Beautified by Humility in an Age of Anger | Encounter God Classic | Mike Bickle | IHOPKC

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[Music] turn to Psalm 149 before we get started I'm going to make a quick announcement that after this service is over we need to stack the chairs because we have our staff meeting coming up Thursday and we have tables so we got to stack the chair 7 8 I so will announce that a little bit after the ministry time gets going so if you hear that stack the chair got a lot so 8 high but the first 7 rows here we have to keep like they're just this middle section because they have a class this week that they need those rows for so at the very end there just be a few of you around but help us do that about 10 minutes into the ministry time father we come before you and we thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus Lord we ask you to bless the hearing and the speaking of your word and Holy Spirit we ask you for your leadership we ask you for your inspiration even now in Jesus name Amen well today I want to address what's happening in our nation today the anger that is escalating at a very alarming and alerting rate but before we get to that I want us to take a moment to look at the big picture of what's taking place in God's heart because without seeing the big picture we can easily get lost and what's happening in our culture right now we could lose our way and lose our perspective so here on the handout that I gave you Psalm 149 I want to just take a minute on a few things here and then get discuss what's happening in the culture and then the back side of the notes here I'll leave those for you to just read on your own just some verses to look over and to pray about well the big picture of what God is doing he has a glorious plan to beautify your life I mean he's really intent on this he has a plan to beautify the body of Christ the Bride of Christ before he returns the Lord is returning to a mature bride walking in the beauty of the Lord it says in Revelation 19 the bride is per paired when he returns that's not the bride in heaven that's talking about that those folks on the earth at the time of his return they will be walking in maturity they will be walking in the in the beauty of the Lord that's a remarkable declaration in the scripture because we look at the church now and we say Lord well it's going to happen between now and then that you're gonna shift things in the church that dramatically and the Lord's committed and he's not anxious at all he's things are on track he knows where things are going now David made a most glorious declaration in Psalm 149 he says in verse 4 the Lord takes pleasure in his people now David that this is one of the themes of David's life and and his message in his generation he was one of the first guys in history to emphasize that God had pleasure he delighted in relating with weak people but then David takes it the next step and he says it's more than God delights in the relationship he's going to beautify people he's going to beautify them as they respond to him in humility that humility is the issue that's going to release the beauty of the Lord in their life now that beauty is in this age but in fullness in the age to come but Peter comments on this concept first Peter chapter three he tells us that when we respond in meekness with a phrase that he uses in this translation is gentleness when we respond in meekness or gentleness or humility use the word you want different translations use different of those words those words are often interchangeable meekness gentleness humility you'll find different Bible translations picks one over the other when we respond in meekness the Lord sees it as beauty that's incorruptible and what does it mean an incorruptible its beauty then fade away when we leave this age and go to the age to come it's a beauty that's real that he sees in your life we may not see it and we may not value it but he says it is beautiful to me but it has continuity it's something you'll take to the age to come as well so Peter comments on the fact that any response that we have to adversity to those that are opposing us or different than us that has meekness in it that it does have the beauty of the Lord being imparted to you in a way that really does move God's heart you read all the first Peter the rest of the verse Peter says this beauty in you is very precious to God it's not a small thing to him so let's look at what's happening in the nation for a few moments it's very obvious that the there's problems that are escalating particularly I'm focused on the rage the anger this divisive crude hateful angry speech going back and forth throughout the entire nation these problems that are associated with it no political leader could fix them regardless who you voted for there are many things that can't be fixed by a leader or political party we understand that our confidence obviously is in the leadership of the Lord Jesus but it's important to understand that the Lord is wanting to revive the church the Lord is wanting to awaken the church he wants humility to arise he was to beautify his church even in this age now some people they mix up God's agenda to revive the church with God's agenda to restore and bless the nation there's a little overlap but those are not the same subjects I've talked to people over the last month's and they said well do you have have hope I go talk to me more what you're talking about they go hope and what you