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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below and also available in paperback form Link in description box so I want to talk to you guys about a Bare Bones budget what it is to me what it is to other people and how and why mine would be like so low if some horrible thing happened we're talking like the Great Depression happened the economy is mostly collapse can't get a job can't get paid on YouTube can't get paid to do anything um and my bare bones budget is much lower than most people's a lot of it is going to depend on where you live because property taxes medical insurance car insurance stuff like that is more expensive in different places it's just the way it is and just so you all know I got my car registration bill it is 138 dollars um I can't cover up enough to like 138 dollars for um my car because it's 25 years old and um I choose to have an older car because I'm not really a car person but it still has it I just hit 90 000 miles on my 98 25 year old car which is currently collecting dust in the driveway because I never drive it because I ride my e-bikes everywhere but so let's go over um my budget okay mortgage zero dollars my house is paid off I would pay zero dollars um medical insurance zero dollars if there is a great depression and I'm in survival mode and uh I just don't have the money to pay for medical insurance if I don't have the money and we're assuming Great Depression credit cards are no longer offering credit banks are not offering loans it is cash only um until you until we get out of this I don't have the money no medical insurance car insurance zero dollars I would not pay it and people are saying oh my gosh you drive without insurance well first of all I pay my insurance on a yearly basis so anytime that I'm making a video like this I have months left on my car insurance so even if the Great Depression Did happen for starters I wouldn't be able to afford gasoline to put into my car so I wouldn't be able to afford gasoline I wouldn't be able to afford insurance or car registration it is sitting in my driveway parked end of story that's all there is now fortunately I have alternative modes of transportation I've got plenty of e-bikes to go around they all work on electricity there you charge the batteries and which brings me to my electricity charge zero dollars this house is solar it has it it makes 9 500 kilowatt hours per year and I use less than that so I actually get paid for my electricity now there it's in its Gas and Electric combined Pacific Gas and Electric so there is a twelve dollar surcharge to have it connected to the grid but if I provide more than twelve dollars in electricity back to the electricity company every month then when my um what's it called they only charge or refund you once a year true up so when my true up comes if I've provided more than twelve dollars a month in electricity then that gets reimbursed back to me I actually will um doing the calculations I'll probably get a check for around seven hundred dollars because I produce more electricity than I consumed um and when I do my cooking no more gas stove that is simply going to go I'm going to do my cooking with my solar oven um via fire on my my it's not a grill it has a grill on it my little bonfire thingy that has a grill on top everything's getting cooked with collected firewood um and barbecued collected firewood that I get on my walks and we're doing it all outside or I'm going to take my electric two burner plug-in cooker and we're cooking via electric because that's all we've got no gas in the winter either um internet gone no more internet no more internet for prepper princess that's it you're watching DVDs I don't have cables so there would be no cable bill um phone zero dollars I'm not paying for anything I'm not gonna have a cell phone so what's gonna happen is I pay for my cell phone just like I do my car insurance one year at a time and I'm I don't know why I'm feeling this about this is my phone holder but I'm filming with my phone but um it's done a year at a time so if the economy collapses I have a few months left of whatever and then I would contact my my family and my friend and say Friday night at such and so my brother Friday night at 7 pm I will be at the library using their Wi-Fi and we can call via Skype on my phone or on my computer so you are designated every Friday night at exactly 7 PM call my best friend Shelly every Saturday night or Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m that is your time I will be at the library that is when you call me and I would be using those services for to communicate with my family because it's very important to communicate uh water and sewer I don't really know what it is because it it varies depending on how much I use so it's anywhere between Thirty and sixty dollars a month so I'm gonna go with 45 dollars and okay the only way to get that I can get rid of that is by riding my e-bike down to the Sacramento river which is four miles away carrying buckets of water back and then uh pooping essentially in a bucket in a composting toilet so I wouldn't be able to use my toilet and I'd have to shower with river water every night and to me earning forty five dollars a month is a lot easier than doing that it's just a lot easier and less time consuming less horrible now I do intend to eventually get rain barrels and rain gutters but I have to get a new roof it's a it's this house is a huge renovation everything needs to be redone so I'll eventually get there to where I can cut off the water and sewer if something happens but at this point right now I can't um garbage zero dollars canceling the service no thank you I will compost my and green waste um I'm not going to be buying any products so there's not going to be any plastic going in there and any food that I get is literally