The Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11) | Guest Speaker Chris Reed

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we have come to give you highest praise highest praise we have come to love you in this [Music] highest place highest praise we have come to love you in this to place jesus shines through all the praises that we see foreign [Music] here we are here we are here we [Music] are here we are [Music] is [Music] we [Music] we love you lord [Music] you're the one we came here for we love you we love you [Music] here we are here we are [Music] [Music] here we are here we [Music] here are are here we are [Music] forever [Music] is our testimony [Music] you forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are the ones [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] forever lord and i i'll love you forever lord i love you forever [Music] so we behold your beauty tonight jesus [Music] you're the one we want we came here to meet with you i came here to see you face to face to lock eyes the eyes that burn like a flame of fire i want to see tonight come and shine on us [Music] let us not leave here the same way we came tonight we need you we need you jesus [Music] oh lord bless me [Music] and keep me cause your face to shine on me lord be gracious lift the light of your countenance give me peace lord bless me [Music] and keep me cause your face to shine on me lord be gracious lift the light of your countenance give me peace for i live only to see your face to shine on me for i live only to see your face to shine on me oh lord bless me and keep me cause your face to shine on me lord be gracious with the light of your countenance [Music] so foreign on me [Music] foreign [Music] to see your face shine on me [Music] foreign shine on me [Music] like a rushing of a mighty wind [Music] let the light of your face [Music] me [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you guys [Music] me [Music] follow me [Music] me [Music] we say [Music] and we [Music] we know that we go further together [Music] [Applause] we can go through without our brother we can't go through without our sister we don't have to wait for anything to take place before we enter [Music] let's just go together [Music] [Applause] forget the excuse [Music] [Music] [Music] you placed an open door in front of me we say no to the enemy we grab our brother's hand and we go through you placed an open door in front of me we say no to the enemy we grab our sister's hand and we go through [Music] we go through [Music] we go through tonight [Music] help us holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] one body [Music] here we are god come before your throne of grace [Music] i can see the lightning i can feel the thunder i can hear the voices proceeding from your throne [Music] i can see the lightning i can feel the thunder i can hear the voices proceeding from your throne the 24 [Music] creatures crying out day and night night and day one word comes to mind [Music] there's only one word to describe and holy one word comes to mind there's only one word to describe [Music] there's only one word comes to mind there's only one word to describe holy holy holy [Music] lord god almighty [Music] [Music] there is no [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] me [Music] lord god [Music] [Music] is [Music] there is no [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] holy lord god almighty who is like the lord holy lord god almighty [Music] this voice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lord holy almighty [Music] holy [Music] the holy god almighty is father we join heaven's song tonight holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was who is who is to come there is no one like you you stand alone in splendor in majesty and glory we love you we behold you tonight jesus name amen andrew thank you for leading these friday nights come on give him a big hand his team all these friday nights during the fast we've loved it thank you thank you thank you for leading us [Music] beautiful thank you for your leadership your amazing team we love you guys we love you so appreciate it wait don't sit yet you know how it goes meet and greet we want to take a minute say hi to the people around you ask them their name where they're from unless you know them give them a hug or something fist bump okay let's all uh find our seats please does everyone go back to their seats please so mike came out and went wait wait i think everybody got it wrong egs and john 13 starts may 21st because he thought you were here for him all right if you guys if you guys can pull out your bulletins you still got uh just a few uh just two quick announcements to make announcement number one i will be uh resuming our friday night services on may 21st for our staff so our friday night fcs service for our staff that's required for our staff we'll be starting those again on may 21st so come make a note of it and we're going to keep on sending out reminders between now and then but let's get geared up for that and then afterwards we're going to have the egs that's going to start at 7 30. so this past wednesday isaac dana mike and myself we did our last live broadcast on wednesdays at noon or our last one for the fast because as you know today is the last day of the 40 day fast come on now [Applause] thank you lord i i do i just want to take a minute i want to thank the lord father we thank you these 40 days what a season what a season of your activity the release of dreams the testimonies the ways in which you've met us throughout these 40 days god we're asking that there would be so much more in the days ahead that what you began here would increase we're asking for the increase of your activity in the night on our dreams as we sleep we're asking for the increase of your conviction and the activity of your spirit on our heart we thank you for the grace to fast the grace to reach that you stirred us to do it and helped us to do it and we're asking that you would stay near to us in a sweet way in the days ahead thank you for these 40 days amen amen so with that we uh we gave a little special announcement that isaac advertised last week and that announcement is the the ihop kc podcast we're going to use that to continue the family conversations starting may 12th wednesday may 12th from 12 to 1. we're gonna broadcast it live we'll send out the zoom link to the community for those that want to be a part of the conversation and then of course we will then publish that facebook youtube spotify itunes all of that so you can subscribe there but we're we just want to let you know we're going to continue that family conversation wednesdays at noon starting may 12th so good i want to take a second dan bohi i'm going to come to you if you don't mind make it easy could borrow your microphone because we have an announcement from you as well so i'll come to you we do well we're doing two things you're gonna give a few testimonies stories of what happened on tuesday nights the last couple people been healed number touched by the lord so share that but then the other announcement is we're going to continue the tuesday nights for a while that's a biggie right so i'll let you say about that whatever you want okay so cause i'd like to say they're gonna continue you know until like jesus returns but i won't put that on you well maybe we will continue them without it being on me okay how about that yeah but still we like you um so there's been too many miracles to okay one lady's uh boot ankle def was healed and she was able to take it off and the next day walk a mile to the prayer room with no pain come on another person told me they had a 27-year pain in their hip and their knee that was healed completely they have zero pain this last week i preached the hardest message there is to preach in the bible who was there tuesday night that heard that are you guys still okay with coming back [Laughter] because i preached the message that there's hundreds of verses in the bible that describe people that get to the place where grace and mercy can't reach them so don't get to that place and then it exploded and we had about 150 people slain in the spirit and it was like a bomb went off and so it's not a safe room anymore so tuesday nights i think this coming tuesday i'm going to preach a vision on heaven that i have so wait when you say a bomb went off give us okay it was a holy spirit bomb it was like people that have never experienced that losing strength to stand experienced it i know that some of the leaders from the mmf that mike introduced me to that's the the church network about three 500 churches in the city they brought their families and their wives and their wives got blasts like they got shot out of guns and and then i can't mention the name but it's a lady that i'm very close to that doesn't experience things like that she got blasted by the spirit and she had to lay on the ground for quite a while with tears flowing and she's sitting over here to my right but i can't mention her name because i don't want to get her in trouble but tracy pickle no no it's not tracy because it's normal for tracy to get blasted um but if you want an encounter with god just come on tuesday night that's all i can say now yeah that's good i'm done it's great okay no it's great why don't we if you don't mind can we take a second yeah can we pray for folks i'll do it or you do it you tell me just for folks that are in pain right now because the thing that you highlighted was pain joint pain pain in the the nerves bones if that's you you've got just chronic pain i want to invite you to stand or raise your hand you don't even have to stand if you don't want to if you'd like prayer chronic pain chronic pain we're going to believe for a touch from the lord right now if you are near somebody would you lay hands on them their hand is up or they're standing in the name of jesus we take the authority that you've given us against all this pain and we cast it out now in the name of jesus all pain has to leave these bodies this is the body of christ now so now we don't want you to wait till the sermon's over we don't want to wait till the end we want the pain gone now so that they can enjoy the sermon yes so thank you god for hearing this prayer actually thanks for backing up this declaration based on your word you told us we could speak to things and they would move so pain's a thing so we speak to pain and you have to move yes in jesus name now if you'll move you'll notice your pain is gone and you'll be happy that your knees feel better your shoulders feel better your back feels better wave your hand if that's you if you feel better just start waving your hands come on hey man hey man okay i'm done i'm gonna stay with it for a second i just wanna stay with it for a second let's not be in a hurry if the lord touched you a little bit stay standing there's still there's still pain but you felt a change stay standing i just wanna ask the lord for more we don't need to be in a hurry if the lord's moving we want to stay with it for a second holy spirit we ask for more right now in the name of jesus we thank you for touching bodies we thank you for moving us forward we're asking for more right now in jesus name increase increase thank you all over the room where there's been improvement we're asking for more thank you pain go in the name of jesus we speak to bodies right now we command them to be healed that pain would be broken and gone right now in jesus name pain all pain increase your power your presence right now all over the room right there all pain thank you more lord amen amen more lord increase for marcy sorghi right now increase increase in the name of jesus release your power for caleb right now touch him lord increase your presence right now feel him lord peace to his body pain-free right now in the name of jesus for simeon for paul touch him right now in jesus name all pain gone thank you lord for wellington touch him right now increase release fire on him right now in jesus name if the lord touched you just a little more you saw improvement round two just wave your hand again just wave your hand again yes come on come on thank you jesus father we thank you you love to heal it's in your name we lean into who you are and we're asking even as we're seated even as we're listening and engaging continue to move we love that you love to heal and we're asking for the multiplication of it in our family in jesus name amen thank you dan thank you so much for what you're doing so tuesday nights they're going to continue for a bit they're supposed to come to an end uh in a few weeks but we're going to continue those on for a little while more so again thank you so much for doing that we love that you're doing it amen well we have a huge announcement we didn't quite know that the end of the fast this service and this announcement were all going to happen on the same day it's kind of cool but this is a big deal for our family in a moment fadi gurgus is going to come out but we're going to before he does we're going to run a video if that's ready to go and this is a sweet deal for our family and we are really thankful for what we're announcing so go ahead