What If? - Stephanie Ike

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hey family I'm pastor Tori I'm pastor Sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the Lord I believe it's going to bless you I believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if God so loves you to use the information here in the video support what we're doing for being a blessing not to speak of spiritually we're being blessed two people practically we love you get into this message I'll change your life hallelujah family it's such a pleasure to be with you this morning this afternoon this evening wherever you're tuning from welcome you know today is such a blessing for me because the word that the Lord had put in my heart to share with you is truly a word that brought deliverance in my life in my living room and I'm believing that just wherever you are right now that that same power of God will meet you in your home the today's gonna be awesome I am just filled with so much joy because I just know that by the end of this message whatever mental stronghold whatever mental barriers they're gonna be broken over your life you see the Lord had been dealing with me in an area of making decisions you know personal story there was one particular decision that I have been wrestling with I have been wrestling with God how do I move forward do I take a step do I turn left or I turn right you know what do I do here and to be honest it kept me in this position of almost feeling stagnant about how to move forward because I'm trying to make up my mind right and the crazy thing about this particular time is that for me most of the pivotal decisions in my life the Lord had given me clear instructions about this is what you ought to do but in this one area for some reason he was not saying anything he was giving me revelation about other things in my life other areas of life and whatnot but in this one thing the Lord was not saying anything you see many of you may be filling in that same way that there are things that you have been praying about you have been fasting about you have been seeking the Lord about and you're still left with uncertainty and confusion and when we think about scriptures like the one that says that the Lord is not the author of confusion it's perplexing because it's like God if you're not the author of confusion I'm seeking you about this area and you are still not saying anything and you know what I'm learning family what the Lord began to teach me it's not that he did not hear your cry it's not that he did not honor your fast it's not that he did not hear your questions but there is something that the Lord is more invested in that is more powerful than the revelation that you're asking for because embedded in what he's invested in is the revelation that you seek and that's what I want to get into today you said many of you may feel like you're in this place where you feel stagnant and you're like god I need to I need to decide on something but what cripples us is this idea of what if what if I make the wrong decision what if I do what was not in alignment with the will of God what if in the end this works against me this idea of what if is what often cripples us you see especially in the times that were in when everything around us begins to shift and begins to change when we begin to encounter the unfamiliar we are faced with life decisions because the beautiful thing in God you know I'm reminded about the scripture that talks about how all creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God and the sons of God is not about gender it's about inheritance and so that really means everybody right the sons the dollars everyone but when all creation is waiting it gives us this idea that creation is groaning that creation has an expectation so and we begin to see the groanings in the earth when we begin to experience you know one of the terms we're using right now is this whole concept of a new normal right and we're seeing it adapted worldwide because we're still in the midst of a pandemic even right now so when we begin to see everything shifting around us the beautiful thing is that the unfamiliar outside of you is to speak to the unfamiliar you that there is a you that you have not yet met but God is aware of that person that is why oftentimes we find that in the midst of chaos the most beautiful things are created that in the midst of chaos new leaders begin to emerge a new voices begin to emerge because you begin to recognize that what if this chaos what if this problem that I was born for such a time as this that unfamiliar situation begins to speak to the unfamiliar you but that you was never unfamiliar to God but then there's decisions that need to happen because the you that you've been comfortable with has his own habits its own routine it's own life and all of that and then God begins to to nudge you and their decisions you have to make but you see it wouldn't be all the time that the Lord gives you this clarity this clear picture about hey this is what you should do sometimes you feel like you're left in the dark but it's not that God left you in the dark I want us to look at this scripture and we're going to unpack it a little bit you see just go with me to Psalms 37 verse 23 and the scripture says the steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in his way the steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in his way there are two key things in that scripture you see we get this idea of what does it look like for your steps to be established