Why John 13–17 Is So Important in This Hour of History | Mike Bickle

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's everybody grab a seat if you would if you're at the back come up a little closer if you don't mind fill up some of these seats or whatever you want to do make sure you got notes we have them out the in the back if you didn't get them we'll have them every friday night father we come before you in the name of jesus and lord we thank you for your leadership we ask you holy spirit to visit us and touch us even now even by your spirit tonight touch us more and more we ask in jesus name amen and amen holy spirit we welcome your ministry in this come come [Music] we invite you in we invite you in holy spirit we love you father we love you jesus we love you [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] sitting on my there heart [Music] [Music] is [Music] is me from this [Music] there is [Music] who knows from this things are things in the future separate me from [Music] up from the wilderness leaning on my beloved story i come up from the wilderness leaning on my beloved [Music] is is is [Music] is [Music] feeding on my beloved i know the end of the story i come up from the wilderness leaning on my beloved i know the end of the story i come up from the wilderness [Music] [Music] so is [Music] separate me from [Music] [Music] separate me from in the future [Music] i know the end of the story i come from the wilderness leaning on my beloved i know the end of the story come up from the wilderness leaning on my beloved we know the end of the story we'll come up from the wilderness leaning on our beloved we know the end of the story we'll come up from the wilderness leaning on our beloved [Music] leaning on our beloved [Music] leaning on you jesus [Music] [Music] pour our love on you tonight because you first loved us because you first loved us we love you all i am is all i have and all i have to give and i give it all to you it's my freight grand oil [Music] it's my costly perfume and i'll take my alabaster box and die i break it open let the fragrance rise let the fragrance rise [Music] let the fragrance rise [Music] fragrance to rise [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so take every song [Music] all of my dance and all of my rhymes i give it all to you [Music] die i break it over let the fragrance arise [Music] [Music] worship [Music] my worship [Music] worship [Music] my worship tonight oh oh [Applause] thanks to you let the fragrance arise [Applause] is [Music] straight [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] fragrance right [Music] the fragrance fragrance right you can have it all let my life be a fragrance worship to you oh not just when i'm singing on the stage but in the way that i parent my children in the way that i love my wife jesus let it be a fragrance worship a pure and offering a pure and pleasing [Music] offering draw [Music] the jewish people to jealousy by the love that i share with those around me and with you father's spirit sun the fragrance rise [Music] let the fragrance [Music] then [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah i raise our minds to the savior whose blood does command all my worship i worship hallelujah i fall at the feet of the savior you suffer for me and i [Music] [Music] for hallelujah [Music] [Music] of your wonders and love [Music] humbled [Music] thank you for all that you've done [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] our [Music] you're weeping and weeping as you caused my heart to believe all you've accomplished for me thank you for all and if i had to bring pain for all of the air of my i ways in those days the way that i'm feeling here [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] all my [Music] hallelujah [Music] you [Music] [Music] that you have provided for those who've been captive to find a new life all the hell bound the hurting the broken and dirty lord that's how you found me oh how you changed me your wombs are the entrance that you have provided for those who've been captive to find a new life all the hell bound and hurting the broken and dirty lord that's how you found me oh how you changed me your wounds are the enemies [Music] oh broken and dirty [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] that's how you found me broken [Music] [Music] [Music] raise up my hands to the same your [Music] hallelujah i fall at the feet of the savior who suffered from me and i worship i worship you alone as father we love you we say thank you thank you for the cross thank you for the love that you poured out and that you put on display for us putting on display the father's love for us through your son jesus [Music] we thank you and we love you in your name we pray amen amen thank you thank you worship team let's just stand for a moment if you would just to greet the folks around you just for a minute it's got an echo raise your hand up let's echo raise your hand up high how you doing little guy anybody need the teaching notes just wave your hand our ushers are back there okay good almost everyone has them it's getting better okay let's go ahead and grab a seat get started right away father we come before you in the name of your glorious son and lord we ask you for living understanding lord this new frontier in the spirit in our lives of moving forward to interact with you and your heart in a new way a new measure a new level we ask you for help holy spirit we know that you've been sent as our helper as our teacher come and teach us escort us forward in this in the name of jesus amen well my plan is to do four 12-part series on john 13 to 17. do 12 weeks and then take a break or whatever then start another series and i have four of them in my mind planned out we may go a bit longer i don't know stuart's going to be helping me and some others as well because i want to it's not just i want help to do the class i want to glean from what they say i want to take it because a number of us are leaning into this five chapters john 13 to 17 and we're all beginners in a certain way i mean i've studied it over the years but i'm still at the very beginning of the beginning and so even as we endeavor on this class these four 12-part series and then beyond i want to encourage you to be patient with yourself because these five chapters they have every phrase i've been studying and praying over the phrases for some many months now hours a day even not every day but most days and these simple phrases are they're beginning to open up and i'm beginning to see there's a lot more than meets the eye but of course it would be true because this is the greatest teaching of the greatest teacher in human history remember that's that's the phrase i'm using is this i want to call it the final frontier in the spirit not that we're gonna go so far in it but is the way god relates to god and invites the human race into it john 13 to 17 is the most concentrated form or presentation of these truths i believe it's the ultimate frontier in the spirit the way god relates to god and invites his people into that family dynamic that is shared within the trinity and the reason i'm that's noble that sounds like wow that's pretty heavy my point of saying it is be patient with yourself because these aren't things that we're just going to get instantly and just wow that that was easy we got it this is the i believe the ultimate frontier in the spirit for the human experience is captured in these five chapters again i want to