The Season is Changing | Guest Speaker Allen Hood | Forerunner Church

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name of the lord from this spiritual family from this house draw near to us come and visit us lord in jesus name we pray for you are the one we want to meet [Music] jesus all the praises that we sing before you are the one we want to meet jesus shine through all the praises that we sing we see [Music] fill our praises [Music] all the praises that we see we see [Applause] [Music] we have come to love you in this we have come to give you highest praise highest praise we have come to love you in this place we have come to love you in this place we have come to love you in this to place [Music] jesus [Music] you jesus here we are here we are for you here we are here we are for [Music] here we you here we are for you here we are it's all for you here we are here you're the reason you're the reason because we love you we love you lord you're the one we came here for love you we love you more you're the one our hearts are we love you lord you're the one we came here for we love you we love [Music] we love you we love you [Music] here we are here we are for you [Music] here we are here we are for you here we are here we [Music] here we are here we are for you here we are here we are [Music] it's all for you here we are here we are we're here for you [Music] we're here for you but joining with the ancient sun worthy is the reason why our hearts are bursting overflow [Music] in you with all our hearts so undone by who you are [Music] come and let us adore jesus beautiful lord [Music] sing for joy [Music] we joined [Music] [Music] who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us adore jesus all of us [Music] [Music] our salvation is found in jesus sinful joy in the shadow sing for joy make it louder [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] all of our [Music] sing for joy our salvation is sing for joy in the shadow sing for joy make it louder sing for joy [Music] songs of freedom sing for joy songs [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] songs let us see [Music] [Music] [Music] you're making all things [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] let us adore jesus beautiful lord worthy all of us sing for joy [Music] [Music] sing for you [Music] [Music] to see life in the dry places light in the dark places light of the world this is who you are i will take her to the wilderness and she will know how to sing [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] sing to the lord [Music] all the time you're never wrong you're always your head is like the all finest time [Music] you're never wrong you're always perfectly your head is like the finest gold no matter what's going on down here we're here to say you are beautiful you are glorious no matter what's going on down here we're here to say you are beautiful you are glorious no matter what's going on down here we're here to say you are beautiful [Music] you are glorious no matter what's going on down here we're here to say you are beautiful you are glorious [Music] perfectly [Music] your head is [Music] all of creation all over the earth a path for the lord jesus is coming soon up the same let every nation shout out to your fans [Music] jesus [Music] ready for you every heart [Music] lord jesus christ [Music] there will be [Music] your name justice faithful and true jesus is coming soon [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord jesus lord jesus [Music] so [Music] you're coming soon [Music] god we [Music] [Applause] foreign ready for you every heart longing for our king [Music] please [Music] ready for you every heart [Music] [Applause] lord jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] god [Music] we wait for you [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we will watch we will pray we will wait for that day then oil is [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord we are the church love makes us [Music] [Applause] [Music] oil is [Music] we will pray we will wait for that day [Applause] [Music] we are the church [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] to lay down our the lives [Music] we are makes us [Music] find us together in love combined us together in love while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will watch we will wait for that day [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] we are the church [Music] we are [Music] to lay down our lives we are the church [Music] oh combine this together bind us together in love combined us together in love while we wait bind us together in love combine us together and love [Music] bind us together in love [Music] yes lord that's the cry of our heart we love you bind us together in your love amen amen thank you brenton and worship team appreciate you all well let's take a moment and just uh greet those that are around us just turn to the person next to you or behind you introduce yourself we want to welcome everyone that's joining us online as well from across the nation and the nations just put into the chat right now on youtube or facebook wherever you're streaming just where you're from we'd love to hear from you all right let's go ahead and make our way back to our seats it's good to see you all this morning let's make our way back to our seats go ahead and look at your weekly announcement sheet the weekly bulletin those are available on the way in and you can also find them online on our website number one we just want to make note that coming up in may on the friday night we're going to be going back to our two services so the egs will move to 7 30 and then we'll begin our 5 p.m church service again that has an emphasis on intercessory missions and so if you're interested in that both of those services you're welcome to join that's number one on your announcement sheet and also announcement number two and over the last 20 years we've had the privilege to partner with different movements and different streams across the across the nation and across the globe and this week we'll be partnering together with what is called the go movement the go movement started about eight or ten years ago and their vision is to mobilize about a hundred million intercessors who would then touch the billion so harvest and uh over the last eight to ten years in fact actually last year there were 50 million believers that reached 700 million people across the earth and 10 million yeah and 10 million of them actually made decisions for the lord jesus christ i want to say this again yeah just give the number yeah you're dying because the numbers are so big yeah so 50 million believers reach 700 million people with the gospel and 10 million of them made decisions for the lord jesus and this was just last year and they've been doing this for the last eight to ten years and so and the way it works is that uh at the end of april or the first uh a day of march first they start what is called the the go pray day and that's when they mobilize 25 to 30 million intercessors who will begin to provide the air cover for the evangelism that gets launched throughout the month of may and then at the very end of the month they have one single day called the go day where then again you know 20 30 40 50 million believers on that single day will begin to share the gospel with their family members friends neighbors co-workers and so forth and so the leadership team of the go movement they're coming to kansas city and on thursday at uh at 10 a.m uh we'll be joining them into the global prayer room because our web stream is what's going to be used to actually help mobilize the intersection across the world and so thursday at 10 a.m we just want to invite as many of you to come and and help us lead that prayer meeting and then friday the uh the egs will be moving to the global program so we will be having the egs it just won't be held here we will be doing it over at the global prayer room now this is joe herman he's actually coordinating this event just wanted to share a couple of your thoughts yes stuart i'm i'm really excited about this uh there is a unique synergy in the missions world and prayer networks that's birthing this so organizations