Intimacy with God: My Two Favorite Verses and Prayers | Mike Bickle

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[Music] [Music] no matter how much [Music] we give it all to you oh every breath every song jesus [Music] and is it a fragrance then i'll pour my oil out [Music] is it a song i see and hears every melody just tell me what moves you just tell me what moves you [Music] is it afraid that i'll pour my oil [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is just tell me what moves tell me [Music] here's every melody just tell me [Music] no matter how much the cost i'm free to give it all to you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is you tell me tell me [Music] no matter how much give it all to you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no matter how much the cost i freely give it all to you [Music] all to you i freely give it all to you we freely give it all to you [Music] all the glory all the honor it's yours [Music] it's yours [Music] you worthy of all of our affections you're worthy of all of our time [Music] every breath that we breathe every heartbeat [Music] we give it all to you [Laughter] it's the only way worth living a life lay down at your feet anything else [Music] our heart our mind our soul give you everything jesus here we give it all [Music] our heart our mind our soul here we give it all our heart our [Music] [Laughter] our heart our [Music] [Music] our [Music] here we give it all heart of [Music] laid [Music] just tell me what moves you just tell me [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm silent before you and all of your wonders and love be beholding your beautiful cross thank you for all that you've done oh humbled and happy god that you'd love me this way to carry my crossing machine thank you for all that you've done you know my obedience cannot convey the way that i'm feeling here light of your grace you paid it all lord you paid it all for me [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i worship you [Music] you caused [Music] thank you for all [Music] thank you for all that you've done hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah now raise up my hands to the savior's blood does command all my worship hallelujah [Music] you [Music] we worship you humans are the answers that you have provided for those who've been captive to find a new [Music] [Music] to find a new life [Music] that's how you found me [Music] that's how [Music] [Music] to find a new [Music] [Music] to find a new [Music] i'll raise life my hands to the savior cause blood does command all my worship [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] lazy all my worship over you and i sing my song of worship straight to you [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] straight [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] worship [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] says [Music] your eyes [Music] reach down and touch me i want to know you [Music] more [Music] oh [Music] and touch me [Music] reach down and touch me as father father of glory we want to know you more we want to love you more come spirit of wisdom and revelation touch our hearts touch our spirits touch our minds to receive your word your love we thank you for your sacrifice we thank you for making a way for us to be near you we love you [Music] we love you jesus [Music] jesus name amen worship team just take a moment and let's just the folks just take a minute to greet one another a little bit bright need the teaching notes go ahead and raise your hand up real high we'll get them right to you if you want the teaching notes wave them like that so the ushers can see you wave your hand if you want the notes the ushers are walking around there you go okay let's go ahead and grab a seat it's a little bright still we're beginning session number eight intimacy with the trinity in the context of eschatology let's go ahead and have a seat turn in your bibles to revelation chapter 3 if you follow along or you have the teaching notes right there in front of you father we come to you in the name of the lord jesus lord we love to love you and the holy spirit we thank you for the way that you impart love for jesus into our hearts so we ask you holy spirit let us see what you see and feel what you feel when you look at the father's love for jesus and impart that to us we ask we thank you in his name we pray amen and amen well this is session eight and we're looking at uh what i'm calling my two favorite verses my two favorite prayers and the reason i i'm saying that in one way kind of smiling because i got 100 really favorite verses but these are really my two favorite because i'm really wanting to stir your curiosity if these verses are new to you to where you would say why would he pick those two verses huh that's interesting so if i've got you leaning into it i got you that's what i'm trying to do but they really are my two favorite verses and my two favorite prayers but before we do that we're gonna go back to some months ago in the spring when we were spending uh uh an uh unusual amount of time i think it was about six or eight weeks in a row and every one of our four weekend services we talked about the uh jesus rescuing us from the laodicean spirit from the spirit of dullness and because i believe that's a prophetic word or an emphasis of the spirit of the body of christ worldwide far bigger than our little world here or even just uh america i believe the holy spirit is wanting to rescue the body of christ hit the darling of his heart across the nations from a spirit of dullness and he wants to dine with us he wants to give us gold and these two favorite verses that i'm i'm sharing with you in prayers is really a way to engage in getting that gold and a way to participate in dining with him having him feed us spiritual meals and feeding our heart in that intimate way so let's look at paragraph a jesus promised the laodicean church deep fellowship with himself is really a word of hope in the midst of a correction and a rebuke he's really offering them hope he says in revelation 3 verse 16. we know it so well but i don't think we can look at this too many times jesus told them in the in the larger context more than just what i have on the notes here he goes you don't really know you're lukewarm and that's the problem with being lukewarm is you don't know it when you are he says but you are and you're not even aware of it you've become content with having so little from my table i have so much more for you but i want your hunger stirred up verse 18. i want you to buy gold from me and it's gold refined by fire so he's saying come and buy this gold but in doing that verse 19 you need to be zealous it's not just a kind of a feeble kind of effort you kind of set your heart for a weekend or a month or two be zealous stay with it stay in the process because verse 20 i stand at the door i'm knocking at the door of your heart i have more i want to give you if you are hungry for it if anyone opens the door and i love