and run that video if you could [Music] this is more than just an app this is a movement raising up night and day worship in the nations this is for the worshipper this is for the intercessor this is for the bible believing the disciple make a jesus follower this is for the artist for the singer for the student and the teacher [Music] this is for the passionate leader the overcomer the late nighter the early riser this is for all believers join the worship that never stops download the app isn't that so exciting amazing i can't tell you guys enough what's inside this platform um it's very emotional to both of us and actually to all the team who've been working on this for so long i would say it's literally gold in one place it's the history of the music of ihop kc since 2000 before 2005 until today all in one place every single song that came out of the prayer room every single limited edition album every single best of the prayer room album every single unceasing worship album they're all the same just different names um with hundreds hundreds of worship leaders that have been through this house some are still here and some are not anymore the history in here it carries the history of this place we um when we were working on this for the last year we've been developing this internally we called it the ihop kc music hub if you love ihop kc if you love the prayer room this is everything in terms of music and prayer of ihop kc in one place including the live stream and the archives uh what's really cool that we have done and went above and beyond is that we actually started to classify all these moments by what do they talk about i want to listen to something about eternity i want to listen to something about beauty i want to listen to an intercession moment about israel i want to filter through my topics and prayer moments and instrumental moments and i can just find what i need for my prayer time for my house of prayer for the people watching on the web stream for your house of prayer there is so much in this that is from this place before we continue and we have a couple more things to share with you guys i want to encourage you go ahead grab your phones download it right now if you haven't i know a bunch of us have if you go on the app store if you're using apple device if you're using android device then go on uh the google play store download the app um search for unceasing worship and download the app we are giving a special promo code for fc community that won't last for a long time if you want to get the premium subscription which will have everything in it all what i just mentioned use the code family 60 and then that will give you two months completely for free but even that after the two months it's about five bucks a month we're talking here a cup of coffee so it's not really a big deal but i want to encourage you this supports the prayer movement this supports the prayer room the singers the musicians all the staff all the history of this house those five dollars actually support the prayer room you can't get premium subscription inside the app you have to go to and then you can upgrade your account in there or chose a premium account put the family 60 coupon code in there then you can get the premium subscription um have i said that this is also on in on tablets as well as on the website if you guys don't use a smartphone or you don't like smartphones if you open your browser you'll have everything exactly the same on the browser under also this syncs with all of your devices if you favorite or save a moment it will be synced among all of your devices um she asked me not to ask her to talk at all so this is my wife mary catherine [Applause] she's the admin for this entire project she's the one that has to deal with all the customer complaints manage all the emails communication all that stuff and she is the one that is holding all the admin details on the back end and now she's the one going to have to deal with all the emails coming forward after the app which you've been getting tons of them but can you just share a couple testimonies from emails that you received just today about the app specifically yeah people are so um blessed that they have this one place that they can go now and find all of this music especially the old best of the prairie limited edition albums because people i've been getting emails like i'm so blessed this is like a trip down memory lane i've been playing this all day long this is so amazing this is brilliant thank you so much they love that they can go and have everything in the one place and like we're getting emails from people saying we love that we're supporting the prayer room and supporting these worship leaders and the singers and just thanking us for what we've done as like developing this app but also for everyone who is a part of this and a part of the prayer and worship movement and since this morning we have tripled our numbers in one day of people who are on our platform which is amazing we've also went up over 35 steps in ranking on the app store which what i would ask of you guys when you download the app please give it a five star review and if you don't like it tom talk to me but don't give it a one star review i'll i'll deal with you guys but please give it a five star review this is a blessing to ihop casey this is the history of ihop kc in one place and uh we are going to continue this is just the beginning today is just the beginning and we're about to go way further than that over the next few months and few years stay here stay here i'm so excited about this isaac go ahead i got privileged access to this app beforehand and one of the amazing features that you'll probably touch on is the ability to favorite sets from the archives into your own playlist so now i have my own playlist where i can listen to my wife morgan bennett and her sets i can listen to john thurlow i can listen to jonas park and many many many others i can create my own set list and here's what i love that i'm so jealous for in this generation is worship that sings the anointed word of god and i can put on my playlist and i don't have to wait for my spotify playlist or my apple playlist to get to an anointed song where they're actually singing about jesus with anointed phrases because that's what this house has done for the last 20 years and so fadi and mary katherine and your team i am so grateful to you you guys have no idea the amount of hours that they have done in producing this and the programming and the back ending of this you guys have done this as a sacrifice and a labor of love to this house that is unbelievable and we are so grateful for you and look forward to the things the lord is gonna do through this app so thank you both very much so good i just want to drive home a couple more points we've been uh working toward this for a long time and when i say we i'm getting in on this but it's really just them and their team he just talked about hours i know you haven't even added it up but if we were just to spitball the hours of you and your team over these two years few thousand hours yeah i'm guessing it's ten thousand plus man hours ten thousand hours as well as uh an entire uh coding team in egypt that's been putting together all of this pennies on the dollar compared to what we could do here but this is two three four hundred thousand dollars worth of an app that is an itunes level it's beautiful it's elegant there's four levels of filtering and and uniquely what you can do is stack the filters you don't have to pick just one or the other you can pick all four so like isaac was saying you can get exactly the playlist you want in about three clicks and then save that playlist and then go build another and that's i'm trying to remember on the ads three million something minutes of music 3.5 million plus minutes of music on this app they released from ihop kc just from not even anything outside of iowa we're adding four runner albums we're adding one thing live we're adding an album a month curated from the best of the prayer room that month you just don't want to not get this i didn't see nearly enough phones coming out pull out your phone and get it and and believe me we haven't had a funding mechanism like this for worship leaders this is going to fund the singers and musicians in the prayer room so it's all set up just like itunes for artists royalties to go and fund you help when you download you help even more when you post it on facebook when you email some people 1500 people email 10 and we'll have 15 000 immediately in the loop help us on this this is a glorious moment and it's the beginning of other tech apps that are coming out he said five bucks for a cup of coffee for two cups of coffee listen that's one cup we know that one cup a month put it towards the subscription and you are helping fund worship that never stops i'm so proud of you guys thank you video the life of william seymour [Music] when i think about william seymour the first thing that comes to mind really is that william seymour was a risk taker uh and that he really was willing to step out of his comfort zone i recall reading about william seymour and one of the things that he did that was outside of the box was after having attended a college in an indirect way in houston and moving to to california he was kicked out of the parish that he was assigned to but rather than letting that stop him from what he felt like were the purposes of god in his life he actually started meeting at a lady's house right on azusa street which has become known as the famous street revival he was adamantly preaching about speaking in tongues in the baptism of the holy spirit which was a which was an uncommon teaching of the day and so the parish that he was assigned to thought that was a little radical and didn't believe that his teachings were truth and so they actually locked the doors of the parish that he was assigned to so he couldn't go in so the day that he was supposed to show up to teach the doors were locked and so rather than go home and sulk about it he actually found a place where he actually was able to express himself and and drew a crowd of many other young couples husbands and wives with young children and began teaching about the baptism holy spirit until a movement was birthed that is now known as pentecostalism william seymour was best known for or most known uh by even by modern day preachers for his humility it's been said that he actually when he prayed in meetings and services that he would actually cover his head with a box with a crate the only famous quote that i can think of that william seymour has said it's a little bit hard to find the documentation of it but was the prophetic word that william seymour gave in 1906 when he said that 100 years from now the lord's going to pour out his spirit again in the same measure or in a greater measure than he did uh in his day you know 100 years is actually around 2006 2007. up until this day we're living in that window of time now so it's exciting to hear that prophetic word and to to go after god and go lord do it again the reason there was an awakening that happened in this day they were meeting in a house it was families that were meeting together it wasn't a sunday morning church service it wasn't a saturday night church service it was actually husbands and wives and children who got together in a home and and over a meal started discussing the things of god and opening their heart to one another i do i do believe that there is a communal aspect of of being relational and operating in community the way the body the way the lord designed the body to operate that will actually usher in a great awakening vulnerability of the heart opening our hearts to one another opening our heart to the things of god i really believe that we'll see an outpouring of the spirit of the lord william singer's life challenges me to respond to the lord and to what he's called me to and what he's called all of us to which is really the pursuit of the knowledge of god as we all know the knowledge of god and just the person of who god is is really an endless ocean and there's so much more to know about him than what we know it challenges me to not go beyond just the uh you know the bible verses that we all know and can quote you know the john 3 16 but to really dive deep into the things of god and to discover who he is if there's one thing in my ministry or in the ministry the lord's given me that i would say that i would love to have that was in williams ministry it's radical signs and wonders it's miracles it's the promise of of acts 4 that we pray all the time i want to see god pour out a spirit like he did in william seymour's day [Applause] you know one of the things that were wanted to highlight as we've been doing these malachi project testimonies and videos is to uh i want us to know that this is our story in other words we're not just uh well i'm gonna say that i'm gonna change that from we to you okay a few people laughed i know my my humor is dried in the sahara but that's okay no really it's that um i want you as white believers to see this as part of the history of the church in america so this is not a black history month focus but