Overcoming Anxiety, Fear, Shame, and Betrayal (John 14:1) | Mike Bickle

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can set the captives free with just one word [Music] with just one word there's no fear in you [Music] your name is the light that the shadows can't deny your name cannot be overcome your name is a life forever lifted high your name cannot be overcome your name is light that the shadows can't deny your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your name is cannot be jesus jesus you make the darkness jesus feel jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus to make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] darkness is shaking the enemy is raging god is on the moon the enemy don't want to face him he's shaking in his boots because our god who is ancient has devoured darkness with light so amazing darkness is shaking the enemy is raging god is on the move the enemy don't want to face him he's shaking in his boots because our god who is ancient has devoured darkness with life so amazing darkness is shaking the enemy is so amazing [Music] so amazing [Applause] [Music] the darkness is shaking the enemies shake it our darkness is [Music] so amazing [Music] is [Music] [Music] the shadows can't deny your name [Music] is [Music] cannot be overcome [Music] o jesus [Music] [Music] oh wonderful bright girls [Music] wonderful counselors [Music] peace the everlasting father wonderful counselor the prince of peace [Music] wonderful is [Music] who is [Applause] [Music] who is like the lord [Music] the who [Applause] who is like [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus you make the condition for jesus jesus you made jesus darkness tremble with jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your silence fear jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we love your name we love you jesus seen grace own grace you show me grace you've lifted my shame you draw me with love and washed whiter than snow you have redeemed and made me whole [Music] grace grace you me grace you've lifted my shame you've drawn me with loving kindness washed whiter than snow [Music] [Music] jesus you have won me you have broken every chain with love and mercy you're trying over death and you are worthy of glory [Music] you show me love by leaving your throne but bleeding and dying on across that wonderful cross that took all my guilt and sin away [Music] you over death and you are worthy of glory in praise [Music] you have won me you have broken every chain with love and mercy you try it over [Music] glory and praise [Music] [Music] [Music] until [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus you ever won me you were broke in every chain with love and mercy you tried over death and you are worthy of glory praise we sing shout it out oh in jesus you have won me you have broken every chain with love and mercy you triumphed over death and you are worthy [Music] in it out until all the earth [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jesus you have won me you have broken every chain with love and mercy you would triumph over death and you are worthy of glory in praise jesus oh jesus you have won me you have broken every chain with love and mercy you were triumphed over death and you are worthy of glory in praise [Music] worthy of glory and praise [Music] oh that fierce love of the father the jealous zealous love over us [Music] oh we thank you we thank you thank you the fire of your love for the fire of your affection towards us [Music] you are good [Music] you are good you are good [Music] [Music] with the fire of your love come and burn us [Music] we'll burn away the drops bring forth the gold every part of our come and lives us in your fire come and refine us in your fire [Music] let me be as gold and precious silver pure if i my heart let me be as gold pure gold [Music] refiners fire my hearts want desires to be always to be holy set apart for you i choose to be holy set apart for you my master i'm ready [Music] my heart cleanse me and cleanse me from within and make me holy pure cleanse me from my sin deep within [Music] [Music] is to to be fully set apart for you lord i choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready to do your will sing again refiners fire breathe [Music] is be holy set apart for you lord [Music] [Music] my master ready to do your will [Music] let me be ready to do your oh ready to do your will [Music] jesus [Music] she holy and anointed one jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] exalted one jesus your name is [Music] your word is [Music] jesus i love you i love you jesus jesus i love you i love you oh jesus i love you i love you jesus jesus i love you i love you and jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love [Music] jesus i love you jesus i love you [Music] oh [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you [Music] [Music] jesus your name is like honey on my lips your spirit's like water to my soul your word is a lamp to my feet jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you [Music] it's jesus [Music] we came here tonight to tell you how much we love you you are the reason we're here we behold your beauty we behold your mercy your majesty your glory [Music] we gaze upon you beautiful man beautiful god we say we love you [Music] we love you jesus in your name we pray amen amen amen thank you worship team thank you it's one of my favorite songs you can sing that every single time and i'd love it let's remain standing for a moment just take a minute to greet the folks around you to say hi to them if you want the teaching notes and you don't have them go ahead and raise your hand up high we'll get them right to you hi if you want him hello okay let's go ahead and grab a seat if you would so grateful to have our new interns and students here we love it yes we love our students and our interns our young ones and our old ones we got some old ones too all of them yeah oh okay let's grab a seat if you would tell them a minute about yourself about me how long you how long you been here what do you do here [Applause] i mean i know what you do here huh but just give a minute my name is nathan steele i moved here i moved here this summer of 2011 so it's been almost exactly 10 10 years okay 10 years ago and now i oversee all of our internships here at ihop which is just a joy and i was good friends with your dad 40 years ago that's true when you were zero you were minus about eight or something right i love your dad i do too we have that in common yes no it's a joy to do it but uh so a couple of quick things so one we just want to welcome back our ihop youth students that we're going for the summer we've missed you guys we are so glad to have you back here for sure such a strength to our prayer room to our family so we love having you guys back and two quick things on that i just want to remind you students to uh to remind you to sign in with the word of the day your attendance at egs is important and that's how we track it so make sure you sign in with the word of the day and then secondarily to make sure you read the syllabus regarding egs because this is a course for you guys and want to make sure that you know exactly what what to do and and how to sign in and all that kind of stuff so make sure you sign in with the word of the day and read through that syllabus so to make sure you don't miss anything with this course that's it thank you sir okay let's go ahead and look at john chapter 14. let me pray father we thank you we thank you for what's in your heart we thank you lord for the holy spirit being present with us and in us and holy spirit we ask you to teach us we ask you for living understanding we ask you for impartation tonight even in our emotions and our understanding and touch our bodies as well hill relationships we ask you in the name of jesus amen well tonight we're starting our second course on intimacy with the trinity the first one we have we are aiming for 12 sessions but we end up with 10 and this we called it intimacy with the uh trinity in turn in context to eschatology and this is our second course our plan is to have five courses that are 12 weeks 12 sessions but probably they'll end up 10 because every single semester counting the summers a couple things happen on friday nights that we really need to do we have people visiting special events so we probably will end up with five ten part courses but i'm always aiming for 12 but i don't know that we'll ever get there but we want to have a total of 50 60 uh classes on these five chapters just to introduce it to our body there's so much in john 13 to 17. i call it the greatest teaching given by the greatest teacher in history but and i don't say this in a negative way but one of the most neglected five chapters in the bible in the new testament people kind of read it quick and go wow but it is the greatest teaching ever given in human history by the greatest teacher and it deserves a deep