that word anyone i will have spiritual meals i will fellowship i will dine with him i will come personally and minister to his heart and teach him or her directly from my heart to to their heart but the lord uh requires that we're zealous it's more than just a well i think i think that sounds good no it's a real determination not that we do it in the power of our own strength we actually do it by conversation with him it's actually the conversation with him that causes our hearts to go forward it's not trying it's not some new effort or we're trying to make passion happen in our heart he's going to say just kind of the the takeaway uh the kind of the take away practical to do thing is if you will enter into more regular conversation with me i will change the way you feel i will change the way you think i will do things inside of you that will surprise you paragraph b when he says buy from me gold we might automatically think that we're deserving the gold we're earning it we're buying it we're purchasing it and uh he's actually telling us to engage in the god ordained process of acquiring gold it's a process in the grace of god we don't earn it we don't buy it in that same way but we buy it in the sense that we invest ourselves in a costly way to position ourselves in conversation with them because it does take emotional determination and emotional effort to position ourselves to engage in that conversation even when the conversation is not lively or inspiring the very uh emotional kind of setting ourself in the effort of that is investing ourself in a way i mean never by staying in a conversation could we imagine we earned gold just because we're talking to him but he says engage in that god-ordained process invest yourself in a costly way now in isaiah 55 isaiah is the one who taught us how to buy things from god he was the first one that talked about buying something from god with no money it's kind of a play on words how do you buy it with no money well he doesn't really mean purchase it in that a technical sense but he's saying if you're thirsty come and buy this spiritual food for me he's calling it wine and milk here in isaiah 55. it doesn't cost money it's by listening to me and talking to me we buy things from god by entering that god-ordained process of actually listening to him reading his word and talking back to him that's how we buy it from god paragraph c he says if he'll do this i'll dine with you i will draw closer to you than you imagine i have so much to give you and i desire it but i'm not going to force feed you and i won't make you uh uh engage in the conversation with me but in as much as you want the conversation i'll stay in it as long as you do but i'll not force you to it the teaching of john 13 to 17 which this course we're gonna it's our purpose to do five 12-part series on john 13 to 17. there are so many implications to each to so many of those phrases that i don't want to just run by it real quick but i just wanted to camp out here for about a year on these uh we're gonna i looked at uh you know in in the spring i mean the fall and the spring as well and really break it down just phrase by phrase but in john 13 he's having a physical meal with them and you remember that's when he uh uh girds himself and washes their feet at the mill and then and he tells them to be a servant then he then he actually feeds them a meal a spiritual meal in john 14 15 16 and 17. so it's in the context of a physical meal he gives him a spiritual meal and so the the the the lord has really highlighted these five chapters john 13 to 17 that as as the last time he spoke of a meal before the book of revelation was right here and i have no doubt that that was on his mind i'm going to feed you from the diet the spiritual diet that i fed the apostles at the last supper i'm going to feed you if you want to be fed by that well in paragraph d i've shared this a few times but i i love sharing it because i love just reliving it in my own thinking i think about it quite a bit i had an open vision before the lord i've had two open visions in 50 years of walking with the lord as i've said at this pace i'm i'm i'm scheduled to have another open vision by the time i'm 100 okay so there you go but uh and what i mean by an open vision is that i was awake and i actually like saw a movie screen right in front of me it's quite startling because you don't think it's going to happen and it's happening you think this looks like a movie screen and it was right in front of me i was in my office praying over just next to the prayer room and i had my lights dim slightly but this all of a sudden this door appeared and the door opened towards me and i was looking into this room filled with bright brilliant golden light and i'm just startled by it again it takes a minute to know what's happening you think this looks like a vision you know but you're not used to having a vision so it takes a just the human process involved in that and i was sitting on the couch and just came out of the prayer room ready to go back to another set and i was saying lord this thing that you're talking to us about this knocking at the door of our heart and i was saying lord as a spiritual family as me as an individual but as a spiritual family i want us to i want you to help us give us grace to open the door of our heart we really want that grace and it's more than just us it's something we want for the body of christ and across the nation and the nations of the world because i know the holy spirit's speaking this and i was i and all of a sudden this door appears and it opened and i'm looking at this golden light and i mean i would that the light would have come out of the room and shine on me you know glory to god but it wasn't that way i was looking into a room and in revelation 3 20 the passage we're looking at jesus says open the door of your heart then skip two verses and go to revelation 4 1 he opens the door of his glory so he's in the same conversation in chapter 4 verse 1. there's no chapter break in the conversation jesus says in 3 18 open the door of your heart and 4 1 he goes i'll open the door of heaven i'll open the door of my glory and he made that real clear as you open the door of your heart to me i'll open the door of my glory to you and this is something bigger than a personal word this was a a a encouragement as a shepherd that i want to encourage lots of folks if you'll open the door of your heart he'll open the door of his glory there's only two verses separating chapter three verse 20 and uh chapter four verse one let's look at roman numeral two now we're going to look now and highlight how to really open the door of our heart how to buy the gold how to feast at his table it really comes down to conversation with him as simple as that is so i want to highlight what i call my two favorite verses and i've been uh really prioritized these two verses uh you know i don't remember the time but in like 40 years i mean just for many many many years it's been john 17 26 and john 15 verse 9. and i've engaged