New world record GOLD!!!!!! 😂

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hey everybody we hope to earn your subscription today we're going to the beach and we're going to put a big pile of gold and a gold pan so hang on to your hat it's going to be a wild one tell you that hello and welcome back to the flower gold wizard channel i'm jason that's rigby and moose my mining partners we're part-time gold prospectors based in wisconsin today we're going to work the beaches of lake superior there's all kinds of gold to be had around here believe it or not and we are going to find it today i found a new deposit here and i think it's going to be something quite special and there's a couple of bugs i brought some help we have junior miss wizard and blankie and mrs wizard over there already looking for cool rocks so i got all my gear down here a little bit more than i would normally have as you can imagine so we're gonna get set up and get the show on the road think in a bit so foreign all right get rid of these bubbles you do not want bubbles in a beach loose system or any system for that matter but i guarantee you those bubbles will definitely mess with that teeny weeny beach gold we're after so i just give my mat here all these little vortexes a little give us some slappings all them bubbles are gone and then we'll start feeding there we go piece of cake looks pretty good to me and luckily our material is right here let's grab one of them bad ponies throw it on there just like that i'm gonna throw two on there looks like we might be running just a little bit heavy to that one side there see all the water's coming off the end a little a little heavy that way that's no big deal we're in sand i'll just tip that a little bit like that push that down here and voila perfect all my cells look like they're pretty evened out we are in business i'm gonna throw one more on there see if there's any gold in this stuff that's my little indicator mat right there i'll let you guys watch that play out one time i'll see what it looks like everything's running real well well we're still here running away and we're showing up some pretty good looking gold a couple of nicer pieces in there for sure and there's gold in my little spinnerets down in here as you can see so oh my goodness look at that big old honker that's big piece right there they seem like a number three that one uh kablamo where'd it go oh geez right there that's a dandy all right but anyway now that i know i'm getting gold i was kind of scraping up out of there because that stuff really had good gold the last time and it and it stands true today that stuff's really good it's kind of lacking in this area here a little bit so what i did is i went up here and i dug a little bit of a trench there shoveled off some of that sand that slides down the hill and i noticed that there's a black sand deposit that runs right about i don't know four or five inches down from the surface of this of this uh top sand right here and it gets just a little bit thicker right there so what i want to do is test that stuff how am i gonna do that without having to pan and i can still run at the same time well i'll just take out take my finger here and i'll smack all these little all these little riffles in my in my indicator mat right here get rid of all that pesky gold all right now all that gold's gone minus maybe one or two little tiny pieces i'll take my little scoop right here and i'll test it right there that's a pretty good pile really good and black and juicy and just throwing i'll just throw that right on there and i'll be able to tell if there's gold in it or not because that capture mat it is a capture map but it's more of an indicator matte tool for me but it will capture the gold and tell me how much gold is in that scoop right there at least two or three pieces out of say 10 that might get caught down there works every darn time and i see one piece two piece right there for sure so there is gold in that stuff i might do a pan out of that just to see exactly how much and but until then i think we're just going to keep digging over there oh hey honey who's your favorite gold prospector on youtube let's talk about feed rates all right now feed rates on different sluices are going to be different for different sluices obviously this one here is pretty darn easy to figure out because i can see each and every one of these vortexes right here and as you can see they're really starting to fill up with gold and we haven't been doing this that long that's only about a quarter full right there so we are we're gonna do quite well today this thing is capturing gold like crazy so as far as my sluice feed rate goes well i'll show you grab a little pile of sand right here and throw it on there what you want the gold to do is to come in contact with the mat the vortexes are going to provide a low pressure area on that side of these little slot drop riffles right here and in these circular vortexes all right as long as you can see some of the mat right there you can put more material on this loose it's quite fast this stuff this map here processes material pretty quickly and as you can see they slow they start to clear out and as soon as i can see a little bit of green all the way across this baby i can throw another one on there because that gold has an opportunity to fall down and come in contact with that mat plus you don't want to have your mat oops boss you don't want to have your mat empty because if you just had solid gold in there guaranteed you're going to lose some of your gold or more of it than you would just having some material in there with your with your gold so we got this baby figured out and we can feed this pretty fast we're going to do quite well today right rig bone