engagement consistent and thorough and we're wanting to uh move in that direction just by taking 50 or 60 friday nights in the next year plus and and go as deep as we can and then we're going to go from there so this is a class number one session number one intimacy with the trinity in john 14. and each of the 10 or 12 whatever it comes to for this semester will be john 14 will be the focus in the spring it'll be intimacy with the trinity in john 15. we're going to go line by line verse by verse then in the summer we'll be intimacy with the trinity john 16 and then john 17 and then we'll go from there well we're starting here i'm calling this one overcoming anxiety fear shame and betrayal these are four different emotions and mindsets you gotta they're their mindsets and emotions that jesus is addressing in a very direct way and in roman numeral one jesus gave a command it's a command that is very essential but it's very easy to overlook it i mean it's just easy to read it and move on but it must not be overlooked it's an essential command it's a practical one his command is to not let trouble dominate our emotions in our mind and it's interesting he doesn't say i will cause trouble not to dominate your mind and heart i want you to engage with me there's a human dynamic that must be employed in order for us to walk in the glory of what jesus is saying the very fact that jesus says don't let it happen is telling us that he's going to do his part but he is requiring a human involvement there are human dynamics involved and we're going to look at some of those tonight he commanded his disciples paragraph 8 to not let trouble dominate their heart let's read it he does it in verse he says it in verse 1 of john 14. then he repeats it for emphasis again in verse 27. there's not many things that he says over and over in these five chapters and so we pay special attention when he repeats it twice like this let's look at it verse 1 john 14. let not your heart be troubled this isn't just poetry this is not just a poster or a picture this is a real commandment believe in god and believe also in me and we're going to look at very practical things that he wants us to align our heart with and in believing in god the god of israel jehovah and believing in jesus the messiah his son he says let not your heart be troubled but believe in me i mean believe in god but believe also in me he says in verse 27 peace i leave with you my peace i will give you but i'll give you the peace in context to you doing your part by not letting trouble dominate your thinking and your emotions i'll give you peace that will be my part and it'll be a supernatural piece but i'll do it in context to you doing your part and again this uh do not let your heart be troubled it's kind of a neat poetic statement you see it on posters over the years and pictures and plaques and it's got wow but i don't know that many people that actually engage in a consistent diligent way to obey that commandment and so i'm wanting to stir us up then he says it again verse 27 let not your heart be troubled don't let it be afraid fear is something that knocks on the door of our mind and our heart and we can resist it doesn't mean he'll go away immediately or we can entertain it and it grows and grows and dominates fear must be repelled and resisted again we need supernatural help for it to be dispelled but we have to do our part there are important human dynamics involved indicated by the two phrases of the phrase he says several times let not don't let it happen included in any of god's commands but this one is the one we're focused on is the promise of an enabling when god commands us to do something the implication and the sure implication is i will help you do it if you will exercise your heart to do it i will actually help you i will enable you to do this if you will reach to me to obey me in this and i'll go the next step further is that i believe that only people who obey this commandment that seek to obey it i mean i don't know anybody that obeys it perfectly or in the most mature way i'm sure there's a few of them out there but only people that seek to obey this are going to be empowered to walk in the love that's in these chapters a lot of times we say lord i just want to grow in love and he says you need to obey this commandment this is at the very core the center of growing in the revelation and receiving and encountering the love of god this is actually scored to it and foundational to it and that is a new idea to some people they want to they're committed to growing the first commandment but they skip this commandment and we want to love god with all of our heart we want that to be first and jesus is saying you got to do verse 14 verse 1. you've got to engage in this with me if you want to see the first commandment grow in your heart and and and the fullest way that the lord intends paragraph b john 13 to 17 tells us how to engage our troubled hearts and the idea is to overcome and i'm identifying four mindsets and emotions again they overlap together it's not entirely a mindset or entirely emotion it's it's a little bit of both it's an overlap anxiety fear shame and betrayal these are four of the most painful and yet even most dangerous emotions to be entrapped by let me say that again these four emotions and mindsets are four of the most painful i can think of a few others but for the most dangerous emotions to get entrapped by and jesus is saying take this very very seriously don't just kind of say okay i'm going to move on past this now when i say to overcome betrayal the real emotion is the bitterness that often chases down the one who's betrayed and betrayal has an unusual place of emphasis in john 13 to 17. it shows up a number of times betrayal is the bitterness chases down the one that's betrayed to trap us and get us in a corner and devour us bitterness is very i could say bitterness there but the word jesus used a number of times was betrayal and bitterness is the response the normal response to betrayal i mean the absolutely normal response it has to be resisted tenaciously in a interaction with the holy spirit so in john 13 to 17 jesus gives us a line up online i mean it's five chapters line up online he's telling us how to engage with god's heart and god's promises because if you'll do that it will be an anchor in your soul and the result will be i'll give you peace supernatural peace where your heart is troubled and then you find relief and that doesn't mean the relief will be permanent and never ever absent but we reach back we're in this struggle this fight of faith then let not trouble dominate our mind and emotions and believing god for peace and a sustained peace but in my life i've looked over the years it comes and goes and the lord said stay with it stay in the process with me john 13 to 17 gives us significant insights into the family dynamics i love to i just like that phrase of father son and holy spirit they are family and the way they interact with each other is the way they're inviting us to interact with them and that's we're going to break that down and and it's more than a teaching i mean this is living understanding to i mean to to enter into this as much as we can by the grace of god in this life the big surprise of john 14 is that god desires us to enter into this family dynamic with him i mean that's a shocking stunning surprise i mean the fact the father and the son and the spirit enjoy and honor and partner together and engage with each other there's many things we'll look at many of the different little facets of it we'll we'll never get all of them but we'll look at some of them are clear of the scripture but the shocking thing surprising thing the awesome privilege that he desires that we would interact interact with him in these ways as well it's like really i mean when jesus said this it was almost like is this an exaggeration is this real and he's really saying this is going to be one of the ways that are critical for you to resist being dominated by trouble in your mind and emotions you have to do it my way paragraph c we'll look at this a little bit more later but when jesus was giving this teaching in john 14 verse one and we're mostly looking at verse one and breaking down some practicalities this uh believe in god believe also and may let not your heart be troubled the remarkable thing is that jesus is a man he was deeply troubled that night about his own personal life deeply troubled it says uh in john 12 just before john 13 he was deeply troubled and said what should i say father uh deliver me from this cop he goes no that's why i came to the earth and then we find him a few hours later in luke chapter 22 verse 44 sweating drops of blood he's in such anguish but he's not only troubled by his death which is obviously the the big one but we're a little surprised by the level of the trouble and the pain that he had over judas's betrayal because we have judas kind of locked away as you know the guy at