rather this is highlighting what the lord has done in and through his church in this case when it comes to to black believers one of the things that the malachi project has been staring at has been trying to research finding these stories specifically focused on men and women in the black community who operated in the spirit and i say that because oftentimes when the heroes in the black community are highlighted they are uh black men and women who have had an impact on society and and and we value that but the thing that we wanted to highlight they said lord would you would you just help us unlock the treasure of black men and women who operated in the spirit who operated in apostolic power prophetic visions authority healing deliverance and so forth so that it can be added to our understanding of the cloud of witnesses for us to contend what these men and women contended for and one of the things that struck us this morning is that uh you know we just honestly we just kind of randomly just kind of picked these videos in terms of when to have them so we didn't plan to have uh the seymour video today i mean sorry we planned to have a table but it was it wasn't done intentionally and it turns out that today exactly today was 115 years ago that started the azusa street revival and so one of the reasons why i was giving you guys a little bit of a of a vision that perfect behind the male cup project is that if you like to research if you come across any of these uh men and women in the black community throughout history who operated in power uh please email me stewartgrace because we want to we want to collect as many stories as possible and add them to this repertoire so that an entire generation can be educated and equipped about the lives of these men and women except the ushers come forward i'm going to take the offering oh by the way 3.5 million minutes of music comes down to 60 000 hours yeah i don't do minutes well so i figured hours would help me get my head around a little bit better all right let's pray father we thank you lord for this day lord that it marks 115 years ago that birth the movement of the holy spirit in azusa street in 1906. father we ask you that you would do it again and multiply it and let it sweep across this nation father we thank you for the grace of giving father we thank you for your provision in our lives and father we ask you lord that you would bless the sowing of the finances that you would multiply it for your purposes and give you glory in jesus name amen great is thy faithfulness god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou hast been forever will be great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all i have needed hath provided great is i faithfulness lord unto [Music] a piece that indoor earth thy only presence to cheer and to guide [Music] blessings [Music] faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning [Applause] new mercy [Music] [Music] provided [Music] lord unto me oh great is i faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning new mercies [Music] [Music] greatest time [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen amen thank you thank you thank you well before i introduce chris reed here but let's just give him a warm welcome here just rob the bat [Applause] and i'll just say a word or two and pray for him but i got to talk about that app for a minute 60 000 hours of live worship i mean worship that was captured 60 000 hours like what i'm picturing sarah edwards like 25 straight hours into sarah edwards just crying all the way through it wow anyway i'm thinking this is amazing amazing amazing i didn't quite grasp the fullness of what this thing is and so anyway i'm just so jazzed by that well i was at rick joyner's what was about six weeks ago eight weeks ago something like that and we're at the round table and rick has a yearly round table and about 30 40 uh leaders come and talk about stuff and and so rick tells me he goes i got a guy because at that round table i'm 65 i'm one of the youngest guys at the round table so go figure and and i actually like that because these guys are 70 17 80 they've been doing it 50 60 years they have a resume that's intense because they're in the political arena the military arena all these different spheres of economics and they really know stuff so i'm one of the young ones and they said we got this guy he's 36 he's half your age i go boy he's gonna stick out and uh you were the you were the pee-wee [Laughter] age-wise and what rick said is he goes i told him that we have a pulpit for short guys i made this popup for john john chisholm so that he would fit in this pulpit and so i told him he might have to bow down to this so john this was for you this little pulpit he had to chris has to go okay but anyway rick told me he goes there's a guy half my age but he has twice my wisdom that's how he said it about you and i love that that was great he said you two are going to be connected and rick doesn't talk that way i go really he goes trust me you guys are going to be connected so just note to self go meet him tonight when we start the meeting so i went up to him i go hi chris i said hi how are you you know i need to chat with you and i didn't quite know what was going on and we talked many hours and all the breaks we sit and talked and dean was there and and the lord has just connected our hearts in a special way and this message on the fear of the lord and so i'm not going to talk much about your ministry because it will just take care of itself but i just want to say thank you for being here good friend with paul kane the last couple years of paul's life last year became close to him and that that's really special to me because of who paul was to me and just to know that you guys were connected at that level that is really special well come on up here let me pray for you here's how i got to give you a paul king joke okay because on introductions here's what paul some guy gave paul this incredible introduction because it was you know and paul got up and he says well actually i'm a nobody from nowhere representing somebody from everywhere so that's a good introduction so father we just thank you for the word of the lord that you've released in your servant who loves you he loves your heart and i just thank you just for the connection we've had in the last two months and i ask you to release the spirit of wisdom and revelation that would magnify jesus and lord we thank you for your servant who loves you and who walks before you with humility in jesus name amen and amen thank you bless you all right thank you mike i appreciate that so much next time we'll maybe get a taller pulpit for you so okay a little bit taller awesome this is fine wow what a delight to be here and we've just really had some supernatural times already together and truly thankful tonight to be able to stand here and speak to such a great group of people and to make friends with mike and diane bickle and just to meet some of the staff today i told them i was completely ignorant to this place i was like a first-time visitor i really am literally and and knowing people wise and so it's a it's a great delight for me to be here and i'm excited about what the lord is going to do tonight and this weekend also glad tonight that my friend dan reese is with me who was paul kane's personal assistant the last what was it three years of his life and so he's just a great blessing minister and and support to me amen so i don't want to take much time tonight with preliminaries i want to get right into um the word of the lord if that's all right with you and we'll just see what the lord would do tonight you know the the most important thing uh that we could have is the lord's endorsement on this message tonight on this service and um so i am going to minister on the subject of the return of the fear of the lord and i want to take a text tonight from isaiah chapter 11 and i'll just read a few verses there isaiah chapter 11. you know i truly believe with all of my heart tonight that the lord wants to do something so magnificent that it can't be blamed on man and i believe that's going to happen i do isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 there shall come forth a rod from the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord his delight is in the fear of the lord and he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes and i'll stop there but you know this concept of the seven spirits of god is a very impactful subject and frankly something that has been a subject that the lord has really been dealing with me about and opening up to me about but these seven spirits seven meaning complete or perfect seven qualities attributes or the fullness of god's spirit are not just talked about in isaiah but revelation 1 when verse 4 when john wrote to the seven churches he said grace to you and peace from him who is and was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne and then in revelation chapter four verse five and from the throne it says preceded lightnings thunderings voices seven lamps of fire we're burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of god and then one last place in revelation of course revelation being an unveiling of jesus christ in revelation 5 and 6 i looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it though it had been slain having seven horns horn meaning power complete power seven eyes he sees all he has all power which are the seven spirits of god sent into all the earth so here we see just a few of these verses where the bible conveys this message to us about the seven spirits of god in the old and in the new testament but i had an encounter with the lord that really put me on this track or on this subject back towards the end of 2020 that was one of the most powerful encounters that i've ever had with the lord and it was so supernatural and the times i have usually encountered the lord in a deep way is through deep prayer intercession contemplation caught up in a vision caught up in the spirit but i think the lord likes to surprise us and break the mold sometimes and i was raking leaves when i had this experience believe it or not and uh what was so incredible about it is i i stopped just for a minute in my yard and i remember just leaning on the rake and instantly i mean i was in a glory realm just that fast and i remember uh the first thing that i saw was an angel standing in front of me and the best way that i can describe this angel was his countenance his eyes were so penetrating like fire and of course he had a robe on and about hair down to here and uh he just it was like he could see straight through me and i noticed also he had a blue haze over his shoulder and he just stood there and he looked at me and of course at this point i'm in a holy terror because it affects me that way every time i i never want to become so calloused by his presence i believe when we encounter the living god i think it was john that said i fell on my face like a dead man and i believe it was isaiah that isaiah chapter 6 where he felt so unworthy in the throne room that he asked an angel to come and to take a coal from off the altar to touch his unclean lips and so i see this angel standing in front of me and the next thing that happens i don't know how long i'm standing there but he points to me and he motions me to come here just like this and so hesitantly i started walking forward and the next thing that happens is he steps aside and there is a door standing right behind him and so and something else i want to tell you is it was almost like i was in a realm of glory beautiful colors beautiful atmosphere uh the fragrances and just various things captured my attention and i think about this a lot and i've preached about this um on several occasions now just because when you have an encounter with god then a message becomes personal and so uh with these beautiful colors and this heavenly glory-like atmosphere he steps aside and i start walking forward uh with trepidation and i step through this door the door opens and it closes behind me and it was as if i was in a library now quite a change in scenery through a door but i realized i was in heaven's library it was as if i stepped out of a glory presence glory realm atmosphere stepped through this door into this heavenly library and you know if you've ever yourself been in a library you know that uh there are sections with various different kinds of books for instance there's a a section for the fiction a section for the non-fiction a section for adventure or the various types of books well there were several bookshelves that were lining the this library but one that stood out to me above all the others and at the top of this bookshelf it was marked as the supernatural and so i walked over to this bookshelf and of all the books that were on this bookshelf only one stood out at me and the one that stood out to me on as it was sitting bookend in the shelf i read on the book end of the the binding of the book it said the seven spirits of god and so i reached in and i took the book out and on the front cover of the book it was incredible because the order of the pages were the exact order of the seven spirits of god