that you're familiar with every home for christ assemblies of god you know wyom so many are pouring into this together and it's not a coincidence this last year the pressures the lord is actually using it to create a single alignment for the gospel witness and we have the privilege of hosting this prayer gathering to cover their going as a an arabic ministry leader shared with us a couple weeks ago apart from prayer the evangelism is not effective in the hard places of the world and so this thursday we're focusing on india china and the middle east and we need the prayer covering or the the people who go will not be effective and just as a quick little testimony as a the synergy this year in one event on good friday with the partnership of missions and the prayer there were 179 million people watched in our recording of the gospel and over one million people responded and said yes from one one hour program this year so this is happening i invite you to come next thursday 10 a.m and then our launching 24 7 our 24 hour of prayer is friday 4 p.m to saturday 4 p.m you can see more at the idea that these millions are being mobilized for prayer and they came to us and said would you host this in your prayer room or we're going to use your prayer stream to connect all of them and we thought what they're coming from all over the world to be with us this thursday 10 am to 12 as you heard and that just the leaders but we want you all there and they're going to be airing that and then for 24 hours straight i'm just saying it again friday 4 00 p.m to saturday 4 pm from our prayer room they're going to be mobilizing this thing worldwide and i mean what an honor that they're doing this and the verse they're using of all verses one of the primary verses is luke 4 18. they can we bring luke 4 18 and use your prayer room to mobilize millions of people is that okay if we do that and we'll all fly to kansas city we go yeah that works for us so join us thursday 10 a.m be a part of that one and then friday from 4 p.m not just the egs but from 4 p.m all the way till 4 pm the next day come as many hours as you can i mean what a privilege because millions of folks are doing this and then they're going to do this global day of outreach at the end of may and how many will be mobilized at 25 million last year 50 million last year because we've done this every year with them but they've never hosted it in our prayer room and they said we don't want you just to pray with us we want you to be the base prayer that we're connecting everyone to and it's luke 4 18. you know that verse we got 4 18. we're down we're on it thank you yo and mike uh dan bohai just come to the front right here i love dan bull hi so do i we've been sharing testimonies about how the lord has been moving in our midst with healing and salvation and you shared like three with me this morning just give us a recap on those okay i don't know which ones i shared crutches so oh yeah so this week um we saw two um ladies carry crutches out of the meetings that came on crutches um we i saw a lady drive tuesday night from salina that was on a cane in extreme pain and she carried the cane out to her car and i got an email from her when she got back that her back didn't hurt when she got back to salina driving two and a half three hours and and then we had an elderly lady tuesday night that was in a wheelchair and her husband was a vietnam vet and i went over to and i saw the lord resting on and i grabbed her hands and got up and she walked around the room with me and her husband was just freaking out crying we had a young teenage girl get saved who was manic depressing and she told me the last two nights she's been able to sleep with no depression there was a young man in his 20s it was bound to methamphetamines he's been set free from the addiction and he got saved i don't know there's been too many to count but god's really moving in miraculous power people are getting saved and healed and delivered oh uh join me tuesday at ihop u and um they're just little short gatherings i give like 10 minute devotionals we're usually done in like 30 minutes and dan go back uh just take a moment if if any of you have been specifically in the last 30 days have been praying for salvation for a loved one just raise your hand dan we'll just take them just look around dad just take a moment just pray for the lord to release salvation into these households so lord i just pray for your grace that opens up hard hearts that your grace would fall on all these ones that are being prayed for right now that your mercy would hem them in before and behind that everywhere they would go they would see you they couldn't get away from your face and your and i pray that there would be a masked a gigantic harvest of souls coming back to the family of god i pray that every tear that's been wept over these lost loved ones would be dumped out in a deluge of glory and i just pray that your kingdom would come and your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven in jesus name amen amen thank you dan go ahead and put up the slide for the allen hood online course now we have a special treat for you this morning uh alan hood is here to share the word with us and he's launched a new website that we want to make you aware of and i love this phrase theology that fuels vibrant spirituality i think that so encapsulates who alan is and what he is imparting to the next generation he has a course coming up in june called intimacy with the father and it's set up as a masterclass style where there are videos and content and notes that you read and then there's a a weekly connection with alan a weekly webinar with him he's making available to the ihop kc family a special promo code to get you a 50 discount on this course if you'd like to and so we have that it's i love ihop kc and you can take advantage of that easy to remember you can take advantage of that that course will be coming up in june you know actually i've heard several testimonies about people taking this course and in terms of how your lives are touched by this and the thing that's interesting when we think about intimacy of the father the tendency is to think of it oh that's just kind of for beginners but jesus made it very clear that he's going to be speaking about this now and forever that's beautiful and so i really encourage you guys to take the course it's beautiful look quickly at your bulletin announcement sheet just one more time i'm going to highlight just a few things here number four for our young adults that's called collective that's our young adult ministry led by dane and ali mallory and they are hosting an amazing race and so the details are there it's going to be awesome they've done this a few years in a row now number seven if you have a heart for youth ministry to pour into teenagers and young people we have an info meeting because we're looking for more volunteers and those that carry a burden for discipleship and we'll connect with you just right after service the information is here but it's going to be up these stairs over here on the west side of the bleachers and some of the student ministries team will be there to greet you and then number 13 if you have a heart to serve during our weekend services especially during this service we're in need of more ushers and so i want to encourage anyone in our spiritual family that attends here regularly to make it a goal to serve three four five times over the course of a year in a practical way come and join in with the parking team come and do some ushering jump in with the youth ministry jump in with our children's ministry we're always needing and wanting the gifts of god that he's placed in you to benefit this spiritual family in an increased way let's have our ushers get ready to receive this morning's offering the information on how to give will be up on the screens and again man i'm just so encouraged by alan the message this morning was deeply provoking so just open your hearts as we uh expect to receive father we love you we worship you we ask you lord that our hearts will be connected to yours we ask you that you would connect us into the vine as we give of our resources that our hearts will be joined to yours jesus we