know that God's gonna restore America you know the church is gonna get on fire I go those are really two subjects that are not necessarily the same idea God's number one priority and the plan that's unfolding that he's giving leadership is law is focused in it's not limited to but the first priority is to awaken his bride the Covenant community that's in the earth or in a particular nation well will the will America be strong and when people think of America being revived they're thinking of a robust economy a strong military less violence you know good laws that may happen but it may not happen the way we're imagining but one thing I can assure you he will revive his church that is for sure what will happen in the social structures of America is still in the balance of human response so I do have hope that he's going to revive the church and I believe that will affect the nation but I don't want to I don't want to presume to understand at what level that will be I know that when the Lord returns he's gonna fill the whole earth with his glory every nation under his leadership and every political and social structure will be filled with the glory of God but I'm believing for that a measure of that to happen even now in our nation but that's not exactly the number one priority upon God's heart and some folks get the the whole thing mixed up and they see one as synonymous with the other and they're not well we need to be alert and I think most of us are that there's a new norm in our culture this new norm is angry hateful divisive speech it's a new norm in our nation's history I mean some years ago if you talked this way you were pet I mean there were real consequences at many levels today everybody seems to have a little group that is applauding them for this kind of divisive hateful kind of speech on the right on the Left believers unbelievers alike well this new norm was released in the presidential race in 2016 it's the way the Republicans spoke about each other during the race then how the Democrats spoke about each other during the race and then how they spoke against the different camps after Hillary and Donald Trump were put in their position you know as representing their their party and then it continued but there's something that hasn't spiraled out of control it became the new norm that if the top leaders and the culture and the icons of pop culture are doing it and the top spur political leaders are doing it they just began to trickle down effect in the last year so this thing has exploded out of control it's a brand new reality we've never seen anything like it in the history of our nation or I don't know that any nation has but I want to say that this new norm is not a new norm for the kingdom of God it's a new norm in our culture but the Lord says my people do not engage in that kind of spirit or that kind of speech now the problem with this new norm is that nobody can escape it entirely meaning there's millions in the right and the left believers unbelievers that are engaging in this new norm and again they're getting Pat's on the back and applauded by their little group that says boy you really let them have it and there's kind of a certain affirmation they're getting out of that but there's millions that aren't in that millions that are millions that aren't there saying you know I don't want to engage in that and they're busy about other things but there's an anxiety that's being instilled in the culture even the folks that don't want to do this there they can't get away from the noise everywhere they turn around or confronted with people angry at people and the anxiety level is increasing in our nation now this creates more pain but it's a more dangerous situation as a nation because when people become fearful or when people become really anxious like that anxiety is increasing they make bad decisions and our children make bad decisions when they come under anxiety and fear and so the water level of the anger is increasing and the anxiety and but Jesus makes clear in Matthew chapter 24 and other places as well that offense is going to escalate even more we're in the early days of an escalating culture of offense it is as you all know it's so much stronger now than 10 or 20 years ago it's a complete different level but it's only the beginning of the increase and the reason we need to know that is that it's a tremendous opportunity for the kingdom of God actually this escalating rage causes the people that respond in a kingdom way in the in meekness and tenderness they stick out so much more because of the increased darkness of anger criticism offense in this this this crude you know angry a tone that's filling the airwaves and the Lord's whispering to us and saying this is an hour where that dark way is increasing the light will shine more but also this is an hour and this next five 10 20 years I don't know the time exact but these next years ahead of us it's a training ground and the Lord is saying I'm training you because it's got a really increase down the road and I'm giving you a soft perversion though a far increased intensity from years past but it's still a soft version compared to what's coming and also some training you I'm training you don't engage in the new norm don't engage in the angry tone of spirit this is a time death I'll use the word practice and I don't mean it as though it's not real but practice humility practice bringing your speech when you're mistreated when you don't agree when people hold