Pure Gold Bar From My Bottle Of Catches

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So part fed smoker, part Walter white?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Spicelordactual 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

I told myself I wasn't going to watch the whole video. I'm 2 joints in at 30mins.

Edit: I skipped through a bunch in the middle, but man is the end result ever satisfying.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Federal_Efficiency51 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to my channel everyone three tips here and the day has finally come where i need to uh get some of this gold to pay some of my debts let's get a weight on this thing we got 585 grams and now what we're gonna do is pour this material out into this little sort tray that i have here these are all little catches and little pieces of odd nands that i've saved over the years as i go through the scrap and process it and get it ready for refining such this this has got all the steel springs and all non-gold material removed from it what i do is i save all the catches and all the little pieces and parts and put them in this bottle and save it for a rainy day and today is a rainy day let's see what we got on the empty bottle here that's 36 grams say so 585 minus 36 it's roughly what 550 grams of material that i have here and i want to save i guess most of the bigger pieces but these little ones they can go in here and uh i can process them i don't need a whole bunch of these little bitty catches like these little circles i've sorted through this material and now what we're going to do is we're going to keep all these pieces and this is the nice big pieces charms and other things that are more valuable in the form that they're in so i'm going to keep this i'm going to keep these these rings right here these are off chains and things that i've find in the past so we're going to refine this i've selected a whole bunch of catches i just had too many and uh so i've selected a whole bunch in here and what we'll do is we'll refine these and these these are all pieces that had diamonds in them and so i'll save these they have a little bit of extra value because they have diamonds so i'll save these this is the 14k scrap that i've accumulated this is the 10k scrap that i've accumulated each of these uh gold catches has a steel spring in it so what we're going to do is going to add a few to this melt dish here before we go all in i'm going to take this out and melt it up and see if we can get the gold melted and the springs separated from the gold so so here you can see a few of the steel springs still clean to the uh button of gold my goal here was try to heat the gold up melt it and have it reject the steel springs and it kind of did that most of the springs are in the melt dish out there and it's either this or i sit here and one by one cut these open and pull all the springs out of each one of these pieces individually that would take a couple hours i've never done these before i have had batches where some steel springs got into them and it wasn't a problem but i'm gonna make a command decision here and what we'll do is put all these springs in one milk dish and then go out there and try to melt it up like we just did flux it real good with some borax someone asked in a comment about borax and what it does for us in these melt dishes and so we should be able to uh demonstrate that as well in this video so now i've got all the catches in a single melt dish and what we'll do is we'll take these out now and do what we just did with that sample batch and try to melt it up we don't want to use the acetylene torch that will melt the steel springs we're just going to use the map gas torch and those steel springs will stay solid and then flux it real good with some borax and hopefully we'll get the gold separated from the springs [Applause] so [Applause] so this worked out fairly well here is our recovered gold with most of the springs separated oh there's probably going to still be a few in there but we'll call this 12k gold because uh it was a mixture of 14 and 10k so we're just gonna call this 12k all right looks like we've got 111 grams of 112 grams of 12k gold here i'm gonna add this uh these pieces that we just recovered to this little bin here it's 112.1 i've got 10k and 14k for this batch this material here these are the bigger catches and the nicer pieces that have more value other than just their gold content so i'm going to keep all this i'm going to put it back in the jar and keep all this as my savings account i'm going to use this larger melt dish here because we got a big charge of metal this time see where the scale we're going to add the 14k scraps of carrot gold to this milk dish and now we'll record the weight 89.4 14k 89.4 zero the scale and then we're going to add the 10k scraps that we have here and that's gonna be 55.6 10k 55.6 we're gonna add the 12k material that we just recovered zero the scale looks like we've got 112.1 of 12k i'm going to take this out put it on the melt table and we'll start melting the gold right now let's go this is the melt dish that's got all our steel springs in it set that off to the side and now what we'll do is we'll start melting the uh gold here and get it ready to encort with silver here are my calculations for the 14k is 89.4 multiplied by a constant of 1.265 i need 113 grams of sterling silver to properly import that amount of 14k 10k i've got 55.6 multiply that by a constant 0.635 tells me i need 35.3 grams of sterling for the 12k there's 112.1 i just divide that by two because it's going to be 50 percent gold that's 56 multiply that by three so i get an alloy that's three parts silver one part gold i need 168 grams of sterling add that all up i need 316 grams of sterling silver to properly import this gold and if you look over here i've pre weighed