What If Aliens Don’t Exist? - Answers News: September 13, 2021

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[Music] wow all right well hey welcome to answers news this is monday september 13th holy cow september 13th already yeah i am brian osborne this is ken ham and tim chafee and welcome to actress news and we got a live studio audience will you guys please make yourself known just one more time to the watching audience online all right hey now that's just a clap trap we don't really have anybody coming that's how this game is there's millions of people here today it's it's incredible it's a very very hard millions of people um so i'm i'm following along on my facebook i'll be following on youtube if you make comments on the youtube page and tim's got the facebook page for answers in genesis so we're here at the creation museum that's right legacy hall northern kentucky northern kentucky and people come from all over to come to the ark and the creation museum and so we've had a really busy summer in fact record crowds almost every day since june first have been record crowds compared to 2019 it's been awesome so how about that awesome and that's without all the bus tours because you know a lot of the bus tours got cancelled because of all the covered shutdowns and everything else hopefully they'll come back next year or maybe he's starting to next month from what i see so we just finished up 40 days in knights of music i think that went really really well i think roughly we had almost 800 professions of faith during 40 days we did music right 797 people committed that i saw almost 800 that's awesome uh professions of faith so all right just a little announcement here before we go on and we always start with a little fluff piece which i think you've got a flat piece for us in a moment right well in a moment okay so our explore days and explore junior they're very very popular and these are one day programs the explorer days are for ages 11 to 18. that they're basically a whole day and then explore junior sort of half a day and therefore ages five to ten and what do they do in those explore days tim they explore things on the ball today i'm really looking forward to your other comments so these are um you know interactive days with with young people you've got the the youngest kids and the older kids but they're exploring different scientific fields so we've got one that's a fossil day we've got other ones for fingerprints and biology and biology and geology yeah forensics dinosaurs my son's done quite a few of them for their junior explorer days he is seven years old and typically the parents go in them with them so i've done it with him you do the stuff it is so much fun it's so engaging you learn so much good information both from a science and a biblical perspective it really is phenomenal so really encourage people to sign up quickly these days filled up really fast and i also just want to mention part of that is we have a fossil dig coming up august 2nd this fossil dig is awesome it's for kids and adults and you can go be part of that dr andrew schnelling dr gabriella haines will lead that up and it's relatively close you drive over do some dig ups and fossils and it's going to be incredible that's october 2nd go on the website look into that because those will fill up fast as well so somebody just said on my facebook hi from salem oregon that's probably one of the five christians that live in i was i was just there two weeks ago yeah yeah um and somebody somebody else said on the aig facebook my wife susan and kids seneca and devon are in your audience today so somebody's keeping tabs on you guys awesome hey they're right there yeah so we we stream live on answers tv and a lot of people now watch it through answers tv because answers.tv is our streaming platform so if you get uh netflix or you get disney plus you can repent of your sin even today and subscribe to answers.tv just over three dollars a month for a 12 month subscription and we have over 4 100 programs over 4 000 now oh yeah over 4 100 and we keep adding programs and we got programs for all ages and music and some documentaries and movies and creationist documentaries that we make ourselves all sorts of fun programs programs for kids and so on okay first plus piece all right feline okay the app that tells you if your cat is happy so somebody has designed an app that you are able to you know scan your your cat's face and based on the the positioning of the head and the ears and everything it'll tell you whether the cat's heavy to me this seems like the easiest app of all time to make is your cat happy no it doesn't matter what it is how's your cat feeling today angry murderous um are those the only options you've got this happened isn't that called being anthropomorphic trying to i don't know i think murderous cats to me shouldn't have even been on the ark no that's right i'm with you i shouldn't have did you know i i carry a pet cat with me just to remind me about what i think of cats okay here it is that's the best cat you could ever have it doesn't cost much either i can put him in my pocket so yeah an app to tell you well and i love this if you look at cats though you can tell they're manipulating they're human i'm sure they're human handlers they're probably manipulative if you've got a cat you probably don't realize how much you've been manipulated like that so you're not going to get a straight scoop from ken or me about cats so brian can you tell them what this is really about i mean i'm not what's the benefit of having something or a hater of a cat i guess but basically now what i love about this whole article is the scientific journal it was all published in so this is good scientific research and they use the principle of the feline grimace scale fgs the feline grimace scale to let you know if your cat is in pain or not and they have to recognize this as you mentioned the position of the ears the angle of the face and so forth to let you know if your cat is in pain it's all very scientific as they presented it and they said it could be good for young vets who were really experienced have they done one for humans yet you know i could yeah you are important no it can it's you gotta remember back in the 80s ken it was called a mood ring oh there you go all right nicely done yes you know i act you know i actually use a cat in my