I Will Protect This Tree Or Die

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so you see this tree I owe him my life and so because of that I'm going to protect his there's three scary looking skull guys who are gonna come try and murder him when they're here I assume three skull guys three flowers would be good day that's four School guys game five I might have made a critical underestimate it's fine you guys will shoot him right just spit at him yeah it takes three little yellow spits to kill someone it'll be important to know for my future oh gold this is good I did lose a flower but I've still protected the tree Bramble damage enemies that walk over it I wonder if I were to place flowers in a nice little square position around the tree and then Place Bramble in the area that I know these jerks are about to come from well I wonder how much damage we could really do I did not notice these guys down here actually but that's fine I've got a bunch of groovin little flowers and if it only takes three spit to kill someone well that should be taken care of expeditiously yep there's murder happening just already lovely give me your coin and oh silver ones gonna assume the larger the currency the better I and wave completed time to finish my Bramble Square now I've got an extra four hundred dollars I'm gonna place a flower on the outside of everything because they're approaching from the left top right and down it's a game of Corners however I'll probably win it come on out mysterious Skull Kid step into my happy patch of smiling tree I don't quite know what the area of effect is for these little flowers but it seems to be enough that really all you had surely they'd be okay no there's one slacker that makes sense why do these guys just want to eat everything too what's the point did I do something to harm them or am I just that delectable as I could understand if so and that's a wave completed couple more flowery friends down and try and encase the ones I can in some Bramble because it's a large wave from the bottom and left and a couple of these jerks on the right I do enjoy that I have a nice little kill counter here so I can just admire how deadly my plants are not to mention getting these coins for free thank you friends I love you Mr Tree in a wave 4 finish without any problems and that's whenever I started thinking that Bramble gets stronger over time so if I just put it on the outside of the Arena they don't like eat it and then it'll constantly just be well pain no matter what I can also dig up some Bramble and get a little bit of my money back and take care of the protective covering around these guys and just start spawning some more in are those demons that's horrifying oh they shoot back that's not very nice they do drop a ton of gold though so I'm kind of fine with it now more outside Bramble and that's wave 5 completed new plant oh it's a little defense wall plant does that mean he's gonna make it where I don't get shot sounds like it'd be pretty handy right after I finish my Bramble wall and dig up this Bramble 2 or a quick redesign and place a few Hedges down like so and now I should have a bit stronger of a center area question is is it strong enough to beat wave 8 well we'll have to wait and see good news is right now we are just trouncing these skull face jerks and look at all the Bramble growing it's actually pretty fun and my next unlock happens at wave 10 then 15. this one unlocks at wave 12 and then 17. that's weird that they're out of order but I respect it no they're munching my head quickly kill them no they broke it those jerks these things are expensive what do they think money just grows on trees whatever though for right now I have a couple of my hedges down and start to place some more Bramble the enemy wave density has really kicked it up a notch here too in wave seven they just start coming from all over the place now actually a little bit rude I think it's fine when in doubt Place some more sunflowers so my Bramble just grew stronger again and that's yet another wave completed we go ahead and plant the rest of my sunflower Army I think off the money I just made get this nice little hedge friend back and then just a couple more flowers wave eight they're still just all around me that's fine I've got the friends I've made along the way and the infinitely smiling tree just looking to his eyes there's nothing in there but love what I'm hoping with this plan is that by you know literally doubling my sunflowers killing these stupid face jerks happens nearly instantaneously especially the ones that spew random oil balls at me those guys are just the worst especially because they keep breaking my hedges why it's fine let's get more flowers down if that's yet another wave completed more Attack Force and more defensive hedge a little something like that might work out nice and now I've got a beautiful sunflower Circle dancing around oh and one of my hedges just grew to the like level two all the others did sweet the better the walls I have the better my life in general making enough money during the waves now too that I can actually start placing more Hedges as I go along isn't that neat what are these Cyclops guys kill them like immediately I don't know what they do but I don't want to find out okay actually I do want to find out a little bit they just get close and launch my hedges that's not as bad as it could be you know that all right more Hedges down I've almost formed the nice little green wall and the wave is over meaning I can actually complete my nice little Green Hedge wool the rest I'm just gonna make Bramble if you haven't noticed a sides a bit longer than my length here which just means anything coming in from 75 percent of the directions should just start walking on a bunch of painful little Thorns I might just be able to sit back and do literally nothing pretty much my dream job and I make enough money from killing these jerks now that even as a round goes on I can start to place like 90 more Hedges it seems like a win-win for me look look at this one little idiot he just keeps walking on Bramble and then died in one shot an effective plan is the best plan and that's wave nine done wave 10 here missile Bell fire anti-homing projectiles all right they got the few aesthetically placed Bramble around probably gonna want these like immediately and more Bramble placed as time for non-aesthetic purposes merely Deadly Ones look at this defense all right bring them out here in a couple more ways I'm about to get another new unlock but for right now I think it'd be nice just to see how deadly all this is I am about to reach almost half a thousand kills which I think makes me one of the most efficient serial killers ever born seems like an enjoyable title to have also look at how efficient this Bramble is it's also grown again in size that guy just died without even touching anything well you know except for the spiky painful Bramble at his feet why did it give me the missile flowers too if there's yet to be a single flying enemy I had to get rid of a couple of Bramble pieces for that game oh yeah them also just standing on the Bramble is like a damage over time effect they don't actually have to walk through it which just means the less efficient they are at breaking down my hedges the less efficient their life forces and these are scary looking flying skulls alright that's why I've got the flowers to immediately start shooting