HR Lady Answers Your Job Questions - LIVE | #grindreel

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and I will allso I will we have to share the mic okay I don't have an audio interface everyone says get her a dedicated mic I gotta wait till ikea opens to get a new desk to fit all this stuff one day whenever it opens again after the day you know you get what I'm saying yeah you think it'd be reopened because everything else is reopened in Utah pretty much beds who's this oh good yeah we're here no let's let me get the notification yeah what's up Armando how's it going dude Sims as I love you Josh dude I love you too man Nick what's up I'm good just got back in the gym working out open but our kid is not talking louder Liam hi how's it going I think I uploaded the video that they wanted me to take down on [ __ ] shooting so finally she's here I'm always here I'm just in the basement yeah that's where that's where she stays locked up that's the dynamic house my dad he texted me and said did you just forget ability I don't know typical my dad that's it looks great what are you talking about someone said some but my hair all that matters is what I think of it sir looks good well then there's what I didn't get my hair and the fact I still have it is enough for me yeah wait dude fix your hair wait I like looking like an anime character yeah like Darren who what's up what's the deal with airline food I don't know I don't have any problems the airline food yo cringe was good hold on I put it on [ __ ] shoot I can link it to you guys if y'all want to watch the OG version mmm profile there we go here's your video boys there you go how's it going have a good one bro hey you too man thanks for being here yeah all right so we got the first actual question tips on yeah what was it where'd it go tips on how to convince the hiring managers that you're worth the company what do you say I mean you're just gonna sell yourself what does that mean like you present your soft skills in person don't put those on a resume and you just go in and be yourself talk to them what the heck it says 404 but I'm looking at it on the screen how I shared good news the gym is opened also it's snowed last night I don't know if that's good news or not really is it page not found this is like private all right Lee I love the international corporate cringe it was good it was right yeah guy had his panties in a wad say that you're gonna go it was like he had no imagine living in a country where it's illegal to hurt someone's feelings like what a joke imagine being an adult yes I feel bad I feel bad if that's like an actual thing that you like have to worry about like someone's feelings or you can get sued for defamation like anybody's feelings can you heard about anything what's an HR lady I don't know I do HR now I'm a consultant for HR don't have to do any of the sad stuff I don't cry myself to sleep as I'd to fire people for a week that's nice you think HR likes firing people but they don't that's not the whole thing I mean some of unmarried grumpy and mean old ladies I guess but I don't that was awful my my least favorite days upload the international corporate cringe again we'll see we'll see what are you gonna marry HR lady getting married she said no that's my boyfriend and that's how it'll stay baby look you can have opinions we got plenty of those we've got opinions and spades I think no dude I'm looking at it everyone says that like it's giving a 404 but looks look I'll show you I'm literally uploaded right now see like I don't know why it's giving a 404 if someone says you're pretty sensitive Josh you have bum hair dummy hey it looks good you can hit all you want but I like it what else matters does Josh snore at night no he doesn't but he does fall asleep watching twitch a lot that's my thing yeah it gives it 404 my thing is listening to Matthew McConaughey I'm calm so 404 check privacy settings all right what are your thoughts on C++ I don't have I don't think about C++ it's not it's not on my list of things clear cache know we all got 404 like all right settings show video oh it's hidden show this video app all right oh no all right here you go now it's working try it again what'd you do to boomer it nah it was like it was hidden I don't know why I was hidden Oh nah [ __ ] work now show video delete yeah there we go you're good to go save hey see are you asking what movies where HR departments are depicted truthfully or horribly up in the air is a really good one I'm a consultant now and that hits me real hard real right here so that's a really good one I'd watch that that's about firing people too and like the truth about it just how it's like her what are you hey Siri now she's gonna keep talking okay please reupload the video look bro if you want to watch the OG video there's your link someone uploaded it hey Josh welcome back HRG what's up is there a reason why you hide your ears what are you talking about here's mine oh that's a weird question bro hmm hey Josh Bob salary my country's 200 bucks a month what should I expect for a junior dev a minimum salary probably 200 bucks a month they're gonna give you the minimum tips for an undergraduate yeah you need projects and a portfolio because no one's gonna do those things until they graduate and realize oh the company wants to see projects greetings from lone and random random random thanks for meeting Mike office space tells HR as it is potato chip you're a comma in the last video it's totally is Toby from the Office of realistic depiction I mean yeah why are you wait why am i live life happily let's see what kind of positions just a recent see as grad applied to anything that says software in it in it eight years experience ten years in science 30 years experience required apply to all of them apply to everything that looks cool you never know what they're looking for but you never know what they're gonna say okay why not where do I want to go to all the places I think it'd be cool to like hmm welcome see like the bottom of like South America will be cool Josh when you're getting a haircut um they're not really open here no I can try that it'd be fun why don't we do that on the stream how you feel answering the same question over and over it's it's it's fine because like a lot of people are new to this dream so I don't think it's fair to be like excuse me I already have an FAQ please go look at the FE yes whatever it's it's the hundredth time to me but the first time for them and I think I can do that how our counteroffers handled internally as we that's honestly what it's like to be a chart so we do all day every day is answer the same question over and over enough what one Howard counteroffers eyelid internally um like if you'll get it if you want to counter before you quit that's I mean you can try that for sure if they like you enough they're gonna go for it and try to bring it to HR or their next level manager to push for more money if they want to keep you but I mean honestly it's they're not usually gonna come up and match what you're being offered somewhere else you're gonna have to go get another job if you want to raise get another job and so I tell everybody it's I tell my family my friends myself always be open they might try but if they don't try for you and say no we're not gonna match it then there's your clue have you heard from your ex-wife nah bruh no I never I've never heard from her like why would I even if she tried to reach out I would just hit that block button when are you gonna start dating we already made yeah it's my boyfriend what are you talking some but they knew I'm saying it look like chucky cheese yeah bro the office doesn't actually they've repainted it Oh bro there's a whole bunch of videos on their channel cuz they obviously got mad right and so they disabled comments on most of their videos and they disabled the dislike in like ratio and but there's but there's a couple on there where it goes go go look at flippers YouTube channel where it says what flew per employees think of the CEO and it's so creepy dude it's so creepy they're like they're like he is smart and handsome and it's like what why would guess push-ups hey other Joshua that video you're talking about that's a lot of this information that I gave Josh to for it so that's pretty much my same if they try to ask you about your family life your weekend life or anything like that all right I wasn't answering you answer questions I'll do push-ups all right this is good I watch you already this but yeah don't answer any questions that's gonna tell them about what you do in your personal life or your personal time it's like always be positive when you answer things but yeah you could just tell them you like to practice code or something don't tell them yeah I take my kids to school and pick them up and cuz then they're gonna think that you're doing that all the time and don't really have time for work work which sucks but there you go you got to play the game well make sure you keep doing all of them good all right Marketing engineer engineering marketing manager that would be interesting but I it all depends on the company like these aren't things that are just jobs that you can apply to every company comes up with their own job title like my current job tells me that hey you can pick whatever your title you want so technically I could be like queen of the world on my business card I'm just not an idiot so I don't but I would if I could get away with it so really it's just it's whatever they're calling it it might be something like that but it might not be every job is gonna be different you might call it an engineer they might call it a specialist you don't know well maybe you consider working for a company probably nothing like I don't want to work for someone I want to work with someone yeah like if I was going to work like I wouldn't I would rather just work for free and then take the money because as soon as you take the money like the dynamic changes right now they can kind of tell you what to do and they have that leverage so I don't know I'd rather just do it for free except for my job it doesn't really do 100 more I would never go back that's not how that works I like funny cool I do away Tim more their name is Karen Oh someone asked how many um Josh is six - how many yeah how many people from India watch my channel I really know not sure can we see the dog go in the back do 100 more I agree no being creeped oh thanks for the Tim by the way I forgot to say thank you for those thank you vision I'll do him more what our company is doing right I'm a fan of wellness programs not the kind that forced you to do yoga in front of everybody but the ones who are like hey we're gonna pay for you to have a gym membership or we'll pay for you to get an Apple watch or something like that I think those programs are cool no I don't like banks not on my face is not designed for being I don't think that would be ideal I probably was big enough for head for it but is this not your favorite view this is why we work out together can we review a job posting maybe later at sunset Joshua listen your dream of becoming a little [ __ ] if I get bangs he'd be out but if he grew his hair long that's my job is to have long hair I'd be out so but everybody will be like girl power have standards josh says no bangs then people are like why bro what No why do companies ask equal-opportunity questions such as sexual orientation gender identity what information what does this have to do with the job it doesn't usually yeah you you don't have to answer any of those questions those are optional for sure if there's a read a strict or something like that on your application that's gonna stay within HR anyways it has nothing to do with anything other than your benefits benefits are the only things that are decided by that also if you want to confirm or deny one way or another we report on candidates that we're hiring its same reason why we have to report to the government for different nationalities that we hire how many age group we have or we have hired at the moment and gender things like that the government makes us report on those things and a lot of it has to do with your benefits so otherwise you don't have to say it's just like if you're in the military it asks you where are you a veteran you don't have to say if you're a veteran if you have a disability we ask you but you don't have to say it you can deny anything all you want it might come in handy for you later to tell us you have a disability so we can like apply for something for you like do you need a footrest for like economic reasons because you're four foot tall that yeah well order you something but otherwise you don't say anything about it I missed some job like no no I just sent you a text all right there's a whole bunch of texts looking at him just height matter when you apply for a job no can you do that now are you happy hold on there's a couple of persons for me so what say I didn't know Josh had a body and I don't actually have legs someone said would you ever do a live debate with a pro-corporate person yeah I mean they get crushed but yeah sure that'd be that'd be I mean you just go ahead press f to pay respects for that person right now it'd be no contest hey Sergei all you have to do is ask the question you don't have to donate yeah you got Dhoni you're out a new hire quit because they got a better job offer oh for sure I do yeah I did that same day I started my first job no and that's advice that gives like my friends one of my girlfriends asked me about that recently she's like do I take this job or do I keep looking and like no take the job keep looking and if you get offered more money which I'm sure you will say never mind to the other one but that way you have the backup and you have something just in case it doesn't line up yeah that happens all the time no harm no foul be nice about it those maybe you ever need to go back to them in the future but otherwise yeah whatever all right that's