Dragons, are they real?

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hi my name is vodi Hodge and I'm here at the Creation Museum today I'm actually in the dragon Hall bookstore and we wanted to talk a little bit about dragon legends and right behind me we have Saint George and the dragon probably one of the most famous dragon slayers in history and in fact here at the Creation Museum we have Saint George in a number of different places I can see them up here to my right you may not be able to see him at this point but we have this particular one right behind us we also happen to see Saint George in our walkway right as you come in that's kind of our dragon legends area and we have a lot of different dragon legends in there and that's what we're going to feature today we're going to walk through some of those and of course if I'm going to be talking about Saint George and the dragon and some of these other dragon legends it's only fitting that I have my dragon legend mug so I had to bring this with me on this particular trip we do sell these actually at the Creation Museum I know a lot of people have been buying them so that's really exciting but as we go through the the book store here I just wanted to give you guys a taste of the theme inside the dragon Hall bookstore if you kind of look up and around you see a little bit of a taste of some of the dragon legend decoration that we've got here to kind of theme this particular bookstore so it's really nice and you'll get a taste of it maybe a feel of like a castle you know I've been to a number of castles in places like England and some in Wales and I've had the opportunity to see some of the the dragon accounts that they actually have from history over there now what's interesting as you go through a number of different dragon legends throughout the past we have some dragon legends that I think are a little bit more than a legend if you consider you know a legend is something that's it's got a it's got an element of true to but it might have been embellished but a lot of the things that we call legends today are actually written as historical accounts now we do have petroglyphs and a number of different aspects of dinosaurs and Dragons and the connection between dinosaurs and dragons when we see some of these images but I want to be able to talk about some of the different legends specifically as we go through this so follow me as we go through the store and we're going to get out to the main hallway and we're gonna take a look at some of these dragon legends I know what you're thinking - you're thinking boy I wish I was at the Creation Museum looking at all these books we do have a number of books of course on dragon legends and I'll tell you about some of those at the end of this program but we have a lot of resources here for kids a lot for teenagers a lot for adults a number of resources on dinosaurs and dragons those are probably some of the favorites I would suggest for kids and teens you know we're in a culture that talks a lot about dinosaurs and in our culture they're usually given the secular view of dinosaurs and when we start with the Bible the Bible actually makes sense the dinosaurs you start with the Bible God made dinosaurs on day six of creation now compare this to dragons dragons and dinosaurs are not necessarily the same thing for example all dinosaurs could be dragons but not all the dragons could rightly be called a dinosaur let me explain why that is a dragon is more of an overarching term it would include flying reptiles it would include serpentine reptiles even sea reptiles but dragons dragons are actually a very specific definition a dragon has hips so that it raises its body up off the ground so it's technically a land animal and it's a reptilian creature that has one of two hips structures that do that so with that in mind a flying reptile or a sea reptile technically are not considered dinosaurs but remember those would have been made on day five of creation the flying in the sea creatures so as we follow the subject of dinosaurs down through the Bible they were created by God they're originally perfect because of man's sin death and suffering came into the world and we got a chance to see death and we've seen of course all sorts of dinosaurs go extinct since that time and you can see we're stepping out of the bookstore now into the main hall but these dinosaurs as they've been down through the ages have essentially went extinct now one thing you need to understand is the flood of Noah's day makes sense the most of the dinosaur fossils that we have all over the place in different rock layers are usually in the Cretaceous dry Triassic and Jurassic sediment that's where we find the dinosaurs buried now as we look into our hallway here there's a number of different dragon legends and we're going to start right down here right as you enter for those of you who don't know this is the main entrance to walk into the Creation Museum so a lot of people walk in here some people walk in down there we've got one of our parking lots out here another parking lot so we're kind of right at the very beginning of the museum so people walk in they get this grand design of dragon legends and even if you look up above us we've kind of modeled this after some of the Dragons of the east up above us and if you were to turn around and see the the other direction you can see this one hanging right above us so we wanted to give some Flair to this right as people walked into the Creation Museum and so you'll notice that we have a