In-depth Explanation of What Caused Noah's Flood - Dr. Kurt Wise

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Okay, we're going to look at the geophysics of the Flood. We're assuming that we've already identified the Flood rocks. What is it that we can learn about the geophysics of the Flood? And the first thing I want to say is that geophysics is a science. “Geo” is referring to the earth. So we’re looking at the motion and activity of the earth, things that are in contradistinction to something like the fossils of the Flood, or the sediments of the Flood, the rocks of the Flood. This is going to look at the dynamics of the Flood. It is a science. As a science, we ought to begin with scripture to determine what we can learn about that particular subject. Similar to other things that we have encountered in the Flood, the Flood account gives us very little to deal with. Although, it's better than fossils, and better than rocks. There are some comments that may actually have geophysical significance. For example in Genesis 7:11, it tells us that on the same day were all the Fountains of the Great Deep broken up. Following that, the passage talks about the Windows of Heaven. It's possible that the breakup of the Fountains of the Great Deep has reference to the breakup of the crust of the earth. And that would be geophysics. There's actually a comment that may have great geophysical significance. You need to consider that. The consequence, apparently, according to that verse, is that whatever that was, it resulted in a Flood or a rising of sea level relative to the land. Such that it went so far as to cover all the mountains of the Earth for a sustained period of time. The whole Flood event was something in excess of a year of time, and the effect of it, the purpose of it in context, was actually to kill all humans and all land animals that were on the earth at the time, except those saved on the Ark. And it's that particular account of the Flood that we’re interested in considering. Again, there's a little bit that we can possibly deduce from that passage. But most of what we're going to have to learn from Flood geophysics is going to have to be from the world and looking at the rocks we think are formed in the Flood so we can infer the nature of things from those rocks. There’s a lot of different places I could begin. I’m going to begin with what I call megaquakes. Big earthquakes. Once we define the rocks we believe to be the Flood rocks, which are what the conventional world would call the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, we have evidence of megaquakes. Big earthquakes. I mean BIG earthquakes! So I wanted to address a little bit of how I even know there are such things as big earthquakes. Let's say you've got some water carrying sand, and it drops out the sand into a layer of sand. If you looked carefully, microscopically, at the sand, you recognize the sand grains are deposited in what you might call a random fashion. There's often pockets in between the sand grains that still contain water. The sand isn't as close-packed as the sand could possibly be. Under almost no circumstances do you actually drop sand down in water in a close-packed fashion? So there's extra space in here with water in between the grains. If that particular sediment is hit with a significant shock wave of some sort, jostled, is shaken, the individual sand particles will in fact go into a close-packed pattern, or at least approach it by moving in that direction. In order to do so, though, it’s got to push the water out from in between the sand grains. And typically, then, the water would go upwards into the sediment above if there's already, for example, layering in that sediment that water that's rising in the sand will deform. The deformation of these what were formerly, let's say, horizontal structures results in what we call fluid avulsion structures. It exhibits itself after earthquakes. One example of a shock wave running through sediment would be an earthquake wave. Here's an example from the Loma Prieta Earthquake, 6.9 on the Richter scale. In the midst of a field, it's shaken up the sand in the soil underneath the surface. It's caused water to rise up to the surface. That water carries with it sand grains from beneath and creates the sand volcanoes, depositing sand on the surface. It’s really strange. If you're involved in an earthquake and see this, it’s pretty cool. Well, geologists think it’s pretty cool. It's really fun to watch. You might like this guy who was standing on a sidewalk in New Zealand who took these pictures. He’s on a sidewalk, and it’s a little jiggly, but you can actually see these sand volcanoes produced right beside the sidewalk, pile over the sidewalk as the person is watching this. If there's a very significant earthquake, releasing a tremendous amount of water into sediments above that which has been settled down, and if there's enough water mixed with the sand, you create a quicksand situation. You liquefy, what we call the liquefaction of the sand in geology. If anything's on top of that sand, like a car, sitting on top of that sand, all of a sudden the car sinks like it's sinking into water. This is because there's so much water relative to the sand being avulsed from the material underneath into sand that it causes the car to collapse beneath the surface. It can also take out the foundations of houses or buildings, even large buildings, that have been built upon the sand. Bad idea! We get that idea from the scripture, don't we? You aren't supposed to do that, but people still do it. It's much cheaper than digging all the way down to bedrock. But if you do set your foundation upon sand, and an earthquake comes along which liquefies that sand from material underneath, the building just dips in just like the car does. You end up with buildings falling over. Very strange, but amazing stuff. Now, the other thing is that you can see these kinds of things in sediments. What I was talking about seeing you can see at the surface, but let's say after the earthquake has come along, you would cut down through the sediment and look at those formally horizontal lines that are now avulsed. You will see that in cross-section. Here's an example in some Dead Sea muds. They’re normally flat-lying, alternating light and dark muds that an earthquake has hit at this particular point up. Well, it's actually throughout this. This is a 3-inch section of the muds before the earthquake disrupted them. It's probably looking very much like this, but water is avulsed from these sediments, deforming them and creating some really interesting structures. These are things observed by Steve Austin in his study of muds around the Dead Sea. In this particular situation, he identified that particular layer as this one here and identifies it with the 31 BC eruption that we're familiar with. There's another layer here that was only three inches thick and can't really be seen in this photograph. The deformation can't be seen at the scale. But here's one here where the deformation actually shows up, and it's about six inches of deformation in mud. So rather than three inches you’ve got six inches. You've just about doubled your deformation. We know that this earthquake is associated with an earthquake at 750 BC. We have a rough estimate of the Richter power of each earthquake based on what we can infer from a variety of sources. We obviously don’t have a direct measure of this. The bigger one, the one with bigger deformation, is in fact a more powerful earthquake. It's about 16 times the power of the smaller earthquake, and it results in just doubling the height, or the amplitude, of the deformation. So we can look at sediments based upon this kind of information from earthquakes we’re familiar with. The biggest earthquakes that we've seen in the present, the 1964 earthquake is the largest one in North America in recorded history since we've had seismometers, produced 11 inches of deformation. It was a big earthquake. 8.4 on the Richter scale. It’s probably 16 times more powerful than this earthquake and it doubled the approximate deformation. We can look at ancient sediments, and we can see deformation that matches the kind of deformation we see in modern earthquakes. That deformation is what we would assign a name called a seismite. A seismite is a sedimentary structure produced by seismic activity by an earthquake. So that's a seismite right there. This is another seismite right here. We should be able to identify seismites in the record. Plus, if we know from the present what kind of power is necessary to produce a given size of deformation, we can use that to estimate the power of ancient earthquakes. So when you find deformation structures that are of this size...and my scale here is sitting in the back of the room. Jeff is nearly six foot. What are you, 6’1 ”? Okay, 6 feet and 1 inch tall. Here's a deformation of a sandstone unit that is one, two, three, four times his size. It’s 24 feet thick. Okay, if the biggest earthquake in recent history since we've had seismometers produces 11 inches, and to double this puppy, you've got to increase the earthquake power 16 times, what kind of power is involved in this? This is a monster earthquake. And there are bigger ones. Okay, we encountered 35-feet, 40-feet of layers of deformation. These are monster earthquakes, but they’re the smaller earthquakes at the end of the Flood. There are bigger ones in the Flood itself. If you look at this aerial photo of a portion of the Grand Canyon, you can see a structure along here which is actually an earthquake fault. If you look into this canyon, and take a look at the wall of the canyon there, with the fault being off just out of view in this image, we’re looking at layers of rock sitting over here that are doing certain things before they get to the fault. They’ve been deformed by the fault. Now for scale, there’s some humans here. You can't see them hardly; this is a pretty big structure. If you follow this particular unit, which is Tapeat Sandstone, for hundreds of miles, it's pretty much as flat as can be. It's normally a flat lying unit. It's only deformed here in response to movement along the fault. We know that this deposit was deposited probably very soon at the beginning of the Flood, probably on the first day of the Flood or so. It's deformed at the end of the Flood. So one year later, it's deformed. And it isn't just bent upwards. If you actually trace the rocks, you’ll see it’s recumbent folded at least three times. It’s hard to trace some of these particular layers sometimes. We have an incredible deformation that is occuring. And the motion along the fault is indicative of at least one mile of motion. So, probably, it may have been from a single earthquake that actually had a mile of motion along this fault. If it wasn't a single earthquake, it was a series of earthquakes over a very short period of time, certainly within months, but probably within days at the most. This is, again, just mind-boggling to think of. The 2004 tsunami that killed a quarter billion people was caused by an earthquake that moved rocks along a thousand mile-long fault. That’s 60 meters. You just moved it 200 feet. That's it. This is in excess of a mile, and the fault is much longer than a mile. This is a very big fault as well. So this is a monster earthquake. There are bigger ones than that, because again, that earthquake is at the end of the Flood. It was probably at the low end of the power of the Flood. Everything I've shown you is the little stuff at the end of the Flood. Here we’re getting further down in the Flood. This is a cross-section of a carbonate. It’s hard to see, I understand, but here the carbonate has been broken apart into pieces. It's been what we call “brecciated. ” So carbonate is something that, once it forms, starts out as lime mud, which is really gooey. But it sets into an extremely brittle rock that’s very difficult to bend. Basically impossible to bend. It tends to fracture if it's forced to bend, and if there's sufficient power given to it, it fractures into a breccia. It breaks into sharp pieces. This is an example of a carbonate unit in the United