The REAL Reason(s) Everyone's Switching to DaVinci Resolve 18 & 19!

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Final Cut Pro is dead. Premiere Pro... also dead. or are they? I mean, right now, it seems like  literally everyone is switching to DaVinci   Resolve and of course everyone's also making the  obligatory "I'm switching to DaVinci Resolve,   here's why" video now great videos interesting  videos also, "Doa nie van", but I'm gonna tell   you the real reason why everyone's switching  to DaVinci Resolve 18 or 18.5 and no one has   mentioned this in their video yet but  I'm gonna tell you okay but no seriously   it's really important to know if you're also  considering making the switch from Premiere   Pro or Final Cut Pro but first something else  and also first I have to put my hat on because   it's not working today and by the way this video  is sponsored by Audio okay a lot better so first   I want to tell you why I made the switch from  Premiere Pro to resolve three four years ago and   why I love it so much what my favorite features  are features and tools that I use almost every day   because you know I'm also glad that so many people  are finding their way to the resolve community   and maybe I can convince you too because in my  opinion Blackmagic design is really crushing the   competition at the moment and there are so many  reasons good reasons why people are switching   here's the first one first of all it's free guys  it's free I mean don't you like your money in your   pocket instead of adobe's pocket yeah right  and you can get really far with just the free   version professional video editing no problem  the first one and a half two years running this   channel I was using the free version version  It's a dangerous word for me virgin version   anyway I didn't miss or need any features that  you get when you buy the studio version not at   all so for most of you the free version is all  you need it really is I'd say the only reason   why you should go for the studio version is  if you shoot a lot of 10-bit footage the free   version doesn't support 10-bit footage and then  there's also some features like noise reduction   some effects but it's mostly things that you don't  really need especially if you're a beginner and if   you do well then it's still just a one-time fee  295 bucks that's it you're good to go [Music]   now like I said when I started to learn how  to make videos and video editing I was using   Premiere Pro and in my opinion it's one of the  most frustrating editing programs ever I don't   even know how many times it crashed on me and  after two months I was like okay I'm gonna have   to do something or I stop making videos or  I have to find another editing program and   luckily I found DaVinci Resolve now does that  mean that DaVinci Resolve never crashes no of   course not but I can't remember the last time  it did well actually no that's not true I can   remember the last time I did because now it has  that new re-light feature and well I tried it but   every time I try it resolve crashes so yeah  I don't know what's up with that and well I   don't know what to do because it seems like no one  else has that problem and I've also released a few   updates already but it's still crashing on me so  yeah I don't know but other than that it's super   stable wow great start of the video stability  crashing man no it's super stable guys my Mac   Studio in combination with DaVinci Resolve  is smoothest experience ever it really is and talking about new features like relight for  example well that's another good reason to make   the switch Blackmagic design is really building  and making it better year after year adding new   features AI you can feel that they're taking  it super serious so you don't have to worry   for the future like that new relight feature that  everyone's talking about it seems amazing I wish   I could use it but anyway there's also Cloud  editing that allows you to collaborate with   other people from anywhere in the world and work  on the same project there's also voice isolation I   showed you how to do it in cap cut a few videos  ago and capca does a decent job but of course   resolve takes it to a whole other level check  it out looks great the shades of blue are whoa   I almost died looks great the shades of blue are  whoa I almost died and once you've removed the   noise from your video you can add music of course  and the music I'm using lately is from audio the   sponsor of this video all the music in this video  is from audio and what I like about audio what I   love about it besides the fact that the music is  high quality the website's super user friendly   just use and combine the filters and you'll find  exactly what you're looking for but what I also   like is that their music sounds fresh you know  I used to have this problem with other platforms   that I started to hear the same music everywhere  everyone using the same old songs you know what   I mean like Ikea furniture everyone has that  same coffee table from page 24 right but now   with audio it just sounds fresh I like it and  their license covers an unlimited amount of   downloads for your content including personal  and client projects and right now you get 70   I repeat 70 off the first year if you use the  link and my code in the description great deal   go check come out