number of different just call-out displays here and these are actually part of the post and if you look at theirs this was one and we can just go ahead and start here but they talked about various dragon legends that we find from all over the world so in this particular one we're talking about the Hydra in Greece we're talking about the red dragon of Wales Calexico doll and belen the dragon which is mentioned in the apocryphal literature so some of these are actually much better accounts some of them are not as good of accounts but what we've got is we've got accounts that actually outline these different dinosaur like dragon like creatures from various parts of the world and this is just four of those one of my favorites is the red dragon whales I'll show you a flag of whales I here in just a little bit because it's still the flag of oils it's an ancient flag and it's got this dragon on it and I've always been fascinated by Calexico tool here for example is down in Central America you know where they've talked about this flying reptile this flying serpent that would sometimes attack and all sorts of things Belen the dragon is mentioned and not in the Old Testament it's in the apocryphal literature that sometimes attached to Daniel so it's an ancient piece of literature and then the Hydra which is in Greek mythology now of course with Greek mythology you got to be careful they sometimes interconnected certain creatures so you have to watch out for some of those and so out of these four I would say the Hydra is the one that I probably wouldn't trust the most but the sheer fact that it's mentioned and is discussed by some of these ancient Greeks probably gives us a taste that there's probably some truth back behind that let's move over here to the very first one as you walk in the museum and this is another one of these call-outs and this is talking about some of the depictions from various parts of the world particularly what we see here is stuff in South America in fact I've been down to Peru and I've been to some of the areas where the mocchi culture was and if you look at this pottery right here kind of from the ancient Peruvians down here I actually took that picture in the Museum of the nation down there what's really neat about this as we were touring through these various places they were over and over again the tour guides would say these people they only drew things they only made pictures of things that they saw and then we would see some some creatures looked like dragons and and then they just had no idea what to say because in the modern idea this this idea of dragons is that they're a myth that they're not real but if you look historically they were clearly real creatures they were documented in historical accounts we see them pictographs and so forth but what had happened was as dinosaurs were dying out somewhere between the neighborhood of the 1500s through the late 1800s because there were fewer and fewer of them sometimes people got this idea well maybe they were a myth and of course we started digging up dinosaur bones and people just for some reason did not even connect dinosaurs with dragons and some of these other creatures so you'll see here some watering pottery they would put their water in there and where they they would make these we're down in like the Nazca desert in Peru it's one of the driest deserts in the world if not the driest they get very little rainfall and yet sometimes fog because it's actually not too far from the ocean but by the way the weather patterns are they get hardly any rain so water was very precious to them and they would dig wells and they would put some of this water in these but notice how the the design is it's it almost reminds you of a condenser if the water goes to evaporate it goes through these it kind of reconned Ince's and falls back in it's actually a brilliant design if you think about it but of course it's what's on these that grabs people's attention you have some dinosaur dragon-like creatures once again on this pottery down in peru they'd find it on some rocks and of course you know their people started making forgeries of that too but there are some legitimate ones we'd seen on textiles and different things people pulled out of the graves so that was really neat now if you move up to some of these others up here in the upper right no we do have one two Native American pictograph out at Utah and others you guys see a picture of a person there that's our own Buddy Davis he's been out there and has observed this one and and he likes to do some of this as well you know him being a dinosaur sculptor he really enjoys being able to look at some of this ancient dinosaur type stuff now this looks kind of like a flying reptile now it's interesting you know you can see somebody put an outline around it although it's not perfect I know in the secular world they cannot have humans and dinosaur like creatures or even these flying reptiles living side by side with me and so when Native Americans drew this particular image they were like no no this this can't be one so they tried to come up with all sorts of reinterpretations and this is one of them that sometimes comes under attack by the secular world they want to reinterpret this they say well maybe that's a man on top and maybe kind of in the middle part maybe that's like an alien bent over and then you see a snake and and they they just kind of try to put it all together but I really if you just look at it without those preconceived notions it does resemble some sort of flying reptile if