that are mentioned in isaiah chapter 11 verse 3 that i read to you tonight and you're hearing on the front cover of the book it said the spirit of the lord which is the first spirit mentioned this in isaiah 11 this prophecy about jesus this messianic prophecy about the coming christ and i turned the front cover and so i come to the first page and it says the spirit of wisdom and it was like each page was a white off-white piece of paper but it was thick paper it was like there was a book within each page and so the first the the top cover was the spirit of the lord i turned that over the first page the spirit of wisdom i turned the next page the spirit of understanding i turned the next page the spirit of counsel i turned the next page the spirit of might i turned the next page and it said the spirit of knowledge and that was the last page and i took the back cover of the book and i closed the book while i held it in my left hand and on the back cover it said the spirit of the fear of the lord as i pondered these things i believe i looked up and i looked back down at the book and suddenly there was a change of this book that struck me and i knew that there was a message being conveyed to me from this holding this book the seven spirits of god the back cover what was different was the back cover sometime between me glancing up and looking back down the back cover had been ripped or torn off now it was still laying on the book but you could see where the binding that the back pay or the back cover which was the spirit of the fear of the lord was ripped off and it was just laying there detached from the rest of the book and i noticed it holding with my left hand i used my right hand to turn the cover over to see the pages on the inside and when i did all of the pages in the middle fell out and then i heard the angel speaking behind me and he said do you know what you have seen of course i just listened he said what you are looking at is the spiritual condition of the broad church at large they want the supernatural they're drawn to the supernatural section but here's what he said he said when the fear of the lord or the spirit of the fear of the lord is taken out of our message out of our church culture out of our preaching out of our lifestyle okay when when this when the fear of the lord is taken then also the spirit of wisdom is lost the spirit of understanding is lost the spirit of counsel and might is lost and the spirit of knowledge supernatural knowledge is lost and then he told me to look down and see what i was holding in my left hand and all at that point that was in my left hand was the front cover of the book which was the first of the seven spirits mentioned in isaiah 11 and 3 which the front cover said the spirit of the lord and he said this is what you only experience in most churches they've lost the fear of the lord and so because that the spirit of counsel which is words of knowledge words of wisdom and they've lost the spirit of might which are signs and wonders and healings and miracles they've lost the spirit of wisdom and they've lost the spirit of knowledge and they've lost under the spirit of understanding which is also the spirit of revelation when you when you lose the fear of the lord you lose the supernatural and all you're left with in a service is just an atmosphere now i am in no way minimizing or detracting the first of the seven spirits mentioned here the spirit of the lord is wonderful and i would never ever ever detract from it but why there are seven spirits is what makes the spirit of the lord complete is it's a full package where the spirit of the lord is there is to be revelation where the spirit of the lord is there is to be a spirit of wisdom where the spirit of the lord is there is to be a spirit of knowledge where the spirit of the lord is there is to be counsel and might and when you lose the fear of the lord then you lose the essence the greater essence the full package of the holy spirit and all you have left is a feeling of a spiritual atmosphere and he struck me when he said that because i think about the words that are often said in services isn't this wonderful atmosphere do you feel the spirit of the lord here and there's nothing wrong with that i want to feel a spirit but i want to also experience what that spirit does i want more than a feeling i want the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of counsel and might that will tell a man of god to tell naaman to go down to a specific river not just any river not the rivers of habana and far par no the spirit of council says go to the river jordan naaman and if you want to be healed of your leprosy go to this river and don't dip five six times dip seven times and when you come up the seventh time you'll have the flesh of a child so i wanna say here tonight that naaman understood the spirit of counsel it doesn't always make sense but how many of you believe and feel this with me in your heart that we ought to wake up every day with an expectation that before i make a move before i decide even which store i go to before i leave for work before i go grocery shopping before i visit anyone this day i want to petition the lord and i want to seek the spirit of counsel because god wants to direct our paths and he wants us to walk in the spirit so that he can direct our footsteps how many times have we went to walmart when we should have went to target because at target there was someone there that needed our testimony or god was going to guide us to them with awarded knowledge and they be healed of their infirmity the same spirit of counsel that was on jesus who went out of his way and took an alternate route to samaria to talk to a woman at the well so that a prophetic encounter could bridge two races he was a jew she was a samaritan two genders there's only two male and female to bridge two religions he was a jew she was a samaritan she even referenced we worship in different places but when you operate in the spirit of counsel and might when you follow the council the might shows up and i believe if naaman would have just dipped three times and come up he'd have stayed a leper i believe if naaman would have dipped six times and come up he would have stayed a leper i believe if naaman would have went to a different river a better river a river less muddy he would have stayed a leper but the fact is the spirit of counsel was given and because it was received that allowed the spirit of might to show up and of course the spirit of wisdom one of the prayers that paul prayed for the church is that we would operate in the spirit of wisdom and revelation understanding the spirit of knowledge we need revelatory knowledge we need people who can receive supernatural knowledge for events ahead of time to know future events to know situations to demonstrate the fullness of the spirit of the lord there's a reason why this text in revelation talks about the spirit of the lord being these seven spirits and it said seven lamps burning with fire in one of the texts that i read to you there and it was revelation four and five which to us is somewhat of a picture of the menorah the seven golden candlesticks if you've ever seen a menorah you know that there are the original menorah there are seven branches or seven candlesticks rather there is a middle branch which is the main branch in the middle of the um menorah and then there are three branches and the reason why that's the case is the reason for why in isaiah 11 and 3 there are three couplings in those seven spirits of god three couplings the spirit of the lord is by itself the middle branch the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the lord what i need you to understand is in these three branches on this manure that created seven lamps of fire the same oil that fueled the flame of wisdom filled the flame for the for revelation understanding the same oil that fueled the flame for the spirit of counsel fueled the spirit of might and the same oil that fueled the candlestick for the spirit of knowledge fueled the fear of the lord that's why there are three couplings because on the menorah according to revelation 4 the seven spirits of god were like the seven lamps burning before the throne i don't know about you but i want the complete spirit of god working in our midst working in this last day church working to produce a mighty army an end-time ministry to display those greater works and i believe with all of my heart if we want the spirit of counsel and might to be restored to the church like it was with elijah and naaman if we want the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of understanding and the spirit of wisdom to come back to the church if we want more than just to feel the spirit of the lord then we've got to pray for a sovereign restoration of the fear of the lord back to the church of the lord jesus christ hallelujah i love what it says here about isaiah in chapter or about jesus in isaiah 11 and 3 his delight is in the fear of the lord and he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes i believe that when the fear of the lord returns to the church the full supernatural will return to the church i believe what we are experiencing in modern day christendom in the spirit world church even the spirit-filled church rather we are seeing a lot of things that is lacking the spirit of the fear of the lord and listen when you tear off the spirit of the fear of the lord or reverential awe rather you could say then you lose a lot of the supernatural element in fact you lose all of it many people don't like to talk about the spirit of the fear of the lord because they mix it up they get it confused with natural fear and many people grow up with all kinds of different fears fear of being alone at night afraid of the dark afraid of an abusive parent afraid of an abusive spouse and so we all at one way or in one way or another have felt fear grip our hearts and so we think somehow that when we talk about the fear of the lord we're talking about being scared of him but i want you to know first john 4 18. 4 18 says there is no fear in love perfect love casts out fear whosoever fears has not been made perfect in love now for years we heard that scripture quoted and frankly we heard it misquoted for years we heard people say and quote first john 4 18 to say perfect love casts out all fear how many of you ever heard it quoted that way i want you to know that perfect love does cast out fear but it will not cause you to ever lose a reverential awe of god you will never lose a fear of the lord and if we ever do then we will lose the supernatural and i believe the return of the spirit of the fear of the lord is the key to the supernatural being returned to the church in an outpouring of the fullness of the spirit of god we do not ever ever want to get comfortable to have church without the operation of the spirit and i don't believe that happens here i'm in no way insinuating that but tonight somehow i truly believe we're living in a time in the church where people become disillusioned because of this lacking of the spirit of the fear of the lord but i truly believe that we have to love and understand and appreciate and acknowledge the severity and the goodness of god now many people are also afraid of the fear of the lord because you know you you can pervert any truth any truth that becomes out of balance can become perverted there's two ditches on the path to life one ditch is legalism and the other side or the other ditch is liberalism there's two ditches on both sides of the road on the path to life and so because people have experienced a perverted fear they've accepted the perverted fear instead of the original it's kind of like the occult world the new age the occult world has captured the attention of many of the young people of our time they've captured the attention of much of our society and tried to make us believe that psychic powers quotations psychic powers and a lot of the giftings in the occult world and i get there's a perversion there and all that's not real but there is an element to that stuff that has an element of being real and so much of the church world and nominal christianity will stay away from the subject of the supernatural because they look at the occult world and so here's what they've done they said well if you go into a spirit-filled church a charismatic church a pentecostal church and you see somebody prophesy or give words of knowledge or know the secrets of the heart here you ever heard them say this well that's of the devil or that's of the occult or that's of new age i'm here to serve notice that long before the occult in new age took and perverted the gifts i want to serve notice to the enemy tonight that they bought the supernatural belonged to the church long before it ever belonged to the new age and i really believe that god is going to pour out in this last day some measure of his justice and his holiness and his veracity in such a way that the lord will restore that which he never took away to our generation and we will hear the inaudible see the invisible and feel the intangible and this what we're believing and praying for that what started out in the spirit will not end up in the