How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark?

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hi I'm buddy Davidson and I'm getting ready for our next big amazing adventure the ice agent bundle walk get ready and come along with me it's going to be a lot of fun well I better get ready for the cold Jericho yeah some folks wonder was there really such a thing as an Ice Age and the answer is absolutely there was an ice age I mean the evidence is overwhelming and I say to niku Summers get an ice age you need mild winters get an ice age you need tons of snow in the world I have to got to do this again some puss [Music] get an ice age you need tons of snow [Music] [Applause] whoa watch out all right good afternoon everyone thank you so much for coming to my talk today my name is Karina Altman and I am the animal presenter for Answers in Genesis so I'm in charge of all the animal shows and outreach and social media and presentations for both the Eden animal experience at the Creation Museum and also the Ararat Ridge zoo at the Ark Encounter so I've been a zoo keeper for many many years now I've worked in zoos and aquariums all across the country and I've been with Answers in Genesis for the last five years and recently I've also become a speaker so I'm really excited to share the topic that I have with you guys today and we're going to discuss how did all of the animals fit on Noah's Ark now there's about 18 million species of life on Earth today and thousands more have gone extinct it's truly amazing the variety of life we have on earth and I've been so blessed to be able to work with so many unique animals I've worked with everything from marine life my degree is actually in marine biology so I've worked with things like dolphins and sea lions and otters all the way to layin animals like camels and zebras and kangaroos and reptiles like snakes and lizards there's just so many amazing life forms on earth today but a lot of people question how could all of these animals have fit on Noah's Ark if the Bible is true - Noah have to fit 18 million species on the ark and how could that possibly have actually happened in real history so we're going to answer some of those questions today for you guys but first of all I want to address why does this matter I mean animals are really cool but isn't the gospel more important shouldn't churches focus on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and of course that is the cornerstone of our faith but let's look at how biblical history is portrayed in culture today you'll typically see images like this among children's toys among books for kids it's all portraying a very cutesy little Ark and it's this chubby ship and there's animals just overflowing over all of it it really looks like they're having a tough time all fitting in there and usually the family of Noah is waiting up top too so it's all very cutesy it's all very fairytale asks so churches tend to treat history biblical history like a children's story that's just meant for Sunday school so you'll often hear the story of Noah's Ark the story of the Garden of Eden they treat it like a fairy tale and honestly one of the most disputed topics regarding Noah's Ark are the animals being able to fit on the ark so if children can be convinced that the Bible stories aren't real then they can be convinced that none of the Bible is real you can't believe the gospel and not believe Genesis so if you don't believe Genesis why should you believe the rest of the Bible because the gospel actually has its foundations in Genesis now I like this comic that Answers in Genesis has created and it kind of shows how these parents are really excited with their little boy and he's excited about his Noah's Ark toys and his cute little Noah's Ark book and he talks about how he loves the story of Noah's Ark because it's about this cute boat full of animals but then later on in life it shows that same child as an adult walking away from the church and rejecting scripture because he believes the Bible is just a story full of fairy tales so young people are walking away from the church because of issues like this and Christian leaders not being able to answer these questions so again if Genesis isn't true why would the rest of the Bible including the gospel be true and children are the key to the future and their beliefs are constantly being challenged and they don't really get answers so Answers in Genesis recently did a study they used America's research group they survey 20 to 29 year olds in the United States so that's my generation who grew up in the church and stayed in the church but no longer believe that the Bible is completely true now they asked them what's the number one reason that they don't believe that the Bible is true and this was a non multiple-choice question they just simply grouped everyone's answers into these main categories and you'll notice that a lot of these have to do with either the Bible being accurate about Genesis or the beginning of history so they think the writers made a mistake for instance the animals couldn't have all fit on Noah's Ark the wrong about the age of the earth which Genesis discusses they think Janus this was disproved and that it never flooded during Noah's time so these main topics that are causing people to walk away from the church typically all have to do with the history in Genesis so these are pretty serious statistics because young people are leaving the church because of these issues so we need to be able to have answers to these questions here's another graph from the same study they were asked do you believe Noah's Ark was actually built and you can see the results here pretty stunning so only 51% of people in the church believe that the ark was real so close to half of the people don't believe that Noah's Ark existed at all and one of the biggest problems that they have with it is they don't believe those 18 million species of animals could have all fit on the ark so again these are pretty serious statistics so we need to be able to have answers to this question now a lot of people believe that Jesus doesn't address this topic but in fact he does discuss it in the gospel so let's look at a couple verses here John 545 through 47 now this is Jesus talking he says but do not think I will accuse you before the Father your accuser is Moses on whom your hopes are set if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me but since you did not believe what he wrote how are you going to believe what I say so again if the books that Moses wrote which are the first five books of the Old Testament including Genesis if those aren't true why would the gospel be true again in Luke 16:31 he said to him if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead so again the resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith and why would you believe that Jesus rose from the dead if you don't believe the rest of Scripture Genesis sets the foundation for why we even need a Savior who rises from the dead so again it's very important to believe Genesis is accurate biblical history as Christians so let's look at an outline of what we're going to discuss today first I'm going to define what an animal kind is because understanding what this kind is is very pertinent to what we're going to discuss today kinds are different than species next we'll talk about how all those animals did fit on the ark and then I'll talk a little bit about how the animals could have been housed and cared for on the ark pulling from some of my experiences as a zookeeper taking care of animals and lastly we'll talk about recolonization in a post-flood world how did those kangaroos get to Australia from the Middle East so again first we're gonna talk about defining animal kinds what does the Bible say about animals let's start way back at the beginning Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth so we as Christians believe that God created the universe in six 24-hour days as described in Genesis 1 later on in the same chapter God talks about creating the land animals so here in Genesis 1 24 through 25 and God said Let The Land produce living creatures according to their kinds livestock creatures that move along the ground and wild animals each according to its kind and it was so God made the wild animals according to their kinds the livestock according to their kinds and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds and God saw that it was good so right there God used the term kinds five times and in fact he uses the phrase according to its are their kinds ten times in Genesis one during days three five and six of creation week so day three God created the plants day five God created the sea the marine life and the aerial flying life and then of course here on day six he creates all the land animals as well as mankind and what God repeats things he wants it emphasized right he wants you to pay attention so the fact that he repeats this phrase according to their kinds ten times in one chapter means it's pretty important to understand now let's look a little later in the New Testament this is Paul talking in first Corinthians 15 39 Paul says all flesh is not the same men have one kind of flesh animals have another birds another and fish another so God makes it clear there are distinct differences among his created beings between man and animals and even between all the different animal kinds they are very distinct from each other so what are these biblical kinds that God keeps talking about where did the animals come from originally and there are actually two main viewpoints in the world today right so there's the evolutionary world you the secular worldview and then there's the biblical creationist worldview and we get our history from the Bible so I'll look at both of those worldviews and see what they say so the evolutionary worldview believes in something called the tree and it looks a lot like this and I'm sure you guys have seen this in your science textbooks growing up I doing my degree in marine biology had to take a lot of classes just on evolution and evolutionary history and I saw this concept repeated quite a lot so the evolutionary model believes that life firstly came from non-life it just spontaneously arose about 3.7 billion years ago and it's a mystery how it happened we don't really have evidence of this original life form we're just sort of supposed to believe that this happened they also believe that all animal species today have a common ancestor which you can see it really well on this tree here so it doesn't matter if it's a dinosaur a mushroom a palm tree a bird or a person all life forms started for with that one