I Switched From iMovie To Final Cut Pro... Here's What I Think // Final Cut Pro BEGINNERS tutorial

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if you guys remember a couple of months back i shared a video on my channel where i was basically just struggling with final cut pro oh no no no we didn't want to change that nope nope nope i don't know this is just why did i do this since the start of my youtube channel i was using imovie to edit my youtube videos so i do have apple products and if you have a macbook or an imac imovie comes for free and that's a great place to get started i used it for years and years and there's a lot that you can do within that platform but i kind of got to the point where i felt like my channel needed to level up a little bit there were certain things that i wanted to do within my editing style that i just i couldn't achieve with imovie and one of you guys told me that there was a free trial going on with final cut and i could sign up for a 90-day free trial and i was like you know what instead of just immediately spending three hundred dollars on final cut pro i'm gonna get started with the free trial continue install what's happening [Music] the installation was successful whoa okay now i have to learn how to use final cut as you guys saw in that video i really really struggled okay i that's not what i want to do control z what is this one no that's not what i wanted to do either the platform is definitely more advanced than imovie and i had a tough time learning some of the basics from the very beginning like i couldn't figure out how to zoom in on my clips so that i could see what the heck i was actually editing so today i want to create a video helping all of you if you are at this stage where you want to switch from imovie to final cut or if you're switching from any other editing platform to final cut i want to show you some of the basics some of the things that i wish i would have known from the very beginning that i watched tons of tutorials to learn and like this is the bare minimum guys like this is just barely even scratching the surface of what final cut can do but if you are looking to get started i just want to help you guys out okay before we actually get to the tutorial part of this video i just want to answer one simple question is final cut worth the 300 that's a big price tag it honestly is and if you are looking at getting like a new microphone for your camera maybe you're looking at getting a ring light or some kind of lighting system 300 can go a long way you can buy several things with that money instead of one editing software but for me yeah i think it's worth it it has so many more features compared to imovie like it can just do so much more it can make your videos that much better the color correction color grading all of that stuff is like tenfold better than imovie so if you're at the point where you just kind of feel stuck with your editing you feel a little bit limited with the software that you're using yeah 300 is a lot of money but you're going to buy final cut only once and then you have it forever and sure maybe other editing softwares will come out and you'll want to get one of those in the future but three hundred dollars even if i use this for three years that's only 100 a year and in my opinion that's not bad when i use it several times a week to make my youtube videos now the part that you have been waiting for some simple basics you absolutely need to know when it comes to final cut pro now i will be filming another video in the future talking about how i do all of the things that i do within my youtube videos on final cut i want to do an update at how i edit my youtube videos i've got two of them talking about imovie but it's about time that i talk about final cut since i've been using this since april so it's been like five months yeah it's been a while and the very first thing i want to share with you guys is have you ever heard of youtubers that edit their youtube videos on an external hard drive when i was first getting started with youtube i had heard that before but i had no idea what the heck that meant until i actually got started with final cut and i was like oh wait you can create a library on your external hard drive and then everything is stored on your hard drive so it's not stored on your computer it does not slow your computer down and the benefit with that is that you can give your hard drive to someone else if they have final cut pro they can also work on the file with you and edit as well as if you have like for example i've got a macbook pro as well as an imac i can then edit the same file at different times obviously but on two devices which is really cool so yeah i really really recommend editing on external hard drives i've got one specifically for the vlog channel i've got one specifically for my main channel and then as i continue to go i'm probably gonna have one for every year or several for every year but how the heck can you actually do that right up top here so i'm obviously within final cut if you go to new you can click on library and what this is going to do it is going to create a library wherever the heck you want it that is where you're going to edit your youtube videos in the future so i'm just going to do let's do like final cut test and i actually already have this selected so my lacie hard drive final cut test and i'm going to click save now what that is going to do it's going to create a new library so if i go over here open library usually these aren't going to pop up so i'm going to click on other just so i can show you where to go click on locate and then you can see this this symbol right here is final cut so this is the final cut test this is my alex and katherine library so this is where all of my files actually live all of my projects that i am editing within final cut so if you are used to imovie and you know that you have a project and that's where all of