"Why Did You Doubt?" - Stephanie Ike

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[Music] [Music] you can just go straight into the Word of God I'm gonna be reading from a familiar chapter but we're gonna look at it a little different so I'm reading from Matthew 14 verse 22 to 32 and it reads immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up to the mountain by himself to pray now when evening came he was alone but the boat was now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary the wind was against them now in the fourth watch of the night the fourth watch is normally between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 a.m. Jesus went to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out in fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is I do not be afraid and Peter answered and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so he said come and when Peter had gone down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw that the wind was boisterous that the wind was stormy he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him oh you of little faith why did you doubt and when they got into the boat the wind ceased family you may be seated a man you know family one of my favorite things to study in the scripture are questions posed by Jesus because in a way to me it seems contradictory that the answer would ask a question you see although Jesus was on the earth as a man he walked in the fullness of the Holy Spirit he walked in the fullness of all knowledge and so the one walking in Revelation is going about asking questions and I learned family that Jesus never asked a question because he needed the answer but that the answer would bring your own deliverance you see sometimes there is deliverance that comes through self awareness you see interesting enough this morning I woke up and I had like a random break out of my face and I was like mom look at this and she asked me she said you know what did you do differently yesterday did you eat something differently or you know what happened and what is interested is that she's not asking me that question for herself she doesn't need the answer to that but I had to ponder and then and say let me think of what happened that maybe I have an allergic reaction or maybe this is something else and so a lot of times the questions that are posed to us is so that we have the time to actually settle and think why did this happen you see because a lot of times in life we focus on the what but not the why in this scripture we see the what - Peters fear the what was the wind was stormy but that wasn't the why the why was much deeper than that and that is what I want to talk about today because family if you do not know the battle you're fighting you cannot win it if I am not able to identify that if this was an allergic reaction if I'm not able to identify what it was then it will not go away and so what when I started studying this word the Lord started speaking to me that many of you are calling up what you what you think is a problem is actually not the problem and there is going to be a deliverance that comes when you understand that many times what looks like the problem is sense to reveal what the real issue is you see I had to ask the Lord the question what was Peters real issue what was he really afraid of and why was this the method that God used because remember in the beginning of the scripture it tells us that Jesus said them to go ahead of him and I'm sure he was aware that there was going to be a storm yet he set them to go ahead of him and Wow there was a storm he was on the mountain praying but they did not see him they did not know when he was coming so for hours they were in the sea by themselves and so I began to ask the Lord why was Peter really afraid and so understand this is to take a look at even what happened before this this part in the text you see prior to this in the same chapter Jesus just got word that his cousin named John the Baptist now his name was John the Baptist because you know he was John and he was baptizing people a lot so so they called him John the Baptist so Jesus just got word that his cousin had been beheaded and his body buried and right after this Jesus is trying to get some a long time and then a crowd of people find out where he is and they follow him and you know they bring their sick they bring everybody and Jesus having compassion on them says you know what I cannot leave these people like this so he heals they're sick they're sick he prays with them and eventually that was where the miracle that came out of when Jesus fed 5,000 people because now he knows that these people are hungry they followed me this distance we cannot just by themselves and right after that is when this happens but you see John the Baptist had a connection with the life of Peter because in the beginning when Jesus before Jesus started his ministry you know John the Baptist was out there in the wilderness he was the one called to prepare the way for God for the Lord and so John the Baptist he had disciples and so him having disciples these were people that followed him to help the assignments on his life to be fulfilled one of his disciples was a man named Andrew Andrew was Peters brother on one particular day after Jesus had been baptized he also baptized Jesus he had gone through the wilderness he had experienced the temptation from the enemy and overcame the enemy he comes out of the wilderness and he is ready to take on everything that God said is for him and he is ready to just walk out his ministry so at this time he's also ready to build his team and so Jesus one day is walking over to John the Baptist and John is with two of his disciples and he points to Jesus and says to them this is the Messiah and he began to share with them this story is in John 1 for anyone taking notes and he began to share with them all that he had witness because he was there after he baptized