with the lord around these verses for many years and i'm only saying that to for for two reasons number one i want you if these verses are new to you i want you to say why would he do that what's in those verses that would make somebody do that again stirring up your holy curiosity and the second is this i never get weary in talking about these two verses it's just it's just a joy to me to talk to the lord about it to talk to people about it to think about it study it read books read articles anything that i can find from somebody else that's got more insight on these two verses i want it and so i'm going to read the two verses to you and then we'll break them down a little bit chapter 5 it's all in the upper room it's at the last supper it's it's in john 13 to 17 it's in that final last supper the night before jesus would go to the cross the next day jesus makes this most startling statement to them in john 15 verse 9 he says as the father loved me i've also loved you in the same intensity that the father loves me in that same intensity i love you so he says abide or stay engaged in this reality abide in it stay locked into this conversation with me i don't mean every minute of every day that's not what i mean but stay engaged in the process of understanding what i just told you so that's john 15 verse 9 then maybe an hour later i mean not long afterwards now he's in the the john 17 prayer time he's praying to the father and in this prayer he's actually prophesying i mean he's praying to the father but it it ends up a prophecy to us because how many of you know when jesus prays something to the father in faith you know that it's a prophetic word it's going to come to pass but it's also a word of encouragement of hope to us that if he would pray this to the father and the father smiles and says yes i mean we're in the right position we're we're in a good place if jesus is talking about us this way this is remarkable here's what he says he ends the john 13 to 17 the five chapters he ends that upper room discourse with this statement here's the crescendo of crescendos i mean it doesn't get any more intense or any more glorious than this the very final phrase and then it's then it's over the uh those the the the conversation and prayer of those five chapters it goes father he's talking to the father verse 26 i have declared meaning i've revealed your name to them and i'm going to continue to declare it and the reason i'm going to declare your name to them is so the love with which you love me would be supernaturally imparted in them that is a remarkable statement so jesus is saying father i've for three and a half years through my teaching ministry through my lifestyle through my miracles i have revealed your name in other words your personality they've seen my lifestyle they've seen my my teachings they've watched my miracles and they know what you're like because i've revealed your name your personality your glory it's all the same idea but i'm going to continue to do it now they're listening to him pray and they think okay you're going to continue to reveal the father what jesus means is i'm going to the cross tomorrow then i'm going to die raised from the dead go to the right hand the father pour out the spirit and i'm going to keep declaring what the father is like to you by the person of the holy spirit and the reason i'm going to do this is that i know that as i reveal the father to you and little just i call just little installments of inspiration little moments of inspiration just the small just small uh times where we talk to the lord and we read and reverse inspires it's just little bits of moments of inspiration they add up over time every now and then we get a major encounter but mostly it's little installments of the spirit touching us for just a few moments here and there and inspiring our understanding and our emotions he's saying what i'm going to do is when i reveal the father to you and those conversation times with me it's going to supernaturally impart to you the father's love for me you're going to love me like the father loves me i mean this is going to go on forever and forever i mean can you imagine any greater destiny imaginable than being caught up in the love the father has for the son we feel it we're liberated by it we enjoy it our hearts are tender it's like this is so satisfying this is the destiny of the body of christ forever and forever but we don't want to wait till the resurrection to enter into this in a greater way we can enter into it now now we're not going to get nearly as far in this age as we are in the age to come but beloved there's a lot more we can get we can there's a lot more we can experience even in this age okay let's go paragraph b we're going to look at the first one john 15 verse 9 john 15 verse 9. i want to kind of break the verse down to you there's two very significant truths i call them not that this is a technical term they're mountain truths meaning these truths are so big the implications are so vast there's like a mountain of implication and truth to each one of these phrases so two phrases they're ever so brief but jesus is all but saying i'll give you the title of the book and if you want to develop more just stay with me in conversation and i'll break down many many many implications to each of these two phrases phrase i call them the two most significant truths number one truth is the way the father loves jesus the way that god loves god that is a mountain of truth the way that god the father the son and the spirit love talk relate delight in each other from eternity past that is that's massive so jesus says the way the father loves me and he could have paused and said there's a whole lot more behind that phrase it's the way that god loves god think on it he goes that's that's truth number one truth number two significant truth number two that's the way that god loves you i love you in the same intensity that god loves god i love you like the father loves me like i love the spirit like the spirit loves the father i delight in you i want to relate to you i want to share with you i want to partner with you in ways parallel to way the father partners with me now we know that there there's the uniqueness of jesus he is eternally god but in his anointed humanity he's talking about as a man anointed by the spirit that is your destiny forever to relate to me the father the father son and the spirit in a way like i relate to the father in the spirit in my humanity so those are the two big statements but again see them as like a title of a vast book in god's library the way that god loves god the way that god loves people got it the lord says now i'll unpack those to you if you want from genesis to revelation i'll unpack these two truths to you then he gives what i consider i can i call it the most important commandment in the bible he says abide in this love some translations say live in this love abide and live would be the same other translations say dwell in this love or remain in this love so whether you put dwell