a good question go for that one okay remember that read it out loud so they know which one you're doing which one that one okay some jobs because I'm in the National Guard when they ask me about how often I work for them how do i word it so they don't skip past me for someone that can always be there you can't be discriminated against because of that and we are legally required to give you that time off so that's not going to be an issue for you it may be something else but they're going to skip past you for but honestly you don't also you don't have to mention it until after you're hired so you can say it if you want to but you don't have to mention it until later Martin thanks for 5 you don't have to do that May I appreciate that wait that was a good question it was something like how web point does HR learn your age yeah if they legally can't ask you yeah we can ask you don't have to tell us though we learn your age when it's based on your background check or your which you consent to or your benefits enrollment otherwise like but that stays within HR we're not allowed to tell your manager we're not allowed to tell anybody your age if they want to do things like sometimes we'll get emails from managers that are like we want to wish them a happy birthday when's their birthday so we can order a cake or whatever we can tell them the day of your birth we can't tell them anything else and honestly we can't even tell them the day of your birth unless you consent to us telling them that so that's you can keep that to yourself all you want thanks for the support a fiver for freelance no you have to okay well hmm fiber so the thing with fiber is that it costs money and they can take your tips and now like whatever like I get the platform they take a percentage of your money when you complete a job but I'm not okay with people taking your tips like tips are yours you're already getting your money don't take my tips it's I don't know that's my that's my main issue with fibers that they can take your tips and they do they take a percentage of your tips and if you want to go get tipped outside the platform they will sue you so or they can sue you I guess so like I don't know and the promise you have to drive traffic to you so it's like twitch you're gonna be on page 45 or whatever you're freelancing in why should people pick you people are gonna go to the people with the most reviews and five stars that are already at the top again you're gonna have to it's marketing what comes up any background check that's a good question Oh background check so you can just like you can ask for different things we can totally be like yeah we want to know education or criminal records a lot of people will only ask for criminal records but we can do that we can find out your you have to consent to all of this by the way so things that you can send to on a general background check are gonna be your education your criminal record and places that you've worked before it'll also show everywhere that you've lived which is normal it just confirms basically that you did in those places that's why you have to say like your last seven years of addresses and things like that if they want to know your past salary you have to sign a separate form consenting for them to also ask your salary otherwise they can't see anything about it so no I mean we can get your GPA it doesn't usually matter it off so we don't usually but really they're just looking for are you a criminal and then that stuff isn't even going to necessarily hinder you if you're not doing a job where you have to drive for work like if you're not doing deliveries you're not like driving a truck or something like that if you had a DUI we make a judgment call and we're probably not gonna dock C for that because it doesn't have anything to do with your job if it's a drug-related charge or something like that then yeah because in my mind you're the workplace or cause problems down the road but never be you scared for the background checks just have a explanation they're not just gonna deny you based on it they'll give you an opportunity to explain in most cases they can but usually they'll ask you to explain and if it's nothing or if it's not recent then it's fine usually they only go back about seven years to so thanks for the five that's a good question I will I'm tight boy so just real quick I'm typing answers to your text questions and I'm trying to type answers to the questions in chat oh well what do you do if your xbox tries to sabotage you by giving a malicious or bad job reference hey here's the fun fact your new company is not allowed to ask them anything other than your job title and your dates of hire so never give your managers phone number even when they kind of ask for it give a chart number because HR knows the law and we're not allowed to answer any questions like that your old boss doesn't know and they might so yeah it opens up the company for risk but like I said they don't know so they might do that um yeah I've never given my an old manager even the ones who like me I just don't do it there's no point so that's not anything they have to answer a couple questions someone said how can I handle B how can I have talked about being fired never tell them that you were fine I'll never ever say never if you got fired always say never laid off they can't find out there's no that you were not that's why I say a to don't give your job your managers phone number give your HR departments phone number for references or whatever they're asking for because we're not allowed to tell them if you got fired what reason you were let go for anything like that just tell them it didn't work out you look for new opportunities you want to go back to school you took a new direction you're trying to learn something else you saved up money to take time off to try and learn more and find a new job something like that you can make it up but never tell them you were let go there's no way to confirm it so why would you do that so I said can I discuss my entrepreneurship experience in my interview do not do that they're gonna think that you were not gonna prioritize your job like they're gonna think that you're just gonna focus on your side hustles and being an entrepreneur because if you're an entrepreneur type person then you're always gonna want to do your own thing and they know that your CEO knows that he that he's looking bosses are looking for people that that don't want another option bosses are looking for people that want to go all-in on their job bosses are not looking for people that want to have side hustles or even have side hustles that's why you don't talk about your side else those bosses are looking for I don't want to say slaves but like basically they're just lay in the game I mean it sucks yeah you might feel like a brown-noser from like all your tortured days in high school but play the game if you want a job you want to make them any like play it don't try to be self-righteous just because you feel like that's not work is not the place for that and that sucks I know it listen that's you want to work in the corporate world then the way it goes if you don't want to play the game make your own job like Josh do I know I hate it too um they applied in most states the only state I would say has different is California California operates like its own freakin country in fact there's I'll tell you if you get certified in human resources if you're a PHR or something like that that applies to all states in the country except California who has its own test because there's so much stuff going on there every year I take courses to understand Cali but yeah if you want more specific things to that like that's general knowledge but no there may be more to it so lift those up for sure there's one from del Sur take self start up off my resume yes yeah if you have a start up on your resume then they're going to wonder why it failed and why you're not still there it's like put that you work there put if you have a company put that you're a worker of the company because they're gonna say okay well your company failed so you're probably a crappy worker you're probably a crappy boss you probably know what you're doing with your business why would we want to hire you second they think that you're still going to focus on that when you're at the job and you're desperate for money and to leverage your skills somewhere else so you take take that off don't do that like starting or ending salary be verified through HR only the ending salary when you left the company only the ending salary and that's only if you sign a separate form consenting to give to your salary and that goes to your job title - we can only confirm your last job title so what do I do personally I never say I know some people like to show progression through their jobs I don't I want if I was a manager by the time I left my job output manager on my resume and for the entire time I was there for those job dates cuz that's all that can be verified anyways if I was an intern and then I moved into like a regular position I'm not gonna put that I was an intern I'm gonna say it was hired full-time at that last set or that last position when I was there it's all that's verifiable he gets it what secret best way to present yourself to remote job offered in video video resume bro video resumes how you do it cuz it's awkward and nobody wants to do it but remote jobs are all based on trust do they need to know that you're gonna be doing the work without them being like looking over the shoulder you know like which is another good point put remote on your resume say that you worked remote that's not verifiable either I did work remote so I have but I would say that you at least worked remotely part time on your and somewhere in your resin so they can see that yeah you are responsible you have works remotely in the past you've already know how to play that game so but that's somewhere if you want a remote job so you've already done it at some point even a little bit you don't have to say it was a hundred percent remote but I mean have you worked remote right now even for a day did you work from home for a day there you go but it under is me don't say you worked for a day just say partially remote something like that it's all about selling yourself for you guys I know everybody wants to be like one thousand percent honest but the truth is nobody else is go Dustin some of the check this trend you can link the trash link the trash I'll approve it there's a good one here that said what makes the like what's the best resume you've ever seen it they were simple they were simple resumes that had everything I needed someone says shake it are can you open a YouTube channel called HR lady yeah I have a consulting job you guys can I write we're all working remote during yeah I mean of course if you work remote like at all then put experience with remote work yeah just say remote and the city that you worked in where your offices and then you can kind of explain to it that yeah you worked a remote part time or part of the time that worked there you don't have to go into so much detail it's not verifiable it's just can you sell yourself on it like don't pull out lie and then like yeah you Skype all the time to work with my team and then suddenly you're working remote for this new company and you have no idea how to work Skype to manage your team like you still have to know what you're talking I need I need camera gear sponsorships chalkboards new you guys in your acronym Sisler showing email web de I think she tried learning Python for like a week god I was so bored but you made an afk bot right you made it you made it I did it she later she made an anti afk bot so that when she was working remote she'd always be active she plays a [ __ ] game I'd say I hate the game but I play it and she's like you're on the other side of game so they can't fire you but oh they can yeah no and honestly that's part of why I got into H I wanted to be on the other side of the random drug has lawful of course yeah it's their company they can do what they wanted isn't matter about the law yeah why do girls guys sit cross-legged that's a good question it's mainly because there's no room under the table my desk tops right there there you go single off the chair I feel like I look taller on this but I'm only at five seven if the lens is the wide-angle way it's cuz I'm sitting like back here but compared to you I'm like oh thanks for the tin I'll answer then you can answer okay all right so we'll in my opinion you could price yourself out instantly that's why you asked for their budget for the job first always it's gonna be awkward and they're not gonna want to tell you but you have to push for it you have to say well I mean I'm just wondering four on the same page so what's your budget for the position and if they don't want to tell you it means that they're trying to lowball you all right and of course they always want to pay you the least amount of money as possible so they can make the most amount of money possible on you so um yeah so always say and they say what are you looking for for salary sir and you will you're gonna say well just to make sure we're on the same page here could you tell me again what the budget for the position was I didn't see it on the job application and then they'll either say one of two things well why don't you just go ahead and tell us your money that you're looking for and then you'll be like well you know I'm not trying to waste your time and you know or my time so what's the budget you know you have to put your foot down basically then why are you not in relationship we are yeah all right how much to finish do you speak I can say whatever I want for the most part but not it just not great right like it's not fluent but I I can say whatever I want can you praise yourself out of a job that you know what I mean you can do addresses and ask what it is I don't would not know the answer to that that's not a question