Christ and he saw the Holy Spirit coming upon him like a dove and he began to share all the supernatural things that was revealed to him about the Messiah so one of those disciples was Andrew Andrew hearing about this and everything he's like you know what this is who I should be following so he follows Jesus but he goes to his brother Peter and he tells Peter Peter we have found the Messiah so he brings Peter to Jesus and that was actually the first time Jesus tells him your name shall be called Peter so they have this moment but that was in the moment where Peter started following Jesus but that was the moment that opened Peters hearts to receiving that this is the Messiah and so you have John the Baptist whose life played a pivotal role in the life of Peter having an encounter and eventually following the Messiah and now they hear that while Jesus is alive John the Baptist has been beheaded you see family you have to understand that at this point Jesus has already raised the 12 year-old girl from dead to life Jesus is already doing great miracles on the earth but yet he is known as the savior of the world and it would seem like he couldn't save his cousin or it would seem like if there is anyone that should be alive to do ministry with Jesus it should be John the Baptist but now he has been killed but you see it's always crazy because when we look at a story as an outsider we have all these thoughts and all these assumptions but as an insider if you study the life of John you will learn that John lived a life of purpose and John did not need saving because his life lived in the fullness of who God called him to be even his death was because he stood by what was right so John did not need saving John could have called on God he could have said the same angel that you sent to announce my birth bring him here and turn this thing upside down but John did not do any of that because John had a piece about how he left the world but from the outsiders perspective you will think that am i safe if John is gone that rhymes oh look at that bars but if John is no longer there then I wondered if Peter started to question am I still the one for this job am I still supposed to be a disciple God are you still you still have a plan for my life are you still trying to use me do you still have a call on me because when you said your name shall be called Peter God Jesus did not give any explanation at that time the first time but I wondered that he began to question and as the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this I started to see it in the scripture because family you see that when Jesus was walking on the water and the disciples were afraid in this and he said it is I do not be afraid now if I was Peter and I was going to ask Jesus to do something you see because prior to this there's a story that some of you may know about when the disciples were in the boats and it was stormy and Jesus was sleeping and the disciples are like okay we are perishing and the Lord is asleep so they go wake up Jesus like don't you care that we are all here you know just out for our lives and Jesus is like why are you afraid and he rebukes the wind and everything becomes calm if I was Peter after hours in the ocean after hours at sea dealing with the storm you're cold you're tired you're hungry my question would be that lord if it is you command the sea to be still it would not be lord if it is you command me to come because it was not about this adventure that you know Peter wanted that the next day he would be like yo ask me what I did yesterday walking water it was not just like oh he wants to just test this thing out and what the Lord began to reveal to me is that when Peter said lord if it is you command me to come you see when Jesus when Peter started following Jesus was when Jesus came to Peter and he came to his boat and on Peters boat again in the ocean at the sea he tells Peter follow me and I will make you from a fishermen to fishers of men and the Bible tells us that Peter abandoned everything and followed Christ but now Peter is at a war within himself a circumstance came up and he's beginning to question am I still the one God do you still have a plan for my life I believe so much about myself you see when there's a conviction when you because we learned a lot about Peter Peter was fighting was was rushing after God the fact that he would have the revelation when Jesus would say who do you say I am and he said you were Christ the Son of the Living God it tells you that Peter pressed in in a way that the others were not really pressing in so there were some revelations that he knew about himself and now he's faced with a dilemma that if John is dead how confident am I that I am still worthy to walk this life with Jesus that I am worthy to be his disciple and so Peter does not ask the Lord if it is you command the older waves to be still he says lord if it is you command me to come let me know that I am still on your mind let me know that you are still you still have a plan and a call over my life and Jesus said that one word he said come and Peter began to walk on water and then this is where the story where we always talk about keep your eyes on Jesus don't look at win give your eyes and Jesus because when the wind comes Peter is afraid and then the Bible tells us that he began to sink he began to drown but you see the question is what was Peter really walking on the whole time because it's not that when he came out of the boats that the water became eyes but when Jesus gave him a word he began walking on the word and that means that he was in agreements with God you see because when Jesus asked him the question which is the title of my message why did you doubt the doubt means that you have wavered from one belief to another so when Peter began to drown it was not that he began to drown because he was afraid he began to drown because he had wavered from believing that Lord I am still the