common ancestor now we don't know what that ancestor was again it is a mystery and lastly they believe that animals evolved into different animals completely new animals so for instance they believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds now we as Christians know right away that that's not true why because in Genesis 1 it says that all flying life which would include birds was created on day 5 of creation week however all land animals which would include dinosaurs who lived on land were created on day 6 so according to the Bible right there birds existed before dinosaurs so they could not have turned into dinosaurs all right there are several problems with this tree firstly there are no eyewitness accounts of any of this occurring everything is guesswork and origin theories change all the time I heard multiple different changes just throughout my scientific career even when I was in school there was one theory that said we're all aliens we all come from microbes that crash-landed on a meteor onto planet Earth but what's the problem with that theory it doesn't tell us where those microbes came from right so this stuff changes all the time and no one was actually there to see it next it violates a few scientific laws just for example it violates the law of biogenesis which says that life cannot arise from non-life it also violates the law of cause and effect which says nothing occurs by chance it also violates the first law of thermodynamics which says that energy cannot be created or destroyed and it violates the second law of thermodynamics which says that things tend towards disorder randomness and chaos for example if you were to take a brand-new car and go park it in the forest and leave it for ten years and come back is that car gonna be in better shape or worse shape than when you left it's gonna be in a lot worse shape right it's going to be rusted and dente there's probably going to be Mouse eating holes and plants growing on it things tend towards disorder randomness and chaos they don't tend towards order lastly there are no observable mechanisms for an animal or structure to change into a different animal or structure this has never been observed within the scientific community all right what do the creationists believe we believe in something called the orchard instead of the tree we have an orchard that looks like this so there's multiple trees so you've got your canine tree you've got your primate tree you've got your finch tree you've got your Triceratops tree all these different trees in the original garden of life so we do believe that life came from life we believe that God created everything in six 24-hour days we believe that all animal species today are descendants of the original animal kinds now those kinds we'll get back to that term in a moment we also believe that no new animal kinds have evolved now we do have several confirmations of this belief firstly Genesis one is the eyewitness account of creation God was there and he told Moses would happen and Moses wrote it down for us in the book of Genesis the biblical genealogies showed the age of the earth so when you add up all of the genealogies you get an age of the earth to be about 6,000 years old and we observe animal kinds changing within themselves today and again they stay within their animal kind now okay what exactly is an animal kind well done stand out we're gonna have to go back to the basics of animal classification which I'm sure a lot of you guys learn in your science class is growing up so we're going to classify the Jaguar because he's pretty easy to classify now these cat is one of my favorite animals they actually have the strongest bite of any cat relative to their size they've got a stronger bite that even lions and tigers do so really amazing animal we're gonna classify him so there's a minimum of seventh axons or categories within the animal classification system now this is used by the scientific community the world over so it goes from broadest to most specific so the most broad taxon is what we call a kingdom now Jaguars belong to the animal kingdom because they are animals so there are six kingdoms you have two bacterial kingdoms you have protists which are like amoebas and algae you have plants and fungus and then animals so Jaguars are animals so they do belong to the animal kingdom with underneath kingdom you have phylum there are thirty-six phyla 35 of those are invertebrates so animals without backbones all vertebrates animals with a backbone belong to one phylum and that is Chordata so that's what Jaguars belong to here beneath that you have classes now there are six classes within mammal sorry within the Chordata phylum now you have mammals birds reptiles amphibians bony fish and cartilaginous fish cartilaginous fish are things like sharks and stingrays they're fish without real bones so Jaguars are mammals they do have hair they give live birth and they nurse their young with milk so they belong to the mammalian class now below that you have orders now you have quite a few orders orders are things like marsupials primates rodents carnivores so Jaguars here are carnivores so they belong to the order carnivora now beneath the order you have family now Jaguars are cats they belong to the Felidae family there are several other families within carnivores you have dogs you have canines you have bears which are called IRS's you have the cats here which are felines and then you have what's called Bavarians which are like binturongs then you've got Mustelidae which are like otters and then you have pinnipeds which are seals sea lions and walruses so Jaguars are cats they belong to the feline family now there's three geniuses within the feline family you have big cats small cats and cheetahs now cheetahs get their own group because they're really different from other cats they're honestly more doglike than cat-like so they get their own special genus Jaguars are big cats they belong to the Panthera genus and then the most specific layer of classification is species so unka would be the term that refers to the Jaguar specifically you know that only refers to the Jaguar and again that's the most specific category of classification so which among these categories is a biblical kind typically it's going to be that family level so in the Jaguars case it would be family Felidae which includes all cats so that includes things from mountain lions bobcats your house cat at home snow leopards Tigers cheetahs leopards lions everything that's a feline and that feline family belongs to a single biblical kind so it's usually at the family level occasionally biblical kinds can be at the order or genus level but typically your biblical kind is going to be at that family level so what does that mean well with the feline kind that means that God created the feline kind 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden now that original feline kind would have had all the genetic potential the DNA to create all the species we see today so God did not create lions tigers and jaguars in the Garden of Eden he just created that original feline kind animal again that would have had all the genetic information to create the species you see today yes that original pair had all the genetic information necessary to create the species we see today that also means that you can get amazing hybrids like this so because animals all belong all the felines belong within one kind they can interbreed with each other to create hybrids and eventually new species so this here is a tigon it's a cross between a male tiger and a female lion now because all cats belong to one kind they can all interbreed with each other to create these species and new hybrids and after they got off the ark and spread across the world they're going to adapt to the environments around them and all that genetic information that was in that original feline kind will begin to be filtered out to better adopt whatever animals that ended up in whatever environments so again Noah did not need a pair of lions tigers and jaguars on the ark either God said two of every kind so he just needed two of that original feline kind on the ark you didn't need all the species you just needed a representative of that kind now again females feet of females I'm so sorry felines may interbreed but they are all still cats so even when tigers and lions and house cats and servals and cheetahs interbreed with each other they may create these new species these hybrids but they're all still cats right so kinds cannot breed with each other so a cat cannot breed with a dog a horse cannot breed with a cow a bear cannot breed with a sea lion they only stay within their kinds they only breed within their kinds so that's why we have the orchard versus the tree so those cat tree the feline kind all stayed within their tree the dog tree all stayed within their tree the bear kind they all stay within their tree so how do you identify what animals belong to what kind now the main way we can tell is whether or not they can interbreed evolutionists thought that once animals were within a species they didn't typically breed with each other so a species wouldn't breed with another species but this is constantly being disproven so now some are sterile like mules so mules a cross between a female horse and a male donkey so a lot of those guys are sterile but not always so a lot of these animal hybrids are fertile so that includes this one here this is a wolf in so her name is Kiki Malu and she lives at Sea Life Park in Hawaii and she was born in 1985 she is a cross between a male false killer whale and a female bottlenose dolphin they didn't even know this was possible the marine trainers working there they did not purposefully breed these animals they didn't even know they could interbreed they just kept them together and then out she popped one day so this is a wall fin she is a hybrid and she has had four calves her own so there are plenty of hybrids out there who do reproduce here in North America we have growler bears or Paisley bears which are grizzly polar bear hybrids and they can also reproduce and again they're doing that naturally in the wild no one's forcing them to do that so hybrids do have the same genetic information as their parents it's just combined in different ways so that's why they kind of look sometimes like a mash-up of their parents now right here at the Creation Museum we have several animal hybrids of our own so when we are able to reopen again I do encourage you guys to come check them out so we have Z brides so this is Zoey Zoey is a source so her father was a grant zebra and her mother was a quarter horse her half-brother is