different opinions when things don't go the way you want this is an hour I mean red alert where we need to practice in the privacy of our homes in our friendships we need to practice restraining our self and and and ruling our spirit proverbs 16 talks about the man that rules his spirit is mighty and not letting just the inward emotions flow but holding them in check under the leadership of Jesus Jeremiah chapter 12 said if you can't run with the footmen you'll never be able to keep up pace with the horses and what he meant in Jeremiah 12 he said the pace of men running if it's hard to stay up with it with that the problem is going to intensify far greater if you can't run with horse whether with footmen you'll never run with horses in other words you can't respond right now and it's soft compared to where it's going and again it's a kingdom of opportunity genuine humility I don't mean rhetoric UV humility or are just kind of posturing yourself ability I mean genuine humility in responses and genuine value and tenderness towards people that mistreat you people that disagree with you this will really stick out in contrast to the darkness in the culture but it's gonna stick out more and more as the years come but beloved this is an hour that in the privacy of our homes where were some it's easier to be more comfortable being carnal in the receive our home with our speech and allure says no no don't do that use that as training ground use that your family is the place where you excel the way you talk husband wife parents children children to parents children to one another teaching this culture in families is is not just safe for the family it will cause them to be prepared in the years to come when this thing really intensifies in a way that is a I think it's going to surprise the nation's how intense this is going to get Jesus prophesied it we see it unfolding well there's so much inflammatory language from the pop culture icons and from top political leaders of because they're doing it folks are going you know it must be okay unless I mean no one's getting in trouble really not again years ago you got in trouble for that that's it in flaming more and more anger in people I mean what's happening in the Facebook exchanges between Christians is getting really ugly it's many believers are imbibing of the spirit of the culture in its totally opposite of the kingdom culture friends are screaming at each other family members are dividing over their political opinions and convictions beloved our biblical convictions must have priority over our Pope or political opinions and our ideas we must be Christians first not political activists first well there's a obvious I mean most of this is so obvious but I'm just I'm wanting to just draw attention to the seriousness of it but the cultures is being polarized and this polarization extremes is very complex and it has layers and layers and the reason we need to know it's complex that when we see the complexity even a little bit I'll just take the next 2-3 minutes on that I'm not pretending to give a comprehensive you know analysis of our culture but just a snapshot that when we see the complexity then we don't learn it we don't easily buy into a simple answer one group is right and one group is wrong and we don't imagine that little soundbites in Facebook or Twitter eccentric cetera but we can really speak into it and change things with little soundbites the problem is far far more complex well there's the right and the left politically obviously millions on each side total opposites well the we that's clear that's easy to understand but what gets complicated is there's strong believers in both camps there are fiery believers in the left and fiery believers in the right is like okay and there's compromising superficial liberal I mean a liberal and a negative sense believers in both sides it's not just the left it's right there's compromising believers on both sides and fiery believes on both sides there's the rich in the poor on both sides there's ethnic groups are divided among themselves there's whites on both sides fighting each other this blacks on both sides blacks fighting blacks whites fighting by whites Latinos against Latinos it's not just whites and blacks against each other it's it's that entrench there's layers to this and the idea that there are simple answers that hey my group is right that group's wrong get with it it's obvious let me send a little tweet out and just set the record straight that is that we don't want to approach it that way we want to take a step back and see the complexity of it again there are biblical values that are really promoted on each side that the other side is neglecting one side doesn't have all the biblical values there are biblical values in the in the right and the Republicans that the Democrats do not uphold all but the Democrats have some biblical values the Republicans are not promoting nobody has all of them and we got of grant we got a grass splat because we don't have simple answers just to dismiss well we got more than they have that that's not the rut that's not approach that's not the right approach both groups claim to be the champions of justice and compassion both groups are assuming the moral high ground as they talked in a condescending way and anger to the other group and when people speak at a condescending anger assuming the moral high ground the other group is automatically it stirs them up in their anger and the Lord says no no you guys