love you we ask that you would bless the whole hood family rachel and their sons lord that you would release your grace abounding grace upon them that you would release your generous heart and the fire of your presence would rest upon them in jesus name we pray amen oh jesus my passion in life is to know me all other goals bow down to this journey of loving jesus you've showered your goodness on and giving your gifts so freely [Music] so hear my heart in my prayer for this life [Music] above all above all love above all [Music] the more that i see your beauty the more that i cleanse your glory mouth is captured by [Music] jesus you are my greatest treasure and nothing this world can offer will ever compare to you [Music] so hear my heart cry [Music] in my prayer for this life hear my heart cry in my prayer for this life above all [Music] give me yourself [Music] amen thank you well we want to welcome our dear beloved friend and brother alan hood [Music] thank you thank you love y'all [Applause] so those of you that are new here you you might say wow what's the big deal this is a big deal for us we in about a week or two from now we're having our 22-year anniversary birthday for ihop and so it was 22 years ago allen was helping us launch this thing and was part of our primary leadership team for 20 years and he's been in leadership over a whole bunch of different areas i won't even go through all of that but it's built this house for 20 years and then two years ago the lord transitioned him and and he just been watching what's happening on the web stream with you know the last few weekends and stuff and he goes i just want to come and celebrate with you and so he flew in town and i said alan why did you come in town he goes i just want to tell you i love you and i'm happy and i'm a part of this this is my family i just had to do it in person well that's true but i also flew into town just to tell mike i love him i really love him no he really did i really love him i am so grateful i'm a son of this house wherever i'm at in the earth and i'm a proud son of his spiritual father and i love him and diane who they are i'm always contending for his promises in fact the 40-day fast that moved me i was contending for your promise and so i don't understand it all but love this man and just want to say that publicly i didn't need to say it y'all know it and i'm gonna stop or else i won't be able to preach but he flew in town he just said i want to say i love you and he just started weeping and we hugged each other and he's this alpha male mush bucket guy well it was funny we we cried and then we were like i tricked my homes [Laughter] we did the both hands we did that and it was so it's a great day yesterday but in the course of our share we spent some many hours a handful of folks are just around the table but spontaneous you know and and uh he was rehearsing i'm not rehearsing telling the story he that he shared here once some years ago from zechariah chapter three and and as he was sharing that story it it we all recognize the fact that in the many years of our prophetic history here from the 22 years of ihop plus the 17 years before that at the church here it's uh we're just aware of the fact that the lord has emphasized zechariah 3 and 4 over and over and over again now he's given us about 5 or 10 verses like one time he gave a clear dream lock into song of solomon 8 6. you know one time a really clear word you know about isaiah 63 well whatever but probably we're counting i got like 10 12 14 times he has said zechariah 3 and 4. you know and 30 40 years ago that'd make any sense even 20 years ago was like why or do you keep saying zechariah 3 and 4. he's had two or three prophetic dreams our beloved deborah's had two or three of them i've had them paul kane had them a number of people had and so he was sharing this and said alan i know you shared this once a couple years ago but would you mind unpacking some of what happened when you met bob jones in zechariah 3 and 4 and this this currency of tears was the term that you were using and you gave such a good word this morning and i want to encourage you to watch the web stream because if you start that message you won't get out of it i mean you we were with you and but you won't tell the other one i want you to tell the story summarize it okay get us there but but they got it they they gotta go watch the first service it was i mean you need to on that was really beautiful i'm glad you didn't stop on that one but do what you do but lord we thank you for our dear brother who helped laid the foundation of this house one of the fathers of this house no matter what city he lives in he'll always be one of the fathers in this house we ask you to bless the word in jesus name amen i knew you're going to get me crying well before i go into this i first need to say a couple things um i'm so honored to be here this is my family i raise my kids here it's good soil have very many memories many encounters with the lord in this building you just yawned did you really just yawn i came all the way back after two years and you yawned just kidding i had to i had to break out of crying people i just needed some comedic relief what's your name i'm just messing with you okay come up here we got a word for you hey anyway i i just uh uh i want to say how honored i am to be back with you before i begin i want to give honor warner's due and isaac and morgan bennett my gosh my goodness they could have never entrusted me to decorate this place and to bring the change i i literally showed up at eight because i wanted to walk through the teams the volunteer teams and feel and that your teams are filled with such love they love well they smile they're happy they're happy people who love well and i just want to commend you i just i felt so honored by your team so loved i mean they gave me an hour and 40 minutes to preach at this service i mean i just feel so loved the children's workers were on board and i just really appreciate you everything you've done but i mean that i'm playing but i mean it in all seriousness look what the lord's done you know sometimes in the warfare we lose sight of the gift of god that's emerging and every season of war warfare has within it the seed of redemption to get you to the next place and uh and isaac and morgan are one of those seeds it's one of those sons and daughters that god has brought up and now their father and mother in the house and just beautiful people agreed can we agree on that just honor them and so i'm going to jump in zechariah 3. i'm not going to start there i'm just going to summarize go to another scripture but we'll end up there because i will get to that story but i want to at least share a summary version of what i shared the first service you know zechariah 3 is after a season of warfare how many of you know the season of warfare comes the evil day comes and the biblical record is is the saints don't respond very well in the initial onslaught i wish we could say that but abraham says she's my sister david fakes like he's insane drinking water out of mud holes on the run there are times when the evil one attacks that's mixed with our weakness the rage of satan and god's sovereignty and god does it and the intensity of the warfare is such that you need the blood of the lamb how many of you have read that in revelation 7 to 12 that satan's cast down and the way you overcome him is the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony have you ever wondered hey he's talking to the saved why the blood of the lamb because a lot of times in the evil day the warfare peter denies the lord thomas doubts the rest just flee and in the warfare and the intensity of the warfare sometimes we find ourselves in the weakness of our frame the rage of satan becomes the perfect storm where we don't respond well and it's out of that place of weeping and brokenness god comes and we have to sit down so to speak in that pool of blood and remember that when we were powerless he died for us in that place where christ redeemed us that the calling is not gone that we're not disqualified in fact the guy who denied him gets to be the preacher on the day right where we see that god brings us to a process of