Mario Murillo at Leadership Summit Batavia, NY.

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i wonder if you just remain standing a moment more and i want to look at you and i'm going to call you the most dangerous christians in america right now [Applause] before we begin the word of god where it says in psalms 1 11 verse 3 if the foundations are removed what can the righteous do i want to look every preacher in the eye i want to tell you something that verse does not say should the righteous do something it said what should they do and today we're going to quit talking about all the things god's going to do in the future we're going we're going to promising each other all these great events today's the day that we serve notice that the revival begins now it begins now it begins now begins now i want you to look at someone beside you and smile at him and say you must be a genius because you decided to sit next to me you must be a genius [Applause] and tell them because this is where the power of god's going to fall right here where i'm where i'm sitting there i want to thank everyone uh that is so associated with this smashing success which is now this is the largest leadership summit in our history there are over a thousand of you here thank you you may be seated thank you so much hallelujah hallelujah many of you have uh heard the stories of what god is doing in california and our latest crusade in sacramento was our greatest in which a man who fell on rebar a construction worker lost 90 of the use of his lungs was instantaneously healed by the power of god and all of his lung was restored we are watching many dramatic healings of cancer paralysis creative miracles that are verified by doctors and i'm going to talk to you about that for a moment and i want you to know that i'm going to open my heart to you that i am not a bible belt preacher i don't preach well in the bible belt i have to be where the communists are [Applause] for uh for 10 years in the jesus movement i led a revolution at the university of california at berkeley and we had young communist marxists born again by the by the thousands by the way and we give god all the glory we give god all the glory [Applause] there are no excuses for us to believe that a region is unreachable there's no such thing as a city that is hermetically sealed against the gospel [Applause] one of the reasons that i've come to your region is because on october the 3rd through the 6th we're going to put up our tent on this property and we're going to believe god for thousands to be born again to god be the glory but i want to ask you to withhold judgment from some of the points that i make before you reject them out of hand and and discern it the body of christ is rediscovering the prophetic movement and for that like any gift that's ever been restored there have come excesses in the prophetic movement and our inability to address those excesses are going to hinder us the way it did when those of you that remember the abuses we had with tongues with deliverance with shepherding the church is constantly in america it's our temperament to believe that if a little is good a lot is better and the verse about rightly dividing the word of god is very difficult for us the prophetic movement has fallen into a trap which i can illustrate to you in a phrase god's about to and you hear that phrase and it sounds harmless and we can even have entire conventions of god's about to where someone gets up and says well god's about to do this and god's about to do that and god's about to do this and here's what happened you can dwell in a virtual reality where you go from one promise of a future event with god to another until it is indefinitely postponed this is why i believe that if anyone is a fan of charles finney you would understand that he would take a flamethrower to that idea and the reason he would is because he believed that there were clear standards and conditions that god required for revival that when you ask for it god will give it to you the failure lies in step two 99.99 of revivals die between step one and step two i prayed about this a long time i asked jesus what do you do when a pastor asked you for revival lord send me a revival i was at the home of john kilpatrick down in florida and i asked him about the pensacola revival how did it begin he said one day jesus visited me in my office and he said i would like to borrow the church for a while [Applause] and then jesus said and i will pay my own way so i asked the lord and i want you to hear this what happens when a minister or an individual asks for revival the holy spirit made it very clear he said i always say yes when you ask for it he said yes the problem was is what he told you to do next if you want revival i want you to do this and 99.9 percent of all revivals die between step one and step two so i made it my passion to seek the lord to know how to reach california to see what god would do if i truly just did what he said now one day i'm in stockton california and i'm preaching on a sunday morning and then i take an afternoon now and i have a dream and this is where i'm going to lose some of you and i pray i won't in the dream i'm hovering high over california and i'm watching highway 99 which begins in red bluff california just south of reading and extends all the way down 45 miles south of bakersfield to lavalle road and this highway turned into a river in my dream and god said this is a corridor of my glory and i said okay this is not one of those gods about to he said this is a corridor of my glory see when i look at western new york i know that the devil is already defeated here i already know look i'm gonna say it again satan is already defeated here his power is already broken well little did i know after that dream that i would have anything to do with it because i shared it as a blessing to the audience that night in stockton california and i went home to reno a few years goes by and i'm given a tent supernaturally i'll never forget two semi trucks showed up to my house and i had been given a eight thousand square foot tent and a thousand shares from the atlanta sky dome and uh and i'm i'm sitting there thinking to myself the verse that says see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you do not have room to contain i had nowhere to put it meanwhile the gentleman over here where is frank i frank is back here frank is running the most effective homeless program i've ever seen he's winning the souls in a way whenever and i met frank because