again it's not about agenda and what does it look like for the Lord to delight in your way and I want to almost speak about this in Reverse because oftentimes we we talk about just like this and it seems like this vague thing like okay god what does it look like for you to delighted me do I have to pray 20 to 20 hours a day or do I need a fast for 8 months in the year what does it look like it's not a thing of works but it's a posture you see there was a man in the Bible named David and David was someone that the Lord took delight in and I wondered what was it about David and I began to understand something that as the Lord was teaching me you see David knew what it meant to be sheep David knew it's so funny because David was a shepherd David used to look after his father's sheep but in looking after his father's sheep he understood what it means to have a shepherd look over you you see David there is a story that many of you might know about David and Goliath when David went to fight the giant Goliath and he took his head and all this stuff and he had the victory but there was something David said when he was speaking about why he is the one to fight this giant he talked about how the Lord rescued him from the hand of the lion and the bear you see David there was a moment in David's life while looking after his father's sheep that there was you know the lion comes in the bear comes in and they're attacking what he is responsible for and in that moment David did not have a revelation it was not that the Lord said to David David you should go and save that sheep and I will be with you there was just an understanding that David said you know what I have a responsibility to this sheep and whatever happens happens because I recognize that my life is not my own that my life is in the hands of my shepherd that this are the sheep in my care but there is I am in someone else's care when he says the Lord rescued me it spoke so much volumes to me because David did not say the Lord told me to go after the lion and the bear and I did and not and I came out victorious it seems like there was a bit of uncertainty about the outcome could it that in those moments when David made a decision to say I am going to do whatever it takes to rescue this sheep even if it costs me my life that in that moment of a decision but in that posture knowing that below it I am still your sheep and my life is still in your hands you see it was the same manner that when he went after Goliath he said the same way that the Lord rescued me from the bear and the lion he would rescue me from the hand of Goliath David knew what it meant to be sheep what does that look like in your life you see we're so used to being the Shepherds over our lives and why I can say that is that every time we find ourselves in a place of panic anxiety and fear about God what is the outcome going to be we have lost sight of who is our Shepherd because I am NOT responsible for my life I am NOT responsible for the outcome of my life I have a shepherd who looks over me and my pal my position and my posture is to recognize my weakness as sheep that Lord if I turn right and right is not the way to go you have a way to redirect me you see this same David there was a moment where he he was you know everything was going well for him the Bible tells us that God had caused all his enemies to be at peace with him and he you know decided in his heart he said I live in this beautiful house why doesn't the Lord have a temple it was a decision that he made in his heart in that moment that I am gonna build the Lord a temple he shares this idea with the Prophet I just at that time it was the Prophet called Nathan he says you know what the Lord needs a temple look at the house I live in and the Prophet is just like you know what you just look like hashtag blessed so I believe the Lord is with you he said whatever is in your heart to do go ahead and do it but that night the Lord came and visited the Prophet Nathan and he basically said you know I didn't try to say and he explains to the Prophet go and tell David that he is not the one I've called to build for me a temple but his son would do it instead you see the moment David was able to set his heart on something then the Lord spoke after even in your best decision even in your best mindset even with the best intention to recognize that if you are doing something that is leading in a path that the Lord did not call you to that he is God enough to redirect you we are so worried and so overwhelmed what will be the outcome of this decision as if we are the Shepherd of our lives the Lord delights in us when we take our posture as sheep this ministered so greatly to me because I began to see other areas in my life where there was anxiety connected to it and I said God I did not call myself I did not send myself I did not appoint myself you did you called me by name I am your responsibility whatever it is that you have for my life you are the one who would lead me there you say it's so beautiful there was something the Lord said about David he said David I took you from being a shepherd boy to being King it was God's responsibility to fulfill the word he has concerning your life the same way he did it for David God wants to do it for you but you have to take your posture as sheep you have to embrace that Lord I'm not gonna be indecisive in my ways because that indecisiveness it dishonours God because the Word of God tells us that the unstable man should not expect anything from the Lord so even when the Lord wants to do