and thank you so much audio for  sponsoring my video super nice people also [Music]   now look keep in mind that I've only used Premiere  Pro for two months so there's not really anything   that I miss features that Premiere Pro has  because resolve is pretty much all I've known   for years now so you know keep that in mind  because I can't really compare like how the   timeline behaves for example I know some people  really prefer Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro but   what I like about resolve is that there's the  normal looking timeline in the editing page and   then there's a different one in the cut page and  the timeline in the cut page is designed for fast   work fast cutting but I've also heard people  say that they do everything in the cut page or   everything in the edit page so you know you can  use whatever you want and now let me show you   some of my favorite features and tools tools and  features that I use on a daily basis and most of   them are available in the free version first of  all there's tracking and I use tracking a lot in   my videos usually it's to stick text to an object  like my finger here so you know the text follows   an object that's one of the most basic use cases  but you can also track surfaces like textile and   put a logo on a t-shirt for example looks super  cool not sure if that one's available in the free   version actually but basic tracking definitely  is there's also planar tracking that will also   take perspective and scale in account super cool  I used it here for this fake commercial for my   Mac Studio and I don't know how tracking Works in  Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro but in that Venture   resolve it's easy Once you know how it works  you can literally stick text to an object in   under a minute and same with putting text behind  an object DaVinci Resolve also makes that super   super easy I made a video a while ago on how to  do it but that was more the manual way because   you know I also want you to know also how it's  done manually first before you use all the new   features that do it automatically for you you  have to understand the basics first but anyway   now they have this magic mask and you just have  to draw over an object in the color page and then   resolve automatically makes a mask and you can put  text behind the subject you're done what I've also   added now finally automatic captions my God what  a lifesaver you don't want to know how much time   I wasted on doing that manually or trying it with  third-party plugins but now it's literally one   click of a button and you're done I use it mainly  for my shorts or Instagram reels and for all of   you who are making shorts by the way and maybe  you're making horizontal long videos and shorts   or reels you can use the reframe tool so you can  just use your horizontal video and turn it into a   vertical video and resolve will automatically  reframe constantly to keep the subject in the   frame of your vertical video DaVinci Resolve  also has a few cool animated titles built in   and definitely some really cool cool built-in  effects a few videos ago I showed you the analog   damage effect as this effect right here and it's  super cool I think it's even available in the free   version not sure let me know in the comments and  then I'll pin your comments if you know if it's   not available in the free version so there's a  lot of cool titles animated graphics built in   but what I like even more now now that resolve  is getting so popular is the fact that they're   offering more and more plugins for resolve and  with they I mean you know websites where you can   buy plugins all those websites used to focus on  Final Cut and Premiere Pro but now that resolve   is on the rise you can find a lot of cool stuff  for resolve too and more and more is coming every   month motion VFX is my favorite one all the titles  and Motion Graphics that I use motion VFX but like   I said resolve is getting so popular now you can  find them anywhere Google is your best friend here and then there's of course the one feature that  resolve is famous for color grading color grading   is something else in resolve it really is it does  take some time to get used to if you're coming   from Final Cut or Premiere probe you'll have to  get used to the new user interface of course but   also notes and nodes are similar to layers like in  Photoshop for example and each node is a graphical   representation of a correction it allows you to  come up with all kinds of different looks and it   also helps you to stay organized because in some  nodes you can for example put an effect and then   in another node you can put a color correction  it's really powerful once you understand how it   works adjusting skin tones for example you can do  it super accurate and you always have full control   over what happens my workflow usually is to First  make a mask of the skin the face whatever and then   layer the skin on top of another node so that you  can adjust your image in one node do a heavy car   grade for example but that heavy color grade won't  affect the skin tones or you can decide yourself   how much it will affect the skin tones because  you know you don't want the skin to turn too   green or something and there are so many tools and  features and effects to your disposal now there's   