Cletus Cletus is a zonkey his father was a grant zebra and his mother was a mammoth donkey so collectively zebra crosses are called Z broads so again it's a source and a zonkey now again this was not a forced breeding these guys come from a ranch in Colorado where they just have donkeys and horses and zebras running around all over the place and they naturally bred together to create these guys now people did initially breathe zebras purposefully in Africa and the 1800s for farm work because they have better heat disease and pest resistance from the zebra parent and they do have greater strength and endurance but it does happen naturally as evidenced by these guys and you can come see them right here at the Creation Museum these guys will shortly be moving down to the Ark Encounter Zoo so come check them out when we reopen they're really fascinating animals we also have another hybrid here at the Creation Museum zoo he's called a worried so in his name is Rico now he is a cross between a llama and an alpaca so this kind is called the camel it kind and that includes camels as well so camels of llamas can interbreed llamas and alpacas can interbreed but they all stay within their kind right so this camel can't go breed with a horse and a camel can't go breed with a cow they all stay within their biblical kinds so Rico here is from a male llama and a female alpaca and he lives with another alpaca named Alphonso and you'll notice he is bigger than Alphonso because he is half llama so you guys will have to come check these guys out when we reopen our attractions now continuing on about how to identify kinds the inability to hybridize does not necessarily mean that two animals don't belong to the same created kind first instance alpacas and camels cannot interbreed just because of the size difference alpacas are very very small camels are very very big that wouldn't be possible but they do belong to the same created kind because el falcons llamas can hybridize and then llamas and camels can hybridize now creation scientists will also groupie animals together based on their physical characteristics and their DNA so we do have scientists here who look at the genetics of these animals in order to determine which animals belong to what kind alright so now that you guys kind of understand what a biblical kind is we can talk about how all of these animals fit on Noah's Ark so again you usually hear that there are about 9 million documented species alive today so does that mean there were 18 million animals on the ark no but when you guys see these fairytale arts portrayed in culture they usually show this overstuffed ship that's got animals sticking out everywhere and you see these big waves coming and that ship doesn't look really stable at all right I mean the elephant in the corner has the right idea he's pretty scared so but even using this kinds mindset it really just seems like these animals wouldn't fit in a ship that looked like this but this is cultural portrayal of Noah's Ark we want to go back to what the Bible says about Noah's Ark so let's look at some verses Genesis 6 19 through 20 says you are to bring into the ark to of all living creatures male and female to keep them alive with you - of every kind of bird of every kind of animal and every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive later on in Genesis 7 - 3 take with you 7 of every kind of clean animal a male and its mate and 2 of every kind of unclean animal a male and its mate and also 7 of every kind of bird male and female to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth so again God is stressing kinds not species it's mentioned 7 times in his instructions and once again when God repeats something he wants a tempest sighs so that means that only representatives of air-breathing land animal and bird kinds were present on the ark now what about those insects because there's a lot of insects in the world today like this lovely jeweled flower mantis well insects likely don't qualify since they don't truly breathe air through nostrils and they could very easily have survived a natural disaster like the flood as eggs larvae or pupae but if insects were brought on the ark they wouldn't take very much room to house so it is definitely possible that the insects could have fit on the ark but they likely weren't on the ark now if you guys want some more in-depth answers to that particular question we do have entire articles written about just that on Answers in Genesis org so I encourage you guys to go check that out we're gonna go ahead and continue on though so again how did the animals fit on the ark so out of the 9 million species of animals alive today 7 million of those species are actually what we consider non animals so bacteria protists fungi in plants I'm sorry I should have said 7 million species of life that's that's my bad so there's 9 million species of life on Earth today 7 million of those are non animals so again that includes bacteria protists fungi and plants so that was not necessary to bring onto the ark the vast majority of the remaining 2 million species of life are invertebrates which are animals without backbones like insects again and marine life like this goblin shark here so this is one of my favorite animals it's a deep-sea shark they're actually pink and they're about 13 feet long and they have slingshot feeding jaws so really amazing animal but it lives in the deep sea and it would not have been necessary to have animals like this on Noah's Ark so that cuts down again that number of species required to be on Noah's Ark way down now I'm going to divert really quick because we often get the question how did the freshwater fish survive a global flood if all of the water would have been mixed together because in today's world a lot of freshwater species are not going to do well in salt water and vice versa now what you do have to realize is that freshwater and salt water layers often don't mix so they usually separate themselves and there could very easily have been layers of salt and fresh water within the flood waters like there are today in some places also the oceans get saltier every day so back in the time of Noah's Flood the oceans would have been much less salty than they were today the rocks are constantly eroding and dissolving into the rainwater which falls back into the ocean so the ocean is significantly saltier today than it would have been back then also many fish can live in both salt and freshwater and remember back in Noah's time it would have been likely closer to the original fish kinds versus the many species we see today now most fish kinds do have representatives that can survive both in fresh and saltwater so some examples are salmon striped bass Atlantic sturgeon they can also go back and forth eels can go back and forth certain species of eels as well as this guy this is the bull shark so bull sharks have been found up the Mississippi River of the Indies and Ganges River down in Australia they've gone all the way up rivers so these guys are found in all kinds of freshwater as well as the saltwater ocean so most fish kinds do have representatives today that can go back and forth which means again likely back then we had more of the fish kinds versus all the species we see today so a lot of those original fish kinds probably wouldn't have had too much of a problem going back and forth between fresh and saltwater all right so let's go back to how did the animal spin on the ark so that means that the Ark only needed to house the ancestors of the less than 34,000 land dependent vertebrates that are alive today so we got this number by the researchers using the biblical model for kinds and again vertebrate means an animal with a backbone so remember that most species we know today likely did not exist 4300 years ago at the time of the flood so what does that number add up to let's look so mammals you would have needed about 468 kinds which totaled about 14 88 animals birds you had 284 kinds which totals about 3,600 total individual animals synapsids du had about 78 kinds which totals about 156 individuals now synapse it is a mammal like reptile all of these guys have since gone extinct but they did exist at one time we have fossil evidence of them reptiles there were about 320 biblical kinds of reptiles which tolls about 928 individual animals amphibians you have 248 kinds which again totals about 500 animals individually so that leaves you with a total of 1,000 398 kinds which added up to six thousand seven hundred and forty four individuals so 6744 is way less than 18 million right so another thing to take into consideration is that these animals were likely juveniles which means young animals juveniles would take up far less space so for instance this is our example of the crocodilian kind that we have at the Ark Encounter and you can see they're quite small I don't know if you guys have ever seen baby alligators or crocodiles I've gotten a hold of baby Nile crocodile and he was really really tiny very very small and even though they grow to be 20 plus feet they start out very small so they would take up way less space than adult animals would they also eat far less which means there's gonna be less waste and again you want juveniles God would want to send juveniles why because these guys are responsible for repopulating their entire kind after a natural disaster so you want an animal with a long reproductive life ahead of them if you bring all these large older animals they're not going to have a very long reproductive life ahead of them so you want the youngest animals who are gonna be able to produce the most babies after the flood is over so again most of these animals would likely have been quite small but again even considering all of this a ship that looks like that still really doesn't seem like it could hold even 6744 individual young animals because again look at this there's animals sticking out all over the place so how was the arc exactly so to figure that out we're gonna go back to Scripture once again so Genesis 6 14 through 16 says that the ark had three decks and was 300 cubits long 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits tall what is a cubit so cubit is the distance between a person's elbow and the tip of their longest finger now of course that's going to be different for every person so what we used as far as measurements is the royal cubit which was used in a lot of ancient construction projects and the royal cubit equates to twenty point four to twenty one point six inches so we wanted to when we recreated the ark when we rebuilt the ark as a ministry we wanted to give the worst case scenario so with our