When Linus Tech Tips Invites You To LTX Expo 😳

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace [Music] and we're here I made it to Vancouver look how beautiful this is oh this feels good it is beautiful it was hustling and bustling down there it's about 5 p.m so a lot of people I guess are out of work it feels like it's a touch of New York La Seattle with the mountains in the background I've only been here once and it was actually to visit Linus and all of the awesome people at LTT at their office when it was like a little baby office compared to their operation now but I'm excited for the LTX Expo I think I'm on a couple panels I'm just gonna hang out I'm excited for this weekend also start this out with a little Mini unboxing there's a cool designer his name is Nick bintel he made the wallet that I use all the time when I need a slim portable wallet like I'm going out for a walk right now it basically emulates a Mac wallet which is super clever love it love it and I thought hey I'm going to LTX I can't have the Mac wallet and so I bought one from his new release and it's the windows folder I mean this is probably more on brand for me anyways my main video editing machine for six years now seven years has been a Windows PC several PCS oh what oh what a cute little wallet [Music] five cards fills up pretty quick okay I'm ready day one of LTX Expo I'm gonna be on a panel today I have a few meetings today Saturday is kind of my busy day and then tomorrow Sunday I think I'm gonna like Explore More and just have more of a yeah fun day well today's gonna be fun as well if you're new around here hi my name is Sarah did she rise with peachy I make videos about tech and creativity and I'm a big fan of Linus and the whole LTT Squad so I'm very happy to be here and as you guys have seen already Vancouver is so beautiful I am so excited to be here [Music] okay we're on the way to our panels okay what are you shooting with my Fuji tx1 it's film David it's such a hipster such a hipster yeah they have been for like 10 years so does that make me an actually [Music] [Applause] performance but we're also at the point with smartphones where your performance is not the thing they can think about right software is going crazy [Applause] we did it [Music] okay so that was a lot of fun you know panels I I get a little nervous for them so like what am I going to say about this but it turns out I always have a ton of opinions on everything David was hilarious he was really great oh man look at all this merch I'm telling you guys this operation is so impressive the moment I walked in the moment I walked in I was very overwhelmed by the amount of people apparently there's over 4 000 people here and just the scale of it where we are in the Vancouver uh Convention Center like this just makes me proud to be a YouTuber I'm proud of the whole LTT crew I mean a YouTuber put this on that that is what is so crazy about this um yeah all the people that I've gotten to me thank you for saying hi and I think I'm just going to have a few meetings to enjoy myself [Music] I am here in the car with Quinn of snazzy Labs with Dennis of LTT hello oh my God not many people oh Dennis you're given a big tour buddy I wasn't prepared for this oh my god look how many that is they just trickle alarm because we were they are two on time I fear Dennis is freaking out oh he was having a little bit yeah aren't the office changed at all I know it's changed quite a lot so let's go start from here [Music] that is horrible horrible you cannot hear this right no one can hear this so the last time I was here I actually got a full tour from Linus but that was like four years ago and the short circuit set was actually in the complete opposite of this building and so it's interesting to see uh where it is now it is literally just kind of in the middle of yeah a warehouse they're very creative here okay this is where we receive package and we send out stuff most of them are at the labs where we're not going today but you can look out on videos check out not ltdstool.com like when the writers or shooter finish their products they want to send back to the inventory they put it here but here is the short circuit set when they unbox like small things like laptops Mouse they do it here we have a top down camera and they are two there so we just moved this set here not long ago they're gonna actually remodify the background to like a real building looking house this is where the WAN show is filmed another pod inside the bigger Warehouse pod is recorded with c200s a solid supply of Red Bull what are these bins I like these bins these are Ikea yeah recycling bins from Ikea so this is the Bill Corner where they film the LTD arrow and they do some streaming um usually it doesn't look like this it's usually very tidy and cling fx6 so I hear they've gone full Sony over here they used to shoot with Reds but we love to see the Sony's oh 24 to 105 F4 that is definitely my fave lens outside the 24 to 70 2.8 [Music] and then they come back down through the diffusion [Music] and this is a Nook film a lot of sponsor spots Aero pickup you should do a screen square space transition here it's been since uh doing the tour here but just like Linus your website you guys know Squarespace they have beautiful templates if you want to get started on a website today but I will say they have released some amazing features recently including the fluid engine now this is super clutch if you want to really customize your website so I recently launched a brand new Sarah peachy 2.0 website I have always used Squarespace for ceradishi.com it's where I show off my creative portfolio it's where Brands can go if they want to reach out to me and it's also where I host PG merch I've always had to use a separate website