States that has been brecciated. In fact, there's a series of these carbonate units moving from the southeastern United States, across towards the south of the northwestern United States. There's a series of individual limestone units that are brecciated. If you look at them in that geographic sequence, they don't all date at the same time. They have different radiometric dates that indicate that the brecciation of dolomites and limestones in that sequence started in the southeastern United States and moved across the continent. If you follow the evolutionary, old age scenario, it crossed the continent in 100 million years. There was some sort of deformational wave that went across the continent from the southeastern US to the northwestern US, that deformed shale fairly easily. Shale can be bent and bent back with no trouble. When it hit the limestone units, it brecciated them. But it took 100 million years in radiometric time for this wave to cross the continent. That's the conventional explanation for this. I would say that's absurd. We know of no such deformation that can move so slowly. Anything with an impulse and a relative motion of that magnitude is going to move through rock at about the speed of sound. It's going to move at 534 feet per second, or whatever it is, through that rock. We know of nothing that can deform rocks so slowly, but powerfully! What is that? So if you actually connect these rocks as they do in the conventional literature, and put a proper speed on this puppy, this is a seismic wave that crossed the continent of such magnitude that it took one-foot and two-foot thick limestone units and just scrambled them as it went through. I suspect if you were standing on the ground, it would break every bone in your body. It would move things up so quickly that you would be hitting the ground, and the ground would be hitting you, and it would just smash all the bones in your body. It would be a horrible mess. This is a monster earthquake. It's not just bigger than anything we have in the present, it's not even conceivable. Now, here's another one that is a little older than that at the beginning of the Flood that I think is the biggest earthquake in earth history. We go out to the Kingston range in California. Kingston Peak is the highest peak in that range, and there is a formation of rock named after Kingston Peak found in the Kingston range called the Kingston Peak Formation. That rock is a diamictite. It’s a rock made of two different-sized rock particles. Mostly sand. But mixed in the sand are these rock fragments. Some of them round, some of them angular, thus breccia. That particular unit has some pretty big boulders in it. This is a boulder that is a quarter-mile in diameter. It's hard to see these, no matter how I did this. We took photographs from the plane. It's impossible to see from the ground. There's not much of a difference in color contrast between the matrix and these boulders. Here's a boulder here. Here's a boulder here. Here's a boulder here. Another one. There's another one. There's another one here. Each of these boulders is approximately one mile in diameter. They’re kind of dinner plate-shaped things, 200 meters in thickness, and several of them are actually imbricated. They’re stacked on top of one another in this diamictite. These are monster boulders. I worked in this particular unit for ten field seasons before I had to abandon the project. Towards the end of the project, I was beginning to believe that there's actually much bigger boulders. I had only seen things that were a mile in size, but I believe there's three- to five-mile diameter boulders in the same unit that I started out thinking were the bedrock that hadn't been moving. I began to realize, “ Wait a minute. These aren't actually bedrock pieces. These are boulders inside this deposit. ” The evidence indicates that this is an avalanche deposit. It's in excess of a mile thick, probably closer to 3 to 5 miles thick. It’s a two and a half mile thick avalanche deposit. The evidence is that it fell more than one kilometer because it exploded boulders that you can only do if you drop the rock that far. So we have to have something that could take that much rock and drop it down at least one-quarter mile. There's evidence it was formed underwater. We believe that it's actually due to an earthquake that collapsed the edge of the continent. This is an avalanche that came off the continent. You've got the difference between the continental height and the ocean depth, which is currently about four kilometers. So you've got plenty of vertical distance to explain that. On this map, which is our best reconstruction of what the continents looked like at the time this particular rock was formed is located right here. It turns out that in the same aged rocks all around the world, we find the same avalanche deposits. We find them not only right through Laurentia, which is North America, but right through the middle of Australia, and even right through the middle of South China. When you put the pieces back together, you find them at the edge of the continent all around the world at the time that this was made. Radiometrically, they are dating at identical ages. They are the same age, so this is all occurring at the same time. So we're collapsing the continental margins of the entire world by an earthquake. It's probably an earthquake that cracked along a fault, probably along the edge of the continent, at the speed of sound. There's probably an earthquake that took four to five hours to actually occur. It cracks along the fault kind of like zipping and unzipping a zipper or something like that, just as the 2004 earthquake was that 60-meter motion along 1,000 miles. It actually moved along the fault, cracking the fault along the way. Rather than a really big earthquake taking about 20 seconds, this would have been an earthquake that took four to five hours. In the process, it broke the continental edges around all the continents of the world. That's a monster earthquake, I think the biggest earthquake of earth history. Those are all parts of the Flood. That's part of the geophysics of the Flood. What's the cause? These are monster earthquakes. What causes those things? That's geophysics. But what is it that gives the power to the earthquakes? That's what I want to address. We've looked at megaseismites, those big, big things where Jeff is the scale for. That's the end of the Flood. The little guys. Brecciating crustal waves moving through North America; brecciating the rocks of the continent. That's earlier in the Flood. The global collapse of the continental margins at the beginning of the Flood. We’re looking at a pattern of decreasing power through the Flood, but awesome, unbelievable power throughout. What is causing it? My suspicion is that plate tectonics is the cause of this. Now conventional plate tectonics is an amazing theory in geology that explains an awful lot of features on the present world. It explains the shapes of the continents. It explains geology on opposite sides of the ocean without that matching geology in the oceans. It explains the position of volcanoes, and the chemistry of volcanoes. The location of earthquakes, and the nature of earthquakes. There is a wealth of things that are explained by plate tectonics. It's a very powerful theory to explain a lot, but it does have a few problems. Biblically, it's moving continents at centimeters per year, which is the rate at which your fingernails grow. Much too slow to be accommodated in the midst of a global Flood. But there’s other problems. We can actually measure current continental motion with satellites. Satellites can look at North America and Europe at the same time and can measure the relative motion between the two. And although the motion is very often within that range of centimeters per year, in many cases the motion is going in the opposite direction of where it is supposed to go. In some cases, it's not moving at all. It's a really weird mixture. The direction doesn't make sense. The magnitude average is about right, but something's wrong with the motions. Also the trenches, which are places where subduction is occurring. Where that occurs, if there's debris in between the continent and where the plates are going down, it's going to mess that stuff up. But all the modern trenches are full of sediment that's undeformed as if there is no subduction in those areas. That's just bizarre. We've also got some other things that are interesting. We've got some minerals inside mountain chains that are the result of collision between continents. But the minerals in those mountain chains include high pressure, low temperature minerals. These are minerals that are formed under extremely high pressure, which makes sense. If you bury these things very deeply, they would be buried under a lot of rock and thus be in a high pressure. But if you do that slowly, the way plate tectonics suggest, they'll also heat up to the temperature of the earth at that depth. So you can't have high pressure, low temperature minerals. You would have high pressure, high temperature minerals. So how do you explain high pressure, low temperature minerals? And then there's things like diamonds. We all love diamonds, right? Diamonds are found in a variety called kimberlite. Kimberlite, is this wild rock. That's the best way to describe it. I mean, it's a wild rock! Let's back up a little bit. We know from making diamonds in the industry exactly how diamonds are formed. We can make them! We know precisely the composition, we know the temperatures, and the pressures. You got to have a certain high temperature. It's sort of equivalent to about 10-kilometers of rock piled on top of you. That's how much pressure you have to have. You have to have the right chemistry. It was pure basically pure carbon. And once you've done that, now there's one other ingredient to the recipe of making a diamond. You've gotta quench it just right. The issue is you've got to take it out of that environment. It's under all of that pressure at those high temperatures, and you've got to bring it to atmospheric pressure and temperature in between 5 and 10 hours after you put it at the right temperature and pressure to start with. If you take too long, it simply converts into graphite. You have nothing worth a diamond. If you do it too fast, it's like throwing hot glass into water. It shatters! You have tiny, tiny pieces that you can't do anything with. So there's a very precise range here. You got to take it from 10 kilometers beneath the surface to the surface in five to ten hours. You can't do it slower, you can't do it faster, or you don't get diamonds. So, how do we get diamonds? In conventional plate tectonics, things move much too slowly to get things up to the surface in such times. These and several other things suggest that as amazing as plate tectonics is, something's not quite right. The bottom line is: speed up plate tectonics about three billion times and you got it! Okay, that turns out to be the answer, we think. We got a group of scientists together back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I heard a talk by Russ Humphreys and a talk by John Baumgardner, and I thought, “Whoa! These puppies can be put together! ” So I was with Steve Austin at that conference. I sat down with Steve and I said, “We got to talk with John and Russ, and we ought to be able to put together a Flood model. ” We got together. In time we added Andrew Snelling and Larry Vardiman. The reason we did this is because John Baumgardner is a physicist. Russell Humphreys is a physicist. These guys have their heads in the clouds. They know nothing about reality. John was creating imaginary models. You got to make sure that it corresponds with real rocks. You need to combine these with people who are rockheads. You know, people that got rocks in their heads. Steve is a softrock geologist. Andrew is a hardrock geologist. And I'm a paleontologist. So the idea is, let's bring these physicists out of the clouds. Let's connect them with the real world. There were times when John would say, “This is what's going to happen. ” And I go, “ NO! You just evaporated