Why EVERYONE Switched to Davinci Resolve.. SHOULD YOU?

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foreign what's up everyone Sarah dietchy rhymes with peachy here inside of the studio we are here in the home office today because this is where all of the magic happens I'm talking about video editing get your mind out of the gutter shout out to sound raw for sponsoring this video it's AI generated royalty-free music for your videos all of the music in this video was created with sound raw I don't just make YouTube videos but I am also a Avid consumer and I'm noticing on my home page a lot of people are switching to DaVinci results and when you have a lot of YouTubers switching to something a lot of just people in general are gonna try it out so hey I thought why not do a follow-up video of switching to resolve for 30 days from Premiere that I did almost four years ago because that video was the start of me actually using resolve as my main nle I don't touch Premiere anymore which is just crazy my whole life was Premiere and what's kind of crazy about DaVinci Resolve is you can literally just download it for free the free version supports all a lot of things that the studio version does like editing 4K video and also editing in the cloud and if you want some of those extra features like temporal and spatial noise reduction resolves neural engine that enables a lot of their AI effects and more importantly the support of editing 10-bit video well then yeah you can buy the studio version for a one-time fee of 295 dollars so as I've been watching this new wave of resolve videos the past year I'm noticing three big reasons why and those are the same reasons why I switched several years ago number one reliability now that I've used resolve for three or four years guys I kid you not on my PC resolve has only crashed twice two times when it's a small number like that you can actually remember the amount of times that it's crashed now I will say on my MacBook it crashes way more but for some reason I don't know if I'm cursed with Macs and video editing programs but regardless of Premiere and resolve I just have worse luck on Mac than resolve but the difference with resolve is always saving like every millisecond it so I never actually lose anything resolve does crash way less still than premiere on Mac but it's not as drastic of a change uh you know as on PC number two it's just the performance resolve is really good at utilizing your GPU and you just start to notice the performance differences I don't know just switching in between the different tabs and color grading it's just everything is so quick and number three is the cost a one-time cost versus a subscription every month now this is something that I never really thought about I make video as a job if I have to pay a monthly fee for the tools that I use whatever it's fine I never really cared about that but for the people starting out that is a huge deal so I totally understand now a few things have changed since I made that initial resolve video premiere's performance has improved and they've actually done a really good job with the new Apple silicon Max Premiere actually rips on Apple silicon Max but people again are still having issues with stability and that's something that just kind of always has been a thing Premiere even back in the day in 2016 2017 would use kind of this line well Premiere is our oldest code base there's only so much we can do well if they started rewriting Premiere from the ground up like Final Cut did what was that seven years ago then we might have had a really good Premiere now and maybe they wouldn't have lost all these people that they've lost the past year it's sad because I I truly love not only the people at Adobe I've had the great privilege to you know get to know them but their products have changed my entire life I use their products to become a full-time creative so again I have a ton of respect for them but kind of with Premiere is kind of like well should you rewrite the code like what Final Cut did you know it was rough for a few years but now it's just crushing okay I don't want this video to turn into just me complaining about Premiere I want to share over the past four years why I've really fallen in love with resolve but like there's a there's a big caution label I want to put here before you listen to all those things if you're happy with a program you're using and you're getting a final result of a video you're proud of and it wasn't frustrating to make and everything is just working that's great it kind of makes me nervous when I see some Final Cut people being like should I switch to resolve because historically people who've used Final Cut have actually been very happy so if you're a working creative and you're super busy a reason why to switch to a new program and to switch your workflow all around is if you feel pain if you're like I just can't go on like this you know I had nights where I would be up so late editing re-editing something because something just keeps crashing and then you know my skill is video editing not technical troubleshooting and that's what it turned in for me with me in Premiere and that's why I switched and still even then it took me a long time to do the switch because you know I got videos to make so I struggled with that for a while so yeah take all these videos kind of with a grain of salt if you're happy with what you got that's fine okay let's get to the actual computer tutor and I'll let you know some of the reasons why I stayed in resolve and still enjoy it today okay so let's hop into the meat and potatoes the actual features and resolve that might get you excited if you just switched or might you know make you consider switching so the first one that I am using all of the time but it was just released with resolve 18 was their AI based voice isolation it takes audio with a lot of background noise and just makes it close to perfect so say you're walking on a