that's right and i know what else you're going to ask how often do i clean up excellent question well the answer to that question is fairly simple at least for this loose now this is more of a processor now as you can see the gold is sticking to the mat and it's not just doesn't move so theoretically i could run this thing all day long until those things fill up solid with gold as long as it keeps exchanging the black sand and the other heavy elements for the gold now like i said before if this thing just gets too full of gold well you're gonna lose a bunch of gold so there's probably a balance in there somewhere but i wouldn't think that i'm gonna find so much gold that i have to worry too darn much about it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to run as long as i possibly can without doing a cleanup just to see a really nice cleanup and p.s last time i was here i had my sleuth sitting right on that green pail just because i just it was more of a test uh situation for this loose and not now that i know it works excellent and that gold does not move at all i'm gonna run this baby as long as possible so before i had to clean out every time that got that got full now i'll just slide it out of there dump it throw it right back under there and keep running away yeah prospecting tip 3412. never be embarrassed today and you dig dinky that's right prospecting tip seven now just because you see gold in your sluice doesn't mean there's gold in there no wait that's exactly what it means i see gold in each and every one of these there's a whole bunch up in these that indicator mat all kinds of gold and all them round ones and these long slots now i've got two and a half gallons run right there and i just want to see what we're capturing let's take a look oh boy and if you're wondering why i'm still wearing these waders because the darn flies out here they bite hard and you can put bug spray on and it keeps them off but every time you go in the water the bug spray wears off and those babies bite you right through your socks too all right i'm gonna do that one live let me put that in three just to show you how much gold is in that two and a half gallons right there and right about there looks about right and i'm going to lose some of it because it's going to float away on me but there is oh my goodness that's a lot yeah that's going to be a nice pot oh my god look at that big piece right there i'm going to get this cleaned up look at the gold showing up on that i hope you guys can see all that right there is a monster big piece of gold for sure oh baby all right let me fan this stall back and get this sand out of there and we're going to have hundreds it looks like really nice cleanup back in a bit and kablammo look at that that is two and a half gallons right there that is absolutely amazing let me see if i can get down into that big one right there oh yeah look at that that one's way bigger than any other ones we couldn't be happier that is we're gonna do awesome today those girls are down there way way down there looking for cool rocks i hope they realize that each one they pick up must be carried back to the truck what a day i tell you we are going to absolutely crush it today i've been spending just a little bit of time doing some filming and i apologize if you could hear the wind because i can feel it slapping me in the head but uh it's a beautiful day out here so now we're just going to run run run because i want to put as much gold in that sluice is absolutely possible and like i said before i don't even know theoretically we might not even have to clean up uh let's let's put that to the test see if we can't fill that thing up with gold solid p.s we're back to moving rocks that's just got the best gold i've been testing this whole darn time you clear these rocks off of here and you get down to that black layer of sand right here underneath all this all this cobbles and yellow sand this stuff here is just full of gold so we're going to keep running that stuff i'm going to start a fresh got a little bit of gunk in there so we're going to start off with a whole new batch of fresh water well and then we're going to run and probably have a snack and i'm out here just about to grab me a fresh pail of water just looking at all the awesome rocks around here like that one pretty cool huh there's millions and billions and trillions of billions and millions of them i hope they're not filling two whole pails up hey mrs wizard what you got in your pouch [Laughter] oh there prospecting tip number 12. always be prepared right rigby it's snack time let's take a look at this here snack bag they brought we got some heart flavored or heart-shaped cheerios or something oh we got a couple pieces of string cheese or something and some jicama look that's right always prepared let's take a little look in my chair here that's right meat sticks all right one for the baby boy and one for big rig he needs that he's a hard working minor four big pieces that's right she's loaded up and he wants another snack hmm that's an interesting one that a little ladies moved over here out of the wind a little bit that tree's blocking the wind it's chilly out here wind's coming right off that big lake right there [Music] and i got my sweatshirt but i'm gonna do another cleanup here things are looking real good i think i got three or four pails run through this particular cleanup here and uh if you can see that i'll try to get in there those things are loaded with gold look at all the gold packed up in those little spinner s and i did notice that the gold back into one here goes all the way down there's a bunch all the way down to the bottom here and i've been feeding it in there mighty fast i'm sure i'm losing some out of my tailings but i