flesh i want to just give you some scriptures to show you of what happens when the fear of the lord is present and i don't think it's something we can manufacture or drum up i believe it's going to have to be a sovereign thing for god to restore we're going to have to begin to cry out for a return of the fear of the lord psalms chapter 111 verse 10 the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom now remember from isaiah 11 and 2 the seventh spirit mentioned was the spirit of the fear of the lord the first one mentioned other than the spirit of the lord was the spirit of wisdom now isn't it interesting that the seventh spirit the spirit of the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom the first of the seven mentioned besides the spirit of the lord itself why why is it that the spirit of the fear of the lord was the seventh spirit to make the one spirit of god full i'll tell you the reason why because the same one that's the end is also the beginning if you're going to get a return of the spirit of wisdom you first have to get a return of the spirit of the fear of the lord thus the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom that's the reason why in my visionary caught up encounter when that last binding cover was tore out all of the other pages fell out but when you get that cover that back cover back upon the book then all of the supernatural returns so the seven spirit if you lose that one you lose all in the middle which is why the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and wisdom is one of the first spirits mentioned it says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding there's another one of the spirits have all those who do his commandments his praise endures forever proverbs 1 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge there's one of the other seven spirits isn't it interesting how that even though the spirit of the fear of the lord was the seventh one mentioned you have to have it before you have wisdom understanding or knowledge wow how about proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolongs life but the years of the wicked shall be shortened many people for years have been trying to find the fountain of youth how to live longer you hear statements like the good die young i want to tell you i think we found the fountain of youth and it's right in the bible the fear of the lord prolongs life because if you have the fear of the lord then you haven't something within you to guide your choices and your lifestyle choices so you don't have an early death or shorten your life because the fear of the lord governs you it directs you proverbs 14 27 the fear of the lord is a fountain of life there it is again that one may avoid the snares of death proverbs 19 23 the fear of the lord leads to life so that one may sleep satisfied untouched by evil you having trouble sleeping at night insomnia night tares i'm here to tell you that the fear of the lord is going to help when it returns we're going to start sleeping supernaturally sound again it's what it says how about this proverbs 15 16 betters a little with the fear of the lord than great treasure and turmoil with it proverbs 2 and 5 then you will discern the fear of the lord and discover the knowledge of god so you got to find the fear of the lord first then you discover the knowledge of god proverbs 8 13 the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride arrogance in the evil way the perverted mouth i hate when the fear of the lord returns to the church again we won't have to treat the symptoms of sin we won't have to dress proud spirit hotty mindedness a gossiping tongue no the fear of the lord will cause you to hate those things and when the fear of the lord returns the pastor no longer has to be a sheriff but he's a shepherd exodus 20 and 20 moses said to the people do not be afraid for god has come in order to test you and in order that the fear of him may remain with you so that you may not sin there's something about holiness that is produced in the church by the spirit of the fear of the lord it will cause you to hate evil not hate the sinner but hate sin see i truly believe loose living careless living carnality will be dispelled from the church when there is a return of the fear of the lord the fear of him may remain with you that's what moses said he prayed that the fear of him may remain with you now here's what i like about this if you look at there in exodus 20 20 he says moses said don't be afraid so this fear of the lord is an afraid kind of fear because in the same verse that he tells you don't be afraid he also says i pray that the fear of the lord will remain with you so you see there's a difference in fear and the fear of the lord do not be afraid for god has come in order to test you and in order that the fear of hate may remain with you so that you may not sin how about ecclesiastes 12 13 let us hear the conclusion of the whole manner fear god and keep his commandments for this is man's all well we complicate life sometimes don't we when in reality keeping his commandments with the fear of the lord is the whole duty of man now even in the new testament we see this incredible display in acts chapter 5 and verse 11 this is picking up right after ananias and sapphira lie and remember they fall over dead and they're carried out and so the whole church sees this and hears about this and we pick up there in acts chapter 5 and verse 11 and so in response to the story i told you just now so great fear came upon all the church and upon all those who heard these things now watch what happens after verse 11. verse 11 fear comes upon the people watch what follows are you ready verse 12 and though the hands of the apost and through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people healings and miracles began to increase after fear came back upon the people a reverential fear and reverential awe of god so when the fear of the lord is missing the other seven spirits we've already established that well here it tells you what happens when the fear of the lord returns fear in acts 5 11 the fear of the lord comes back on the church and then verse 12 immediately watch what happens i believe that the same thing is going to happen in this day when this happens to the church through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people is there anybody besides me that's hungry to see notable signs and wonders return back to the end time church listen to this it didn't stop there and they were all with one accord in solomon's porch so first comes the fear of the lord then comes signs wonders and miracles and healings and then comes unity i like unity it starts off with you and i and we can manufacture a unity or the fear of the lord can produce the unity of the body of christ and we can restore true coinanee of fellowship again praise the lord so unity returns verse 13 yet none of the rest dared join them but the people esteemed them highly so here here's what happens first did you notice that by the way the people that they didn't join the church yet but they still esteemed the church highly that's what it says so when the fear of the lord's restored then signs wonders and miracles then unity and then the world begins to fear the church again did you catch that the rest dared not join them but they esteemed them highly the lord spoke to me before the first time i preached this message and i heard his voice clear and he said these words and i hope that this marinates in your heart tonight and it's this when my church begins to fear me again the world will begin to fear the church again instead of being the object of the world scorn and being the laughingstock of american society wouldn't it be something if such a holy fear returned back to the church and signs and wonders and miracles returned to the church and we were so unified and so together and so in one accord that there became such a reverential awe in the body of christ and because of that the world began to fear the church again like the queen of scots who said about one of the great reformers i believe it was knox said she feared his prayers more than the army of an invading nation oh would to god that kind of power would return to the church again that is the solution the solution to lukewarm church the cure for the laodicean church the cure for all of it is a return of the fear of the lord and i believe that is the message for to the church for this hour so the people esteem them highly now watch what watch what happens after that and believers were increasing and added to the lord multitudes of both men and women we try to come up with all these church growth gimmicks and some work and some don't i'm here to tell you that one of the things that will happen when the fear of the lord returns to the church is god will add to the church the lord the bible said added to the church daily and then another place that said the lord multiplied oh i i would to god that god would go from addition straight to multiplication edition's great but multiplication's better division's what you want to stay away from so church growth endtime revival endtime harvest came about because of the fear of the lord now verse 15. listen so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at least the shadow of peter passing might fall on them all of this started when there was a return of the fear of the lord oh holy spirit help the fear of the lord to return you know what doesn't not only will when the fear of the lord sovereignly comes back not only will we have signs and wonders and unity and the world respect the church again and believers added to the church and the sick healed in the streets by our very shadow that's the end time ministry that's the greater works but psalms 34 and 7 says this the angel of the lord camps around those who fear him everybody's fascinated with angelic visitations angelic activity i want you to know with all of my heart that i believe that when the return when the fear of the lord returns so will there also be a supernatural increase of angelic activity the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and deliver them psalms 34 7 then verse 8 oh taste and see that the lord is good there is no want to those i'm sorry blessed is the man who trusts in verse 9. oh fear the lord you his saints there is no want to those who fear him that's in your bible angelic activity the angel of the lord encamps round about those who fear how many would like to have angels camping around your house camping around your car camping around your kids at school camping around you when you go about your day-to-day business and then you taste and see that the lord is good and when you fear him there is no want to those who fear him i've not only found that the fear of the lord is the secret to the supernatural and unity and church growth and signs and wonders and miracles and angelic activity but i've also found that when you fear the lord he'll make sure every need you have is supplied there is no want to those who fear him could it be that the lord is calling us in this hour to stop praying for signs and wonders and stop praying for unity and stop praying for the the world to reverence the church again and stop praying for church growth when it could be if we would just begin to cry out instead of praying for those things or praying for increased angelic activity or praying for our needs to be supplied what if we would begin to sovereignly cry out for the fear of the lord to return again all those other things [Applause] what happened the end of the matter has been heard fear god and keep his commandments mercy would you lift your hands to heaven right now with me all over this place thank you lord thank you lord oh lord we're crying out we're crying out for a return of the fear of the lord mike if you want to come out here and and pray we'll see if the lord will allow us to do a little ministry here come on let's continue to pray for that fear of the lord thank you father lord here we are we're not in a hurry we're just going to wait for a few minutes thank you jesus this is we're sitting before the lord the fear of the lord is a choice and it is a spirit and it is an encounter there's three or four dimensions and some folks wait for the spirit of the fear of the lord to fall on them what the scripture says and we choose the fear of the lord and then there's a spirit of the fear of the lord then there's encounters that are the more intensive kind of things and so right now we're waiting on the lord we're choosing in a new way right now we're asking him to touch us sovereignly from heaven but we're choosing saying lord it's time i choose the fear of the lord in a new level in a new intentionality and to hear a word this clear this important and to move on too quick we don't want to do that and we're not just waiting for the lord to come on us we're choosing it too because that that choosing is critical so lord we're choosing it we're saying we got to go deeper we got to we got to press in more on this point before you and we want you to touch us so we need your help but we're making choices tonight in a new way if you're if you're standing if you would sit for just a minute i want to ask