conference room floor or even in my office sometimes there's some like whistling from Cars outside or maybe even some Reverb this takes care of it it just isolates your voice and it makes it sound amazing I am here at Apple Park for the first time since 2019. I am here at Apple Park for the first time since 2019. no the only thing with voice isolation it's one of the few effects and resolve that really challenges my fancy PC I can throw a lot of things at my Puget PC and it's good voice isolation is a challenge for it so once you apply it you have to wait a little bit and it kind of has to like render out and load and then you'll be good but this is an effect I would recommend adding at the very end of your video because it's going to be pretty brutal color grading and cutting things up with this still applied but it does such an amazing job there's another new audio Effect called dialogue leveler now this will be great for podcasts it just evens out all of your audio a lot of these effects are just plug and play which is good for me because I'm always more concerned about the video and the vibe but a video without good audio is just not a good video so this helps me a ton something related to this that I would keep an eye on is Adobe podcast it's in the beta right now a video editor just showed me a before and after using this and it's actually kind of crazy so AI powered audio recording and editing all on the web so this looks like a loom descript Riverside all in one the before and after of audio after using this is pretty crazy okay number two is not necessarily a new feature but something that I've grown to Love More in DaVinci Resolve than Premiere and that is color grading via a node-based system instead of just using a ton of adjustment layers now this is this freaks out a lot of people like nodes right it was very intimidating in the beginning but I'm just going to explain it super simple and I'm sure fancy color readers are gonna get mad at me because I'm not going to say the right things but this will just get you started okay think of a serial node as an adjustment layer in Premiere to add one you either right click add node serial node or the keyboard shortcut alt s and that's just adding like another adjustment layer that you can do specific color Corrections on now where this is so cool if you look at this timeline here you see different titles and videos on top of things but you don't have all of these extra layers for adjust layers now in resolve if you wanted to use a adjustment layer they call it adjustment clip right here and you can add it and apply a color grade to here and it'll affect everything below it just like in Premiere oh Ripple deleted but the power of resolve is using groups and color grading via nodes because it keeps all of the color grading in this color Tab and it actually really simplifies your timeline because you don't have all the adjustment Clips so my workflow on basically what I do for color grading is say I have a roll so this is my long a roll clip right I'll just like drag it down ignore all of the audio and before I go into this clip and start hacking away and editing right I make sure to put this one a-roll clip into a Groove so I have it selected I go into my color tab this is the 1A roll clip I'm going to right click and I'm going to say add into a new group we'll just say a-roll 2 because I already have an a-roll so every clip that I put into that a roll two clip is gonna have this same exact a roll color grading so instead of having to go in and manually drag that adjustment layer over all of your a-roll you're just going to assign it to a group and we're doing it before because as you start cutting away at these clips every single one of these clips is still going to maintain that group if that makes sense so now we have these three a-roll clips and instead of me having to go and individually grade each of those clips I'm just going to click one of them I'm going to go into group post clip and now when I add a Serial node here and say I want to brighten it up a bit as you can see all three of those clips that are in that same group had the same color grade applied to them this is just such a faster way to color grade and easier and then same with this one Aero clip I want to do something different with it that's not going to affect the other a-roll two clips I'm just gonna go and change from group post clip to clip and this is just going to change um this individual clip so as you can see that is now darker than all of the aerial Clips but it still has the post clip color grade does that make sense hopefully that makes sense if you're curious how I actually um color grade my videos we'll just go to a a-roll clip here we go and I'll go to the color Tab and if we go to groups you can see it's in my a-roll group um I will take the color grade off that's before and then that's after I definitely try to go for a look it's what I like some people might not like the kind of contrasty saturation look but that's what I like so if I go to the group post clip you're gonna see I have a film convert plugin this is film convert nitrate and I actually don't use the fx6 camera profile I kind of took the time to go through the different profiles and I really like how the Sony A7 Mark III cine4 whatever profile looks on S cinetone fx6 footage and I usually use one of the three first film stocks and then I go in and tweak things and usually I have to raise the Shadows a bit and sometimes my office footage looks pretty orange I can usually save that just by adjusting the mids and bringing it a little bit more to the blues but this one was fine so I didn't do anything to that so hopefully that makes sense a lot of people who are coming over from Luma tree color panel in Premiere kind of intimidated by this page but the basics if you want to raise the exposure and you're not using a plug-in like film convert where you can just press the exposure um dial and get more