one on your mind that you still have a purpose for my life because what he was walking on the whole time was the word come because that was agreement with God you see the Bible tells us that the one who doubts should expect to receive nothing from the Lord for he is like a wave in the ocean a wave in the sea that the wind is able to tossed to and fro now this is not like a spiritual rebuke that God is like you know what if you doubt imma get you it's not that it's very practical because the Lord is basically saying I cannot do anything for you if we're not in agreement my power is released in agreement and so Peter goes from walking on the word but now the storm comes but you see family the storm came to reveal the storm in Peter all along because Jesus is the one who sends them to the storm Jesus send them out knowing there would be a storm and he didn't go with them because family sometimes when you're comfortable it's easy to make excuses it's easy to procrastinate on who God says you are because you know you travel once or twice a year live your best life you pay your bills you have someone you can watch Netflix with and sometimes that comfort becomes a distraction to the visions that God has put in your heart and so when this happened everything could have gone just as normal Jesus is with them no storms but that conflict would always be in Peters heart and so there are times that God would ordained a storm to reveal the storming you the storm was never the problem the storm in Peters heart was the real issue because as you can see family when we read this scripture it tells us that when Jesus and Peter entered the boat the wind ceased so everything was orchestrated for that very moment it wasn't that Jesus had to speak to the old wind and say you know be still everything was ordained for that very moment and as I began to study this way and I said God what is it that you have for your people and the Lord began to speak to me that some of the storms that you're facing right now it might be a financial storm it might be a emotional storm it might be a storm in the family might be whatever the storms look like that is not the real issue that storm is to reveal a deeper problem it's to reveal a conflict in your heart and God needs you to acknowledge and be aware of what is going on within so he can heal you what is going on within so he can give you and he can show you that I have always been here Peter you are still on my mind what happened to John you cannot judge you cannot judge the outcome of your life based on your assumption about another what happened to John you don't even know the fullness of it but that does not change my mind towards you you see many of you have been in serious conflict within yourself and the storms and it's crazy because storms are loud and they're noisy and they're windy and it seems like a distraction but sometimes storms helps you to quiet the noise inside to really hear what you're going through because even though yes god wants to bring you into a place of rest and that is his desire for you but the scripture tells us that the blessings of the Lord comes without sorrow so before that he brings you into his ordained rest he wants to bring you to a place that comfort is not your distraction because many of you in this house do you have things that God has placed in your heart their dreams their visions their ideas that God has put within you and there has been a storm within yourself god am I the one for this God do I have what it takes God can you use me God I've never seen this before and this is what you're calling me to God is this really you because there were things that came up that caused the conflict you came out to the city for one thing and you encountered a circumstance that made you to question that God did you really call me to this industry god did you really call me to music did you really call me to ad did you really call me to produce did you really call me to study this and you start asking yourself questions but as long as you're comfortable those questions are just like you know who will see I'll see you go for the audition we'll see because things are moving in your life so you don't really have to confront your your the real issues that you need to present before God and so when the storm comes family the storm is not against you even though it looks like it's against you the storm is against the conflict within you and God uses it to expose that because all along that issue has been there it's just been dormant have you ever seen a very quiet person for like five years and one day the wrong scenario at the wrong time you're like whoa who in the demon is that because sometimes things are there but they're dormant and God wants to bring you into a place of ordained rest but you have to know that no storm in your life is against you and the questions that you have for God oh he wants you to do is actually ask him you see many of us we talk about God without talking to God and God is just saying that if you come before me I would affirm you and I would reveal to you that we're still doing this together you see families see the importance the importance of sometimes we have these questions like why do I have to keep praying over about the same thing over and over and over again like God does not know but when you come before the presence of God about the same thing you get new revelation and that new revelation is to establish you you see when Jesus said to Peter you of little faith why did you doubt the you of little faith was not like a rebuke it was a statement it was just a fact you have little faith but why did you doubt because the little faith you see the Jesus said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed there you will say to the mountain move and it will move and so it's not about your faith being little but it's about you recognizing that you need to cultivate it so that it is established and rooted in you