you move over to the left side here this is one over an Angkor in Cambodia an ancient temple had been rediscovered and what's interesting you'll see reliefs of all sorts of animals and if you look at that's a huge temple complex now I've not actually been there but I have corresponded with someone who had been there and there's animals all over this that are engraved or etched and made you know to look like various animals now this one in particular you look at it you can't help but well this kind of resembles a Stegosaurus Tagus or because you don't see the tail spikes and so for things like that so obviously he's not just looking at a modern image that we have of some sort of status or to make this so what it probably is it's probably a variation of something like a stegosaur after the flood it might have been muzzled I know there's a debate in the peer-review process where people are talking about this right now but clearly it's right next to other real creatures so whoever it was that made this clearly thought this creature was a real creature now what's interesting is some of the researchers over there think they've found now a second stegosaur like creature in that complex as well so that's kind of an interesting subject too but we find these types of things all over the world if you go down here the the Narmer plate you can see some creatures on here that look very similar to a dinosaur kind of a long neck you know think of sauropod stuff like that what we have is their bone structure it's always difficult for us to say okay based on the bone structure what exactly did they look like you know if we look at something like an elephant we just look at their bones we'd have no idea they had these big ears or big trunks and so forth so I think sometimes when we look at some of these old actual depictions that people have of dragons they put extra features on their face like little beards tongues and different things that are coming off of them in some instances they were probably looking at the real creature where all we look at today is the bones of these dinosaurs so sometimes these guys might actually have had a little bit more of an accurate depiction of some of these dinosaurs and Dragons all right well let's continue down through here as we walk through you'll notice this is kind of a that the entrance kind of that the exterior part of the old building and of course we filled it in with all the windows but if you look to the left side you'll see it looks like rock doesn't it now it's not actually rock and if you ever get the chance to come here to the Creation Museum I want to show you something if you look closely at this rock and you go up and touch I mean it really does look like rock it's actually not rock we actually worked with people who did some expert modeling for these types of things and this is actually modeled after a particular Canyon and you'll see different what looks like rock layers this is modeled after a real Canyon that really is like that and you know we wanted to do that because we talked a lot about the flood and of course you know dinosaurs are buried in the flood sediment and so forth so it kind of gives us that taste of a museum and we have this on the exterior part of the museum as well donna's you know is really neat parts of these rock layers out there alright we've come to the next one of these dragon legends and here we have two different ones we have John of Damascus and we have Marco Polo I know as soon as I say Marco Polo Marco you know everybody wants to think of the swimming pool game you know Marco Polo and you swim under the legs and all that and you know I've seen funny skits on that but Marco Polo was a real person he was actually back in the 1200s the 13th century he traveled to China to document what it was like there and he spent a number of years there and when he was over there he actually encountered a number of different dragons now in places like China Japan the Far East there are quite a few dragon legends over there there are more the long slender dragon we call that the eastern dragon but he had a chance to talk about some of those one of the things that he actually documented that some of these things were huge and had eyes as big as a loaf of bread just to give you an idea they would oftentimes be similar to a snake but a gigantic snake but they would have four limbs so they would actually have legs and four a foot they'd have just kind of a short claw that sort of thing which is exactly what we see with these Eastern dragons long slender ones so you look up an Eastern dragon you're gonna find a lot of images of that if you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant you may have seen their 12 years OD AK they have 11 real creatures that represent 11 years and then they have a dragon which represents another year as well so it goes to show even in these Eastern cultures viewed the dragon is a real creature in fact you can find ancient cookbooks and things like that that actually had various parts of the dragon you cook up at different stews well let's look at the top one here we have John of Damascus he lived in the eighth century so I think 700s John of Damascus wrote a book on dragons and ghosts and really what he was trying to do in here is he's trying to distinguish what were real and what were fictional particularly when it comes to some of the creatures so after describing some of the dragons as large serpents he actually went on to say and I wanted to read this one there is one more kind of dragon those that have