Why is there SO much gold ? Lake SUPERIOR

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hey welcome back everybody to the flower gold wizard channel i just walked 200 miles it's hot rick bone over there he's with me today he's my minded partner we're at a really good spot right here on the beaches of lake superior we've done really well here in the past and i brought some new equipment down here bigger and newer we're going to give that stuff a whirl there are a number of flies down here but there's a nice wind coming from that way right there and it's supposed to pick up a little bit today so as long as you're not walking down the beach attracting more flies uh we're doing pretty good uh if i see rig be getting bit too many times or just being uncomfortable well we'll get him out of here so right now i'll show you where we're going to work and i'll show you what i found well here's the gear i brought now i made this great big huge beach box that's four feet long right there all day long 10 inches wide and i've got my new mat down one of these pails here this pack right here is heavy i have all kinds of stuff i'm pushing 80 pounds with everything i brought along today uh just to bake it back to the spot like i said that's a 242 mile walk and the beach has covered up quite a bit of the work we did before and this was all cobbles up in this area here and uh we had some some wind storms not too long ago and i pushed all this sand up there and and whatnot and i could see somebody else has been down in here working that's not for me and that is not for me and that is not from me i'm assuming they did pretty good because i did pretty darn good too and i know they didn't dig down and get it all there's still plenty of black sand to be had and now that this has all been reworked a little bit i might have to do just a little bit of testing but i still think we're gonna do just fine it's nice day in there rig bone yeah the flies aren't bugging him too bad at all there's hardly any on him anymore so i think we're in good shape let me get this baby set up and i'll show you what it's all about all right now i'm in the process of getting set up here and this is a new system for me i mean i have tested it at home but now with this particular pump or my brand new beach battery right here this baby weighs 14 pounds it has 50 amp hours on it this battery is let's see here 8.5 amp hours so you round it off and do the math and you get 45 000 hours well not really but more than i had on my other battery so it's gonna work well no it's a 2000 gallon pump an hour so i brought a speed controller just to make sure that working with this raw beach sand that i wasn't going to be running a little bit too hot and i couldn't do anything about it now i'll show you my sluice box yeah yeah yeah well good shoveling relax that's one tough mind boss right there all right here's my new mat right here this is a vdr uh sleuth system right here and i get that from infinity prospecting now this mat is similar to the mats i ran before and i still do but on the other mats there's an area right here a flat area in between the the bottom edge of this and the top edge of this drop riffle right here and it's about a half to three quarters of an inch wide well they got rid of that and replaced it with well no space now these are a little bit bigger than in my other mats and they added a indicator mat here now that is an invaluable tool when you're running because when you shovel material on that on that uh indicator mat you can tell exactly how much gold you're putting in your sluice each and every single scoop so if i want to take a sample from over there i'll throw it on there if there's some gold i'll just brush it off take a sample from over there throw it on there and if there's more gold over there well then i'll keep pumping that material on this loose piece of cake now underneath here you can see on the back side there's a one and a half inch uh nozzle right there attachment what i did to to even that water out because it really comes forcing out of there with 2 000 gallons an hour and it comes rushing out of here and it's white water and all that so instead of filling this bottom up with a char broil or whatever i just attached my little french fry cooker right to the back side of that thing in there where that nozzle comes through the back and i filled it up with steel wool that's going to crack the water is going to crash into that thing and splash all in all different directions the water will come out nice and flat under this rubber mat so i think we're going to get set up real quickly here rig bone over there he's ready ready to go so let me get some water etc and we'll start running all right let's turn this water on see how everything's looking there it comes it's coming out of the reel nice and flat it's hard to see because the water's so darn clear but there's lots of water coming out of there that should work real well now i do see it's leaking right here quite a bit this pipe doesn't fit on there just the way i want it to i don't think but like any good outdoorsman like my mind boss we have a little safety kit right here now i've got some some band-aids in here and some extra little wing nuts for my for my gear in case i lose something a lighter and some toilet paper you know for homecoming or something like that so i'm gonna grab a couple of these here band-aids i'm going to wrap them around my the little fitting on the back here just get a little bit tighter seal so i'm not running for water all day if it was just a drip i might not worry about it but that's a little too much so we're going to shut this baby down and do a little doctrine all right i'll check that all better first test pan that hole right there that somebody else dug i just dug right there right in the sidewall and it's pretty darn good there's 20 pieces in this pan right here and a couple of them are a little bit bigger now that was a one cup sample one lousy cup i wonder what that pile's doing up there i might do a little test pan of that but first i'm gonna gather a five gallon pail of that stuff right there just so i can run some material through there because it is worth running definitely there's 20 pieces in one cup well there's 5 000 cups and a 5 gallon pail all right we are running i'm getting a little bit concerned with the size of these drop ripples right here the other size uh riffles they weren't catching all these rocks about this size or so they would roll right on by but these being a little bit bigger catch them now i have spotted a couple of pieces of gold like that one right in there being trapped in these vortices here but i also noticed that they don't hold on to much other material other than those little pebbles and