and so when you come before God with the same thing over and over again it's not to do like some repetition of like God bless my home bless my family amen god that's my home that's my family amen no it's to come before God and say Lord I submit my family to you reveal to me who they are revealed to me the plans and the purposes you have for their lives because the more revelation you get about something the more rooted and steadfast you are about it and so what God is saying is that family my son my daughter come to me you go everywhere else but would you sit before me and say god I know you called me into this I know you called me to music I know you called me to songwriting and the truth is I have not even recognized my real issue with this because every time I procrastinate any time we make excuses it's all rooted in doubts it means that you have shifted because isn't it interesting family that one moment your haifa by something you know exactly what you need to do when you need to do it and why you need to do it and then a week later you're like nah i'm gonna do next week and the next week becomes a year because from one moment you had a belief something threaten that belief and you shift it because that's literally what now it is doubt means you waver it from one thing to the next and it's not something that we should just use lightly like manna should not be down in God you know god I just wanna trust you it is not a vague concept it is very practical God why did I shift from one belief to the next to begin asking yourself questions and the truth that deep should the most of the person that you should be most honest with in life is yourself then maybe I really don't believe this about me and it's not so go to someone to get affirmation that man-girl you you you just killed it when you said that why felt glory but you need to go before the face of God and say Lord who do you say I am Lord who who have you called me to be what have you called my music to do in this industry what have you called the things you have called me to create in this industry because family every single time procrastination there's nothing cute about it or there's nothing about it that seems like well I'm just procrastinating I'm a procrastinator it's not an identity every time we do that every time we make an excuse every time we delay every time we self-sabotage when we're in the relationship and we're telling our friends this is no good for me but you stay in it there is a belief that you have wavered from and you need to ask yourself why it's not the what it's not that somebody just showed up it's not that you know when I'm just walking really long hours because whatever you believe whatever you really understand the value you will make time for it and so you have been focusing on the what for a very long time well you know my schedule is crazy that's the what well you know this just happened that's the what well we had an argument as to what but the why is rooted within you it's rooted in how you see ultimately it will always be rooted in how you see yourself the Y will always be a matter of identity and so Jesus asked Peter why did you doubt it was not about the wind it was something much deeper and so when Peter was even having that moment that he was drowning and he says lord save me and the Bible tells us immediately God did not hesitate God did not question anything immediately God pulled out his hand to rescue him and the Lord started speaking to me then as you come before his presence immediately he would show up immediately he will give you an answer but the key family is to know that God wants to speak to you is to know that God desires to have intimacy with you is to know that he wants your affirmation that your strength really should come from him because that conflict that war within yourself it doesn't end because someone gave you a great advice because it's just gonna be in that moment you're gonna be like yes that's exactly what I should do but as time passes because that advice did not come from your source it becomes another opinion and then you begin to measure it with another opinion that was against that opinion and so until you receive a word from the word until you receive a word from he who is way above you because when you keep looking for the poor people to give you an advice about your issue a lot of times it just becomes another opinion and so in moments you're like I'm just confident about this this is what I need to do and then when your own feelings stare up now what you thought was facts became an opinion well I have to live my life I mean it's my decision that's my choice it's my mind but when God begins to reveal to you the scripture tells us that our life is hidden in him and the beautiful thing the difference when God is speaking to you see the Bible tells us that my peace the peace I give you the world can take it and the world can give it the difference between when God is speaking and when a person is just given their opinion is that his word comes with a peace that is also in a way like a conviction it settles the matter you cannot run away from the truth any longer and when you continue to build on that word you recognize that no this is really Who I am you see Peter had moments he had ups and downs because in every up and down God was making him rooted in the truth and that's why Peter the very same person who would deny Christ Jesus will still tell him when you return to me strengthen your brethren Jesus was showing him Peter even when you deny me even though you're saying you wouldn't return to me I would be here waiting for you it was always to affirm Peter that there is nothing you can do that will make me write you off there is nothing you can do that would change my mind about you there is nothing you may think you lack that will make me look at you any different all of that was so strengthened an established Peter in his self-worth and that is why the