all the critters on the planet. ” You can't do that. You won't have any fossils. So you gotta ease it back a little bit. And there were times when Andrew would say, “ Oh, wait a minute. That isn't what the volcanic sediments would indicate and so on. ” We added Larry Vardiman who worked on the atmospheric physics and surface of the earth. John basically worked on the mantle of the earth. Russ was modeling the outer core of the earth. So when you put the six of us together, it isn't everything. It doesn’t cover the whole spectrum. But it covers most of the fields of geology and physics that would be necessary to put together a Flood model. It wasn't just a random group. It wasn't just a group interested in the project. We specifically put together people who could potentially at least be capable of creating such a model. And ultimately, the model looks very similar to a proposal made in the 19th century by Antonio Snider, a person who had an idea about the origin of the Earth, but couldn't get his publication published in the United States. He ultimately only got it published in France. “ La Création et ses mystères dévoilés,” or “Creation and it’s Unveiled Mysteries, ” was the title of his publication. Amazingly, he actually draws out, in 1859, the continents in a position that might be familiar to all of you: the Pangaea reconstruction of continents, with South America tucked into Africa, and North America into Europe, and so on. But this is unheard of in the 19th century. This is crazy. In the course of his book, he says that these things separated in the Flood. So he's suggesting that somehow, in a single year, the continents moved apart from the pre-Flood configuration, which was what he suggests was the case over here, to the modern formation. Basically, this kind of summarizes our model. We're moving plates around on the surface of the earth about three billion times faster than the conventional model says it actually did occur. In our model, we start with an earth that is very much like, in large part, like the way it is now. The current earth has a core mantle and crust. The inner core of the earth is presumed to be a solid iron nickel core. We know the composition because of the total mass of the earth, which we can calculate because of its gravitational effects on other things. We know it's total mass. We know the type of material that's out here in the outer portion of the Earth. But if you project that material all the way to the center, the earth ain't heavy enough. So you've got to put stuff in the center of the earth that is much more dense. Based upon meteorites that have one set of compositions that is iron nickel, another set of compositions that is similar to the mantle of the earth, and another set that's similar to the composition of the crust of the earth. Approximately 80% of the meteorites have a mantle composition, approximately 20% have an iron nickel composition, and a very, very small, almost insignificant, percentage of them have a composition similar to the crust of the earth. After getting the size of this from seismic waves, we then project that iron nickel composition onto the center of the earth, and it gives us the right mass total for the earth. So we presume that there's an iron nickel inner core and outer core. We separate these two because certain types of earthquake waves go through both cores without any trouble whatsoever. Compressional waves, waves that move move the material forward and back can go right through the outer and inner core with no difficulty. But transverse waves, waves that move material laterally, and thus rely on shear forces, do not go through the outer core. This suggests that the outer core is in fact liquid. We estimate its viscosity to be the viscosity of water. It's a very thin liquid, but it's iron nickel. Then there are compressional waves that go through the outer core, get transferred into transverse waves through the inner core and back to compressional waves through the outer course. It's complicated because each time it deflects the pattern a little bit. We know from the shadow of waves on the other side that there's an inner core that's actually solid in the midst of that liquid core. That's about half of the radius of the earth, but collectively only 20% of the total volume of the earth is occupied by the core. 80% of the volume of the earth is mantle with a different composition. It's a silicate mineral that dominates in the mantle. It is a mineral that at the pressures and temperatures that would be indicated here. The mantle can behave somewhat plastically. It's not exact. It's not brittle. It can be deformed in ways that the crust cannot be. I don't even show the crust on here because it wouldn’t even show up compared to the rest of the earth. It’s so thin. The crust is just a scum on the outside of the earth that we are very thankful exists. Because if the scum weren't there, we would be boiled alive and all that sort of thing. At this scale, it's something you could ignore. That crust is in two types on the surface of the earth. There is something we call continental crust because it underlies most of the continents that we have today. There’s another type of crust known as oceanic crust because it underlies most of the oceans. The oceanic crust is five to eight kilometers thick. The continental crust is about 35 kilometers thick in places. Underneath the Himalayas it gets up to 370 kilometers thick, but usually on the average it's about 35 kilometers thick. It’s much thicker than the oceanic crust, but the difference between these two is in the composition. The oceanic crust has a density greater than that of the continental crust. Because of the greater density, it sinks. It floats lower on the mantle, like a denser wood would float deeper in water than a lighter wood would float in the water. Because the density of continental crust is less than the density of the oceanic crust, if you ignored the water on the earth, you would have these deep basins where the oceanic crust was. There would be highlands where the continents are. We have oceans that fill most of the basins, and that's why we have oceans where we have them. It's caused by this relative density of continental and oceanic crust. Here you can see this is in polar view. These shallow areas of ocean, shown by light blue, are all part of the continental crust. Geologists look at continents as being a little bigger than the shoreline. You follow them out to a break, an edge, which is only 135 meters below sea level. At that break it then drops off into an ocean that is four-and-a-half kilometers deep on the average. So there's quite a drop off there into deep ocean. In our model, what in fact initiates the Flood? We've got this verse that says “the same day were all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. ” It suggests, perhaps, that the crust of the surface of the Earth was broken in some way. This is what we think was the case just before the Flood began. Not only was the oceanic crust denser than the continental crust, but we believe the oceanic crust was a little different than the present oceanic crust in that it was colder. Let's say it was normal temperature. A lot of our current oceanic crust is actually kind of warm, having been actually recently produced. It is still warm from having been made from the hot material of the mantle. But we presume that just as the Flood began, all the ocean crust was cold. Now, what's interesting about the present oceanic crust, where it is cold, the oceanic crust is actually denser than the mantle underneath it. So if we presume that that was the case for the pre-Flood condition, that would mean the entire ocean crust was actually denser than the material underneath it. That's an unstable condition. We suspect that wasn't the condition from the beginning. We suspect that probably something happened at the Fall that created that inversion of density. The upper mantle was stronger in the pre-Fall world, and maybe it was the buildup of heat from radioactive decay between the Fall and the Flood. We don't know, but we suspect that in the original creation of the world, there was not this unstable condition. But at the beginning of the Flood, we basically had perhaps 70% of the Earth's surface that was floating on top of stuff less dense. There's denser material floating atop less dense material. You can take a sheet of aluminum and put it on water, if you're really careful. Now as soon as you let the edge of that aluminum slide under the water, man, that puppy goes down! But you can maintain that condition for some time, and we suspect that that was the condition just at the beginning of the Flood. What then dipped the tip of the crust into the Earth? What started it all? We don't know. The answer is unknown. Could it be a terrestrial cause? Again, could it be buildup of radiometric heat energy that kept increasing that difference in density to where it just couldn't handle it anymore and just collapsed? Could it be that something came in from the outside and pushed the edge down someplace, or pushed the middle down someplace? Could it be a meteor or comet that hit it? These are things that we don't know. John Baumgardner made an interesting suggestion that we all thought was kind of funny. It was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Actually, I think he was serious. I don’t know. We weren’t sure if he was tongue-in-cheek or not, but he said he thought it was so close to breaking on its own, that it was God slamming the door of the Ark that was the last straw that caused the whole thing to occur. It's aesthetically pleasing. I kind of like that idea. It may not be true in the end. It could just be the finger of God. He just said, “ Okay, that's enough. ” Boom! And that's all she wrote. I don't know. We just don't know about that. We still don't know about that. But what happened in our model is that three things occurred simultaneously. I can't hardly talk about one thing at a time, so I can't talk about three things at a time. But these three things: subduction, mantle wide flow and the rising all have to happen at the same time. I'm going to speak of them in sequence of three, but you have to keep in mind that they're all simultaneous. The first one I'm going to talk about is subduction. Subduction is the idea that the ocean crust began diving into that mantle. The ocean crust, which is denser the mantle, had that opportunity to dive in. Once it did, it did! That's called subduction. The model at this point is based upon John Baumgardeners modeling of the interior of the earth. What John did for his PhD dissertation, is he modeled the mantle of the earth with what is basically a finite element analysis modeling. You know, you can only do so many experiments with materials. But you can create computer models that simulate those materials, at least if you describe the materials properly and put the proper information into the computer and build a bridge with it. You can put stresses on the bridge (in the computer program) and see if the bridge holds up rather than build an experimental bridge and then see if it holds up. If you did this right, you could actually design a bridge, before you built it, that would actually stand up. That's the idea of finite element analysis in material science. He was wanting to do that same sort of thing to the mantle of the earth. Now, here’s what he's going to do here. Plate tectonics had already proposed that what was happening was that plates sank into the mantle, and that the mantle moved out of the way in a circular fashion. This created a circular motion in the mantle, or a flattened circle motion in the mantle. This sort of simple motion can be seen if you put a pan of water on the stove and turn on the heat. You can begin to see the water circulate in that pan. That's what we're talking about. The mantle is circulating in that fashion. That has been modeled two-dimensionally. You can take a two dimensional cross section, and the mathematics for modeling that is fairly easy. But John was wanting to model this three-dimensionally on a spherical earth. That hadn’t been done. That was a lot of mathematics, and in