every person in this room i felt led of the lord to start this this way if you are here as a visitor in other words you don't attend here and you're a visitor first time visitor and you're here tonight would you stand up just real quick please thank you holy spirit now let's wait on the lord first time visitors thank you jesus just keep standing we're in no hurry at all as as god is my witness i see right um back there on the first row of the bleacher section i guess that's what you'd get bleachers yeah um right there the lady right there would you lift your hands right there that's you i want to speak to you um i can't see you very well but i don't know you the lord knows that i don't believe we've ever spoken or or talked is that true lift up your hands that's true 1760 is a number that came to my mind just now does that make sense to you pardon me that's your address 1760 west 111 is that correct if that's true lift up your hand i want to tell you something here's what the lord wants you to hear there's a person in your family and i saw this a person named robert whose life has been in shambles and he struggled with addiction and just different things and it's a spirit that has tried to be on your family generationally and i want you to know that the lord has heard your prayers for robert who is robert pardon me your brother all right the lord's going to visit him and the prayer is going to be heard and there's salvation going to come to his household and treatment and drug addiction and all those things god's going to take care of and he's going to respond once and for all to a calling that he's been running from praise the lord and mark my words when it happens it will be a mighty testimony like the woman at the well who went into the city and said come see a man which told me all i ever did i literally saw the amber light of the holy spirit he showed me he showed me exactly that and you also some kind of car accident from some time ago you've had a lot of back problems it was it a few years ago or something the car accident is that correct but you've had reoccurring problems if that's true just wave so because we can't quite see it yet hey man the lord is healing you right in your back and your hips and into your neck right now and all some kind of agitation in the cartilage of your ribs receive your healing in the name of jesus by his stripes you are healed and thank you lord for what you're doing for robert and uh andrew and and uh kayla and and just different ones in her family we just give you praise lord for that and also the lady over here on the one two three back row uh the third row there on the end ma'am i want to say you can be seated now i want to say to you ma'am if i can that i saw that amber light over you and the lord said that you have prayed for a healing and you've been prayed for and a healing started but he's going to he's going to finish it i believe he's going to finish it you know he's going to finish it's going to be in your hips the lord's going to touch you right now in your hips is that true does that make sense to you lift up your hand if that's right the lord knows how many believe the lord's going to heal her in her hips i don't know the woman i've never seen her in my life but the lord knows her [Applause] hallelujah you receive your healing right now in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah the lord is in this room thank you jesus thank you jesus we can wait on the lord just we're not in a hurry at all thank you lord i thank you lord thank you lord i'm gonna invite different ones on our leadership team if you're a part of our leadership team and you're getting a word or something just engage i mean we want to give him liberty and space but at the same time there's a lot going on right now and so dan or just any of the leaders if you get something just come right up here and say it real quick and we'll speak it over them and we're just going to wait on the lord just camp out here for a little while five i believe it's some is something like five three nine seven one oh four is that number the lord knows let's say it again 539 it's like 7104. does that mean anything to anybody in this room maybe it's for someone watching i don't know we're live streaming yes so let's just wait for a moment because i've been here a few times and later the lady goes oh my goodness i know that's happened so many times over the years so let's just and we're not going to embarrass you we're not going to call out your you know some kind of sin that's not it it's going to be edifying thank you lord i mean we can move on but we're going to come back to that because i gotta i've seen and i've been interacting with you enough to know there's some accuracy going on so let's just we're gonna pull that number back up in a few minutes so so um something like a mic um uh i i want to say that it's your birthday somewhere around somewhere around either the very beginning of the year or towards the end wait say a little bit louder a phone number of the number a few minutes ago yeah it's a phone number of someone he's calling you right now saying that's my number yeah just coming up here real quick ask him why he's not at the meeting no no don't that's a joke that's totally a joke that's 100 a joke yeah no no don't really say that i was teasing so do you you got the number so you got more you want to say hey let me say hang on how are you doing there here this is technology at another level okay wait a second i'm gonna put him on the speaker phone here all right you don't even have to tell us your name that's all right we're my name is james butt okay don't don't tell okay nothing else okay go ahead it's james so james is that what you said yeah okay for some reason i saw paul writing a letter to timothy my middle name's timothy your middle name's timothy oh oh sorry now i don't know you that's correct is that right it's true go ahead i don't know you is that correct we've never spoken no i'm i don't know your name and if you tell me your name i could know for sure whether or not we spoken you haven't let's just leave it there we're good well here's what i want to tell you the lord has called you as someone to uh pray for people that deal with anxiety and depression i just saw that and i want to tell you that be we can always minister the best from things that we've struggled with ourselves and i just want to speak that to you brother that the lord is going to use you in that capacity and he's going to take you on a divine journey with him i don't mean geographical but i just mean that you've been on a journey with the lord and he's going to take you even further in this journey some things you've been praying for seeking him for for a long time that hasn't manifested yet in the gifts of the spirit and something even further the spirit of counsel and might the lord's going to use you in that and i believe he's going to use you to pray for people and then be healed of anxiety and depression and ptsd okay and are you there yeah okay and does this does this make sense to you does this relate to you um yeah i mean i've suffered from anxiety depression uh the lord delivered me from drugs and alcohol and so i'm very familiar with healing and wait wait wait wait just just hang on a second just tell he's done okay just continue that again yeah so i this is an area of uh that the lord has delivered me from and so i i uh certainly uh would agree with that amen will i just seal that over you and on this journey this exploration it's like i see you almost as somebody that's on an exploration digging for gold and i believe now this is crazy what i'm about to tell you but we all have a different prophetic filter and i don't know you i don't know anything about you but i know that when the lord showed me that that it was for someone and here's what i want to tell you here's what i just heard the holy spirit say you ready for this yes he's going to take you and dora the explorer wait on a journey just wait just wait just wait you guys with god and you're going to learn things in the journey that you would have never learned you're going to pick up stones out of the riverbed that you'll build as a testimony once you get to the other side dora the explorer does that what's that mean to you that's your nickname that's sweater that's what her family in singapore calls her door the explorer who is that huh that's my wife and they call her dora the explorer [Applause] and i i want to tell you this to you i feel like don't don't doubt only believe in this journey you're going to have stones on the other side that's going to be a memorial to the power of god what he does and heals through you and the people that you meet and encounter to bring healing of anxiety depression and ptsd god bless you wow so james is this one of the more unusual phone calls you've ever had i'm sure it is hey just for fun some of you are new at this but when he's in the middle of the word don't shout and scream right then let him finish the word let the person receive it and then if you want to at the end so i because i don't want to say shh it's just let's just let it be delivered and then we go from there i love the excitement though that i wanted the word to be clear and be heard joel 2 28 that verse just came to me in the last days says god i'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh is anybody here that has the birthday 228. you go ahead and stand up yeah you wait anybody else in the room wave if somebody else just said we go ahead and stand up if it's you so it just do it quickly yeah and just stay standing okay i don't know this sounds crazy but it's like i see some kind of beehive um you know bees producing honey like bee something who does that does that registered with somebody in who has the 2 the 228 does that touch you any of you because there's a number of you standing okay what's that yeah we got the baby part but what's the message you're trying to say b for baby okay well i want to speak for every single person is there something like a a path something path is she here yeah she's in carrie come up she's the one who's runs the events kerry and every person bring carrie out and every person come up hither carrie the 228th birthday yeah just come up here stand to your feet every one of you and i believe something is like brian or um just keep it there uh something be something i i can't quite catch it but the lord knows so lord i pray brian beeson is that registered we got a brian beason in the room where say what i'm hearing things from different directions brian pendleton works with bees you got to be kidding i don't know brian that's true i don't know you've never met you never talk to you not connected to your life in any way 228 lord right now for brian and every person with 228 and i declare right now for kerry and every 228th birthday let them be a token to this generation that the sons and daughters will prophesy on the handmaidens why pour out of my spirit on those days and here's what i'm telling you know what we're experiencing right now my friend tom hardiman and i've had this discussion and i want to tell you we you know where we're at in the world right now psalms 2 where the nations are trying to break the bands of god's restraint off of the globalist business listen to me but i believe we're going to go from psalm 2 to acts 2 to joel 2. and the cure for this globalist one world order one world beast system that is escalating in this hour and let me just make a statement that i just felt the holy spirit prompt me to say this world will not get better until we get a king to come we agree i'm not saying that we can't affect our world and affect our culture but listen the key for this world finally getting fixed is the key come the king coming it's not going to happen fully until he comes amen but i believe god wants to take because we're in a hear this now god wants to take what out of a psalm two world an acts to church to produce a joel 2 army i'm going to say that one more time god is going to talk take out of the psalm 2 world pour out his spirit on an acts 2 church and out of acts 2 bring out of that church a joel 2 army and i believe that your lives and the different areas and brian the bee worker and all the 228's in this room god's going to produce honey from you and you're going to produce a glory liquid honey it's going to begin to run over you run down you in your own personal time with the lord in your own personal times with and seeking the lord and i want you to believe that you're going to be a token to your family and to this city and to this generation of what god can do amen when he pulls out of the acts 2 church a jolteo army and i believe that you all that have the 228th birthday especially brian the bee maker are going to be a token to a generation and your very birth was marked to be a part of that end time army can we praise the lord right now and father i just pray a new release of a greater release of the grace of god upon every one of the 228's in this room in the name of jesus in the name of jesus just stay here for just a second so this is alex he just came up and he was going to tell me something i just said just wait and tell us all he goes no but okay