going to be in like bags that I bring with me to the grocery store like the kind that you put like fruits and nuts and vegetables in I will be bringing those to the store with me and reusing them forever because I simply have no way to get rid of the plastic shush Rocky there's nothing there the window is open look at the look through the window there is nothing there you can if you could see his face he's literally looking through the window I guess there's not anything there oh anyway so any medical insurance Gone Car Insurance gone phone gone internet gone that is a Bare Bones budget now we're looking at like Naturals like during the Great Depression there was the Dust Bowl National disaster food was scarce I will of course be growing my own garden right now I'm growing my own fruit trees I can see the oranges are coming in here uh so there's nothing there is nothing there mister so fruit is taking care of vegetables will be taken care of because of course I'm gonna spend five dollars on some seeds and get a hundred dollars worth of vegetables that's just the way it is right now the only vegetables I do is my leafy greens tomatoes and zucchini and that's it so that would definitely get increased um now I do want to show you something so remember how I told you all that product reviews can be a blessing or a curse well this is now my guest room closet and these are all solar generators and solar panels I've got 20 000 watts of generators probably 30 or 40 50 000 Watts I don't even know I can't I can't count I can't count I know I have over a thousand watts and solar panels so if something like that did happen even though I had solar on the top of my house which is on grid I make money off of that solar so what I would do is I would set up all the all my solar generators in the backyard which faces South and I would get that all all of the everything would be hooked up via extension cords it would be ugly it would be ugly but I would be able to power my entire house off of that and make nothing but money from the solar panels that are on the roof so that would be probably my main source of income which is sad but it's 42 cents per kilowatt hour here in California and state regulations state that PG e has to pay you a fair wage a fair wage for the kilowatt hours that you produce beyond what you use so they pay us what they charge us which is 42 cents a kilowatt hour I do 9 500 kilowatt hours a year at 42 cents a kilowatt hour I'm making three thousand nine hundred ninety dollars per year which I have to live off of for 12 months which is 332.50 so all spending is gone food most people spend four or five hundred dollars in a month I'm gonna be spending like 50 on me and the dogs it's going to be lots of rice and beans lots of rice and beans and fruit from the garden and the trees in the front yard and lots of leafy greens from the garden lots of blackberry Plum blueberry grape picking because they grow here um on public lands they they just they're everywhere so that would be pretty much all my fruit and vegetables would be taken care of and the rest is going to be rice and beans with the occasional bit of meat that's all I'm gonna get so when people talk about Bare Bones they get on here and they're like this is my bare bones of three thousand five hundred dollars a month and I'm like I don't think you understand really what Bare Bones is now it's different for everybody I I always get in the comments oh well I have medical issues I need medical insurance can you okay but if you have no money and there's no credit available can you pay for it because if not you are gonna die that is what happened during the Great Depression If people could people starve to death during the Great Depression because they didn't have money there was no food there's no there's no grocery stores like you had you had the meat market and then you had like the corner store that sold fruit and vegetables and bread and that's like everybody else it was people back then were a lot heartier than we are today and they get credit for it but I still don't they don't get enough credit but um the truth is is that Bare Bones let's say that um that I I'm going through like a really bad everything's just not working out like my renter's not paying and and you know YouTube's not paying I'm not making any money through Affiliates ever like nothing like nothing I can still make it I can still make it and no I don't live on nothing you know I have medical insurance and car insurance and car registration and I've got I've got the home insurance and the property insurance and I pay for my stuff I just don't buy stuff you know and I don't eat out at restaurants it's to me that's not really giving up a lot people talk about well and the reasons that I don't do these things has nothing to do with money um I can't eat out because I get sick because there's too much grease and salt in the food anything I order it doesn't even matter if it's chicken alfredo I I get sick like I I don't know what the what or I feel I have to get Tums and I'm like I'm feeling so horrible for like three or four days awful and no I don't have any IBM or something I literally eat so clean that if any like if if I go to a restaurant it's not it's it's yeah anyway and I show on here cheap meals and stuff like that but for the most part all I eat is meat and vegetables that's it I should say mostly vegetables and a little bit of meat one meal a day and coffee that's all I eat and people are like how do you do that I'm like I don't know how do you eat 4 000 calories in a day tell me I would love to know because I can't I eat a third a quarter of the amount of most Americans and I can't help it if I eat like a normal American I will gain 30 pounds in a week if I eat prepper food I used to I used to hoard prepper food if I eat prepper food I gain 30 pounds like and then it takes me like two three