that we usually get if you want to know the answer that you're probably better off asking your hiring manager but you can price yourself out of a job it's always best to say you're flexible research the salary range for that job also here's a dangerous thing by pricing yourself out yeah you can say this is what I've made in the past well I yes thank you better live yeah but don't lies so hard that you price yourself out because there's usually a scale right there's a scale how much we can pay you for that job for not getting a promotion right so if you get a promotion your scale changes but right now here's your scale and here's the ends and here's the beginning and if you're somewhere in the middle that's cool but you when it comes to raise time you're gonna be really freaking pissed if you don't get that raise normally I'm don't usually because I'd rather be at the top but decide what matters to you do you want to come in at the top or do you want to come in in the middle and get raises all right some people really value a raise I don't know why but they do so okay so if you want to raise get a new job yeah there's part two of that is like you need to go in and you have like at least two fallback numbers like it's like Pawn Stars where they go in yeah so like if they're offering 100k but you only want 80k say that you 100k right or like hmm if they don't give the number you gotta have like fall backs right so like start at like 105 and say oh we're only offering a hundred okay well what about 102 you know oh we're only offering a hundred okay but what about 101 you know like you get what I'm saying right you gotta have like start a little bit above but not too much where it's like no you know but just like fall back what you would take and I've done that before I say this is what I make now I would and if they balk at it and sound like they're not gonna give you the job you can say then this is what I the lowest I would be able to take based on like how I live my life or whatever make it very slowly but say this is what I would be comfortable to Louis I'd be comfortable going because I really want to work here see and you don't have to but play the game decide what matters to you and go for that someone linked a 20k to 30k a year job you will be responsible for code and UX you'll be responsible what are you guys okay 20 20 K is like $9 an hour dude you make more than that out after this yeah all right so if you got trash jobs Mike's here if you got trash jobs go ahead and link link the trash or no better yet text me text me the trash job or email it to me cuz I just links get like auto removed in the chat all right okay all right do you think the canon in 50 is a good starter camera which editing software used use da Vinci like it seems advanced because there's a bunch of tabs but just you only need to use one to edit it that's all or two so edit and delivery tab it's it's not very advanced like most of most of the editing software is all the same and DaVinci's free so like use it that's what I do I mean I have Premiere Pro but the Canon in 50 I think Canon M 50 is okay I'd get a rebel honestly because you can at least change the lens on that I think canon rebel would be better shoot s-- 1080 I don't think issues 4k you don't it's not big deal no one really cares no one really notices what camera I use this is a Canon EOS are right now with the with an adapter on it so that I can put my what if I got a great job and on trashed job Cindy yeah gonna send it yeah please send it I want to see what a great job looks like to you I said on an Instagram a few days put send it to to email so I can collect it on my notion what's the best way to resign from a job without burning bridges alright yeah that's like you cuz I don't care about Bernie Bruce what best way to resign without burning a bridge everybody thinks that there's something special a to resign you need an email that says hi this is my two weeks notice or this is how very much notice do you want to give my last date will be this thank you for working here the way to Bernie bridge is to send out a company-wide email that says all the reasons you hated working here or even just giving suggestions on things to improve don't do that why would you do that don't do the SEO fu you're cool f you I'm out don't do that just peacefully leave document things you do every day that'll make your manager happy that's all you have to do otherwise I mean you know how dogs burn bridges I don't that's not my specialty that's why you that's why I don't do that vision hits you with another 10 thinks you don't have to do that what's the most amount of money you can earn it's whatever you can convince them to pay you honestly like they can say we only have $100 or $100,000 for this position but you could convince them to pay you 150 it all comes about like down to selling yourself and like just psychology of how debates work because like the debate room where do you get your initial salary is where you set the standard because now like the next few years you're just gonna be getting those little pay bumps you're not gonna you'll never be able to negotiate on the same level as you did when you first initially got a salary if you own the company it's however much money your company is selling if if you're working commission it's however much you're selling the most amount of money you can make a software engineer is unlimited and no money yes it's like you're looking for a salary answer like well they get they all get capped at 250 K and that's nice it's not true like it's however much you can convince them to pay you the great job if you don't like to sit at a desk all day and you like to do that stuff you like tell people my dad and my brother firefighters and my dad's done it for 20 years and he loves it more than probably his fire truck itself so I totally agree whether you were troubling Rob was a good resume consists for engineering skills at the top projects underneath experience underneath but if you already had a job you're looking for a new job skills at the top experience projects so if your new projects up top if you're old not like age but you get it that's not moving crap dresser wiggle engineer testosterone somebody makes you happy you're gonna hate any job and suck at any job you don't like so I'm a job that you like to do alright so if you're looking for that the video for the International Edition there it is it's uploaded on [ __ ] shoot somebody uploaded it on [ __ ] shoot and you can go watch it if you want to see it edge maybe which websites die regular check the update on HR news and knowledge I fell oh sure that's like one of the biggest ones to follow and I also follow Josh Peterson because I'm a consultant and he's one of the major major majors my boss loves to hear pentose Pearson so many Josh's in my life two weeks notice is expected yeah here's the thing you always never remember you you always got to remember they don't have to give you two weeks notice but you have to give them two weeks no yes same day as HR I've quit in a week as a tie um and I've given four weeks it doesn't matter give what you're comfortable with they have to accept it and honestly if you give two weeks they're still able to say thank you for your resignation but we're gonna move up your end date too right now so give whatever you need to give if you want to give if your job your new one starts in two weeks and you want a week off say hey I'm giving a week notice I'm really sorry about that but they want me to start sooner and then you have a week off before your next one starts I love that there's two questions back-to-back it's a big deal breaker it it depends but don't let them find out your age and don't tell them your age and never make that a point because it shouldn't matter yeah it's also discrimination yeah I'm young and excited don't you think it's good no no I was gonna read another one so there's two questions back-to-back what do you think about unpaid internships you're not an unpaid intern you're about you're a volunteer that's all it is if your unpaid anything you are a volunteer you are not a worker imagine being told what to do for no money what you're being paid in exposure that's really what it is you're being never work for free unless you're building your own freelance portfolio that's it value yourself or nobody is going to yeah you got to be the one no you're painting that took you a million hours to do for $10 hell no you're gonna sell it for like thousands of dollars same thing applies yeah how do you have company I mean you just okay table rules don't talk about politics religion at the dinner table same thing about your job maybe you don't sit there and be mad all the time look grumpy probably want a shower you hated that much get a new job someone said how you list unpaid internships on your resume if you're gonna list an internship it's an internship not you don't say that you were unpaid because they're gonna give you a dollar and you're gonna be like oh yes my first money first job like oh you they need to think that you've been getting paid so that they pay you more than you got paid last time like cuz you're gonna be so excited just getting any money right and so then though you're gonna be susceptible to being low-balled because you don't value yourself always put internship and when they ask how much you got paid you say whatever you think that your job was worth like at least fifteen dollars an hour like bare minimum like I would say like 20 bucks now your question because I love resume stuff okay geez bullet points we do use paragraphs in your resume use bullet points I will not read your paragraphs no recruiter I know will read your paragraph yeah yeah keeping bullet points make it one line no more than that how can you avoid being underpaid know your value say no say no and if they don't give you a raise and you feel like you did a whole lot of work for them made them a lot of money that year and they're still not giving you a raise after you've asked for it get a new job it's what I do that's what I tell everybody mmm salary negotiating tactics in an interview um say it's negotiable start at the top and then have a number in your head of what you would be willing to take and that's a cheat you gotta ask for it though nobody's gonna hand it to you they're gonna try to pay you whatever they want what yeah what I said [Music] how long should you stay at your first job I say a year it might be less if you ask Josh but I say a year have a year's worth of experience otherwise that's usually my rule of thumb for everything is at least a year you can do less I have a job that's less but it was a contract and I presented as a contract as a contract work for project project ended and I found a new job me and Josh went to the kitchen and then to the bathroom where he is how to get hired as a remote part-time worker if you want a remote job say that you have experience with remote work and present yourself really well for that as part-time I have no idea that's that would be really specific one to look for you're probably gonna have to do something like teaching English mine or something like that Josh knows what those are called that would be a good one is it really true if I do not give notice I can get sued for unforeseen impact damage know if you're in the United States it's a right-to-work state which means that you can quit whenever if you signed any kind of contract saying you have to give a specific amount of time you have to follow the contract that you signed and agreed to but if you did it and all you did was sign an employment agreement that's just usually a very general standard thing then you can quit whenever as little time as you want but just check your employment agreement you really have questions get a copy of that before you leave Jackson Kinski you can't be hired for remote work in the US yeah you called W ash - eight contractors look I'll type in the chat W - ate some weird nurse in you yet for sure dude like there's a lot of thirst they're like oh my god it's a girl oh my god oh my god I can't even imagine China being software and Olympics like somebody to try we're all girls but for girls okay so funniest thing that's ever happened to me at work I know nobody asked this question but it was funny and relatable so we had a love triangle we got one one designer girl who came to work for us and we sat her at her her open like concept office desk and between these two guys and one guy was like totally into her but she was totally into the guy next and this guy was friends with them and he was like man I just I really like this girl I don't know what to do she likes my friend I just want her to be happy and it was just a whole day of being a charm mom we do sometimes we're mom sometimes or grandma sometimes you lay down the law and sometimes we're the office therapists let me see turns routine mom and bring snacks you should get a proper pocket yeah so these I don't have any room on my desk like so much stuff on my desk like when whenever IKEA opens I'm gonna get a huge desk and I'm gonna get like a proper microphones and like an audio interface because right now I get like it's not it's a mess so let me see [Music] let me see there was some other questions I think oh my isn't what illegal illegal today to work non-stop oh no as HR I've dated at work I don't recommend it it sounds terrible yep super listen I'm smart listen I met them outside of work they happen to work for us that's what happened let me see this weird is not ideal I don't suggest it it's a bad job Josh is almost 30 I just turned 30 let me see he a cancer which means I'm crazy it's almost grad season whatever that means what are you thoughts on Python Siobhan this was five he thinks you have to do that Python from a personal experience like not professional viability yeah so like it so it's okay for like automation and stuff like if you want to automate like browser stuff or you know it's like desktop stuff it's it's very