Capcut is BETTER than Adobe Premiere - No Contest

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yeah cap cut is better than Premiere I said it now let me show you why you can download all of the elements for free that we'll use in this tutorial so you can follow along the links in the description so go on download them right now and yeah you can use them for your own videos wherever you want for free without fear of copyright stuff because I filmed all this stuff so it's it's yours let's go through some important features in each program count them up and see who wins number one what about the learning curve well this is the interface in Adobe Premiere Pro it's got all kinds of stuff it has the ability to look at the workspace in a bunch of different ways and it's a little bit convoluted and complicated and if we jump into cap cut it's much simpler like yes you can modify the windows a little bit but these are all not super useful and it doesn't change much based on the interface for sure cap cut is much easier and is a guy that has spent many many years in Premiere and has gotten pretty adapted cap cut the learning curve for cap cut is much much easier so learning curve yeah one point for cap cut number two organization in Premiere we have all these folders We can click these down arrows and see what's inside each folder we have the ability to change the way the folders look if I stretch this window out I can click on a clip and I can sort by any of these different categories which is kind of useful overall I like premier's organizational abilities if I jump into cap cut we can look at our media either as a list or as a grid there's no ability to open these up and see what's beneath them without double clicking it and looking inside you can Nest folders so I've got folders several layers deep here I can get back and forth pretty easily here so it's very simple but not very robust this point goes to Premiere number three basic editing I just want to be able to trim a clip up and bring it into the timeline how's that in Premiere well let's go over here and double click on this Lighthouse and I can drag this around around to see the point that I'm looking for I can type an i for the endpoint I can also click on this for an endpoint and click on this for an outpoint I can use the keystrokes JK and L to navigate through this stuff then type an i and go to the end and I can go onef frame at a time really easily and see what's going on and then to get into the timeline I can either drag it in here or use this overwrite button and Bam it's it's pretty easy and pretty robust in cap cut let's see what that looks like I'm going to just double click on Drone double click on the same thing like oh double clicking brings it over here and it starts playing it now I can use this bar here to slide things over I can go into the list mode and have a little more control kind of here frankly I hate doing it like this now can I use jkl yes just like almost any editing program out there if I type the letter L it's going to go forward type the L again it'll double speed quadruple speed and I can stop it by hitting K just like in Premiere and I can type I to Mark the endpoint go forward some more go backwards find the exact spot I want and type O to mark an outpoint and you see it made that little thing so it's it's okay but I don't have any control down here no other options to do things to put it in the timeline I can just click on that plus sign it goes in the timeline and you know it's fine but frankly I hate the fact that I don't have another window a source window on one side and then my player window on the on the right side so for this one I'm saying Point Adobe Premiere next let's talk about the tools in Adobe Premiere we have these tools here and if you click on them you can expand them and see other options for them so it's all these tools kind of kind of plus reality is I almost never use these tools I'll type A keystroke to kind of get to them but I don't use most of these there's other options learning the keystrokes instead of clicking on a tool and dragging it around is usually much better and in cap cut we've got just these four tools here and I actually use this one and I use this one one in cap cut and those are the same ones I use in premere 95% of the time so for the tools I'm going to call it a wash no points for anyone next we have transitions let's just drag both of these clips in the timeline and I want this one to go first I'm going to drag this guy first and I'm going to drag this guy second around here doesn't really matter where it looks like it's been trimmed up from our last little exercise and I'm just going to trim this guy up here and if I wanted to add a transition between these two guys well I would jump into effects and click on video transition this down arrow and I'd find all of these insanely Next Generation very Advanced transitions for example if we click under slide we have something called push I click it here and look at this watch this insane transition did you see that a push light it push it off the screen who wait there's something even more fancy how about cross dissolve it's it's like it's in a movie right and what about an iris look at this we can make an iris cross whoa okay I'm being sarcastic I think that's obvious these are transitions from wedding videos from 1987 the built-in transitions in Adobe Premiere freaking suck but in cap cut let's see what we got let's go ahead and drag this guy down here in front of him and trim it up a tiny bit like that and let's go ahead and see what we got here now we've got transitions look at this we have insane categories we've got overlays movement