the last supper you can always tell who jesus says he's over in the corner with shifty eyes and horns kind of god that's judas for sure you always know who john is he's leaning on the lord you know who judas is you know he's over there but the fact of judas and jesus judas called him you are my friend he loved him and it broke his heart it pained his heart judas's heart but the part i want to mention is that though he was suffering that very night even to drops of blood in the gardening of 70 some hours later and even though he was in great pain over judas he set aside his own concern and he said my beloved friends are troubled i'm going to lock in and help them i'm going to give them promises i'm going to give them instructions i'm going to give them a perspective i'm going to prophesy over them i'm going to call them forth it's like i mean if you were going to die tonight a terrible death and one of your friends was going to be troubled because they didn't they were going to miss you so bad when they were maybe even going to stumble in an area of sin tonight you'd say well you know hey bro you know i'm sure you'll make it i'm going to be tortured tonight jesus is it's in it's just it's indescribable that he could lay that aside and engage with them knowing they would betray him that very night it's like this is remarkable reality look at roman numeral 2 well in order to really understand or to get a better sense of the significance of these five chapters john 13 to 17 we call the upper room discourse that's what many commentators call it or is farewell address some commentators call these five chapters but to really gra to grasp it more fully the significance of what's being said we've got to go back two days because this is thursday night the the last supper in the upper room these five chapters it's thursday night you got to go back to tuesday because tuesday he introduced some very troubling things to them and even in context to introducing them to them he's prophesying he tells them not to let their heart be troubled so that's tuesday so now it's thursday and he's on the same theme do not let your heart be troubled but he's he's actually continuing the conversation he started on tuesday and the holy spirit has uh stirred my heart in this last year showing me that the 150 chapters that we make reference to of which the primary topic is god's narrative and the generation the lord returns the end the biblical narrative of the end times 150 chapters of the bible of which the primary subject as the generation of the lord returns that's an incredible large number well two days before the last supper on the tuesday the last supper was thursday matthew chapter 24 and mark 13 and luke 21 it's the same sermon the same afternoon but there's three different uh renditions of it much overlap but there's some distinctions in each of those three chapters but the important part to know is it's the same message when you read luke 21 you've got to read it together with matthew 24 and mark 13. because some people take one of those chapters and they make them separate from the other ones no it's the same you know 30 40 50 minute conversation i don't know how long i just made up that number i have no way of knowing it could have been a lot longer but what jesus is doing is actually on that tuesday he's giving them kind of the broad strokes of the biblical narrative of the 150 chapters he's laying it out on tuesday in matthew 24 again luke 21 mark 13. and then on thursday he's giving him these these five chapters in the upper room john 13 14 15 16 17 and the lord has really confirmed this to me that the only way we can properly understand the 150 chapters the matthew 24 broad strokes is through the lens of what he's teaching in john 13 to 17. we can't separate those two messages we can't separate what he said on tuesday about the end times from what he said on thursday about how to interact with his heart they have to come together that if we if we try to understand matthew 24 the end time the broad strokes of those 150 chapters without the upper room discourse without the john 13 to 17 we're going to get off we're going to have a wrong perspective of those 150 chapters and this was not on my mind a couple years ago so this was this was like a uh the light went on i said oh my goodness it is the same subject actually paragraph a so on tuesday i just want you to get this real clear two days before the last supper and the last suppers right here in john 13 and 14-15 jesus prophesied to them about deception military conflict ethnic strife raci racial uh a conflict ethnic strife is the same as that famines pestilence plural earthquakes betrayal martyrdom i mean he lays all this out to these guys and he's saying you're actually going you you guys are going to experience this in your life not the fullness of it but a significant dimension of this you will actually see it in your life now the generation of the lord returns is going to see it in a greater intensity but i mean he i mean could you imagine the son of god telling you these things that you would see in your life in the ch and the lifetime of your children you know how you would feel you would feel like we're beginning to feel by studying these passages going wait a second and people are understandably troubled if they take these passages seriously and we do but the more we connect with them the more people are going wait a second what is it going to be like for the 10 year olds in 20 and 30 years what's it going to what if this is literal in it could happen in my lifetime these things and some of these things have happened all through church history but the intensity in the first century in the intensity and the and the generation of the lord returns is far beyond the the norm of history and so the john 13 to 17 is equipping us with truths so we can respond to the end time trouble but have supernatural peace but we've got to engage with the lord in a very very specific way well let's look at matthew 24 we're going back to tuesday he says verse two this is often overlooked but this is shocking this is inconceivable the jerusalem temple is going to be completely destroyed jerusalem temple some have called it the uh i mean it's commonly called one of the great wonders of the ancient world but some say the most magnificent building on the planet at that time of history and it arguably was the most magnificent building on the planet and it's gonna say it's gonna be torn down that is so big we kind of read that we move on this is like you know i mean it's not even comparable it's like saying washington dc is going to be completely destroyed in the buildings in the white house and the capital everything destroyed it and most of the people killed and if i'm if an angel appeared today and told us this we'd go like oh my goodness well this is jesus telling this is really gonna happen this is really troubling to them but you know two thousand years later we kind of look at that when we move on and go wow you know it's kind of a neat uh problem i mean that's an interesting prophecy that was devastating to them then he says verse six wars then in verse six he goes on and says see that you're not troubled this is when he introduces the idea you've got to line up with my leadership and what i'm telling you he says this on tuesday that he says it again on thursday in john 14. nation will rise against nation most of us are aware that the word nation is ethnos it's ethnic group against ethnic group uh uh it's it's often stated there are 12 000 distinct ethnic groups people groups in the earth today some say 14 000 you know they move the number around but 12 as a ballpark number 12 000 different people groups on the earth right now not just the 200 nations but the specific ethnic groups racial strife and conflict we're watching it in our day and we're getting like this is getting intense it's going to get far more intense it's troubling i mean genuinely troubling he said there'll be famines pestilences i mean the covet thing is just shaking the earth but there's there's going to be more coming earthquakes devastating earthquakes earthquakes are horrifying he goes but then it's not just social disruption and chaos verse nine they're going to kill you because you love me they're going to actually kill you we're watching that right now over the middle east and in asia in china and various ways they're killing in places in north africa they're killing believers because they're believers in jesus we see it on the news we go oh my goodness i'm so uh glad that a bunch of leaders got together and determined we're going to take the next 30 days every prayer meeting praying for afghanistan and for the body of christ in the middle east and day after day meeting after meeting but beloved this thing is coming to a neighborhood near you it's literally coming to the earth it's spreading but it's going to intensify more and more they're going to kill you verse 10. it goes many then even when this