a learning curve there is a learning curve of  course but once you understand how it works with   the nodes and everything I don't think you're  gonna want to go back Gonna Wanna yeah and it's   just fun to experiment and try to make your own  looks your own color grades that's why I make so   many DaVinci Resolve color grading videos because  it's just fun but actually it's not just for fun   now now we're getting to the real reason here now  first I want to say that everything I've said in   this video and everything other creators say about  DaVinci Resolve it's true and they're good reasons   to make the switch but there's another reason why  everyone's making the switch or why it seems like   everyone's making the switch and no one's telling  you this but I will you wanna know what it is well   it's just because DaVinci Resolve is really really  popular right now and videos with DaVinci Resolve   in the title get a lot of views it's as simple  as that and that's why you see all these videos   popping up about switching to DaVinci Resolve  it's popular it's a hype almost and everyone   just wants to cash in on the views that's why  you also see videos like why I'm not switching to   DaVinci Resolve and that's totally fine of course  there's nothing wrong with that I also want a lot   of views and I also make videos on trending topics  AI for example you know it's my job I need views   here but just take a look at this screenshot from  Google Trends this is what's happening right now   with the keyword DaVinci Resolve in YouTube search  crazy right and this is Final Cut Pro for example   yeah so resolve is a Hot Topic and it's getting  a lot of views now I'm not saying that everyone's   switching just for the views guys of course not  but look if I would be a YouTuber making videos   on Final Cut Pro and I would see this and then  this and all the views and the attention that   resolve is getting right now I mean I would  also be like hmm maybe I should just give it   a try and make some videos about it if that's  the Demand right now and if it's really that   good why not and you know videos about switching  from something to something else and YouTube go   together like peanut butter and jelly so yeah  there's a Snowball Effect going on right now   but it's a combination of hype getting views and  resolve just getting better and better every year   but what you should always remember guys and this  is important if for example next year Final Cut   Pro is crushing it a lot of YouTubers will switch  back to Final Cut Pro and make a video about it   because that video will get a lot of views and  attention that's just how it works and you know   it's also easier for YouTubers to make a switch  like that because in a way we're getting paid for   it trying out things and then sharing our opinion  and experience but yeah so I hope you understand   what I'm trying to say here because I feel like  a lot of words are coming out of my mouth but   I don't know if they're making sense I feel like  I'm on auto speech or Auto talk or something [Music] [Applause]   all this well because you don't have to switch or  you don't have to feel like you're missing out on   something this is YouTube always remember that  it's a distorted view on reality do you remember   Vero the Instagram killer a few months ago or  last year I also made a video about Vero all of   a sudden there were Vero videos everywhere and  I also made one because first of all I thought   it was interesting but I also saw that those  videos were getting a lot of views but now   pharaoh pharah who Pharaoh what does it still  exist that's YouTube so it might seem now like   you're gonna have to switch or you're gonna miss  out but that's not true if you're happy editing in   Final Cut Pro or Premiere Pro and you don't have  any complaints it's not frustrating then you don't   have to switch of course because let's be honest  switching is difficult if you've been using Final   Cut Pro or Premiere Pro for years and years and  you've built your whole workflow around it it's   going to be difficult to switch to a new editor  and so if you don't have any real complaints   why switch right just because creators are making  a video that they're switching nah now of course   I'm going to end by saying it's free so it doesn't  hurt anyone or your wallet to just give it a try   I always recommend it to anyone asking me for a  good free editor so yeah I do it for the views I   started making more DaVinci Resolve videos when it  was getting popular sue me but it also really is   a great great editor okay that's about it wow  how long is this video and I hope it's going   to get a lot of views because yeah otherwise  everything I said now yeah anyway it's never a   guarantee here on YouTube damn you mighty YouTube  algorithm okay yeah see you in the next one salute
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 579,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci resolve, Davinci resolve 18, Davinci resolve 18.5, Davinci resolve editing, Davinci resolve 18 editing, Davinci resolve tutorial, Davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, DaVinci Resolve color grading, Davinci resolve 18 color grading, premiere pro, final cut pro
Id: LHzkKJkbWtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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