say not that our teaching here in this time in this generation we're going to get to i don't know how far we're going to get in it but it is the real true final frontier well i want to give a start with real brief the review that we have covered over the last probably eight weeks the teaching on the jesus's correction and promises to the laodicean church we could look at the correction and we need to but it's the promises that have really grabbed my attention he tells them you know it well we've gone over it week after week for about six or eight weeks he tells this church he shocks them he goes you're lukewarm revelation 3 verse 16. but i'm going to offer you spiritual gold it's within reach if you want it you're lukewarm but i'm knocking at the door of your heart and if you open it i'll give you spiritual food i'll give you the finest food available in the realm of the spirit i will teach you myself we will sit at the table open-hearted paragraph b i'm capturing these two phrases there's quite a few promises here in revelation 3 but that we would acquire spiritual gold and we would receive spiritual food we would dine with him that's what i've been locked into to buy gold that's the reason we've been repenting we're not repenting in this 40 days fasting season we've been on with many others around the world we're not repenting just like staring in the dark just aimlessly we're repenting we're shifting our attitudes because we want this gold we're going for spiritual gold i have here in paragraph b and i believe that the clearest definition of that spiritual gold and that spiritual food of the highest quality is found in john 13 to 17 these five chapters now in buying the gold i said this many times in the last couple six or eight weeks we don't earn it because when jesus says buy gold we might think we're earning it because of the word buy but that's not what he's saying he's saying invest yourself in a costly way to position yourself for me to give it to you as a gift but it will be a costly investment to position yourself isaiah comments on it and again i've covered all this and then we're going to move on just a moment he also presented this idea of buying not gold but he called it buying spiritual food wine and milk but the way but then isaiah tells us the way that you get the spiritual gold the spiritual milk the spiritual food is by listening and talking that's the way you do it i just want to make it crystal clear you listen to the word of god and then you come to him in conversation you talk to him about it if you listen and talk you're in the pathway of purchasing buying the spiritual gold i want to make it just as simple as can be now it's not difficult to grasp that but it's challenging to do it in a consistent way it's not confusing to understand what to do you listen to the word you read it you hear it from others and you say it back to god in conversation you come to him in a relational conversational way when he says come to me he doesn't just mean come and serve me because come and interact with me and the implication is talk to me now paragraph c i believe that dining with him him feeding us the end of paragraph c the spiritual food it's the truths the promises the commands highlighted in john 14 15 16 well john 13 2 but john 13 he feeds them a physical bill then in john 14 to 17 he feeds them a spiritual meal and so when jesus is telling john in the book of revelation he says tell them i'll have a dinner with him i just i'm just sure john remembers the last time jesus had a physical mill john 13 at the last supper and then john 14 to 17 he fed them a spiritual mill i'm just assuming john says oh i remember very well what it means to have to sup with you to dine with you paragraph d this was so encouraging to me on this pathway of john 13 to 17 though i've been in this mode in a kind of an in tense way for some many months now maybe six to nine months i don't know in a really intense way maybe less maybe six months but on march 3rd i had the open vision in my office i've only had two open visions and 50 years of walking with the lord and what i mean by an open vision i'm looking and right there on the wall i just see like a movie screen and you've i've told it to you several times but i i'd like saying it again and the door opens a door and this room filled with golden light and i was praying we're in this 40-day fast as a family as a fellowship and i'm saying lord i want to do this revelation 3 i want to open the door of my heart in a greater way i want our spiritual family to open the door of our heart to you in a greater way help us lord as i was just just just kind of whispering those prayers to the lord this door appears i mean like technicolor i mean a door opens and golden light the light doesn't shine on me it doesn't come out and shine in the room but i'm looking into the realm of his glory and the message i have written here of this vision was as my people open the door of their heart to me i will open the door of my glory to them if we open the door of our heart revelation 3 20 three verses later he opens the door of his glory in chapter four verse one it's the same conversation paragraph e in this first session which i'm titling it why john 13 to 17 is so important in this hour of human history church history human history they call it human history it is so important so paragraph e the point of this first session is to alert people to the significance of john 13 to 17. many commentators refer to this as the upper room discourse discourse is kind of a strange word i don't know that we ever use the word discourse but it's a very popular designation of these five chapters because it's in the upper room it's at the last supper it's the very upper room where on the day of pentecost the power of god fell on him at the last supper it's at the passover seder some commentators call this jesus's farewell message so if you study this and i trust you'll study this for years from many different sources i'm reading it from a number of different sources i want to i want to reap from the anointing the teaching anointing on others through history because there's just morsels of gold all or bits of nuggets of gold morsels would be food of spiritual food all through church history on these chapters but not so many up to now have gone really deep at least as far as my research you know some people have a 10 20 pages some 30 40 pages on it and but there's such a volume of spiritual gold and spiritual food here so you might call it the upper room discourse you might call it jesus's farewell message or just john 13 to 17. one of the primary themes because again the point of this first message is to alert you to how significant these five chapters are so that when you read them kind of casually a quick read you go that's kind of interesting i guess i don't get half of it i don't know why he said this after he said that that some of these verses don't seem to connect but i but the good news is they do connect the verses all connect in a real fluid train of thought but at a quick read it doesn't appear that way it's like the lord saying i'm giving you the finest food in the word of god and the the most excellent gold in the kingdom in these five chapters and you're not gonna get it at a quick drive-by you're gonna you're gonna get it if you're hungry for it so i think lord unpack it a little bit more because no no you just stay with it a little bit more i'll unpack it but i'll give to the hungry if you can't go without more