happened you will be betrayed by friends and family members in the context of the betrayal maybe is the most painful of all those things unless it's a slow death when they're killing you if it's a quick death that's one thing but a slow death torture would be horrifying but betrayal i don't there's very few things more painful than betrayal of friends and family members he goes and deception will be many many false narratives confusion about the real storyline all over the earth then in luke 21 it's the same message the same afternoon the it's the same presentation that he's giving them of truth he says in verse 12 luke 21 they're going to lay hands on you that means [Music] beatings he's now the 12 are hearing this and taking it personally and it literally happened to them they'll persecute you they'll deliver you over to prisons many of them were thrown in prison you'll be betrayed even by parents catch this brothers relatives and friends because of me family members will betray you because of your loyalty to me and some of them will have a confession of following christ and they're going to leave it and betray other family members this is this whole thing is so intense again this is on the minds of the 12 when they're at the last supper because this was his last message he gave them that that's recorded he says well it's going to go beyond that jerusalem's going to be surrounded by armies many will be killed by the sword and many in jerusalem will be taken captives into other nations as slaves now that happened in 70 a.d and the scripture is really clear it's going to happen again related to the antichrist these things are going to happen again i mean the jerusalem part is really intense to the people in that area but the whole body of christ is going to be in this together but the but we're going to stand together with jesus in this but the point is this array of negative things that are happening a lot of positive things are happening too we're in a more troubling hour ahead of us than the troubling hour the apostles had back in the first century let's look at paragraph b why is it so important to obey john 14 1 let not your heart be troubled why is it so important to obey the command to not let trouble dominate your mind and emotions because it comes you can drink it so to speak or you know drink the cup of it i don't know if that's the right analogy and it grows or you can resist it by lining up with what god says or just go with the current most people go with the current and the troubling fear anxiety and the bitterness betrayal it's real but it grows and grows and grows and dominates their life why is it so important that we obey this command don't let your heart be troubled because when our hearts are weighed down with anxiety with shame shame's a real big one shame related to our failures we are much more vulnerable to darkness when our hearts weigh down with these things much much more difficult like when we're weighed down with fear when ethnic strive for racism emerges i mean with real conflict we so easily get confused and deceived on what's really happening when we're fearful jesus is saying you got to keep the smoke out of your eyes you've got to line up with what i'm saying because that'll be supernatural peace if you'll lean into me not one here there but it is a consistent lifestyle to determine you're not going to let your heart be troubled and you're going to be reaching to me for that supernatural peace the two will come together and give us a vibrant spirit paragraph c in matthew 24 it's interesting jesus not interest is significant actually that he emphasized the danger of deception even more than the danger of persecution and tribulation when we read the matthew 24 you know what he get the message he gave on the tuesday we're more concerned with the tribulation and persecution jesus says more dangerous than that is the deception being tricked and confused with wrong mindsets that's actually more dangerous to you spiritually than the persecution of tribulation is he emphasized that more than persecution and tribulation there's many layers to deception and jesus many layers many tricky layers to deception mindsets and emotions come together with conflict in the in the culture and so jesus is warning the church not to get confused by the issues there's so many voices because the deception isn't just the false prophet you know the demonic guy that has horns the deception is the social commentators the false prophets aren't just those overtly evil guys it's people with a false narrative that is not in unity with jesus's narrative in the bible and a lot of false narratives are going forth even from the church within the church well-meaning believers that are not grounded in the word of god buying into false narratives proclaiming the false narratives agreeing with them getting confused by the issues deception's really serious and he says you you gotta let not your heart be troubled so you keep clear in focus as to who jesus is and what the gospel is all about et cetera et cetera a troubled heart is a seed bed to confusion and deception to buying the wrong narrative buying the wrong narrative about the earth about the governments about the church about the message of grace about what love looks like buying the wrong narrative is really easy to do when our hearts are troubled that's the seed bed for the we'll call it confusion jesus called a confession i mean deception i'm calling it a false narrative letting it enter our heart and then we make wrong decisions disastrous decisions when we have a wrong narrative in our heart one that is not in agreement with the word of god top of page two now we're going to look at seven reasons why the apostles were troubled i'm sure there's more than seven but you know this is just a a one fifty minute session here you know so i'm giving you seven there's a few more and the reason we care about these because though these were experienced 2000 years ago by the apostles they will be more challenging to the generation the lord returns and i'm not prophesying but i've said for for some years now i really believe it's a personal conviction that there are people alive on the earth that will actually see the lord's return and if that's true there's 10 20 30 40 years i don't know i don't know the time and and again i'm not prophesying but it's my conviction from the biblical signs of the times and what the spirit is saying to many many people then in this next several decades longer or shorter nobody knows these things are going to accelerate and escalate and this and so these seven things that were true in the first century the apostles experienced them they will be more intense and more challenging in the generation the lord returns so these are very very relevant to us well just moments paragraph a before jesus said john 14 1 let not your heart be troubled just moments before that just go to the couple verses right before he said let not your heart be troubled we'll just back it up two or three verses and we find in in john chapter 13 right before he makes this statement he gives us three reasons why they were troubled then if we back up two more two days to tuesday there's four more reasons that i'm identifying so the three that he says right before let not your heart be troubled we find him in john 13. and then four more of these seven troubles he said on the tuesday two days before that thursday night last supper he spoke of leaving his disciples and the idea was by death he spoke of the the painful betrayal of someone in their inner circle judas again we look at jesus go hey that's a given he's a bad guy but it wasn't a given it wasn't something that made sense to any of them in the hour judas didn't just betray jesus he betrayed the whole the whole group and their families it was a betrayal of the deepest consequences and implications beyond just jesus and judas they were all betrayed by him and then peter's denial and then the stumbling of all of them that very night this created complications and trouble then two days earlier in matthew 24 luke 21 again i'm putting four of the the issues from that tuesday as to why they're troubled let's look at them just ever so briefly i mean you've already i've already said them uh basically but i want us to think not just historically what they walk through but think today like right now in our lives these things some of these are happening now in our lives in part but they're going to be happening widespread in the days to come again it may be a little bit longer down but it maybe not i don't know paragraph b one of the primary reasons i mean the primary reason they were troubled their beloved leader and friend was going to die he was going to leave them and he tells jesus tells him in john 13 just the two three verses before he says let not your heart be troubled where i'm going you cannot follow me now and they understood it he made 18 references to the fact that he was going to be killed right right