Helldivers 2 Is WAY Better Than It Should Be

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what's up everybody this is Jonathan hell diver here and today I tell you by the wings of democracy hell divers 2 is the most addicted I've been to a video game since Elden ring that should give you an idea of how good it is trust me when I say that the hype for hell divers to you're seeing online is not overrated or exaggerated this game might might even be a masterpiece in my book we'll see although it's actually somewhat unhealthy for me to be playing it as much as I have been because it's getting in the way of my work ethic just like Elden ring did if you don't know or haven't played it for some reason hell divers 2 is a co-op PVE game where you fight armies of robots and swarms of bugs very simple premise kind of based on uh Starship Troopers which is one of my favorite movies of all time I always seem to gravitate towards these four player co-op games left for dead Deep Rock Galactic Vermin tide dark tide so this is right up my alley and if you enjoy those kinds of games too I'd recommend checking it out and because it's four player co-op and there's also Friendly Fire you can get into quite a few Shenanigans holy [ __ ] thanks holy [ __ ] democracy waits for no one so if you're not sold on Hell divers 2 yet maybe after this video you will be I plan on doing a full review video very soon stay tuned for that but for now let's just sit back and enjoy this Gem of a game join the hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force Yep this is this is Halo ODST and Starship Troopers 1 million per. [ __ ] yes how about a nice cup of Liberty already you've Advanced the cause of democracy farther than any soldier I've ever seen holy [ __ ] this game is so awesome oh my God already instant classic already I'm not I haven't even beat the tutorial man protector of patriotism princess of patriotism Forerunner of patriotism the fist of patriotism that's the one dab me up welcome to the front lines well dab me up bro damn up bro welcome to the front lines hey hman yeah welcome to the front lines oh my oh my God Walk get to the front lines okay run run run run run run why hell bomb okay we good yeah wow damn dab me up for that one bro I will dab you up for that one [ __ ] yeah oh my God what the [ __ ] I just got killed by the wall did you know tips are shown during these transition sequences he learn something new every day coming in way far away I'm going to land on I'm landing on I'm landing on I landed on him first wow team effort I got the B Titan I got it got the bug manim got the got the bug Sam Sam got the bug Sam got the bug man I'm stuck though I'm stuck I'm stuck under it oh God can't get out get on there get on there Scott leave me I died a hero actman got the bug I'm hit sweet Liberty the blood gang gang gang gang gang gang gang say that again say that again gang gang gang gang oh my God he's [ __ ] put here brother yeah boy yeah boy Yeah Boy ice cream so good I'm going to shoot you as soon as you get you yes yes yes yes yes yes gang gang gang gang gang gang can I help you throw in gang gang thank you yep g g get in here quick what I was in the [ __ ] drop ship what it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter why did you land oh my what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that why did you wow I suppose I suppose it's karma just stay back stay back and uh just let that guy stay back and let Liberty Take the Wheel yeah that is what happens when Liberty takes the wheel that is what happens don't forget to take breaks that is it is if he want be remembered as a coward that's amazing that's amazing for super earth when you're up against the Bots remember the three C's cover courage and more cover bro that's a [ __ ] dodgeball that has to be a dodgeball reference just remember the 5 ds of dodgeball Dodge duck dip dive and Dodge I do feel like in the oh my god oh that is a big that is a big laser oh my God he's looking at me oh that's one of the oh that's one of them big cannons okay okay W my God I am too good there's also a tank there just so you guys know oh I I don't know how to [ __ ] oh oh my God I timed you can time it you can time the the Dodge oh yes yes nice you're welcome thank god oh yeah that's an AA turret voice you what the [ __ ] just happen you just knocked me on my ass with your [ __ ] guys get to cover get to cover i p I think it's an a turet though so I don't think it'll oh no no it's aiming at us yep no NOP nope NOP no that is that is an anti- hell diver turret oh my God I was killed by a mine so those are mines okay got it all right now we can watch it soar and explode just keep an eye on where it I'm so hyped I'm so ready for this hell yeah you are Captain Freedom marches onward look wait wait it's going to go off wait for it whoa no what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] we just what we just launched a oh my God this game isn't real oh that yeah that's a tank right there too oh yeah that's a tank that's a tank what are you serious tank right [ __ ] here I have an anti material rifle does that doing anything sniper oh yeah that's [ __ ] bug tunnel breach throwing grenad oh waa the Chargers just charged into each other did you see that [ __ ] supp nice wow you [ __ ] launched that guy bro oh but he's still alive no no he's dead way he's dead okay he he just kept moving his last bit of alive that was insane oh you got to run so oh no oh no o oh baby wow I'm unstoppable I was trying to oh that's a how did that not kill me how in God's name am I still alive there's [ __ ] two of them bro three of there's three of them yo check out those volcanoes oh [ __ ] it's a randomize wait where the volcano oh yeah oh very nice bro this Sky Box looks so good you ask me I don't think the automatons are self-aware I think someone built them and programmed them to hate Freedom some new kind of alien maybe did you hear that Carl yeah [ __ ] I have no no ST I can't I can't Sprint come on I'm literally getting [ __ ] beaten to death by all of these goddamn oh my God my leg was crippled oh [ __ ] come on Minnie come on Minnie oh my God you're so close yes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I [ __ ] look at that nonsense down there that was ridiculous whiskey Outpost played at to a point I can't see [ __ ] bro oh my God what is what just launched me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] they're everywhere the wind is [ __ ] what is happening what is That Yo they got chainsaws they're coming for me okay I'm running I'm running calling you in you're going to die you are so dead nah you underestimate my freedom all right over orbital strike get back get back back oh God get out of there get back get back back that's where they're going look at that beautiful beautiful strike they're shooting from every angle oh my God us yeah this is crazy uh they're spotting in behind us they have shields they have shields now what this is so [ __ ] intense oh my God oh my [ __ ] god did you see all those guys holy [ __ ] did you see them all running in unon yes yes what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] game everyone get down get down that should work that should work oh yep clear the area why are there so my God run run run run run run run found it get back get back I'm trying to save you I got you bro I got you how' you like the taste of freedom yo these bot planets this is hell this is Hell press and they come and run out we need to rescue 30 of them yes what that's why I'm saying you got to [ __ ] protect them with [ __ ] might stemmed dead [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] he got me to protect them oh my god dude do they go away go away go away way enemies all over it that's grenade yo I can't I am dealing with a 100 guys right now I they're are they're everywhere I have no ammo there's no way you can do this we lucky that we even got more reinforcement what the [ __ ] Beacon resupply reques get some get some [ __ ] man I killed myself where do we extract I don't know that's the neeat part you don't please we can't fail where's the ship at ship I'm regroup on me holy [ __ ] regroup on me y right there go where kelki is go where Keli is oh [ __ ] no they're everywhere you don't to go there please 15 seconds on please 10 seconds 5 4 3 oh [ __ ] two one please get out on that [ __ ] come on one Landing ining Jesus [ __ ] no de oh my God I had nothing dude pointless sacrifice we failed democracy no I think bro look at our kills what the [ __ ] a demra day to oh my how are you supposed to survive that bro we also did like barely any friendly fire Dam I used 17 Health 17 Health packs oh my go if I had ammo in that very last part I probably could have survived I don't know man I don't know man so thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did and subscribe to Jonathan hell diver for more awesome content all right everyone that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 681,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: act man, actman, helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, act man helldivers, helldivers 2 act man, helldivers 2 funny, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 is, the act man, starship troopers, helldivers starship troopers, helldivers 2 propaganda, funny moments helldivers 2
Id: -dWMxLxhnSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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