i'll give you more but if you're pretty content with a quick read well then i'll bless you with a little bit of insight so i've set my heart to really go deep on this i mean not just this year but for many years the primary theme one of the primary themes is that god's is to give god's people insight into how the father son and holy spirit relate why does jesus want us to have insight on how the father son and holy spirit relate to each other like in that kind of mystical and out of reach anyway we're not going to understand fully but we can understand some that which the scripture has revealed the reason because the way father son and holy spirit really relate is the model and the source of how we relate to god and how we're going to relate to one another in the ultimate hour of history when the body of christ enters into that john 17 that deep love and unity even like the father and the son have love and unity beloved there is a miracle coming to the body of christ in those final hours leading up to the lord's return that is captured in jesus prayer in john 17. human beings millions of them are going to shake off a spirit of slumber and dullness and they're going to enter into an encounter of loving god and one another like god loves god i mean it's just it's almost inconceivable to grasp john 17 the last seven verses if you take it at face value you know john 17 you know love as me and the father love one another it's like as you and the father love it what we are going to love you and them like in each other like this yes there is a an explosion of the glory of god waiting i mean that the lord has planned for the end time church leading up to that final hour to when he appears in the sky so i believe that this these three five chapters are critical to start drinking from it now eating this spiritual food now mining for this gold it also these five chapters defines what it means to walk as an overcomer revelation two and three jesus said for those who overcome he gave that condition to you know promises in the book of revelation to those who overcome what this is the means it defines what it means to walk as overcomers paragraph f now throughout church history the subject of the trinity father son holy spirit there's quite a bit of theological journals and works written around the trinity a lot of papers you know 20 30 40 50 page scholarly papers and many of them are debating each other and throughout church history the subject of the trinity has been theological debate it's almost been reserved to the academics uh debating about it i mean that's a little harsh to say that's there's more than that but most talk and presentation of the trinity isn't for practical lifestyle it's about who can figure out the mystery of it and and scholars kind of debate each other but i i have a different approach and i'm sure some of the scholars do too i mean i'm not saying that finally we have the right approach that's what i'm saying because i believe that millions are going to take this approach that before jesus returns i believe i'm confident the holy spirit is going to highlight i mean by the anointing the glorious reality of our participation and our conversation with the father son and holy spirit we're not just going to study it academically how they talk and relate we're going to actually participate and enter into it i believe that's going to be one of the primary emphasis of the holy spirit in the final years leading up to the coming of the lord and i believe he's whispering it to many people even now i mean i remember how just my heart was overjoyed when several months ago when i gave a a message on sunday morning saying hey we've got to go after this and we're going to go after it in the summer in a really intentional way and i gave a message on it was on the internet and francis chan emailed me and said hey i heard your message he goes i watched it he goes this is remarkable because the lord just told me and i shared with my elders i guess it was some weeks before i don't know how long before maybe a month or two i don't know he goes he just told us that these chapters is where he's taking the church the holy spirit is emphasizing us emphasizing this he goes i'm blown away that you just said it was blown away he just said it and i believe we're going to hear a number of people but the lord is just sovereignly going to call them and different journeys different ways but he's going to say i want this to be a primary subject of conversation of the end time church paragraph g i love saying this statement it's the greatest teaching given by the greatest teacher in human history i mean again it's worth effort it's worth looking at it and going what and i've done that a bunch in the last six or eight months and i've studied this over the years a little bit i've taught on it over the years a little bit and lots of times i look at how one verse and the next verse seems like jesus has changed the subject entirely and i i got good news for you there's continuity and divine logic and how one verse leads to the next there's many implications to what he's saying well if it is the greatest teaching by the greatest teacher which it is my guess and i'm not trying to be negative on this next thing sounds negative but i'm going to make a positive statement in a moment related to this my guess but just a pure guess i have no way of knowing that less than one percent of all the believers in church history have ever engaged in these five chapters in a deep and sustained way for years i mean i don't know anybody that has i'm sure there's a couple guys and gals out there in history that have engaged in these five chapters in a deep and sustained way for years so my opinion it's not possible just knowing a little bit that i know about god's heart it's not possible that the greatest teaching of the greatest teacher would be engaged by just a few people in human history the lord says no i got a surprise i got a plan i'm going to bring millions into it in the end time church this teaching will not be passed by well 2 000 years not very many people have gone very deep in it in a sustained way have no fear don't worry i have a plan i'm going to rescue the global body of christ i mean a billion believers they say and then a the billion soul harvest on top of it and there'll be many falling away but many coming in there's going to be a whole lot going on but he's got a surprise a glorious surprise to rescue and liberate and fascinate the end time church with the deepest things of his heart not only these five chapters but this is the epicenter of it in my opinion paragraph h the long this is a long neglected gold mind in the holy spirit let's go on a treasure hunt together i mean let's lock in and let's just go after this i don't mean for a year or two i mean let's go after this let's turn off some stuff and turn away from some things to make more time to free up the bandwidth of our emotions and just our schedules so we can actually work the muscle and go deeper in these five chapters but we won't get it on the run mean a little bit let's go on this treasure hunt together because we're going to gain a lot more together and that's one of the reasons i want some others to uh teach in these uh these four 12-part series and again well i'm sure we're not going to end after four 12-part series because i want to glean from them because if they're pushing the envelope so to speak they're pushing for insight the holy spirit's anointed he'll just give different personalities