talks yeah i say what if you want to fossilize a cat then you go home and you find out your cat's dead and then you put it out on the yard and you put a sign there scientific experiment dead cat pass rising and you take notes dead cat on grass smelly dead cat on grass cat starts to disappear cat gone and it doesn't fall into a fossil and that helps me explain to people how you form a fossil you've got to cover it very quickly with mud and also show your liver so no it shows you that there's a really good use for a dead cat so we're going to get them wound up on cats so next one using evolutionary principles could prevent antibiotic resistance so we see this a lot where this whole principle of antibiotic resistance is classified as something as a result of evolution and what happens is we have uh you know different bacteria different things that are within our body that can impact well let me give them one example and then you can talk about the article how to do that because they're talking about antibiotic resistance in this article and all the way through they're saying you know the evolution of the bacteria evolution is happening and we're speeding up evolution that's right we we found these pathogens evolve and this is how uh us the students at high schools and so on are totally indoctrinated but let's give one example and while you're here at the crease museum in the flood geology room you go into that extra little room that's there and you'll see this example there actually uh so h pylori notice i said hey you're back you didn't say hate she said that's right australian page you're adapting i'm trying to be american you're evolving yeah he's evolving h is it it's a bacterium that can cause stomach ulcers actually and so the way it's treated with a particular antibiotic that's absorbed through the cell wall now there's an enzyme that h pylori actually has as part of its biochemistry and so what happens is that when that enzyme comes in contact with the antibodies breaks it down that produces poisons and so then it kills the bacteria but sometimes you can get a mutant h pylori which has lost the ability to make the enzyme now did you hear that lost the ability in other words it can't do something it used to do so it's actually not as good as the bacterium that has the enzyme but it's lost that ability so then what happens is it doesn't break down the antibiotic into poisons and so then it survives and so once you've knocked out all the ones that are the strongest ones and now you've only got the mutant ones uh then you know they say it evolved a resistance well it's those that had the resistance that survived but they're not as strong as the original one so and you've lost a whole bunch of genetic information like if they gave everybody up here something that said anybody under six four is gonna die and well these two disappear i'm still here that's not evolution but he's definitely the mutant right yes the weaker one you set that one up but that's the kind of thing that's already existing there and then that's the one that multiplies and you've lost all of that genetic information it's not you've heard of you know the super bugs in hospitals and so on and sometimes they say the best way to deal with it because what you've done is you've eliminated all the strong ones you left with the mutant ones and you know go out and play in the dirt once again and get right get away from all the forces that are killing out the stronger ones and then the weak ones will eventually go and so it's again it's not evolution and so what they did in the study was to attack the the healthy one you know the good ones and shortly after that introduce another drug or something that would take out the ones that survived and they're calling this evolutionary principle uh brian you talked with somebody who knows a lot more about this than the three of us yeah so i talked with dr georgia purdum about this just the other day she's our geneticist here on staff very smart woman she has some good insights on this basically first of all they mentioned the article that we are currently in an antibiotic crisis with the overuse of antibiotics is leading to increased antibiotic resistance this is a real thing it's a real phenomenon something we do need to deal with so the study is good how then we can use how can we use antibiotics in a good effective way and you may use less variations of them to deal with these different diseases they're trying to figure that out and then what's happening here is they're bombarding these bacteria with multiple attacks basically so they can't have a chance or time to adapt to new variations therefore they're being destroyed more quickly but what's happening here as she pointed out it's just simply bacteria they're still bacteria you have bacteria there's variations within the bacteria but they're not changing from one thing to a whole different kind they're acting within the mechanisms scott has put in place living bacteria so they can adapt to a certain degree but they still stay bacteria and that's what we've got to really understand about this so a lot of variation but and it's always a loss of genetic information they're getting weaker but they're also losing genetic information whereas evolution will require a gain in that information and here's the problem the word evolution means change yeah and of course any time there's a change they say and they indoctrinate you know students in schools and universities that's evolution but you see they've already programmed them that evolution means naturalism means things come about by chance random processes darwinian evolution so they use they use evolution for change and they use evolution for evolution that's right in the sense of darwinian evolution and that's why a lot of these young people just get totally indoctrinated and so they think these changes are oh that's evolution we see change happening before our very eyes but it's not evolution in the sense of by natural processes by darwinian evolution and that's how they get indoctrinated and brainwashed a great example of what you're saying kian is literally in the title if you read the title to the article using evolutionary principles could prevent anabolic resistance guys there's nothing in this that the evolutionary narrative helps explain how we can defend against bacteria all right what we use is operational