measurements we used a cubit equivalent to twenty point four inches and even using the smallest length the worst case scenario when you follow the biblical guidelines you get this which is the Ark Encounter it is 510 feet long 51 feet high 85 feet wide and has a cube has 1.8 million cubic feet of volume now this is one of our sister attractions from the Creation Museum where I'm out right now they're only 45 minutes away from each other so a lot of people visit both of them during their time here but it is truly awe-inspiring to see and you really don't get the size and scope of Noah's Ark until you're standing in front of this massive ship it's it's mind-boggling I work there every day at the zoo and it's shadow and it still is shocking every time I walk by it how enormous this ship is and again this is the worst case scenario it could have been bigger than that according to the Royal cubit length and it's just phenomenal the size of this ship so to use some more comparisons the Ark is one and a half football fields long it is two school buses wide and three giraffes high it has the volume of 483 semi trailers that is more than enough room for 6,800 juvenile animals and it does leave plenty of room for storage and living space for Noah's family as well to show you some more comparisons here's the ark next to some famous ships throughout history so you can see that the Ark is about over half the size of the Titanic it's larger than the Santa Maria and the Wyoming again another comparison a Boeing 747 plane is 250 feet long and Noah's arks about double that the Statue of Liberty is 306 feet high again those are cos 510 feet long yeah and you can see that it's even takes up a good chunk of that Queen Mary too so this was this was not some dinky little cutesy ship in the tub this was a real ship all right so now that we can see what exactly that Ark looked like and how many animals were really required during Noah's Flood let's talk about animal housing and their care on the ark so the animals could clearly all fit on this massive ship but how are they cared for how could eight people take care of sixty eight hundred animals during this flood and again just as a review Noah and his wife were on the ark as well as through his three sons and their three wives that would have been eight people on the ark to take care of these animals so I'm going to pull from my experience zoo keeping as well and I believe as a zookeeper who currently takes care of about 200 animals a day that this is definitely very easily possible basically by working smarter not harder so first of all let's talk about housing for these animals so of the 6,800 juvenile animals on the ark eighty-five percent of those would have weighed 22 pounds or less so these are small animals so you don't have all these big honkin animals producing tons of waste and who need lots and lots of space on the ark 85% of them weighed less than 22 pounds seven percent weighed 22 point one to 220 pounds and only eight percent of them would have weighed over 220 pounds likely so not at all problem to house these guys and still have plenty of room left over for storage and living quarters as far as their housing when you break down each animal kind and the representatives that were needed researchers have determined you would need about 20 to extra-large cages that's it just 22 you need about 186 large cage two hundred and ninety three medium cages 308 bird cages 174 small cages and 415 amphibian cages now again they also could have combined some animals into some cages I mean zoos today we often have mixed species exhibits animals sometimes they get along really well with each other you could have even combined some animals into some enclosures so really housing these young animals would really not have been a problem on this ark as far as the amphibians go a lot of people ask how could you keep the amphibians in a healthy environment so amphibians are things like frogs and salamanders they require a moist environment they have to stay moist at all times or they will die so one of the easy ways that could have housed these the amphibians are in these lovely clay pots we actually have these displayed at the Ark Encounter so you could take these pots and have a little bit of pool of water at the bottom and then a cloth over top to ventilate it and then you could just easily pour water in over the top to keep it moist and keep a nice environment for them in their pots so very easy way to house multiple amphibians now what about those hippos and other large animals because you guys even baby hippos elephants they're all still pretty big animals so again remember though that God would have likely sent those smaller juvenile animals and again we're talking about the original biblical kinds so like today's pygmy hippos these guys are so cute some of the original kinds may have been much smaller than the species you see today it's generally agreed upon by creation scientists and even evolutionist that the original horse kind was very very small so you know horses can be quite big today but the original horse kind was likely no bigger than this and if you guys go visit our Ark Encounter when we reopen we do have an example of the original horse kind on the ark and you can see it and it is quite small so even though there are some species within kinds today that are quite big you also have small species sometimes like these pygmy hippos pygmy hippos are much smaller than the normal huge Nile hippopotamus see see so again still wouldn't have been a problem to house these large animal kinds now what about those dinosaurs dinosaur housing because everyone has this idea that dinosaurs were all these huge large monstrous animals and there were some very very large dinosaurs out there but the average size of an adult dinosaur is that of a bison or a buffalo as a lot of people refer them to them and here in America but a bison that's the average size of adult dinosaurs there are only about 60 to 80 dinosaur kinds but let's also remember that God would have likely sent juveniles so here on the screen you can see representatives of the sauropod kind know sauropods are long necked dinosaurs these are the largest land animals to ever have lived these guys were monstrous but you can see here as babies juveniles they're still very very small these are actual to scale models that we have on the Ark Encounter and they very easily fit in an enclosure on the ark so again you wanted those young animals because they're gonna have a much longer reproductive life so you wouldn't want the monstrous big ones on the ark because again they're not gonna live as long but even the largest lane animals to ever live these sauropods right here easily fit on our replica Ark Encounter with plenty of space left over now some of you may be going wait wait wait dinosaurs on the ark are you serious well yes dinosaurs were created on day six along with other land animals and mankind they are land animals therefore according to the Bible they would have been created on day six like everyone else and they qualify as land dwelling air-breathing animals so they would have been present on the ark there's no reason for them not to have been present on the ark and again there's only about 60 to 80 different dinosaur kinds and we have a lot of them represented on our Ark Encounter and their enclosures just like these guys here so very easily would have fit along with all the other modern animal kinds that you guys might recognize more easily so Ark Animal Care miraculous provisions were not necessary or required by scripture some people will say well God maybe just put all the animals to sleep during the duration of the flood or you know miraculously they didn't need to eat some other kind of miracle happened where the animals were kind of put into a stasis or hibernation during the flood could God have done that sure but was it necessary not at all you guys also have to remember that temporary emergency animal care on the ark is different from long-term animal care at a zoological facility so our zoos here you know we have large spacious exhibits with all kinds of stuff you know but again the goal here with Noah was to survive a worldwide catastrophe and it was going to be temporary this was not a long-term Zoological facility so temporary emergency animal care on the ark is different than maintaining animals in a zoo for decades and decades so how long exactly was the earth flooded a lot of people have this misconception that the earth was only flooded for 40 days and 40 nights that is not actually true it was closer to about a year a little more than a year so let's look at Scripture really quick to figure that out so this is Genesis 6 11 through 12 and 24 in the six hundredth year of Noah's life on the seventeenth day of the second month so remember that the seventeenth day of the second month on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened and rain fell on the earth for forty days and 40 nights so that's where we get that common 40 days and 40 nights that's how long the rain fell however later on you see the waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days so 150 days after that the world was still flooded Genesis 7 3 through 5 continues on the water is seated steadily from the earth you guys even know if you have floods in your local areas today the flood water doesn't just disappear it takes some time to recede at the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down and on the 17th day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat the waters continued to recede until the 10th month and on the first day of the 10th month the tops of the mountains became visible so it's been quite some months now just until now the the tops of the mountains are now visible continuing on Genesis 7 13 through 14 by the first day of the first month of Noah 6 in first year so remember we started and no his 600th year the water had dried up from the earth noah then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry by the 27th day of the second month the earth was completely dry so remember the flood started in the second month of the six hundredth year of Noah's life and here were on the second month of the six hundred and first year of Noah's life so it was though it was almost a year that the earth was flooded with water that they couldn't come off the ark so how did eight people care for the Ark's animals for a year by working smarter not harder this is one of our mottos even here at the zoo we try to be as efficient as possible with our animal care while still providing them the best quality of life possible but efficiency is the name of the game and zoo