your files are for that one video that you're creating before you export it that is essentially this you know so i'm just going to click on alex and catherine click on open and it's already open over here so over here on the left hand side these are all of the videos that i have already created on this library it's a lot i know but how the heck do you create these separate files that everything is nicely organized what you're going to do right up top click on file we are going to click on new and then i make a new event as well as a project within that event i'm a super organized person it's just the way that i am okay so the very first thing i do i'm gonna go up top here and i like to make it the date that i actually filmed the youtube video that helps to keep me really organized because also within i'm just like giving you guys full transparency here within my external hard drive i have all the original files so if i go this is my external hard drive here if i click on unedited files these are all my files and they are by date of when i filmed them so the video i'm specifically going to be editing is my office tour and how much i spent making this office come to life it is going live on my vlog channel so if you guys want to check it out make sure you're subscribed over there but this has all of my unedited files for this youtube video that i'm going to be editing so that's why i have the date up there and then i'm just going to name it so this is office tour but i'll give some detail about what is actually included in that video the other thing i have create new project checked right there okay i'm going to click ok i'm going to start a new project that project appears right down here if i click on this this is the event and you can actually have multiple projects within that event so let's say i want to have an office tour vlog video that's going to go live on my channel as well as i want to create an igtv video i can have multiple projects under this one event over here and that just helps to keep things really really organized so i'm going to go up here click on untitled project and i'm going to name this office tour click enter okay and then i just want to make sure that this is selected but you can see down here this is the same as imovie if you guys are used to imovie this is the exact same down here so this is where you want to put your files this is really going to be your editing area so let me i'm going to go over here these are all of my unedited files that i have on my external hard drive these are not the files that are on my memory card i transport them or i transfer them why does they transport that doesn't make any sense i transfer them over to my external hard drive and then i'm just going to drag and drop them down into final cut pro now i gotta drink the water okay so right here you can see all of the files that i just plopped into this one project that i've got going on right here but all of my files are down here and if you actually look at this stamp right here 47-3707 this video right now is 47 minutes long and 37 seconds it's a long video and obviously i'm going to cut that down because i don't need a video that long and specifically this file is 13 minutes do you see that yellow text that appeared right there it's 13 minutes itself and that is just all of the b-roll footage that i wanted for this video it's a lot so the next thing that i want to share with you guys we already got how to start a new library on your external hard drive how to edit on your external hard drive the second thing how to actually create a project how to drag and drop your files in i feel like this is like bare basic stuff that i wish i knew the next thing when i first got started with final cut for some reason my files were about this big down at the bottom and i could not figure out for the life of me how to zoom in and see those files and i couldn't find a tutorial on it and for some reason my trackpad was being a little finicky okay all you need to do which this may be like duh catherine this is so absolutely stupid but all you need to do is if you have a track pad like i have pinch and zoom in pinch and zoom in that's it i can't even tell you guys the amount of times i tried to do that and it wouldn't work until it freaking worked but i'm the type of person where i need to see all of the breaks like i need to see here that there is not sound happening like it's dead space so that i can cut that out so that's one tip that i have for you guys okay if i scroll the whole way over to the very beginning i am going to zoom out a little bit now one thing i love about editing on my macbook pro and i do get this question is why the heck don't use your imac why do you use your macbook pro and there's two reasons one my imac is super slow like i said before i got started with final cut i was editing just on my computer and it slowed my computer down so i have to get stuff off of that computer before i can use it again because it is way too slow but the second reason is because this computer has a touch bar you know right up at the top which has shortcuts for final cut that i had no idea what the heck they meant at the beginning but now i absolutely freaking love them so let's go over some of those that i use a love i need if you have a macbook pro that has a touch bar this is what it looks like with final cut and honestly the main two that i use are these two right here do you see them the one above the six and one above the seven those are the two that i use and i absolutely love them and to show you what they do so if we look at this file right here you can see that this is all dead space before i actually start talking so what this does it crops off where i am selected to the end on the left compared to where i'm selected to the end on the right so i have it selected there i'm going to click the one above the six and it's gone so at the end right here actually this is the exact same thing