a wide head goldish eyes and horny perturbance --is on the back of the head they also had a beard protruding out of the throat this beard is sort of a sari this dragon is sort of a beast like the rest of the animals for it had a beard like a goat and a horn at the back of its head its eyes are big and goldish these dragons can be both big and small all serpents are all serpent kinds are poisonous except Dragons for they do not emit poison so it's just interesting he's talking about this like it's a real creature they're documenting different creatures he views this one as a real creature and yet he gives us a bit of a description you know when it comes to dinosaur bones for example we have no ideas what their eyes looked like in this instance he's talking about the eyes are big in their goldish and he's also pointing out that they do not emit poison so we can actually learn things from these different historical accounts when it comes to talking about dragons and some of the different dragon legends that are out there so we're gonna continue through here and you know this is actually strange to me because every time I'm in the museum it's so full of people and yet because of the coronavirus here we are and it's just empty and it's quiet but I guess that's great for us recording but I want to encourage you when the Creation Museum opens back up come and enjoy these exhibits and have a great time while you're here all right this next one you know what I might stand on the other side over here that might be easier because we got tables we have some stuff set up out here here we're talking about Kircher and Herodotus and both of these guys would talk readily about dragons herodotus is known as the father of history he was an old Greek historian he actually traveled all over the Middle East different places and you know I've quoted him a number of different times but he would talked about the winged serpents that fly from Arabia and a number of ancient commentaries would talk about these they were like a like a snake that would fly and they were very poisonous and they would come in but what's fascinating is the Ibis birds love to encounter them even in mid-flight according to a number of these old commentators and Herodotus is no different these serpents that were like water snakes their wings were not feathered but they had wings like a bat think of a membrane and they would fly and everybody really liked the Ibis birds because they would attack these serpents and I prevent them from getting there and you know apparently putting poison on people and so forth so that was kind of me but I've read that from a number of ancients as well but Herodotus I mean he was he was considered an excellent historian and so you know I mean when you read something like this from someone of this stature it gives a little bit more credence to it I believe I feel like up here Athanasius Kircher he lived in the 1600s and he was a brilliant guy and he wrote some books and talked about different creatures one of the ones that he talks about here of winged dragons dispute has only arisen between authors most of whom declared them to be fanciful basically fictional but these authors are contradicted by the histories and eyewitnesses winged dragons small great and greatest have been produced in all times and in every land now here's why I wanted to point this one out Kircher here in the 1600s this is when we started to see a decline in the dragon legends so as these dragon legends start to reduce about the 1500s all the way through the 1800s we start to see a massive reduction of them a far fewer accounts of actual encounters and I've always wondered is this the time frame is this the phase when a lot of these dinosaur and dragon light creatures were being killed and eliminated from the earth if you think about this time frame this is when people are really starting to get to different parts of the world they were draining swamps a lot of the old accounts had these dragon light creatures living in swamps for living underground so a lot of their habitat was probably destroyed here he's even pointing out that they often lived in what they would call caves and have different layers and things like that so here they'd already started dying out particularly the flying once and so he said you know people are already at that stage starting to say hey maybe some of these flying ones were fanciful or mythological it really wasn't until the 1900s the early 1900s when people started to say dragons were a myth so by that particular time the majority of the dragon legends have really started to drop off we just don't see him anymore and I was in the year 1910 a couple of different encyclopedias mentioned that they thought that dragons were or a myth because they couldn't find him anymore so I guess this idea that they had died out completely escaped him well at any rate let's continue to look at some more right back behind us you'll see a little bit more we have a few displays right here and sometimes people walk right past these as they go through the museum because like I said it's usually really crowded in here people are wanting to go into the museum so they sometimes walk right past these signs but here's a really good question we're dinosaurs dragons now dinosaurs and dragons are not exactly the same thing all the dinosaurs like I said earlier could be considered dragons but not all the dragons are dinosaurs because of their hip structure so I think that's confused a lot of people but I've always wondered when they started digging