are the opposite spirit you're peacemakers you're not in flaming carnal anger one to another that's not who you are both groups stand for some virtues but many of them are expressing the virtues with hostility this rhetoric is leaving so many people confused and angry and political politicians aren't going to settle this it's gonna get more and more intense Jesus said it but I would assure you there will come out of this a mat or Church the Lord says I know what I'm doing I'm going to bring forth a mat or Church that's loyal to me well look at paragraph B look at paragraph B the only virtue that Jesus declared about himself and all of the Bible is that he was meek he never said I am love he is love he never said I have wives he is wise with his own lips he only declared one characteristic with his own lips about himself and this is important because there's only one man that has the answer to the crisis in the culture and that is a man who says meekness is the chief characteristic that I proclaim about myself now meekness in love really is the same thing but it's important that he highlighted this let's look what he said verse 29 it says I want you to take my yoke upon you but more than that I want you to be intentional about learning from me ask me to teach you this next thing I am meek he says gentle meek humble use whichever translation of the Bible you want the words different translations use different words I'm lonely in my heart here we have the Most High God describes himself with a lowly heart and the beautiful God says I will beautify my people when they yoke himself with my humility now verse 29 when he says take my yoke upon me I've heard preachers preach this to unbelievers and and it makes it synonymous with accept God's free forgiveness for salvation and that's good I'll take that but it means much more than that but I like that when he's saying yo cure self to me the pictures to auxin there's the lead oxen and there's that new oxen you know that this came out of the rookie camp you know and there he is the new ox it out at the farm and and their yoke together and the new ox it first it's a little awkward you know he's not used to this but the lead oxen is leading the way Jesus saying I want you to yoke yourself to my humility that's how I want you to yoke yourself to me I want you to be intentional about humility now it's interesting that he gives a promise he goes if you do that the anxiety and the angst that's natural in everyday life it will be minimized you'll have rest the the internal storm will will diminish on the inside because you'll have you'll have rest in your and your soul because yoking to me and you militate though in the flesh humility is awkward ooh we don't like it it says what you really do when you yoke to me and humility you're entrusting the sovereign God to intervene in his time take matters into his hands so it's no longer your issue because you couldn't actually go to bed and go to go to sleep but because you're yoked to me and you've entrusted it to me that's what humility will do now in the flesh we don't like humility we like self-assertion that's outer I mean beyond the boundaries of the will of God there is self-assertion that is important but I'm talking about outside the will of God paragraphs say this is one of the glorious second coming passages in the Old Testament it's talking it's describing the Messiah and the declaration of the people of God when the Lord returns when Jesus the Messiah returns here it is in verse two Psalm 45 the people will declare you are more beautiful when the Lord returns his beauty will be obvious and his beauty will be supremely recognized across the earth you are more beautiful and all the sons of men that are ever walked across the stage of history of human life you are the most beautiful you know Isaiah really develops this thing Isaiah 33 it says in that day your eyes will see the king and his beauty Isaiah chapter 4 verse 2 says the same thing and that day the Messiah the branch of the Lord is the term for the Messiah will be seen in his beauty Isaiah 28 verse 5 in that day you will see him as beautiful I say it says it's over and over well this psalmist he captures what Isaiah said puts it in one line but notice the point that is emphasized next about the beauty of the Lord is the grace that is on his speech so I want you to see the connection of the beauty of Jesus with his speech and the beauty of Jesus with his meekness it goes on in verse 3 gird your sword upon your thigh o mighty one now this is actually in context to Jesus entering in Jerusalem as described in Isaiah 19 when Jerusalem is surrounded by the evil king the earth and Jesus literally comes in as the great warrior God the greater David and liberate Jerusalem literally in a battle revelation 19 describes it in detail this is the second coming passage but verse 4 is what I want you to see then at the end of that battle the declaration ride prosperously in your majesty go forth across the earth is the idea filling the earth with humility and meekness look at that when Jesus is established on the earth his agenda is to fill the earth with humility that's on his mind that's on his heart he's doing it now and he's got to have a prepared bride that embraces humility in a way that no generation of believers have ever embraced it but beloved now is the hour where the training is intensifying again it's far more intense than 10 or 20 years ago the anger the rage and even the challenge for