Palworld Is Better At Pokémon Than Pokémon

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rarely do things come out and overtake entire sections of the world but Pokemon was one of those things it was a trend a show a Collectibles a game it was everything all at once and it was a Cornerstone staple for the '90s to 2000s children to adults alike and in 28 years nothing has come along to actually challenge its role as the true master of monsters and the idea of the grand Journey for a monster trainer monster collector of any sort many things has tried many things have failed everything from Digimon to Dragon Drive Monster Rancher and even Bakugan and many games even things like Monster Hunter have attempted to capitalize on this attempted genre but none of them have ever reached the level of Fame that Pokémon is known for that was until January 19th of 2024 when a small company released a game that never was expected to have any sort of success to the level that it saw already and that game is called power world po world is a game that is a combination of multiple things that we as communities have always asked for in game titles especially in the idea of monster collection and the Pokémon style theme the overarching dream of being someone who leaves their home to collect monsters train them fight them and to become the best in the world at it and po world has taken that idea and built it on top of a survival style genre games like Ark and seven days a die and now power world has taken the good parts of that and built it over the feel of Legends of Zelda breath of the wild many years ago when Skyrim was massive and it was taking over the world there was talks of the idea of bringing a Pokemon style open world game to it and there was even mods made for Skyrim that allowed that to exist and quickly Nintendo shut that down and that is very very standard of how Nintendo approaches these things despite the fact of a dramatic call for these items well power world has come through and shown exactly what Nintendo was missing out out on inside of their own Community as this game has reached over 1.8 million concurrent players and that makes it the second largest not free to-play steam game to ever exist falling right behind pubg at 3 million concurrent and being only the sixth game ever to reach over a million concurrent players on Steam the largest gaming platform on PC but this isn't just pure luck it is because pow world is already a better Pokémon game than Pokemon ever has been and it is also appealing to the larger aged group of Pokemon players from the '90s to 2000s that are currently playing games it reaches out to the adult to the child to the every player that has ever played Pokemon games and wish there was a little bit more to it this is a slightly more gritty slightly more mature and excessively more open worlded Style game play this game allows you to go out and actually attempt to survive in the world whereas Pokemon games in their own rights are only ever a small challenge in attempts to get you to the more competitive side of Pokemon at the end which is where you essentially enough only battle your friends and if you are not a actual competitive Pokémon player the majority of the time that just includes beating up on usually cousins or brothers and sisters that are significantly less experienced with the titles Pokémon games are notoriously simple it's a game of rock paper scissors where types matter more than levels the majority of the game and the game is notorious for also holding your hand most of the way through it providing you with just what you need to be able to complete that of course that's not completely true of the first gen but has significantly fallen off in difficulty over the years I know I personally haven't lost a trainer battle since 1997 after losing to Whitney's mil tank and wanting to break my game boy but most players who have spent any amount of time in Pokémon are very familiar with the way that the game runs and it is almost impossible if you know what's going on to really lose any of the base core game battles and so most of the time players are left to just wander through the title and try to find what they can find power world takes the actual survival idea of Pokemon that is sold to us on the show where things like ash attempts to survive a giant horde of sparrow in the first episode that sense of danger never exists inside the standard Pokémon titles but the world sells us that there's this impending doom of walking out into a world where the lizards around you actually breathe fire well that is not true for the Pokémon titles you are rarely ever actually in trouble while playing Pokémon but in every moment of power world there is an impending doom of actually running into a fire breathing dragon thing that will actually kill you so in many ways power world has actually perfectly captured the fear and the idea of walking into a world where these kind of monsters actually exist and you must cohabitate with them inside of Pokémon there's always food but there's never anything that dies every fight the Pokémon is knocked out and nothing poor ever really happens they do speak on the idea that Pokémon can pass away but nothing is ever really shown about the idea as it is a kid show and I can understand that but as the player base matures and they're looking for something a little bit more true to form true to life power world also features that fear where you can actually consider the fact that you are eating these monsters whether or not that's considered a positive or negative trait it definitely does fall under the idea of the survival something that they're selling you in Pokemon as well but never really talk about it it's a hush hush subject but in power world the subject is right out on the table any time that you manage to knock out one of the monsters if it's a consumable monster it's going to drop food and this is a survival game where your characters get hungry so you will have to eat it and that's one of those things that you have to consider when when you look at the new and evolving and maturing player base especially ones that are looking for the true idea of a survival game with these monsters is food doesn't just show up they're probably actually eating these things and Pokemon the show they frequently eat all sorts of things even in the games the new games the there are multiple food dishes like curries with sausages and I don't think I've ever seen a regular animal in inside of a Pokémon game I only see Pokémon and that Curry sausage has to come from somewhere and I'm going to bet you it's grum Pig Power World also addresses some of the concerns from the Pokémon side of the world that we never really look on there's an entire section of the PO world people that believe that the pal should never be captured and should be left alone and in Pokémon they're always like yeah these things are our toys now we're going to use them forever and in power world there's an entire section they're like yeah that's really wrong you're enslaving them and that's a very delicate subject but it's also very easy to actually accept that there should be these kinds of discourse in a world where all of these things exist and then of course there is The Syndicate inside of power world also that are attempting to use these monsters for the worst possible things ever consider them your Pokemon's Team Rocket except for the instead of only trying to capture one Pikachu for 20 years they're actually just trying to catch the most devastating things they can and utilize them on other people to take their stuff it makes a lot more sense than chasing one Pikachu even though that is a special Pikachu for 20 years but sure both sides have logic but one has been trying to stay to the same thing for 28 years whereas the other has been out just for a few days and is already taking over the world and that's primarily because power world is just better at being Pokemon than Pokemon is anymore Pokemon has played it safe for far too long and refus to grow with its audience hoping that new players will come in from nowhere and of course adopt what is already pre-existing while also refusing to grow with the community that it has built over the 28 years there is still plenty of us myself included that will continue to enjoy the Pokémon titles but understanding that games like power world out there are attempting to actually grow the idea and expand upon it in a more adult and beautiful way well power world is just better at being Pokemon than Pokemon is now and that's pretty rare when something comes out and actually improves on something rather than just being a worse carbon copy imagine Terminator 2 but that might be a conversation for another day
Channel: Minds Over Media
Views: 15,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld pokemon, pokemon, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld review, palworld vs pokemon, palworld early access, palworld tips, pokemon with guns, what is palworld, palworld trailer, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pals, pokemon vs palworld, palworld pokemon game, palworld best pal, pokemon gun, palworld release date, palworld pals, palworld news, palworld game, palworld multiplayer, palworld walkthrough, is palworld real
Id: tEXYkfGrEfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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