up dinosaur bones what would have happened if they would have just called them dragon bones would there even be a controversy over the distinction between dinosaurs and Dragons I think they would have been able to easily lump those and so it talks about some of that and a little bit more detail here we have a just kind of a chart of the whole world outlining where some of these different dragon legends come from that we're discussing in here of course there's so many more we've got books on it and you can find old histories and and and so forth all around the world it's really neat reading some of these from the Australian Aborigines or your freedom in South America or Asia or Europe you know when you think of dragons people usually think of medieval Europe or they think of the Far East places like Japan and so forth but really we find these all over the world all right well let's continue right behind us here we have an with the Romans and the Romans we have some old writings there's the number of times that they actually encountered a dragon I don't want to go into too much detail with this but here was one that's a dragon that suddenly crept up behind a Roman army the leaders like kill so they basically took it out and they actually measured it and once they'd skinned it it's and they sent the skin actually back to the Senate it measured at a hundred and twenty feet long and the thickness and his width was about the same by the time they had it skin so we see a number of these you know someone was late as the fourth century AD so I mean we we find these all over the place so cultures all of the world really were encountering dinosaur dragon light creatures now I want you to notice this particular dragon at the end of it was killed and we see this with a number of these in fact you look at most dragon legends around the world most of them ended with a dragon getting killed now think about that you know what happens to a population of dragons these are these are in many instances these were fearful creatures people were scared of them and a lot of times when the fear is bread they've wanted to wipe them out that's just kind of what's happened throughout history so you know what surprised me of mankind was heavily involved in the extinction of these particular dinosaurs and Dragons if you look up above us here you can see another one of these Eastern like dragons you can see it's a long slender this one here's like a snake you don't see any of the legs coming off of this one you know if you flip to the Bible and a lot of times people don't don't just immediately look at the Bible when they're thinking of dinosaurs and Dragons but the Bible in the Old Testament in the King James Version actually talks about dragons over 20 times and if you specifically look at it you know a number of old translations there's a couple of different Hebrew words that were translated as dragon and so you see that throughout the Old Testament but we also see specific creatures and that's what we're seeing here on the left side it's talking about a critter called behemoth and on the right side is talking about a critter called Leviathan now behemoth and Leviathan are both in the book of Job we also see Leviathan mentioned in Psalms and elsewhere in Scripture but behemoth is in job chapter 40 and we got job chapter 41 through excuse me through verse 24 and it gives the description of this creature now this is some sort of a massive creature it has no fear going out into a flooding Jordan River it's compared to a number of other creatures in the general context in job chapter 38 39 40 and 41 so it was clearly a real creature he was made a long side job he eats grass like an ox and yet this is some sort of massive creature the first of the chief of the ways of God one of the things that says here if you see in verse 17 he moves his tail like a cedar now there are some Bible commentaries that footnote this behemoth that say well maybe it was an elephant or maybe it was a hippo now that doesn't seem to make sense a tail that moves like a cedar if you've ever seen a cedar tree move there they're solid they're more you know they might kink a little bit more you got big cedar trees small cedar trees but the point is they're fairly rigid and they're fairly significant tails now if you look at a hippo tail they have hardly a tail you have a little flap of skin that moves back there something like this it's not even remotely close elephants have this little little bitty tail that just kind of flips and flops and it moves around like a weeping willow trying to knock bugs off the back of its back so it's not even close but when you look at the description of this it's actually very similar something like a sauropod dinosaur now am I saying that's exactly what it is I don't know for sure but it really does seem to fit that description if you move over we see a creature call of eyghon in the very next chapter job chapter 41 now this is a water creature so technically it's not a dinosaur but it's still lumped as a dragon in fact Leviathan is called a dragon in Scripture elsewhere this is some sort of fascinating creature this Leviathan because it actually breathed fire and the Bible talks about a handful of creatures that shot fire back in the Book of Isaiah it talks about the fiery flying serpents and if you go back to the books of Moses in Numbers and Deuteronomy it talks about the fiery flying serpents so seeing Leviathan do this and these firing fiery serpents doing it it's not a big deal because this is an all-powerful God