DaVinci Resolve vs Premiere Pro For Beginners - REAL Reasons to Switch

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I had a love affair with premere Pro it was my first editing software we spent 3 years together and edited countless projects including for YouTube had some arguments once in a while but we worked through it but slowly things started falling apart just wouldn't tell me what was the problem till one day I had a 30 minutes timeline and it just couldn't export and after a couple of days the only solution was to take that timeline there yeah I'm manry and let's leave all this drama aside that's my story maybe yours is a little bit different but if you're here I think you're probably considering migrating and in this video I'm going to show you many details of the daily life of editing with both softwares the small things that you might not have seen yet that are going to save you so much time in the long run and also that some things that you might expect to be difficult to adapt to are not that big of a mystery so the first category here is the overall speed and the flow of editing so so let me show you the two software side by side so you can have a very good idea of what I'm talking about it starts when importing the files and having the thumbnails generated so that you can scrub through in the bin and also on the [Music] timeline in the V when you throw them on the timeline you can already see a long version of what's the whole clip about so that it can skip directly to where you want scrubbing is a breeze in the bin and also in the timeline but if you have some difficult effects to render you can choose for it to do it when the computer is just idle when you're not touching the software or you're just checking something else but not editing [Music] properly key framing something that don't premere I always felt that there had to be any kind of better way of doing it and the Vint applies more or less the same technique in which you can see the lines and the dots which are the key frames for any given parameter across time but also if you see on the clip you can expand here and you can see it also in a 2d display all the lines and all the parameters at the same time so at a given moment you can have an idea if there's something else changing and how just by looking at it and if you move files around you just need to locate the main folder and it's going to work through the rest of the sub folders to find everything you need cutting trimming and positioning Clips in the timeline are going to be similar to other softwares you used before like premere for example but of course there are going to be some different shortcuts for the way that the VIN works but you can even choose the shortcuts to be exactly the same as the ones you used in Premiere Pro before if you'd like it the second category is the most obvious one to talk about which is the price but we have to pay a little bit of attention here because we're not comparing exactly Apples to Apples as you probably know Adobe is in a subscription mode in which you pay roughly $265 per year which is more or less $22 per month now Dain has a free version that might just be enough for a lot of people out there very soon I'm going to make a video comparison between the free and the studio version that you're going to be able to watch over here if it's ready if it's not you won't see anything but anyways for me at least the studio version was worth it mainly because of two reasons the first one is to be able to have GPU support which the free version doesn't have making everything quite faster especially the video effects and the support to 10bit footage if that's not your case the free version just might be enough by the way the studio version comes at about $300 one payment only so adob feels lighter at the start but after one year they're matched already and with d Vinci you're going to continue having updates without having to pay anything extra now there's one way to make it relatively cheaper and relatively because you're going to actually spend more but you get more value out of it and this is by person purchasing some of the hardware the Blackmagic produces if you get for example this keyboard for editing which costs about $400 you get a license for the Vintage studio also so in the end the keyboard comes for $100 and even better if you get for example a camera like the pocket 4K that comes for about $1,200 so in the end you're going to pay $900 for it it's a pretty good deal for a camera that shoots even raw now and this is very important still we're not comparing in a their way just by comparing the Vinci studio with Premier Pro and this is because the Vinci Studio or even the free version actually comes with many softwares built in the same software so actually you could count the Vinci Studio as being Premier Pro After Effects media encoder and audition all in one but in this case if you were to get a subscription for Premiere after facts and audition you would pay roughly $69 per month in which case it's even better for you to get the complete Creative Cloud plan which comes from for about 59 and then you get access also to all the photo softwares like Lightroom Photoshop Adobe Firefly so now you see how it's not that simple let's say you have a talking head video just like this one and all you want to do is put some text in the background control the audio color graded and Export let's start with the audio on Premiere you would right click and just go to audition to apply any kind of effect you'd like and this would be built inside the wave file and transported back to Premiere now these changes have been applied already and you cannot tune them anymore for anything you want to do you're going to have to go back to audition and then just do everything from start while in Da Vinci this means just a trip to the fair Light page where you can apply effects to the audio itself or to the track it's perfectly customizable and you get some of the controls right from the edit page just here in the inspector regarding the text in the back you're going to have to make a trip to After Effects and rotoscope the person talking so that you can detach it from the background now in this case you're going to be using the dynamic linking meaning that you can always tune it on after effects and the changes will be mirrored inside Premiere now my experience with it was that many times Premiere just wouldn't manage to render these Dynamic Links at all so I've lost count how many times I simply exported this bit of video in After Effects and imported as a video file inside Premiere now in the that will mean a trip to the fusion or to the color pages they kind of share some of the features and you can choose where you prefer to use them and all you need to do is make a line over the person and track it super fast super easy now is that V resolve crash proof not at all but the percentage of times that it happens compared to premere Pro is just astonishingly different in most of the times with me it happened when I applied many facts on top of each other and didn't wait for the software to render that part to try to play it in the meantime I even posted a video that you can see over here on how to kind of hack Premiere Pro on rendering the timeline before exporting and using these rendered files so that your exports wouldn't fail in the middle without exactly telling you what was the problem that you had to solve the thing is I don't get anymore the sudden crashes while editing I don't get the alerts of running out of vram anymore but mainly I don't have anymore the failed renders with an error saying that there's some kind of problem in minute X and when I get there there's absolutely nothing the color page now being realistic premere Pro applies the color to the Clips in a very similar way it does with other softwares like Lightroom for example so you simply have this Cascade of effects on top of each other that you just go one by one until you have the clip looking the way you want it it's simple and it kind of works now Premiere stops there and here is from where the Vinci picks up and it makes you realize how many things you're missing by not having all these features that I'm going to show you in the color page here you've got noise reduction you got you got embedded RW controls you got the color Checker you've got primaries but also log Wheels you got sharpening tools you got curves with the waveforms below for reference you can prev visualize LS or power grades which is kind of like a Lightroom preset for videos you have support to countless Brands and picture profiles embedded in the software you can color grade clips or the timeline so you don't need to play around with adjustment layers anymore and finally the node structure in which you can be as organized as you like putting maybe one effect per node so that you can know exactly where everything is in Premiere you can stack latry effects and you can rename them to make it a little bit easier to find but still you have to expand each one of them to see what you want to do while in the VCI you just click the node and all the controls are already here and as I said before the there's this gray area between fusion the after effects on the vinture and the color page so from here also you can access all these effects the depth map so that you can control the background and the foreground the magic mask for that rotoscoping you can relight a scene look at this it's crazy you can do Sky Replacements so that you don't have to mask everything you can use the face refinement which is kind of like Photoshop for video you can change the light on the skin the texture how the eyes appear another thing you can do here is tracking something across a whole scene so let's take our model here for example I'm just going to make a power window which is kind of like a mask and I'm going to track her from beginning to the end so that I can maybe apply a little bit of brightness if I try to do the same thing on Premiere this is what happens all right so if you're still thinking about migrating let me know in the comment section below if I touched any of the points that were worrying before or if there's any other doubts that I can talk about in future videos and if you've done it already how's the experience going all right guys thanks a lot for watching and now you can watch this video over here yeah that's exactly what you're seeing so I'll see you over there see [Music] you
Channel: FlyEnri
Views: 11,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro vs davinci resolve, davinci resolve, premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, davinci resolve tutorial, adobe premiere pro effects, adobe premiere pro tutorial 2023, adobe premiere pro color grading, adobe premiere pro tutorial for beginners, adobe premiere pro video editing tutorial, adobe premiere pro tutorial, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve effects, Premeire pro vs davinci resolve
Id: m2SphvWzV3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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