and different callings different turns and twists of the same diamond different angles of it like wow i would have never thought of that i mean the amazing things i heard about what jesus said to the church of laodicea to dana candler and isaac and stuart and i i mean dave's like her on and on i mean just put the whole list i heard so many new things and i've taught on that those chapters that chapter i mean that passage for years i learned so much hearing from other people well one of my favorite old testament i mean psalms is psalm 36 8 i love david said it i love this psalm i've loved it for years david prayed lord let us drink from the river of your pleasure i just love the language drink from the river of your pla what and john 13 to 17 is the premier place in the bible to drink from the river of his pleasure what's the river of god's pleasure all in one sentence it's when god reveals god to the human spirit when god the holy spirit reveals the father and the son to the human spirit it's indescribable delight it's the greatest pleasure available to the human experience when god reveals god to the human spirit and that happened with david he goes oh i want to drink from the river of your pleasure holy spirit show me his heart more top of page two why i'm a little redundant a little because i'm repetitious because remember one of my main gifts is repetition why is john 13 to 17 so important to the end time church and i believe we're in the early days of that final generation i believe there's people alive on the earth today and maybe the two-year-olds i don't know but i believe there's people alive on the earth today maybe it's the 20 year olds that will see the coming of the lord in their lifetime i don't know if i will but i might i don't know but i believe there's people on the earth that are alive and my point if that be true there's an urgency to really lock into these five chapters millions this is why i believe it's so important millions are going to be equipped by the truths the promises the commands and the authority because there's a number of times in there it's not just a promise you'll speak and you'll say things and the father will release them according to your word according to your prayer there is an authority functioning and authority represented in these five chapters i mean jesus walked in that authority and the four or five times where he said when you ask you're going to receive it even greater works he says you're going to operate in authority like i do various applications of it i believe that these five chapters describe what it is to be overcomers walking as the prepared bride scripture revelation 19 when jesus returns the global body of christ won't be a you know struggling tripping stumbling laodicean compromising church it will be as a prepared bride but something radical is going to happen between now and then there's a number of things positive and negative that are all going to be combined but imagine being overcomers as a prepared bride look at paragraph a in context to the most intense persecution of history against the saints the most intense temptations of the human spirit the angel gabriel told daniel in daniel chapter 8 verse 23 he goes when sin comes to fullness he's talking about those final hours of years of human history when sinners and sin comes to fullness beyond any time of history betrayal will reach an all-time high it's surprising alarming unsettling how much of these five chapters how many verses judas's betrayal got into these five chapters i thought why are you talking about judah so much i mean it's we moved on because the judas story is going to be untold going to be told again in the midst of apostolic teams and church leaderships there will be a betrayal culture jesus said in matthew 24 they will betray one another not everybody because another group will be they will be loyal and fearless in love to the end extravagant paragraph b some of you are familiar with the encounter i had in 1982 or 38 39 years ago where the lord said he was going to change the understanding and expression of christianity and for these 38 plus years i've had people say in what way is he going to change the expression of christianity and mostly we think of outward expressions our meetings will be this way we won't you know we'll meet in homes the power of god will be present we'll relate this way we'll relate that way and there's truth to all of that but i believe that the changing of expression is going to be more internal than external it's because we're going to be interacting into this trinitarian conversation with the father son and spirit we're going to be participating that's the expression that's going to be most profound and of course that will lead to many external changes of the way that we express our life together paragraph c the multi-faceted message that jesus taught here in john 13-17 there are many facets to the message many facets but he highlights two reasons he gave this multifaceted message one reason is that they would have great joy he says i'm teaching you all these truths and promises and giving you these commands i'm teaching you about moving in authority if you learn these things you're going to walk in joy and that's chapter 15. then chapter 16 verse 1 he says and it will keep you from stumbling and many translations and the word stumbling they put the word falling away so jesus says i've given you a multi-faceted message in five chapters and he says it clearly here in verse 15 11 and 16-1 i taught you these truths because if you drink a deep if you imbibe them if you embrace them and walk in them you will actually have joy in the most pressuresome hour of human history in the face of persecution betrayals sin exploding in the culture you will have a joy bigger than that beloved that is way too big those two statements you'll have joy and be kept from stumbling this is way too big to just read these five chapters and move on i go if that's really the multifaceted message that will bring joy in the most troublesome hour of human history there will be a company of people i mean millions and millions they will actually have joy this they will stick out they will shine like trophies of the grace of god paragraph d well what are some of the crisis that jesus was help was teaching this message to the the apostles the early apostles i i identify seven uh points of crisis they were facing like right then and jesus said my message in these five chapters will actually empower you in the crisis you're about to hit that you don't even know is about to hit you but you're not going to just be whisked out of it or i'm just going to have a dream and everything is powerful you're going to have to interact with me according to these truths and if you do you'll have joy in the crisis and you'll be kept from falling away and stumbling well that that's an important study to see why the effect this message had on the apostles in that day but for us today i believe the crisis they faced and overcame is a foreshadowing of the crisis of the end time church is going to face and overcome jesus didn't say these five chapters just so they could overcome in the next few weeks or the next few months and hang in there he wrote this i believe of course for all of church history but for the hour where a billion soul harvest would come in and they would be transformed into a prepared bride crisis number one jesus was taken from them in death suddenly and there will be even in the end time church