Why Forgiving a Narcissist Will Backfire On You

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Today i'm talking about why you should never  forgive a narcissist, at least not to their face,   and this applies to any type of narcissist - male  or female, overt or covert. I'm Lise Leblanc. I'm   should never forgive a narcissist, let me just  say that this video is for informational purposes   only and it is not meant to replace professional  mental health services. And if you find this video   helpful, please take a moment to subscribe to  my channel. When you've experienced narcissistic   abuse, you are left with a head and heart  that is filled with confusion. Was any of it   real? Did the narcissist even care about me?  Did I mean anything to them did they do this   intentionally did they appreciate anything i did  for them? And at the end of this video, I will   answer these questions for you. If you've been  with a narcissist, not only do you feel confused,   used, abused and lost about who you are and what  you need because you've spent so much time and   energy trying to do everything for them only to be  discarded, or worse, still in the relationship and   still foolishly trying to satisfy their every  whim while feeling inadequate, frustrated,   anxious devalued, demeaned traumatized, or  even feeling like you're losing your sanity.   See, a relationship with a covert narcissist is  like being fed small doses of rat poison every   day. You get sick over time. It's subtle and you  start to forget what it was like to be healthy.   With an overt or grandiose narcissist, it's more  like being on a toxic roller coaster ride a dose   of intense connection and excitement followed by  a massive dose of poison. Both are masters when   it comes to trauma bonding and creating cognitive  dissonance, but the overt narcissist is swift in   his or her methods. They don't waste any time or  energy but either way you cannot have a healthy   relationship with a narcissist and forgiving  them or trying to get closure from them is not   going to help you. So, here are my top five  reasons why you should not forgive a narcissist   at least not in the sense that most people think  of forgiveness. So the first reason is that they   are still hurting you in some way. You may have  heard me say this in other videos, but people who   forgive too quickly or too easily are at risk  of being harmed soon after. In fact, research   shows that partners who forgive too easily  were almost twice as likely to be mistreated   soon afterwards and this is especially true if  you are in a relationship with a pathological   narcissist. Mark my words, they will continue to  hurt you and to poison you at every opportunity,   and this brings me to the second reason you should  not forgive a narcissist... this is their nature.   Forgiving a narcissist is like forgiving a cat  for eating your pet goldfish, then buying a new   goldfish and expecting the cat not to eat  it at its first chance. It is their nature   to impulsively meet their immediate needs without  consideration of how it will affect you or anyone   else. The harm they cause is simply a byproduct  of getting what they want when they want it.   See, they lack empathy, meaning they don't feel  bad about it, so you can try to train your cat not   to eat your goldfish, but don't be surprised when  they do and like your cat, there will be no guilt   or remorse which is the third reason you should  not forgive a narcissist... they don't feel bad,   they do not accept responsibility or consequences  for their actions. Oh they may say the right   things they may even cry and act sorry but it's  a performance. If they do feel bad, it's because   they got caught and again they will turn around  and just do it again. So, before you forgive,   take a moment and write down how many times  they've done this or something something similar   to hurt you. Ask yourself whether the narcissist  has taken responsibility, accepted consequences,   or tried to support you in your healing. My  bet is they're justifying their behavior,   flipping the narrative, and making it your fault,  or making it seem like you're being ridiculous,   insecure, overly sensitive, or  whatever, so you'll hear things like:   "I said i was sorry, what more do you want from  me? "It's never going to be enough for you"   or if you hadn't done this that or the  other, I wouldn't have been forced to   blah blah blah... fill-in-the-blank. Reason number  four is that they will use your effort to forgive   them as a weapon against you, even in clear-cut  situations where they have done you wrong,   somehow they'll manage to shift reality,  shift memories. Sometimes it happens in one   conversation, sometimes over many conversations,  but next thing you know you're feeling guilty,   questioning what happened, feeling like you  didn't do enough or didn't do the right things.   In other words, you're being gaslighted and you're  the one feeling bad while they are back on their   high horse and in the clear. Last reason is that  they will use your forgiveness as a way to suck   you back into their twisted game so if you manage  to get out of a relationship with a narcissist,   don't go back to them looking for answers, looking  for healing, or even to forgive them. This will be   used as an opportunity to suck you back in. If  they are short on narc supply, they may show you   the person you fell in love with, start recreating  that illusion of happily ever after together,   or if they have plenty of supply, they will use  the opportunity to reinforce how you hurt and   abuse them and how you should be begging for their  forgiveness, and in many cases the narcissist did   bring out some of the worst parts of you and there  may be times where you mirrored their behavior or   reacted in uncharacteristic ways which you do feel  bad about and of course the narcissist will use   this as ammunition. Suddenly, everything they  did is forgotten and you are the only problem.   If you want to forgive and heal from a  toxic relationship with a narcissist,   it will need to be an internal process. Do not  try to involve the narcissist in any way, shape,   or form because you will leave that healing or  forgiveness conversation feeling worse off than   when you went in. They will not give you the  answers you are seeking and any answers they   do give you cannot be trusted, so let me answer  some of your questions so you can start processing   and getting some resolution on this toxic  experience that you've had with the narcissist.   So, first the narcissist did not love you...  while they may have been infatuated with you   they idealized you, what they really loved was  what they could get from you. They don't think   about you unless they need narc supply and they  only see you as an instrument to get what they   want so while you did mean something to them, it  was more like what the goldfish meant to the cat.   It was a means to an end. So, they may appreciate  the fun of catching the fish and filling their   belly, they do not appreciate you for who you  are and what you can bring to the relationship.   They may tell you that they do, but look at the  evidence and you will see the truth for yourself.   Chances are, your relationship with the narcissist  was not all bad unless you were with a malignant   narcissist narcissist. There may have been some  really magical intense experiences of connection   and you may have invested so much into this  relationship that you don't want to give it up   or you crave it once it's over. You may  want to forgive and move on either with   or without the narcissist but when you're dealing  with a narcissist, you do need to set realistic   expectations and know that if you do forgive them  that, you know, you'll be doing it again and again   if you stay in that relationship. And if you've  managed to get out of that relationship, make   sure you do that healing and forgiveness process  internally. I believe forgiveness is one of the   most misunderstood words in the english language.  Most people believe that forgiving someone is   letting them off the hook, like forgiving them is  the same as saying that what they did was okay.   But, forgiveness does not make what's wrong right  and it doesn't mean that you need to re-engage   with that person, it doesn't mean the person  deserves your forgiveness. it only means that you   deserve peace you deserve to be untethered from  this person, from the poison, from the giant hook   that they jabbed into you and to be able to  move on and be happy, but when it comes to   the narcissist, please, please do not involve  them in your healing because this will simply   give them another another opportunity to poison  you and hook you in. So, if you can think of   other reasons not to forgive a narcissist, please  write them in the comments section and again if   you enjoyed this video, if you found it helpful,  please take a moment to subscribe to my channel.
Channel: Lise Leblanc
Views: 412,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissists hate you, things narcissists hate, how narcissists treat, how to outsmart narcissist, how narcissists control you, how narcissists manipulate, how to leave narcissist, leaving toxic people, vulnerable narcissism, covert narcissism, hypersensitivity, introverted, manipulative, blame-shifting, gaslighting, covert nacissist, vulnerable narcissist, female covert narcissist, female narcissist, female narcissism, male victims of narcissistic abuse, male narcissist traits, npd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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