utilitarian like I wouldn't sit and code something all day because some chances are something's already been coded for that so I just go download the open-source version on github and then run it and edit it for what I needed to do okay a role website and USA that's popular yeah it's called we work remotely calm how much react we need to know to get a job whatever they need for the job like that's not the like there is no you need to know everything about react it's just you need to know what gets the job done how many codes make up the internet at least at least like or I think at least for MATLAB MATLAB is a meme unless you're like doing data science but MATLAB is not like such a joke vision with another five new things it's it takes second good just one's gonna dive in alright anyways it's all good YouTube objects from sending you super chat do you plan on switching to twitch soon yes so like it's hard nobody wants to go to twitch that's the thing is it's hard to move a channel over there really hard like you I did it once I had like ten viewers and it's like what how many planets are in the universe at least four SiC hey Charlie what do you have to have a bachelor for your job I mean yes it's extremely helpful 99 percent need to have one there's exception though everyone's know off for a job for people who've been in the industry for like 40 years otherwise you should have a degree in something what was the worst toilet situation you've seen in the work place every time we the funniest ones are every time you come out of the ladies room there's usually a dude walking out of the men and you guys are all in there cracking jokes and farting and stuff otherwise oh the worst thing though we got it like a string of complaints for some lady who was throwing away her cigarette butts in the trash like not smoking in there she was just throwing away the cigarette buds in there and there was like a lighter left and so it made the whole thing sink and for some reason they come to a chart y'all come to a chart with everything that's not for a chart that's for facilities but honestly it buttons there's another question to why our HR usually women because we're like the office mom honestly we're the grandmas so that's why we just gravitate towards it you don't need a bachelors just build products get in your Devon we got me unipolar like portfolio mean the job post requiring generic bachelor degrees to get checked they don't not really no they don't when depends on the company like if it says required degree it's always a joke you can apply anyways because they can they can change the requirements at any time if it says just because the job application says bachelors required well you can apply and then all of a sudden you're a fantastic candidate and they like everything about you they're gonna be like you know what I'm just gonna waive that requirement that's it's not needed anymore we think you can do the job we don't we don't actually don't give a [ __ ] they can change their job requirements at any time so anything that says required can be changed so it's not like it's a joke always apply yeah also don't lie that you have a degree if you don't because that will come up on your background check and then you may to explain a little bit yeah but I think I would still probably apply even though it said I just would have had any interview yeah I guess exactly say it in the interview like you can still apply to it for sure but have a reason like always have an excuse yeah that's my boyfriend Robbie duh um I'm never gonna tell y'all where I work but I have a consultant for HR technology it's what I do I make recommendations all day about how they can mature their HR departments from Excel spreadsheets and paper files to be more digitalized and efficient that's what I do it's what I like way more than regular HR plus I make like twice as much as I used to I know Josh previously recommended six months but in your opinion what do you recommend the minimum length of time before putting a job on your resume I mean at least six months I was okay so here's the things you don't want to leave a job off your resume if it's gonna create a job gap so don't leave it off make a reason for why it was so short say it was project based or project based contractor you finished the projects and so you moved on that's the reason you left I try to stay at a job at least a year before I move on however anything more than that is fine everybody leaves job soon now that's just the way it is with these new generations that's what we do we get bored or we finish our work and now we want something else to do we're continuing to learn so what we like it's what we do so that's all changing you don't have to stay at your job for 20 years anymore my Google I mean I sleep with Michael Chow something [Laughter] let's see it's a good idea to be 1% yourself no no no do not even do that never be like you can be authentic but don't be completely 100% transparent because you have to understand that corporate there is a game right and so if you're completely transparent what you are doing is you think about like a game of football right if and then you're just walking across the field and you're handing the other team your playbook and saying you know here's everything about me and you'll never have any leverage again and just because it doesn't mean you're lying it doesn't mean you're not being truthful but you'll never have any leverage and the thing is like you have to accept that there's a game if you don't play it you're gonna get played there is no opting out at all you cannot say I don't want to play the game if you have a job because then you're gonna just get played all right vision righteous don't don't have a reason to say it like yeah be yourself but also play the freakin game do you want a job okay smile and say you're happy don't sit there and complain and whine and be about your job why you're gonna get like oh they're gonna replace you or they're gonna manage you out what it's called all right my name is a try lady you can call me Haley rose it depends make your resume one-page my font size on my resume because I want it to be one page and I have a lot of experience it's like what 10 point or something like that and that's fine when you print it it looks great I could make it smaller print it and it'd be fine you can also widen your margins keep it one page totally fine don't make it bigger than twelve don't make it any smaller than what's readable when you print it out that's it all you have to do cuz if we get it electronically - if you don't know how to blow up your PDF so you can see it on your screen like you don't want to work there anyway how high is my vertical jump excuse me wait what does that mean you can't drop oh yeah I mean I played water polo I didn't have to jump I never had to learn that in school how high is your vertical jump Josh I took an unpaid internship for no coding web developer might lead to a job yeah well I mean so could so could just making project portfolio anything might lead to a job like it doesn't matter unpaid internships a joke dude like I could not imagine someone saying you better do this or else or else what you're not even [ __ ] paying me any money how are you gonna like you see what I'm saying like I think it's offensive honestly I think it's offensive because they're like like usually when you go to quit your unpaid intern they either like wait wait wait wait hold on hold on we just came into some money we can pay you and then or they're like you know okay bye and then it'll just get somebody else because they're cheap in their low ballers and they're just trying to take advantage of people unpaid internships dude it's such a joke I wanna end my friend proposed co-worker at work and she reported him to HR um what do you mean proposed did he propose like marriage sir or did he say hey do you want a date because number one if she said no to you at work and then complained to HR wow that sucks but if he propositioned her and said hey do you want to go on a date don't do that at work why would you do that at work is totally something you can complain to HR about that's workplace harassment sexual harassment it counts don't do it I highly recommend against it if you already know that they like you and will say yes 100,000% and there is no way like after work then ask him out totally fine don't do it at work why would you do that you're saying yourself at the other one is how do you train your employer to stop forcing company fun I don't know because mine tries to force company fun on me and we're an international company and so it's like at 7 a.m. and like there's I'm not gonna be fun and excited and happy at 7 a.m. to be playing trivia game so I just have work to do I can't do it either I have no idea yeah job defin are tough - definitely says to build a product to have financial dip independence make your own job that's what your company is your company is a product yeah figure out what they do and do it well don't do that that's how you get sued oh well I mean do I mean quit but didn't do it you know but just make sure you know what I mean don't do the exact same thing they're doing I mean you can't just make sure you sign a non-compete make sure you did not sign on you can do exactly what your company is doing right now and be like you know what I'm sure you don't find that you won't get the job hold on look play the game you won't quit yeah like but you your start maybe that's what I'm saying maybe like if you didn't okay you're quitting and they make you sign it don't sign that you're right what I'm saying is like yeah if you if you're quitting the job and you want to make that I'm sure a lot of you guys have worked at a job well you're like you know I could do this [ __ ] so much better if I just did it myself because there's clearly not taking my advice and then you quit and you do that and you do it better as long as you didn't sign that non-compete you're good to go I mean okay all right is it possible for back-scratching it works to be strictly platonic absolutely not don't do it don't touch you guys don't touch your neighbors you learned that in kindergarten please don't do it do you never know also report them if you do yeah no I never say where I work or my name so how do you how you feel about offers that expire within one to three days I think that's stupid and they're trying to force you into something always asked to extend it you can't ask us to extend it if you want to you can also accept it if you want the job that's like its again play the game if you want the job why wouldn't you answer it take one day one two three is reasonable if you have a reason that you need to extend it maybe say you need to talk it over with your spouse or you talk it over with your family or whatever like barf but also we totally use that as an excuse that you need a few more days say they're out of town you want to discuss it in person or something like that but otherwise if you want the job don't be on your high horse to me take the job I'm only gonna disagree with you there a little bit don't force it just to assert your dominance over them do you want the job or not that's how it works they'll give it to the next person elbahr said do I need a degree I'm coming from avionics now you don't need it you just need a portfolio no matter how great and indispensable you think you are to a company or not there's always somebody else you might be but there's always somebody else they don't care that's the real answer are you burning a bridge by declining an offer you're at least agent no as long as you do it the right way as long as you don't be like yo this company's garbage I'm out for a better job like don't say that just be like thank you so much for the offer unfortunately this time it doesn't work out for me or I have another opportunity I'd like to pursue at this time thank you so much for your consideration and we'll be in touch with the future should our paths ever cross again you can find a way to be nice act like you're turning down your mom or your grandma or your sister or somebody who means something to you like act like your friends owning the company yeah friends only you still want to be their buddy but you don't want to leave that's been marinating that's how it works dinner table rules apply to work mm-hmm hey lady how do you make your boss sign leave it how do you make your boss sign a non-compete I have a pretty good idea I don't want my boss messing it up day out so don't make your boss sign a non-compete because H I can't tell if you're trolling Rick from HR with the guy from office space but I'm pretty sure so that's this that's just [ __ ] Jean don't ya all right yes someone else heel deeper do it do it cheaper too yeah it's true honesty good to a degree yeah be as honest as you are able to prove later like if you've never worked with that language and you say you're proficient in it not a good idea but if you want to say you're very detail-oriented and you're only like media grata then I mean that's like me and details not ideal okay so this is a good point this guy said I told this company have other late stage interviews but they wanted me to make a decision before I finished those interviews and my response is they're trying to pigeonhole you into accepting an offer before you even work there imagine what they'll make you do after you work there they're gonna be like hey you need to get this done by X Y & Z and you're like well I need some more time they're like well you have to get it done by x y&z like just imagine what kind of person that they are at the mister making that you do things before they're even paying you you know like come on not cool all right so is it okay for the company walk down your resume yeah sure just like maybe don't put them as a reference probably I here go for what yeah my company sponsors people with green cards all the time I'm it's an international company it's really big half of our in fact maybe like 75% of