leaders that are deeply connected to other leaders and people deep family connection and they'll suddenly be martyred and it will shake people in various parts of the church and jesus said if if if the 12 could be sustained when i was taken then it will work no matter who is taken suddenly the pain of betrayal that's one of the most painful realities in in the human experience a trusted family member a trusted team member betrays him because judas didn't just betray jesus i mean of course that's ultimate he betrayed all of them i mean it's a big big subject we'll unpack some of this in the weeks to come the crisis of their personal failure they denied jesus after he traveled with him and he raised from the dead and they saw the mound of trans figures their personal failure they betrayed him they caved that is a crisis if you love god and you stumble that is a crisis jesus said i got a way through that the crisis of their unbelief i mean this is a a guess but when surprising i mean dramatic setbacks come surprising dramatic said nobody saw that coming and it's a huge setback they start asking are the promise is even real because remember the idea of the messiah being killed by sinful men and by jewish and romans romans pagan romans killed messiah a dead messiah can't be in control how can we trust a dead messiah this wait this doesn't work there will be setbacks and people will have the crisis of unbelief and they'll get through it this may not sound like a crisis but i believe number five is a real one the crisis of revival massive increase of responsibility a intense workload because of the mass numbers of people coming in with all their needs and and when they come in they don't always come in they come in happy that they just receive salvation but they come in needy and broken and they want their stuff [Music] now and i mean leadership in a spirit of great increase is i mean it's it's a it's a privilege but it is a crisis too it's a wow this isn't exactly what i signed up for i thought it's true labor paragraph six the crisis the pain of rejection i mean the apostles they were the the nation that they loved they loved their nation the national leaders put them in prison and killed them friends and family members disowned them jesus told them that a number of times mothers and fathers will turn on children and this happened to the apostles paul said i lost so many things the pain of betrayal and the pain of rejection i don't know which is is worse i mean material is rejection but they're a bit different or the pain of personal failure the pain of unbelief i don't know if i believe this oh that's a bad one i don't like getting these the pain of dearly beloved leaders taken suddenly by martyrdom i don't like that one either which one do i like i think the hard work would be the one i'd pick if i had to only if i only had to pick one it doesn't work that way number seven the physical persecution not not just the spiritual emotional i mean we're talking about beat with rods i mean put in prison and the ancient prisons didn't have air condition and starbucks coffee martyrdom the threat of it i mean it was real jesus said these five chapters i've given you a multifaceted message where you can have joy and avoid falling away and stumbling if you enter in when you face these seven not that there's not more crisis unless i just like the number seven so i stopped looking for more probably 10 or 12 points of crisis paragraph f another reason why it's so important these seven five chapters for the end time church it's the necessary paradigm or perspective or lens to properly interpret god's heart and god's leadership through the 150 chapters of which the primary subject is the end times now everybody's not aware of that that there are 150 chapters in the bible of which the primary subject of those 150 chapters not the only but the primary is what happens in the generation the lord returns positive and negative there's 10 or 15 categories of positive 10 or 15 positives categories are negative these 150 chapters they have so much information but when we when we enter into this trinitarian conversation in a deeper way and we enter into the truth of these five chapters it gives us the ability to properly interpret god's heart while these 10 or 15 categories of negative are happening and these 15 10 or 15 categories of positive are happening we interpret god's heart right through the lens of these five chapters i hear a lot of folks over the years teach on end times you know real positive or real negative and sometimes a little of each but to interpret god's heart through the lens of the upper room discourse john 13 to 17. it makes it critical for the generation the lord returns paragraph g well we got to go deep now because if we go deep now we're going to be in a place to train the leaders those that will be leaders in 10 20 and 30 years i mean i don't know the time frames because some of those folks that will be leaders in 20 and 30 years they're not born yet they're not even born once yet others are two and three and four years of their children right now they're three and four years old they're not thinking about it but god is saying i'm gonna raise up a generation that goes deep in this so when they're 15 20 25 and 30 they have a whole foundation of understanding that they've been raised in from these five chapters so it's time to go now i don't want to wait 10 or 15 more years i don't want to get lost in another topic i mean i want to study other passages of the bible for sure i'm going to keep doing that but i want to keep a focus on these five chapters job 26 the statement was when they saw the glory of god talking about the glory of god these are the mirror edges of god's grace in his glory some of these dramatic things that were described how small a whisper about 10 areas of the glory of god are described in job 26 before and and the statement is this is a mere whisper what happens when the thunder of god's glory and power who's going to understand it then my point is i'm studying these chapters and and i'm catching this phrase you're only catching the whisper you're on the outer edges you need to stay with this because there's the thunder the power of me thundering the truth into the body of christ but i need shepherds and messengers to get a hold of that when i thunder this from heaven this message but we start where we start we start with baby steps and we move forward i'm trying to win you to the conviction that this is really worth going after for years and to staying with it even if it's costly and the insight doesn't come quickly or the experience stop at page three now i'm just going to do a little bit here in page three the summary of the message i've said this a couple times already but i again i just i want to say it different ways if i had to just say five chapters what's one sentence well that's kind of torture don't make me say it in one sentence please give me the elevator speech you know you got 17 seconds what does these five chapters talk about well i put it in a sentence or two here it was it's not easy it's how it's jesus's message the summary is how he related to the father but as a man filled with the spirit he's not telling us the main message is it how jesus says god related to the father is god that's in there that's that is part of the message that's not the main message the main message is he as a man filled with the spirit related to god because the point of it is that's how others filled with the spirit