exposure how you increase exposure in resolve is using the shadows and and the highlights there's not one exposure dial like in Luma tree and lift gamma gain you can kind of view that as just adjusting the colors of the Shadows the mids and the highs and then everything else is pretty self-explanatory I don't know why I said that it won't be self-explanatory but there's a lot of great tutorials that go more into coloring and resolve that you can probably watch hopefully that gets you a good start okay number three we're going back to like a new cool AI feature and this is something I actually mentioned in my AI video but magic mask magic mask is so cool it basically allows you to very roughly outline a subject in resolve and it just automatically makes you a mask then you can track it and then create a new node that color grades specifically that object or maybe the background and boom Off to the Races and you didn't have to manually cut things out there's also something called automatic depth map now that is similar to Magic Mouse Magic Mouse it's similar to Magic mask but you don't have to sit there and wait for it to track it basically automatically separates the foreground from the background and allows you to do a really quick color grade to the foreground or of the background so you can do stuff like the example I gave you for magic mask where you put text behind a person or you can use it for a quick color grade uh you know a landscape shot where you only want to color grade the sky and not the mountains or whatever's in the foreground number four I know I'm kind of switching in between new features and just things that I like about resolve instead of Premiere but this is something that I just really like the timeline is fast going in between clips and just scrolling and you know zooming in and out taking the playhead and just going back and forth in footage it's very similar like the fluidity to it is very similar to Final Cut and that it is just fast whenever I go back in Premiere it almost feels like kind of archaic and clunky but that's where the similarities to Final Cut stops if you're coming from Final Cut to resolve it's gonna feel very very different it's very similar to when I tried to edit and Final Cut I just gave up I was like this is so different from what I'm used to I just can't do this but coming from Premiere resolve was actually very familiar like applying effects and just like dealing with timelines and dealing with media and I don't know it was just pretty easy for me to learn so if you're coming from Premiere I give it a solid month and you'll be you'll be golden number five resolve rolls out a ton of updates all of the time and they never break the program that is something I don't miss with Premiere because the updates are almost like forced upon you and more times than not they would just add more bugs and when resolve adds things they're not changing the fundamentals of the program I went into Premiere recently and the new Import and Export page is so jarring it adds so many more clicks to the process it just it's bad next up a short segue here when you're a video editor you spend a lot of time searching for the perfect royalty-free music well now you can save that time searching for the perfect royalty-free music and now you can actually Create It With a Little Help from actually what we've been talking about today AI shout out to sound raw for sponsoring this video seriously you want to see how this works sound raw is a royalty-free AI music generator for creators with sound raw you can select the video theme like a vlog or corporate video or even gaming select the Moon genre and length then you can even choose the tempo and the instruments you want in the song and boom you can get as detailed as you want or if the song is already good then you can just download it if you're more experienced in composition they do have a pro mode as well you can even change the intensity of certain parts of the song by selecting it you can say hey I want that instrument during this part but not over here and you can see on the screen now this is me kind of rearranging the song that you're listening to right now for this ad segment it's actually super easy to use and this is kind of blowing my mind this is super super cool a lot of video editors will tell you how much time it takes looking for the right song and for whatever reason it's still difficult to find music to match the mood you're looking for but sound raw is built for you for the Creator so if you want to create high quality royalty-free music you can check out soundtrack seriously you won't regret it it is it is just so so cool thank you so much sounderal for sponsoring this video you can check out my link in the description below if you want to check it out okay cool sound roll thank you for sponsoring this video I have a few more points if that's okay if you're considering uh switching to resolve these are some these are some pros they have a full-on iPad app so I actually made a full video about this when it was in beta you can check it out here I never remember what side uh but what's kind of crazy is they ported over desktop resolve to the iPad so it works really really good now they only started with the cut page and the color page which the cut page is different than the full-on edit page but people have now figured out how to get all of the pages they basically just go to the keyboard shortcuts and say hey show this page and the app works like the full desktop app now works on the iPad I don't know if Blackmagic is gonna shut this down but it's kind of crazy if you want to learn how to edit in the cut page I did a little tutorial section in that iPad video that I did so again I will link it down in the description below another feature that might be worth it for you is cloud video editing now this is not something that I use but this is something that Premiere charges more for for their version but it's just included in