live remain abide here's what the command is stay engaged in this truth don't graduate from it and move on now there's seasons in your life where the lord will highlight a different truth or a different assignment and in those different seasons where we have different points of focus on different truths and assignments never do we have never do those truths or assignments substitute for these these are always the foundational uh interaction we have with the lord i never want to outgrow this i never want to graduate from searching it out abide in love search it out engage in the conversation participate with me ask me more about this that's what he's saying now when i think of the kingdom of god i i think of the kingdom of god i have written here in paragraph b is secure forever because the father loves the son because god loves god because god loves god it's going to go right and then the our lives because god loves us because god loves god and god loves us beloved the kingdom is secure and our lives are strong forever i mean what a glorious thing to think about the future in deep confidence of the tranquility of family love that can never be broken forever and forever and so jesus he he gives them th this uh statement in john 15 verse 9. now it's interesting in john 15 verse 9 and i'll probably say this a dozen times in in the in the in these five 12-part series that we're planning to do we may do more who knows but uh when jesus tells them this the way the father loves me the intensity of the father loves me that's how i love you when jesus tells them this literally just a little a few moments later he tells him and oh by the way every one of you will deny me tonight so he wasn't talking to them out of some idealism like you guys are so amazing he goes actually you'll all stumble and deny me tonight but i want you to know even before you stumble though peter said no i won't even jesus said yeah actually you will peter you ought to be asking me to help you instead of correcting my perception and you peter no i won't i'll die for you because no now you're a weak broken man like the rest of them but i love you i want you to know that i love you like the father loves me and i know you better than you know you so when you stumble you're going to recover because i'm going to reveal my passion for you even in your weakness and at the end of the day that's our security is because god loves god and god loves that that's why i have far more confidence in his commitment to me than in my commitment to him but peter and i started the same way i started like peter i was far more confident in my commitment to god and i didn't know much about his commitment to me lord i'm going to be you know i was 16 17 18 years old out of high school we were all reading missionary biographies that we were going to go to the nations and try to be martyrs or something we don't know what we really were going to do but we were all and we were so confident in our dedication and we're going to be warriors and zealous and and and and and i would stumble and fall in sin and i would go oh lord i can't believe i did that and i could imagine the lord whispering there's a whole lot more where that came from you're only shocked as a statement of your spiritual pride you should not be so shocked you don't really get who you are have confidence in my commitment to you more than your commitment to me and you're going to have a lot better journey ahead and it took me a few years to begin to sort that out i go hey that's a good deal actually and that's really what he was telling the apostles right there at the table he said you're going to deny me tonight but you know what i'm coming after you and the reason we have a history together forever is because i'm coming after you even when you stumble and then yes you do have to say yes and you have to respond but it's because i'm coming after you that's why this thing's gonna work okay paragraph c so i i love to and uh start my prayer times i don't always by the way i don't always do this but i i often do this and i like to uh do it every time but that would be exaggerated but i like to start my day with this we're taking these prayers these two verses and even if it's 10 or 20 seconds or 10 or 20 minutes and it's not very often 10 or 20 minutes it's normally several minutes 2 3 4 5 6 8 you know i don't know i don't have a time i'm not like checking it but i'll do this a number of times throughout the day i'll stop and i'll take the each phrase and paragraph one here's my my uh uh little simple little spiritual advice or exhortation i like to tell god when i see a truth about god like god loves god god loves me i like to say thank you god show me more that's simple i like to say thank you show me more now a lot of folks they will read a verse like this and they'll just go wow and they'll just maybe underline it they'll read the next verse instead of just going wow and underlining it and read the next verse stop 10 or 20 seconds 60 seconds and talk to the lord about it as the father loved me i love to say father thank you for the way you love jesus show me more and if you will say that and i you know i hope i don't know how many times you know two three four five six times a day some days i don't say it but i mostly like to start my prayer time and my my days even driving for 90 seconds or or go walking down the hallway to the next meeting just whispering that in my heart that postures my heart to receive more and more but if you'll turn it into conversation many times nothing notable will happen but many times a little inspiration will happen you never know when and i don't measure it or count it or try to add it all up i just want to stay with it i want to abide in this conversation and so i'll say father thank you for the way you love jesus father thank you for the way you love the holy spirit or i can say jesus thank you for the way you love the father or holy spirit thank you for the way that you talk with the father and you delight in the son thank you for the way you celebrate him show me more those are just different ways to say the same thing because you can say thank you father the way you love the son show me more or the way that you celebrate the way you delight in him the way you talk the way you partner together the way that you enjoy each other's presence the way that you're committed to each other put any one of those verbs in there it's all the same general category and say show me more and you pray that 10 20 seconds often it will stretch out to two three minutes every now and then it will go out to 10 or 20 minutes you don't start uh saying i'm gonna do this for an hour or i'm not going to do it at all no just do it in just little just little uh kind of installments of conversation that's probably not the best way to say but just those little whispers those little short little uh conversations and then i like to say the same prayer another way instead of saying father thank you for the way you love jesus show me more how about this holy spirit holy spirit