what all right um this is jonathan wesley uh he was born on february 28th and when he was born my wife the day he was born she had a song on the day of his birth it was uh i can hear this uh i think it's the sound of the rain coming it's misty edward song about bob jones prophecy and he came that day and the lord told us to name him jonathan wesley reigns because he was going to be a sign of the rain that was coming and that's when you said joel 2 8 it immediately lit up in my head that you were talking about him aren't you glad god knows these people perfect good he's marked them excellent thank you for coming up here alex he has marked them praise the lord you know just uh uh an encouragement the very your dear friend paul kane they were actually quite close in the last year but the first time he came here he stopped me in the parking lot we're coming and he stopped he said i see a sign joel's army in training in this building and so i find it interesting that you're talking about joel 2 and joel's army because that was the first word he had when he came on the property for the people here and so that's i'm appreciating that amen amen i'm waiting on the lord yeah we're not in a hurry dan is the lord giving you something i mean you don't have to but yeah okay there's somebody that's close to you that may be watching online they may be a friend of yours a supporter of yours but i sense a strong anointing to heal lung issues and heart congestion issues that somebody that's close is supporter of you and they have sometimes struggle keeping their oxygen up and sometimes their heart doesn't pump good and i just know god's going to bring healing tonight to whoever that is they may be watching you they're a close friend of yours or something and i sense it very very strong yes in the name of jesus i receive that is there any way you could get their phone number real quick so i'm going to throw something out wait but you know this person-ish yes okay good one three one two one is a number uh that has just come to me that i believe is um significant wait say it again one three one two one wait one three one two one one three one two one what's that say say say it a little bit louder your address though the woman that i called out for for the hip or something yeah your address wow what what's your name ma'am sherry 1 3 let's just camp here for a minute let's just hmm what about sherry lord some of you might have get up and whisper something in her ear in a few moments because the lord's highlighted her but you might be right there you go i got i got a verse that i want to give her so just be alert to that in the next few moments and then i saw herrick or something h-e uh for someone else herrick or something like that right there what's your name pardon me rhonda eric awesome eric amen i want you to stretch your hands out over your row if you would ma'am miss herod and the lord's going to heal someone in your room right now i just see several things happening depression is breaking off in the name of jesus christ someone in your row and it's touch the woman right next to you right there if you would right there on the shoulder the joy the lord is your strength ma'am believe for it to be restored into your life depression cannot hold you back anymore it cannot handle you it cannot control you and you're gonna rise up with a new level of strength and authority and i believe that the woman next to her ma'am i want to encourage you because i feel like there's some chemistry and hormonal things the lord's just fixing and lining up and healing uh in your in your body and there's someone else right over here who's the man i believe right over here with heart trouble right over here in this section i just saw uh a heart uh wait wait wait is that you or stand up real quick the lord knows the lord knows i saw it just just in the spirit right over here and i understand some people don't respond i just speak healing right now maybe afraid to respond over the heart in the name of jesus in fact right now i saw somebody just shaking their finger at someone so i want you to be received in your healing right now of heart condition in the name of jesus amen right here with sugar sugar diabetic issues right over here in this section i want to pray for you stand up right now right there that's it right now stand up in the name of jesus praise god what's your first name sir brian what's your last name father i pray for brian right now the sugar issues and i just command every bit as you show me in this section someone with sugar lord and i'm declaring for his blood sugar levels to be regulated to be cured to be fixed in the name of jesus right now and just as one three two one right over here uh that you healed her hip um isn't that something how the lord showed that to me and then showed me more as i came back to you it was just more more every person in this section with hip problems stand to your feet if you're able to and receive it right now in the name there's about seven or eight of you one two three four five six seven eight right now father we just declare healing over the hips right now no hips man no hip replacement no more no in the name of jesus i declare that amen i don't care what the doctors told you god's taking care of that right now in the name of jesus and brother from some kind of injury from years ago and some kind of agitation the lord's just healing your hip right now lift up your hands would you you know what i'm talking about god's gonna touch you and it's gonna flow right into your hips right now and it's gonna balance your walk in the natural and bring balance to your walk in the spirit says the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen that made sense to you didn't about the hip replacement that made sense to you didn't about the injury amen aren't you glad that god knows our conditions and our situations and anybody else with sugar in this section stand up there's there's more than seven or eight uh i believe right over here oh there's more than that i've seen i don't know if it's some of the people standing back there but i declare what's your name sir larry in the name of jesus i declare healing over sugar lord over these precious people lord and i declare in the name of jesus that larry will receive uh lord it can't stay in the 160s it's got to come down in the name of jesus amen it cannot stay there is that do you you know what i'm talking about does that make sense to you no wave if it does yeah one in the 160s that's too high god's going to bring it down and you've read that number uh in the 160s and right now i'm declaring it's not going to happen no more and you've never told me that you've i've never met you or seen you in my life but you can't stay in the 160s you're going to be brought down to 100 and the same for you brother it's not going to be able to go up to 140 or 150 but it's going to stay 100 or below in the name of jesus and god's going to bring regulate regulation to the sugar and balance to the chemistry of your blood and i declare it right now in the name of jesus i seal it by the power of the holy spirit come on praise the lord all over this room for that hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah there's a diane or something i know it's not you but um right over here i believe it's somewhere uh i saw diane in the spirit right there right back there just go ahead and stand up real quick okay oh way all the way at the back hallelujah is that it i declare right now in the name of jesus for your blood sugar for god to touch your blood sugar as well and and just blood pressure and all those things and we declare for a speedy healing so that you will never experience heart condition and it will not continue in your family or generations and i just proclaim it won't take you out like it's taking your ancestors out diane receive your healing in the name of jesus christ and he's also amen doing a work on your heart in the spirit as well and i just believe right now a special grace package oh wouldn't you like a great grace package tonight not only is the lord going to heal your heart and the damage that's been done by unregulated blood pressure and blood sugar but he's also going to give you a heart transplant in the spirit and i believe he's going to give you a heart and a calling a heart for missions a heart for prayer a heart for your family and god's heard those prayers and he's going to intervene and there's a young man there's even a young man somehow connected to you that you prayed for and god's going to move in his life intervene in his situation and bring him out of that dark condition that he's in and break that destitution and sadness off of him and depression and he's going to be a mighty instrument in a testimony of the grace of god amen does that make sense you know what i'm talking about amen the lord knows we just seal it right now lord in the name of jesus christ would you praise the lord the handclap all over this room so diane you've had this your ancestors a couple generations of these kind of struggles thank you lord well the spirit of god's all over you ma'am some of you just gather around here right now just just get a five or six of you just pray for her just as we wait on the lord and just continue and if the lord gives you a verse to pray over her just go ahead and whisper in her ear i saw three four numbers as well 3605 um 3605 something like that uh wait 3605 your address what's that oh is it oh yeah so stand up you guys know what to do he's one of our main guys in our leading our prophetic teams i've never seen you in my life um i can't even see ed or is that right yeah and the woman there with you is you is that your wife something like a i don't know there's an l or uh does that make sense like lynn linda is that yeah it's linda yeah it is linda most yeah we all know them but i told them not to clap well until you're done so that's why they're all being very polite this is good there's something else like a d and i don't it wasn't dora but doris or that's right there you go right there right next to her we might just keep messing around call the whole row out hallelujah for sure something it's like i heard something about wait a minute did did paul kane pray for you or your dad that's true wave your hand i mean i know it to be true but i want them to see your response yeah was it your dad or you some kind of a heart condition or something uh involved with someone i don't know exactly the dynamics of all that heart surgery or surgeon or something i i don't know but here's what i i feel like that the enemy would have loved at various times for you and even in your heart in various aspects of your health he would have loved to have taken a hatchet to you but it didn't work and i see this the lord putting a a a greater release of the of the um armor of the lord upon you instead of a hatchet you're going to have the sword of the spirit and i really believe that spiritual warfare is something that you're going to increase in and be used in to take authority even over streets and over cities and over areas and i want you to be encouraged because just what the lord prophesied over you and i wasn't there but what he prophesied through paul cain to you grace grace i believe is coming back to you as well and i think there's something to do as well with the heart but i believe salvation is coming to your household and to your extended family and i declare unto you that the lord has heard your prayer and he promised he would save you and your household and in the name of jesus i just release the supernatural power of god down in your back even in your knees and i declare as well lord that your mighty touch will prevail and sickness will not be able to strike uh this family ever ever uh again and i don't uh i i just want to declare right now that ed and i don't know if something like an earl or something like that what's earl or his brother okay is he is he still alive is he a believer all right because it's like you guys are twins in the spirit um but i really believe there's family healing family reconciliation and coming to you and to your family and just a sovereign anointing for deliverance and spiritual warfare releasing over you and andover uh linda and over doris and everybody else in your family can we just thank the lord for his goodness come out today so i got a number like you did and i was i thought that was cool uh so i think well i'll just say the number um it's 1 3 4 8 5 6 four zero one and before it was the fourth three digits was one three three but then the lord said to change it to four so i don't know maybe there's a i don't know so uh and he said whatever that's related to there's revival breaking out in that area when um when the preaching was going on and that there's also corresponding mercy because i find it kind of contradicting to show show revival show like judgment and then mercy at the same time that seems like a contradiction but it was happening at the same time related to that number i don't know so does that number connect with anybody the lord knows isaac you want to say something we got the mike from the end of the year birthday whose family was watching online so chris you remember that mike at