he asked me one day to preach under a freeway and i've been invited a lot of places that was unique and he said come under a freeway and preach and there were 500 people there many of them were prostitutes homeless people and addicts and they were getting saved and frank just was that that effective inner city action was just that effective so let me tell you something yes and by the way we are going to have starting now 25 members of inner city action with boots on the ground here until october the 3rd they're going to be reaching out yes they are so anyway there i was standing in front of this audience telling them about this dream i had and then suddenly i have a tent and god says that's you i want you to take your tent from the bottom of highway 99 i've heard god loving on a city but a highway and we started in bakersfield then we went to fresno modesto we went up to sacramento and thousands began to be saved thousands can we give god the glory just thousands jesus highway 99 is the most devastated area probably in america that highway has the highest rate of drunk driving of any highway in america cities like modesto and fresno have thousands of homeless people through the wonderful auspices of woke politics people's homes have been destroyed and their lives ruined and it was a small wonder that god would come down into that region and begin to sovereignly heal and save and i'm fighting a tremendous urge now to keep from telling you some of the most astonishing stories of lives that have been transformed but what i do feel is an urgency and a burden you see no one is going to save america except the church no i'm gonna i'm gonna try that one again no one is gonna save america but the church years ago a little book was written called born for battle by arthur matthews and in his book he began by explaining why he wrote the book sometimes the best part of a book will be that when the author tells you why he wrote it and this was written what 30 years ago but see if it doesn't resonate with the burden and the passion that i have my great urgency the thing that is burning in me this morning he said my burden relates to the flood of evil that the devil is pouring into the world and at the same time the passivity of many of god's saints as they view this state of affairs and their ignorance of the part god expects them to play in his warfare against satan you know what i'm going to tell you right now it is just like 1941 right now it's exactly like 1941. and i'm going to give you the background and i want you to listen very carefully and understand why it is 1941. we had barely crawled out of the depression when hitler seized half of europe on the other hand japan had just bombed pearl harbor the united states didn't even have a standing army to compete with romania at the time and fdr politics aside he was president franklin delano roosevelt was faced with a task to build the american war machine to save freedom and he had to do it and he had to convince america that they had to do it i studied this for at quite length and realized that there were some people henry ford pierre dupont boeing and kaiser and these four titans these business moguls who literally ran america were now the enemies of the president because he ran on a policy of exposing them all as crooks and now he needs them and he has to convince them to put their differences aside for the sake of a existential threat to freedom and it's time for the various pockets of dissension in american christianity to wake up to the same reality we got to wake up we got to wake up [Applause] and in order for you to understand what we just saw in afghanistan the humanitarian crisis on the southern border this transcends politics this is not right wing this is not left wing this is a moment of distinct clarity in the american experience and just as fdr had to face down these men of power and tell them you henry ford you've got to build b-25s not model a's and you dupont have got to make hand grenades and bombs and bullets and not nylons 14 million women had to go to work and they did and what happened in doing this is that fdr sat down and told them here is the deal i want you to understand the reason that you won't do this is the reason you should do this and i'm going to make that point i'm going to look at you the reason you think you sh don't do this is the reason you should do this because you are not going to help me the president said because your business is more important because your profit is more important because your company is more important but if hitler and the japanese empire win you won't have a business to protect you won't have a future and to the pastor who is afraid to confront wokeness right now i'm gonna to the pastor who is reticent to speak out against immorality in marriage and in race and in in all of the forms that it is taking because what i'm going to lose members i'm going to lose my church if the democrat party is allowed to do what it wants you will not have a church at all that's why i'm announcing right now i'm running for governor of new york no [Applause] more [Applause] so here are the points that we need to rehearse in this lecture today your church is essential your local church is god's secret weapon to save america are you ready to take up your mantle to do it you know what i want you to do that i'm going to preach a little bit i don't want you to start saying someday god's about to i'm done with dates i'm done with predictions i'm done with people telling me all the things god's about to do the devil has messed with us too long too far and if i don't have a prophetic word if i don't have an angelic visitation if i don't have a hot flesh or a cold chill i've got the bible which tells me that greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world i'm basing my confidence in the next phase of revival in western new york on the word of god on the word of god so after fdr succeeded he had the the military intelligence show them what kind of weapons we needed and for this i'm going to use another parable if i if i could get away with how many of you give me a little more time to talk to you will you so [Applause] you must build franklin eleanor roosevelt said the american war machine to save freedom the threat today is different it's a spiritual threat that if we don't deal with it it will turn physical america is on the brink of civil war because millions of americans are fed up fed up with what's happening in their schools what's happening to their businesses what's