fact it couldn’t be done without supercomputers. He was kind of early on in the revolution of supercomputers that he could model the mantle of the earth three-dimensionally. So the idea was to divide the mantle into a bunch of little boxes. Here he divides the mantle first into these shapes, and then smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and smaller. He gets to a point where ultimately he has divided the mantle into what’s, at this point, an early version of his model. Something in excess of 100,000 little boxes. Once that’s done, in later versions, you could make your pixels smaller by making more boxes. But of course, it’s harder on the computer. It takes longer on the computer. It crashes your computer. But his early model was approximately a hundred thousand boxes. In each box, he has the computer solve a few simple initial partial differential equations. These three equations are real simple equations, as you can see. The basic idea is very simple. Here's your box. What comes in has got to come out. And that means what temperature, what heat comes in, has got to go out. What linear momentum comes in has got to come out. What rotational momentum hit comes in has got to come out. It's more or less as simple as that. It's basically saying that once you've divided your whole mantle into all these pieces, you're studying the motions in the mantle, and you just can't keep packing matter into this little box. The matter going in has got to come out somewhere. So he's got to do this in each box, simultaneously, over the entire mantle and a hundred thousand boxes all at the same time. This is where it becomes, you know, impossible for the human mind or simple mathematics. It's where you need the supercomputer to do the project. Here's an example of a supercomputer that he used relatively early on. He first had Cray computers as they were being developed. Then he got to where he used this particular computer in Japan. I mean, this isn't a day when, you know, we're making computers out of our watches and that sort of thing. We still have computers on this planet that fill rooms! They are monstrously fast computers, of course, you could imagine. These are the kinds of things he was using. Now keep in mind, and this is important to understand, his computer model is so complex and so difficult that it crashed the world's fastest computers. He could only simulate 60 days of real time. He crashes the computers in a half hour in every case. Now, it's been a long time since he started this in the 80’s. We've gotten faster computers. But he’s creating software. He wants things to get better and better, right? So about the time they come up with a faster computer, he's put more boxes in there. Over time, he continues to crash the world's fastest computers in a half hour, and he's never broken the 60-day boundary. He can't simulate more than 60 days of time. Out of a 360-day year isn't bad. 16% or 17%. It’s not the whole Flood. This is just the beginning of the story, or maybe the middle of the story. It's just a little part of the story. But it gives us hints as to what might actually have occurred in the course of the Flood. Here is basically what happens in the model. This is a two-dimensional picture of a cross section of the mantle. He's doing it in three dimensions, but you can't see that. So we're just going to take a two dimensional cut through the mantle. This is the base of the mantle. The core would be down here. The crust is up there at the top. The red represents the initial temperature of the mantle at various places. The red down here is not the same temperature as the red up there. The red down here is the temperature of the base of the mantle normally, at the beginning of the simulation. The red up there is the temperature of the mantle at the beginning of the simulation. In other words, here it's close to zero degrees centigrade. Down here about 1,400 degrees centigrade. Here it's about 3,000 degrees centigrade. The red represents the initial temperature. And now what he does is he has a slab on the surface dipped down into the mantle. He is going to see what happens to the slab. Here's a slab being represented. It's cold relative to the temperature of the mantle. As it goes down into the mantle, it's got to displace the mantle. You have you have arrows indicating how the mantle is moving in order for the stuff to go down into the mantle. As it does so, the mantle moves along the side, or the plate slides through the mantle. There is frictional heat that is built up along the sides of the plate. This is a pretty big resolution. It is about 200 kilometers, which is much bigger than the plate really is, but that's the resolution he had initially. It’s going to move the mantle material away as it dips down. It deforms the mantle. If you take a rubber ball and squeeze it and deform it, it'll warm up. So deformation of the mantle also heats the mantle. It heats both the mantle and the dropping slab. The key here though is that the material of the mantle, and the material of the slab, the viscosity of the mantle is inversely proportional to the temperature to the fourth power. That's really cool! What that means is if you double the temperature, it drops the viscosity to 1/16th the viscosity it had before. So the more you heat it up, the more the more runny the the mantle gets. As the slab goes into the mantle and heats up the mantle around it, and deforms the mantle, thus also heating the mantle, the mantle immediately around the slab gets runnier. This causes the slab to increase its speed. Increasing its speed heats it up even more. It accelerates. In his model, the slab accelerates up to about a meter per second or several meters per second. Unlike conventional plate tectonics suggested, where it's only moving at centimeters per year, his slabs are sinking at meters per second. So rather than continents moving at the rate your fingernails grow, they’re moving about as fast as you can run. This is not continental drift. This is continental sprint. Attached to the other end of that slab that's being pulled into the mantle by its own buoyancy is a continent that's pulled along the surface as fast as the other end of the slab is being pulled into the mantle. It stretches and heats up. You can see the heating on the colors here. Looking now at a cross section across the entire mantle, this is some 20 or 30 days into a simulation. When making these various illustrations, John kept changing colors. It's really confusing. In this particular case, green is the original temperature. It's kind of nice because green is in the middle, right? Anything that is going towards the red is increasing the temperature. Anything that goes towards the blue is decreasing the temperature. In other words, some time after the simulation, it went from green to blue. This area cooled. This area heated up. Here we got arrows to indicate motion. Here is a slab. It's moving along the surface and diving into the mantle. Because the slab is cooler, it is showing up as a cooling of the mantle. This is where the subduction is occuring. And it's occurring over here on the opposite side of the world. Subduction is cooling the mantle. There it is showing up on a simulation, in two places on opposite sides of the world. After playing around with a number of continental configurations, John settled on this continental configuration to start with. I know this is confusing. There is a thin dark line around the current positions of the continents. So right here is South America, North America, current positions. Africa, current position. Asia, current position. Australia, Antarctica. But we know from the geologic column that there was a time when the continents were together, called the Pangea configuration. He's starting with a Pangaea configuration. So he's got South America tucked up against Africa. India is tucked in there with Antarctica here, and Australia here. North America is tucked against Africa and Europe. That's the Pangaea configuration. What John did is had subduction go along the blue here. This is where subduction is occurring in his model. When he allows subduction to occur in those particular places, what happens is that in time, the continents move apart from one another as we think they did based upon geological data. This is really cool, okay? No one had ever created any sort of model that moved the continents in the right direction. Let’s take a look at this. Here we have 15 days into the Flood since the beginning of the simulation. North America has split away from Africa and it is heating up there between the two because hot material from the mantle is coming up. That's another part of the story. It's occurring at the same time. Here are the direction arrows for North America. Here's the current position of North America. Here's the position in the simulation. The arrows are heading in the right direction! You're heading right straight towards the current position of North America, and it's cool! Okay? Here's Australia over here in its current position, here it is in the simulation. Here's the direction the arrows are going: right straight towards the current position of Australia. This is cool! Here is Antarctica. I mean this was so exciting to everyone! This was just mind-blowing. Here's Antarctica. Here's the present position of Antarctica. Arrows are going straight south. That's where Antarctica is, right? This is cool! Everything is going just exactly the right direction...except for one little interesting thing. Here's the current position of South America. The arrows are going this way. That seems to be the one thing that's not going in the right direction. But alas, if you know geology you get really excited, because we know from geology that the last motion of South America was straight to the north to slam into North America and close the Panama Canal. So the real direction South America took was to go south and then swing to the north. Here we have the southern motion. John was excited about it. Everybody was excited about it. But what I got really excited about is as the simulation progresses, the length of the arrow indicates the speed. So little arrows indicate things that are moving slowly. Long arrows indicate things that are moving more rapidly. As this progresses, India gets really long arrows. It almost doubles all the other arrows. I looked at that and said, “That's incredible! ” We know that India moved faster than every other continent, and it slams into southern Asia, raising the Himalayan Mountains. I mean, it's spectacular stuff! It didn't just move the continents in the right direction. It moved in with the right relative velocities. Mind-bogglingly amazing! This is cool! Okay, this is 15 days into the Flood. 