a little bit of black sand down in the down in the bottom there so i don't know exactly what uh what's going on without really running a lot through there but i have noticed you can really throw on a lot of material i mean the bigger board the bigger drop ripples and vortices definitely chew through the material a little bit better but they're but they're catching all these darn rocks here and i do have my other mat in the truck what a dummy so we're going to run a 5 gallon pail do a little clean out and see what that's all about and if i'm not capturing the gold that i think i should be because we did do a test pan i'm taking the march back to the truck and i'm gonna grab my other mat and throw it in here cause i didn't drive all the way up here and walk 832 000.4 miles for nothing all right we've got five gallons run i'm going to do a quick clean up set my battery down here do a little mat inspection and we might as well do that together i haven't even looked yet so i'll just kind of take a quick glance in there and see if i can see anything in particular uh boy if that's a piece of gold right there we're in real good shape by golly i think that is a piece of gold a great big one holy cow that might be the biggest piece of beach gold i've ever gotten that's huge for sure i'm gonna i'm gonna snuff that baby up but i don't see a whole lot in my riffles anywhere there's a couple of pieces scattered about up in there there's another one there but the proof's in the panning that's for one thing so let me get this stuff in the pan show you the proof rigby's hard at work no flies whatsoever we're in good shape one nice thing about these mats is they clean out like a breeze all right there's a lot of little pebbles in there that's for sure but i have been seeing some gold as i'm kind of swishing this stuff around those pebbles come right to the top but i am doing it in a safety tub right here and i'll bring all these concentrates home and uh we'll do a classified version of the cleanup a little later so i'm gonna do this real quickly this stuff is just so so heavy i mean a number of you out there have gotten my black poison pay dirt before well this is it right here the exact material all right let me get this done off camera rigby's going in shade over there it's warm here's our cleanup right here now there's a fair number of pieces in there for five gallons anywhere else that would be just fine but i i really think we should have gotten more than that and i'm putting pretty big shovels on there i get it but i think that that sluice the mat itself can handle it but it's the rocks the rocks are kicking stuff down and i think we're losing gold out the end so i'm gonna have to figure something out because i didn't bring my classifier down here i might have to test around in some more of these areas where there's not as many rocks and if we can find something real quickly uh we'll we'll run that stuff there otherwise i think we're just gonna have to uh work through this and get maybe a little bit less or send him back to the truck all right i think i found us a nice little pile grab a little bucket of water here look at how clean this water is this clear is a bell and ice cold too get back up here and i'll show you that pile that we're gonna run now yeah right over here that pile is just sitting there next to that old arrow unknown prospector left me as you can see a lot of this beach with a lot of the canyon side has caved in and this there is plenty of beach behind this stuff here well there's not now well somebody left a big pile of black sand right there and i initially thought it was tailings or something so i took a scoop out of there a cup or half cup or something i panned it out and there was i don't know a dozen 13 pieces in there but they're fairly good size so i think i can run that stuff and while that's running i could test around a little bit here and there maybe run down into those cobbles and dig a couple trenches like this trench here i just dug i took a sample right out of there and arrows on all six or seven pieces in it nothing to get too excited about there's plenty better here somebody's been sampling a little bit here and there we're gonna find it one way or the other back in a bit i don't know if somebody was saving that for themselves but thanks a lot all right there goes the sheriff he even gave me a wave it's snack time that's right today's snack time is brought to you by papa's meats on fourth street looks like some cheddar brats of some sort or another it's my first time trying them but i ain't trying it until he tries it that's right he needs that he's a hard working minor watch this you're going to see something totally insane right here i'm going to grab that piece of layer right there i'm going to a little handful right there just like that right off the top that much i'm gonna pan out that much and see what's in it i just did a little while ago and wow one little bitty pinch [Laughter] oh my gosh all right it's time to get the heck out of here we moved an awful lot of material today that is one big hole that is one big pile i gotta fill that all in and i've got my last cleanup right here this thing really catches a lot of a lot of concentrates and i see the piece of the day oh i saw it it was just in there somewhere but this stuff is just packed with gold there it is right there look at that bad honker look at this that's about an inch thick and i'm just fanning this back right now and as you can see every time you do that i don't know 100 more pieces show up oh that's crazy this is going to be one heck of a clean up for sure and i've got a whole pile in this little green bucket over here that's for one thing and some cool rocks and the flies are starting to come out a little bit so we're going to wrap it up i might have something to check on the way back but if i don't end up stopping there we'll pick it back up next to the frigid wonder come on rig fill in that hole all right we are gonna try something a little bit different we're just about out of the spot where i got to have the boy on a leash here we got to go up into the woods and down that wave because of all these darn trees blocking our path here but we'll make our way one way or the other in this section of the beach there's all kinds of black sand everywhere now i don't need to test all this stuff because i have something specific in mind that i was told about and i'm gonna check it out shortly as soon as i get around that well we're making our way through this big tangle here that way i mean it is a tangle like you wouldn't believe i came across these old deck boards here those things are quite huge quite large indeed and this used to be like an old lumber mill down in here and it's obviously all