immediately and they're like trying not to connect the dots but he's making 18 references to it he says i'm going to the father like now okay does that mean you're gonna have a vision i'm going to the father i've told you already they're going to offer me up to death and they're going to whip and crucify he said he's he told him three direct times even before he came to jerusalem they are going to kill me he's told him three times but they didn't they just said no you can't mean die die he goes yes so they're still a little bit bewildered but he makes 18 references to it but now we think the apostles and jesus wow okay let's get practical in in our world you have a beloved family member or friend who suddenly dies well you're going to see him again there are believers but not right away they go whoa that's a little more serious a beloved family member or a friend that suddenly dies whether it's a sickness or or uh today in other parts of the world and it's gonna be more common martyred because of jesus i mean they're just killed one day just like the shock of that the trauma of that we say yeah but they're going to see jesus well we're going to see that beloved one too you know a few minutes down the road a few minutes means a few years whatever but this is shocking to them it's true it's traumatic but this is going to be a trauma that many believers in the earth well many face it now by sudden deaths of loved ones that are believers and they will see them soon in the lord's timing i mean because again you know like king david said just it's just a moment is the breath of a 70-year lifespan just one moment you'll be there in a minute i tell people that a lot the lord will be here just in a minute it could be some decades but it's only a minute to him well then he says right after he says verse 36 he says i'm going where you can't come again think of a beloved family member a beloved leader think of a beloved friend they're suddenly killed or suddenly taken out of your life you never are going to interact with them on a regular basis again in this life and just that happens today in people's lives but it's going to intensify and then he shifts gears the next verse or two and peter says well wherever you're going i'm going and jesus says you can't go i'm going to the supernatural realm to the heavenly room i'm going to die physically i'll die with you jesus says no you won't matter of fact you're going to betray me tonight three times peter's is shocked like what in the next verse is let not your heart be troubled he's talking to peter well he's talking to the apa the others because he tells them a few minutes later all of you will stumble tonight so look at him go what what i mean the trauma of stumbling of failing in our walk with god even for a moment it's a traumatic thing when you love jesus that's traumatic that's like no this can't be paragraph c so the first one is that sudden death of a beloved friend or leader the second a trauma i mean trouble is paragraph c their personal failure i just mentioned he just said peter you will deny me and then the next verse let not your heart be troubled that's in context to peter denying and a verse or two before that it's in context of jesus dying and a few verses before that it was in context to judas betraying the team being disrupted by betrayal and again we got judas in a category where it doesn't overly bother us but think of a dynamic team of people who have built their lives together and there's those in the midst betraying the others in the midst it's like oh that's ouch that's heavy and the lord's saying this is part of the storyline that i will use to actually prepare my end time church because i'm going to let this trouble emerge and it's going to create the optimum environment of trouble plus the outbreak of the spirit where my church will be transformed and i'll bring in the billion soul harvest because it's the trouble creates part of the context for people to make deep decisions to obey the lord in a whole new radical way the trouble is part of the context so is the outpouring of the spirit they both go together so paragraph c the second trouble is personal failure and he tells them that very night right there in matthew 26 all of you will stumble he says this they've left the upper room it's an hour or two later they're in the mount of olives he says i want you to know that he's about to pray in the garden all of you will betray not just peter because they're like you know the walk in there you know that half mile or however it is you know from uh where they were up to the uh outside the temple to the mount of olives and they're pat and peter up here bro we're with you man where was you i don't know we don't know you know we don't know what it means you know what jesus says just so you know you all are i love the fact that you care about peter but you are too now there's no verse that says they were doing it but if i was in a context and the lord said to one of the guys i would be going oh bro come on man let's hang in stay tight you know or something i don't know what you would say but it wouldn't be just oh oh well i mean your hearts would be flo going out to them paragraph d the third trouble and again these are the first three that are mentioned of the seven i'm highlighting they're all right there in john 13 is betrayal the close-knit team would be traumatized by judas's betrayal against jesus but again it's a betrayal to the whole team and to their families everybody would lose and have be in pain not just the consequences of the betrayal but they actually loved judas they actually really loved him this is like wait just judas is not with us and how did this happen and jesus mentioned in john 13 this surprises us that just a few verses before he says let not your heart be troubled he says i'm troubled in my spirit because of judas i love judas again we find in matthew 26 when he brings the guards into the garden he uh judas kisses jesus and jesus says you're my friend you are my friend this was not an exaggeration this was not you know rhetoric or hyperbole or any of that he meant you are truly in my heart but jesus said on the tuesday two days earlier he goes betrayal by friends and family relatives then in mark 13 he goes it's more than betrayal it's going to be a betrayal of family members that leads to the death of the one who's betrayed they will actually be killed they'll be martyred they'll be put in prison because of the betrayal this is so intense like how can i think this is going to happen it's happening right now in the earth in various places not widespread across the earth but it's already happening what i mean the idea if millions of people experience this is like what that just makes my stomach hurt to read this and the lord says ah i got your attention now let not your heart be troubled engage with me in the way that i prescribe paragraph e now we're going to highlight the four uh pressures that troubles that he already mentioned on the tuesday matthew 24. i've already said them all but i just want you to see them one in one two three four great pressures that will disrupt the social order this is to be taken literally and seriously these troubles are right now matthew 24 are escalating in the earth but they're going to escalate far beyond where they are now and it's not there's no value in putting our head in the ground like the ostrich or the you know the story the ostrich puts their head in the ground and does it i don't even know if it's true you know but they say it it's on the internet you know it might be no but the idea of putting our head in the ground this is not going away because we don't like it we need to get girded embraced and engaging with god and doing our part so as this emerges we're not swept away because like i said earlier by these negative emotions of anxiety or shame or fear or the bitterness that comes with betrayal we become very vulnerable to darkness i mean it's really hard just to stay off the flood of darkness that comes when we yield to those things and just let them build and they don't build overnight in three weeks or three months but they do over three years and ten years they build and they capture people believers get captured by these things so he tells them the crisis in the culture the wars the ethnic the you know ethnos nation against nations famines pestilence etc false narratives you know fake news on the right fake news on the left fake news preached in the church fake news all over the place inside and outside the body of christ false narratives being promoted and people picking the narrative that makes them feel comfortable right now or self-justified in what they're doing and jesus said this is very dangerous to not have a a deep foundation in the scripture at this time paragraph f persecution we already beaten imprisoned killed it's happening now in in africa in north africa particularly it's happening now in the middle east it's happening now in various places in