suffering into glory of death in the resurrection and his wisdom to arrange that so that even the intensity of the warfare the successes the failings all of its working to move us towards that day so we'll get back to zechariah 3 but i want to invite you to turn to psalm 126. this is where i felt like the lord what he wanted me to say for this morning then we'll finish with the story if that's okay father we love you we thank you we bless you there's none like you in heaven on earth there's none like you and we magnify you and i thank you that you will fulfill every promise that you give it to your son and you will fulfill every promise you've given to your people and i thank you god for this new season of new garments new mantles new commissionings to stand among the angels to walk in the council of god so i thank you father thank you for it in jesus name amen turn me to psalm 126 when the lord brought back the captivity of zion we were like those who dream then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue was singing then they said among the nations the lord has done great things for them the lord has done great things for us and we are glad bring back our captivity oh lord as in the streams in the south for those who sow in tears shall reap enjoy he who continually goes forth weeping bearing seed for the sowing shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him father we thank you for your word in jesus name father sin holy spirit he's the teacher we're the students we want to learn from him in jesus name amen well beloved in psalm 126 since you're in this luke 4 18 isaiah 61 moment psalm 126 this psalm of ascent is actually a precursory fulfillment of isaiah 61. do you remember isaiah had prophesied 150 years ahead of his time to speak to the captives the prisoners in babylonian prison camps they had been exiled because of their sin and in that place isaiah had prophesied a coming deliverer cyrus as the first installment but a greater cyrus who would come and set israel completely free ending with can a nation be born in a day thus says the lord yes it will be born and all the promises that are contained there from isaiah 60 to 66 but the in first installment was that the remnant the 50 000 from those babylonian slave camps were released by cyrus and they went back to the land and as they were marching up to jerusalem they would say this psalm so it's a season of breakthrough now we read that to set at liberty the captives and to open prison bars for those who are enslaved and we immediately spiritualize it but for that day it was real prison doors that day it was real liberty 50 000 walking back to the land and imagining them going up to jerusalem laughing and singing and celebrating the season of warfare has ended comfort my people the prophecies are coming true can you imagine as they're going up they're singing after the 70-year season of warfare of exile of enslavement suddenly in a moment the promise is upon them and now they're walking up can you imagine how out of sorts it would have felt as the remnants marching up laughing and singing someone raises his or her hand and says wait a minute before the procession goes any further this is only the down payment this is not the fullness of what isaiah prophesied only 50 000 out of millions return this is only the down payment there's a greater fulfillment to come and we're not going to continue just laughing and singing until that fulfillment comes and then he puts us on notice what the currency was in the previous season that got him out of jail for this season he goes hey let me give you the key for the season of warfare that broke us through to this precursor of breakthrough and that's going to be the key to get the full breakthrough it's weeping if you heard him ask the 50 000 as they go up to jerusalem what was the key for the breakthrough weeping how many of you know there's a weeping in the warfare season david called it the broken bone season these bones which you have broken may rejoice again beloved there's not singing and dreaming in the broken bone season there's a prison cell filled with tears anybody felt that the season of weeping but beloved here's what i'm to tell you this morning do you know how holy those tears are do you know how holy it is when david's standing a ziklag and he strengthens himself in the lord and he goes lord you know my tears you've collected them in your bottle now deliver me god his tears become the very apologetic and the the currency to say god deliver me now give me the fullness tears weeping for those who sow in tears will reap enjoy and i could hear this morning the promise how many of you know the promise contained within it the testing the trial the pain the delay the weeping then the death to the promise then the resurrection how many of you know the ways of god are crucifixion and resurrection i really wish it was glory to glory i really do i wish somebody would have told me as a young man hey it's not glory to glory i thought it was glory to glory to hallelujah glory and then i discovered the ways of god are suffering unto glory humility unto exaltation death under resurrection and i wish jesus was the only one who walked that out until he said now you take up your cross for your tailor-made promise your death for your tailor-made promise and your resurrection i wish i wish salvation i which i wish the ways of god were were uh how do i say it i just wish the ways of god were different it would be easier on my flesh i wish i wish they were they were from glory to glory but god in fact i wish i'll just say this i'll sum it up because mike i'll get to the story for real we want evasion from death god wants resurrection from death we walk in christianity like salvation is evasion from death salvation is you die and then you come out of the grave on that day with a glorified resurrected body that's when you're completely saved is when your dead body comes out of the grave and meets your spirit in the air joins him for the invasion of light to the earth and the glory of god covers the earth like the waters cover the sea but it's been appointed unto man to die once then resurrection we want evasion god wants conquest you want to avoid it and leave it alone god wants you to go in it and destroy it from the inside out like he did we want evasion he wants conquest you want avoidance he wants confront it and overcome it and we've got to learn that tell me to john chapter 11. are you with me you know promise how god deals with fallen men and women is he intrigues us through promise he lures us in through the wedding dance he plays the flute he gets us to come abraham leave your father's house you're going to be a great nation all the families of the earth will be blessed through you he comes to the land and the very next verse is and there was a famine in the land and he went to egypt joseph all the sheaves are going to bow down to me the stars are going to bow down to me he whispered to me in a dream i know it's true prison enslavement that little ruddy-eyed bright-eyed boy from bethlehem that day when the prophet showed up at his house and said this is the one this is the one i'm the one in fact messiah is going to be called the son of david didn't know 3 000 paid assassin sucking water out of the desert on the run from from saul and his mercenaries no one told us about that part of the promise that god arranges this optimal environment that puts us in the wrestle the warfare confronts the weakness of our frame and in the midst of the struggle and the warfare we weep and from that place he brings forth the rarest thing on the earth enduring love prevailing faith that we would not choose unless god put us there in the grave we wouldn't say yes to it we would choose glory to glory he goes no i i have one season this short window before the next age to produce something called tears the next stage you can't die and you can't cry no more weeping no more tears no more death this is the one season where you can show your love in the warfare this is the one season when you're being crushed and deep calls unto deep and it moves gone it's the currency of the breakthrough of love in this age and in john chapter 11 we're going to find out this