20 days into the Flood, it’s moved this far apart. Now what's also cool about this period of time when John is actually publishing this in the secular literature, is he would publish these diagrams in black and white (they weren't as pretty as this) in the technical publications. Off to the side over here, and I blocked it out because it's all messy, you've got all sorts of information there. Lots of numbers. And included there was the time: it would be, in this case, 2.5 times 10 to the first days into the simulation. It’s right there, and it's in the publication. It tells you how long it's been since the beginning of the simulation. It would be published in the article with this caption underneath it, with this stuff all here. It says, “Here's the position of the continents 25 million years after the separation began. ” I mean, if you look carefully at the publication, it's right there. You can't do this slowly. It doesn't work slowly. It stops completely. It don't go nowhere! I mean, it accelerates at this speed or it doesn't do anything. This was exciting to the world, but they had to modify it just a little bit. They slowed it down a lot, about three billion times to make it work. The opening of the Atlantic is seen here in the Arctic Ocean. Here you see Australia moving away from Antarctica. Antarctica is swinging into the current southern position. Amazing cool stuff. But that wasn't the only part that was cool. Here is his simulation. What he's doing here is he's looking at a sphere inside the mantle at. I believe this was 250 kilometers beneath the surface. Something like that. There's an ocean slab which is diving underneath North America. So he's looking at where in his simulation that slab is located on that sphere. So basically it has dived underneath North America, and here's where the slab is located in his simulation. Seismic tomography was developed later. It was developed about a decade after he began this work. Seismic tomography was this amazing process where scientists at one location with a computer take seismic information from seismometers all around the world, collect the information and watch how seismic waves went through the mantle. In that process, they begin to get an idea where in the mantle where the waves slow down, for example, where it's cooler. And they began to get a picture of the inside of the mantle, places which are cool. Seismic tomography, which came out years later, located the actual position of the Farallon plate. The plate that is diving underneath North America in the simulation here. The actual position of the plate is here and the simulation put it here. Whoa! Not only does he have the horizontal motion, but he's got the right vertical position for these slabs. That's awesome! Okay? Cool stuff. Maybe even right? You know? It almost might be. That having been said, when I first saw his subduction zones, like in North America, he's putting a subduction zone along western North America. There ain't no evidence for that, put it that way, in the conventional wisdom. If you have subduction, there is geological evidence of that subduction. But there's no such evidence of that subduction in western North America. So my first response to this crazy idea of having subduction over there is, “You’ve gotta be kidding! That can't be true! ” But Steve Austin and I spent a decade looking at the rocks out there. And we came to conclude that the best way to understand those rocks is that a continent that had an edge out there. What is now California wasn’t there at the time. California is nothing but a bunch of debris that was torn off the continent and dumped out there. So yeah, California is just a bunch of junk. More or less, along the eastern border of California, was the old edge of the continent. Our understanding of the rocks leads us to a reconstruction of the edge of the continent, such as this, and then a collapse of the continental margin there. This is very consistent with the idea of subduction breaking the plate that was sitting there. It broke off of the continent and began subducting. That would explain the rocks we see in this area. So I came in here believing there's no evidence for subduction. I'm going to go show them wrong. And alas, we find amazing evidence of an astonishing earthquake that in fact cracked the entire surface of the earth, along 50,000 miles, and collapsed the margins of all of the continents of the earth. So there's actually physical evidence for him putting this subduction where people wouldn't have expected. And as a consequence, well, I'm going to skip through this. These are the rocks that formed as a result of that collapse of the margin, including humongous boulders that ended up in that avalanche deposit off the edge of the continent. This is the study area we were at. We find the collapse evidences all around the world on the edge of the continent as it would be constructed at the time of the beginning of the Flood. There seems to be good reason to believe that, in fact, the edges of the continent of the world collapsed at the beginning of the Flood caused by an earthquake that is very reasonably explained by the the ocean crust of the world beginning to subduct underneath the continents, or suddenly beginning the subduction underneath the continents. Amazing. Astonishing. A global collapse of continental margins that actually make sense in the light of this model. That also brings to mind the possibility that the evidence we had for the global collapse here was a diamictite of a particular kind of a rock known as diamictite. That’s not the only place where we find diamictite. We find two other times, big scale, in the Flood sediments. So this suggests that this accelerated plate tectonics might not only explain diamictites here, but also explain the diamictites in these other positions. We have sufficient power in this mechanism with continents moving at such an incredible rate that earthquakes are generated of unimaginable magnitude that it would explain whole scale, worldwide collapses of geologic structures and the production of diamictites worldwide. It would also have sufficient power to, in fact, create deformational waves that go through continents. Sufficient to brecciate dolomites and carbonates. There is no other mechanism we know of that has enough power to actually make breccias of carbonate, but this has sufficient power to do so. In addition, we have the megaseismites that we know of at the top of the column. They're probably throughout the column. We've only begun to look for them and find them. But again, we have in this accelerated plate tectonics, which is three billion times faster than present tectonics, we have sufficient power in earthquakes to explain the features that we find in the geologic column. In addition, we have some other observations in the geologic column that become explainable for the first time with this kind of a mechanism. We have something called low-angle detachment faults. By these we mean faults that are almost horizontal. I mean, they're less than two degrees. A two-degree slope. We've got huge rock piles moving along these faults. How do you get something to go down such a low angle when you're talking about a rock? Not just a rock, a mountain. Hundreds to thousands of feet of rock moving down such a mild slope. It's not going to be doing it by any mechanism we have in the present. But the earthquakes generated by this process would create a continuous vibration which has sufficient energy to actually vibrate rocks down low slopes. And in fact, we've got evidence of detachments that occur very quickly. They're hit by major impulses, and then the rocks hydroplane down these surfaces. It's astonishing stuff not explainable with conventional motion of rocks, but is fully explainable with this mechanism we're talking about here. So the subduction that is hypothesized in Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, what we came to call CPT catastrophic plate tectonics (I wanted to call it catastro-tectonics) in fact involves the first of three things that are happening simultaneously. The first is rapid subduction that results in, as we've seen, at least via computer models, continental motion in exactly the right direction and exactly the right relative velocity. And there's further advantages to this. In those plates that are moving across the surface, pulled by the subducting plates, we have continents now moving horizontally across the surface of the earth. Those continents can, and do, collide with other continents. They collide with a certain momentum, which is a function, of course, of the velocity of the continent times the mass of the continent. Let's consider, for example, India which left behind Africa on the one side, Australia on another, and Antarctica on another, scrammed to the north and slammed into the southern portion of Asia. It took 500 kilometers of Asia, broke it off, and pushed it underneath the Asian continent. And then it continued smashing into the continent to raise the highest mountain chain in the world, crumpling that continent at the impact. What kind of momentum is necessary to break off 500 kilometers by thousand kilometers by 50... What is that? 500,000 square kilometers of rock. 35 kilometers deep. Break off a piece like that and shove it underneath the continent in front of it. And then continue smashing into the continent to raise mountains 26,000 feet above sea level. Now I know India weighs a lot, but moving at a whopping 10 centimeters per year. It doesn't seem to have enough momentum to do what I just described. However, moving at 10 meters per second, the mass of India has sufficient momentum to in fact raise those kind of mountains. The mountains, the fold belts, we see in the record are formed by massive collisions that, simply put, at conventional rates, there is no way the continents have sufficient momentum to raise the mountains like that. But this particular model gives them sufficient momentum to do that. In addition, that collision is now producing lateral compressional forces that are amazing. It is not burying these rocks to great depth over time, and thus they have time to heat up. It is simply compressing the rocks and putting them under extremely high pressure before they have time to respond with increased heat. Under those circumstances, we’re creating high pressure, low temperature minerals that cannot be explained in the conventional model, but are automatically a result of this particular model. We have horizontal compressive forces sufficient to explain high pressure, low temperature minerals, which are only found in the fold belts of the earth. That's pretty amazing stuff. That is just cool stuff. You don't look like you're amazed. But anyway, you ought to be, okay? This probably would be best if I had some sort of visual that shows this. You can see a car colliding with another car in slow motion. Go to those, you know, the test dummy things and watch all of that sort of thing. Watch what happens to the metal of the car at the point of collision. Very interesting. Different regimes in the collision behave differently. Part of the metal bends in a recumbent fold setting. Other portions of the metal break catastrophically and are run over the top in what we would call a thrust fault in geology. And in fact, if you look at a collision between two cars, you have regimes of different types of deformation that reflect the kind of deformation that we see in mountain belts. You don't just have rocks that are folded at the collision of mountains. You have rocks that are folded, and then on the far side of them you have rocks that break and are thrust over the top of other rocks on the forward end of this collision in exactly the same way we see in collisions now. The thing is, collisions are our high impulse. They're very high energy over short periods of time, and they produce that kind of a response. And when we do this in the lab, we can reproduce features that we see in the field by taking rocks and smashing them together, pushing them together. Here's a problem: when you move them when you collide these rocks at that massive speed of 10 centimeters per year they don't behave that way. They don't break in the way, they don't bend in the way that is actually seen in the field. But if you do it at high velocity, or high momentum especially, the rocks deform in the proper way, including the thrust faulting that occurs on the on the forward side of the collision. We have thrusting where rocks are pushed over the top of other rocks at extremely low angles. REALLY low angles. Basically, if you do this slowly, it breaks and turns at a high angle. The faster you go, the more the two things slide over the top of each other at a lower angle. We’re almost in one of those low angle thrusts we see in front of fold belts in this location in Tennessee. We’re a little bit west of the forward end of the collision belt for the Appalachians. The last fault is... I'd say it's probably 50 miles to the east of us. The last thrust fault. So we have evidence of this stuff here in Tennessee. The low angle thrust faulting found in the Alps, and found in the Himalayan mountains, and here in the Appalachians is explained by rapid motion provided in this model, but not by conventional model. Okay. That's the first thing that's happening. Simultaneously with subduction, we also have something we call mantle wide flow, which is to say that as the crustal plates are subducting there's material having to move in the mantle to take its place. It's got to move out of the way so that the crust can come in. It moves throughout