and blur and let's just try a couple random ones and see what we got here what's this one okay premier's got nothing like that built in how about uh vertical blur pretty cool like to get that in Premiere is a pain and I've downloaded several plugins to make that easy but every time it's a pain in the butt it's oh it's the wrong aspect ratio it's 4K it's HD it's a pain let me just show you one transition that would actually work for this and yes you can do this in Premiere easily with another video layer but if I just go to light effect and scroll down to something like glare I can drop this on here and without needing to import anything else or mess with adjustment layers I have something that's beautiful and usable for this situation in addition to all the crazy stuff so for transitions 100% like not even a competition goes to cap cut what about effects well in Adobe Premiere it's kind of like transitions you just go over here to video effects and we see some of these effects well look at this we have channel so I can invert the channel okay yeah it made it you know inverted it I mean that's interesting right we can uh distort some stuff I can magnify and you know nothing even happened until I jump up here into settings and look under magnify and I can tweak it a bunch and oh you can see that little thing in the middle right and I can increase the magnification and I can change the size and you know I mean I mean it's fine let's see if I can find even one effect that I'd actually want to use how about in stylize let's try posturi eyes oh you can't even see oh look at that it's reducing the number of colors available and I can reduce it even further so there's less Color Wow pretty fancy Premiere looks like you've been really working on those effects maybe they just want you to buy After Effects I I think I think that's it and then and then try to learn After Effects that's a mother but what about cap cut we just click on the effects big bold obvious up here and you can see we've got video effects bunch of categories and body effects bunch of categories so in video effects let's try some stuff oh we're out in the middle of the ocean how about lightning crack let's see what that looks like holy cow that's pretty insane not only does it just automatically do cool stuff you can tweak the heck out of it with these sliders over here we can make the background darker lighter we can adjust how often it's happening and we can see how bright each of the lightning cracks are and we get okay that's pretty sick right out of the box we're still in the ocean what about how about fog let's add some fog to that bad boy and oh dud we got fog and lightning dude to do this in Premiere with the built-in stuff it's it's just not going to happen not only that we have these body effects which are a lot of fun so let's go ahead and jump into media and go back to all go to my GoPro shot I got this shot of Leela here going to zoom out so I can see her I'm going to turn the audio off so you don't have to listen to it now let's what does a body effect do it finds bodies it finds people and it applies the effect to a person Premiere has nothing like that going to click on effects again and I'm look at these body effects and for me I like the superp powery stuff I think I I saved some up here for you let's try uh lightning Vortex for Leela so it's going to put this lightning around her what you could never do that in Premiere without going outside the program bringing some other stuff in so it's it's basically impossible and how about this to go with that I'm going to add this other lightning thing which will impact just her face I mean come on you can make Thor in like two clicks here we can adjust the color to make it match the background a little better somewhere around in there adjust the background more adjust the strength adjust how fast it happens let's make it go like really fast and look look what we get like dude try to do that in Premiere it's it's not going to happen for effects Point 100% cap cut surely Premiere after a thousand years and being the number one professional program on the planet has got text dialed in well let's see well here's one time while I will use this toolbar text I'm going to take that ugly filter off of here first and I'm just going to add some text by clicking here and typing in the coast and you know it's text it's fine you can move it around you can scale it you can do all the same stuff you can do in a basic word processor you got those word processor features built in you can Center it whatever you know add a background to it but what if you want to get fancier in adob be Premier can you yeah they've got your essential Graphics built in and if we click on browse we can see all of these essential Graphics now I've downloaded most of these because the built-in text effects it has are extremely minimal and the plugins I found so far aren't great I'm sure there's better ones out there but to use that all you do is you just click and you drag it over here and what you're going to find is it's going to load it it's going to take 10 years and sometimes it's just going to just crash your system so yeah like I didn't try this one out in advance so I'm seeing that this one might actually crash my system so I'm just going to give up maybe it's downloading it who knows what it's doing I'm just going to cancel it okay let's let's try one that looks pretty safe and simple bold presents drag that guy on there oh it loaded it oh look at this wow that's fancy Premiere you went all out on this one so let's let's jump into cap cut see what they've got and cap cut we jump up here they make it super easy you click on text and