keeping so working smarter not harder you can easily have water piped into Troggs with valves and spigots so here's a graphic kind of showing how you could have even collected the rainwater during those 40 days and 40 nights and then had automatic piping and valves and spigots just like we do in the zoo today we've got an automatic water and our kangaroo barn and it just constantly refills once it senses it gets to a certain depth and their water bowl it'll just refill and so this is technology they very easily could have used back in the day as well also you could use automated or self feeders we use these today in the zoo world too so here's some picture examples of that so you have these cell feeders these automated waters and the Ark Encounter we actually have ramps built above all of the animal enclosures so Noah and his family could have easily walked above the enclosures to refill food and then the food would have been automatically dispensed as the animals continue to eat it so it cuts down immensely on the time it takes to feed and water these animals so again work smarter not harder as far as waste management waste could easily be collected using sloped or slotted flooring that would empty into removable trays so here you can see representatives of the sloths kind that we have on the ark on some slotted flooring their poop could have easily fallen down between that and then there's pullout removable trays we do this in zoos today with the removable trays you dump it put some new bedding on or something refill it you could even have the sloped flooring where it just slopes into a waste carrier or a wheelbarrow and then you go and dump it so again smarter not harder ventilation can easily be achieved using the window the Bible does say that there was a window in the Ark you could also use a moon pool like many ships do today the movement of the ship would help dissipate the gases the wave motion would also keep the gases the air and the ark flowing you could even have harnessed an animal like an elephant when the elephant kind - like a fan a rotary fan in the Ark this is something they very easily could have done in that time but modern mass animal housing these days usually doesn't really require special ventilation systems so the ark may not have needed it at all but if they did there are plenty of methods that Noah and his family were intelligent enough to use okay as far as food and water for the animals how much food and water would you need to store to bring to take care of these 6800 animals for 12 months while we did the math and you would need 320 2,400 gallons of water and you would need 400 tons of food to take care of all those animals for a year now that seems like a lot and that's got to take up a lot of room right well actually that only takes up about 20% of the Ark's volume so here's a graphic to kind of show that so that yellow portion of the ark that is as much room as it would take to hold all the food and water for 6,800 animals for a year you still have all that blue remaining space left over to house those animals as well as Noah's family so even storing food and water for all those animals for a year doesn't take out much room on that ship at all now a lot of question people ask this question well what about the carnivores what did they eat so carnivores our animals that eat meat versus an herbivore which is an animal that eats only plants so people always kind of sarcastically lie to say well do they eat the herbivores well no now if these animals did still require being fed eight on the art meet can very easily be preserved through drying smoking salting or pickling just like we do today just like the Pioneers did it would be very easy for Noah and his family to preserve me and bring it on the ark to feed these carnivores if it was necessary you also could have kept insects and bred them for food we do this it's news today our zoos here we have several insect colonies we've got roaches and worms and crickets all kinds of stuff and it's a feeder colony and we take care of them and breed them to feed to a lot of our animals so you could very easily have housed feeder insects on the ark to feed some of these animals but there's also one other thing to consider all carnivores used to be herbivores right according to the Bible when the world was created nobody ate mate because everything was perfect so humans were all vegetarian all the animals are herbivores right Genesis 130 says and to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground everything that has the breath of life in it I give every green plant for food and it was so everything was vegetarian in a very good world it wouldn't be a very good world if animals were eating each other right carton every did not begin until man chose to sin against God and the world was cursed in fact very few animals even today are what we call obligate carnivores that means they absolutely only can only only only eat meat very very few animals are truly obligate carnivores even in today's world in fact many animals with sharp teeth eat plants so think of your dogs and cats at home I have a dog she's got very sharp teeth and her favorite food in the world is carrots I'm sure many of you dog owners out there I've seen your dogs eating grass even your cats you know with a catnip so animals with sharp teeth can still eat plants now I've got some examples from the zoo world so this here is a polar bear playing with a pumpkin polar bears actually love getting fruits and veggies as enrichment in Richmond is like toys in the zoo world so in fact within the bear kind 80 to 90 percent of all bear diets are plants bears are primarily urban they really don't eat meat that often the only bear species that eats primarily meat is this polar bear right here and the reason is because they live in the Arctic tundra there's not a lot of plants up there right so other than polar bears most bears 90% of their diet is going to be mostly plants and if you go to zoos you'll see that they give them lots and lots of fruits and veggies as part of their diets and even you can see this polar bear here which is primarily a carnivore in the wild they love pumpkins they love watermelons they love having big cabbages that they can shred so even though they've got really sharp teeth and they're these powerful predators they don't mind eating plants at all another example this is an alligator so one of my good friends is a zookeeper and this is his alligator her name is Penelope and her favorite thing in the world is watermelons and so you can see her here swimming with her watermelon before she eats it in fact a lot of crocodilians do enjoy eating fruits and seeds they'll wait under fruit trees or knock against them to knock fruits down from the trees to eat them these alligators here Penelope also loves bobbing for apples so even though these are big vicious carnivores with big sharp teeth they love eating plants they don't mind eating plants if they want to here's another example sharks now a lot of people think sharks are these very scary predators and they are they've got really really sharp teeth very dangerous animals sometimes but sharks actually have no problem eating grass sometimes this is a bonnethead shark and they are well known for grazing on sea grass and they do still have those sharp gnarly teeth like other sharks but they love to eat sea grass and in fact their digestive systems are made for processing seagrass so again sharks one of the scariest animals on earth typically to some people they don't mind eating grass either so just because an animal has sharp teeth and even eats meat today doesn't mean it can't eat plants or it never did eat plants so let's do an exercise to kind of show this off more so I'm going to show you some skulls and you're gonna tell me if you think this is an herbivore or a carnivore so this is our first one here now this is a very predatory looking skull so you've got the show p'tee from the front pointy canines it's a very long skull with the eyes kind of set forward which is again a very predator esque kind of design so if you were to just see the skull and you didn't know where it came from you might guess that this animal was a meat-eater right actually that is a panda skull and pandas pretty much only eat bamboo in fact they spend 14 to 16 hours a day eating nothing but plants they can eat 20 to 30 pounds of plants every day and they eat their own bodyweight in bamboo every two weeks so this is an animal it's a bear it's got sharp pointy teeth it eats only plants even today all right let's look at another one is this a carnivore or an herbivore well just by looking at this again this is a very carnivore s skull all those teeth are sharp look at those long pointy teeth in the front every tooth looks very very sharp it's got those wide forward sitting eyes again which is very typical of a carnivore so is this a carnivore no it is not this is a flying fox call or a fruit bat skull they we don't pretty much only fruit that's why they're sometimes called fruit bats so this is from an Indian flying fox this is one of the largest bats in the world they actually weigh about three and a half pounds and have a five-foot wingspan but I think they're just precious but yep these guys just eat fruit they also love nectar seeds pollen and even leaves so all those sharp scary teeth and it's it's a plant eater all right let's look at one more example now this guy looks really scary look at those gigantic pointy teeth right there in the front again forward setting eyes that looks pretty terrifying and if I found that in the wild I'd think I was in some serious danger those are some really really sharp teeth so is this a carnivore no it is not that skull belongs to a gelato which is a type of primates and they eat pretty much only grass so even though he's got those gigantic sharp teeth in the front he only eats grass these guys are sometimes called the bleeding-heart baboon they're not real baboons they do they're a type of primate that lives the Ethiopian highlands and they eat almost exclusively grass they're actually the most terrestrial primate species because they eat only grass but really really sharp teeth doesn't matter they just eat grass so just because an animal has sharp teeth does not mean that it can only eat meat or eats meat at all so it's very very logical to think of a very good world pre-fall priests in where everything was an herbivore everything was vegetarian I will also get questions what about specialized diets because there are a lot of the animals alive today who have very particular diets for instance this koala here a lot of people believe that they only eat eucalyptus