the mantle and arises at another location. According to John’s model, this subduction goes all the way to the core-mantle boundary. Now, this is really important as a distinction from the conventional understanding. In conventional understanding, when I learned plate tectonics, for example, it was thought that plate tectonics was restricted to the upper seven hundred and sixty-kilometers of the earth's mantle. The reason for that was very obvious. Very clear. Earthquakes are places where rocks move against other rocks. We can determine the position of earthquakes not just laterally on the surface, but we can actually determine their depth. If we have enough seismometers we're getting seismic waves from, we can determine the position, or triangulate, the position of the earthquake even vertically in the earth. We can actually watch the earthquakes under the subducting slab. We can see the earthquakes in the earth get deeper, and deeper, and deeper as the slab gets deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Not only that, but we have the ability to differentiate between an earthquake that's caused by compressional motion to rocks moving against one another, towards each other, or rocks that are being stretched apart, or rocks that are being moved side-by-side. These are called earthquake mechanisms. Again, with multiple seismometers, determining what of several types of waves are shot out by the earthquake simultaneously. Some are compressional waves, some are lateral waves, some are surface waves. The multiple waves run at different speeds and will arrive at the seismometers at different times. And when you have enough of these you can determine, “ Ah, that's a compressional earthquake. ” You cannot only locate its position geographically, as in its latitude and longitude, but its depth and whether it's compressional or extensional. So we can tell that these are all compressional earthquakes in the slab as it's moving down. And that's fine as long as the earthquakes are less than 670 kilometers beneath the earth's surface. But something happens at 670. We have no earthquakes beneath 670 kilometers, number one. Number two, the slabs that have earthquakes at 670 kilometers are compressional... I’m sorry, I said that wrong. The earthquakes that we find inside the slab are extensional earthquakes. The slab is being pulled. It’s being stretched into the mantle. And that is true to 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, or 670 kilometers. All the earthquakes in the entire plate become compressional. We don't have any earthquakes deeper than that. So what it appears is that plates are being pulled down and pulled down, and there's a wall at 670. They hit the wall and it compresses the entire plate. They can't go any further. And that's true of all the modern plates. So it was generally assumed that there's a barrier beyond which subduction cannot occur. It was thought that the mantle only circulated in that upper 670 kilometers, and that's what I was taught when I went through school because, I mean, the evidence is obvious. But when John ran his model that moved the continents in the right direction up here, the plates were moving with sufficient momentum that they actually punctured whatever that boundary is. We know that there is a boundary at 670. That's a place where the density of the earth is such that the major mineral in the mantle, which is olivine, actually assumes a different configuration and becomes more dense. So the density of the mantle has a step up at 670 kilometers. So there is sort of a wall. It's a thicker place, if you wish, at that point in the mantle. But in John's simulation, the plates are moving apparently with sufficient velocity or momentum that they actually puncture right through the 670 barrier. Mantle wide flow is initiated. Now when his model was done and this was proposed, this was out of this atmosphere kind of craziness because it’s clear that subduction doesn’t go below that point. But his model had mantle wide flow, and you can see it here again in the same diagram I had before. The arrows indicate that not only do we have the cooling in the subduction zones, but you've got arrows in the entire mantle. Its motion in the entire mantle. The whole mantle is actually overturning too in this process. And here you see what's happening. This is really cool stuff. I'll back that up in case you didn't catch that. You start with cool stuff at the top, hot stuff at the bottom. And then what happens in… Wait, I’ll back it up one more time... There we go. Okay. See you've got material sinking into the mantle, hitting the base of the mantle, then moving laterally, and then rising. We haven't got to that. That's the third thing that's happening at the same time. But this is flow in the entire mantle that's occurring as a consequence of his model. Now at the time he made this initial... I'm going to say prediction because this model said that there should be mantle wide flow, but everyone said, “ No, it can’t be. It can’t be, ” and we had no way to test this idea. It was just a crazy idea that seemed to be counter to the evidence that we had. John began developing this stuff and made his prediction in the 1980’s. By 1990, they had developed a method called seismic tomography which allowed them to look into the mantle, sort of like a sonogram. It’s like if you would take a sonogram to look at a child in the womb or something like that. It's the same kind of idea. It's using earthquake waves to bounce off of things and get a picture. Pictures of babies have gotten a lot better with technology. I remember when we got them when I was younger, when my kids were like, “ What? That don't look like nothing. That looks like nothing at all. Are you kidding me? ” Now, we got these crazy things. “ My word, there's the kid’s arm and they're sucking their thumb. Oh my word, that's amazing! ” The same thing happened in looking at the interior of the earth. Initially, we're getting very fuzzy pictures of just the very shallow portion of the mantle. But as time went on the technique improved and we began to see more clearly, more deeply. And it was really fun to watch it during the early 1990s, because they were reaching further and further in. 100 or 200 kilometers into the earth. It was very exciting because they could see the cold material underneath the subduction zones, just where they're supposed to be. Very exciting. They go 200 kilometers. It's still there. Good. This is perfect. 300, 400, 500, 600, they're going all the way down and it's beautiful. The cold stuff goes right down beneath the subduction zones. They go to 700 kilometers, 800 kilometers, and it keeps on going. And all of a sudden the party kind of settles down a little bit. It's like, well, what's going on? Let's adjust, you know, something must be wrong. But alas, the cold zones went right through the increased viscosity zone and kept on going. Now it took until late in the 1990s to get all the way to the core mantle boundary, but it was traceable all the way down. Mind-blowing. Okay now, another thought. If, in fact, John's model is correct and reflects something about reality that occurred during the Flood, and if these cold slabs are dropping at meters per second, they've got 3,000 kilometers to go to get to the core/mantle boundary. It's going to take a while, Okay? Meanwhile, the mantle is really hot. It's going to be melting them. How long is it going to take? Well, a five to eight kilometer-thick slab will take approximately 10 million years, maybe even as much as 100 million years to melt away. So in a Flood model, where it's dropping at meters per second and getting there in a few weeks or months, it hasn't melted away. In fact, it's only 4500 years ago. So they should still be there. Right? So in this model, these cold plates are starting out at the temperature of ocean water. Let's say it's close enough to zero degrees centigrade. They're dropping into the mantle all the way down to the base where it’s 3,000 degrees centigrade temperature. You're going to pile these things up. They can't go into the core because, of course, iron nickel is much, much denser. So it’s just going to pile up down, theoretically, into a pile of cold stuff. That's 3,000 degrees temperature difference than the hot stuff, the normal stuff, in the mantle. Now that we might actually be able to tell that. You may be able to discern where that stuff is. So as seismic tomography got further and further down into the mantle, we're beginning to think, “ Hey, they can test another prediction of the model, which is that there's a pile of cold stuff at the base of the mantle that is 3000 degrees colder than the normal temperature of the core/mantle boundary. ” And here's a picture of the interior of the Earth, with cold zones in the earth and hot zones in the earth. Then 240 kilometers above the core/mantle boundary, we have temperature variations which exceed 3,000 degrees as reported in 1997. If things are going at normal rates, it's going to take much longer for these plates to get down to the core/mantle boundary than it takes for them to melt. So they would be gone. There should be no cold stuff at the core/mantle boundary if things go slow. It's only going to be there if things go as fast as this model predicted. What we have is temperature differences at the core/mantle boundary in excess of 3,000 degrees. Amazing prediction. Pretty cool stuff. Again, might even make it right. I don’t know, maybe. Now, setting John Baumgardner’s work aside for a moment, in walks Russell Humphreys. If we have this situation, think of the core. Let's ignore the mantle for a moment. Let's think of the outer core of the earth. It's liquid. The upper boundary of that outer core is this thing that is showing all these temperature differences. The normal temperature of the outer portion of the outer core would be 3,000 degrees. But alas, all of a sudden one day shows up cold stuff. It’s 3000 degree temperature cooler. Remember, the outer core has got a viscosity about that of water. So this is kind of analogous to having a pot on your stove that has a water like substance. Liquid water couldn’t exist at these temperatures, but let’s assume there’s a liquid that can be liquid at these temperatures. The stove is on at 3000 degrees, and it's happy there. Now, let us drop an ice cube on to the top of this thing. Just set it on top. That's 3,000 degrees colder than the burner, okay? Or you could put it underneath. Either way. Now what's going to happen under these circumstances? It's kind of like taking a very big pot and having one part of the pots over in a nice in an ice bath, and the other part of the pot on a burner of the stove. You know what’s going to happen on the burner of the stove, but it turns out the same thing, but much more vigorous, is going to occur with that dual heating-cooling situation. It's going to be a very dynamic motion of the water as basically what it is doing is it's trying to even up the temperatures. It's transporting heat from the hot area to the cold area to heat it up, and it creates vigorous convection. So this is what D Russell Humphreys is thinking as he was working with John. He's thinking, “ Well, if you had that on the outside of the core, 3000 degree temperature difference at different places on the outside of the core, that should induce a circulation in the outer core. Vigorous circulation in the outer core. ” And it turns out, because we believe that the earth's magnetic field is generated by electrons that are running around the outside of that core (it's in the iron nickel) and they're creating the earth's magnetic field. If, in fact, the outer core begins to circulate in that fashion, it basically carries the magnetic field lines with the material as the magnetic field lines are being generated through the material. The materials are moving. It's changing the earth's magnetic field. Anytime by Lenz's Law that you change the magnetic field, you create a counter electric field that produces a magnetic field to counter the difference, how you're changing it. The effect of this, according to Russ's calculations or estimations, is that it generates a