the end of the year six hours ago mike's watching father what's his name uh michael rose is my father-in-law he's on the phone his birthday is december 18th i'm sorry 19th that's a good day december 9th day is a really good day father i thank you for michael rose here's what i say to him just as your birthday came at the end of the year i believe that there's a season that has come to an end of difficulty and and just some heavy things that you've been through michael and i feel like that michael the archangels also your named aptly is going to show up and fight for you and your family and fight for them every day and just as you were born at the end of the year going into the beginning of a new one i believe in new season is coming into your life and as your middle name says rose is going to unfold the plan and the will of god as the rose is going to unfold and so you just receive that right now in every plan expectation that you've had of the lord i feel like there's going to be a grace package released in this season for mike in the name of jesus christ tell us how that relates to you well um my father-in-law's jewish and i i i just thought it was cool that you mentioned michael the archangel because in jewish tradition he's the one who watches over the jewish people so that was just really cool well that's his last name yes that's his last name as rose thank you this is a whole new level of phone call prophecies this is new territory for me i just saw the word fountain lake this fountain lake oh oh lots okay oh okay well everybody found like stand up for a second just for fun if you live there just stand up and let's how about 12 something like 12 606 or something fountain lake who's 12 606 wave your hand if it's you okay now wait shh let's let's get yeah let's get the word first yeah before okay we got and they live in the same house is that the idea okay two girls in the same house there you go wow coming from both sides hold on just a minute 12 6 0 6 1 psalms 1 2 6 verse 6 says he who goes forth and weeps bears precious seed shall doubtless come again rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him petry petri that's your last name angie okay so you probably know like margaret and tom and all that okay what's that say to you they're watching they're watching and so are they on the phone too doubtless shall come again let's just see what happens here here's here's what i here's what i see i feel like the lord is doing a work in your dad's health as well there's some situations that the enemy would want i really believe he's someone that would silence suffer in silence and i'm not saying it's something real bad what i'm saying is i just saw that the lord intervened because of a prayer hedge around him that the enemy wanted to smite his life with a crippling disease but god intervened for this man and i feel like that this speaks for your family this verse that aligns with your address 12606 because going forth and weeping bearing precious seed the tears and prayers that you have shed and the hours of prayer that you have invested i feel like that you are going to doubtless come again rejoicing bringing your sheaves with you and i just really feel like that you guys have been faithful people who have sown into people sown into invested in lives and then the lord is going to bring a return a mighty dividend a return on every investment that you've made for his kingdom and there's like someone son of the right hand my s i have a son benjamin yeah this is that your brother benjamin pardon me awesome that's the whole family so margaret and tom and ben and angie and just the whole gang praise the lord there's something very specific for which that you've been seeking the lord for and asking him for and i he's going to bring it to your memory and when he does the moment that happens that's going to be one of those sheaves that you'll bring with you as a testimony of something very specific that you have prayed as a silent prayer of your heart and just as 12 whatever it was now um fountain life i i just see like that springing up there's going to be just a fresh fountain of the grace of god over your family and power son of my right hand and i just declare the purposes of god will not be thwarted in ben's life but that he will become everything he was destined and ordained and called to be and the devil cannot have his way with him because he's marked by god and we just declare that in the name of jesus will you agree with me right now for this whole family in jesus name this is uh they're good friends and they've been together for some years so this is dan um ed and uh linda linda would you can you stand again no no it's not that i don't know you i i i do know you and uh you came over and fellowshipped with paul and i one day in the afternoon because he worked with paul kane for a couple years and uh it was here in kansas city and we you were talking about going to sell your house and move and uh i felt like really that you know that really wasn't what the lord was after that you know and you were pretty set you were going to do it and i said i just really feel you know you just take it to the lord so it ended up i don't think you moved you're still here but now i have the other way uh it seems like the lord is going to make a move in your family and there is some type of a synergism something fell apart something didn't work and even though it didn't work it's going to work now and what's coming to everyone in this building that's over 60 years of age that simeon anna experience uh not passing from this life until they see the lord's bride but till they see the lord's child till they see the power of god come every person in this building older than 60 years of age stand up on your feet it's not over for us i'm 72 years old and we're just getting started we have been around long enough long enough to learn some things of what not to do and we can stop the attack of the enemy on those that are coming up and save them years of being sidetracked and john the lord's healing your body and no prostitutes no prostate problems no getting up in the night none of that and your wife the lord's healing her uh chemistry there's something off in there and she doesn't sleep right she wakes up in the morning she's tired she can't seem to get any energy and uh it just seems like it's not a restful night's sleep you're going to have the best night's sleep you've ever had in jesus name and if you'd eat a banana now and then raise your potassium level off the lord is going to straighten that all out you sir right here with the hat heart disease will never take you out in a heart attack cancer will not strike your body prostitutis is healed in your in jesus name in your body and your wife cancer will never come there's a cancer cluster coming in your family that has struck other members and they've gone way too early the lord said you will live long enough to see the healing power of that christ in the body of christ once again and you're going to make a mark in people's lives and they're going to look to you and they're going to say how can this be but the lord sovereign god almighty is going to do it going to be a wonderful thing and i want to pray a prayer over everyone over 60 years of age that the lord will visit you that he will restart you again that he will say it's not over yet you're just beginning one time paul kane was called to pray for somebody that was up in their 90s and he thought well you know they're going to pass on just let them go and the the lord rebuked him over that he said don't you dare do that i might want to heal them before i take them home you go and pray for them until proven by death that i didn't want to heal them so god is going to come and he's going to heal right back there the man with the jacket on with the wife with the red uh heart yeah youtube heart disease right there uh sugar diabetes in the name of jesus um there's some type of a of a flutter in the heart uh uh afib afib in jesus name the lord is healing that and the girl up there in the back right up there sitting there with the little green thing on uh the lord has called you as a psalmist you're gonna be anointed in the days to come and you're going to leap as a heart and the dumb tongue is going to sing from out of obscurity and the power of god is going to rest upon you and many are going to join you it'll be an amazing thing but father in the name of jesus almighty god author and creator of eternal life take every person that is standing here today and lord touch us once again let your fire come on us again let fire come in our bones lord let us not rest till we see your body doing what you've called us to do give us the wisdom the words of knowledge the supernatural impartation of the holy spirit to be fired up again to go with the power of god and run run run and see the gospel go throughout all the earth see the power of god fill stadiums filled nations it'll be an awesome thing it'll be a powerful thing it's not over yet it's not over we're just getting started in jesus name where was my little my little teacher the little teaching uh gal i don't know are you right there in the in the purple right here right right there you yeah would you stand all right now so you have an understanding and you have uh an uh an ability to communicate you have a gift of communication but uh it seems like that every time you would try to minister and try to communicate that somehow this what you're saying is getting twisted it's just the enemy that's going to stop and your desire to be a teacher of the word of god you're going to have an ability to impact hearts no longer the minds of people are going to be of any importance to you you're going to look at a personal dust in the frame from where they came you're going to be able to know the hurts and the pains and the empathy that you're going to feel for that person is causing you to give them scriptures that will be eternal for their lives and they'll be able to confess those scriptures and have life and power in the name of jesus and you have a brother that's uh lost and lost and the lord's gonna bring him in in the name of jesus and all of your family members are going to be touched by the power of god in jesus name amen thank you dan thank you well let's just stand before the lord we're going to end with that isaac i'm really stirred by this joel's army in his first time here that's means something to us and psalm 2. and psalm 2 yeah yes chris will be speaking sunday morning i've encouraged him to just give the same message from isaiah 2 but it's a different dimension of isaiah i mean isaiah 11 the passage he talked about uh tonight a little bit on the fear of the lord but the seven spirits of god so he's going to do that sunday both services and just because of the time limits there's not going to be a lingering long time uh for ministry time probably a little bit at the end of uh the second service but just because of the time and so just know that you can tune in on the web stream because i'm sure this place is going to be jammed and so father we just thank you you've touched hearts tonight you've given hope you've glorified jesus you've stirred hearts worship team go ahead and come on up we ask you lord just to release a spirit of grace on us even dreams tonight all over the room i'm asking you for an impartation of spiritual dreams even tonight and this week in a new way lord we thank you for this 40-day period that it's coming to it's come to an end and you've touched us in a special way tonight and you've said yet again joel's army is in training even in this building and we thank you for that we ask you in jesus name amen and amen we're going to go ahead the worship teams are going to go on for a few mo for a little while so if you want to slip out if you've got children please slip out right away get children but we're going to keep worshiping so if you want a fellowship i'm just asking you to go up to the four year it's really nice outside go ahead slip outside because some others are going to be worshiping here [Music] okay only they'll only be here for ten minutes okay so so at nine o'clock we move back down to the prayer room at nine o'clock okay thank you andrew again i'm going to ask you if you're fellowshipping to go ahead and slip out just so they can lead and worship for the folks that still want to linger in the lord's presence for a few minutes go ahead andrew shine lord shine the light of your face shine lord shine the light of your face shine lord shine the light on your face [Music] your face [Music] the light of your [Music] face you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 49,233
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: 24/7, Live, Music (tv genre), chris reed, chris reed fear of the lord, chris reed ihop, chris reed prophet, church, encounter god service ihopkc, forerunner church kansas city, ihopkc 2020, ihopkc live stream, international house of prayer, isaac bennett, mike bickle, praise, prayer room, soaking music, spontaneous, sunday, worship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 15sec (10155 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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