for that but now with their integration with printful it can be right in the same site that you use for everything else but what makes the fluid engine so great is it basically lays out a grid on your website where you can take any Squarespace block and move it around so this allows for like infinite possibilities to customize your website and the fact that they have so many third-party Integrations it just makes it so easy to have everything in one spot so whether you're selling digital Goods or physical goods online whether you need to make appointments you run maybe a rental Studio or a hair salon they have all of those tools I mean it's literally like everything you could ever want under one umbrella so whether you're a creative and you want a beautiful portfolio or you run a restaurant you run any kind of business Squarespace is the place to beep so if you want to check it out you can go to squarespace.com for a free trial but if you want to get started today go to squarespace.com that's me for 10 off your first purchase of a domain or website okay and the tour is continuing and I will let you know later about my whole experience here it's been very fun lots of insights and I appreciate you guys watching we don't have the tablet because they took otherwise we can turn the light on I can't okay he's talking about an iPad app that they use it's a side is Luminaire so all the lights in the sets are dmxed so it's all run to one Wi-Fi Channel exactly that's exactly what I'm talking about once you map the channels in Luminaire you can just go on the sliders and you go up and down you can dim whatever you want hey you want to tell me first and then we have another 12 by soft box here but this one's direct so there's no bounce and so it still opens up the same way I don't know where the remote is for this one but this one is also I think four 120 DS or 300 days don't look at me they're pointing straight down so Dennis how does it work for booking spaces yes they have to fight over sometimes when they like filming a short circuit and then Lance filming there they just kind of need to schedule around it yeah like there's no booking explain this re just casually sitting here so I actually don't know much about this I asked Oliver about this and he was saying that they're testing some HDR stuff and so that's why Ari sent it for them to try it this is a mini LF oh yeah 29 mil signature Prime pretty nice I'm surprised this isn't like locked up so I know it's just sitting on the shelf yeah oh it's another Relic that we use for all of our car videos back in the day is this 19 to 90 Cabrio lens wow PL Mount super 35 this lens is amazing especially for car work because it's so versatile how often do you have such a wide like vocal range sorry we're in the camera section it's just so don't worry about us Dennis we're good you're doing great Dennis oh this was okay so the last time I visited this was only taryn's office and now and now I can't imagine being the only person well so are these all the video editors so these two rooms and then this is Ed's office oh top secret so I forgot to mention when editor work from home that we use parsec to remote actually really good that's why one of the editors monitors cover because we are having tour and oh and he could be working yeah I was wondering about that this is business Land wait that says business business lens that says business business Disneyland damn it that's horrible one two three [Music] I need proof of me being with it 6 a.m it's almost seven now wishes you know still an accomplishment for me am I Craig Adams beautiful oh wow [Music] oh if you can't tell by now I'm out of breath we are hiking if you know me waking up at 6 30 a.m to go on a hike before my 11 A.M flight it's not characteristic of me this is good I'm building better habits I'm being active I'm waking up early you're happy you did it yes happy I'm here oh I mean look at this oh look at it look at it yeah this is Art you're not puffing and puffing David isn't so I'm realizing that strength training doesn't give you endurance this is why I run yeah so I gotta I gotta walk fast more because I do walks but not with incline wow Craig Adams who us ually I don't know because they're not early Bloomers like us [Music] we've arrived here we go it took about 45 minutes to get to the Outlook Moment of Truth oh wow you can see the city [Music] it's gorgeous [Music] Judy I'm home hi baby oh oh baby I miss you [Music] my thoughts make me tight just running through my mind I wonder if there's peace [Music] so I ordered coffee let's have a chat can I show you guys the progress in the office it's definitely not done but this is the vibe so I got a rug we got the Husky I'm gonna put up the pegboard here so I have more places to put my tools and things but we got the fx6s set up we got the desk we got an aesthetic shelf that I'm gonna fill out and then here is where the neon peach is gonna go it's actually kind of a cute little Alcove situation so I think that'll be cool [Music] okay LTX whoo that was a glass it was so much fun I did a good job of like getting outside and moving my body a lot too that's a big priority in my life um but it was so good to hang out with YouTubers it is so impressive what Linus and his team has been able to do and I'm just thankful that I was invited so anyone from LTT if you're watching this uh thank you um you know with any of these conferences or anything there's a lot of inside baseball talk and I had an absolute blast hanging out with YouTube friends and talking with people and I think it made me realize that like oh I need to I need to change things four years ago when I was able to tour their space when they were tens of employees not now over a hundred it was super inspirational and you know 2020 