are gonna relate to god into one another that's the main message in one sentence if i had to put it there the union the interaction we could say within the trinity father son and holy spirit the way they interact reveals the nature quality and intensity of their love but even the intensity of their relationship but the message is jesus is saying the nature the intensity the quality of how me the father and the spirit interact with each other me as a man filled with the spirit of human i mean yes he's fully god but the the point of john 14 is i'm a man doing this and they're going they go you still don't get it this is what you're going to do i mean the redeemed or never god i mean the gap is is infinite between the redeemed who are created and finite and the uncreated god who's jesus and the father and the spirit paragraph b our ability to receive the love of god and to return it to god and to others is anchored in how the trinity relates to one another that's a strange sentence i want you to think on that one i'm going to say it again our ability to receive love at a deeper level from god our ability to return it to him and to have it overflow to others is anchored in the reality of how god loves god because the father loves the son and that's how the son loves us the father loves the son that's how we're going to love the son john 17 says well if it's anchored in that reality i want to know more about that reality okay okay we'll teach you more about it i don't mean me to you i'm saying the holy spirit's saying this i'll teach you more about it so it's practical to study the trinity it's practical it's not just a theological debate so we can kind of you know cleverly put together some confusing ideas that scholars have debated the practical is that when we know a little bit of how god relates to god it's the model and the source of how we relate to god and and others that's where this new frontier this final frontier in the spirit is taking the end time body of christ paragraph c john 14. i have verse 10 and i have verse 20. you can read those later i want to make here's the point and then invert in john 14 verse 10 and verse 20 because these are critical points but we'll unpack them in other sessions there are four expressions i don't know if that's the best word for expression something i'll come up with a better word later of the mutual indwelling say what are you talking about when you read these these five chapters and the gospel of john number one category jesus is in the father okay what's that mean there's that dwelling of jesus in the father and we're gonna unpack this a bit in in the future sessions that's category one category two or expression two the father is in jesus okay jesus and the father what does that mean well we'll look at look at it a little bit i don't know that much but i know a little bit but it doesn't end there the third category is jesus is in the believer like jesus is in the father okay he's in the father and he's in okay and the fourth is the believers in jesus so there's four different i know categories expressions of how father son and believer how there's mutual indwellings and this is critical to understanding where these the dynamic and the glory of these chapters are these truths are taking us and again we'll look at those later but i just wanted that you to identify and say okay and it's it's mystical and mysterious but some of it's practical and straightforward paragraph d the fact that the father lives in the son and the son lives in the father you know those these this mutual indwelling of each other it's not a in john 14 what's several places in john this isn't a doctrinal statement about jesus's deity it's a it's a statement of his spirit filled humanity i mean this is so striking and stunning the apostles can't get it he says the father's in me doing his works and his words are in me as a man anointed with the spirits what i'm telling you guys they're going whoa what are you no no no you're you know we know you're a man but what well that's where you guys are going to go i mean jesus has the ultimate measure of it beyond what any of us will walk in but it's a lesser degree but it's it's that sort of thing we enter into this mutual indwelling where jesus is in us we're in him jesus is the father the fathers in jesus we'll unpack that a bit but i just wanted this on your mind kind of an alert you're going okay okay like after the session and someone says what are you talking about i don't know somebody's in somebody and they're in the other person i didn't really follow it so just be patient with yourself because it is if it i mean it's new to to many people and so it's like i don't get it yet and that's okay i just just note to self we're going to develop that paragraph e just a little bit here a little not much there's at least five aspects of these this mutual indwelling this mystical union of the father and the son their mind their heart their will their words their works are unified in other words they think feel speak act and decide in ways that are in deep unity with one another but he's gonna do that to the church again this is almost inconceivable to the state of the church now way down under a laodicean spirit of dullness and compromise paragraph g jesus invited his people he goes i want you to participate in this again their eyes are like just you know deer in the headlights they are not getting almost anything that he's saying in my opinion they're so filled with grief that he's going to die they're going like what now he's saying i want to invite you to participate in this with me and the father in the spirit and it will have such an impact on you that you'll have joy even in the crisis and you won't fall away you won't be captured and overtaken by the negative circumstances of not just the despair of difficulty but even the intensified temptations and sin and the culture you won't be swept away by it here's how i'm going to tell you that my little uh i call it my little secret it's not much of a secret but i've done this for many years i mean maybe 40 years this one little thing i do with god when i read a truth about how the father relates to the son or how what he promises to give to us the way he loves us i do this simple thing and i've never improved on it in 40 years i've added some stuff to it i say i read that truth and i go thank you show me more it's so simple it's not much of a secret is it anyway but for 40 years i'll read it says and the father loves the son i go thank you father that you love the son show me more and if you say thank you show me more and we're going to really unpack that a bunch of times in lots of lots of different verses you say that all of a sudden that passage will grow a little bit in your understanding not every time you'll say thank you show me more and then you'll say another phrase you go oh that was a yeah that's true the holy spirit will actually be inspiring flashes of of thoughts and understanding right into you but if you read these passages these glorious passages then you underline them and you go awesome and move on that's that's not bad but if you actually turn it into conversation and that's what i always say i just i just the simple thank you show me more and then i say some more phrases that come after that but those are my two core phrases well let's look at this mutual indwelling just ever so fast this is just a little down payment paragraph h father son and spirit the father fully enjoys and engages with the son and