there's dead space so i'm gonna click the one above the seven click that and it's gone so those two buttons seriously come in handy all the time it makes my editing so easy like i just have to click a button and it's done and i absolutely love it but the other feature you want to know if you don't have the touch bar or if you want to do those crops is the blade tool i think in imovie it was split clip i use that feature all the freaking time because you guys know i typically like to cut out my breaths or any long pauses or things that just like don't really fit within the video and don't help the flow of the video so it's called the blade tool and what you can do i can click command b and that's just going to split it so if you see the little dotted line here i know it's like really really faint that means that these are two separate clips and what i can do let's say i wanted to keep the beginning part of this clip i can actually just drag this over and then i have the beginning part of this clip and then it's split there so like it jumps from that to that now that's obviously not what i want to do within this video but i just want to share with you guys the other thing you can do is you can actually click vb so click b on your touch computer pat what am i talking about your keyboard wow touch computer pad is where i just went with that okay and what you can do is when you have b you can just start clicking anywhere you want and that's going to split them now i personally don't like to do that if you ever get to the spot where you accidentally click on b or another thing and you want to go back to the normal mouse click on a i use that feature all the time but i don't want any of these so i'm just going to select them and then click delete and they are all gone another feature within final cut that i absolutely hated when i was first getting started and i didn't know how to deal with them these options over here guys okay i don't want that one selected but the only one i like selected is the first one that is it i don't like any of the other ones selected this one if you remember specifically in that video i was having problems because my office is technically music yup no i hated it and i couldn't figure out how to turn it off and it's this simple little click right here so if you do not want sound when you are scrolling over your clips unclick that the other thing i didn't like this one was selected and i'm pretty sure yeah it's like snapping oh yeah so like you can't get if i wanted to get to like this one specific part but i'm zoomed out too far it will like snap your mouse over and i just i didn't like that so i have that not selected the only one i have selected is this one right here that's it okay let's say i've got this b-roll scene this one file that i want to go over my text my talking i tend to keep all of my talking the a roll the main flow of the video all on one layer because within final cut you can have so many layers you can stack things above you can stack things below it's really freaking awesome i leave this all the talking everything one layer and then any b-roll scenes i want to add i will pull up and i will add to the top so when i'm specifically talking about this part i know it's earlier in the video but i got it for 411.25 now the one thing now obviously i haven't edited that clip i just randomly took a part of the b world that i got so like this isn't the best b-roll that i have obviously for this but what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a bunch of files up on top here that then will go over me talking that's basically what i wanted to share with you guys right there now let's say you have a part within your video that you want to zoom in that's very very popular that you either want to do the slow fade in or you want to do the significant crop in so what you want to do if you want to do that so let's say i'm going to zoom in a little bit let's say right here i'm going to split clip it again so if you guys see i use the blade tool and i'm just going to go right here now i don't actually know what the text is saying there like i have no idea what i'm saying but i just want to show you guys how the heck this works so i split it so you can see split split this itself is its own little clip what you're going to do right now you might see this as actually transform so this right up here i need to make sure that i'm actually hovering over so it's selected i'm also hovering over it because then you can access this feature let me pull this down a little bit too okay so if this is in something else it may be crop to store it's probably in crop or transform you want it to be transformed when you want to do a simple zoom in so what i'm going to do i'm just going to pull this you can move it over a little bit if you want to move it over i'm going to center myself i'm going to click done and then if we take a look for all of the details of the space the things that i bought so if you guys are interested in some of these pots and things i can link to them as well now obviously that didn't make sense with the words that i was saying but i just wanted to show you guys how you can pop in now let's say that i wanted to i'm going to take then this clip and let's say that i want to do the slow fade in if you go to crop ken burns that's what it's called you can see the start and you can see the end so for me i usually don't like it to be too dramatic so i will pull one end i will pull the other end and i will try to make sure that they line up in the center so that it is it's it's not going like off to the side unless you wanted to go off to the side you can totally do that but that's the way i want it i'm going to click on done so you can see them as well as like my storage unit my couch all of that stuff okay i feel like that was a terrible example because i was holding the camera like if i did let's let's do this just so i can show you guys and we'll make