the sterling that i want to import the gold with these are all sterling silver pieces flatware and i've got 320.4 grams so so so i know there are people asking why did i add silver to the gold and the answer is it reduces the gold concentration down to around 25 percent and then the nitric acid boils can penetrate to the core of each of these pieces of carrot of imported gold if we don't import the gold with silver or copper then it wouldn't do nothing when i added the nitric acid to it it would just sit there unaffected because nitric acid cannot penetrate into the high carat gold 10k and above it just sit there so we got to reduce the amount of gold in there and then the nitric acid boils that we're doing right now we'll be able to penetrate to the core of each piece remove all the silver and base metals that was already in the carrot gold plus any silver that we just added these nitric boils will get that out as well put it up on the heat this was nitric boil number one and now what i'm going to do now is pour off the liquid into this jar it's full of silver the silver in this jar will consume any of the excess nitric that comes over when i pour this liquid off this liquid will be full of silver and base metals i'm just going to pour it off and add it to my silver jar here and then what we'll do so i'm going to add some more distilled water to the jar or to the imported gold back up on the heat i'm adding some more nitric acid and we'll do nitric acid boil number two on this imported gold i had the beaker turn the other way when i mark this this will be nitric acid boil number two um so before i pour off this third nitric boil into my silver jar i want to show you what i do with this liquid over here is another silver jar it's full of silver pieces and what i've done is poured it through this filter and i've got a filtered silver nitrate solution down here and then when i get enough of this i store it in one of these old nitric acid bottles and when i'm ready to process it what i do is i put it in a big big beaker like this one right here and there's copper in here this is all cement silver that's been cemented out on this piece of copper let me see if i can get it up there it is it's a piece of copper in there and the silver comes out of the solution on that piece of copper and then i take this and rinse it off real good until all the blue copper nitrates rinsed off of it and recover the silver from these silver jars let's get this third nitric boil out of here now i'm just gonna pour this right into this silver jar see the gold's turning a nice brown color now add a little bit more distilled water now we're going to add some more nitric acid and do our fourth nitric acid boil number four reaction is producing zero fumes now the gold looks nice and brown and that's an indication we're getting close to being done with our nitric acid boils here's a look at the gold what i'm going to do is i'm going to pour it down now into my second silver jar you're going to see a fairly decent reaction because it's a hot nitric acid hitting the silver it's going to immediately produce uh nitrogen dioxide and rinse this out real good try to get as much of the blue liquid off there as we can this should be very close to uh the last nitric boil oh this is looking real good here's our gold it's looking spectacular i'm gonna rinse a little bit more with some distilled water if you look at that solution it's clear now colorless i'm gonna add some water we're gonna go back up on the heat we can tell by the clarity and colorless liquid that's sitting on that gold that were fairly close to being complete with these nitric acid boils foreign this sixth and final nitric boil is complete tell by the color and clarity of the solution here all of the silver and all the base metals have been completely removed from this now gonna rinse this out and add the rinses to our silver jar now we're going to add distilled water to our beaker and boil the gold in distilled water it's been on boiling now for about a half an hour or so i guess pour the boiling water off of our gold put a quick rinse and this is what our gold looks like now that we've got it all cleaned up all the silver and base metals have been removed and this is ready for refining with aqua regia i'm gonna measure out about 40 milliliters of nitric acid i've got four troy ounces of gold here so that's a little over but that'll work now i'll add some hydrochloric acid about half a liter i'm going to add in the that's more close to 50 milliliters of nitric acid pour it right in i'm going to cover this up now i'm going to set it up on the heat and let it dissolve here you can see we've got a little bit of gold left in solution uh before we go any further what i want to do here is add some sulfuric acid to precipitate out any lead that might be present i'm going to have to add some more nitric acid to get the rest of this gold to precipitate all right to dissolve rather let's get a shot underneath the beaker so we can see how much we've got left in in there that needs to go into solution not much there's not a whole lot of gold that needs to go into solution here but this solution is really hot so i'm gonna have to add this very slowly drop by drop you'll see it's gonna react rather vigorously everything's going into solution now it took about another eight milliliters of nitric acid some extra heat and a little patience and we've got everything dissolved now pull it down let it cool off our solution has been allowed to cool for about 15 or 20 minutes now we're going to add some ice to cool it further dilute the solution and precipitate out any silver chloride that may be present here's a look down at the bottom of the beaker a few stones maybe some diamonds that was in that alloy of metal that we dissolved here uh is our solution and what we're gonna do looks a little bit cloudy so i'm gonna put