science to study how bacteria function to rightly attack them and defeat them all right the narrative doesn't help at all but they're actually including the idea the history of evolution within the idea of change and trying to say those things are the same thing it really is confusing in the title so watch out when you read those titles they tend to be very hyperbolic very loaded so for the next article have you changed your mind now that we didn't evolve from ape-like creatures we evolved from cockatoos uh there's maybe a better chance than apes for that sure yeah okay well do you want to so this one this one's really interesting a wild cockatoos make utensils out of tree branches to open fruit pits [Music] that's right you can talk about the music right over there you go all right you get music with your introduction that's nice it's my own theme music so you have um these wild coffins cockatoos in indonesia and they've been studying these and 15 of them they had and two of them as soon as they introduced the sea mango which had a very hard pit two of them two of the birds flew off into the trees broke off some twigs and started shaving the toilet making some really sharp things to be able to poke into the the fruit and then one then they make like a little pry bar almost and then be able to pry the thing open so they could eat it it's pretty clever and they made three different types of tools yeah made a whole tool set the whole tool set so you know now it's important to understand lots of animals actually use tools did you know that chimps use tools uh crows they use stones and use feathers and twigs uh elephants dolphins dolphins actually use sponges they put a sponge on their nose and go down to dig up things on the on the bottom of the ocean sea otters they use stones to break up shellfish actually and uh octopus you say octopuses are octopi i think either one is appropriate okay so octopi um they actually will use a coconut shell when people have broken up in coconuts and use it as armor yeah and hide behind them and amazing and then rodents will use tools there's a lot of other animals that use tools too it used to be evolutionists were saying oh chimps use tools yeah obviously because they're they're human like more human-like and you know we evolved from chimps and that just shows you we're related to chimps right what about all these other animals what about cockroaches related to cockatoos right they're more involved well they're from australia so probably anything from australia is intelligent anyway well i saw a lot of cockatoos when i was in australia tim did you know i've been to australia i have heard that before so i actually i think i'm the unique one up here today because i haven't been there but i would like to go but it's interesting as you read the article it's only a couple of the births not all of them use the tools that they were looking at only the larger ones the older male birds use the tools sorry only males do this uh that's what the article says so somehow maybe they gain that that sort of ability in the sense that experimenting over time as they got older and they they somehow were able to realize what happened what worked i mean maybe they're sophisticated computers yeah no doubt about that the thing is the more we study the animal kingdom the more we study what god has created the more amazed we'll be because there's so many things about them that are just they're amazing it's because god has made them that way and and we shouldn't be startled by that people people get you know say wow they use tools but what about birds that migrate and how they know where to go see what we should be being is amazed at god's creativity and the fact that god created them to do this you know we we i i guess you'd be amazed from an evolutionary perspective how could that happen by chance right all right san francisco will pay people to not shoot others cash for criminals no no wait does that mean if you don't shoot somebody you get like a weekly allowance is that well it is sort of like that now this one they they the drug prepared not to shoot anybody i can hold back it depends on how many times i'm gonna answer the news with you guys if i'm not kidding so the dream keeper fellowship will pay 10 individuals who are at high risk i like what it says of being on either end of the shooting that's just what the article says so you get do you get paid money if you don't get shot on yourself if you're one of these ten people hey nobody's traveling it makes sense i mean it would work because the bible says all are basically good yeah that's exactly right and the heart of man is perfect it's beautiful about all things yeah yeah so biblical so it says 300 each month to not be involved in such crimes there is a little more to it than that it's just it's not saying just don't shoot anybody but you get your 300 they're also doing some sort of community service so they're going around explaining to at-risk people why this is not a good lifestyle to be involved and so they are there is some community service to it but when you just think about the principle i mean we shouldn't have to pay people to not suit people people who agree not to shoot people to get money will be paired with life coaches who will help counsel them and help make everything better so this is what happens though when you don't have a christian world view right now you have the wrong view of man you don't understand man and uh look what look at what scripture says about the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked you know i i mean i'm sure i mean would you trust the north korean dictator if he promises not to do something you trust him would you no not necessarily well depends on what it is but in most cases yeah it's not just even the money for not shooting somebody but you can get additional money if you work like not from your job but because you work you get another paycheck from them for working if you go to school you get paid money maybe if you help be a mediator yourself you can give money as well it even says in here that the goal the program is part of redirecting wealth redirecting funds to certain communities but they also talk about places where it's worked they said in richmond california it worked pretty well gun homicides in the city dropped by 55 well that's great and then they pointed out brian there