humility but this is the beginning of the beginning of the escalation look what Jesus said with his own lips in Matthew 5 he goes the meek will inherit which he means they'll rule the earth now that happens a little bit in this age but this this is an eschatological endtime promise this is gonna have its fullness people that might have no platform no impact no influence in this age but they've grown in meekness God will give the government of the age to come to the people that were meek in this age now we don't limit inheriting the earth only till later there's a little bit of influence we increase now and that increase we see it here and there and we're believing God for more and more of that but this is talking about something more than a little bit more influence this is talking about the time when the entire earth is governed by people that are proven in meekness but it's meekness from this age the Lord says I'm gonna fill the earth with meekness my beauty and my meekness are deeply connected look at paragraph D it was May 2005 the Lord gay me a very strong prophetic word this is maybe happened three times in 40-plus years where I'm sound asleep in bed I wake up and I wake up from a sudden from a sound sleep and I declare the word of the Lord I wasn't dreaming it I just have sound to sleep I was you notice I woke up and declared meekness is the magnet that attracts God's favor I just said meekness is the magnet attracts God's favor and the Spirit of the Lord is resting on me and my wife just got rollovers and oh thank you honey that was very sweet of you to say that she didn't really I just made that part out but but I declared it she's going like what I could have said it to her would have been true but God is it but the Spirit of the Lord rested on me again I've had this maybe three times like this and 40 years where I woke up with a declaration I went and the Lord is saying like I'm talking to you this is this is important for your life this is important for the ministry meekness is very very very important James chapter 4 there's grace for salvation that initial grace when we're born again and we give our life to Jesus so we get total forgiveness because of the cross and we receive it freely but what James says is there's more grace and grace is more than forgiveness grace is empowering it is forgiveness but it's more it's enabling it's empowering and James's says there are there are greater measures of empowering and glory for believers of this age but notice he goes God gives the greater measure the people that respond in humility not the most gifted not the most influential but the people that respond in humility I will give them a greater enabling to interact with me there will be more I will give them and so that was the verse the Lord gave me he's saying meekness is a magnet it attracts my heart that I remember in 1984 I had another very powerful encounter with the Lord I heard the audible voice of the Lord wide awake I've only one time heard a sentence from the Lord audibly awake I've had a few sentences given to me in dreams from the Lord but only one time awake I'm laying there on a Saturday morning I remember vivid so vividly April 1984 get ready to go to the Saturday morning prayer meeting just thinking about it and like thunder I mean it was a scale of 1 to 10 it was in 11 it was thunderous authoritative loud the Lord said I have a message for you it was so loud it was like coming from 20 miles away and it was like coming out of my belly like stereo and it was like hitting right above me it was so like well I mean literally like a reverb and everything oh goodness it was so shocking I have a message for you and the next phrase I couldn't hardly believe because he said two senses he goes call Bob Jones he really did I not heard so it oh dang he goes what I go did you hear that she goes no no what were you doing I go oh my goodness that was so intense she goes what are you doing I gotta back up Jones go okay okay so I talked to Bob Bob I actually strangest thing I didn't call it he called me he beat me but the Lord knew that I don't know how that works but anyway he beat me to the phone call so I got up and Bob says Mike Mike he goes had the most incredible encounter the Lord told me to tell you a message oh I'm totally listening totally listening I mean it was very weighty and serious and and it's the story I'm gonna give you the 10 second version instead of the five-minute version of what he said the message of it he says the Lord wants me to tell you he is going to emphasize humility and many in the body of Christ will repel that message it is critical that you emphasize it and though many believers will say now I don't want to do that don't back away don't back away it's critical for what's coming in the future humility is the message and it was very very clear from the Lord well paragraph II Jesus gave the well-known prophecy Matthew 24 that I believe were in the early days of this I believe we're in the early days of that generation because you know in a Bible and the Bible generation can go 100 years so I don't know where we're at I don't know I can't tell that part but I believe we're in the early days of that generation Jesus said in verse 10 many my ungass is it's the majority I think the many means the majority I'm not sure we'll be offended offense will become the new norm in the culture not just America but the earth many will betray what another family members long-term friends they'll actually hate one