this back through the same filter a second time don't look too bad for the first pass through the filter now let's see if we can get to clear up a little bit with a second pass through the same filter what happens is the filter gets clogged up with particulate the pores get smaller and then it's able to filter out even smaller particles that remain in our solution that second pass through the filter clean the solution up nicely here's what we got left in the filter now what we'll do is transfer our solution to a big beaker and get ready to precipitate here we go with the precipitation i always add ice if i have two or more ounces see how the solution cleared up nicely with that second pass through the filter i'm adding stump out which is sodium metabisulfite and we're going to use this now to precipitate out our pure gold here we go so this is about four troy ounces so it's going to take quite a bit of smb to get everything to precipitate i'm looking for a head of white foam on top of our liquid that will tell me that everything has come out of solution it's getting there i can tell by the color change in there now it's getting there there we go there's our white phone see it had a white phone that means all the gold has precipitated we're done we're going to take this now and put it up on the heat and give it a boil give this a quick stir you can tell already that gold is looking spectacular i'm gonna pour the waste solution off now into my waste container over here there's gold down here i added too much aqua regia and precipitated out a whole bunch of gold in my waste container this might cause that gold to precipitate by adding this waste solution in there there it goes look at that rinse with a little water and i can tell this is high purity already with just a single refining rinsing it a couple more times with some distilled water make sure get all the excess smb off there here's our pure gold and give it a quick rinse with some hydrochloric acid and add that right on into the uh waste container i'm adding about a half a liter of hydrochloric acid now i'm pouring in about 50 milliliters of nitric covered up set it up here on the heat and let it dissolve a second time here we go for the person who asked about borax and why and how we use it in our refining processes here i'm uh glazing a brand new melt dish with tiny pinches of borax i heat it up to redness and then put small pinches of borax on there and it coats the inside of the milk dish and what this will do this is important it has to be done this will prevent the gold from sticking to the inside of the mouth dish here's what a properly glazed melt dish should look like i'm gonna add a little bit of sulfuric acid to precipitate out any lead that may have made it this far into the process i think we still got gold down in the bottom of our beaker yeah a lot of it so i'm going to have to add some more nitric acid try to get the rest of this gold to dissolve solution's hot so i got to be careful adding this just like before that took about a half hour everything has gone into solution uh the solution looks crystal clear and beautiful just gonna pull it down now and let it cool off a little bit i've added some ice to cool our solution down and by the way the uh ice cubes were made from distilled water so now we're gonna pour it through this filter you can see how crystal clear our solution is at this point filtering is just a formality let's get set up for precipitation here's our funnel and our filter it looks clean as a whistle now what we'll do is uh pour our solution into this clean beaker it's got some ice in it here we go with the second precipitation i'm adding sodium metabisulfite again if i had a bunch of junk in here i'd probably use a different precipitant for the second refining but this stuff was fairly clean so i'm confident that two refinings with smb is going to be just fine here let me stir this up oh yeah we got a nice coating of gold down there on the bottom get a little on a piece of filter paper do a status test make sure we've got everything out of solution let me add another spoon just for good measure here there's our white foam so we know we've got everything precipitated now we'll set this up on the heat and get it to settle out and then go from there here's our twice refined pure gold now what we're gonna do is we're gonna get it out of that waste solution and recover the pure gold powder just gonna pour this off into here all right i'm running out of room in my uh waste container this was a fairly large amount of gold about four tray ounces in here i'm gonna rinse this over and over with some water and then with some hydrochloric acid then we're gonna get it into a drying dish and dry it off this is the hydrochloric acid boil i'm gonna pour this off now came out looking real good pour the hydrochloric acid off into my waste container now let's get our gold in this uh casserole see if we can get it dried off so so [Applause] oh here it is this one is a beauty high purity i can tell that this one was going to come out very nice no traces of contamination let's see what we got here i was expecting 131. i got 133.8 a little bit more than i was expecting which is okay four point three tray ounces very nice look at that thing man i just can't take my eyes off it's absolutely beautiful uh let's weigh this uh bottle here i had 585 when we started i got 403 so we took roughly about 180 grams of material out of my savings account to contribute to this bar this bar has to be sold i would debt and so i wish i could keep it but i owe a debt and now that thing has to be paid off all right this will conclude the video thank you for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 1,801,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 87qPnlYUXz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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