young maiden this little girl named mary who sat at his feet and learned of his kindness that she can gaze on him she's got the lock gaze the adoring gaze she dares to sit at his feet and he lets her stay she sees that face of jesus and now he's going to bring forth wholehearted love how does he do it he begins with the locked gaze but the next face of jesus is going to surprise her we love to teach on luke 10 38-42 we love it the adoring gays sit at jesus's feet look upon him this is amazing mary bethany and we'd love to talk about john 12 mary of bethany pouring everything out but if you look at the very beginning of john chapter 11 john tells us that this mary of john 11 is the same mary who poured it all out in john 12. in other words the apostle goes hey you like the first story in luke 10 sitting at his feet and you love the thought of joining mary and pouring everything out john 12. hey you can't get from luke 10 to john 12 but through john 11. look at it with me this is the unpreached picture of mary it's the it's the less discussed chapter of her life now there was a certain man was sick lazarus the bethany the town of marion her sister martha it was that mary who anointed the lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother lazarus was sick do you see it the apostle of love john waves his hand and goes hey i know you want to skip on to john 12. the happy ending but it's this same mary it's this mary it's the crucible of this chapter that produces that kind of love don't you skip it don't you skip a good season of trial don't skip it it's the way of love this is where the rarest form of love is produced says therefore the sister sent to him saying lord behold he whom you love is sick when jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death for the glory of god that the son of god may be glorified through it now jesus loved martha and her sister and lazarus so when he heard that he was sick he stayed two more days in the place where he was now you've got some things to wrestle through here the first thing is why does he choose the ones he loves and what is the glory he's after if he's after just raising lazarus as a sign of his messianic identity so that people would believe he doesn't have to choose somebody he loves he can choose a pharisee if he just needs a rotten stinking corpse a dead person who smells really bad and is decomposing he can choose his enemies he can choose anybody if it's just a rotten stinking four day old corpse that brings the glory but i want to submit to you it's not a corpse a rotting decomposing corpse raising it that's the glory it's the heart of this little girl that's gonna partner with him for resurrection that's the glory so he chooses the ones he loves now that's unnerving to us we don't like that face of jesus we're like if you treat your friends this way and then jesus loves them so much he's going to set up attention and the tension is going to be through the promise the death of the promise and the tension is going to be through what we thought the promise was going to look like and what it actually looked like how many of you know the prophetic history reads more sexy than the living of the prophetic history i've listened to it a million times not literally but a hundred at least and it is so thrilling every time i listen and then when i get done i go oh i've been living that and it's not nearly as sexy as when i heard the tapes and the lord might go well that's because i love you you're one whom i love and god in his kindness arranges the optimal environment for a prophecy and then fulfilling it in a way that we didn't think look at it with me he gives it this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of god that the son of god might be glorified through it now let me ask you a question how many of you that sounds like he's going to go to lazarus and heal him how many of you think come on people are you awake are you with me i do hey did they talk to you anymore when you preach isaac you got to start talking to me are you with me okay i thought i was at ihop how many of you thought that when jesus prophesied this will not end unto death before the glory of god the son of god might be glorified how many of you thought that means i'm going and healing the one i love how many of you thought that meant i'm delaying two days so it can die and get really rotten and smell bad you would have never guessed it had that in there how many of you think which word is more pastoral this will not end unto death but for the glory of god that the son of god might be glorified through it that's one option the other option is hey i love you i love you and i love your brother but he's going to die he's really going to die and tell him to die well as a witness to the next age of the resurrection he needs to die well but i need to tell him i need his body really rotten smelling decomposing worms and all i need it all because i'm going to do a miracle and i'm going to raise him from the dead it's a temporary four day thing tell him to die well let me ask which one feels more pastoral will not end in death but for the glory of god that the the son of god might be glorified how many of you vote that's more pastoral see this is ihop y'all won't vote against jesus ever but i know what you really think or the second one he ain't gonna strike you dead people but what you have to wrestle with is the fact that jesus gave it that way and it's the most pastoral because it puts mary and martha in the crucible because he's not looking at just what they will produce in their heart he's looking what their heart's going to produce in his heart see we we don't really believe we're in partnership with god we really think we're in a just this strict stale sovereignty where you can't impact him and he's trying to convince you you're more important in the game than you know your tears are more important your weeping's more important your groaning's more important your response is more important your actions in the pain are more important and he's actually wanting to get you to a place that will move him we want to in the warfare check out and just wait for sovereignty and he's wanting you in the crucible for something to be produced martha comes to him she says to him a question that's going to be asked three times three times it will be asked only one time will it cause a resurrection she says lord if you would have been here my brother would not have died but even now whatever you ask the father i know he will give it to you what a statement of faith the problem is jesus knows he can ask whatever he wants and the perfect will of the father and the father will give it to him that's not new information to him that's just theology he wants somebody who's actually going to ask him and pull it out of him she wants sovereignty to bail her out hey even now you can ask you and the father y'all just do it aside from human partnership jesus wants the bride he wants the partner he wants the love he wants the wrestle he wants the pain and out of it to love in spite of all the facts in spite of what you see jesus says to her martha your brother will rise again now she now she lets jesus off the hook i know he'll rise again at the last day see how she just let him off the hook great theology by the way she believes actually in the resurrection of the dead that's a massive statement of faith but she let him off the hook she deferred to the next stage she let jesus out of the wrestle and she got out of the wrestle through sovereignty and through theology she let him off the hook i know you'll raise him at the last day he goes i am the resurrection he who believes in me though he die yet shall he live and he who believes in me will never die do you believe martha in other words don't you let me off the hook can you imagine god saying to a human being don't you let me off the hook don't you get out of the pain don't you do it don't you do it do you believe guess what she does again a theological answer i believe you are the christ the one sent into the world do you know that's probably those three statements of martha or some of the best theology of jesus in the whole gospels and yet it does nothing to him he's not wanting your