washed out matter of fact i used to mine here way out there when the beach was way out there and this stuff is is really starting to show itself now and it was always buried before pirates used to come here and trade for lumber all right we're not quite to the spot yet i think it's way down there but i'm gonna check out some of this area right here i'm getting tired we've been at it all darn day look at all this black sand down here there ain't a foot track to be seen anywhere nobody's walking through that maybe one or two people that are crazy but i tell you what there's plenty here to check so let's go check it well i just did a three finger pinch all right next to the shovel there just a little skim off the top maybe a quarter inch thick and there's some pieces in there that's for sure i don't know maybe six or seven pieces and they're not bad size either but there's so much to choose from around here what i'm looking for are little bitty offlines of water like groundwater coming out of the forest here where it's concentrating some of this black sand and i haven't really found too much of that yet i'm assuming it's way down there further because i started off a little earlier than i probably should have and uh maybe i'll walk up a little bit further but i'm getting a little bit done and there's just so much black sand here i mean if you wanted to pound numbers you could just come down here sit right on that stuff and get a good pile of gold in a day it's just so easy to work let's go see if we can't find 20 in a three-finger pinch you guys want to see some black sand look at this [Laughter] oh my gosh how'd you like to get that in your pay dirt bag oh man oh man just as heavy as heavy could possibly be look at this stuff oh my god and deep oh crap but i'm gonna go a little bit further still haven't found what i'm looking for well i think this is where i stop see that that big old downed tree right there i'm not crawling up that thing right there and neither is rig bone but i'll show you what i did find a really nice deposit of black sand similar to the one we were working this morning right on top of that brown stuff right there and it's built right into the bank all the way along there and it's kind of shedding out and creating little little pools of it right here so i got a sample right there right out of here so we'll go see if there's anything in it p.s i got a hole in both of my waders [Music] well we didn't find anything better than what we were mining this morning and we did pretty darn good i can't wait to get this stuff back how about you rig one all right we're gonna jam some tunes and go hit the fridge of wonder new york island from redwood foreign waters this land is made for you and me hey there you guys are we made it back i might as well grab a little something out of the fridge of wonder if you know what i mean first things first here's our concentrates right here there is a ton look at that that's pretty thick couple inches thick for sure we're gonna do some classifying and some i'll get my um vdr clean up sluice out but i wanted to put side by side together here for you and show you what was going on now you can see how large these are compared to the original mat that i had even these are quite a bit bigger and the bottom has has a quite a bit bigger pan if you will at the bottom there and there's no gap in between this section right here and this like you see this here and the water has a chance to build up a little bit more speed going across this stuff and it pushes those rocks right off there whereas this one here was catching them as you can cleanly see so we're going to see if it did any damage or not all right i'll take my little wizard spoon and we'll commence to turning this into bigs and littles we'll pan out the bigs and we'll run the littles over my cleanups loose all right here's all the gold from the bigs but nothing here's all the small material and there's a ton of it so we're gonna start feeding that through our cleanups loose here i'll throw a couple on there and we'll take a little gander and see if we can spot any gold right off the get-go i know i sure saw an awful lot out in the field i'm gonna grab this here photo taking machine here see what we can see in there i might have to turn that up just a little bit but you can definitely see gold starting to show up once that black sand folds over yeah it's gonna be pretty darn good let me turn that water down there we go see i had i gotta turn it up just a little bit more to get rid of that that black sand and that indicator mat but we're in business let's feed it and our concentrates are gone they're all in the sluice got my little lobster going one of the commenters said when i use this thing it always looks like a lobster when i'm done feeding that's just the shape of the water coming out of there and it splashes right there but anyway it's looking pretty good i can see gold quite a bit of gold probably from halfway through there and then a couple of specs down in this area so i'm going to shut this thing down all the way and we're going to put it in a pan see what we get and there's our gold all in a little frying pan i'm gonna run that in the house and throw it on the stove cause i don't have my furnace running in here but it looks pretty darn good there's some pretty pretty nice looking pieces in there for sure there's a couple of little chunky ones all right let's go get this stuff dried up and weigh it up all right here's our gold all dried up that didn't take long at all pretty nice looking stuff if you ask me i just hope there's enough of it i mean we did all right i think the last time we were out there we ran 10 pails we ran 10 pails today we had 0.59 last time so i would expect it to be pretty darn close see if those rocks messed with me or not get that all in there nice yeah that's not the best .36 but we did learn a lot of stuff about that new mat you definitely have to classify uh those other mats i have the material just kind of rolls right on off of them i think the water picks up a little more speed with those flat spots but if you want to classify that thing would work flawlessly i bet i'm glad i have it in my arsenal we have a couple of six-inch vdr sluices i might just piggyback those those things worked fantastically as well uh to be 12 inches wide basically and the same length who knows it's a long season so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our channel flower gold wizards oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 1,636,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, Lake Superior, Gold, Panning, Mining, Ask Jeff Williams
Id: qV8gTXMwYoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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