happening to their personal freedom and how this misplaced authoritarian takeover of america that feels so illegitimate [Applause] so what would the lord have us do we're going to stand against evil you and i together we're going to stand against ideas the first thing that i want you to look at is the transformation of your local church i want you to listen to me and i want you to face this right now nothing is going to attack your ability to see a move of god in your church like the fear of money you say mara what in the world why would you bring that up because it is the fear of money that is at the root of so many of the decisions that have kept the bad people in your church in power and imagine what you would be like today and how you would preach if money was not an issue how would you preach you know every one of you preachers that are in this room have two sermons the one you preach and the one you want to preach [Applause] come on somebody help the man of god a little bit am i right yeah and if money wasn't an issue if that adulterous banker didn't have a hold on the church strings then you would preach the sermon you want to preach and listen the minute that you believe that you are supernaturally called that you are supernaturally ordained that your denomination didn't hire you and they cannot fire you that you were chosen by god to be in a city to be in a ministry and to speak a word and when that freedom comes all right so there we begin with that one day jesus said that a man had a great banquet in luke 18. now this is what this is a great banquet only the difference with this one is everybody showed up and in that one nobody did and the master got mad now i want to show you a parallel i am not called to the bible belt look i'm going to say it again i left california to go to new york okay does anyone see the [Applause] do you see yeah i want your university students i want them i want them i want them in my meetings i want them to see the power of god but the bible says that no one showed up and it was a great feast now you know the food and the setting was astounding because jesus said it was but when no one showed up listen to me the owner of the banquet heard the excuses and it made him angry all right look at me it made him angry that they didn't show up and i'm going to tell you what it was that enraged him it was what he saw they thought was a better thing than what he was offering do you know what i do i preach the gospel i preach the gospel i preach the gospel because it is the best thing that mankind has ever heard listen to me if you want to get rid of racism you cannot leave jesus out if you want to get rid of poverty you cannot leave jesus out if you want to get rid of addiction you cannot ignore the gospel of christ there's never been a message that is meant more to more people on more levels and every day for 50 years of preaching i have found a benefit in the gospel to where i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god it is the power of god so when they didn't show up he called his staff together and redefined all of their job descriptions that's what i want every pastor in this room to do now i want you to call your core of people together and say what we used to be we're not anymore who who we were trying to impress before we don't care about anymore we're not going to keep anyone on life support we're not going to have what i call high maintenance low impact disciples what we want now is high impact low maintenance disciples who love the lord who want god and so if you will look at this moment when he said he was mad because of what they preferred the reason that churches are empty on sunday morning across america is because america has been sold on the idea that there's something better than church going on and what they've been sold is a lie how many of you know if you prefer oprah to the gospel you are desperate for answers [Applause] if you prefer woke sports to the church at this point there's something wrong now what do we do he had to he had to deal with the fact that what he had was a product that was delicious it was irresistible it was powerful it was meaningful and it was effective we don't need any additives to the gospel of christ we don't need any apologetics to its reality we don't need any chemical additives to make it palatable and we're way too dependent on big screens skinny jeans and fog machines [Applause] [Music] how many of you still love me now do you okay well now said today you're not my gardener anymore today you're not my pastry chef anymore and you don't polish my brass i'm sending you out and you're going to go to the highways and the byways and compel them to come in and he said this because my house must be full now here's where we got to kill a little bit of a uh a sacred cow and i kill him because they make the most delicious hamburgers you know a pastor will misunderstand me he said well if if you don't want smoke and mirrors and all of these accoutrements you must be against effective communication absolutely not and then i on the other stream i hear a pastor say we are not in this church we are not into entertainment so i looked it up in the dictionary entertainment means to hold an audience's attention and i said dude you are definitely not into entertainment [Applause] my house must be full there's nothing wrong with wanting every chair in your church to be full there's nothing wrong with it and you need to come to the the metric the the insight of this man with this parable which is simply this what we've got they want they just don't know it [Applause] now i'm going to try it again what we have they want they just don't know it and you say mara how can you show that i'm gonna introduce another story and then once again i'm sorry but i i just need to take advantage of this singular moment because i really believe that we are today writing a church history page for western new york we're writing a church history page [Applause] and and literally here is what happened the woman at the well wondered why jesus asked her for water because she was samaritan and the jews had no dealings with them she said and then all of a sudden christ makes the most amazing remark this woman has been married five times there is no doubt in the mind of modern christians even that she is a hard case and jesus looks at her and says if you knew the gift you would ask and receive living water what i'm gonna do is tell you this the fields of western new york are white under harvest people in this region want to get