the spirit they fully enjoy and engage with each other jesus has enthusiasm in his relationship with the lord jesus is moved in loving the father and he's moved by being loved by the father the love is never mechanical it's not disinterested it's not bored it's not distant my point is and i could give 20 more little phrases like that and we're going to give more jesus is saying this is how i relate to you i'm not bored in my relationship with you you might be bored with me i'm not bored with you i'm as enthusiastic relating to you as i am relating to the father because this is who i am and i am in the father falls in me but i'm in you and you and me i'm bringing you into it you just haven't caught up yet i mean there's many implications to this when we see how they interact with each other than how they interact with us then we're here going what the lord says think of the implications of the god of heaven enjoying and fully engaging with me like why would you engage why would you have enthusiasm to do this because that's who i am and i never change this is the plan paragraph i paragraph j i said i said boy i'm very repetitive here oh john 15 7. that that's a key one well there's like 25 really key verses in in these but jesus in john 15 7 he says uh my words when they're in your heart oh that means so much that much more than memorizing a few bible verses when my words when the conversation of what i'm saying and the written word in the living word when by the spirit and by the word it's in your heart and what you're saying is agreement and we're in this interaction together many things will take place in that context paragraph k hosea told us that when we return to the lord this is again this is this simple little secret say thank you show me more it's the same thing like this when you return to god hosea said bring words with you this is the key right here bring words don't return to god and just say that's okay to do some of that i'd do a bit of that but actually say words what are the words we say well the bible's filled with them i never thought of using those words we're gonna break this down over time to give you practical things to say and bring to him top of page four jesus is actually paralleling what moses said and what hosea said about bringing words when jesus said if my words abide in you and i don't have that down to the middle page 4 here but the actual passage but we'll cover it many times look at deuteronomy 30. moses said this 1500 years before jesus he goes he had just given them the command to love god and he said don't say verse 11 the command to love god's too mysterious like i can't understand like i get asked all the time i don't know how do you have passion for jesus how do you love god it's so hard to understand moses said no no it's not too mysterious it's not complicated don't say verse 11 it's far off it's outside of my ability i don't you know i'm a weak and broken people i have add and six other things i i can't read the bible i can't i can't i won't i should i could no it's not out of reach actually it isn't i hear that all the time you know i don't have the attention span and i and my point isn't that i don't want to have empathy my point is i don't want you to lose your inheritance it's not out of reach verse 12 it's not in heaven well if i have one of those prophet open vision encounters and go to heaven and get in a chariot maybe he'll help me out moses says you don't need a heavenly encounter well it's beyond the sea if i could finally get on the money get a plane to that revival center far away and have him lay hands and maybe i'd get slain in the spirit i'd come back different nope you don't have to cross the sea either verse 14. he goes here's the key the key to loving god the power it's near you it's in your mouth say what god says and your heart will get ignited over time just start saying what he says and you'll walk in it i'm okay coming up getting prayed for getting slain in the spirit whatever all that heavenly encounters that's cool but get it in your mouth get into the conversation it starts with words paragraph this whole trinitarian conversation foundational to it is words we have to say words our problem is we don't know what words to say or where to start and that's some of what we're going to be doing in these classes giving some practical handle some beginning steps forward jesus's words they have super a supernatural dimension to them his words their spirit and life they're different than our words and but when we say his words they still have a quality of spirit and life they're still it's living and active it's like well it doesn't feel like it's living and acting just start saying it and over time your heart will start moving in a different direction you get his words in your mouth his words are spirit and life and they're living inactive they have a power dimension to them that you might not feel the moment but you stay with it for some months saying what he says and getting that conversation your heart is going to shift simple phrases at the very end of him spoken to god will impact our emotions well here paragraph oh i finally got to john 15 he says if my words abide in you and not just if you memorize them and you say it once or twice if my words the written word and the living words if and that they're living in you and you're taught they're they come from me but they're coming out of your mouth back to me they're still my words and they're in you your prayer life will have a new dimension of power to it there'll be all kinds of power demonstrations that will happen in god's timing okay let's go do these just real quick these one two three four five these are little simple takeaways ask the holy spirit often i love this i go holy spirit help me to engage in the trinitarian conversation help me i don't know what to say the holy spirit says i'm just waiting for you to ask me i know what you need to say i can give it to you and i mean they're all bible verses but i'll highlight them to you tailor-made for your personality the ones that will really touch you ask me to help you and don't ask me once ask me regularly paragraph two i like to speak in conversation with god in short little sound bites of 10 or 20 seconds two and three minutes meaning you don't need to be an hour straight every time just when you're going to your car driving home i like to drive home after the meeting or here and just say the holy spirit says father i know thank you for the way you love jesus show me more jesus i thank you the way you love me show me more i just little whisper little statements i don't know what to say to you teach me how to talk to you holy spirit says show me more i mean i say the holy spirit little don't make it one and two hour increments or nothing i mean have some of those here and there but little short ones if at first it's challenging it will be then just get more familiar with the language say it more often i mean let some months go by and your heart will start getting in sync with it someone goes where do i start number four just start saying bible verses back to god i don't mean just random rapid fire bible verses but a truth will touch you thank you show me more lord just start saying it don't don't wait until you get it all just start tonight and you'll learn as you just start stalking matter of fact that's the way a child learns to speak in their home you know they're one two year old and then then they don't ever stop and anyway it just goes on and on no i'm