st. Peter web became so bold for Christ it was like night and day when you continue to read about his life and so family the word to each and every one of you that conflict within yourself presented before God he already knows who you are but he wants you to know who you are before his sight and he wants you to build on the revelation that he has already given you you see the Bible tells us that to meditate on his law day and night but to meditate is to build up is to add to it even God knows the power of building up the revelation that you have he knows the power that yes this is on one level this is what I've said to you but when you recognize when you keep building it when you keep building and when you keep building it it's harder for that to fall off it's harder for it to be shaken come before the Lord we spent time become the church and that is amazing because God ordained this gathering but you also have to make the time to sit before God and just say God Who am I God speak to me about what you have called me to do on this earth lay your the scripture tells us to lay our cares before the Lord for he cares for us may every insecurity down and say God you know what this is actually the real problem I don't know if you really can do this for me I've seen you do it in the lives of other people but I don't know if you would do this for me there was a man who said to Jesus he said Lord I know that you were able but are you willing and Jesus said I am Willy and for some of you you just need to know that Jesus is saying that I am willing that the reasons that you're giving yourself that I don't look the part I don't have this I don't have that when you have the word you have agreement with God and the word would do what you cannot do you see Jesus did not have a boat to go to the disciples but that was not going to be the obstacle if he didn't have a boat the spirit said you have a word and you're supposed to meet them there so I will be your transportation and he began to walk when you have agreement with God family that is all you need it is all you will ever need and the healing that comes with letting go of the conflict because sometimes the conflict within yourself is really a war of emotions that emotionally you're tied to something but mentally you know the truth and it's a war to fight against what you have your feelings are accustomed to and what the truth really is and if it is healing God is your healer I love that he said to the disciples he said do not be afraid it is I it is I Java Rafa it is eijah Hova Shalom he is everything that you could ever want him to be it is I they reminded me of when God said to Moses I am tell them I am sent you because I will be whatever you need me to be to get you to where you're supposed to be family stand with me [Applause] you see God desires to establish you in your truth and God desires to spend time with you what I love about coming to the house of God is that when I receive a word in this house I get to go home and sit with the Lord and talk about it because if the word only stays here then it was for my emotions not for my truth if it only stays here and we we excited and we jump and we shout but when I go home it's like nothing ever happened that is the reason we have this momentarily joy and for a moment we're like I know exactly what I'm supposed to do who I'm pumped and then you go home and you'll feel a little dumped that rhymes super bars but family I'm not around first I get excited at the slightest sound of a rhyme but family every time you receive a word and you know that word is speaking to you you should go home whether it's at night time or in the daytime and sit with the Lord Lord how does this minister to me I felt something I knew you were talking to me and I just want us to go deeper every time that Jesus met someone and he had a conversation with them and they want to just follow him and abandon everything why because they were engaged with something and they said look we need people that we could share this revelation with we need to talk about this so you had Jesus have more than 12 disciples his 12 was just his main 12 but he had a lot of people that followed him because they knew I can't just hear your word for a moment and walk away I want to dwell in your presence I want to dwell around those who talk about you who can who we can share who we can talk to that is one of the purpose of the gathering but outside of talking to your neighbor about it sit with God and see how it speaks to your life because what God is doing in this house right now he's calling you out he said I've placed a call and a purpose on your life and you then some of you have abandoned that call and you have to ask yourself why for everything that you said you were supposed to do that you have not yet done it's not just procrastination I will get to it later it's not that no for real for real for real I must start on Monday you have to ask yourself why because whatever you truly believe in you would invest in we understand every morning we brush our teeth for a reason if you don't that's probably because you recognize the reality of bad breath if you recognize the reality of the weight of your life you will not just sit and say I'll get to it tomorrow nobody says I'm a brush my teeth tomorrow oh you Sharlee not going anywhere you want to stay at home and eat Cheetos okay but when you know you're going out and you have a meeting and you're gonna be close contacts with people you say you know what I'm gonna brush my teeth I'm a scrubber dad my tongue okay in this same way family when you know the weight of your life when you know the weight of the vision that God has given you when you recognize the weight of the dream that God has placed in your heart you will not just say no no no for real for real for real like I'm gonna get to it on Monday like I've just been busy no you've shifted from one belief to the other and the question is why and sometimes