asia and other places besides but those but it's going to be global before it's over paragraph g again this doesn't register to us so much but he said your nation is going to be destroyed the capital city is going to be destroyed your countrymen are going to be taken away as slaves and imprisoned these these apostles are going jesus is this like really it's going to happen in our life it happened in the lifetime of some of them it really happened a million were killed in jerusalem and multitudes were taken away as slaves to other nations in 70 a.d but it's going to happen i believe tenfold intensity related to the antichrist in the final 42 months of this year i mean of this age but it won't only just happen there imagine our capital city burned to the ground our countrymen taken captive and now jerusalem i mean there was a unique issue there but it's just the trouble escalating when i think of what if our nation is disrupted in a way we're not imagining what if what if what if the lord says let not your heart be troubled i have answers for these things another one that can be easily overlooked is the delay of god's promises meaning there's going to be a great delay they were thinking i mean he's the messiah he walks on water he raises the dead he was on the mount of transfiguration and he transfigured and his face was bright like the sun and moses and elijah showed up i mean it's going to happen the romans are going to be defeated the apostles are going to be sitting on thrones ruling israel jesus told them all that but in 2000 years some of these things will happen like what not going to happen in your lifetime this is like they didn't know that they thought the rome would be defeated they'd be on thrones incredible prosperity would come right then those things were coming and jesus mentioned them but the delay was far beyond what they thought and that delay is offensive i mean i know the things i've believed over the years i thought this and this and this would happen by hit by now or by then and it's like ouch ouch and the lord says line up with my heart lie down in my heart there's many things you would understand it's a line up with yeah but i thought that by now and the lord says just line up and trust who i am and what i say top of page three now we're going to look at eight truths and i'm just going to give them rapid fire and these eight truths i just want you to have like a little table of contents to kind of look at them and as we look at these 50 or 60 sessions on john 13 to 17 over the course of a year year and a half and again maybe longer who knows just by the we just want to do with what the lord go with what the lord wants but here's eight truths now these aren't the only eight truths but we must embrace these eight truths these eight truths are often are usually not mentioned much they're not much in the conversation of the body of christ but they're essential because the core command is let not your heart be troubled and the way that we let are not our we let not our heart be troubled is by believing these eight truths and there's several others this is this is not a comprehensive list he says verse one let's look at again he says the most stunning indescribably glorious things that we get used to the verse therefore it might not move us but when you pause you go are you kidding this is real we're going to live in the father's house forever with the god of israel who lives in the throne of room of glory in revelation 4 we'll get wow is that serious is is that real or is that bible poetry and again we can get used to these verses and they bounce right off these are profoundly glorious and they're stunning concepts we need to shake off some of the familiarity and say lord smite my heart with the beauty and the glory of these radiant indescribably glorious truths that it's my story it's not just the christian story beloved this is your story but if it's just a bible verse or a poster and it's not your story you don't have the you're not equipped to let not your heart be troubled your heart when those negative emotions come they'll just take you like a flood and sweep you right down the river but we're going to engage in these eight truths and there's more than these eight but we must embrace these on a consistent regular basis no one does it perfect but we need to sign back up for these eight things the command paragraph a in john 14 1 is to believe believe in god believe in the god of israel believe in yahweh jehovah and believe in me his son and because they're not full they're thinking you really are equal to him that we're we're getting that we're really we know you're the messiah but you're more than the messiah yes everything i have told you in the three and a half years he could tell them and everything you've read in the old testament believe it believe the divine narrative the command is to believe the the divine narrative that's associated with jesus's heart his plans his promises his leadership especially what is made openly observable at his first and second coming believe in those things the things that he said and the things he did and the things he said he will do in his second coming so let's just read this let not your heart be troubled believe in god the father's narrative for your life and the earth and history believe also in what i tell you about what's coming and who i am and who you are to me my narrative of you believe in it let me give you an example he says in my father's house and this is what i want to look at next week is the father's house there's so many dimensions to this there's many mansions in other words there's room for everybody god's house and god's heart is big enough for everybody even the weakest and the most broken and the farthest away from israel but that house has many many dwelling places but it's not just heaven it's my father's house it's not just god's city he's functioning overtly manifesting himself as a father in a home with a family in glory together they're going cool no no this is unbelievably glorious or i'll it's got to be believable or i got to deny my own teaching here indescribably glorious how's that he goes if i'm gonna go prepare this place for you and the place he's going is by the way the cross is where he's going to prepare the father's house for their entry to the father's house we'll look at that more next week this is phrases so easily passed verse three i'll come again i'm gonna come with a human resurrected body stand in the sky with flay all the angels i'm gonna raise all the believers in history from the dead i'm going to be in the glory of the father every i will see i'm coming wow this is your story this is your family this is your inheritance buy into this and this trouble won't have the same magnitude of dominance in your heart that it's going to have if you don't buy into this he goes and here's the takeaway i'm going to receive you to myself i mean this is remarkable because he tells them you're going to all deny me tonight he goes but that isn't gonna change us i'm with you to the end i get it it's not some uh uh persistent rebellion he's not talking about it's human weakness and i'm gonna forgive you and i'm gonna treat you with tenderness and i'm gonna receive you to me forever and this is the message to all of us it's not we're just going to a glorious city you know we're just not you know uh somehow mysteriously you know magically being transported to the you know the city of oz somewhere you know it's almost a mystical city far away we're going to be with him he says i want you with me this is what it's about like okay really jesus when he said stop being troubled the question is how by believing what i'm telling you about me my promises and my narrative about who you are to be what i'm like what's going to happen and how glorious and real it is and how personal it will be to you believe this how do i believe it well you've got to fill your mind with it you've got to exercise your mind when our emotions and our mindset just in our human weakness and unbelief we it bounces off we realign our hearts with god we say these things back to god we talk to god and people about us we search these out we get them in our language with god and the understanding grows and grows now notice jesus does not say let not your heart be troubled because you're going to escape everything troublesome a lot of folks have a gospel let not your heart be troubled because you're going to escape all trouble and you're going to have mostly comfort that's not a true message that's not what jesus said he didn't say let not your heart be troubled because if you have strong enough faith you will somehow skip all the troubles of life i mean your body will be full of strength you'll have more money you'll know to spend if you've got faith than all of these other troubles in society and the culture and persecution but even i mean we really zero in you'll just have perpetual strength in your body and more money than you know what to do