was another one in whether it's sacramento that worked right yeah well it says it helps you cannot read it to you because it's pretty entertaining critics of the program have pointed out that similar initiatives have been have not been successful with example in sacramento where his promoters boast that only 44 of participants were subsequently arrested on new charges well as long as you don't count about the one-third who quit or dropped out and the others who were arrested within the first six months so if you remove all these so all that and so that's where you're successful california has a better idea california is about to introduce a program where they're going to be the first state to pay drug addicts to stay sober oh there you go we're going to pay them hundreds of dollars to stay sober you know what will happen they'll buy more drugs that's what's going to happen and someone mentioned here in the article the violent criminals they need jail and what we we understand from a christian worldview yes that's a good thing in some sense but what they actually ultimately need is they need christ they need a heart transformation that'll change the way they think in the way they act without that heart transformation we're trying to deal with the symptoms of the problem with their life without doing the foundational issue which is the problem of the heart well you know we're seeing man stoop to all sorts of foolishness because the more man abandons god's word and you know you look at that and say some of this stuff they're coming out with like did you see in england just recently all these women married trees i didn't see that yeah i mean the trees didn't even have a choice right no they didn't they married trees poor trees the tree didn't say i do it was the woman that said i drove yeah yeah and the reason was because they said if they're married to a tree then you can't go and chop down the trees they're trying to save trees right about 70 or 70 women or so well pretty soon maybe the people who refuse to chop down trees will get 300 a month to not do it that's exactly right but this is what you know you say how could people just be so logical and so ridiculous roman's one but romans 1. you know what when when people abandon god's word he turns them over and the god of this world has blinded their eyes i mean you look at some of the things that politicians are doing and saying you say how can they be so illogical how can be so stupid in some of the things they're doing but god the god of this world is blind to their own yeah and the thing is that they think that they're doing the right thing oftentimes they think what they're doing is logical but because they're so blind most politicians even use the word think so before we get into that hold on before we do that that's right we don't talk about politics let me just say this too as we think about looking at the world going crazy and looking at how can they do this how can they how can these women marry trees how can we put in place these policies but as you mentioned if we give into our sinful inclinations you abandon god anything goes and your thinking is busted and really there but the grace of god would go us as well actually this morning when i was reading first and second daniel and my basically 12 hours of private quiet time i was reading through just joking all right but anyway i was reading through and daniel's taking before king nebuchadnezzar and basically he's been told that you got to tell the king the dream he had and give the interpretation of the dream to him to save the lives of yourself and all the other wise men and what does daniel do i love how he starts the whole thing off he says you know what dear king i'm here i will tell you the interpretation i'll tell you the dream and the interpretation not because i have any more wisdom than any other man but because god will reveal it to you and as we talk about these truths we have wisdom in this area as believers because god has revealed himself to us it's god who is also not us we're just revealing his particular truth we don't take pride in the truth we praise god for it we stand on his word and then confidence and we have that angle as we engage people with this truth i often point people to judges 21 25 back twice in judges it says this when there was no king no absolute authority everyone does what is right in his own eyes and that's we're at now once people have thrown out god thrown out god out of the secular education system thrown out god out of the culture in many many ways then everyone does what is right in his own eyes that's right and you see now you're seeing a culture where so many politicians are going out of their way to try to kill as many children in their mother's wombs as possible i mean who would have ever thought that that would be happen happening that's right and you have people like joe biden and kamala harris wanting to kill as many children in their mother's wombs as possible i mean it you stand back and say how could how could they be like this but they need a heart transformation they do yeah all right well this one might be a little controversial because i think ken agrees with this it's a theoretical physicist a scientist must be open to the possibility of ufos okay i want to go on record as saying i believe in ufos any under unidentified flying object doesn't matter what it is even if someone threw something across a room is a ufo and there's a lot of ufos out there because a lot of things flying out there i don't know what they are that's right so don't you all believe in ufos anything that's an unidentified flying object as ufo see i believe in ufos yeah but we already when we did a program a couple weeks ago where ken talked about where that's right your headlines are like you know you think that that aliens are going to go to hell well yeah did you see did you see you're so unloving towards the wookies because i said i don't i said i don't believe in aliens and outer space because it doesn't make sense from a gospel perspective because because god's son stepped into history be the god man not the god clean on earth on earth to save the descendants of adam it doesn't make sense as race of beings on other planets that are affected by adam's sin and all be judged by fire and all the rest of it and because i said that they said the headline on huffington post ken