we have this we'll just go with this default gu we'll just drag the default one to keep it simple and this of course we have all of the basic you know word processing features down here you know plus some you've got some glow and curve and Shadow and stuff that's you know a little better than a basic word processor but we also have these templates you just click and oh it looks like that and that and that and built in they got a million things You' got some of these Pro ones that look kind of cool and of course you can modify all of these but what's even better than these templates are the animations let me just go back to a simple one and click on animation now we've got a million different not a million but a lot of animations to bring text in and out you can modify change the duration obviously you can tweak the words and say the coast whatever so these are all pretty insane we have outs things to take the text off of the screen and then we have loops things that'll just keep going on over and over again for the duration of the text and I mean without question the text features are 100% in the camp of cap cut what about basic animation just scaling moving and rotating things which one is better for basic animation let's jump into Adobe Premiere just going to wipe out all of this stuff I'm going to bring in my lighthouse and I'm going to drag my ocean on top of it right here and trim it up and what if I just want ocean to be smaller and go across the lighthouse how do I do that well I jump up here under Motion in the effects Tab and I will position my PL at the beginning set a key frame for position and scale and I'm going to scale this guy down and I'm going to click on him so I can move him and I put him right over here in the corner move forward a little bit and then drag him over here so he goes across the screen and now it's going across the screen that's just basic motion with any graphic text anything so that's that's pretty simple and if we go into cap cut I'm going to try the same thing I'm going to delete all of this stuff I'm going to take the lighthouse drone shot put the ocean on top of it and I'm going to trim this guy up and shorten this make it fit the screen by hitting shift Z fills the screen and I'm just going to scale this guy down just going to without me having to go into another tab I can scale this guy down so that's already kind of a win just going to position him over here position my plate in the beginning I'm going to set a key frame for scale in position under video basic scale position big obvious easy sliders I want it to move across screen till here so make sure it's highlighted and drag it over to here and what do we got bibity Bobby Boo we're moving things across the screen in cap cut and I give this a slight wind to cap cut because it's just so easy obvious and much more intuitive so win cap cut what about slow motion can these programs do something as fancy as slow motion well let's jump into Adobe Premiere grab this ocean footage drop it my timeline and what I wanted to do I'm going across the ocean really fast here on the Oregon coast and what I wanted to do is slow down right when we get to the waves crashing here so to do that in Premiere I'm going to increase the track size by clicking and dragging this guy up that's one thing you can't do in cap cut just yet it'll probably happen at some point so I do like that in Premiere but I'm going to right click on this guy and choose time remapping and choose speed then I'm going to select my pen tool by typing the letter P set a key frame here then I'm going to type the letter a and drag this guy up to increase the speed to say 400% right around there I can see what it looks like like it's going fast going fast going fast and then it slows down now I want that transition to be a little smoother so I'm just going to zoom in on this a little bit and drag this guy over to the right like this it's thinking about it zoom out again mess with this audio didn't stick with it and now we have it going fast and slightly more subtly it slows down to normal speed and that's you know it's fine it works but let's go ahead and jump into cap cut and do the same we'll take that same clip right here the ocean and I want it to slow down there but so what I'm going to do is just click on it jump up to not video but speed and I can slow down or speed up the entire thing by draging ding this thing over so that's pretty easy and convenient I'm going to undo that not what I want to do what's useful here are these curves now it's got some presets so if you click on it you can see that it's going to speed down and slow up it's going to go faster here and slow down here which is kind of cool usually not what you want you usually want something more specific so I'm going to click on customize now I can use these key frames it has built in but I have a very specific thing I want to do so I'm just going to try to drag one of these guys over to hereo and these these other guys I'm just going to get rid of the ones I don't need actually I just don't need that one I'm going to use two key frames and I'm going to hit this minus sign so now I can modify it so what I wanted to do is I wanted to go fast here and then over the course of you know half of a second slow down and go at normal speed so to do that all I do is I drag this guy up to around I don't know 500% drag this first part up to 500% and we've got that part done it goes there and then over time it slows down to normal speed and it took too long to slow slow it down so I'm just going to drag it over here like that and now I can do it over here or I can drag it in the timeline here so fast one slows down and you