something in your life and move in your life because you have this indecisiveness he can't do anything so that in itself dishonours God but when you begin to make decisions God can after or he can redirect you and what it means for us is that we have to be have a posture of humility that Lord if I was moving in the direction that you did not call me to then let me lean into where you're redirecting me he said I think about a man named Jonah you know Jonah even in his stubbornness but Jonah was sheep because even in his stubbornness he still acknowledged he would still say things like I feared the Lord even though he was running away from the Lord you see the story of Jonah is so beautiful you should read it if you haven't the Lord tells Jonah he's like hey I have a word for you to deliver Jonah is like I don't want to he goes the opposite direction he's like I am running away from the presence of God but you can't run away from God it was a funny thing Jonah but Jonah goes in the opposite direction he goes into a boat he's thinking that he's about to go to Maui but all of a sudden there was the storm and all of these things and the boat is affected and the people are drowning and Jonah is convicted because he realizes okay even though I was committed to making the wrong decision because I am sheep in the hands of God he will not allow my foot to stumble you see there was a Psalms that talks about how I look up to where my help comes from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth that he will not allow my foot to stumble that my maker does not slumber God is not sleeping God is constantly watching over you and when you can posture yourself as sheep even in your stubbornness God knows how to get to you you see in that moment when Jonah was you know in his ways and he's like okay this is because of me he tells the people I have sinned against the Lord but that the Lord who is the maker of land and sea because he recognizes the Lord has met me here I thought I could run away from his presence but the fact of the at the end of the day my heart is admitted to my call but in his ignorance he decided to do otherwise but then we see Jonah returned back to the same place and received the same word that God instructed him to do the reason I'm sharing this is that whether in your stubbornness in your ignorance or even in your best intention whatever you decide to do if you are making a turn that God did not call you to make he will redirect you you have to break off this whole thing of God I'm just I'm just waiting for you to speak again I'm waiting for you to speak again because what if God is trying to get you to the place that you simply become sheep and you say Lord even if I go astray you are the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 for the one sheep who went astray even if my path takes me to the place that you have not called me you would lead me back you see some of the things that we're afraid about is this whole idea of you know I'm confident in making a decision when God tells me because that means it should be smooth sailing but that's not always the case and so even if you make that decision and it looks like all hell broke loose to understand that if it had the ability to get to you God is gonna use it for your good that that promise is so true that when you are one who is surrendered to the ways of God that all things truly work together for your good why is it that the Bible will find the need to tell us that all things work together for our good if we're not going to encounter setting things that don't look like it's good but yet it is of God and so we have to make a decision now when it talks about how God would establish the steps of a good man that establishment I really I looked it up I looked at what it meant but I was like God in a simple way what does that look like in our lives and I understood that this is just when the presence of God is with you that when God established your steps it doesn't mean he's going to establish you in the wrong thing but that because his presence is with you he knows how to make your crooked paths straight he knows how to make that this path you're going in may not be for you but I know how to redirect you you see if this word is for you I just want you to put in the comments this is speaking to me this is for me this is my word whatever suits you best because this simple revelation it literally broke off a mental stronghold in my life you see then we have this question of what then does it mean to be led by the Lord how then do I know if after I said okay God I'm gonna do this thing how do I know that the Lord is the one that continues to lead me first of all I want to talk about what it doesn't look like because you see one of the things that we struggle with in life is when we face difficulty in a path that we felt called to or we are faced by circumstances and challenges and then all of a sudden we think that that difficulty is an indicator from the Lord to make a u-turn that that difficulties an indicator from the Lord to turn back and that's not the case with the Lord you see one thing that the Lord began to teach me about him is that when we understand the nature of God that we will never miss a beat you see the nature of God is one that is not reactive to life everything about God deals in times and seasons and that is why we see all over the Bible God even though he exists outside of time he is so intentional about speaking about time he told Abraham he said Abraham for 400 years your descendants would be