another they'll hate one another lawlessness will abound but here's the interesting point this is the optimum context of which Jesus is going to prepare the endtime Church now we would think that context we would just all wilt and just kind of all fall away and there will be many that will fall away but there will be a great increase that in gathering and the body of Christ will go from weak like it is now like Laodicea and lukewarm it will become a tour in love in this context I mean what the devil means for evil God is gonna use for good the devil overplays his hand God says I'm gonna use that environment I'm gonna train my people that's why I believe now it is absolutely essential we're working the muscle now I don't mean in public forums only on Facebook or at a public meeting I mean to our spouse to our children talking in the hallway where you work about your boss who bugs you and you didn't get what you wanted meekness meekness we're working our spirit we're developing meekness to our children teaching our children when they speak different we sit down and we I don't mean every time but we sit down and we bring ways to where we establish this culture in our family our family culture beloved if our children grow up in an atmosphere they will be so much more equipped ten to twenty thirty years from now because this anger dimension is going to increase an increase and it's sweeping Millions I mean I would I would venture to say billions will be swept into this angry tone and rhetoric in way and the earth will be filled with us angry but there'll be shining lights kingdom communities all of the earth that are mature in meekness and the beauty of the Lord paragraph the body of Christ will be prepared I want to show you that they will be when the Lord returns when he says in Revelation 19 verse 7 the bride will be ready again I said this at the beginning he's not talking about the bride in heaven he's talking about a generation of people on the earth that are in context to this hour but he's not gonna wave his hand and everybody just pops out humble and prepared it's by the teaching of the word by the Spirit meaning we're hearing this we're in the early days we're exercising our spirit we're training I mean made my 60s I'm with the 20 year olds to be absolutely rooted in this so they're teaching the next generation I want this just going down imparted to the next generation and the next one and we don't know how much time before the Lord returns but this is not a practice game this is not what this is kind of neat you know I want to be with people little bit on fire for the Lord this is life and death issues when I look across the body of Christ and see how many believers are taking hold of that other spirit in that other way I'm gonna no no no this is not who we are no we're kingdom of God people were different says at the very end of of uh I mean of our page here and I'll leave page two for you just to have some notes to look out on your own but uh it says in Proverbs 31 King Solomon wrote this who can two virtuous wife and it goes on to say her worth is far above rubies he goes and this is one characteristic of a virtuous wife she opens her mouth with wisdom not anger not complaint not all the things that are in the culture on her tongue is the law of kindness the law of kindness now this is this is a reality not just for a ver a wife this is for men women old young married single this is a kingdom reality but beloved I have good news for you Jesus Jesus is found a virtuous wife and he's gonna raise her up and she will be prepared on that day the day of his return so when you're looking across the nation here and you see you here Madonna's comments and you think I got it I got it like I got her answer or you you see comments about President Trump he's compared to Hitler or a racist or sexist or his past action or his vulgar language he here statements one way or the other you got different positions some like it's I mean summer forever against that are you here about old President Obama's gay agenda or his stuff with IRAs policies Iran and terrorism has approached Israel and you got to speak Lord says ok speak with kindness speak with terror speak if you feel I'm leading you but only with the law of kindness on your lips don't speak in the tone of the culture because I'm training you and and you're a light because the darkness of that is so increasing the light were really really shine now again God's priority is revival in America that is not the same as a happy prosperous America with the big on military I'm happy for a happy America I love it I love America I'm happy for a strong military I like it I like a prosperous economy in less violence I love all that I'm asking the Lord for that but that isn't my primary goal and I know that's not God's number one agenda so my communication is not mostly on that that's okay to address that some and I love that but the Lord says wait don't lose your way I delight of my people and I'm going to beautify them with humility it's an incorruptible beauty that they're working on now I'm preparing them now for the most intense hour of darkness and anger they've got to be ready they got to get their children ready and their grandchildren and family cultures Kingdom communities like this growing in those virtues beloved it's the greatest opportunity that we can imagine I believe that the the darkness for us to really give ourself in a dramatic way just another few moments here and then I'm gonna