statement of faith he he wants a living transaction of your heart to his heart so he can't find what he's looking for he can't get a resurrection out of that so he's looking for mary mary comes she falls she weeps and she's going to say the same question but this time she's not letting him off the hook she falls she doesn't accuse but she doesn't let him off the hook she embraces the pain she falls she weeps she worships then she asks lord if you would have been here through tears through tears if you would have been here you see it's not a theological debate it's an intimate transaction i thought i knew you you said you said have you ever been there you said god as you're weeping and in the pain she lays hold of his heart through tears it moves him do you know the rarest form of love in the pain you refuse to give up what are you refusing to give up on him she won't give up on him she lays hold of him to be him i don't know if you understand anything i'm saying right now do you hear me i'm not saying that as like a proud thing i'm saying beloved we're the prayer people and we think we're going to bypass this you aren't getting out of this and the bigger the promise the bigger the tears oh jesus look what happens when she does this and beloved if you don't get this if you don't get the fact lazarus is dead and the promise is dead you won't understand don't give me your hyper faith don't say well lazarus seems to be dead he's dead in fact jesus just says to the disciples they go hey if he's jesus said i'm going to go wake him up well don't wake him up he's sick he needs to sleep he's dead it's a metaphor i'm actually big enough to use figures of speech he's dead that's what jesus said he's dead the promise looks dead until mary weeps until mary lays hold of him lord she doesn't accuse but she doesn't let him off the hook i'll love you whether i get it or not but you be you you said this i didn't make this up those were your words you brought me into your storyline through the promise you intrigued me you tricked me with your beauty and out of that place look what happens when jesus saw her what weeping i don't think we understand the currency before god of tears shed in love and the pain and then god groaned in the spirit what happens when god groans in the spirit what happens when god begins to pant what happens when he begins to well like a woman in childbirth what happens i'll tell you what happens isaiah 42 happens the mountain split the earth laid waste and the salvation of god breaks in for the entire planet he begins to groan her groaning her weeping causes god's groaning and that's all he was waiting for that's what he was waiting for the glory isn't a dead corpse coming out of the grave a glory is a human heart who loved him in the pain and comforted his heart and brought him into the story like beloved i am convinced psalm 2 ask of me and i'll give you the nations well jesus is asking but he's asking somebody else to ask with him to weep with him to groan so that he'll groan and then jesus wept then the story's over once jesus he groaned and then he wept her weeping called forth his weeping and when her weeping and his weeping her deep and his deep came together resurrection of the promise [Applause] and then the beauty happens now mary's free she knows the currency she got the breakthrough in her promise so that now in john 12 there's another death and resurrection coming but this time it's the son of god for the salvation of the world and because she got her breakthrough of the promise now she enters in with him and anoints him for his burial and comforts him in the moment of his weeping and his suffering and a human being gets to comfort and anoint god for the day of salvation and favor see we want we want this sovereignty where he does it all we don't want to really enter into partnership we say we want bridal paradigm but do we do we want to really enter in do we want to be the prayer people do we want to intercede do we want to let the pain touch us do we want to let sorrow lead us to a place of weeping we don't like tears it's messy we don't like the warfare we like evasion avoidance and jesus is going i love you you're the ones i love ihop you're the ones i love and so god's given you a luke 4 18 breakthrough for your promise so you can enter into his luke 4 18 heart for israel let me tell you the weeping's not going to end you're going to get the breakthrough so you can go into his pain now you're getting your breakthrough like mary got her breakthrough so you can come comfort you can spend it all everything you have now on his weeping over his people israel you know what diane said to me in the back she goes god spoke to me as you were speaking that the degree of our wholehearted love is dependent on the degree of our willingness to remain broken beloved your promise is being fulfilled but as you're entering into your dream and singing season you know why he's bringing you into your dream and singing season so you can enter into his weeping season for israel to be saved for the nations to come to him so we can enter into the psalm 126 the lord has done great things for them the lord has done great things for us now i'll tell you the story because when the season of warfare began i'm standing at the 10 years as you were getting your breakthrough corey and i were getting our individual promise breakthroughs when it suddenly hit me my breakthrough so i can enter into his weeping that he gets his breakthrough he he wails and cries out like a woman in pain and labor so that israel might be saved the real fulfillment the fullest it's not real it's the fullest fulfillment of isaiah 60 to 66 but it began with this in fredericksburg 10 years ago almost to the day almost to the day i went with corey to fredericksburg it was after the awakening it ended and as some of you know during the awakening while people were getting healed my body was getting just ravaged i didn't know what was happening corey's wife dana had had a couple miscarriages and it broke in her heart and we were weeping we flew to the conference together and we were staying in the same hotel and as we were there we were weeping together and i went to bed that night my son samuel and i were there in the in the room and i went to bed praying lord you know what could you give me a dream to understand how many of you go you know sometimes understanding just helps just helps it doesn't alleviate the pain but it helps at least you know why the pain's there so i have a three scene dream the first scene of the dream is an article in real life that i'd written for ministry uh today called standing at the critical juncture that i'd written and that article was joel 2 calling the nation back to repentance and prayer do you remember that back in 2011 repentance and prayer and corey and i were preaching on joel's two trumpets the first trumpet of judgment and the second trumpet of the sacred assembly repentance prayer fasting to get the breakthrough so i'd written that article and in the article i ended it with are we closer i wish i had time and a whiteboard josiah started at 6 40 his reign ends at 609 and joel is written at at 6 40 when there's going to be a lull of 31 years for the nation to turn in repentance but if they don't really turn and repent if it's just josiah's reform instead of israel's revival 605 will come and nebuchadnezzar will be on your doorstep and in that low there's a lull of the judgment of god between the locust plague and the military invasion that god gives time because he's patient with his people so they can turn and do joel too and i asked the question are we in josiah's time or is jeremiah already in the land in other words where are we at in that law the fathers have been warning us bill bright billy graham have been warning us to turn back to god where are we at and in the dream the lord actually answers and tells me that josiah is a young man now that we're closer to judgment than we are to josiah he hasn't stood up yet but he's in his hometown about to be commissioned and that i'm gripped by that and then i go down to the comments and in the comments are all witches and warlocks commenting on the article and i didn't know if it was actually witches and