Freddy Mines a LIFE CHANGING Gold Haul! | Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue

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[Applause] i just want to look at the bedrock and stuff in here we think derek's probably losing a lot of fine gold the way he's set up right now over in the cut detective dodge investigates whether derek's strategy of catching only coarse gold needs a rethink you can see these gravels here and then this is decomposed bedrock that gold will sink over time when the gravels are moving with water gold always wants to find its way back to the center of the earth it thinks that's its home we'll take a pan of this and see what we see so right now we're trying to make that gold do what it's done on bedrock over here hopefully and that's sink to the bottom of this pan we use that to our advantage though because that's how we catch it in sluice boxes and other equipment we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine colors ten we've got ten colors in the pen some of them are so small that they're hard to see so this shows me that going after that fine gold could possibly help him quite a bit in the future you know you look at this pan you say oh well you know there's two cents worth of gold in it but like the old saying goes you take care of the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves [Music] how's it going guys hey freddie just in time we're getting ready to weigh it up nice little cleanup yeah nice chunky stuff in there right now sarah three quarters of an ounce i think a little over that yeah you know where up let's see what's there let's see what it is no you guys go for it to repay his loans cover his running costs and provide a down payment on a home for his family derek has a 500 ounce season goal there to hit this target this four-hour test run has to produce at least two ounces of gold ready yup it is pretty gold it is 1.40 there's a lot of fine gold in there freddie yeah there is wow but if we caught that that probably means there's more in there oh i agree you know that was for a four-hour run right absolutely let's go talk about and see what we can figure out well we'll see you later man okay thanks so much oh you're welcome you're welcome appreciate it if what they do helps me increase some percentages on the gold capture and get a house this fall makes the world of difference for my family what do you think we both know his biggest issue is he's got all that material yeah exactly he's got boulders going through this loose box but there's really nothing we can do to fix that not on that d rocker deck you know we don't have enough time here we might as well just forget about that what i think is uh build an additional length of sluice on there yeah and put some kind of punch plate over the top of it so there's an undercurrent box there okay huh so i i don't quite understand how does that work right so you cut a punch plate out right got our riffles underneath right and then that punch plates just over the top of those riffles by let's say an inch okay so solder that's three inches in there let's just to make sure i'm getting you right so you're talking about having our riffles underneath like that right yep our rifles are there carpets our material's dumping in here yep so our riffles yep and then we take this punch plate and we put it in right here over the top so it only lets small material through let's say 3 8 minus okay i like it i've never done this before that's kind of a cool idea the riffles in derek's sluice box create a vortex which forces gold into the mats but large rocks disrupt the flow causing gold to wash out over the end of the sloops freddie's plan is to fit a new sluice box with punch plates to separate rocks from smaller material allowing fine gold to settle in the carpets and riffles underneath hey derek how we doing doing all right good good well what we're thinking is uh adding about eight to nine feet of box on the end of here okay the box is gonna be a little different so it's gonna be a sluice box that is added to this but basically what we're doing is we're going to have a screen on top of it a punch plate so that smaller material falls through and has a chance it gets loose properly okay for that fine gold yes oh man getting those big rocks yeah lemonade is going to be so huge what we were thinking about here with your hungarians yeah we'll take yours and pull them out and make a little longer section okay but different than those right okay people have different spacing interesting right there you have no change it's the same okay so and they're actually too tight that's why they're locking up like that okay so sure you see gold on top that looks all nice when you're done but it can't go through it awesome how can i help and we're not a hundred percent certain how well this is going to work with that punch plate on it right we're in uncharted territory here okay but uh it's just the thought we had and i say nothing ventured nothing gained that's right yes but we just don't have the time you know how many weeks it's going to take to rebuild your d rocker yeah yes well i've never heard of an under sluice before really so i mean we'll either uh be heroes or zeros on this yeah all you see is tail lights it didn't work all right sealy gotta go gotta go our job here is done we're done they've said it it may or may not work up in my bone yard up there is about six different versions of sluice runs that i've tried and made and they haven't worked so their reservations are valid and there's only one way to find out build it and try it [Music] well i'll follow you up huh sounds good to hit derek's target of 500 ounces they need to see no less than a 30 increase on the first test yeah i'm nervous and excited uh let's see what we get oh now i'm nervous okay [Laughter] okay let's just flop her in there freddy pens the material from the underflow sluice first to see if his punch plates worked moment of truth guys but look you don't see any big rocks in here anything in this is something that i would have not caught so we'll see if i'm due for a humbling lesson or not oh look at that the proof is in the pan there's some powder in there yeah it caught it incredible [Music] a little closer to maybe hitting my goal it's definitely catching gold we're back well guys it's dried up moment of truth huh it's the gold moment of truth wow [Music] well that's the gold from that new bottom sluice 0.17 [Music] so five and a half grams five and a half that's 12 ounces so that's material that would have never been snoozed would have been completely lost it's 300 bucks right there yep four hour run 300 bucks wow thank you guys [Music] freddie and juan's punch plate solution has added 750 dollars per 10-hour day to derrick's gold total this one fix could deliver an extra 75 000 across the season it's pretty dang good it's a game changer yeah but to make enough to become commercially viable and provide for his family derek needs to mine 500 ounces a season well now for the rest of the gold what did we do last time in four hours 1.4 1.4 ounces to hit that target this gold way needs to deliver a minimum of two ounces okay we'll just weigh it up [Music] that looks good that's 2.36 i'm happy with that wow that's an extra ounce nice i'm just absolutely blown away right now stupid little changes huh yeah wow not stupid talented that's almost a 70 percent increase delivering an extra two and a half ounces a day worth more than four thousand dollars this is literally a life-changing moment over the course of this season derek should get close to 1 million more than enough to return his initial investment buy a house for his family and expand up the creek next year [Music] you
Channel: Discovery
Views: 1,665,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, gold rush, mining, gold, gold shows, gold rush freddy dodge, freddy dodge, mine rescue, gold rush mine rescue, gold rush season 12, parker schnabel, gold rush parker, discovery shows, discovery plus, discovery+, gold rush freddy, fredy dodge, freddy dodges mine rescue, gold rush new season
Id: bLzPGdmccT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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