Why Jaghatai Khan is the Most Underrated Primarch | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal gw did a pretty good job of making each and every primark unique and interesting their style abilities strengths weaknesses and even their weapon of choice varies from primark to primark however some have definitely gotten more love than others if ferris didn't have iron hands then i probably wouldn't even remember his name one primark that flies under the radar yet is actually really awesome is jaggedi khan primark of the white scars while some people just call him a space mongolian with a hard-on for jet bikes he's a lot more than that he is extremely reasonable and witty making very clear decisions based on effective sensible thought processes he also delivers the greatest burns out of all the primarks by far as such some of the best one liners in all of 40k come from jaggedi before we get started using protection is incredibly important whether it be when you're fighting on the front lines of ukraine spending the night with a bush pig or browsing the internet for 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that highly despite his quality let's get into it first things first why isn't jagerdai very popular why are some people always surprised when they find out he's actually a [ __ ] legend well it comes down to the fundamental problem of the white scars not being that popular and by extension jagerdai suffers after all if you paint blood angels and get invested in your army and colour scheme sanguinius will probably end up being your favorite primark the white skies however are white well not completely but their armor is and painting white armor is a [ __ ] if you don't know the special techniques to make it look good as such new players don't want to touch that [ __ ] so they go for paint schemes that don't make you want to crush your own balls with a hammer because the white scar white you bought from gw was already completely [ __ ] and unusable before you had even opened it for the first time another reason could just be the general lack of interest in ancient mongolia by western audiences ancient roman greece are dope as are medieval inspired legions so it's no wonder that the dark angels ultramarines and blood angels are up there so my hypothesis is difficult to paint models combined with knights being cooler than mongolians has led to a lack of white scar players which in turn results in a lack of interest for jagged eye but here's why jagedai is actually a [ __ ] beast even before he crash landed on his world of chigoris and discovered the speed he was special even more so than his brothers see the worlds each primark landed on wasn't random it was tailored towards them whilst jager's planet seemed perfect for him after all it was very mongolian it was not the planet he was supposed to arrive at the eldar laughing god sierra gorach swapped jagadai and fulgrim's home planet so that jagger would remain loyalist and fulgrim would be the one to fall to chaos originally fulgrim was supposed to remain loyal which is why the emperor gave him so many honours and was genuinely surprised when he became a trader after all you don't call the legion that will end up being a bunch of drug addicted super rapists the emperor's children if you know how things are going to turn out on the flip side of that the emperor was deeply suss of jaggedi and was surprised that he turned out to be such a steadfast loyalist why would sara gorax do this well he doesn't really need a reason he's a literal [ __ ] clown god of memes however jagged was lasting chasing dark elder into the web way sierra gorice lives in the web way it's highly likely that sia gorach is the one who currently holds jagged eye and is using him to further his own cause on top of that the emperor's children have not been a very effective traitor legion and didn't do much to further the traitor's cause during the horus heresy for example foreground tried to kill puerto rabo who was the traitor's mvp and the emperor's children got bored of the siege of terror and just started terrorizing civilians on the flip side jagadai was able to counter and even banish mortarion who was the trader's other mvp whilst these white scars fought hard to protect the imperium so perhaps a traitor white sky legion versus the loyalist empress children legion could have resulted in the heresy going worse for the imperium maybe even a chaos victory anyways i'm getting ahead of myself when jaguar crash landed on his world he wasn't horny for glory and recognition he was content with his tribe and only acted when his adoptive father was murdered by a rival tribe jaguar entered rage mode which he does sometimes fair enough and he massacred the rival tribe killing not just the men but the women and children as well instead of then becoming darth vader jagger had a quick breather and decided that tribes massacring each other was stupid so he conquered each tribe and united them into a mighty force on the other side of the planet there was the palantine a more advanced less mongolian society that was threatened by the rising mongol menace the palatine is most likely what fulgrim would have been adopted into if he had landed on chigoris as intended now once again jagadi didn't have ambitions to conquer the world and make the palentini's [ __ ] but when they attacked him and he killed them it was on after a couple years jagadai had beaten them in their entirety and was now the khan of khans lord of chigoris then the big e arrived and was like you have two options either join my crusade and conquer the galaxy for mankind or you know control alt delete now you might think that jaguar would have jumped at the chance to sail the stars and conquer distant worlds however he saw the emperor as a tyrant and he wasn't too happy that he would go from the khan of khans to a living weapon wielded by another but he did agree with the emperor on a number of points and he also knew that to refuse was to die so there was really no point in doing that so jagadai had the most sensible approach to the emperor out of all the primarks he graciously accepted his offer and negotiated a deal so that chigoris would maintain its culture and not just get turned into a polluted wasteland that was stripped of all its natural resources when you compare this to fulgrum and perturbo crying and groveling before the emperor or lorga holding a massive religious holiday it really frames how sensible the khan is he knew no wasn't an answer so he got the best version of yes that he possibly could from there the khan didn't have it easy most legions were intact and united when they found their primark as such normally