ham says to phone e.t your phone hell that's exactly what i said that's called spin now this one there's not much news here because they said alien ken ham says aliens are going to help you yeah yeah because i don't believe they can be saved because i don't believe in aliens right so see that that's secular newspaper logic yeah yeah we and we get a lot of that so in this article i don't know what that there's really a whole lot of news other than uh the guy who said it professor mitchio he's on a lot of uh the tv program the discovery channel other things um so i've seen him quite a few times he just said hey we gotta remain open to the possibility of ufos well here's the main thing though yeah you know what he says in the article because the universe is billions of years old therefore there has to be others out there that evolved and might even have a better technique that's what we're hearing so we have to be careful not to try to contact them because they might be way more advanced oh there's people around earth let's go wipe them out that's cutting what he's warning people about yeah and also you'll kind of notice too this argument goes along with that well these aliens if they're so far advanced beyond us they've been around for a lot longer then their wisdom will be far beyond our their technology far beyond ours their power far beyond ours in many cases aliens are almost viewed as almost like a god a deity they can bring us the answers that we don't have they can extend our lives they can give us the meaning to life they can give us all these things we're longing for they become a replacement for god but without the moral accountability because he hasn't revealed himself to them so you kind of see that taking place today well the search ratio adjusts to your life i mean really i mean you read some of the stuff they're out there saying we want to contact these aliens and find out more about how the universe came to be and we want to find out where we came from that's right well god gave us a book and then all i have to do is read it in fact read the first chapter and they'll find out and they'll find out i think if there were aliens and they were looking at earth right now and they would see women marrying trees and the other things we've been talking about that there's no intelligent life out there i think that's what they'd be saying yeah one of our grandkids sent me a cartoon this week and it was an alien had landed on earth he said take me to your leaders and yeah yeah that person said it's not a good time right now [Laughter] okay let's go on all right so by the way as creationists and we believe the universe is only thousands years old because you don't get millions from the bible god created in six days and you follow those genealogies there's only thousands of years old not millions so of course you think about the secularists thousands of years old then things couldn't evolve out there so they have to have their billions of years yeah that's the foundation of their whole belief system well this one first nations version translates the new testament for native american readers so this is really interesting um the the article goes on and talks about how there are a lot of people working with native american tribes or first nations peoples that um the way that they are used to learning about things you know through the the traditions of their people and everything aren't always matching the way that most westerners think of things and and so they're trying to come up with a way to communicate the biblical message to translate the bible in a way that they that would help them understand it better um so the idea behind this i mean we love the when the bible is translated into a different language so that people groups can can have god's word in their own language so the whole concept behind this i i think is uh admirable um but whether or not the execution of this think about the real world no i think you have to be really careful because god's word is going to stand forever and god's word is for everyone and humans all have the same nature i mean if we have different cultures that's true but i think you've got to be careful because you know i i knew a japanese pastor once he was a great godly man and he said in japan because you've got the shinto religion many gods and buddhism and so on and he said when you would say god a lot japanese couldn't necessarily understand who that god is because they've got many gods thousands of gods with their shinto religion so he had a bible translation done where where you have god with a capital g he had them put creator but you know creator to tell them who the guy is the creator but that's different to what they're doing here where they're adding in all sorts of phraseology and words from their culture and i think you have to be really well and to be really clear in the article they're talking about they're not translating to a different language okay they they're actually making this for english speaking peoples yeah so that translates into a different language they're trying to make it just more understandable to the native american culture is what they would claim to one degree or another but you don't take god's word and shape it to fit a particular cultural demographic with like we don't have the tall bible for people six five and over right well we should right you know the tall bible translated by tall people so talk people can understand who have no expertise in hermeneutics or the original languages you would not do that you want someone to understand the original language to translate correctly into the different language from hebrew greek into english for us spanish to others etc and then once you have that plain language then you help teach them understand what it actually means you don't change the language itself and i think i agree with tim wholeheartedly i think the motivation is great they want to reach people with the bible but i think the execution when they're changing so much what the bible says to fit a cultural narrative is very very at best dangerous at times and worse it's actually undermining biblical authority yeah you've got to be very careful when you do this obviously when you're teaching young people the bible sometimes you have to explain what the words mean sometimes you use different phrases is there an australian bible i mean some