you have to silence the noise to get to your core sometimes the storm comes to strip you to your core to say god you know what this is the real reason all Peter needed was affirmation that God are you still with me tell me to come to you just like you said to me to follow you let me know that we are still in this together and for some of you you've experienced so many trials in this city that you even though you're still in the crafts you don't really believe that you're gonna make it in it and so your question before God is that God did you really send me out for this did you really give me this gift for me to do something with it were you the one speaking to me Lord because I'm starting to question that maybe it was my ego but maybe it's not because you see sometimes something the enemy wants you to believe sometimes because every time we talk about pride and ego it's it in such a negative sense that you know what you're thinking higher of yourself and sometimes a trick of the enemy it's for you to think a word of God is your ego because if you think it's your pride you're like you know what I'm gonna walk away from it because I don't want myself getting in the way but if you go back to the source of that word it was God and if you think about who a would serve its serving other people but then there's some in this house that literally you've walked away from things because you were trying to be humble so you sat down and God said get up I've called you for something I called you for this and so we have to go back to the Lord and say God show me who I am the Apostle Paul said that I would boast in the Lord it's okay to be a little prior to when it's in God when you say this is who God called me and I'm not sorry because it's not even about me but I recognized the weight of my life on the earth imagine if Jesus was like you know what I don't want to be prideful and call myself an Messiah you know it's just too much of a word like oh the savior of the world but that's who you are Jesus and that word came with sacrifice he did not say that he did not call himself the Messiah just to say it every word that God gives you why you your life has weight because your decisions have a way to because your decisions have sacrifice connected to your life and that is why and it's not prideful when you understand the cost of it at the same time Jesus could call himself the Messiah because he knew he already said yes to the Cross when you understand the weight on both sides the weight that no God is really calling you to be somebody on the earth you know what God said about David he said David I will make your name great like the great men on the earth God knew about great people he knew about people that he knew the people that the world celebrated and he said David I will make you like them that was a statement that David could boast in the Lord about because David also knew the sacrifice that was connected to his life when you recognize that yes my life has weighed on the earth but that way there's also because my decisions have weighed in my life because the Lord is going to call you to do things that you're not gonna like and he's gonna require things of you that is going to it's gonna be a struggle for you but he will be your strength but when you recognize the cost you have every right to say this is who God created you know what my mom used to tell me something about my dad I didn't have the opportunity to know him but she told me that while he was alive that my dad would get dressed up and he will walk down the stairs and he will scream for my mother to come and she was you know he got her every time he would think that Oh something happened and she was run over to the stairs and he would stand and say look at me he said sure don't you feel blessed that God gave you this you should wake up in the morning and say God the earth is blessed because our minutes you need to know how to be prideful in the Lord you need because you see the problem family is that if you see yourself as nothing you do nothing if you see yourself as just the scum of the earth you don't feel like your decisions have weight because you don't see your life as weighty but you need to know that you can wake up in the morning and say wow the sun is shining a little brighter because I just woke up and that is connected to the weight of your life you know something there was a day that the Lord was showing me something and he said I want you to understand what you have when you have the holy spirit I woke up that day it was sunny it was a Sunday and it was just sunny outside he tells me look at the weather check out the weather I looked I looked up the weather the weather said sunny all day so that's beautiful sunny days and the Lord said to me look outside and tell it to rain I said definitely you know you talking to yourself child you go to bed maybe you need to wake up again and do this over and he said to me again tell it to rain and I said God what is this what is this about he said I want you to understand the power you have as a believer because family you see you have the right to vote because you know what you're walking in and it's not to be prideful that you're better but it's to understand that you can boast in the Lord that say God because I woke up somebody's life is gonna be a little better today you see the Lord said tell the clouds to make it rain and I was like oh god you're tripping but that sounds fun that would do it i'ma do it so I got up I looked outside and I was like you know rain you know just bring her down I was like god I'm okay with sprinkles as long as water touch my face when I walked outside that's cool so I did that forgot about it took a shower as I was heading to the church it was pouring rain and it was so funny to me because I was walking and I could never forget that day cuz a friend of mine was like was looking at the phone and looking at the weather he's like it didn't even say it was