with if you just have strong faith that's not what he said either though there's that's what some say and i believe god for healing and i love god's supernatural provision financially but that's not what he's saying that's not the way to where our heart is not troubled because we think we're gonna have so much and we're gonna escape everything hard that's a false message it's not what jesus said paragraph b well what do we do when our heart is troubled you know the anxiety the fear i mean that's already emerging all over the earth all of us are looking at these things going oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness is that the shame of failure you know betrayal the feeling of bitterness and the one at the attack and then the anxiety and the culture and the trouble and what's the government and the covet and the money and the you know the national true you know i mean the global financial crisis that many say is looming but maybe it is maybe like oh my stomach hurts the lord says okay don't settle there enter in now how do we do it romans 12 tells us we're transformed our emotions are transformed that's peace and joy that's strength for godliness our emotions are transformed when we when we renew our mind we set our mind to agree on what god says we don't naturally agree with what god says i mean we want to but the minute we just kind of relax a little bit i'll say oh no the troubles the problems i'm so mad at him and her i can't believe it i said no no no no let's go the other direction go the other direction no lock into what i say is true about you about the nation about history about where we're going what this thing's about get into that conversation stay in that narrative with me well john it was years later he wrote first john the epistle john the john who wrote john 13 to 17 and he says he i am just sure he's thinking of john 13 to 17. he says behold what manner of love or behold means to meditate on to engage with it doesn't mean just to go wow thumbs up and move on anchor in on this what manner put the word instead of manner what quality of love the father has lock into it verse two we'll see him when he's revealed we will see jesus i mean we'll see him in person with his physical resurrected body and we will be with him forever everyone who has this hope purifies himself john could have said it everyone that believes these things will overcome a troubled heart a troubled heart will not dominate a troubled heart may challenge them may get them for a few hours at a time but it won't dominate them it will purify them it will give them a vibrant spirit if they stay with this hope john's actually saying here what jesus said in john 14 verse 1 let not your heart be troubled by believing these things well look at these truths these eight truths number one ver again very simple and i mean you already know them all so we i don't have to explain them and develop them in any big way but we got to just say okay am i really doing this believe or trust the truth about the person of jesus well i believe he died for a miracle that no much more than that much much more about his personality about his integrity about the way he feels about us all these things when he says believe in god believe also in me this is not a reference to their initial faith to be born again he's not talking to people saying if you would just accept the four spiritual laws invite me to your heart you could be saved even tonight in your living room right now he's not giving a gospel appeal here he's already actually i appreciate all those i said kind of a funny tone but i do appreciate that when those appeals are made i really do but that's not what he's talking he's already told this group in chapter 13 verse 10. you're already clean i'm not talking about coming into the assurance of forgiveness that's not what i mean right now he's calling him to trust his leadership to trust his story to trust his promises the answer that jesus gives believe me is himself i am the answer like well that's so simplistic it's real he's the answer engage with me i will blow your mind if you'll stay with it the focus of heaven the main focus of heaven isn't the gloriousness of the new jerusalem it is very glorious it's the person it's the king of the city the essence of heaven is the presence of christ and the father he says believe me i'm the answer to your troubled heart don't get a whole bunch of folks to figure out all the ways around and above it i talk with me engage with me well we kind of all know that but no this is really really core believe in me my narrative of what i say number two i'm going to return for you i'm coming in the sky with a physical resurrected body i'm going to raise all my people from the dead who've believed in me we're going to meet together we're going to live in the new jerusalem in the presence of the father in indescribable glory the new jerusalem is coming down to the earth beloved that's a storyline again we're going to look at that next week lord willing and i think he is but it's fantastic it's like this is way beyond any story that a man could conceive of himself paul said it's eye has not seen ears not hurt it's never entered the heart of a human the things god's prepared for the people that say yes to him the glory he's prepared for us has never entered our heart except for the introductory ideas of it she says you lock into that i'm coming back for you with the father's house that will set your mind and emotions on an entirely different conversation number three i want you to have a deep top of page four relationship with me even in this age the way that i and the father relate many of the ways that i mean the way that jesus related as a man in his humanity because jesus is fully god and fully man he says the way that i interact with my father as a man filled with the spirit is the way you are going to interact with us this is so big it's like this is just like well let's just skip that one let's just move on to this is gigantic i mean the father's house coming in the sky is gigantic believing in him is gigantic like okay these are real number four paragraph f he's gonna supernaturally empower us in this age and well forever it never ever goes away by the holy spirit he will supernaturally empower us with wisdom insight power on and on and on we're going to have to spend much time on that but this is the holy spirit is it just you know something in a meeting that makes us feel a little better some people get touched and the holy spirit lives in us and beloved the moment he came to live in you he'll live in you forever and ever and ever and he has so much he wants to do in us even in this age nothing like the fullness of the age to come but much more than what we're walking in right now jesus says get diligent about interfacing with a supernatural person called the holy spirit inside of you talk to him interact with him learn about him he will talk to you paragraph g truth number five i mean this is the best of all of them the truth about how god loves god and how god loves his people the same way and jesus could say in the same intensity that the father loves me i love you i mean this is just indescribable i mean the glory the glory of our life is that god loves god because because god loves god the father and the son love each other we've got it made forever the family is secure forever because god loves god and he loves us the way he loves the way they the three persons love each other this is this is the ultimate reality the ultimate reality the ultimate source of beauty and strength is the way that god loves god and we're going to unpack some of this more of this so i think it's the grandest truth that could ever enter the human mind the way god loves god and the way they talk and then they want us to enter into that with them and that's how they feel about us like this is indescribably glorious truth number six access to supernatural resources by spirit-led prayer jesus says you pray in the will of god there'll be supernatural resources whether it's money wisdom ideas motivation unity i will give you supernatural resources in this age well i don't have this that the other because do you talk to me about it are you engaging with the spirit are you awestruck the way god loves god do you think about the father's house in new jerusalem do you believe in me are you captured by me well no but i'm going to i mean let me get through this course and then i'll really jump in that was supposed to be funny okay number seven oh i love this one how god responds to the apostles we find that when they stumbled how did jesus respond to his friends the very night they were going to abandon him he knew they would abandon him that night it says we find out in luke 22 a couple hours later he says peter simon simon peter same person satan wants to take you out and he's the one that's going to stir you up to deny me peter yeah that's not going to happen it's disappeared right now i'm praying for you though