our employee population is international not necessarily here but like around the world we work all over I could go work in Europe but I want to what I don't I just am I dispensable everybody is dispensable everybody but also every job is dispensable too I stay opens opportunities just like they stay up open to new candidates that's fine it's totally fine any resources on how to better play the game yeah so I mean not really honestly you just kind of have to work a job and become buddy-buddy with people like you basically have to brown-nose but not because you want to do better at the company but just because you want to understand how this game works and the more you pretend to be friends with people the more information they'll tell you and then you'll take that information you like huh so that's how that works or huh so that's how much like it sucks right it sucks and it feels really unethical and really immoral but here's the thing about being immoral it's not illegal how flexible are your morals how much information will they tell you either the more people who like you and our friends with you like they're gonna give you the benefit of the doubt if you ever mess up or if you're gonna if somebody needs to be cut from a team and they like you or maybe there's a new project and they like you and are gonna remember you to go to that cool new project like it's just better to play the game into it I don't know fake it till you make it honestly my motto my entire job life you're gonna hate it's gonna suck fake until you make it to the interview and then and then be honest don't fake it till you make out the job and anyway just get fired I fake it till I make it all the time nacho said just having a YouTube channel hurts you if you want to get a job now I mean if you're me and you literally say hey I'd never worked for you and hey this is how you're actually treating employees and hey you know like if you're me and you give the middle finger to a company that wants to under pay you yeah that's not gonna help you and I'm gonna seem like bullheaded and I'm gonna seem like I'm impossible to work with because I just ask too many questions and that's not what people want so don't be me on YouTube and YouTube channels actually help you build a brand like if you're like okay here's all my videos on how to do react hey here's a video on how to build an application from scratch and then go watch that and it's not political or divert like divisive like my content then I'm like wow this guy really knows his stuff let's hire him and you have a corporate job we don't tell you where I work or my name which is why everybody's always like why does he call her HR instead of my name that's why I'm HRM HR lady or you can also call me Haley Rose which I think was really funny the very first time we did this that's about it what jay-j so like hold on someone said you said fake it til you make it and someone says she fakes it all the time We Need to Talk are you thanking me are you thinking it was I need you dumb just I think I would know I mean yeah I'm very happy listen we still date that's gonna be like the chat doesn't know your name but the neighbors do [Laughter] listen I mean I shared your video and I got into trouble just imagine what they're hiding from me you know I'm saying all right what's the ideal forehead size I mean listen I was born with this why are you making this about you one everybody says it's huge you just gotta fit a lot of brain in there all right someone said I'm 55 with 20 years marketing experience I had a serious analyst for five years how do I clean up that hot trash yeah so that's gonna be yeah so like I don't know I think five years is gonna be hard to cover up but I think you should be honest and just be like um I add the health problems but I'm good to go are you but I don't know and that's your you answer that what I'm reading I mean it's not like you need to clean it up if you're talking about how to get back into the job worlds with that big of a gap then you just explain it you can either put it in your cover letter saying you went through a major health crisis or you went through a transitional period in your life that forced you to be out of the job um please for a moment and now you're getting back in with more knowledge that you've taken the time to learn while you were out of work other like if you have a reason it's not gonna hurt you I took I had seven eight months out of work and I was taking I sat there for a minute and said what did I do I took time off to take care of an ell parent it's true but it's not necessarily the only reason I was out of work I just sit there and think of a reason it's not verifiable you gotta sell yourself good luck I think you'll be fine check your email for hilarious resume Roger that thank you for that by the way I mean you zoom in on your I mean that okay that's what I told Josh with you but that CEO guy got mad that Josh made fun of his forehead of body shame the forehead okay just tell him you're in the big forehead gang your girlfriend has one too it's only gonna get bigger it's its forehead gang big forehead gang yeah yours could have been a lot bigger huh don't see any but someone says an affiliate manager from who he looks like it's 12 Modern Life stated that he 12 years old why would I don't say that what sorry in the stream oh oh he wants me to do body language mastery being affiliate for body language mastery we good on the body language I don't know if I want to sell a course on dating I don't think that now I'm good no I would just sell the course I think it's on camera okay how do I up my forehead game see these are the real questions I've tried extending it Rick from HR is is the best are you actually in HR that's cool sup sign up dudes in a jar I think mm oh no let's see that's hilarious I don't like beings so none of me my forehead and bangs doesn't work out I think I don't know but also to that end I don't want him to have one here either that's my job so I'd be out too if he grew his hair to him don't like it working on okay so how do you balance working relaxing and working on side projects I don't know if I start to feel like I'm gonna get burnt out if I start to get a little bit anxiety then I'm just like all right it's time to time to take a break or sometimes I get anxiety from like like overload like there's a lot of stuff I have to do that I haven't done like that procrastination anxiety and then it's just like don't you want to do it all right so someone said if I have five head will they discriminate me yes no big foreheads allowed in the job okay okay let's see smell you're an accountant oh sorry bro my resume is built on Photoshop yeah your your resume should be a PDF ideally he had the word doc yes send it as a PDF and double-check that your PDF came out right and also if you're using a Mac make sure that it comes out right on a PC because it happens all the time we get them like that so I use use a Mac and I always send mine in PDF and doc just in case it just depends sometimes they like different things so I change it up make sure they have both shows you care no job or internship experience what to write my CV you need projects bro it's all said GG GD to you I've heavy react knowledge with no commercial experience do I have a chance of getting a high end react well it depends on us if you can wow them with your projects or you can wow them with the solution to their code test that's amazing no HR in Photoshop don't do that I've seen that done before there's no reason that your resume needs to be that would you please side projects during the time you were fully employed yes 100% so for some reason companies hate it when you have side projects that are trying to make money but if you have side projects for fun that's a totally different thing they're like oh this guy just codes all day long that means he'll work for us all day long no we love them but if they're if they see that you have a side project that's like actually trying to generate money they're gonna be like oh this guy is really not invested in our company he wants to make money that's what it means if you say no I'm really invested in this business that I started up but this is how I'm gonna make money it's working from you we're not gonna hire you you need to sell yourself right what's his used to report folio if your name com isn't available it doesn't matter you could have Wix about one two three calm it doesn't matter what your domain is if you're applying for a job it matters what your domain domain is if you're trying to sell a product right if you're trying to sell tennis shoes and it's like a new hotness Nikes one two three at geo city's comm that's probably not a good look yeah let me get that yeah the side project for money I mean if you can yeah probably don't put that on there mmm-hmm why do you ask what's your biggest weakness and what's the answer well okay so really we just want to know if you could come up with something on the spot but always make it positive if you're gonna give your biggest weakness don't say oh I'm really disorganized sometimes make it something positive don't be cheesy about it and say wow my biggest weakness is that I love to work too much don't do that we're gonna think you're full of [ __ ] oh no but come up with something else like um that you sometimes end up focusing armed details and to get caught up in that and so you've decided to try using a planner to manage your time better or something like that so if you're gonna come up with a reason that's that's something that you don't do well all so followed up with how you're managing that yeah it just shows that you put thought into it and that you're trying to fix it if it is a weakness also don't say you don't have any resistance because again we're going to think you're full of it how do you get a job in HR you apply for all of the HR jobs you can also take an AP HR certification to show that you have learned some things but entry-level HR jobs are gonna say things like HR assistant HR Coordinator recruiting coordinator recruiting assistant things like that recruiting is usually an easier side or side of it I didn't come on let me let me add to this whenever you answer the biggest weakness question always say how you're working on it to fix it so like if you like if you say if you say my biggest weakness is that sometimes I lose track of time but currently I've been using the Pomodoro Technique to get better that's it that's how you answer the question pretty easy all right actually you could you could say that sometimes I have try like I sometimes have trouble losing track of time but I've been using this accountability software to remind me when to take breaks and when to restart again like you could also feel that right now you don't have to if you especially if you're making it up on the fly they might say what software using if you don't have something ready to go through that then that's a problem that if you just say something basic like yeah now I block out my time of what I work on and outlook or whatever you're using that'll help you my my weakness is I got a sickness for the thickness so probably I mean you should just go ahead and just like when you're in the interview the HR leaders be like hey hey girl sixth eyes save lives what's that what you what you're doing it's fine that would definitely land you the job let's see my biggest weakness my calves yeah true right you know don't don't skip my day yeah please don't skip leg day those people look funny those like fennel Josh cosseted - you're a Dorito I think it looks like a fentanyl look like a Dorito is it okay to use Dreamweaver definitely don't do that why they in Michael China he sexually harasses me all the day me listen but sexual harassment is any unwanted behavior so if I said hey don't do that to me then that's harassment but if I don't say hey don't do that to me then I just might like it is pretty mutual any unwanted advances you also have to say you don't want it or somebody else can say sexual harassment if they see you doing it to each other they can get mad about it to you so know that as well I should probably mention it where you been what kind of degree do you need for HR you just need a degree I know people have a lot of different kinds I have an undergrad and half of a graduate decided I quit which is totally fine do it makes me happy so let's say what's your opinion on the salary local localization regards to recent Facebook how do I get paid the same as my less competent California workers yeah I mean they're obviously just looking at the cost of living in each area so that you're not going to be able you're not gonna be able to convince them to pay you more right they're trying to just pay everyone an equivalent cost of living if you basically get a new job rights our salary localization is what a lot of remote companies do so like there's remote companies that have workers in the US and they'll pay those workers 100k and then they'll have also workers that are in like Ukraine and they'll pay them like like 20k right because 20k and Ukraine is like 100k to someone in the US so like that's what they'll do alright Becky has a good question real quick hey good hair so what is something HR wishes you would stop doing when applying stop applying a thousand times easy don't do it it makes you like desperate it's really annoying if we saw it once we're they're gonna call you or we're not it doesn't make you look interested it's just don't apply more than once maybe twice give it a few weeks or a month in between don't do it over and over and over okay which one did you want I was reading reading streams let's see is there any must-have projects not crud credits credits how bad does it look to have a job gap after college not bad you're trying to get into it start working on projects on your own so that you have something to show but otherwise it's fine hmm resume interview it doesn't matter what your background is for an interview if you're gonna