let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the love you share with the father and the son let me see what you see holy spirit about the love you have the love you share the love you enjoy with the son let me see what you see let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the way the father loves the son what do you feel when you look at those two love each other let me have a again i don't say every one of these prayers every time i i just gave you like eight ways to say the little ten second prayer and just there's all kinds of ways to say this but i love to say father thank you for the way you love jesus show me more or holy spirit let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the way the father loves jesus and just again there's just different ways to say the same thing the key is to get in the conversation you don't have to make it long it will become long on its own just get in the conversation 10 20 30 40 seconds two three minutes and just when it's if you're done you're done then move on then an hour or two or six hours or the next morning do it again but i like to do this a number of times throughout the day just spontaneously number two let's go to the first truth is the way that god loves god the second truth is the way that god loves me or he loves you jesus said in the way the father loves me i've also loved you i like to take that and say lord jesus thank you for the way you love me or make it different thank you for the way you love name a family member or if you really want to get like sermon on the mount dot com say lord show me the way you love the adversary who's standing against me you know if you really want to go all the way say holy spirit let me see what you see about that guy in the body of christ that's really troubling me but put your seatbelt on because the lord loves that guy he's like i remember a few times when the lord let me know how he feels about that guy and i went why because that's who i am and that's good for you because that's why i love you because of who i am says the lord oh yeah good point good point okay ask the holy spirit let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the way jesus loves me i just challenge you to ask the holy spirit that prayer i mean to ask him to show you that he will show you how he feels about the way jesus loves you not every time it won't be dramatic but you'll get little whispers here and there and when i get these little whispers and it's not like i hear it that's not what i mean by a whisper just the thought comes that inspires me i like to write that thought down i'm i'm a journal fanatic i like to write down inspiring thoughts that's why you'll rarely see me in a ever i mean every now and then but not very often in the prayer room without a notepad or without my laptop because if you're saying something's i'm talking about you the people on the platform singing or the guy praying or i'm interacting with them or i got a bible open while they're singing and i say something to the lord or they do that inspires me i want to write the phrase down and more times than not i don't even reread it later i just got pages and pages of phrases but sometimes i do and i never know what i'm going to but i just love to write it down because when i write it down it's like i'm in the conversation and when i write it down it actually grows i have a sentence or two then i add another phrase or two then one more phrase and and when i write it it's a way of staying in the conversation a little bit longer and it is amazing i look back over 40 years of doing this how many inspiring thoughts came to me by me writing and saying it back to the lord said i never even thought of that before i like that thought that's a good thought and the lord could say well where do you think he got that thought and i don't go around saying god told me this but i just love to capture thoughts even that i say back to god or phrases that inspire me now i'll say something uh some of you heard it so you already know where i'm going but uh i'll say it just to get your attention then i'll explain it i am my favorite teacher my favorite teacher in the body of christ is me i'm kind of setting you up to go what your favorite teacher in the body of christ is actually you and you might not know that because first john 2 20 says the anointing abides in you the holy spirit is in you if you will talk to the holy spirit into the lord more you will say phrases that will come from his mouth from his heart that are tailor made to your struggle your personality to your strengths and weaknesses tailor made for you and nobody will move your heart more nobody moves your heart more than your own words that's just a human reality that's why one reason why the lord is so adamant that people don't complain because when we complain whether we know it or not it's ever so slightly it's marking our heart your words move you more than anybody else's words you might think so and so else's words move you more but you say so many words to yourself that you don't even count but if you'll talk to god and capture it little phrases inspired you will find out five and ten years later you look back and say i've gotten more from those little thoughts and inspirations i'm not talking about secrets about the names of angels and the mysterious events you know that are gonna unfold over in china somewhere that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about just inspiring thoughts the holy spirit will actually use your own words in your own right your own little phrases and he will teach you from your own conversation with him so there you have it you're your favorite teacher too you just might not know it because maybe you haven't done much with it but you stay with it on a year two or five or ten later you'll come back and say oh my goodness you know i appreciate your stuff mike but i like my stuff a lot better i'll say there you go that's that's it you got it you got it the spirit is in you it's a tailor-made tutor for your strengths your weaknesses your personality your mindset your destiny but he needs you talking to him talk to him and capture it and again i just i just don't even like going to a prayer meeting if i don't have a notepad and many times i don't write much down but i'll get those two or three phrases and then uh for years you know then i had to go type them into my laptop and so now i just take my laptop you know i got stacks of stuff i think i don't even know what's in them though but it was fun doing it because again it marks you while you're doing it while it's happening okay let's look at paragraph d no no no no paragraph three i'm three so the truth number one the way the father loves me okay the way god loves god thank you god the way you love the son show me more truth number two jesus says that's how i love you thank you jesus for the way you love me show me more number three now is not a truth it's an exhortation to obey he says now abide in this stay engaged in this search out this truth to abide in it doesn't just