i know you will deny me i'm praying for you and not only that peter i'm going to prophesy to you right now knowing you're going to betray me i'm going to stop for a moment i'm going to be sweating drops of blood a few hours i'm in a lot of pain myself but i'm locked in for you and i'm going to prophesy to you you will return you will recover this is not the new you this is a moment of weakness this is not the new you i know who you are you will return and not only that you think you're disqualified you will be used by me to strengthen many of my people the anointing on your life and calling is going to go on and on and on peter says well number one i don't believe i'm going to stumble but when he did stumble jesus said jesus is interceding for me when i did this to him and then he's prophesying that i'm going to recover and then he's assuring me i'm going to operate in the anointing and strengthen other people and then we find out some days later in john 21 after jesus raised from the dead john 21 they're up in galilee the apostles are there's seven or eight of them up there fishing and i mean they're having the hardest time jesus appears to them it's the third time he has appeared to them in the resurrection he walks up to them and peter's out in the boat can't catch any fish he says throw the dead on the other side just like in the old days when they first met each other and peter caught 153 fish it says in john 21 it's verse 11. i mean there's a reason for that number but here's the point peter had given up and he threw that net and supernaturally caught the fish jesus is saying i am confirming my calling on you i've not given up on you peter i'm not giving up on you shepherd my people i can't i'm a failure i'm disqualified no that's not how i treat my people i'm praying for you i'm prophesying to you and i'm assuring you that my hand is still with you if you'll go with me beloved that's the jesus of john 13 to 17. and then truth number eight the privilege of eternal rewards related to faithfully enduring persecution i mean it's we think oh that's kind of neat no this is neat this is way beyond neat jesus said in luke 6 blessed are you if they hate you if they hate you jump for joy the exchange rate is so high if you're faithful and you're mistreated and you stay faithful and walk in love you can't fathom where this is going jesus said it one time in mark 10 i think it's i think it's mark 10 he said it'll be a hundred fold what you're thinking a hundred times greater paul said the sufferings of this age are not worthy to be compared not worthy beloved somebody throws us in prison kills us a family member is mistreated we're betrayed all these things jesus is saying you can't imagine how i'm going to respond to you because you endured this because you loved me it's only for a moment you endured it but you will be rejoicing forever you just can't imagine my generosity and the way i feel about the way you love me in this age and your weakness i'll show you how i feel on that day and paul said it again in second corinthians 4 worship team come on up he said it's the this light affection it's working an exceeding eternal weight of glory the fact that we're faithful under the pressures an exceeding eternal weight of glory jesus said if you will take these eight truths and interact with them and there's a few more truths you could have put on there but this will get you started you will have the spiritual resource and empowerment to not let your heart be dominated with trouble and i'll give you the supernatural peace that would be my part but you've got to do your part you've got to line up to these truths when you're in mind naturally in my mind as well naturally our mind emotions they go the other way and we repel them but if we say them get them in our conversation with god study them out hear them over and over talk to people about them pray about them they grow in our understanding little by little i tell you it saves our heart father we thank you in the name of jesus lord we love you go ahead and stand if you want to [Music] just gonna minister to the lord and ask him to come and touch us lord our hearts are weak but your peace is supernatural [Music] okay let's say that i love you to love yourself again if you don't mind i mean you probably have another one but do what you want to do [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] holy [Music] believe in my story and my narrative of what i say [Music] let not your heart be troubled oh my beloved he says jesus [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] jesus i love you i love you your name your name [Music] is like water to [Music] jesus i love you [Music] jesus we believe your love we set our heart to believe you jesus i love you i love you oh jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you [Music] i'm gonna invite uh folks who would like to receive prayers people lay hands on you but your heart is troubled you just say you know i'm going for this but my stomach hurts i'm just doing knots over something and i want help tonight and i'm saying yes to these eight things these are truths but i need help tonight so you don't feel strange it's half the room at least to come up because that's how it is in the real human journey we're on it's it's it's challenging so don't feel trouble that you're troubled come and receive prayer just come stand on the on the lines okay just on the front lines i like the folks coming up here to stand on the line [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord here we are we're saying give us supernatural peace [Music] we say come holy spirit come like wind come like fire even tonight [Music] i'd like about 10 or 20 of you to come on up if you would just put your hand on their shoulder and say lord release more the holy spirit gives more when the church prays for the birth just put your hand on the shoulder say more lord holy spirit we ask you to supernaturally rest on them come and rest on them right now tonight come and rest on us tonight we speak peace to the storm i speak peace to the storm storm be still in jesus name right now [Music] release peace supernatural peace tonight on them right now in this meeting let them seal the reprieve the release and their stomach and their mind and their heart [Music] the lord says i have surprises you don't know about i have plans that are not in your understanding for you that you will see i will do more than your thinking i am listening to you says the lord i hear your voice [Music] lord come like fire and feel free to move around and pray for a couple of them for a minute or two or you can pray with the same one for a while [Music] i love you i love you i love you jesus we need to breathe [Music] this weekend [Music] [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you [Music] oh [Music] let the peace of god that passes understanding [Music] lord spread your wings [Music] lord you said peace that guards the heart of the mind you said peace that guards the heart of the mind [Music] [Music] you have overcome the world i will not be troubled you i set my heart lord and not be troubled to not give in and just give way you have overcome the world i will not be troubled you have overcome the world i will not be troubled you have overcome the world i will not be troubled you will overcome foreign [Music] i'll run [Music] and into am [Music] [Music] for your name is a high tower we believe [Music] and i am [Music] trials [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're asking for the impartation and prophetic spirit all over this reward that tonight would be an increase of dreams and visions across this whole room those joining by the internet a prophetic spirit speak to hearts tonight tomorrow this week give that key sentence prophetically in a vision and a dream directly to the earth lord release and increase the prophetic [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus [Music] yes you do [Music] like oil upon your feet like wine for you to drink like water from my heart [Music] i'll pour my love on you if praise is like perfume a lavish mine on you till every drop is gone i'll pour my love oil upon your feet like wine for you to drink like water from my heart i'll pour my love on you if praise is [Music] [Music] i don't know how to say exactly how [Music] is [Music] truly great i think you are [Music] lord this is my desire [Music] to pour my love on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know how to say exactly how [Music] [Music] to show this is in my heart but can i express how truly great i think you are my deepest [Music] for this is my desire to pour my love on you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 12,565
Rating: 4.9414635 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, church, anniversary
Id: 60dcSArUFaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 20sec (7100 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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