be a youtuber or something like that you gotta up space behind you otherwise it's about you and your skill to knowledge not necessarily what it looks like around gee we can't discriminate based on that so doesn't matter let's see I actually got a job because I applied to 23 open positions yeah I did that too um but the HR lady emailed me and she said she said I don't understand exactly what you're looking for Josh you've applied to everything and I said oh yeah I just wanted jobs which was stupid don't say I just want a job because you don't it doesn't look like you value yourself in you look like a newb college kid and she knew that so I still got the job but like it's not a very good idea okay yeah look applied to 23 open positions but don't apply to those 23 open positions 23 times each don't do that but yeah you can apply to a bunch of different ones within company but when we get the same resume for the exact same job over and over we're just annoyed what's the most you can earn an HR it depends if you're gonna be a regular HR usually your median at least based on the areas where I've lived which includes Colorado Texas and Utah you're gonna be capped out somewhere around 60 K as generalist unless you have any kind of certification then you might be capped at 65 I've never heard of anybody other than an HR manager making more than 70 or 80 and that's an HR manager with like 10 years of experience it's crazy if you want to be in consulting you start at six figures which is my very heavy is a consultant much happier and nobody ever told me consulting for HR was an option so please know that there's other ways to get your specialize in something would you hire me no I mean I hired you to be my boyfriend the application I just I simply application it was it was simps Simpson here's the application to apply to be my boyfriend have you seen that on tinder our first date lasted four hours yes it was weird cuz he was quiet but he talked forever that's crazy well I could just look at those like blue eyes and jawline for days okay all right let me see I wasn't hold up on his motorcycle how much does a jr. death make who doesn't have an ID back the same as someone who does have an ID 50k usually if you get um try download projects with github I mean don't steal stuff they're gonna know yeah see you should design sims wanted poster that's gonna be my next skin next kid I'm doing just an office the office is simple and he just bends over for the box basically it's gonna be good honestly both of our girls was dating advice don't until we met each other an idea from a mobile app I don't know what a recruiters expect to see in a project recruiters they don't they don't know what they're looking at I guess wait everybody knows that you're an INTP for your myers-briggs I'm an ENFP team you should get you guys should go read both of those and see just how oppositely ENFP tea josh is an intp I have an extra letter in mind take that how much should you expect to be paid yeah the same thing as a junior death because there's no skill difference there's only like no you're worth what a interns and junior the same thing I got story that nobody asked about but it relates to this I worked my mechanical engineering job very first job I didn't do an internship I didn't do any of that stuff I just got the job and then I was working I started working in the summer so they brought a bunch of summer interns and and these people were making less money than me working harder than me getting master's degrees just like what like they know more stuff technically they're more qualified than me and they're doing they're like getting you coffee and they're getting like a master's degree and they're making like 20 bucks an hour just because they're still in college I was like are you serious yeah chronic right we mesh pretty well because my type mesh is pretty well opposites attract I think it's great also I think he's okay so your eye and my E are about 50/50 each mine leans four percent more even I and his is almost exactly opposite so I would get along because both of us are kind of introverted and both they're kind of excavated so why Josh can do stuff like this and that's why I can sit in the house and not want to hang out with anybody unless I have to how did you succeed in dating HR I didn't know that she was a chart way HR they said all right you should probably like just go ahead and watch my channel and see if you're offended and I said I said do you want to go on a date and see if I like you before I watch your stuff or not cuz I don't you yeah I watched it first and I was like honestly the same [Laughter] yeah I just keep it in my head like I sit there and laugh during meetings and calls and stuff all the time I think it's hilarious I just don't say it out loud because I play the game you guys play the game I have an undergraduate in communications and I have half of a MBA and Human Resources like the meaning I just feel like I have an undergraduate bachelor's I have a bachelor's in communication means basically half my degree is I almost have a minor in art history but I also have like a whole slew of Adobe product classes that's what I did I like words sue me agree but honestly I just liked it what get a degree in something the best location for software jobs sorry there's a couple hot spots don't don't go to Silicon Valley the place is trashed don't go to New York City that place also trash but like there's gonna be a lot of people that are like Oh Facebook all right well if you want to work there then you get to deal with that I would say something like Utah is actually pretty good it's called the silicon slopes not quite there in terms of cost of living so it's still pretty good you can also go to Florida that's pretty good Atlanta is actually pretty good Raleigh North Carolina is actually pretty good too what else we got there's a couple other states Austin Texas is pretty good cost of living yeah yeah cost of living and often compared to the rest of Texas is pretty high but Austin's probably the best city you can go to other than Houston in Texas and Dallas people I don't want to fight you because you're wrong no awesome you good please honestly there's tough jobs everywhere decide what matters to you where you're living if you want to come to Utah because you like the outdoors and you hike like we do or you fly paragliders like we do or you like to be outside then come to Utah if you like nightlife and bar life and drinking and partying you don't want to come to Utah there's like three bars and there are always the same people and they're always dead don't do it but if you like that go to Houston or Austin where there's tons of nightlife and going outside to do outside stuff kind of sucks just pick what's gonna make you happy in an environment then get a job in that place I love Utah I like to be outside a lot and we don't drink or party so works hmm I mean we party in the house we play Mario Party there's no switches of nature nature is healing nature is healing itself switches are starting to show up back on shelves we just play Mario Kart so you can find listen there was a switch at the store a week before this pandemic thing started and there wasn't any more switches and we were like yeah we should get one of those you know we'll give you a few days to make sure we really want it and then we'll go back and get it when we went back they were gone you gotta beat the other Mario's we why would we get a switch to play if we haven't even beat all right they'll come back nature nature is healing switches are coming back to the shelves yeah and then I'll beat your bet and Mario buddy that's fine that's cool you can beat me at Mario Kart though you got first few times I documented it yeah what do you think of Harvard cs50 it's free I mean you can do if you want the certificates not going to do anything how do I recommend a fellow art art history undergrad to get a generic office job number one yes the entire [Laughter] major all right okay so if you want a generic office job I thought that's what I wanted to look into HR Jobs I mean at least have something to do HR gonna sex it first but you can evolve into it if you try to evolve into something like an office job it's like just basic ones then it's kind of boring right you're gonna get bored eventually but if you're gonna start out and those nuts if you're looking forward try going to like in an agency like a contracting agency to start with like Kelly's services or what's another would there's a bunch of them just try looking for those temp agencies to get your foot in the door and they're usually contract to hire three months and then you're permanently hired is like an office desk person I had a really great job before I got into HR and I was an office manager I just did office front desk work and stuff for in a doctor's office I found Matt on Craigslist you can definitely look for just office front desk work like that on things like Craigslist are indeed that's a good way to get in but look at doctors offices those are great jobs especially if you all you want to do is get it us and like to get your work and be a front desk person it's a great job you have set hours there usually during the day maybe my freako camp yeah freaking camp is great dude you should definitely go to freako camp and the Odin project those are all great resources to start learning code yeah you could could you do some freelancing for a while I don't want to I don't want to do freelancing for a while because I don't want to code all day yes I want to spend my time I like I like filming and editing and like I don't know I would rather like do freelance video if I had but like then I'm not building my channel in my brand I'm not building someone else's business and I don't want to do that I want to spend my time for me honestly you did start like you might have really great skills at 16 but a lot of jobs like that don't want you to apply until you're 18 just based on work hours and things like that they're usually not gonna hire anybody under 18 because there's so many restrictions based on how many hours you can work when you can work plus their salary jobs which means that there's no way really to build in those requirements legally so I mean you might be able to find like one-off jobs are like freelance work to do but if you want to be hired on with a major company you're probably gonna have to appear 18 in most cases I know it's total bummer but you it's time to like build your skills all right someone said my job doesn't pay well but my boss is really nice my scrum team yeah but I'll get a new job a new job you're gonna have a good manager and a new team anywhere you go it's what you make it get a new job you want more money the end yeah I mean like like I'm sorry but your company family doesn't pay the bills bro your salary pays the bill your boss being nice to you doesn't pay your bill it should be nice deal yeah that should just be that shouldn't be like a perk for you to stay that should just be by default at every job so get a new job and if you like them be friends on LinkedIn or Facebook or whatever after you leave and keep in touch but I hear that so often it makes me sick like yeah you love the people you work with I've loved people I work with everywhere I go and sometimes I don't who's to say that your boss you really love is not gonna leave in a couple of months and not even tell you that they're thinking of doing that and then you turn down an opportunity to make more money why would you do that it's honest like do what's right for you go make more money there's always more money out there I get it I love words like I get it but don't don't limit yourself just because people around you if you think you're cool there's always better out there or the same ask for a raise no so if you ask for a jury you're gonna get you're gonna get a hole like maybe now maybe 5% which is or they're gonna say actually nothing compared to inflation yeah where they're gonna do what usually happens and say oh well we'll consider that you want to raise around that time of year which is around your annual review usually and then like Josh said you're gonna get maybe 5% or they're gonna present you out of that percent or you might have something like this they mimic thing going on at the time of your raise like me and nobody gets a raise or a bonus because of it so take that into consideration life changes if you want more money and you're not happy go get a new job raises bonuses things like that you might feel like you deserve one you probably do deserve one give one to yourself and get a new job someone advice removing departments within the same company better get a new job or high hopes so here's what you do you apply for all the internal jobs at your current job if you want to change positions but you also look for a new job at the same time you may not get more money at one of those other positions within your company they already know you're going to work at what you are paid now imagine imagine getting more responsibilities for no increase in money but but you get you get the prestige of a new title buddy and as we all know titles on resumes do not mean anything though you can you can be software engineer one and now you can be software engineer too well do I get more money well no it's not in the budget put your software engineer or two which will look good on your resume I have news for you you can make the title on your resume whatever the [ __ ] you want it doesn't matter yeah put the title that reflects what you did at the job so if someone gave me software engineer title - I'm just gonna put software engineer and what I did it titles don't mean [ __ ] and especially because when we do call to verify your dates of employment in your job title if they've like differ slightly they're just gonna ask you to explain and then all you have to say is yeah I was in oh this here says that you were an engineer too but when we called the verify it was an engineer