mean conversation study it talk about it ask about it you know read books or articles on anything you can i read i've read so much material over the years on just the love of god some of it's really boring but i never know you know i'm going to read it just in case and a little spark of insight will come i'll go wow that's searching it out that's abiding in this conversation is i put that under that category so i'll i'll stop and i'll i'll take that third phrase i'll say father thank you for the way you love the son and jesus thank you for though you love me show me more then i'll say holy spirit i set my heart to abide in love i set my heart to stay in this conversation help me instead of show me more i go help me help me more and if you do that 10 or 20 second conversation this will take off sometimes i mean it will grow to two or three minutes and and and just when you least expect that the lord will give you another little insight about that and so i've come to appreciate that as the number one commandment in the bible to stay engaged in searching out and talking to the lord about these two truths abide in them stay engaged in them stay locked into him okay paragraph d john 17 26 now we're going to the second favorite verse i mean i just don't know how anything is more grand than john 17 26 except for john 15 9 i mean the two of them i don't know i don't know which one i don't you don't have to pick you know you just gotta have them both but the father jesus uh promised to reveal the father's name to you now again he did it for three and a half years in his ministry in his teaching in his miracles and his lifestyle but now from the right hand of the father by the spirit he says i'm going to keep giving you inspiring insights into what the father's glory or his name or personality is like and what it's gonna do it's gonna tenderize your heart so you will love me in the by the inspiration of the way the father loves me i mean this is amazing so i like to pray that prayer holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me and in part love for jesus your love for jesus in me holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me and report and impart his love or your love for jesus either one it doesn't matter you couldn't say it any way you want and there's uh i've studied a little bit in and about i just love to add this phrase too because there's several times in the bible where god's throne is associated to his sapphire glory and i just like to say i just love to say it because i i know these verses and they're special to me i say in holy spirit escort me into your sapphire glory which means the glory around your throne and all that anyway you don't have to throw that in there but i just do it because i like that and so i say escort me into your sapphire glory let me see the realm of your heavenly court i just want to feel it even a little bit just a little inspiration i'm i mean i'd love open visions but i might i'll take little inspiring thoughts but probably because i've prayed this over the years maybe maybe not uh you know i don't know i don't have to know but that door opened and the lord might be saying hey you've asked me i kind of opened that up a little bit for you or maybe he says no that was just completely above and beyond anything you've even asked and so i want more of those kind of encounters and so i'm going to keep asking for them and i don't know for sure you know how he determines to do it but he opened that door of glory and i said i want to i want way more than just looking into a room filled with golden light okay look at paragraph e now it says in john 15 verse 7 i don't have the the passage there but john 15 verse 7 it's just a couple verses before john 15 9 the one we just the passage we just looked at jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you he goes if my words will live in you then ask anything you will because if you'll abide in me and my words abide in you so the idea is that our journey to go deep in god starts with words i just want to make it that simple and i've had people over the years go that is so simple like that's the point it's so simple anyone can do it but it's so simple so many people don't do it the journey to go deep in the spirit starts with words and and once you get that clear you go well if that's really true i'm gonna start saying more and i'm gonna read more so i can say more back to him if that's really how it works if that's really the way you buy gold now that's really the way you dine at his table by speaking words to him i mean that's not the fullness of it but that's the foundational kind of the building block of it christian the christian life is a ongoing dialogue with a person the christian life isn't just a ministry assignment a task to do the christian life isn't just moral ethics let's you know live morally and let's do tasks to serve people that's good to do tasks to serve people that's really good actually but the christian life is much more than that it's an ongoing conversation with a person that's the core and then we do tasks with him but if we do tasks with him because we're in conversation instead of working for him then we will be sustained in our motivation a lot of believers work for the lord without conversation but if we work with the lord that means conversations in the midst of it it doesn't mean every minute every day that's not what i mean i don't want to exaggerate this because then you'll think i can never do it but if you if you will intentionally cultivate the conversation then you're working with the lord not just for the lord because when you work for the lord a little detached a bit from the conversation you get bruised a lot easier and you get burned out a lot easier and you get discouraged a lot easier but when you're in the conversation you get that little spark of inspiration that comes not all day every day but here and there and that makes the work doable actually you can stay with even the humdrum of the labor and even being overlooked and misunderstood and even rejected but when you've done something well you still get rejected by people but you've got that little spark in your heart that says lord you and i were talking a little bit and you love me i love you and they don't appreciate what i did and i'm overlooked and i was bypassed and somebody else got the position i thought i was supposed to get but hey you love me i love you let's just keep it going and it gives you that spark in your heart of inspiration jesus said in john 6 verse 3 63 his words are spirit and life his words have spiritual dimension to it and life meaning when his words get in your mouth they touch your spirit and they impart life to you again it's not dramatic very often it's mostly very subtle but a bunch of little subtle ones adds up over years it really starts making a difference over time what he thinks and feels and says and does over time what he thinks what he feels what he says it starts moving our heart when we talk to him about it simple phrases shift our emotions over