oppressed he told Jeremiah to talk about the people of Judah that for seventy years that they would be in captivity in Babylon we are very mindful about how many days the Lord Jesus spent in the wilderness you see there's some random scriptures that you'll be wondering why do we need to know this when you will see in the third year of this person's rain in the night month on the fifth day because God is very intentional about times and seasons that is how he functions the Lord Jesus even said that times and seasons belong to the Lord when you understand that the god you serve is not reactive but he deals with times and seasons then you will not look at a circumstance as an indicator to give up or as an indicator to quit because if there is a season attached to your life that God has purposed to do something for your life you have to hold on to it you have to look that when you're making a decision based on okay maybe I should walk away from this that if that is triggered by a circumstance you may want to pause because God is not a God that is reactive to the times and when I talk about the times I'm talking about the external circumstances that happen as as as we go as we live in this life because right now we are in the midst of a pandemic we're in the midst of civil unrest in the United States that does not mean that the Word of God connected to your life in this season has changed that does not mean that God changed his mind concerning you what has God said to you that you have began to question because of areas that looks like lack in your life because of difficult people because of a switch in positions what is making you feel as though God maybe I need to change this decision that I made God is a God of times and seasons he is not reactive and when we stop reacting to life we would never miss a beat what did the Lord say about this time for me I know everything around me seems to tell me otherwise but what did God say if God told you to write that book if God told you to start that business covet 19 or whatever does not stop what he said if you made a decision to go after something it doesn't matter what may be happening around you it does not it should not change your mind simply because of external factors you see I'm reminded by the Lord Jesus there was something so beautiful that happened one day he had told his disciples to go ahead of him to another town and when he comes down from the mountain there is no transportation there is no way for him to get to where he's going but the Lord was committed to making his way to that destination and even though there was a lack of boats a lack of you know anything all of a sudden what he was able to do was something that just seems impossible he began to walk on water because he was committed to the task ahead he did not look at the situation he did not look at his surrounding and say oh okay no doesn't look great I might just take a nap here and I figure out how to do this tomorrow he was so committed to the task ahead that even when it came to the idea of well maybe I was just gonna walk on water and that is exactly what happened God is not reactive for some of you right now you're watching this and the Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind and to your attention the areas of your life that you have been reacting and he's and the word is gonna come back again what did you make a decision to do about this time about this season of your life stop moving from a place of being reactive to life that is where the enemy gets the upper hand everything about God his very essence speaks to being proactive because the very essence of God is prophetic he knows the end before the beginning so he is not moved by what you see in the beginning because he already knows the end when we look at creation when we study about creation God did not see darkness and say well it's a wrap we just need to create another location and make this didn't happen again in the beginning the Bible tells us that dark that darkness was was over the was over the earth but God did not see darkness and just give up he saw the end in the beginning he saw you in the beginning and so when he began to speak to it he was speaking to that which at the end result you would show up and so what is it in your life that you feel like you are in this place and if you feel crippled because you feel as though God I know I was committed to doing this thing but all of a sudden all these challenges came up and I feel like I don't know if I can handle it God is not reactive now when God wants to shift you he will give you a word you have to know that when the Lord is your Shepherd he is so committed to you being in alignment that when you posture yourself as sheep that when it's time for God to shift you oh there would be no doubt about what's next for you because you are sheep and he would redirect you you see for some of you when I began to print them like God can you show me who I'm speaking to for some of you you may feel as though that Lord you know I'm I'm in this place in them and I fear myself I fear what I could be vulnerable to I fear my own weakness and so I don't know if I want to do this you see God has got enough to protect you from yourself you see there was a man named Noah and what was so beautiful to me about Noah is that the Lord gave Noah a message and he told Noah he's like hey we know Noah this there's gonna be a time where there's gonna be a rain that comes and it floods the earth and he's gonna wipe out everyone because in that time the scripture tells