reversal of the earth's magnetic field as perceived at the surface. Actually, as perceived at the surface, he suggested the earth's magnetic field would seem to drop to 1/10 its previous intensity, and then flip, and then continue to flip, with the North Pole becoming South Pole and South Pole becoming North Pole and the North Pole becoming South Pole at a rate that is related to the rate of circulation of convection in the outer core. And so, Russ didn't really know how fast the circulation would be generated. But what he did is take a rough count of how many reversals of the earth's magnetic field we have in the geologic record, divides that into what he thinks the length of the Flood is, or was, and he deduces that it seems that in order to explain the number of reversals we have in the record, you'd have to flip the field every two weeks. Now it turns out, when he played around with numbers, two weeks is entirely reasonable as the convection that would be generated in this could easily generate a flipping every two weeks. Now hold that thought. The conventional world also has an explanation for the earth's magnetic field, and for the reversals of the earth's magnetic field. But in Russ's model, he's starting with a magnetic field he thinks was given to the earth at its creation basically by electrons spinning around the outer core and they've been slowing down ever since. They're losing momentum just simply because they're slowing down from friction. That's consistent with what we observe, and you've heard Andrew speak about this. We've been observing and measuring the intensity of the earth's magnetic field since 1838, and there is a decrease in the intensity of the earth's magnetic field that seems to have a half-life of about 1400 years. That suggests that the earth's magnetic field can't be very old. It's the same magnetic field that he's working with to develop this idea of the reversals of the earth's magnetic field. So his magnetic field is one that can't be very old. It means the earth can't be very old, and because of that it allows for very rapid reversals of the earth's magnetic field. Now the conventional world has also an explanation for the earth's magnetic field, but it can't be the one that Russ's using because there wouldn't be a magnetic field after about ten thousand years. But we have evidence of the oldest rocks on the earth having been formed in the presence of a magnetic field. So the earth must have had a magnetic field at its beginning, and we all know that is 4.5 billion years old. So you've got to have a magnetic field that has been maintained somehow for four and a half billion years. And so they've developed things called dynamo theories, which is based upon the idea that the spin of the earth is driving these things and allows the magnetic field of the earth to persist for billions of years. But here's a negative side effect: the same principle that allows the field to persist for long periods of time makes it very sluggish in reversing. That, in fact, in order to get it to reverse, and they have mechanisms to get it to reverse, it requires at least 1,000 years to reverse and reverse back another thousand years. So here we have two models for the explanation of the earth's magnetic field reversals. One that says they're occurring every two weeks. In other words it only takes, you know, seven days a week or 14 days to reverse. The other one says it takes a thousand years. So they're pretty big differences in, let's say, predictions about the speed of the earth's field reverses. How do you test it? There is a way to test it. Russ suggested a way to determine if his theory was right and the other theory was wrong. Here's the idea. Let's say we have a lava flow that flows across the surface of the earth in the presence of the earth's magnetic field. At the place that it is occurring, it is flowing across the earth's magnetic field lines that point in this direction. In other words, north is in that direction and 60 degrees north latitude is where this particular rock was formed. The magnetic minerals that are within the lava will orient themselves in the direction of the earth's magnetic field because it is a lava. They are freed to rotate in whatever direction they want to go. So they line up in this fashion. Now the lava begins to cool. It cools from the base up and the top down. Over time you get cooling here, cooling there. That freezes these particular magnetic minerals at the bottom and the top. If the magnetic field changes, they're stuck in that original orientation. But let's say before the center of this heats up or cools off, that the Earth's magnetic field flips. If it flips at that point, the little magnetic minerals in the inside will now orient with the new magnetic field of the earth. When the whole thing cools, you'll have this really weird situation where one lava flow has one particular magnetic orientation on the top and the bottom, and has an opposite orientation in the middle. Now given that we know how fast it takes a lava flow of a particular thickness to cool, we can then determine how fast the flipping must have been for this to occur. Since Russ was believing that the magnetic field flipped in about two weeks, he could then work backwards and say, “ Well, if we look for a foot and a half thick basalt lava flow, that should cool in just the right amount of time to capture a reversal if the reversal occurred in the middle of the cooling. ” You've probably got to have lots of lava flows before you get one that's just the right time to have the reversal right in the middle of a cooling process. But that was a prediction he made in 1986. In 1988, two geologists working in Steens Mountain Oregon, which is a pile of kilometers of basalt rocks. Most of them are lava flows that are about 18 to 24 inches in thickness. These geologists discovered a lava flow in one particular unit that showed this feature. These are unbelievers. They didn't know a thing about Russ's prediction. Never heard of it. If they had, they probably would have gone and studied something different. But they knew nothing about this prediction. They studied this and realized that it indicated a very rapid reversal of the earth's magnetic field. They sent a paper in for publication. The paper was rejected because the ones reviewing the paper, geophysicists, said it was absolutely impossible that the earth's magnetic field could flip that fast. Therefore this is bunk. Somehow this is wrong. These two guys are field geologists. You have to understand that there is a big difference in geology between the field geologist and the armchair geologist. The two don't like each other terribly well. These two guys responded by, “ Well, I'm going to go out into the field and look for more. ” They're going to prove them wrong. They went back to Steens Mountain and found another lava flow that showed the same thing. It took a number of years. By 1992, they were able to publish their paper arguing that the earth's magnetic field flipped in 14 days, which is somewhat close to two weeks, you know by my calculation. I think that yeah, it seems kind of close. They have this caveat in the paper, and you could tell that they had to put it in because of the reviewers. “ You know, we don't understand how in the world it flipped this fast, but here's the data! ” I mean, it's the actual physical data that it flipped that fast. Now this is really powerful. Not only was this a prediction which was borne out later. If it's true, it means the other model doesn't work because it requires a thousand years to reverse the magnetic field. You can't preserve it that way. That means those models don't work. There's no model left for the earth's magnetic field except the one Russ was using, which requires the Earth's magnetic field to be less than 10,000 years old. Since the oldest rocks in the earth have evidence of having a magnetic field in existence when they form, that would mean that the oldest rocks on the earth are less than 10,000 years old. This means that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. That’s the logic that you have to come to with this. Really cool stuff. Okay, the third thing that's happening at the same time subduction and mantle wide flow is occurring is spreading. This is material that comes down in the mantle and rises hot. Material rises to the earth's surface. This is what we call spreading because it gets to the surface and moves away from that spreading position. Here you can see it again on this diagram. We got the subduction in the blue, the arrows indicate the mantle wide flow, and the red stuff indicates the warming that's occurred by spreading that's occurring at the earth's surface. And the concept here is we got 1,400 degrees centigrade mantle material coming up and, since we’re in the midst of a Flood, it’s contacting water. It vaporizes the water, perhaps propelling it hyperballistically into the atmosphere. Entraining water along the way, it rises into the atmosphere. It takes the entrained water which drops immediately out of it, while the rest cools by radiation in space and comes down as intense global rain. So we have a possible mechanism for the Fountains of the Great Deep that the Bible talks about. Now the fountains would be along the spreading zones, which is basically a 50,000-mile long line, kind of like the threads on a baseball, twice around the earth. So imagine a geyser 60,000 feet high, 50,000 miles long around the earth, all going off the same time and dropping rainwater. It's not really rain because it doesn't go up and create clouds and rain down. So it's a completely different kind of water addition mechanism to the earth. Another consequence of this is interesting. At the spreading zone, when this stuff is being applied to the plates as they're moving apart. This is hot material that's moving very rapidly away from the center. What if, at the same time, the earth's magnetic field is flipping every two weeks? Let's say we have material coming up right now. The earth's magnetic field has a certain orientation. As long as that stuff is hot, the magnetic minerals line up with the earth's magnetic field at that time. If you were to run a magnetometer over the surface of it, you would see a slightly stronger magnetic field for the earth at that point. It would be the normal magnetic field of the earth, plus the magnetic field created by all the magnetic minerals that are in line with it. See, you have a stronger magnetic field over that zone. Then as things moved apart, there would be a point where the earth's magnetic field flips. Once it flips, then the material that was once in the same direction as the magnetic field of the earth is now going in the opposite direction. Taking a magnetometer over that, you would see a lower weaker magnetic field. You'd expect bands of parallel ridges, or parallel lines, along the ridges. You'd find bands of stronger and weaker magnetic fields as you go outward. Now, at the same time, let's say we did this slowly. If we did this slowly, it took, let's say, 50,000 years to move out to this point. It takes a thousand years for the earth to flip. In a thousand years, it's going to produce, maybe, a hundred yards of new material. In that hundred yards, it might be a little messy, you know. Which orientation is it going to have while it's flipping? You might have a clear positive anomaly here, but probably a 100-meter zone of mixed up rocks. Blotchy rocks. Some might be going the right direction, some might not be, and then you'd have another clear zone of a reversed or weaker magnetic field. That would be under the conventional circumstance. But what if we sped it up to meters per second? When you're doing this, and the thing is flipping every two weeks, you know, there's stuff that was produced at different temperatures. Some of it's cool because it's been cooled with the water, but it's been cooled discontinuously. So you would expect what Russ predicted, that there should be a very blotchy magnetic field everywhere. If you drill down in these rocks over here, you'd find zones or areas, which was normal, and then zones where it was reversed, and then zones where it was normal