messed things up but there was a lot of things happening in my life then that was like I need to try to go all in let's scale this YouTube thing let's be big business and four years later and asera that's just a little bit more tired it turns out that like at the core guys I just like making videos I really don't think the big uh business Mogul life is the path for me very hard for me to admit that since that's like all the people I follow on the Twitter but you know what that is okay and I've found peace with that I kind of find myself reevaluating so many things about YouTube and I spent the past few years just really doubling down on uh finding freelance help and creating processes and you know half of it has worked and half of it hasn't but I have moved forward which feels good but then you you get to this moment and you just you're like oh wait but do I like making videos like this and I feel like this isn't unique to me regardless if you are a Creator or if you're doing something else out there in the world there's always this juggling game and I think the biggest myth in life is that you can find balance I think it's I think that's impossible you can find moments of that but overall I think it leads to a lot of grasses greener on the other side and I think there's just phases of Life as a modern knowledge worker athlete you want to function like an athlete which means you train hard then you sprint then you rest then you reassessed you get your feedback loop then you train some more then you sprint again then you rest then you reassess this idea that you're going to have linear output just by cranking every day at the same amount of time that's that's machines and it's interesting being at LTX and talking to my other YouTube friends I think I'm entering a new phase of Life guys I love making videos I'm never gonna stop making videos okay so you don't have to worry about that I've been trying to find a balance but it's just impossible for me I can't just do a few brand deals a month and just do a little bit here and there and so I don't know what this looks like but I'm feeling like I need to do something pretty extreme soon where I just say no to everything I've tried saying no to some things that doesn't work Tim Ferriss put out a tweet recently which wrecked me a big factor of success is saying yes to everything in the beginning saying yes showing up doing a great job but once you have a taste of success and a taste of influence you think that the way to continue to succeed is to keep saying yes because that's all you know that's all you are trained to do but actually you have to completely reverse it and you have to get very comfortable saying no to 99 of things because once you have that taste of success everyone wants a piece of you right and they feel entitled to it and then you start feeling bad for some reason you start feeling bad that you're not doing that collab you're not doing that branded piece of content because it just makes so much sense and it has worked out great for me besides my mental health side of things you know and when I say say no I'm not meaning oh saying no to a raid of Legends brand deal that has no fit but is a lot of money it's easy to say no to that because I don't want to destroy my credibility for a fast you know Buck that's easy but I'm talking about saying no oh to like a dream client it's trying to stop operating from a place of scarcity and choosing you finally you know saying no to things that you want to do I am terrible at that because I'm like oh 16 year old Sarah she would be freaking do you think she would say no but I'm not 16 year old Sarah anymore you know maybe I prioritize some other things for six months now I've been prioritizing working out and lifting weights and walking prioritizing my health that has been fun I want to do that for all aspects of my life I want to become a more healthy human that's really exciting to me but sometimes you have to do the scary thing of saying no of giving up um some of that certainty whether it's money or opportunity right so that was a little Sarah peachy therapy session apologies if you just came to see how LTX was and you're like what what is this woman talking about but hopefully maybe you can take some of that for your own life um because I'm a much bigger fan now of just having a stream of Consciousness with you guys and chatting about things before things get so bad where you're clicking on a video that's like I'm quitting you're never gonna see another video from me forever right I try to um tweak things before that happened anyways had a blast feels so good to be home with John and kitty and I look forward to the future I have some big commitments through October and I'm already practicing saying no and I think 2024 is going to be a year of less freakouts from Sarah purely videos that only she wants to make and then you know you might see more of me you might see less of me who knows the point is I'm not going to put any of that pressure and I'm going to prioritize living my life and I think creatives need that you need space to create and the reality is you're probably going to make better art if you have space if you're continually on that treadmill are you living life I'm about to go on another rant let me know if you like this video hit that subscribe button down below for new videos every single week and until next time guys bye [Music]
Channel: Sara Dietschy
Views: 217,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ltx expo 2023, ltx expo 2023 recap, ltx expo 2023 creators, linus tech tips office labs tour, sara dietschy ltt tour, sara dietschy linus tech tips, sara dietschy vancouver canada
Id: yVbel7iw7ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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