let I end in prayer Christian's right now need to be Christians we need to live out the gospel we need to be praying for those in authority President Obama I didn't like a lot of his stuff I didn't vote for it but he was my president and I wanted to honor him not agree with everything he said and pray for him and speak kindly and tenderly about him I don't mean affirming his policies but the dignity of his office I'm under his authority and this is a kingdom rule principle 1st Timothy chapter 2 and whoever is president I said if Hillary got in she will be my president I'm gonna labor in prayer for the glory of God to touch her and her family and I may not like a number of things she says but I'm never going to cease praying for her and I'm gonna only speak about her in honourable ways I will voice my dissent but in a kingdom attitude was by as my preparation we need to be winning people to the Lord this is what we're about treating people with love kindness now we're all into Jesus love the harlots and the tax gatherers you know 2,000 years ago those harlots attacked gathers we can't picture them there long time ago but we love them we love them so much well we got them right now in our midst the people it's not the tax collectors in the harlots it's the it's the news anchors for real they're sinful people God says I really like them they're like you they're sinful people there's the Republicans there's the Democrats and then God says I really love them I don't want you to love the harlot 2,000 years ago you didn't know I want you love them I go on CNN and I go uh notice no you can you can disagree what they're doing but don't forget how I feel about that lady I flip the channel the other guy that's these twisting things to Fox is and he goes I love that guy I really love that guy I want you to talk about them in a different way they have dignity in my presence I want you to treat them like I treated the harlots and tax collectors I don't mean they're the hardest attack vultures but my point is they are the sinful people like the rest of us because we ever sigh did the guy looks cool he's got cool clothes on he likes it really great he isn't one of them the worse Jay is he is Madonna Clinton Bill and Hillary the Obamas the trumps Bernie Sanders all of them the humans we need to talk about them differently we need to intercedes again we can say Lord I don't like what they said there and the Lord says I want you to communicate in the tenderness and kindness of which Jesus spoke to the tax gatherers and the harlots because the tax gatherers were the most manipulative liars deceitful people betraying their own people for money they were bad dudes I mean they were they were not so what does God need right now and I don't like to ever use the say the word need and say God but he has determined this he needs a radical praying Church in the nation's that's what he's after a radical praying Church will shift the nation's into his purposes beloved let it be said of the IHOP community of the FCF family local church this is what we're about being radical believers that take prayer seriously not just well let's let Alan and Stuart and Justin and those guys lead in the prayer room you know I'm around as long as they pray I'm happy no no no nothing by supposed to be in the permian full-time that's not what I'm saying but we're a prayer community why did God bring you here whether it's your full-time occupation on the staff or you're a part of this spiritual family local church God brought you here why he says I spoke from heaven this would be a prayer community a Sermon on the Mount humility prayer community are you doing that or leaving that for others now I'm encouraged because I think most of you are doing it but I want us to be alert about this that God brought us here together for such a time as this our nation our nation will have need of us not only us there's a thousand groups ten thousand groups in America that the body the nation will have need of them they need to be in place functioning interacting with God according to their assignment it's critical that we're not captured in this other narrative lost in this whole Facebook reality beloved it's time worship team go ahead come on out it's time for the body of Christ and I'm I'm in the whole nation but let's say us to be more committed to the Sermon on the Mount those Beatitudes not just a sermon well you know Mike taught a series on the sermon them out a couple years ago that's what we're into no no I'm not talking about a series that with so therefore into it I'm talking about with your family in your home the way you talk about the people who are over you in the community I mean real Sermon on the Mount responses it's time that we say yes to the prayer mandate I mean take it up a notch I'm not again talk about people making it their full-time job everybody I said I'm talking about it's time for a new resolve a new confidence God has given us assignment he's brought us together as a community I'm saying Lord this is what we're about I'm in I'm going to go all the way with you so I'm encouraged I'm full of hope and I'm ready for action and so the Lord bless us and touch us and strengthen us in Jesus name Amen and amen let's stand before the Lord [Applause]
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 8,718
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer
Id: PCZlKJevtrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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