guarantee you i'm capturing well above 80 85 for sure and i'll settle for that if i can run twice the material and get 85 and the end of the day we're gonna have more gold that's a guarantee now we're not leaving quite yet but before i forget i just wanted to show you exactly the deposit we're working here now you can see there's the beach right there all them cobbles and that goes down about a foot see that and then right here on the bottom there's this glare of gray her uh tan sand but it's really really dense you can't even hardly poke your finger through it and then right on top of that is this black sand right here now that's some of that's about half an inch thick or so but that's the stuff the gold is sitting right on top of that black sand right there mixed in with it right on top of this real dense layer i'm really putting some pressure on that and you can't even poke that stuff so that's why that gold deposit's sitting down inside of there all this stuff up here is really loose and dry and then it kind of creeps on down here and really starts to get compacted right there and we are absolutely pounding it back at her well we're getting out of here we ran a whole pile of pay dirt off the beach and it's getting a little chilly starting to rain a little bit but i know we have a whole big galaxy pile of gold so we're going to get the heck out of here go get something pick it up back at the shop [Music] four plates of big boy buffet table later and we're back oh yeah that was a long ride grab a little something out of fridge wonder that's right indeed we are back now one of these days the stars are going to align and i'm going to get to run 20 pails in a day something always happens but our day will come but today we've got three cleanups in this little snuffer jar here now i realized after running that system for a couple of times now that i could probably just do one clean out at the end of the day and have a third of this to bring home and just pan away but there's a little bit too much there for me to pan right now so i'm going to take the time to run it over my three three inch vdr cleanups loose that'll chew through that stuff no problem i already have this stuff classified down i did it at the beach with my kitchen type strainer device highly technical so let's get this thing up and running and see what we got all right now i got that sluice over here running away just letting it clean out a little bit and this is a little bit off the bottom of that pan i dumped all that snuffer jar in a pan so i could scoop it and i thought i'd pan this a little bit that was left in there out and look at the bottom of this here pan from that i don't know quarter or eighth of a teaspoon right there that's a lot of gold in there already holy smoker onis that's awesome all right i'll get that cleaned up off camera and we'll take a look at that let me grab this camera off this here holder and we'll go peek at it let me turn that down we can see it there we go we are doing really well now if i recall i only got i don't know six five gallon pails run just a hair more than we did last time i do believe um yeah i think we ran five five gallon pails last time but we're 90 of the day on the gold the best part of the beach that i could find and it's showing i can't wait to get that stuff in a pan take a look at it all right let's get this stuff into a pan turn my water on come on water there we are wonderful nice and clean and there we have it that is awesome right there look at some some of them bigger pieces in there we did really well i'm i'm convinced that where we're digging underneath all those cobbles is producing way more bigger pieces than i'm typically getting see if i can get that into a smile [Music] yeah kinda that's bouncing off my big fat belly but that's a nice pile of gold right there look at that ooh doggy and we'll take a little walk out here take a look at some of the rocks mrs wizard got today she's already got a good coat of shellac on them there's some pretty interesting rocks right here i know for sure there were a couple of agates in there this kind of sunset light is tough on the eyes here but they're all pretty special in their own little way and she brought a deep pretty decent pile of them back that one there is for sure an egg it look at that one heck yeah beautiful stuff really nice and where where are all these going well i'll show you every time we go there she brings a few more home for around our beach she puts a coat of shellac on them and puts them in her in her own special little spot right here right next to little mr frog but there's a lot of them that's a lot of work hauling all those rocks back from the beach let me tell you well i would say that's a win all day long i mean we landed on the same deposit we were on last time and we were checking around here and there but the the best gold again was underneath those cop cobbles down on top of that real hard pack layer 30 plus pieces and a scoop i would bet and we shoveled it all day long not as much as i'd like to i want to get down there and get 20 plus pails in a day but something always happens but we will get there that's for sure um that slouch system worked absolutely fantastic again i didn't even have to classify i'm not worried one bit about it at all i don't even have to clean that thing out until the end of the day as far as i'm concerned so we're going to be testing that soon enough so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our channel flower gold wizards oh
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 88,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, Ask Jeff Williams, 15 buckets
Id: K5K0EdepI2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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