of the australian words are weird so can we translate that to australian english yeah good day mate good night mate yeah yeah uh you just just take your i agree with you ryan we here's the awesome the word of god is the word of god we just turn it upside down we're going to translate if we're going to translate into someone's language i think it needs to be translated into that language i think we should give one quick example so you understand what we're talking about here here's their translation of john 3 16 to fit the native american culture they're referring to they said the great spirit that's supposed to be john 3 16 the great spirit loves this world of human beings so deeply he gave us his son the only son who fully represents him all who trust in him and his way will not come to a bad end but will have the life of the world to come that never fades away full of beauty and harmony reuse the first nations versions of the verse so you can see the idea may be generally true if you understand what the text is saying but without that it's more of a paraphrase is what it is it's a paraphrase so it's not a translation it's a paraphrase yeah so we've got two more we could get through real quickly let's do it all right biden blames northeast coast northeast storm damage on climate change called on congress to pass infrastructure these days a lot of politicians anytime you get a storm a tornado a flood an earthquake anything it doesn't matter what it is a gentle breeze gentle breeze it's climate change yeah right even the head of fema recently said climate change caused all this flooding yeah right but um so it keeps blame for everything you have nice weather climate change you've got cold weather climate change if you have hot weather climate change it doesn't matter what it is it's climate change and here's the thing what many people don't realize is your worldview and your foundation determine how you view climate change that's right you see from a biblical worldview perspective we start from god's word it was a perfect climate to start with and then sin entered the world but then we had the flood of noah's day and we believe that flood generated an ice age and then the ice age maxed out about 500 years 750 years after the flood and then it started melting back and there's been lots of climate change since then but you see climate change we would say can happen rapidly sort of like with aliens because they believe in billions of years aliens must have evolved because they believe in billions of years for the earth little changes you see are going to take millions of years to change back whereas if you believe the earth is not that old changes are happening quickly actually and if you don't believe the flood you're going to misunderstand any climate change and we even see that in re if we can say recorded history in recent history really you have the medieval warm period and the little ice age we talk about that down at the ark encounter in the in the ice age exhibit those are changes greater than what we're seeing today and yet that was before the industrial revolution well and we can't remember you know we've never had floods here before yeah but you've never had the millions of people we have now before either and people didn't live there before i mean there's all sorts of uh different situations i looked at i looked up the government website right before you read that though hold on i want to read this real quick so ken's got some stats about what's actually happening i want to read this one sentence to set you up all right joe biden said this the president says scientists have concluded that countries facing a code red threat from climate change and the crisis is an existential threat to our lives this is not hyperbole this is fact says joe biden now here are some facts okay good thanks for setting me up there you're welcome okay this is from the government climate information service you can look it up it's a government website tornado numbers are slightly trending down since peaking in the 70s and strong tornadoes are tending a trending down since the 70s peak hurricanes are increasing in strength and number but the number making landfall in america is decreasing coastal flooding is on the rise across the u.s well you know as the ice melts and so on you'd expect a little bit of that maybe earthquake frequency is decreasing since peaking in the late 2000s and early 2010s wildfires are decreasing since peaking in the mid late 90s and early 2000s and precipitation is trending up in the mississippi river basin and tributaries in but the last 30 years has seen it decrease in the south and west so it is not what these politicians are saying you know people would go and do some research they realized wait a minute that these things are trending down and the solution always is give us more taxpayer money and we'll research redistribute somewhere else that's all that's always the solution yeah it's all about control yeah that power that redistribution you just fat checked joe biden yeah good good on you mate yeah what a great way to end the show all right guys that's all the time that we have it's been great having you here with us so we did we did talk about ufos and so real quickly about that we got to mention this we have aliens factor fiction this is actually this is the dvd that's our program that we have in the planetarium here at the creation museum so those of you here today if if you haven't got your planetarium ticket already go up there and check out this show and it gives you a biblical worldview perspective on the issue of aliens and life in outer space so that's right and if you've not been here to see the planetarium show it's time to come check it out so good credit cards most incredible the creator cosmos is the new 4k brand new update family and i watched it the other day phenomenal guys go check it out so glad you're here have a wonderful day until next time god bless [Music] you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 8,908
Rating: 4.7213116 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Answers News, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, answers news, answers in genesis news, creation news, creationist news, Bryan Osborne, Ken Ham, Tim Chaffey
Id: i5Qk2vlc6oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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