leaves now a lot of people call these guys koala bears they are not bears they're not related to bears they're actually marsupials which means they carry their young in pouches but a lot of people usually know that koalas eat eucalyptus leaves right so a very specialized diet you've got the vampire bat here which today eats pretty much only blood right that's why they get the name vampire bat and then you have animals like this giant anteater here right anteater you think well it only eats ants how could you offend this animal on the art well let's review these animals firstly koalas can eat other leaves they just choose to prefer to eat eucalyptus leaves these guys are very picky but they can very much eat other other leaves they just definitely prefer the eucalyptus vampire bats are related to fruit and seed eating bats so they belong in the same biblical kind as fruit and seed eaters and remember these specific species likely were not on the ark again there was the original animal kind so the original bat kind that vampire bats belonged to were fruit and seed eaters so not a problem ant eaters do actually often eat fruit and eggs they're called ant eaters they do love eating ants but I have lots of friends in the zoo keeping world who work with ant eaters of all different species and they love things like avocados and other fruits so they can definitely eat things other than ants and again let's remember that these specific species likely did not exist at the time of the flood again we're talking about the original animal kinds on the ark not all the species that we see today now another question we'll get is what about those penguins or other animals that live in extreme climates today like very very cold climates or very very hot climates how did you accommodate for their needs on the ark well actually most penguin species live in warm weather now I've worked with lots of penguins during my career and yes only five of the 18 species of penguin in the world live in Antarctica all the other penguin species live in Africa Australia South America and the Galapagos Islands like this one here is an African penguin so lots and lots of most of the penguin species do live in warmer climates animals adapted to live in extreme climates can also survive in mild climates we have camels that our zoo and a lot of people ask us what we do with our camels in the wintertime because typically when people here camel do you think of very very hot climates we don't have to do anything with them in the wintertime why because camels are actually adapted to both extremes because deserts get very cold at night so camels can survive very very cold temperatures as well as very very hot temperatures we really don't have to do anything for our camels in fact they love the snow they love wintertime so just because an animal today is adapted to an extreme climate doesn't mean that they can't handle other temperature ranges and again let's remember that today's species likely did not exist at the time of Noah's Flood again it was those original animal kinds so the original penguin kind on the ark again most penguin species are adapted to be living in warm weather so that original penguin kind likely would not have had a problem at all being on Noah's Ark and a very mild climate for a year all right lastly we're gonna talk about recolonization in a post-flood world so how did those kangaroos get to Australia from the Middle East so let's look at what the Bible says Genesis 817 bring out every kind of living creature that is with you the birds the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it so here in Genesis 8 it is inferred that God commands these animals to reproduce according to their kinds to repopulate a post-flood world so how did those animals spread from the Ark's landing site at the mountains of Ararat which is in the Middle East to places like Australia how did God get those kangaroos to Australia so let's look at some Australian animals that you guys typically see you've got things like this Matt cheese tree kangaroo these guys are actually native more to New Guinea now these tree kangaroos spend most of their lives over 100 feet high in the trees we've also got things like Tasmanian Devils these guys are the largest carnivorous marsupial now that means an animal that has its babies and pouches so Tasmanian Devils are actually marsupials so those guys live on that island of Tasmania that's really far away from the Middle East and then you've got animals like this echidna here now this is actually an egg-laying mammal so they are mammals they do feed their young with milk they have hair but they do actually lay eggs the kidneys are also found in Australia so you've got all these crazy animals down in Australia how did they get there well one of the ways that is widely agreed upon is through land bridges so even evolutionists agree that this is how animals spread throughout the earth especially during the Ice Age so immediately after the flood the ice age would have created all kinds of land bridges at the poles because after the flood you have a lot of tectonic activities still happening and then all that volcanic dust and that was released during the flood is gonna create cloud cover which is gonna create lots of rain and snow so you've got that ice age creating all these land bridges you also have lots of tectonic activity still happening because the flood basically split the world in part geographically so lots of land bridges would have formed this here is showing the Bering Strait between Siberia Russia and Alaska it's a very short distance and even evolutionists agree that this would have at one time been covered by an ice sheet and very easily animals could have criss crossed same could be said for getting down to Australia and another reason you see lots of marsupials and egg-laying mammals marsupials again are animals that carry their babies and pouches in Australia is because those mammals can carry their young on the go right so it's very easy for them to migrate to the our ends of the earth because they can kind of carry their kids with them another way that animals could have very easily crossed oceans and gotten to all kinds of exotic locales is through floating rafts now this is actually a picture of an iguana on a floating raft in the Pacific Ocean that was taken very recently within the last couple of years so animals are still traveling around the world using floating mats floating rafts like this today this is typically how you get animals getting on islands because they'll just kind of hitchhike on rafts and float around now let's think - right after the flood so after a year-long flood all of those forests from the pre-flood world would have been ripped up so you've got log mats for miles all over the place from the flood right because all these pre-flood florists have likely been torn up and you've got these just thick log mats they're gonna be floating around all over the place so these animals very could have easily hitchhiked on these log mats to get to different areas of the world they're still doing it today as evidenced by this picture here now another way that animals could have repopulated the world is just through hitchhiking with humans that's a way a lot of animals got around the world today think of rats rats are now found on every continent except Antarctica they don't originate there but they've hitchhiked with us through the years humans have brought along animals sometimes like horses and dogs we've introduced these animals to new locales so the animals could very easily have hitchhiked with humans knowingly or unknowingly as well a lot of people still don't believe that something like this we could have gotten so many species after such a huge catastrophe so quickly because according to the Bible the earth is their flood only happened about 4300 years ago and yet we now have all these animals everywhere just in 4300 years but we do have several examples from recent history showing how animals have very quickly repopulated locales after major natural disasters one of those is Krakatoa so Krakatoa was a one of the most violent volcanoes in recorded history now this occurred in August of 1883 this picture is a lithograph that was made in 1888 depicting Krakatoa now the Krakatoa explode was equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT going off or 13,000 times the power of little boy which is one of the nuclear bombs used in world war two or four times the power of Tsar Bomba which was a hydrogen bomb which was the most powerful bomb that's ever been developed this was a serious serious volcanic explosion it was heard 2200 miles away it destroyed two-thirds of the surrounding islands it created tons of tsunamis that just wiped out local islands and ecosystems all over this was a serious natural disaster and a lot of people thought that the land would never recover from this because it was so violent so this happened in August of 1883 by the following May researchers found spiders on the islands that had been destroyed by October researchers found grasses already regrowing on those islands within a year the islands affected by this massive volcano had been recolonized by plants insects as well as several vertebrates which again are animals with backbones so within a year of this insane explosion this insane disaster a lot of the islands were already being repopulated with all these different life-forms and that was just with Krakatoa it was not a worldwide catastrophe another more recent one is Surtsey this occurred in November of 1963 it was named after Serdar the fire God in Norse mythology basically this huge underwater volcano erupted near Iceland and it created an entirely new Islands so some of you may remember this it was within your lifetimes again this was November 1963 and so it basically created all these new islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean just south of Iceland so this eruption actually lasted quite a few years so it started in 1963 but it continued through about 1967 and scientists were actually really excited about this because it was like a living science experiment so you're creating these brand-new islands these brand-new land masses in the ocean middle of the ocean not near anything and it was basically a scientist to see how quickly what animals would colonize if any at all so within six months of this island forming they had been colonized by bacteria molds plants insects and birds just within six months this brand-new island that had no life at all within six months had been colonized that quickly and has since been deemed a Nature Preserve and their strict rules for explorations