you really have to say to that is oh well I was actually transitioning to b2 and by that when I left it hadn't been updated in the system yet or I was acting manager at the time of my team I wasn't being paid for being an acting manager so I did manage the team that was what I was doing it wasn't official in the system and that's why I decided to pursue another opportunity so there's always ways around that kind of stuff but oh my god I can't tell you how many people I know personally or I've heard of or I've seen aware or wordsmith that get a promotion and they were like oh congratulations you're not managing a team and then you're like great where's my where's my salary increase oh well we're gonna just try it out for a few months and then maybe give it to you and then they don't I got it somebody said lead position at Google does mean something on your resume lying never comes off nice changing your title and your resume is not lying it's not lying at all sometimes your job lies to you sometimes your job will give you the title of IT support what are you doing all day well I'm creating webpages and solving bugs and tickets all day in code well what does an IT support do well typically they just help people log into their desktops and with with TeamViewer and whatever right so when you change your title on your resume to say I'm actually a web developer you're not lying you are actually being more truthful you are actually aligning what you did at the job with your title you're actually helping the next company you're applying to buy better identifying what you can do in terms of the skill set so your title doesn't mean anything at all it's not lying when you change your title you are helping the next company and yourself by actually being more truthful so give me stop I hate when people say this [ __ ] I think it was how do you apply for a job within your company that's like a lesser position or something like that but it's less stressful and you're happier that's all you really need to say if you're really stressed out being a dev and you just want to be an office admin thinking for a while say hey you're looking to take a new direction you'd really like to be considered for this other position you know it's of lesser salary or less or whatever do what makes you happy they just might take you because they have to pay you less money now and you have all this knowledge like you don't have to give it to them later but you got it you totally can be careful about applying for second jobs if you have a current job because that might not be allowed within your employment agreement before you pursue that ask HR for a copy of your employment agreement all you have to say is hey I just want a copy of this for my records can you please get that from my file and they'll email it over to you with your signature on it you can read through it and make sure if that's kosher or not how you get past not having references never put references available upon request on your resume number one that's such a cringe thing to do number two you have friends right you have a parent right don't put there change their last name on it they can tell you okay so here's the thing about references you I have been a job reference for so many of my friends and I'm just like yeah she was a part of my team they ask you very specific questions usually your needs just make it up yeah whatever but we also as a chart know people do that so the likelihood of us calling your references for them to either BBS or to give us a glowing review because why would you give us a bad reference we're not likely to call your references almost ever unless days where somebody you actually like maybe a past manager we might call one or two if you work with kids we nion references or something like that otherwise one of the references don't really matter someone said really wants to do a show he like he can DM me I be down and do it someone said where can I watch the video the India corporate cringe video International Edition I just linked it there you go you can go watch it it's on [ __ ] shoot I didn't upload that somebody else did but there it is how do you negotiate have a higher salary if there if you know they're wonder you don't you don't get new jobs here's the thing with negotiating higher salaries employees do talk and that's not against a lot to talk about your salaries and how much you're getting okay they hate it they hate it and this is why because if you were hired ten years ago for a certain amount and you know they give you maybe a five percent increase every year or less right and now the job market has changed back then this is what the going rate was now the going rate is maybe twenty thousand dollars more and you never caught up they're high they have a budget to hire those people at that new rate but they don't have a budget approved to bring everybody else up that's just the way business works which is why I tell you if you think you're being underpaid if you think you deserve more money if you think that you've earned them enough money that you should get some of that get a new job there's no point wasting your time or being heartbroken about not getting a raise or a bonus because they're not gonna do it get a new job now you have all this experience and all of these numbers to show for all that argument you are gonna give your current job for why you get a raise go apply to new ones and get yourself a new job you can try to use that to negotiate to stay but they're never gonna match it that's too much there's a very big likelihood that they're gonna give you ten twenty thirty thousand dollars more in a new job then they would give you at your old one to stay they already know you were doing work at that old price they can just go hire another person and yeah you say they will hire somebody else at that other rate but guess what they have a budget to hire a new person at that rate not to bring you up to it so it sounds like a good argument but it's not there they're not gonna do it I know it doesn't make sense and I know it sucks but that's this that's the way it is I hate it too trust me I hate it which is why I always say open to new opportunities and I tell everybody I know to do it you it sucks but that's the game what's the link to watch the corporate range video all right look if you don't like the game do it Josh does and make your own business talking about the game yeah people why don't you make a software business job I don't have any app ideas that's not my thing I like filming and editing like okay I like digital media and marketing more than I like code so like this is what I do but like if you like Coppa me go make an app I just don't happen to have any app ideas okay go ahead click that one all right you you read that I'm gonna answer this how do you go into consulting for yourself taught technology state what the job is willing to pay during common ago she ations and are things like vacation time and moving included if they want to pay relocation that will be something that they offer you could ask for it they might not do it vacation time is something you can definitely negotiate for especially if you tell them hey at my old job I had an extra weekend vacation how do I get that here you're probably gonna sacrifice that though for an increase in your salary that you're trying to negotiate for so decide what matters to you more very important also you won't get us to admit what the pay scale is for that you the only thing you can do is start high and then start moving down and sometimes it's simply because we don't know at the time sometimes you're asking the hiring manager instead of HR it just depends so that and also it's a company right like it sucks but that's not information they're just gonna give away usually you can definitely try do it Josh doesn't try but like the best way to go is start high but have it number that you're willing to settle for it don't go to high that they think you're never gonna come down so they turn you down automatically if a job median is 50k and you're asking for 150 K they're gonna say no if you ask for 100k and the job median is 50k which you can look up on Glassdoor most in most cases which is where a lot of companies get their information as well they're gonna say no but if you say hey I was paid 70 at my old job and I know that here you're gonna offer 50 can we meet somewhere in the middle or can we get as close as possible because that's where my standard of living is right now that's how you negotiate don't be unreal it's sounds fun but it's not and then you never know it's like playing game of chicken right you're betting you're betting on them giving you what you want they can totally say never mind we don't want to play the game with you and back out they don't have to negotiate with you HR is doing the negotiating not the hiring manager if the hiring manager really wants you he can put up a good fight and reason to HR but HR is going based off of what your company leadership has given us for a budget to hire those positions these aren't things that HR says hey this is what we're gonna pay you and we decided it that's not how it works it depends on revenue how much money the company has to offer how many people they need to hire based off of all kinds of things so if the manager really likes you wants to pull Friel like he can try and work around it but otherwise that doesn't usually happen like I said you're not dispensable or indispensable you're not like the be-all-end-all there's always somebody else there's always somebody else even if you think they're not as great as you are that might be true but that's the nature of the game they'll find somebody else if you're putting up too big of a too big of a hassle who I thought of one of the funniest things though that happens with negotiations we had somebody's mom call in a few times to try and negotiate their sons salary did not work but it was a really funny story like please don't have your parents call in and negotiate your salary and negotiate anything why is your mom calling how old are you know what's that smile I'm answering all the questions and chat and I'm like the text me she does smile [Music] real is what real let's see I need to create 30 60 second a 30 60 video why I'm a good fit for the company and what my technical strengths are how do I stand out yeah so if you need to make a 30 to 60 second video just be like hi my name is this and this is what I do this is my skill set I think I'm really good at this these are kind of my weaknesses but I'm working on them by doing this that's it that's all you gotta say helicopter Karen inbound oh dude have you guys seen the new subreddit that's called fu Karen I'm not gonna say it I'm a Lincoln this is the this is the best subreddit that you've ever seen it's so good look I'll show you it's so good dude where's the one picture hey Todd get a new job or find anyone to apply to it if they're doing if if you're doing a job for 66,000 and the market is 450 you're never gonna match it if you already have that job get a new job that's the only way to get that much of a raise especially it doesn't matter what the market is it's already paying you for it it's the way it goes it sucks I know see look it's my right to not wear a mask starter pack so good dude so funny alright anyways I was back to Street y'all just y'all just go y'all just go enjoy the the Karen memes so good sorry for anyone it's actually named Karen here ever had someone retire super early no they don't it doesn't matter when they retired all the trees what's the lies H what's the biggest lies HR tells employees probably we care about you come to us if you have any concerns so wait wait let me explain company tells you not HR because as a chart I care yet as a person but not as HR so anyways HR s like HR stands for human resources but you forget the middle the middle word there HR is humans as resources not humans resources like I'm a resource for you to come to as a human it's human as resources humans as resources that's what HR actually is the reason I didn't want to be HR I feel like that needs to be my little a stirring all the time yeah it's HR is there to help employees help the business like it sucks I hate it but that's the way it goes like thanks Jacob yeah we are here to help you should you need anything like especially if it comes to harassment or if it comes to policy or violations or anything like that please come to us we will help you with that but if it comes as a BS crap like we're all family here that's baloney and it comes from your upper leadership usually thanks for the 20 d kaykai's dude appreciate that my country i get paid five bucks an hour for java dev I've been working six months should I ask for a full-time job in my country five bucks an hour at least double that how competiting valuable do you think associate superuser so these degrees don't matter if the degree doesn't mean that you can do the job the degree just means that you can do college degree yeah so like unique projects bro like you're gonna get a code test right so it doesn't matter what degree you have it doesn't matter what portfolio you have you're gonna get a code test at any like respectable job you're gonna get a code test and what matters is is if you can complete that like the the portfolio helps you get to the interview more than your degree does 99.9% of time okay go ahead I got answers for you what's the biggest job gap book I've ever seen somebody recover for it from people take time off to raise families all the time if you have 18 years off to have a baby raise a kid and then go back into the job market I've seen it done it depends on how you sell yourself don't just say oh I wasn't working but sitting at home staring at the cat's no you prioritized your family you had something going on you had something else you were pursuing talk about the things that you did while you were out but I've seen it done don't just say I will never work again so I should just stand on