time they really do shift us but we got to get into them a lot of folks say they'll hear something like this that for a week or two they'll kind of go for it and then they'll go no no stay with it and if you get off track get back on track i get off track all the time i mean probably i don't really know the number but probably two or three times a year i will stop and say lord i'm not abiding in this conversation i haven't what happened the last few weeks i haven't stayed in it and the lord says okay don't worry about it just start back again just acknowledge it and jump back in and so when you kind of lose your focus don't make a big deal just jump back in and get the focus going again look at paragraph f hosea says this o israel return to the lord then it's so interesting he says take words with you when you return to the lord this sounds like uh what jesus said to the laodicean church he says return to me he said repent that's the same as return but hosea says jesus said repent and come dine with me and buy gold hosea said the same thing different instead of saying repent and buy gold he said return and take words because the way you buy the gold is by speaking words to the lord that's how you get the gold that's how you the isaiah 55 he says come and buy the milk and wine without any money by listening to me and engaging with me take words with you if you'll talk to the spirit he'll talk back to you now not necessarily a voice i mean mostly not a voice but you'll have inspi i mean every now and then you'll hear something from him but i don't again i don't want to exaggerate that because if i exaggerate it then people that's all they're looking for it didn't happen that often and then they get discouraged the way he talks back to you is by inspiring thoughts come to you not just when you're reading sometimes just in the course of life but many times your bible's open and you're talking to him from the bible an inspiring thought that's the spirit teaching you you know i remember uh years ago i was asking the lord from galatians chapter 5 verse 16 that says if you walk in the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh say okay because a lot of people they look at the lust of the flesh and they grit their teeth i will i'm going to resist the lust of the flesh i'm a resistance no no no and the holy spirit taps out he says no no walk with me and then you can resist the lust of the flesh turn your attention and i said lord what do you mean how do i walk in the spirit and a phrase came to me many years ago if you talk to the spirit you'll walk in the spirit if you'll just keep the conversation here and there you will the walking in this works more than that but that's the foundational building block of walking in the spirit talking the spirit so spit instead of putting all of your time you know the the person's going i'm trying to resist lost i'm trying to resist bitterness i pray i resist anger i'm trying to resist i'm resisting the lord says no turn around focus this way talk to me and then you'll actually be walking in the spirit and you'll have a lot more energized heart to resist the lust of the flesh so hosea says here come and return to the lord talk to him so when you talk to the lord it linger it's not rapid fire don't preach to him you're not rapid fire preaching you're in conversation with the father father in the name of jesus the lord gets it all but the problem is you don't i encourage people even when they pray in intercession you're talking to the father he loves you some people pray and i did this in my early days pray to the father like they're preaching against the devil you know they talk to they're like binding and loosing and father in the name i'm telling you the phrase hey i'm on your team we're in this together i'm right next to you why are you talking to me that way i'm your father i love you you love me oh yeah right i encourage people i said don't preach to god talk to him and linger in and have confidence that he's your heavenly father and he likes you and he's not convincing you you're convinced i mean you're not convincing him he's actually the one trying to convince you so i tell people linger go slower dial down not rapid fire not rapid fire preaching linger pause ten and aim for two and three and four minutes on these again not five hours and when i read the bible i just like when i'm just reading chapter by chapter whatever whenever i see a promise like god you know god loves you god forgives you i'll stop and i'll say thank you show me more i'll use that thank you show me more all the time and just pause and linger pray in the spirit a little bit just pause a little bit and i just want and and you can do that when you're driving for a minute or two or three or four minutes turn some stuff off just talk to him like i love to i you know regularly on friday nights i've been doing these friday nights for 22 years if i hop and i'll drive home and it's about three minutes i live about a minute for my hop and it's a five minute drive or whatever and i'll just like to say lord let me see what you see and feel what you feel about and i can say my wife the meeting the people tomorrow tonight the dreams i'm going to have i just like to ask him let me see what you see and feel what you feel about tonight i'm dead tired what do you think about tonight you know just give me a thought and if you will engage in conversation with him it's amazing how many more times he will give you little increments of thoughts okay last passage deuteronomy 30. moses taught in deuteronomy 30 at the very end of his life he's been like 40 years in the wilderness and this is ed he's at the very very end and he told them in deuteronomy 30 look at verse 1 verse 6 he goes the lord will circumcise your heart and you will love god he's going to anoint you in essence he's going to anoint you to love god with all of your heart that's a big promise right i mean that's huge and that's where god's taking the whole uh his entire family all of his people before it's over forever and forever we're going to love him with all of our heart now we want to do that as much in this age but even before the lord returns he's going to have people walking in a deep anointing of loving god with all their heart and all their mind but here's what he says look at verse 11. he goes now this commandment to love god with all your heart it's actually not too mysterious see a lot of folks these are he's a moses is being very pastoral right here and because a lot of folks they think they they they believe the lie i just don't understand you know people ask me i hear that all the time what's the secret to passion for jesus i wrote a book called passion for jesus i get asked a lot what's the secret i know there is no secret i go the real issue of passion for jesus the way you get passion for him is by growing in your understanding of his passion for you actually that's how it works and then your heart goes little sparks of insight and you go wow i want to love him now you do it more out of gratitude