warlocks or christians with opinions and there was a warlock who was putting curses on me and my family and i went through that warlock's comment and i end up in his apartment in that apartment he's sending pornography out across the earth he's got tattoos and a python wrapped around him and he's cursing me my family my marriage my children my ministry and other christian ministries and marriages and he's just cursing his foul and i hear it's witchcraft and i say to the lord you mean it's the spirit of witchcraft not like an actual person and he says no it's witchcraft and then i go from that second scene to a third scene where i'm standing out in a field with young people everywhere and the beginning of revival has started and bob jones is there and he embraces corey russell and i know the season of warfare is over and corey they're saying psalm 126 the lord's done great things the lord's done great things and i know it's those who sow in tears will reap enjoy and the breakthroughs come well what i don't know well anyway i wake up the next morning i'm so giddy that i had a dream i just tell corey i had a dream i need to tell you so i tell him the dream at breakfast suddenly an elderly woman walks up to me and goes hey are you alan hood i said yes ma'am she goes my name's bonnie jones and my husband bob and i would like to have breakfast with you now i'm terrified i'm going through everything in my life to see if there's any sin i'm about to sit with the prophet of the lord it's good to do that even when the prophet's not there but i began to do that and i was like okay oh yeah i'll have breakfast i sat down and he begins like this you boys been preaching joel hadn't you yep you've been preaching job because you've been calling the nation back to god repentance prayer fasting for the breakthrough he goes yep judgment's coming i used to think only revival's coming but both are coming the lord showed me and then he said only a small percentage of the church is actually saved i'm spending my whole life calling the church back to god before judgment and revival comes now i just want to say that whoever is a son of would say bob jones is my spiritual father then you have to embrace i mean there's a message there the prophetic message and he goes on and the next hours i i honestly it was delightful and bizarre i i it was just like as he's reading my mail and i just going i've never experienced this i've heard stories of it but now i understand what mike says in the prophetic history this is delightful and strange all at the same time and then he looks at us and he goes i'll never forget he looks as he goes yep and witchcraft tried to kill you boys yep i can still see the pythons wrapped around your chest corey and the teeth marks in your neck and then he begins to elaborate on that and i i've heard of bob actually praying for people to be delivered from witchcraft and they've been sick for decades and god break in and heal in a moment and so i said you know mr jones prophet sir you know i was scared to dubs like mr jones would you pray for us to be delivered from that he goes no i ain't doing that religious thing he goes what do you think i've been doing the last hour and a half and i thought it didn't feel like prayer felt like talking he goes what do you think i've been doing the last hour and a half he goes he goes you've been weeping ain't you you've been weeping ain't you and i honestly it got really serious that one i said yeah seems like that's all we've been doing since the awakening is weeping and he goes well weeping gets the witchcraft out of your eyes see witchcraft comes to put dust in your eyes where you can't perceive the fruitfulness of your past season and keeps you from seeing the hope of your fruitfulness in the next season it gets in your eyes so you'll quit he said but weeping gets the witchcraft out of your eyes and then he looks at us and goes just keep weeping you'll be all right he goes y'all's ministry's good y'all be all right just keep weeping well beloved that led to a 10-year weeping my body would continue to break down all sorts of trials would come cory would lose corey and dana would lose their nine-month-old son she put him down for a nap and he never woke up that began a nightmare as they tried to overcome the deep grief and pain as dana began to drink that family began to almost be destroyed i got her permission to say that by the way as their lives began to spin the devastation of that would take years and years but this is a luke 4 18 season what i didn't know is that same day bob jones had prophesied in fredericksburg to david bradshaw that you were going to have a tent a millionaire is going to give you a tent and y'all are going to go from city to city in this tent and hot dog vendors and food trucks and young people as far as the eye could see and revival's going to begin to break out and this and this and this and this and it's the season of revival but before that i didn't know this prophecy until about two weeks ago wish i hadn't known it but he goes but before that you're going to have a season of warfare that's going to be very intense he said i was wrestling all night with a warlock and you're on the enemy's radar you're going to go through an intense season so to make a long story longer to to try to sum it up i believe that third scene just happened you got your breakthrough the next weekend i didn't know it but david bradshaw someone bought him a massive tent to go from city to city he's coming to his book in season of 10 years of horrible warfare and here we are the maiden voice god tells me right before november move to the dc area join david and call the prayer prayer movement in dc back to jesus and to concede revival to no political figure that is dependent on one man who sits at the right hand of god and begin to cry out for daniel 7 isaiah 6 encounter with jesus for a breakthrough of god so i just find myself there in fredericksburg again right as the tent comes and we have the maiden voyage so to speak this last weekend and i feel like oh it's in a field it's a tent it's gonna be young people out the wazoo coming to this thing and you know you were there and that day that morning of the first morning i felt led to say corey russell you you've got to get here you're supposed to be here you can have my session you got to be here so him and dana came that morning misty edwards i don't have time i wish i did but it was one of the most powerful messages on grace zechariah 3 where she didn't adjoin the accuser of the brethren she needs to preach it here it was powerful and she heard a song where jesus was singing you don't know what it's like i can't sing it you don't know what it's like to love somebody to love somebody the way i do jesus wouldn't join the accuser when it looks like the promise is dead and the church isn't going to make it jesus said my love for her is enough you join the accuser because you don't know the depth of my love for my bride but i and she gave a message on grace and the breakthrough zechariah 3 the rebuking of the accuser and bringing the body into fullness and i oh it just washed me and then billy humphrey got up god gave him a dream to preach on psalm 126 those who sow in tears will reap enjoy and when he spoke the holy spirit broke out and everyone's weeping and dallas in the upper room and the wailing women and the women at the well travail just broke out for hours and hours as weeping filled the tent it didn't stop at lunch it just kept going right into the women's solemn assembly and during the women's solemn assembly as dana's on the stage weeping and weeping and corey's over her weeping and weeping and the women are around her and we're just weeping and weeping dana picks up the microphone and she tells the story of 10 years of struggle 10 years of brokenness 10 years of warfare and then she said but on february 21st jesus came to me four steps forward five steps back six steps forward eight steps back when's the breakthrough coming she said jesus came to me and i saw nash standing with him and he healed me from the trauma of my miscarriages and the loss of my child a month later he came to me again he removed the shame of my failure of the last season and she's weeping