since it's basically a living experiment there are now 70 species of plants living there multiple species of migratory birds lots lots of invertebrates reptiles and there's even seals that are living on that island so very very short amount of time these brand new islands started with nothing are now totally populated with animal life lastly Mount Saint Helens this is a really famous volcano this happened in May 1980 in Washington State the Mount st. Helens volcano wiped out 230 square miles of land killed pretty much everything buried it under layers and layers and layers of volcanic mud rock and ash leading scientists are recorded saying that it would take a century to recover however within two years of this explosion plants rodents and a-fib Ian's had all returned within 10 years basically all the megafauna which are large animals and forests had returned so recolonization can happen very quickly you saw how quickly it happened with these natural disasters in our past so forty three hundred years is plenty of time for the Earth's ecosystems to recover from a worldwide flood now another question that critics will throw at us is what about those carnivores coming off the ark one of the carnivores the meat-eaters just have eaten the herbivores the plant eaters as soon as they got off the ark well let's remember that the herbivores were not the only sources of meat after the flood carnivores will readily scavenge so after a worldwide flood that killed everything except what was on Noah's Ark there's going to be a lot of leftover corpses and dead bodies right there's gonna be a ton of it for years so carnivores will very readily scavenge here's a secret carnivores are actually very lazy animals as someone who's worked with carnivores before worked people who've worked with carnivores very very lazy animals and they that's actually the smartest survival strategy they don't want to waste precious energy trying to catch something when something much easier is right in front of them if a carnivore was going around chasing the healthiest animals all the time they would very quickly be depleted of energy it's not a smart survival strategy so carnivores will always go for whatever is easier that's why you always hear if them going after like the old or the sick animals because saves them a lot of energy they don't know when they're gonna need that energy to survive they're not gonna waste it when I worked in aquariums with sharks a lot of people always asked why don't the Sharks eat the other fish in the tank and typically the Sharks are not going to bother the other fish in the tank because the Sharks know that they're going to be fed on certain days of the week so sharks don't need to eat every day because they're cold-blooded animals they are not burning all that energy maintaining an inside body temperature so the Sharks don't need to eat every day so the Sharks knew when they were gonna get fed they knew it was consistent they were all trained to go to certain spots in the pool to be fed and we would literally just hand their food to them so they didn't really have to work or expend much energy at all to get all this free food so why would they waste time chasing all these super athletic fast fish in the tank when they know they're just gonna be handed food on a regular basis it's not a good survival strategy so carnivores are pretty lazy and when they're coming off the ark and you've got all these healthy herbivores with you who are running and bouncing around and then you've got all these dead bodies right next to you what are the carnivores gonna go for right also as we've discussed before carnivores can very easily survive on vegetation so they had plenty of options other than the herbivores that got off the ark with them now another challenge we'll get R is whether single pears are enough to repopulate their entire kind so releasing a single pair of animals in the wild today does not usually lead to a lasting population why because they have to compete with pre-existing established species and conditions so we have a fully populated world today so yeah if we release just a single pair of a very endangered animal into the wild they're not maybe gonna do so well just so you guys know these two animals on the screen here cassowaries they're one of my favorite animals they're native to New Guinea Australia and the Pacific Islands they are amazing birds they can't fly but they can jump seven feet and run 30 miles an hour and swim so those are cassowaries so again if you were to take something like cassowaries that there were only two of those left in the world and you put them somewhere even an animal as able as a cassowary they're probably not going to survive SuperDuper long just with the two of them in today's world however modern conditions are very different from post flood conditions animals coming off the ark had few to no competitors at all and they had a whole world to find an area just to themselves so you've also got genetically more pure animals because Noah would have been given animals with the best genetic qualities by God and again they could pick anywhere in the world to kind of establish themselves and have no competitors and remember there were seven pairs of some animals the birds and the clean animals so that's why you typically see a wider variety within those species so this would have worked just fine in a post flood world so in conclusion God created all the animal kinds 6,000 years ago so again not species kinds so he would have created the feline kind not a lion tiger Jaguar everything was good in the Garden of Eden all animals and people would have been vegetarians herbivores eaten plants and each of these in Ridge '''l animal kinds had enormous genetic potential on Noah's Ark he had less than 6,800 juvenile animals so again they were representatives of all land dwelling air-breathing animal kinds not species that adds up to about 1,400 kinds 6,800 individual animals this would have included dinosaurs the ark was huge and easily could have fit those animals so it wasn't this chubby little boat with animals peeking out everywhere it was a 510 footlong ship appropriate animal care was possible on the ark by working smarter not harder just like we do in zoos today the animals could have quickly spread throughout the earth to repopulate it they could have used log rafts land bridge or even hitchhiked with humans just like they do today modern examples show us that animals can quickly travel and adapt after catastrophes and the many species we see today are all descendants of those original animal kinds that would have been present on Noah's Ark so again it's very important to be able to have answers to these questions and I hope I've been able to provide some of those answers to you guys today god does warn us about false teachings in the warping of physical history in our time here in second Peter 3 3 through 6 he says first of all you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come scoffing and following their own evil desires they will say where is this coming he promised ever since our fathers died everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation but they deliberately forget that long ago by God's Word the heavens existed in the earth was formed out of water and by water by these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed so even these fairytale arcs and treating it as a story versus true biblical history is an attack on the veracity of the Bible so we do have to be careful at our churches and our Sunday schools and when teaching our children to make sure that they understand that Noah's Ark is true history and not just a fairy tale another warning from God Colossians 2:8 Paul says see to it that no one takes you captive through Hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ now 1st Peter 3:15 through 16 this is one of my absolute favorite verses it talks about the importance of being prepared he says but in your hearts set apart Christ is Lord always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have but do so with gentleness and respect keeping a clear conscience so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander so remember the gospel means nothing if Genesis isn't true you can't just believe certain parts of the Bible because then you're being logically inconsistent you either believe it all or you believe none of it science does confirm the Bible when we go back to scripture and look at what God says it does all make sense it is true history science does confirm the Bible and it is important to be prepared and have answers when your kids your grandkids come asking you so that way they are reaffirmed in their belief in Scripture and in God so I hope you guys are able to learn something today I love talking about animals I love sharing my passion with you guys so hopefully I was able to answer some questions that you have today before we go when I gave you some additional resources to help you guys if you're interested in learning more about these topics firstly I highly encourage you to come visit us when we reopen we don't know when that's going to be we're praying that it happens very soon we have both the Creation Museum and our sister facility the Ark Encounter they're 45 minutes away from each other and it is truly incredible to see a full-sized realistic Ark up close so I definitely encourage you guys to come visit us when we reopen we do have zoos at both locations I'll usually be out there you might get to see me doing stuff and my other fabulous keepers we are really excited to show our animals to you guys again and so we're really praying and hoping that we can reopen soon until then I encourage you guys to continue watching our live programs every day so this is on facebook and youtube at 10 a.m. we usually have a fun science experiment at noon are the speakers like myself today at 3 o'clock are our zoo lives so you guys may have seen me before I am the animal presenter and I've been doing a lot of those Facebook lives at 3 o'clock I did the one yesterday it's usually myself or my amazing boss her name's Leanne she's our senior manager of both zoos and she's does an incredible job with our zoos both of them are currently getting renovated we have plans for new species coming in so definitely check out the three o'clock zoo lives to check out our amazing animals and then at 7 o'clock we usually have a fun behind-the-scenes somewhere in the ministry to kind of show you what really goes on and goes into making these attractions as amazing as they are and some of the teams behind that now if you feel that at this time to help sustain our ministry you can go to Answers