at them in nice little 2x2 pairs their range is actually insane in that case let me dig up for my other pea shooters that are close to the tree and put four more of those guys in as I do not want the flying jerks to get close to me at all wave 11 completed there's nothing I can do at this point but stockpile my money and with that wave 12 is here fertilizer increase of plant stats okay this is a little baby guy so I'll bump them up to make sure they can evolve and then I'll increase my three for this little Shooters along with my outer ring of anti-air troops and now the summoning Bell exists to summon the forces of evil straight away but what happens if I just don't are my plants still growing in real time everything's shining and shimmering pretty nicely can I fertilize the tree by chance have a little snack all right time to go get a new drink while I sit here and wait in hopes that my Bramble and hedges grow up nice and strong wait I'm not sitting down yet yeah it looks like the next wave started and sure enough we've been murdering everyone I think that fertilizes what's really did it it looks like it increases the rate of fire of things by a crazy high amount and that's another wave completed my fertilizer is still active on everything so now I'm going to spend an egregious amount of money just to kind of fertilize my entire outer Bramble layer that's probably a waste of 12 000-ish dollars because it only lasts for one round but it looks shiny and pretty so I'm fine with it all right let them have it they hit the Bramble and then they just immediately explode wow that's actually pretty good thanks for your money contributions friends just don't worry about where you're walking it's all A-Okay trust me all I have to do is just make the infinity symbol with my mouse too and I just pick up a bunch of money for free are you happy Mr tree is this amount of death appealing to you by chance so long as you're smiling I'm smiling and they actually killed one of my hedges I didn't even realize that well now that's a bit annoying isn't it there you go buddy get fertilized and they'd know they just killed another one stop it these things mean a lot to me they're the only friends I've got and another wave completed since I know the waves will start automatically if I do nothing that is exactly what I will do just sit here and wait because enemies are always sure to come anyway it's borderline predictable guys it's borderline a bit concerning how much death and fire noises I'm hearing now too is that thanks to my extremely leveled up Bramble I'd like to think so no my hedge replace it and it's wow wave 15's done already I got a new plant though what is this the rocket plant causes Splash damage I admit I am intrigued can plant them on the corners of my inner wall and then let me get one on the outside like that because their little noses just sticking out of the ground so silly also looks like all my Bramble has grown to be the max level now just wasn't for a couple of these Hedges that they keep breaking you know what fertilize all the hedges it's time for an impenetrable defense and an offense that involves these head banging Rockets come on out weird skull okay yep he's dead that oh he's dead too all right lovely oh it grows a new rocket each time I see that feels pretty efficient I don't know if that's as good as meat as having a bunch of little flowery pea shooters but still what happens if I fertilize one does it grow faster or it well that I'm sorry people are just getting murdered before I can even realize it that's how you know I've got something good going what is that what is that thing oh God it looks like your mom can we shoot it with rockets please game we go ahead get some damage well that survived that's usually a bad concept all right just keep sending it it's eating three rockets four was enough to kill it though I'm starting to like this new rocket investment I have then what's coming at wave 17 something even crazier than rocket flowers and well wave completed I guess I could just go find out can't I bring on the next one immediately oh it's another big slug no that's fine everything's running on the Bramble and I've still got my sunflowers to shoot a bunch of stuff all right guys hey there's a big guy over here I want every gun to fire on that man literally none of them went towards him why did that happen come on shoot him more more the bramble's hurting him too because he's a stupid ugly slug get him get him why are the sunflowers not firing at him there we go he's finally in range yes Target him good these guys don't take orders that well huh oh the slug destroyed part of my Bramble well now that's just annoying however I did unlock instant grow it's gonna grow a plane to its maximum growth State okay that's fine by me insta Hedges Place my Bramble back down and instant Max wow it's like nothing bad happened and I'm stronger for it bring on the next wave my issue with my rocket flowers is that sometimes they all go and fire at one enemy which isn't really the ideal when you're wanting to save up and Destroy more and more waves can I instant grow the Rockets actually wow this is something rocket minigun yeah that's enjoyable though then if I just placed a couple rocket guys surrounding the perimeter bit like that I've got some more of the Bramble I think what I could do is get a bunch of Hedges down like so and then just instant grow all of them to their max level in fun sprouting fashion here we go base Mark II has been created it just results in stuff dying off screen like a lot the only issue is sometimes things spawn in faster than my Rockets a little well shoot out ever I guess that's where I can just instant grow my rockets in whatever area I'm starting to get rushed from looking good team I appreciate all the help they're working on base design Mark III now of course involving a whole lot of rockets because they're fun and cool but I can pretty much get rid of every piece of Bramble they will not be needed anymore for this journey and that's a wave 19 completed one more wave to survive and I have hope that we can make it happen this place in an alternating amount of sunflowers and rocket guys and then just instant grow ruthfully whatever base mark three go get em okay well stuff just absolutely is dying off screen now wave 20. that's all you got kinda you got it no yeah you're doing good I'm liking how extremely efficient all of this is too if we're being honest doesn't even get a chance to survive except these little floating freaks you could just plop right over but you know they're fine I guess is anyone gonna be able to stand a chance like anytime soon though everything just gonna be dead a couple of big slug guys up here who take four Rockets to kill okay well there goes one of them how about no he's dead too all right wave 20 completed wow I am good at protecting this tree but I did think of another base design that I want to try out of course it's operation Rocket Storm with a bunch of random fertilizer mixed in your enemies can't damage you if your enemies are literally Atomic dust just by looking at his eyes I can tell he's happy with this result
Channel: ImCade
Views: 500,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, grow your garden, protect the tree, grow your guarden, grow your garden hard mode
Id: MhTYV8N6_tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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