gonna rain today and I was like but family what that taught me was that God was showing me that when you even hear about floods when you hear about certain things you have to recognize that because you woke up and because my spirit is in you you have the power to believe that Lord as I begin to pray that this can end you if there is anything that has the power to change things in this world we see a lot of things that happen and it seems like it happened randomly but there is someone praying behind the scenes but why am i sharing this because when you have the Holy Spirit when you have an assignment on your life you need to look at yourself like your life got some weight because when you recognize who you really are you're not just gonna play with words like I'm a procrastinator and I just do things oh you know what I just love last minute just call me lady or gentleman last minute no that's not cute that's a problem and we have to ask ourselves why and bring that before God because your life has weight to it and the earth needs what God has put in you and we are all connected and so if you're sitting down you're holding the key for someone else to find who they are because we are all connected we're in this house because God touched and unlocked the life of a man and he opened this house and because of that we have grown I have grown in my calling not because I was just sitting and asking the Lord to make a way for me but because a man and a woman answered their call and he opened the door so we thank God for the pastor's in this house because they answered your call I'm walking in the fullness of mine and so you your life has a key so unlock something else for somebody so you can't just sit down and act like your life doesn't matter it does if Peter just removed himself from the presence of God it was as a result that when Peter preached that thousands of people gave their lives to Christ his voice was assigned to their hearts there are things that you're called to create there things that you're called to do that is a sign to someone's awakening and so let's start asking God the right questions family I want to pray with you if you know that you have been in conflict with yourself and you're making the commitment to go before the presence of the Lord and lay everything before God and say God show me who I really am because the truth is that I've been wavering from one belief to the other and I want to be steadfast in you I want to grow in who you say I am meet me at this altar I want to pray with you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you lord if you've questioned your worth if you've questioned to identity if you've questioned the power of the Holy Spirit in you meet me at this altar thank you lord what I love about the Lord is that because this is not done in the flesh this is done by the power of his spirit his Spirit knows how to quicken you and awaken you to things that may have been dormant in you and that is why I want to pray with you I want to agree about what God says over your life and I want you to walk out of here on the with a different fire that did not exist when you walked in thank you Jesus [Music] thank you lord thank you lord there's someone either you're here you're watching and they're pills by your bedside and each day you go to bed you look at those pills and you're contemplating should I should I not should I should I not if you're in this house if you're not the author I want you to meet me at the Psalter because the reason god is highlighting that is because the question you've been having is that God what is my life worth and let this word be a confirmation to you that your life matters because you know how the way of God touches people is through people one of the things I believe with all my heart is that the heartbeat of God is people what moves him is you and I and the way he can get to you is through another the way he because they're moments he has his personal moments with you but there are doors assigned to your life that he will send someone to help you open it there are things assigned to your life that he will send you a helper because spiritually we have the helper who is the Holy Spirit but physically we are called to be helpers to one another and it's all under the leading of her spirit and you have been looking at this bother you've been looking at you've been looking at you've been contemplating and you're going back and forth in your mind and all of that is because you are questioning your worth because if you're honest with yourself you have some ideas and you think they're crazy but the guy they're very feasible because there is nothing that is impossible with him and so this person I hear the Lord so clearly on this he's saying just give me 30 days with you just give me 30 days with you and I will show you that everything I said about you is true you see it's interesting that when Jesus came to them he came in a way that they had never seen before Jesus walking on water and they were scared of him they were like is this a ghost and one of the things that the Lord said to me is that he's going to open doors for you that would seem like it would seem unreal that this is happening but those doors will speak to who he says you are and it's not for you to be afraid because he will confirm that no I sent you that door and that's why I'm telling you family it's okay to be prideful in the Lord because there are some things that will come to you and it will be bigger than you because it is it is bigger than your perspective of self not bigger than you it is bigger than how you see yourself but in reality it is exactly speaking to who you are because what Jesus was doing seemed foreign to them but in reality they could do it too in reality there was nothing that was just for Jesus and that is why Peter was also able to do it and so it would seem bigger than who you think you are but is speaking exactly to who you are and these