again. It was going too fast to have a uniform pattern. Rather than 100 yards of blotchy, you'd have everything blotchy, with more normal in the middle there and more counter in the next bit. Blotchy nonetheless. What we found in every drill hole that goes into these rocks, we find blotchiness in every single one that they determine the magnetic orientation of. Sometimes it’s found every six to eight inches in the drill hole. So in a normal mode, what's the probability of hitting one of those blotchy things? It's 100 yards versus 100 kilometers or something like that. It's pretty low probability. But in the accelerated model, you'd expect the blotchiness in every single borehole. And that's what we observe. In addition, it might explain why these patterns aren't pretty clear zones. Even at a large-scale, they’re blotchy. This might be because of the speed of this whole thing. In addition, this rapid upwelling, this rapid motion of material up to the surface, could explain things we encounter in the geologic column known as flood basalts. Andrew referred to them a couple of times. These are slits in the earth's surface, out of which poured unimaginable volumes of magma. Tens of thousands of cubic miles of magma poured out of these things in the matter of days and weeks. Even by conventional study they realize this. It's phenomenal. It's literally miles deep of lava over hundreds and thousands of square miles, poured out in the matter of days or weeks. When we have all this material rising very quickly towards the earth's surface, I think we have a mechanism to explain these large igneous provinces, these flood basalts. The flood basalts are only part of the story. There's flood basalts at the source. Then the rocks actually create dykes and then sills that reach out 1,000 kilometers in all directions. So here's the idea. You get enough pressure into rocks, you can crack them, right? If you don't have enough pressure to crack them apart, you might have enough pressure to sneak in between the layers and lift the layers. What we have are places where there's enormous flood basalts, and then cracking the rock in all directions away from that point are these dykes that are found. You can trace them for thousands of kilometers in every direction. Then they get to a point where they're no longer dykes. They turn into sills because they don't have enough energy to actually crack the rocks. They've lost that energy, but this is 2,000 kilometers away from the source! They have enough energy to lift miles of rock, just not crack miles of rock. We have one of these, for example, centered in what is now West Indies, and it's cracking rocks all the way through the state of Washington. It's lifting rocks in Alaska. The evidence is that the same event is cracking rocks through Europe and lifting rocks in Russia. It is cracking rocks through Argentina and lifting rocks and Chile. That's incredible power! And it's not one of these, there's at least a dozen of these at different places in the Flood rocks. This model would give us the energy necessary to explain these features that can't be explained any other way. In addition we have these kimberlites. We have these rocks that contain diamonds. What are the conditions to make diamonds? I said it before: you need the right pressure. These things are coming from great depth, but we gotta get them to the surface very quickly. There's a diamond source in Canada where we got a hole in the ground. We got diamonds scattered all over the ground around the hole. I looked at the paper. It's really cool. You can take out a piece of your napkin and figure this out. It's really cool. It said how fast the kimberlite came up through the pipe to get from 10 kilometers depth to the surface between 5 and 10 hours after production. It came up so fast that it shot right out of the pipe into the atmosphere, exploded under the low pressure of the atmosphere, and rained diamonds over an area tens of miles around the hole. The information is in the paper, and I calculated how fast the stuff would have to be coming out of the pipe. It's analogous to having a vertical coal train, where each railroad car is carrying 88 tons of coal in each car of the train. How fast do we have to have the train moving out of this hole to account for this? It needs to move at 60 miles an hour straight up into the air in order to get enough material out of this hole high enough to explode in the atmosphere and rain down diamonds. Now not everything explodes out of the surface. Many of them get stopped before they get to the surface. They ram their way up through rocks, but then lose their momentum before they get to the surface. They leave the diamonds right there in cold rocks. But the kimberlites cannot be formed slowly. They are formed with incredible speed. In this model, we have the way to explain things like kimberlites. Another side benefit of this is that we perhaps have a way to explain why the world was covered with water. This spreading is changing the earth from the pre-Flood condition where we had cold continental crust and cold ocean crust. What we're doing during the Flood is we're pushing or pulling the crust apart. We’re having hot mantle material come into the place of the cold crust that was there. The hot material, because it's hotter, occupies more volume. In the present ocean, hot material sits a kilometer and a half higher than cold material does in the same ocean. Let's say you had a full ocean. Now in time, you're going to replace all the cold crust with hot crust. You're basically going to take the bottom of the ocean and raise it a kilometer and a half. One mile. You're going to take the bottom of the ocean and raise it up a mile, that's going to push the water out of the oceans. Add to that the fact that 5% of mantle magma, on average, is water by volume. Add some juvenile water that hasn't been on the surface of the earth before, and the fact that the oceans occupy 70% of the surface area of the earth, we could easily raise the ocean one mile over the continents. So we have a continent-covering mechanism. A way to cover the continents with water. Here is John’s simulation of sea level. You can't see it here, but there is a purple line that indicates the initial sea level. Here is the sea level 20 days into the Flood. Here’s the sea level 40 days into the Flood. Here's the beach along the continents. You probably can't see it where you're at, but it's moving in from the ocean. By 60 days (that's as far as John gets in his model) he actually brings the sea level up to the mountains, places that are rising because of their heat. Also, from physical data we have reason to believe that there are currents over the continents. John's modeling also produces currents, but it doesn't move them in the right direction. So that's probably a bunch of gunk. Again, it's that comparison of the physical data and the real data. We have evidence that this water covered entire continents and was apparently, for one reason or another, moving over the continents. This is consistent, by the way, with the moon holding the water of the earth and the earth rotating underneath it. That would effectively seem to make the water move from the east to the west across the continents, and that's consistent with the direction that we see in the fossil record. That allows for the deposition of sediments over the continents, such as the Sauk Sandstone over the continents. It would explain why we have very thick uniform sedimentary layers over entire continents. If we had a mechanism for the east-west currents, which I think may have something to do with the moon, then we can move our sediment from long distances away. We see this consistently in the geologic column. We've got sediments that we got here. Where do they come from? We go looking for where they came from because we know what direction they came from by the currents. We have to go thousands of miles for a possible candidate for where those sediments came from. Sediments are being carried humongous distances, and that would be something that could be explained by this model. It also could explain the abundant well-preserved fossils that we find in the world. Plate tectonics is awesomely powerful. It is so cool. It is such an amazing model to explain the earth's geology. It explains so much. So many things. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, just a slight modification of plate tectonics that speeds it up three billion times, not only explains all of these things, but also all the things here in red. Not only do you have magnetic striping you can explain, but the blotchiness of it. Not only can you explain the mantle velocity anomalies, the seismic tomography evidence, but also the fact that you have deep mantle anomalies, which you didn't expect in the other model. You can not only explain flood basalts, but kimberlites. You can explain the magnetic field intensities. I didn’t get into that. The rapid magnetic reversals. You've got mechanisms for thrust faults, detachment faults. You can explain high pressure low temperature minerals. You can explain some things I did get to. See? The talk isn't long enough. And we also have, potentially, an explanation for other things that are attractive to us as creationists. It explains why the Flood came to be, where the waters came from, it may explain what the Windows of Heaven are, and what the Fountains of the Great Deep are. It may ultimately help us explain regional metamorphism and several other things. This is an awesome model for the explanation of the earth's geology due to the Flood. Thank you. Yes, the Ark experienced some terrible conditions. I've said this before, but I just have to emphasize this. The more I learned about the Flood and the awesomeness, horribleness and destructiveness of it, there’s no conceivable way that even an Ark would survive. On top of the water is definitely the safest place to be! Let’s say you’ve got waves with a wavelength of a mile and amplitude of 500 feet. If you’re in the open ocean, you just go up 500 feet, and you go down 500 feet. You didn't even know anything happened. It's wonderful. It's the most wonderful place to be if you're in the open ocean in tsunamis. You don't even notice it. It's only when tsunamis hit the shallow area over continents that the wave breaks and becomes destructive. So the safest place to be is very definitely on top of the water. Certainly not at the sediment water interface, where the water is perhaps at this latitude moving at 700 miles an hour. If the hypothesis of the Moon holding the water and the earth rotating underneath it is true, then the velocity of the water over the land is a thousand miles an hour at the equator. That’s what it is at least over shallow areas of continents. It is not that fast, of course, over the oceans that are deeper. The safest place to be is definitely on the tops of the oceans. But with these geysers and all these things, and possibly asteroids, and all this sort of thing, there’s no way this Ark should have survived except that we have a God who preserved it through the Flood. Again, the chiastic structure of the Flood account has a center at “ God remembered Noah. ” This is the point of the account when you're thinking, “ Oh man! Everything's gone! Everything's destroyed! There's no hope! ” God remembered Noah. Don't forget, people. The purpose of this Flood is not just to destroy the evil that was there. It's to preserve humans through it. It's to preserve life through it. This is impossible. In the midst of God's wrath, there are no survivors who deserve not to be destroyed by God's wrath. No one. Everyone deserves to be destroyed by God's wrath. And God's wrath is capable of destroying all. It's only in the protective hand of God, in the loving protective hand of God, that we can survive his wrath.
Channel: Is Genesis History?
Views: 427,400
Rating: 4.6890154 out of 5
Keywords: kurt wise, creation science, global flood, creation, science, geophysics, catastrophic plate tectonics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 41sec (7901 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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