just having fun but my point is at first it's you know mommy but i remember our son luke how old was he the jesus bible two 18 months two years i came to him i was spending i was with him afternoon he goes jesus bible oh man i got it it's got to be dna man this is jesus bible i said my son is saying jesus bible diana says get off your high horse he's saying juice and bottle i would ah tell the kid to get it clear man i go really she is yeah yeah yeah he didn't know anything about what you're talking about true story get that kid some english lessons i didn't really say that paragraph p i'm gonna give you my final exhortation here just real quick just bullet point and then i'm in other words i'm leaving you with this don't get in a hurry and don't give up on these five chapters is really what i'm saying here when i think of the intimacy process whatever that's a strange phrase i think of five aspects or five parts of this process of growing in intimacy i don't have the precise language they overlap and flow together but it starts by knowing by intellectual knowledge is the point in other words take time to study this here's how i have found in my experience it starts by knowledge i i work hard to oh you know the truth i understand it cognitively then after i understand it i mean a little bit of understanding not a lot then i get it into conversation and then i start saying it to god then when i start saying it to god after conversation is illumination it starts growing my understanding i go oh it means more than what i thought then after illumination i get inspired or motivated to go i've got new zeal now i got new emotions and i'm i'm motivated or inspired and then that's where transformation takes place the transformation of your emotions and your mindset so i start by going i want to learn it if i learn it in my head a little bit not perfectly i get it in my mouth if i get it in my mouth to god not just to people but to god then it grows in understanding illumination then i started getting more inspired then i'm feeling it and then that feeling leads to transformed emotions and mindsets and all kinds of things so in essence paragraph q avoid the common error of so many are making this common air worship team coming up to try to live the christian life without christ so there's so many experts that are teaching people the christian life and discipleship and training and leadership without what i mean without christ i mean they're born again but they don't live they're not intentional about keeping a conversation with him that's what i mean without christ i don't mean they're not born again we can't excel in this without conversation with him some experts in christian community and ministry they'll tell you how to do it but without actually growing closer in the conversation with the lord and what ends up happening is we're just striving in our human effort you know how you see striving to love god i tell people don't try harder to love god spend time seeing more clearly don't try harder see more clearly if you'll get into the conversation then the conversation will lead to inspiration the inspiration will lead to transformation just start talking more to him and you will be able to see striving of just counting on your own efforts to make this thing work amen and amen we're just at the beginning of the beginning of a glorious journey let's stand before the lord it's going to take some effort to go here so please between now and next friday work a little bit more i mean put some time on this going i think i get what you're saying everything i said in these documents it's not always that clear but work on it and see and we'll get it clearer as we go father here we are before you father thank you that you love jesus show me more i just want a heart that is jesus thank you that you enjoy and fully engage with the [Music] just father a heart that is [Music] the holy spirit teach me how to talk show me more [Music] little phrases that work with who i am before you oh we all have different phrases [Music] holy spirit help me study this and let me discover some little flashes of insight here and there spiritual wisdom and revelation come spiritual wisdom and revelation spirit of wisdom and revelation [Music] we say that we need you let the love [Music] holy spirit remind me of what jesus said holy spirit teach what jesus said we want the love of christ [Music] oh we want the love of christ the conversation catches up in the conversation give [Music] to us god we are listening we thank you for the promise of joy of your joy of your peace i just want a heart that is i just want a heart that is i just want a heart that is i just want a heart that is [Music] we want to be caught up in a conversation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for the helper the holy spirit says i'm here i am the helper i am in you i am [Music] teach yours [Music] is [Music] you're saying in your heart you're saying in your heart like tonight i'm really hurting in my heart for some reason or i feel oppressed or just as a heavy attack of the enemy or just situations i just need prayer tonight even in the midst of this we'll have these kind of moments and so in days sometimes so any of you that want prayer you just feel a spirit of heaviness is coming down on your mind or your heart you can't shake it loose see i need the saints to pray with me so i want to do all these things you're saying but i need some prayer tonight go ahead and come stand up on these lines we're going to pray and sing over you [Music] come up to the front line if you would instead come to the second line yeah so folks i'd like about 20 or 30 of you in the room to come on up and pray for folks [Music] anyone in the room that wants to pray for folks coming we're going to ask for the spirit come and rest on [Music] the cross that is full in jesus name we take authority over the spirit of heaviness [Music] spirit of torment just that anxiety that weighs the stomach down [Music] i take authority over it oppressive thoughts thoughts sleeplessness [Music] breakthrough right now in their mind and heart tonight [Music] just a spirit of power come on them tonight [Music] we rebuke the spirit of heaviness we release the spirit of liberty on your mind and hearts you're peace of glory [Music] is the heart fear yours [Music] [Music] father your glory rest on their mind and on their heart take the anxiety out of their stomach and out of [Music] help them bring them to the next place holy spirit bring them to the next place tonight [Music] like a wind [Music] fires [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] there is an invitation for those who are seeking there is an invitation for those who are i've been fighting the hungry the lord said i am inviting you come and drink deeply enter in all it takes is one word i say yes from the river of pleasure come and drink deeply this is my pleasure to give to you heaven is [Music] dreams tonight an increase in the grace of dreams tonight [Music] drinking [Music] tree [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] stay the highs you have so greatly much you desire to hear our [Music] voices [Music] abundance [Music] mercy [Music] you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 14,659
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, church, anniversary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 10sec (7030 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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