in Genesis org slash give and you can select a donation amount whether it's a one-time gift or a monthly gift we would really appreciate it right now if you guys feel lead being closed means we don't really have any revenue and so that is a struggle for us and we have 200 animals to take care of still so we still have to feed them we still have to provide them with bedding and care and medications and everything that they need so if you feel led to help us help the ministry help the animals during this time where we have a severe lack of revenue that would be really amazing we would appreciate it so much our animals would appreciate it so much we do have some special deals during this time we have our master class on creation apologetics now this is typically a $300 value and we're offering it right now for only $19 and you get the first six master classes and they are self-paced courses they're self taught they include videos readings they include quizzes the first two courses lay a foundation of apologetics principles and then the last four go in depth with biology geology astronomy and the Bible so this is a really amazing deal I encourage you guys to take advantage of this while you can if you're interested in our magazine we can sign up for answers magazine and receive the searchable digital subscription for free as well we have six issues of this every year and they address current issues as well as some fun animal topics I've written some of these feature animal topics in this magazine there's a kids section it's just a really fascinating magazine it's very easy to read for all ages so if you're interested in subscribing to our magazine you can do so online you can also sign up for the answers newsletter at Answers if you want to keep up to date with what's going on in the ministry and the world around us you'll also get a free digital download of fire in my bones which is the personal testimony of Ken Ham if you're interested in learning more about topics Answers in Genesis org has articles on pretty much any question you could think of related to the Bible social issues the flood evolution animals so definitely go check it out and if you want some of our more technical articles our actual research papers you do also have access to answers research journal and you can read those more research scientific articles so you do have free access to that online as far as resources go if you had to pick one thing I would highly recommend answers books one two three and four and these books answer the most asked questions about science Christianity the existence of God the flood dinosaurs social issues like homosexuality and abortion these are excellent excellent resources to have again the answer pretty much any question you might have regarding the Christian faith the lie by Ken Ham is kind of the book that really started at all he really talks about how compromising on evolution and millions of years undermines the church and provides answers to these questions on evolution and the age of the earth and a very easy to understand way if you have a lot of questions about the flood you can read the flood of evidence by Ken Ham and bode Hodge and answers the top questions about the Genesis and the flood and it's very easy to read they use layman terminology but if you've got questions about Noah's Ark this is a good place to start if you're a new Christian or you kind of want to understand what Christianity is all about I recommend the book begin it's a journey through Scripture for new believers or those who are curious about what Christianity believes gospel reset is a great book on how to easily and effectively evangelize in today's world using a creationist message so if you're wanting to learn how to preach the gospel to your friends in today's climate and culture this does a great job explaining the best way to do that the Foundation's curriculum kit by Ken Ham is a great study it talks about the basics of biblical authority in Genesis and how it relates to the world today so you can actually do this as a study you can get a teacher's guide and workbooks and then you've got these six DVDs so this is a great class to have as far as getting a foundation for apologetics if you want some good articles online that talked more about the origin of species' after the flood this one here is great it's an in-depth article on kinds and then where all the species come from if you want a more technical article about that we've got two good ones on answers research journal we have determining the art kinds here which gives you the information necessary for the best reconstruction of animal on the ark and then this one here again another technical article on the origin of eukaryotic species genotypic and phenotypic diversity is a studies showing how created genetics combined with observable natural processes is sufficient to explain species diversity if you want a really fun very well illustrated easy to read book on animal kinds this is how many animals were on the ark this is a great book on trying to understand where all the animal species came from what exactly is a kind it's very well Illustrated so if you guys are interested in more I highly recommend this book if you want a DVD version of that determining the art kinds is a great DVD is an illustrated lecture describing how animals scientists here at Answers in Genesis determine the animal kinds if you want to know what those animal kinds were that were on the ark we have two volumes we they're called extant art kinds that we have our mammalian and avian kinds book which are mammals and birds and then we also have our amphibian and reptile kinds book so it's a collection of papers from our researchers explaining the rationale of how the animals were broken up into kinds looking at the genetics and how we determine that number of kinds that would have been on Noah's Ark replacing Darwin is a great book that rebuts in replaces the evolutionary theory on the origin of species so if you're interested in that this is an excellent resource for you inside Noah's Ark is a beautifully illustrated book that refutes the most common arguments against the viability of the ark so if you're interested in more of the mechanics and how things would have worked and wants some more illustrations on how the animals might have been cared for and how this could have been built this is a very well illustrated very easy to read resource for you and lastly Noah's Ark thinking outside the box this is also a beautifully illustrated book and it answers the most common questions about the ark and the flood very very easy to read beautifully illustrated so again thank you guys so much for watching today I'm hoping we can reopen soon and you can come visit us and see all this for yourselves look for me I'll be doing like I said a lot of the three o'clock zoo lives and once we reopen I'll be doing a lot of the annum shows and programming we have a brand-new animal actors stage we can't wait to share with you guys we've got lots of exciting animal programs coming up so I really hope that you guys come visit us later that your interest is piqued and you're encouraged to come see all this for yourself but I hope you guys are able to learn something today and I hope you guys have a great rest of the day [Music] in 1 chronicles 12:32 we read about the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times and I want to ask us do we have understanding of the times do we know what is happening in our Western world we see the collapse of the Christian fabric the collapse of the Christian worldview why is that because a foundation has been removed and the structure is collapsing what foundation the foundation of the authority of the word of God it's about time God's people went out there unashamedly uncompromising least oould in the Word of God and said this is what it's all about proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ show that we can defend our faith if we start standing on the Word of God that's what's going to change this nation [Music] hi I'm buddy Davis welcome to amazing adventures hey greetings today we're in Alaska the 49th state the last frontier some folks call it the land of the Midnight Sun we're going to check out some of the different rocks and minerals in Alaska and of course the wildlife that's in Alaska and the beautiful scenery that's here but be sure you bring along your bug spray because trust me on this one here the mosquitoes up here in this state but they can be terrible it's gonna be a lot of fun now so come along for me [Music] I found cold this is cold [Music] welcome to our amazing adventures I'm your host buddy Davison we have an exciting program for you today we're on our way to the Florida Everglades a million and a half acres of wilderness what a swamp that is but there's all kinds of critters that live in and around the Everglades let's see if we can find something hold your hat here we go [Music] but in the venture this is going to be so come along with me let's go did this ear of history science supposedly has disproved the Bible does the radioactive dating of rocks prove that the earth is very old is not just election why shouldn't [Music] we need to be giving answers to these generations hi I'm Ken Ham founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter you know in a world where even Christian universities are quickly turning away from Genesis in a biblical worldview Molly and I are just so grateful for the phenomenal biblically based education our children received at Bob Jones University [Music] hello and welcome to my show amazing adventure time buddy Davis come along me let's do some extreme kata [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're claustrophobic you sure wouldn't want to be where I'm at right now that one part we went through is really scary [Music] this is but I'd call it string cave okay I think you got to be crazy to do this [Music] in 1 chronicles 12:32 we read about the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times and I want to ask us do we have understanding of the times do we know what is happening in our Western world we see the collapse of the Christian fabric the collapse of the Christian worldview why is that because a foundation has been removed and the structure is collapsing what foundation the foundation you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 11,030
Rating: 4.6730247 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, truth, Ark, Noah's Ark, animals, How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
Id: lwtTwVbdZHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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