do you know how risky it is for somebody of that stature to tell that kind of story from the public platform she tells it she wanted to tell us he's weeping everybody's weeping and their leader michael miller comes up and kneels down beside her and he reads from the song of songs who is this coming up out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved hold on one second a few seconds early he says it again who is this leaning on her beloved coming up out of the wilderness leaning on the beloved and he waved his hand and he shouted it's dana it's dana [Music] and we went from weeping to drunk in the spirit in t minus two seconds the whole place erupted in joy for the rest of the gathering there were salvations healing deliverance young people being baptized the spirit of the lord moving with healing in fact when he said it's dana a girl with a fractured leg was immediately healed and ripped off her cast and she's running around going the lord healed me we find ourselves in that luke 4 18 moment that's psalm 126 birth and at the same time my dear friend got the breakthrough i said i got to go celebrate the season change i got to go tell my father i love him i'm happy i'm not with you but i'm with you and you got to know it i love you dearly i love my family dearly but can i tell you something as you come up out of the wilderness leaning on your beloved he's got a beloved that he's weeping over and he's going to invite you into that but not out of trauma not out of brokenness from trauma but out of whole hearted love you're gonna enter his broken heart you're gonna weep for israel and you're gonna begin to partner with him and comfort his heart you say alan what's the message this morning it's a new season weeping may last for a night but joy comes in the morning and at the same time you've been released from your season of warfare so you can join jesus for her season of warfare to end i want to invite you to stand i want to ask for first lord confirm your word through signs and wonders release your healing power right now release it and then number two i want to ask for the holy spirit to attend because the isaiah 61 anointing it's going to catapult us into an isaiah 62 identity and intercession that's where this is going i keep hearing bob jones in my head i told you i told you not just what he told me but what he told us i told you you're gonna be on that land i told you you're going to be a spiritual advocate and intercessor for the salvation of his i told you just close your eyes if you want to put your hands out i'm going to ask for the fire of intercession to come just a fresh commissioning for isaiah 62 come holy spirit invite us in to comfort the lord's heart break off the trauma of the last season lift the trauma break the power of witchcraft break it break it god rebuke the accuser drive back that foul devil deliver us give us new garments so we can comfort your heart comfort our hearts so we can comfort your bring us in so lord i ask you to confirm your word right now with the spirit of burning fire for an isaiah 62 intercession for an isaiah 62 messenger the forerunner spirit to say to zion you are not forsaken [Music] come holy spirit release your fire right now release your power fire on the lips fire on the hands fire on the heart fire on the ears to prophesy to israel come lord now you talk to him you ask release it now if you're here and you feel that fire resting upon you you feel that burden for israel you go the spirit's attending to your spirit you go that yes you're going yes but i want to invite you forward i want to pray for you [Music] diane said that to me at half time in between the service she said the lord spoke to me the degree of our wholehearted love is to the degree of our willingness to be broken for the things that he's broken for so lord bring us out of our trauma to join you in your intercession let our tears i just keep hearing ihop do you know how holy your tears have been this thing will not end in death but for the glory of god that the son of god will be glorified through it your resurrection israel's resurrection will be like life from the dead for the whole world so come holy spirit mark us encounter us in this new season ask for a fresh infilling of the spirit the spirit of the lord is upon me because he's anointed me to say to zion you are not forsaken you are not forsaken hear the word roaring is thunder with a new future to tell for the dry season is over there is a cloud beginning to swirl [Music] to the sky heavy with blessing lift your eyes off your heart christ opened the heavens now we receive the spirit of god [Music] we received [Music] we received [Music] buried in sorrow you were called forth in its time is you are lord lord of the harvest you're calling our hope now to our eyes we receive [Music] we received [Music] we received [Music] like [Music] we received like [Music] we received [Applause] we will [Music] [Music] and with great anticipation we await the promise to come everything that you've spoken it will come to pass let it be done and with great anticipation we await the promise to come everything that you've spoken it will come to pass let it be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a flood we received [Music] [Music] [Applause] boys [Music] [Music] but joy comes in the moon [Music] joy comes in [Music] i have heard [Music] joyfulness [Music] you won't forget [Music] [Music] some of you are moving in that groaning that weeping i just want to give you permission to cooperate with the holy spirit father release it release it release your travail for israel your weeping for israel your heart your tears do it go release it lord more more increase increase [Music] increase [Music] jesus shout watch send them [Music] to oh [Music] [Music] marcus for science [Music] [Applause] [Music] me don't leave me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] little voices [Music] [Music] [Music] future [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] greasy you're here you're under the age of 35. you're under the age of 35 and you're going i want to be marked with this revelation for the salvation of israel i want to put my heart in front of jesus's heart i want to know what he weeps over i already know what the apostle paul weeps over he groans the spirit bears witness that he wishes he were a curse for this nation to be saved if you're under 35 and you go i want my heart to be marked afresh just wave your hand i felt like there's a new commissioning i felt like as i was here in 1999 when mike commissioned the house of prayer i felt like there was a new commissioning on the young adults wave your hand like this now gather around them wherever those hands are raised [Music] moms and pops who have been carrying this burden for decades gather around them god we ask for a fresh move of the spirit a fresh move of the spirit mark them by the spirit of burning the spirit of burning that fire of the holy spirit mark them mark them meet them for zion's sake i will not keep silent for zion's sake i will not keep silent for zion's sake mark them mark them set them apart put them on the wall for jerusalem oh matthew weep matthew weep with him comfort his heart comfort his heart matthew we we weep for the fallen of israel we young man come holy spirit increase increase [Music] increase increase now pray over them as for the release of the spirit of intercession to lay hold of them to be gripped by god i want to go on your beautiful bridegroom hearts journey jesus the beautiful bridegroom who longs for the bride longs for his people who loves life he loves come to us god come to us come to us come to us come to us come to us mark us in the name of jesus fire fire fire the next generation bring them into it like you brought us in bring them in [Music] for what breaks yours i wanna [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 15,438
Rating: 4.9475985 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, ihopkc 2020, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, sunday, church
Id: YY6lFwlNrZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 0sec (8040 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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