we're talking about it's not a problem for him to create creatures like this but the point is when we step back and look at this behemoth Leviathan dragons we do see that these were real creatures living back in the past and apparently they've died out since that time all right let's continue down here we have about three more displays to look at and we're back to st. George we started off with st. George and a st. George is probably one of the most popular dragon slayers he slayed a dragon in North Africa he was a Roman soldier just to give you an idea who he was he was living about AD 300 and he was in North Africa he was going to meet up with his troops and I came across this place where this lady was tied to a stake and she's gonna be eaten by this dragon well come to find out what had happened was this dragon had been terrorizing this pagan village and so they started sacrificing to this dragon to try to appease the gods so they were sacrificing sheep and finally they ran out of sheep so they started sacrificing people and they were casting Lots casting dice basically to see who would get sacrificed well one day they cast a lot and it fell on the king's daughter that happened to be when Saint George came by so here was a princess tied to a stake and she was about to get eaten by this dragon well st. George he went out there he stabbed the dragon he didn't kill it they ended up taking it back to the village where they were able to slay the dragon right in front of everyone to show them that it was just an animal and I was interesting the king had asked George what did he want as a reward he said I only desire that you believe in God and the way the account goes the entire village gave their lives the Lord and we're baptized so it's kind of interesting you never know what your actions may lead to but st. George is a patron saint have quite a few places throughout Europe I've been to Windsor Castle the Queen's home and when you go there there's actually the Chapel of st. George there so you could just goes to show far reach of st. George I've been at gamla stan' the old town of Stockholm Sweden and there's a huge statue of st. George killing the dragon there as well so st. George is probably one of the most popular if not the most popular dragon legend that's out there all right let's look at these next two and I'm gonna sit my mug down here I got some books I'm gonna tell you about here in just a moment but actually while we walk down there I'm going to show you a couple of flags this first flag I mentioned was from the flag of Wales see if I can hold this up for you this is an ancient flag one of the four kingdoms of the United Kingdom and you can see the red dragon there of Wales ancient flying which is fascinating it goes to show their view of dragons but you know different places the old Bavarian flag in southern Germany had a dragon on it the old merci and flag in central England had one now let me show you the eastern dragon and get this one out of the way this is the old flag of China before the founding of the Republic of China back in 1911 so prior to that you had this dragon this was basically the old Chinese flag and you can see how it's the long slender dragon it had the the feet on there and that and the legs but notice how it has five toes it's interesting that in China no one was allowed to have a five toe dragon except for the royal family so it kind of gives you an idea that but yeah once again this is an ancient flag - alright let's look at Beowulf many of you had to read Beowulf when you were in your school days and I had to read it it's actually written in an older English style but its setting was in Scandinavia Beowulf was he was actually from what we would call Sweden today where the Geats were think of Gothenburg that particular area and Beowulf ended up going down to help out some of the Danish Nobles and the king down there because this dragon that they named Grendel kept attacking and killing it was pretty vicious dragon so Beowulf went down there and he ended up attacking this dragon when it came and he ripped its arm off basically pulled it out of the socket and so it was bleeding to death he goes back to its lair will they track it back there and they go into this lair near a swamp and I lo and behold they discover that Grendel has a mother and they'd ever having to kill Grendel's mother as well so he ended up killing those two dragons but what's interesting about Beowulf is later in his life he actually encountered one of those larger fly fiery flying serpents and he ended up killing it but he sustained enough injury that he actually ended up dying as a result of it but Beowulf was mentioned in history we were I know people some historians think they know right where he was buried actually so he was a real person some of these events probably definitely happened have they been embellished a little bit there's there is that possibility but what's interesting is krendl if you look carefully at the description of Grendel given throughout this this epic poem Beowulf it's actually very similar to a creature we have today that we call Baryonyx it's basically a two-legged dinosaur it's got short arms on the top and the two big walking legs on the bottom but the short arms that make sense that you could possibly rip one of those arms off but Baryonyx literally means heavy claw and what that means is it had this big claw right down there on its little arms and Baryonyx has has that claw and the description in Beowulf was very similar to that as well all right let's go