employment forever something like that don't do that yes HR can get fired HR can get fired by HR HR bro Jeffrey with 75 years holy crap dude massive holy [ __ ] thanks dude I appreciate that you don't have to do that we're just trying to help like yeah and probably unethical and immoral ways no I think it's a cycle and moral because people who yes especially when you're trying to get through HR and HR sounds big and scary and you have all these other problems like please ask I want to help like it's my favorite thing to talk about we'll do these streams if you like them bunk yeah that's what we have in common we do it we go about it in different ways I guess but both of us just like helping people we talk about different things but it's the same subject and we've all just want to help you Rick how often do you actually counteroffer for people if they say they have an offer uh okay I don't know you know uh sorry I was really another one that was bed which one how often do you counteroffer never well mmm it depends on how like what level you are in the company if if you're managing a high priority team and you have a counteroffer and we like like you're kind of air placeable at the moment then they or if somebody likes you enough to fight for you to get it and maybe but I've never seen a match to offer they'll come in within five or ten thousand of your offer but I've never seen a match it also they know you want to leave now so keep that it's your only replaceable for a minute I would keep that in mind if you want more money or a new title get a new job that's the way it goes and sucks I know okay so pro tip a big DS anyways someone said someone someone said about the someone someone said about counteroffers and never take a counteroffer from the job that you're leaving if you leave and they give you a counteroffer it's not a counteroffer it's just to get you to stay long enough so that they can get the information they need out of you for why they want you to stay and then they're gonna drop your ass and get someone cheaper I mean they know you wanna leave yeah they know that you are unhappy for some reason so never take a counteroffer it's it's they know that you're unhappy you obviously have some information that they need from you and so they're just trying to buy you off right so they're gonna say oh we're gonna give you a higher salary but you're not gonna be there long enough to enjoy that higher salary like 100% and then you'll never be first on the totem pole for another raise ever because they knew that you were unhappy and the only way that you were gonna get that raise is by threatening them and they don't like that they just need you to stay so get that proprietary information you're about to leave with so as bait dude every time you get a counteroffer its bait because they know that you're unhappy and at some point you are out there looking for a new job like betraying them okay what's the appreciation yeah thanks Aaron also I'm usually in the chat as HR lady I wasn't that chat is Haley rose and not confused if everybody apparently so I mean there's HR lady today I'm sitting right here so I don't have it up and wasting my phone battery but otherwise usually I'm in there I mean postage is 100 percent yeah it's not at the time but like no but generally yeah it's all gonna depend and would you take the risk no I wouldn't take the risk damn and no matter how good do you think you know your boss they care about the business over you I guarantee you everybody likes to say that and I've seen I've seen a coup so many times so many times from people who swore up and down that they love their people and they work for the people what matters to everybody is money right that's why you work it's one thing that my dad used to tell me all the time was if it wasn't like if it was fun and you really had just did it for fun it wouldn't be a job because they wouldn't be paying you to do it you're there to make money or there's something else you'd rather be doing you're doing it for yourself everybody knows that it feels that way it doesn't matter how much you think they like you're how much you trust them when it comes down to it if it's their salary or yours their bottom line or yours their livelihood or yours everybody will pick themselves and if they wouldn't then wow they're an angel but that's usually not the case I wouldn't bank on it Jamie thanks for the 9 do you have 2 or 10 actually thank you yeah thank you all for all the donation you don't have to do this I'm having fun I hope you guys are if you enjoy it maybe hit thumbs up this is like the longest time I've been streaming with the amount of viewers it's crazy whereas 700 people 7 or 20 people what's fun just we just have fun normally it's actually been like up and we're on the up so thanks for being here you enjoyed it made me hit thumbs up like my favorite topic oh it's a shout out to all my alt-tab homies right now I'm on the background for you probably if you could just alt tab over to me and hit that thumbs up I just let me say thank you to my alt tab people cuz I know I'm all tab somewhere that's what I did at work but anyways if I'm on your side monitor maybe just alt tab to that side minor hit that thumbs up thank you so much to all my AF cares I appreciate you ok let me see this is our favorite thing to talk about that or at least it's my favorite thing everybody's like deeply Charlie DS no but I love this this is my favorite I could talk about HR stuff all day [Laughter] I mean in some industries these I'm on it I hoped have from Lightroom he appreciates you man busted was definitely alt-tab hey thank you to all my alt-tab people side monitor gang thank you appreciate you ah what position did I play when I played water polo I was set why because I am just very determined and if you try to drop me I'm not gonna let you I wasn't very great when I was trying to be goalie but they tried to put me in there sometimes we thought it was funny but no usually I played set how's your dad endure - he hasn't asked me for any money in like two weeks he sent me a picture last night of like a RC plane and he said hey did you forget about me I'd like that's how he talks every time yeah he's my own personal frie sorry - but it's so true Josh smells like this but is how you smile your FRA oh yeah dude yeah I lived my whole life like like this gift here long he sends me this all the time thanks for the advice appreciate de this is how this is how I live my life what everyone like tries to tell me something let me see Josh smiles like yeah this yeah this is him let me find it this is him like when bosses would be talking to me when co-workers will be talking about this is this is like my entire reaction of everything I hear in life I'm just very skeptical gang this right here yeah that's my whole like are you sure about that all right well I can't we do this you know why always asking why well this is how it is and instantly I'm like are you sure I'm sure I'm sure if you guys you guys get it when you know you know PS let's say that describes my personality how do you 29 sigh monitor squad hey thanks 20 Admirals your core looking weak no yes thank you appreciation where my bag oh that's right yeah we got everything else machines I've never even seen before but there's no kinematics of favorite donations have I ever been forced to write positive Glassdoor reviews no but I did have to spend a day reading the ones that we had once and then putting those together for engagement it was really funny especially because at the time like I reached for a job that was really cringing we all knew it was hilarious like Friday beard like drinking party kind of cringe it was bad okay I know some of y'all might like that but honestly I get the beauty bye Bob ask HR chick for a date y'all we date that's my boyfriend where you been every time I say that she a little old lady you see a leaner I can't she's nine years old she great it's just sweet sometimes she barks was from under a blanket um have I ever had to place adult workers or just Officejet what is an adult worker dude hey cool I'm glad how do companies be a military experience and interviews I mean I know some people like to think that it matters a lot of places I've worked like emphasizes hiring vets so I think that's cool also I'm a military family person my parents were in the Air Force and one on the other side was in the Navy so and I have brothers and cousins and stuff that are in the service right now to you so I always try to prioritize that or at least thank them for my service or for their surface when I'm doing interviews or something like that for them but otherwise I don't think it's gonna hinder you at all and in fact I think it shows that you are dedicated and able to learn and follow rules which is stuff that they like to look for yeah Josh lost count I'm sure where are we at [Music] [Laughter] we can watch you do this all day let's see what's the smoothest way someone's negotiated I don't know if that's a smooth thing or not the worst thing was when they had their mom cough - someone said - you're it - I don't know 11:14 you're wrong 11 now you have 14 13 no no - but everybody sing zero now yeah you had 19 now Josh can answer your sponsor visa question for non-us citizens when he done he'll know someone says I have a Lebanese questions no I don't I have one Hispanic grandma otherwise I'm just and you guys like that's it that's what I'm just unfortunately the whitest girl here to have a perfectly unless we're making enchiladas then I play that card go slow Josh feel the burn hmm tell him the stream died and he needs to do it over that doesn't count just not a phallic stitch let's see most unusual thing we saw in a background check I mean nothing's unusual anymore hey Nick thanks for your donations for in the stream all right yeah we might do that you want to review a job posting he says it's the best we've ever seen email it that's not our jobs so if you got a garbage job you want me to look at yeah just email it will make a bit out of this oh so you are asking about adult workers I don't know they might have a try but I think they might be called Madam's like I don't I do know that like the pot industry has HR but I don't know about sex work if that's the kind of adult ok talk about that topic listen I just want to answer the homage montage the stream Oh am i yes I don't know how the internet works YouTube's got rules yeah we do both go to the gym together it's every minute yeah you guys look tired I mean it's like we went to the yeah you know we go so earth Josh you hold dog like baby I mean they're much they're my children man like we'll play like Mario car instead yeah give her laugh at people CDs behind the scenes all the time oh wait on the stream or like no you Oh at work all the time here we want to help you you'll see how can you laugh how much working again with the Masters over I'm getting here but masters it depends on your job like your company and education master's degrees automatically get you more money PhD automatically gets you more money but in engineering just because you have a master's in mechanical engineering doesn't mean you're gonna get paid more like because it's about can you do the job not HR that's not gonna let you into the job it's literally just being your age it's usually the state defines your limits around your age and how much and when you can work and how often and things like that and I just don't fall into salaried corporate type jobs if you want to use your knowledge and skills maybe build something yourself or do some freelance work unfortunately you're probably not gonna start working at an actual like corporate job unfortunately build your skills there's plenty of time do it later pay more as a master junior yes exactly do your Mickey Mouse oh-ho-ho that's how that's how you is so bad okay I think we're good we've been here for two hours I think thanks for being here we're good let's go fill in the video let's go outside before it's like it's actually warm yeah you guys it's snowed last night I just got the got the new motorcycle thing so like we're gonna do this fine motorcycle looking we gotta go ride a motorcycle [Music] that's about agile it's kind of a meme honestly people just say it to look good they don't actually follow it JEP you doesn't make a difference Fred's made design is pretty honestly it pretty do you have any the same thing to us if it's easy to read and nice and you're a designer and so maybe it has a little something in it great if it's all over the place and really bright or really extra no don't do it make it very easy to read that's all that matters thanks for supporting the channel thanks for the five dude twist room is offline yeah if you guys had fun in this stream with us then she gets it well when's the next stream um next room will be what's today an extra tonight next room will be Monday so it's like every other day one video on livestream one video in Lightroom but yeah thanks for being here appreciate you guys um a music ran out at some point I don't know when but like I could put it I could put it back let's go back motorcycle also known as a scooter bro no don't make fun of the speed triple you're gonna ever work corporate I I did my time at corporate bro I did it I put my time in I'm good no more time needed okay well thanks for being here maybe leave a like before you head out I appreciate you guys and we'll be back Monday for another wife probably garbage jobs tomorrow six months between job hops well I'll see you guys later alright alright bye [Music] hold on somebody said Mickey Mouse moans uh JP this is for you there you go sorry rip your ears oh hello bye bye guys bye everybody see you later Oh [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 28,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7LkUb4zjqLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 54sec (8154 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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