born again they want to meet christ what we've got to do is get over ourselves and get over our feeling of all the years of rejection and hardness and to understand there's nothing wrong with the gospel there's nothing wrong the power of the holy spirit is present now here is the the next thing about it the bible says in the book of corinthians the god of this world has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe lest they should see the light of the glorious gospel and be saved i'm going to say something see what kind of reaction i get the gospel is glorious oh i'm i can't help myself the gospel is glorious [Music] so we have these two verses and we have this man who said if we would just go out maybe these people didn't understand what was on the table what was in the meal maybe the intellectual doesn't get how much they need god desperately so so we'll get the humble we'll get the poor we'll provoke them we'll turn them around and we'll bring them to a key understanding now i'm going to get to a portion of today that is as essential as anything i could think of there are two things that every crisis demands of people one is what is at stake what is at stake we have never seen so many laws written on so many levels to remove so many freedoms we have never seen the mechanism of social media turn into the state press we are now watching our voices muffled our freedoms removed and the inclination toward controlling the local church the lockdown was a rehearsal the lockdown was a rehearsal and we obeyed it so breathtakingly because we had never seen it before and i can understand that but i'm going to tell you right now and i want to hear it from you we will never let them lock us down again never again never again the potential for a moving of the spirit in this region is explosive it's explosive yes [Applause] because now we're going to come to a conclusion first you must know what is at stake and i'm going to say this with a real knowledge of the limitations of my communication skills i wish somebody knew how to do this was here doing this but i'm going to tell you something it's all about the children it's all about the children you have to look your children in the eye and you have to look your grandchildren in the eye and ask yourself what you're willing to do to prevent them from living in a prison of socialism that's what this is about isn't it it isn't really even about us is it and so what was at stake when it finally hit them they were ready for step two first is what is at stake and number two is what will it take five years from now that deacon isn't going to matter that that committee that thwarts your anointing isn't going to matter five years from now you will either have regret or tremendous celebration that at this moment in this this event you made the right choice and here's the right choice to know what's at stake you already know but what will it take there's this moment where dupont is asked by the army to build hand grenades and so he asked them how many do you need and they said 50 million and it wasn't until then that he could put a perspective on what would it would take to defeat germany and japan what would it take we have to be in the same frame of mind i am not i've said it four times now called to the bible belt i'm called to the woke areas of america in order to bring signs wonders and miracles and a message of salvation that is piercing to turn this nation around [Applause] now to do it i have to know what the cost is and you're saying well mar are you leading into an offering aren't you no i'm not in fact today all we're going to do at the end is give you an envelope for you to invest in the tent crusade and don't we're not even going to collect them today we're going to ask you to give and mail it in the only thing that we're going to do today is focus on obeying god's voice for western new york obeying god's voice so here it is [Applause] we must understand what it's going to take if you get in your pulpit and you say oh by the way mario's coming october 3rd through 6th we've already lost it can't be an announcement that we've imposed on you it can't be a statement where i've sold you on this this is something that you've got to believe is yours not even mine you've got to believe that under that tent when wheelchairs are emptied and blind eyes open and the power of god falls on the people [Applause] and and i know you're not ready for what i'm going to say next but i've got to say it we're not going to get into hyper emotionalism now you notice that i'm thrilled that you're cheering loud because i don't consider that emotionalism that's a reaction to a revelation emotionalism is when you make noise to try to get something to happen when nothing is happening and we will not do that in our meetings we are not going to act as though our tent crusade is for the eagle saints it's for the lost it's for the outsider and we're going to make sure that every aspect of it is relevant to this culture but at the same time we will not compromise a single thing now what's it going to take your church can never be the same after today it cannot be the same you as the man or the woman of god in the pulpit have got to take authority over what is going on in your church now and take all of those foreign spirits be they jezebel or otherwise and cast them out in the name of jesus and you know what don't worry about whose feelings get hurt it's time to clean house time to clean house [Applause] now i want everyone to raise your hands to heaven pray in the language of the holy spirit right now where to go [Applause] power of god is falling on this crowd power of god is falling on this crowd [Applause] satan you are defeated you are defeated you cannot have our children you cannot have our country you cannot have our freedom you are defeated give the lord jesus praise right now clap your hands wow [Applause] [Music] let's become the army of god not in song or a word but indeed and in truth
Channel: Mario Murillo
Views: 62,654
Rating: 4.9458413 out of 5
Keywords: batavia, batavia daily news, bataviany, mario murillo, mario murillo ministries, mario murillo tent revival, mario murillo sermons, cornerstone church, cornerstonebatavia, newyork, new york, church, God, Jesus, Christ, holy spirit, healing, revival, salvation, supernatural, healing power, healing power of Jesus, Pastor Paul Doyle, Inner city Action, Frank Saldana, prophecy
Id: MT0kmgFvgKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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