it more dramatic let's have it go in really really significantly and this is not a beautiful shot of me but please ignore okay let's see how this works is technically the dining room of the home when we were searching for homes in birmingham those are just some of the basic basics i feel like i can so easily just go off about all the things like adding text and how i create my overlays and all of that stuff but i just wanted to give you guys some of like the bare bones the basics to get you started but the one final thing i want to share with you guys is actually i want to share two simple things one how you can change the audio level so if you realize that your audio is too high in some places or maybe it's too low in some places i want to share that as well as color correction because the color correction on final cut is so so freaking good okay so specifically for this area can you guys see this is your audio level down here and can you see all of the yellow that is popping up the audio is way too high and that's because i have my camera flipped around and when i have my camera flipped around i also have my mic flipped around and my mouth is a lot closer to my mic so it can be really loud so i am going to take this clip that i have right here i'm going to click on this option over here and this is going to show you the things that you can do to edit that one file and there's a lot a lot that goes into it but i what i want to share with you guys is right here this microphone this will show you the audio and what you can do is you can drop down the audio a little bit to have it match the other areas within your video so that you have basically one level of audio within your videos now you can also go down here and change it but for me i notice that i can be a bit more specific if i change it over here so that's just personal preference but the next thing that i want to do is show you guys color correction so let's say i've got this clip again i only have this clip selected so i am only changing the color on this one clip but you're going to go up here and click on these weird triangles now there's two areas that i edit the coloring within my videos the first area is within color board so that is where i'm at right now this is where you can change your exposure you can increase or decrease your saturation i would not recommend changing this color area because it's really really complicated and i just if you're getting started i wouldn't do it but let's say you want to increase your saturation these are highlights these are your shadows these are your mid tones and actually you can see down here where all of them are i'm going to click this back okay and then i'm going to click on exposure so this is something that i do basically within every single one of my youtube videos i will fix the exposure and it's usually mid-tone so if the mid-tones are really dark like you can see what is happening here you can increase the mid tones a little bit if you want the highlights to be brighter you can bring them up a little bit but i usually like to move the mid tones up a little bit and then the highlights up a little bit and that's where i like it it depends if i think that the blacks are not deep enough i will go down with the shadows but i really really hated what i just did there the other area that i do mess around with there are color curves hue saturation curves if you guys want to watch youtube videos figure all that out go right ahead but for beginners go to color wheels okay this can be a little intimidating and i've messed around with these a little bit and sometimes they are really really helpful but the one thing i noticed that i need the most is a difference in my temperature so if you guys are used to editing like your instagram photos or even your youtube thumbnail photos and they're a little bit too cool toned and you want them more warm toned or maybe they're more warm toned and you need a more cool toned you will typically mess with the temperature and you will add more blues or you will add more yellows cool warm you guys understand what i'm saying here so right on the temperature if i pull to the left it's adding more cool tones if i pull to the right it is adding more warm tone so if you want more of a warmer video pull it to the right and that's going to create a warmer video now i really did not do much with the color correction on this but those are just simple things that you can pay attention to that is going to be it with some of the basics of final cut that i think you need to know there's so much guys that go into it but if you were just looking to get started and you just want some simple things so you can edit your youtube video those are it that's what you need to pay attention to again i will be having another video coming out soon sharing my whole entire process of adding my youtube videos how i create my overlays and all of that fun stuff that will be coming but give me some time because i've got other videos that i want to film as well but if you guys like this video and found it helpful make sure you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel down below and i will see you guys back here on tuesday with another video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cathrin Manning
Views: 202,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cathrin Manning, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro tutorial for beginners, Switched From iMovie To Final Cut Pro, switching from imovie to final cut pro, final cut pro beginners tutorial, final cut pro for beginners, is final cut pro worth it, is final cut pro worth the money, is final cut pro better than imovie, final cut pro vs imovie, youtube video editing software, youtube video editing tutorial, learn final cut pro, imovie vs final cut, video editing for beginners
Id: YwdQiy8k7pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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