because you know that he loves you i go it's not mysterious and people want to know what the secrets are or the keys it's like it's mysterious and moses said don't make it complicated it's not mysterious it's not too difficult for you well the guy goes i've heard this for many many years and and i just want to say this kindly but i'm trying to bail you out if you're one of the people who say this because so many say that i have add i can't understand i can't pay attention my attention stands only 10 seconds i go okay say the same thing for 10 seconds over and over then meaning don't don't get yourself out of your inheritance by some argument that you can't think you can't read you can't study you can't the lord says it's not mysterious it's actually closer to you than you think then he goes on he goes uh it's not far off it's not outside of your ability you're not too weak it's not outside of i can't reach it it's out of reach he goes no it's not moses says it's not far off it's not out of your reach you're a weak and broken human being and the grace of god it's in your it's whether you reach verse 12. moses said it's not in heaven that you should say you know have some prophet go to heaven and get at some encounter and come back and lay hands on me he goes you don't need a prophet to go to heaven the son of man came down from heaven he already did it you don't need a heavenly encounter to love me because you've already got one i've come from heaven and my spirit lives in you well if i get a heavenly counter or the great prophet lays hands on me then i'll love god he goes no verse 13 it's not beyond the sea i know i'll go to the revival center over in europe over latin america over in africa over in asia somewhere get on a plane and go get it from somewhere i've watched this for so many years i mean go get it from somewhere i say i think going to places and getting blessed is cool but don't go there because you can't get it in your own walk with god you really can actually and i'm not saying that like a big rebuke i'm saying it so a light goes on i go oh really i go yeah it's not overseas it's actually there he says look at it right here he goes verse 13. nor is it beyond the sea that you should say let's go over to the sea and someone bring it verse 14 here's the phrase the word is near you it's in your mouth that's how close it is to you that's what moses is trying to say it's in your mouth say talk to god and you'll love him just you don't need the heavenly encounter although i love heaven encounters you don't need the revival center far away hey i'll go there and get prayed for him i don't mind but i'm not counting on that the word is near me it's in my mouth if i will talk to god little by little he will inspire me and so i say lord here we are thank you father i'm going to just end in prayer and i'm going to lead you in this prayer let's just stand before the lord for a moment have the worship team coming up so i'm going to just lead you in this john 15 verse 9 father jesus said the way the father loves me that's how i love you father thank you thank you father thank you for the way you love jesus show me more show me more you might not feel anything you do that a bunch you'll feel it here and there more than you think but don't go for the feeling go for the conversation and trust the lord for the feeling trust the lord for the feeling jesus thank you that you love me show me more holy spirit let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the way jesus loves me jesus says abide to my love holy spirit i set my heart to stay engaged to this conversation help me more help me i'll forget it by tomorrow help me help me to do this john 17 26 holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me jesus said i will declare the father's glory holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me and impart his love for jesus in me holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me and impart the father's love for jesus in me escort me unto your sapphire glory those little prayers you can say them over and over and you'll say them a hundred different ways so here we are lord we say we want to abide in you lord we want to we don't want to live the christian life without talking to you i want to live at talking to you i want to see striving by trying to make love rise up in my heart and i want to just start talking to you and let you awaken it in my heart so holy spirit i just come and ask you go ahead i ask you to come and touch us now all over this room come as close as you want consume this heart that longs to burn here we are lord i know your fire can't hurt but i will be worse here with that now the big issue so many have they don't believe it's going to work for you [Music] stay with it you may not feel a lot different a month or two from now but you will you stay with it stay with it this is for you this is your destiny [Music] lord we want to enter into this conversation with you more and more [Music] take my heart holy spirit move across this room [Music] thank you father for the way you love me come reveal your heart [Music] father we love you [Music] lead us into love with you holy spirit father lead us by your us spirit here let us abide in your love forever even tonight tonight this next hour or two let us engage more we want to stay in the conversation the best we can [Music] [Music] jesus come and dine with us [Music] we open the door of our heart by conversation with you [Music] [Music] [Music] the door of ours holy spirit come and move on us right now holy spirit [Music] in this room come and inspire us and those joining us by the livestream right now tonight upon us [Music] thank you father for the way you love us show us more [Music] about the way you feel about the way the father loves me show me more me understand it [Music] let beyonce be confident in this [Music] near us even in our mouths [Music] father like the son loves you jesus we want to love you with the way the father loves you take my heart [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] with you [Music] you are my love jesus you are the one that i hold on oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my love for jesus i'll give it all to you i'll give it all to you you have my love my heart [Music] you have my love [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] encounter [Music] [Applause] is [Music] you are the one that i hold on to oh [Music] you have my [Applause] you have my [Music] you have my i give it all to you i'll give it all to you my i give it all to you all for love [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] every part of me every part of my [Music] you are the one [Music] you are the one [Music] jesus [Music] you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 10,869
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, church, anniversary
Id: TJnz6hxZ2Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 25sec (6025 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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