can hear the waves crashing so slow motion or fast motion speed changes they're kind of easier and more intuitive in cap cut I give the point to cap cut there are a lot more potential categories but we're going with one category that matters in every video and you could say that this is potentially more important than the video which is audio bad video is forgivable bad audio is not if your audio sounds bad has noise in it people will just click off they won't watch it if they can't hear you so we're going to see which one does better at cleaning up noisy audio yes obviously premere is a more robust program it's got more audio features you can adjust you know equalize and normalize do way more stuff in Premiere with audio but what's better at getting rid of noisy audio so let's jump into Premiere I'm going to grab this GoPro clip of US Sailing Le and I sailed from this past summer we sailed from the Dominican Republic to the Bahamas it was a very very stressful trip you want to check out our Channel life untethered you can watch some of that stuff it's Lyfe life untethered and there's some crazy sailing stuff so this is Leela let's see how this audio sounds shall we okay we areed we're okay the audio is pretty much unusable you'd probably put like subtitles or something there to make it usable or try to clean it up but in Premiere we do have some audio features now we could jump over here into the effects and select the audio effects here and find the ones that are for noise reduction which you know are okay but it's got kind of an automated version of that so if we click over here under essential sound and with this audio track selected we select dialogue and we can choose a default which is cleanup noisy dialogue let's see how it did and it just added these filters here and tweaked them to some default without thinking about it okay we are okay you can barely hear it when it added those it lower the volume a lot so I'm just going to bump up the volume a little bit okay it still sounds really terrible now I could just get rid of that go back to the default and say reduce the noise crank it all the way up what can you do a little better but it still sounds awful in fairen to Premiere they do have in their beta enhanced audio which I believe uses AI to clean up the audio and I've tried it and it's it's not that great so let's see what we get out of cap cut that you know beginner program let's let's check it out here's exactly the same clip just so you can hear what it sounds like now we're just going to click on audio now this is a pro feature one reason to possibly get the pro version and all we do is click on this one called vocal isolation now it usually takes a second to process this but because I've already used it it did it quickly this would have taken about 5 Seconds to process this 10-second clip let's see what this sounds like hey we are stranded we're waiting for to get a CO in we're just about a that audio was unusable this is I don't know if you can wrap your head around how incredible this is because over the course of my years in video I've had a ton of terrible audio and nothing could clean it up not even Juan the racket sound guy when I was working over at soapbox films could probably well maybe with some professional featured filters you could have cleaned this stuff up but nothing in my toolkit would have clean this audio up like that this is this is insane so this point obviously goes to cap cut so what's the final tally seven cap cut and two for Premiere after this comparison what do I really think and what do I use dude I've been using premiere for like a dozen years I'm very comfortable with it it has much more control than cap cut and I'm going to I'm going to stick with Adobe Premiere because it's the better option for me that said I do sometimes jump into capcut for its insane transitions effects and for its audio tools that remove noise way better than Adobe Premiere does but for you what's the best program for most humans on Earth and probably you cap cut is the better program it's specifically designed for beginners for social media it has effects Premiere can't even touch and it is 10 times easier to learn the beautiful thing about cap cut is what you learn translates to Premiere Pro to Adventure resolve and Final Cut Pro in fact many of the key strokes are the same and editing is not about the software it's about the stories you can tell and the app that lets you you specifically do that with the greatest ease is the right and the best program for you if you want to become a better editor I've created by far the best course on Earth to teach you to fully Master cap cut so you have the freedom to tell your stories without having to interrupt the process every 5 Seconds to see how to do something I promise it'll be the best investment tiny investment you make in yourself this year towards growing on YouTube and growing your business with video just click the link in the description or click right here to change the course of your life forever
Channel: Trevor Jones
Views: 68,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut, capcut tutorial, capcut edit, how to edit in capcut, Capcut is BETTER than Adobe Premiere, capcut is better than premiere, capcut vs premiere, capcut vs adobe premiere, capcut vs adobe premiere pro, capcut video editor, video editing for youtube, capcut video editor slow motion, how to edit on capcut like a pro, how to use capcut video editor, how to edit videos, video editing course for beginners, master capcut, video editing tutorial, premiere pro
Id: cZa3jMG52_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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