primark just had to do like a two-week boat license course and bam their legion was theirs the white scars on the other hand acted as scouts and vanguard forces hence fifty thousand sons of jagday were scattered around the galaxy in small groups jaguar had to recall his legion which was not even remotely united and then integrate them all within the culture of chigoris to make them brothers this took about a decade of waiting and working by the end of it the white skies had been born anew and were ready to absolutely send it so that's jager's badass origins instead of now just retelling his lore like a wiki page i'm going to go through his various highlights so that by the end of this video you appreciate him just as much as i do and actually see him as arguably the most human and relatable out of all the primarks as a part of joining the crusade each pramak is given a special big-ass spaceship by the mechanicum made on mars itself when jaguar was inspecting his nearly complete flagship that the tech price he was with was complimenting and talking about how special it was jagadai turns to the marzi boy and he is like this is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] you will rebuild it from scratch with the specifications and modifications i give you i want the speed it was a fun moment as mars was expecting jaggery to suck their robococks for the ship but instead they had to remake it jaguar is a legendary swordsmaster arguably one of the best primark duelists one of his primary powers is the inability to ever feel fatigue or tiredness the only time he does is when there is warp [ __ ] affecting him he can also access the speed force and go super saiyan in times of rage for example when some orcs killed a few white scar sons of his he went rage death whirlwind mode and literally turned into a blender he literally did the [ __ ] blademaster ultimate ability from warcraft 3. he was killing the orcs so ruthlessly and quickly that they actually started to [ __ ] themselves this is a pretty big deal as orcs rarely ever retreat or lose morale they don't fear death in melee combat this is even more pronounced but you better ask those orcs shut the bed and tried to run only to become a plate of fungal sashimi soon after despite his prowess jaguar would never brag or exaggerate his exploits his legions tactics were efficient and effective however due to their culture many saw them as savages putting them in the same undisciplined category as the space wolves or even the world eaters jaguar was happy to let them believe this but it did hurt his feelings because of how many brothers looked down on him as lesser a positive result of this is that we were presented with the slickest burn or burns because there was more than one that warhammer has ever given us after the triumph of all in all where horus was chosen as warmaster fulgrim decides to have a go at jagdai making subtle insults to his culture and goals before saying i heard you do strange things to your ships to which jaguar replied i heard you do strange things to your warriors get rekt fulgrim now he was obviously talking about the rumors that fulgrim had allowed fabius to experiment with augmenting some of the emperor's children but it's still funny to imagine he meant that fulgrim was incestomizing his sons fulgrim got pretty pissed but he gets better sanguinis wonders out loud who would win in a duel and fulgrim insults the khan again the khan then tears fulgrim a new [ __ ] calling him arrogant and boastful before declaring he would easily beat fulgrim fulgrim is about to rage and almost draws his sword before sanguines calms things down as he usually does when the heresy broke out jagadai was in a bit of a weird spot he hadn't directly seen betrayal or who was in the wrong he also received a shitload of conflicting astropathic messages so he decided he would uncover what was going on before choosing a side he went to prospero to speak with a shard of magnus he encountered and fought materian who tried to convince jaggery to join the traders and he even put down a rebellion within his own legion between the traders and the loyalists after he had found out what was actually happening and how chaos was involved he was like father isn't perfect he can be a hypocritical [ __ ] tyrant that uses and abuses those that serve him but you guys are literally the commanders of the forces of hell your victory is mass death and suffering for eternity an [ __ ] dad is nothing compared to the malice of chaos as such jagger made the relatively easy decision to reject chaos and fight for the imperium it doesn't really seem like much but if all the other primarks had stopped to follow a similar chain of critical thinking then maybe the apocalypse wouldn't have occurred during the siege of terror jager's humanity shone through when the traders were attacking and civilians were getting slaughtered jaguar couldn't stand by and he wanted to leave the palace to save some of them dawn was like [ __ ] no dude come on but jaguar asked sanguinius if he would save lives sanguinius told him he would save many armed with that knowledge the khan went forth once again this was a pretty reasonable decision he knew that what he would do would save innocence if sanguinis had been like no it's a trap you'll die the car would have been like all right no worries i'll stay here later down the track to help save the palace the khan engaged the significantly more powerful mortarian in combat now morty is a bit of a counter for the khan whilst khan lands more blows morty is too tanky and his aura slowly drains those around him so khan was getting exhausted and clobbered despite this he was still able to tell morty that sanguinius had nicer wings than him so it's good to see that burnt factor never left the amount of roasts in this one jewel was on another level when morty landed a killing blow jager slipped past his guard and made it a two-for-one deal morty is banished and jagerai dies but like he'll be fine he was sent off to malkador to get a recovery massage whether it be his desire for freedom his strong moral code his sensible common-sense way of thinking his wicked skills with the blade or his unbelievable wit when it comes to roasting kids jagged eye is a legendary primark one of the best and it's important that he gets recognized as such if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of beautiful art that isn't sexual it's just art hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more mongolian content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: v1Ok0Iejk50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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