resolve so this allows you to collaborate live with another editor from wherever they are in the world it'll automatically lock whatever timeline one editor is in um so the other editor doesn't mess it up and they can you know be in another timeline now whenever I work with a remote editor hey what's up Kyle we have our own workflow in Google Drive where it just kind of syncs the footage and we export a resolve project file every time that we're done with our version so we can pass it off in between each other that works out well for me and yeah it's super simple anyways yeah I don't think I have more to say about that one okay and the last point I would like to make is keyboard shortcuts always makes you edit faster no matter what program that you're in previously I've made a dedicated video to this for resolve and Premiere so I'm actually going to release with this video a version 3 of the peachy shortcuts for free I'll just put the Google Drive Link in the description below and what this does is basically add all of the keyboard shortcuts that you need to the left side of the keyboard so that allows you to keep your hand on the mouse the right hand on your mouse the entire time and have all that you need on the left side of your keyboard it works really well for me and I've added some shortcuts if you've seen that previous video I'll put all that info that you need in the description below so one of the questions that people had on Twitter was hey what is something in Premiere that resolve might not have that you still like better in Premiere I will answer that because there are a few things so Number One Auto generated subtitles this is something that resolve doesn't have they recently updated their subtitle workflow and it definitely is better but Premiere you click a button and it actually auto-generates the subtitles you don't have to use a third party service that is huge I would love for resolve to get on that so a lot of those uh kind of AI features that Premiere has had have been updated over in resolve like basically what's it called the smart reframe so it'll reframe your 16x9 footage the 9 by 16 it'll keep your subject in the center so I'm glad to see that but oof we need we need the auto generated subtitles another thing that I do miss is premier's Graphics panels just dealing with text I don't know what it is but I enjoy so much more dealing with text and Premiere it almost feels like you're in Photoshop it's just easier I like the different drop shadow settings that you have in Premiere another thing if you're using two displays instead of one ah yeah there's much more flexibility with Premiere than in resolve it has this setting where you can say hey I'm using two displays but it's not infinitely adjustable in Premiere you can grab your effects window your timeline window you can bring it wherever you want so I have to say like panel flexibility is really handy when you're editing vertical video premiere's graphic panel and also the automatic captions I feel like is also a winner for vertical video and social media content so if you're creating for things like Tick Tock IG rules YouTube shorts where all of those things are necessary I still think actually Premiere is the better program for you but I mostly create long form for YouTube what you're watching now hey hi how are you so it's really not a problem for me but there you go Premiere is still really good for some things and again if you have no issues stay stay in there so hey let me know down in the comments below why do you use Premiere or resolve or Final Cut bottom line for me is yes I do enjoy all these new features in resolve and it's turned out to be a great program but I need stability I make videos every single week it is not only my job but it's been my life for over a decade so just having a program that doesn't crash on me is just stable is is it that's that's what I need that's why I've been in resolve for now almost four years which is crazy and it's been a great experience both on PC and Mac that's why I could never use Final Cut because a lot of my workflow is on Windows you know if you just switch to resolve and you're using Mac I'm going to leave a tip at the end of this video to make sure you get the correct color in the exports that I kind of buried in my last MacBook video but hey guys if you appreciated this video check out that sound raw Link in the description below just just to check it out it's actually pretty cool and you can leave a like hit that subscribe button totally free things to support this video and send it out into the algorithm and let me know if you like this video hit that subscribe button down below if you're new it is every single week and until next time guys stay peachy okay bye and hey if you are a video editor and you're on a Mac and maybe you're switching to resolve or you just have switched to resolve I have a tip for you I'm seeing this on Twitter a ton because I had the same issue as well if you're having issues with editing your footage and liking the color and resolve but then hitting export and it not matching up when you upload it to YouTube or maybe you watch it in QuickTime do these two things and resolve to solve your problem number one go to Project settings color management timeline color space and select Rec 709-a and then go to your preferences General and make sure this is checked the use Mac display color profiles for viewers and that's going to ensure that the video that you export is actually going to look like what you've edited in result
Channel: Sara Dietschy
Views: 241,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: switching to davinci resolve, switching from premiere pro to davinci resolve, what you need to know when switching to davinci resolve, how to transition from adobe premiere to davinci resolve, sara dietschy davinci resolve
Id: p4mdPb-PGZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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