's how God did it and he calls all that very good how dare these people attack the character of God like this and if there was millions of years of shedding a blood before Adam sinned what on earth has a shedding of blood got to do with the remission of sin without shedding a bud there's no remission of sins hey what do you believe about the days of creation is an authority issue it's an indirect salvation issue it is a gospel issue before we finish here I just want to mention to you that if you want this in much more detail it's in the book six days and I have a lot of those quotes from people who compromise they're in the book six days got a lot of other quotes don't have those week and college ones in there yet because they're very modern quotes just want to mention to you while the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are closed to the public we have free shipping on orders of $50 or more just free shipped to you I have a video presentation on the six days in this set here the Foundation's curriculum kit is really an introductory apologetics program twelve thirty minute videos with a study guide to go with them hey while you're sitting at home and on shutdown why not get the foundations of curriculum kick it'll be free shipping because it's over $50 and you can do that as a series with your family actually teenager and adults but I find 10 year old and upwards really love it too and then we have a super covert 19 special for hundreds of people have now taken advantage of this we have what's called creation apologetics masterclass it's six self-paced courses that normally we have sold in the past for forty nine dollars each there they're like online courses there's the fundamentals of creation apologetics there's one on creation apologetics and science apologetics and the Bible apologetics and biology apologetics in geology apologetics and astronomy because we because of all the situation that's happening and we know many of you have been suffering financially instead of forty-nine dollars each we let you have them for nineteen dollars for the entire six and you can go online to get the information for that you can just go answers education com answers education comm or go to Answers in Genesis dot org and just do a search for our online courses there the master class creation apologetics course my book the lie is really the textbook other than the Bible the Bible is a text verb ministry that's a textbook of our ministry but these seven books I would call the seven core resources the five answers books the for answers books and the flood of evidence a hundred and sixty of the most asked questions people ask today that really are questions to attack and undermine the authority of God's Word beginning in Genesis with detailed answers my book the lie which deals with the whole importance foundation reports of the book of Genesis and then gospel reset how to evangelize a culture that has changed foundation and the answers books for kids young kids have the same questions and we deal with the 6-day issue in the age of the earth in these and dinosaurs and so on and then we encourage you to be using in your churches and your Sunday skills a lot of home schoolers use this for a homeschool Bible curriculum we have a four year answers Bible curriculum all synchronized letters lessons across six age groups and it deals with biblical Authority chronological apologetics there is no other curriculum in the world Bible curriculum like this and churches are telling us over 10,000 churches are now using it that's revolutionizing their churches and you can get it all in digital format as well and one last thing with the majority of our staff right now have been furloughed or you know the temporarily in a laid-off position because we've had to close down the Ark Encounter the Creation Museum and there's a number of staff that are unpaid and others that are in reduced salaries to keep everything going here at ministry and we're producing a lot of material in still impacting material through Facebook live and other live programs and all sorts of other content but if you want to help other ministry encourage you to go to a Answers in Genesis org to our donate page you'll see everyone in the top on the front page you can go slash donate right there so many people have been helping us so that we can survive through this current situation and we just trust the Lord for that because his ministry and he's control well thanks for watching today and I hope you saw our heart my heart for what this ministry is all about the authority of the word of God and the saving gospel that's the message you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 23,957
Rating: 4.8347459 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, truth, Ark, races, racism, humanity, human kind, one race, one blood
Id: ekzgGUYCutY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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