four months to gain to take off what I just gained in like a month it's horrible it's issues folk most people will say well I wish I could eat like nothing in a day and still have energy like you do well I wish I could eat more sometimes because I I can't I I can only eat one pancake I can't eat two or three I'm full I am full no more for me no more for prepper princess but I can drink all the coffee in the world give me a coffee I will make room as you can see I moved to my desk it's now in front of my front window which gives much better light I'm not even using my ring light oh it's not even plugged in I'm not you this is just natural light so um it's working out very well I like this light a lot better than my ring light which blinds me and it's kind of ah but this is great okay I'm sorry I I am babbling I have a lot of energy today I have a customer coming over to purchase a product from me and I'm excited about having several hundred dollars in my hand and um and I just realized I have to find a way to spend eighty dollars on charity I know what I'm gonna do okay all right folks so that is what I've got for you today my bare bones budget and and another thing is that you know a lot of people do no spend January which for some people it's great people who have a spending problem or people who overspent at Christmas time no spin January is great but I would want you to try a Bare Bones budget pretend just pretend it's the Great Depression you've got no credit cards no income and no money play a game what's the word um challenge challenge yourself this is how I get my kicks I challenge myself to see how little I can live off of it's very little it's like less than 200 a month if you include uh groceries I can live on less than 200 a month and still keep a roof over my head but it's giving up a lot it's giving up Automotive Transportation it's giving up any type of insurance anything that would protect me in the future but the main reason for insurance is to protect your wealth or your health so well not even your health because they're required to help you if you go into a hospital and if you have nothing you have nothing to lose so why not just go to the hospital and declare bankruptcy I mean if I've got nothing and there are different types of bankruptcies that will allow you to keep your house so I think that during a Great Depression I would go with that one but the truth is that I've set myself up so that no matter how bad things get in the in the United States in the economy in the world no matter how bad they get I can still get by comfortably because my comfort level is so minimal you know um I don't have to turn on the heater in the winter I'll turn on my heated blanket I do have to turn on the air conditioner for about a week or two during the summer and it's not for me it's because of the dogs if if I didn't have the dogs I would just open the windows and uh wear ice around my neck because it's not because it cools down here at night unlike in Arizona here it gets nice and cool into the 60s at night open my windows and sleep sleep great maybe I would sleep during the day and just enjoy the 60 degrees at night and watch DVDs on my TV okay I'm babbling I need to stop so I am curious what your guys's Bare Bones budget is and I'm talking bear bones we're talking survival budget we're talking Great Depression you have no money you have no income and you have no credit no credit cards no income no money what is your bare bones budget and if you can't get a nine to five job you can't get a job at a company what are you going to make do to make that minimal amount to get by each month I've got a million ideas of what I do I would rent out my e-bikes to people who can't afford gas for a much lower rate I rent out my e-bikes you need a way to you need a way to get down to the corner to get to work okay that's gonna be I don't know two dollars two dollars a day to rent an e-bike and I've got 12 e-bikes that's 24 a day I can do that if I rented them all out so let's say 15 to 14 a day that's enough for me to eat that's enough for me to eat and eat well on 14 a day I would sell my extra produce I get too many oranges I these trees are fully there's two and there's one of me and these orange trees produce 500 oranges each probably more than that so I would sell my extra oranges um I would do dog walking I would do you know lawn mowing raking I whatever I could do I would go fishing and sell my fish or barter my fish for different foods like it doesn't there's a million different things I would do if I had no money fortunately we're not in that position and I don't think we ever will be but it is very important to think about these things it's kind of like what if I won the lottery in Reverse what if things got really bad and I don't think there's going to be a Great Depression I don't think that's going to happen but I'm just saying what would you do all right folks that is what I've got for you today if you liked this video please be sure to hit the thumbs up because it really helps me out on the YouTube algorithm and not a lot of people are giving the thumbs up or you can go ahead and thumbs down it because it's the same thing as a thumbs up via the algorithm all right folks do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out oh Okay so it seems I have no choice what confuses toes who looks like the French across the river this is the last things about yourself I will come in today industrial Majesty and all we need to do bring them into range a small party could cross and a cover of darkness and dispatch this entries
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 51,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Extreme cost cutting, budget, finance, the great depression, poverty
Id: bGpUatIq7FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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