opportunities are gonna come your way and all you have to do is just be open to it it may scare you it may make you question yourself but the beautiful thing family you see fear fear that the the anxiousness and the uncertainty and all of that it doesn't have to own you you can be aware of it and I believe when Jesus is saying cast your cares before the Lord cast your anxieties before the Lord because he's not saying that you're gonna just be rid of anxieties but the awareness of it means that you can be in partnership with God and say Lord I'm feeling this way but I'm bringing it before you that's when you have you you can't God can teach you how to master how to be a master over your own fears that God you know what this opportunity is coming to me and the truth is it seems a little bigger than me but in that personal time with God and he affirms you then fear has no power over you here we are only the only times that it feels like we are enslaved to our fears is when we keep that in the dark because darkness is why the enemy thrives the moment he's exposed he has no power but if we keep that hidden and we're like you know what I'm dealing with this and I'm just you know I just have to because when you think that the fight is only by your strength that is when you keep it in the dark because you're trying to do you're trying to fight a war you can't even see but when you bring it to the Lord it does something to you all of a sudden he starts speaking life over you and you're like no no no I'm good I might be huh you know what I might be a little shivering you know but I'm good cast your cares before the Lord let him know that you are in partnership with him come in agreement with what he says and who he says you are and you're gonna see things family and you're gonna recognize them in ways that you have never known before because he desires to take you from glory to glory to glory and you have to know that your life has weight on this earth you have to know that you have to know that because of him not because of you that's where pride comes that's what the bad type of pride comes when you think self-made no no no everything we are is because of him the scripture says that in him we move we live and we have our being everything we do is because of him it is his life it is him everything we do is because he breathe into us the sacrifice is his holy spirit there are things that when someone is like wow that was real smart like oh no that's not Mitra that's the Holy Spirit cuz I'm not that smart but when I'm like when I when I become one but the Spirit of God I'm like oh yes but we don't say probably anymore but with God you can resurrect old words a family all this to say know that your life has way and know that the plans of God concerning you has never changed and even though it seems like you've walked away from who he says you are he's waiting for you he's waiting for you he says return to me and let me confirm and affirm everything I've already spoken but let me tell you more because in the more you become more established and you become more rooted then your foundation is not easily shaken thank you Jesus thank you family let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you we thank you for your word today Lord we thank you Lord God that we know that we can always come before you that we know Lord God that we should not fear what looks like the issues of life because Lori God before anything could reach us he needed permission from you and if you allowed it then I need it if you allowed it to come to me then I need something from it and so Holy Spirit I thank you there you are knowledge and every conflict in our hearts every storm in our lives may you use it to expose the real story may you use it to expose the storm within and may you give us the word and the understanding of the wise in our lives that the areas that we have doubted you we have doubted ourselves we have doubted your word then Lord you will speak to the why and Lord we thank you that in the midst of that we will be strengthened by you and we thank you heavily father that the peace you give no man can take and so may your word come with a piece that we will know that no matter the circumstance of my life this is who I am that hope my identity doesn't change because of a circumstance my identity is set in the Lord and I will always be who he says I am lord I thank you that this is a room full of people and all those listening Lord that they would recognize the weight of their life and I come against every word that has been spoken to them against their truth and against their identity Lord Li counts to the traumas of those words right now in the name of Jesus and that every word that was spoken to them in ignorance Loree God we thank you because by your supernatural power you can heal every wound even emotional wounds and so Lord we say have your way have your way in and through us Heavenly Father we thank you for your greatness we thank you for your great name we thank you for your sacrifice we thank you for who you are to us and we thank you Lord that our life is not hidden in anything but you and so as you give us revelation Lord we're running with it and I think you Lord and as your people are coming before you saying that Lord we want I wanna I wanna be more committed I want to be more committed in the time I spend with you I want to talk to you more than I talk about you lord I thank you that you will strengthen them and you will wake them up I have random hours and some don't like to hear that but you wake them up Lord and they would know that the reason I'm up at this time is so I can spend time with my father have your way seal this word in Jesus name Amen [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 99,739
Rating: 4.9138241 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Id: lGCfU2yCzBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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