over here and look at another one and we hope you guys are having a great time with this you know because we're so busy doing this I have been able to take questions or anything like that but I'm sure kids probably have all sorts of questions and if they have questions hop on the Answers in Genesis website type in your question you'd be surprised how much is already answered on there even on our Answers in Genesis Kids website you can find a lot there too now this is probably one of the most recent dragon accounts and it's probably one of the latest ones that I found with the exception of the Encyclopedia Britannica the 1902 edition which has an entry for sea dragons but this is an 1890 gives you an idea how late some of these dragon accounts went now this is with a flying reptile that was actually killed out west in the desert and what's interesting is a couple of ranchers came across this thing it looked like it was all wore out and they they described it as like an alligator like creature with these gigantic wings and these wings tip to tip actually measured a hundred and sixty feet but they had their guns and they decided they were going to shoot this monster and they shot it they wounded it well it took off well they were able to track it and I they got within shooting distance where they were able to finish it off and a bunch of people from the town came out they actually took measurements of things they actually snipped off the wingtip they actually took a portion of it and sent it back to some of the universities back here in the eastern part of the United States to have it you know so they could just be further study on it because it was such a unique creature but by its description it's something very similar to think of a Pteranodon one of these large flying reptiles had two feet you know down toward its bottom side had some pretty vicious teeth on it as well so it's unique to see that these went as late as the late 1800s by this time a lot of these creatures I would suggest it died out now our dinosaurs and Dragons completely extinct that is a great question for me to say yes I'd have to look everywhere in the entire world of the exact same time and I'm not that good so what I like to do hopefully had a great time with this I want to show you some resources let me grab some of these because I've been involved in writing some of these things and first thing I want to start off with I know this is tough for me to grab is some cards these are actually dragon legend cards and what's neat about these there's there's five copies of each one in here so you can get one and you can trade them with your friends but it talks about some of these legends that we just talked about that are on display here at the Creation Museum one of the books that I was involved in is called dragons legends and lore of dinosaurs Laura Welch and I put this book together and it is a brilliant family book but the artwork is brilliant from bill Looney it's got some of the different flipped tabs that open up talk about some of these different dragon legends petroglyphs some of these counts in history where's the word dragon found in the Bible this book made the top 200 children's books in America when it first came out and hopefully you guys can still hear me I know I got the mic off of me here I also loved this book this is dire dragons this is from Vance Nelson and he has tried to document all sorts of different petroglyphs and drawings and things like that from all over the world of different creatures that are very similar in looking to dinosaurs and dragon light creatures and I'm just giving you a taste of it but this is a beautiful full-color book so I encourage you to consider that's called dire dragons and then the last one I would I want this one for the kids I would say if you're about seven years old on up you would probably love this book and when I say on up I mean it because adults love this book too but the same person who did the illustrations and my dragon legend book he did the illustrations in here beautiful illustrations facts and figures about dinosaurs but it also follows the seven-eighths of dinosaurs and everything has to start with an F right so it's formed fearless fallen flood and it goes through basically chronologically and one of them is talking about when they were faded and then how fiction came in and people start to say that they're a myth so it does talk about these legends from a chronological perspective starting with the Bible as the absolute authority so these are some excellent resources and I really hope that you enjoyed just taking a glimpse of some of these dragon legends this is a taste of what we got here at the Creation Museum I hope you had a great time with that god bless you and I want to encourage you too if this has been a blessing to you consider a donation to the Ministry of Answers in Genesis we survive on donations and at this time with the coronavirus we really appreciate any amount that you could give to us and so we would really appreciate that hop on our website Answers in Genesis org and you can click donate small amounts we really appreciate it big amounts can only help us further while we're going through these particular times but we also hope that you'll be praying for us here at the Ministry of Answers in Genesis thank you and god bless you all
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 20,385
Rating: 4.8350058 out of 5
Id: 5vc-RpDrZYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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