us that wickedness you know prevailed on the earth that the heart of man that their thoughts were just continuously evil and God was looking to preserve a generation and he was going to do that through Noah and so he tells Noah to build this ark Noah builds New York at this time they have never seen rain Noah builds this park and when Noah moved into the ark all the animals got told to move in with Noah Simone Pumbaa everybody when everyone moved into this Ark the Bible tells us something so powerful in the book of Genesis it tells us that the Lord shut him in now that really was so profound to me because I was like okay Lord I'm sure that Noah had a way to shut the doors of the Ark but the Lord shut him in and that word also gives the idea that he was imprisoned by God and the doors could not open on sale because even in the end of the story when we see that after the flood and all of that the Bible tells us that God tells Noah now you can come out and so this idea that God shut him in it made me begin to wonder because Lois heart was pure before God that perhaps when it started raining if it was not the Lord that shut the doors and if it was not the Lord that had authority over the doors that maybe people would come and start knocking on the Ark and they're like Noah you were right it's raining out here can you open this up can you let one of us in but when the Bible tells us that the heart of men was wicked and evil what Noah may not have realizes that yes they may be knocking at the door but maybe it's not because they want to be saved maybe it's so that they can kill you that how dare you think you can escape this and so in the wisdom of God and knowing what Noah could be weak to and what Noah could be vulnerable to God said I will shut you in you see you have to be so confident in the Lord that he will not bring to you what will cause you to fall and when I talk about what will cause you to fall I'm talking about what you cannot recover from because the scripture talks about how the righteous man falls yet he gets up and so that is not a fault that you cannot recover from that is a fault that builds you and perfects you he said it gets either I just meant gets up seven times there are some losses you learn to taking live some else and those ELLs are not to cause other defeat is that God is using it to perfect you God is using it to strengthen you those brawn relationships those things that just make you feel like God if I knew better I would have done better and God says that's the point you didn't and I needed you to encounter something that brought to the surface what was broken in you so I could heal it you have to be so confident in knowing that God because you were my shepherd I will not fall in the way that I cannot recover from and it is from that place that we have confidence to make decisions in the midst of uncertainty you see I just brought this simple message that the Lord placed in my heart but the beauty of the Holy Spirit is that that which is simple can cause major breakthrough because even though as we're sharing this it begins to communicate to your spirit this word broke literally like I was having a praise party in my living room because then it made sense to me I said God you are indeed my shepherd and maybe I've acknowledged that in other ways that make me feel more comfortable but maybe not in though not not in a general sense that in the things that I wonder God what would the outcome be because if we're honest there are these areas where we're afraid of like God but what if what if this does not serve me properly and what I'm learning is that Stephanie it's okay if you fall in the hands of God because if I fall in his hand then there is something he sees that he's like I needed you to fall I needed you to see that weakness so that I could work on it I needed you to see that brokenness I needed it to come to the surface so that I can build you up and so this fear of God what if let that be broken off in your life right now and I'm believing that for you you said I titled this message what if because I want you to search your hearts and the beautiful thing is that the Holy Spirit is our helper he will search your heart with you he would begin to bring to your memory the things in your life that you have been crippled by because you've been plagued with this question what if what if it doesn't work out what if it doesn't work for my good what if I'm making the wrong decision what if God is not in this what if and God is saying just be sheep just be sheep and make a decision your decisions honor me because your decisions also show that you trust me that God if I'm making the wrong turn you are God enough to redirect me now I'm not saying that God does not speak about instructions there are things that God would definitely give you instructions concerning your life but why this was so heavy on my heart not even for me but for you watching right now is that there are certain decisions and if we're honest even after the pray or in the fasting and calling friends and getting all the best advice you were still left in that place of confusion and it's not because the Lord wants you to be confused the Lord wants you to be sheep he wants you to understand that yes while you're out there Shepherd in the world shepherding your family shepherding your community that whoever that you have access to that while you're out there caring for everyone else that I want to take care of you then if you begin to look at how you give of yourself to people you would understand that my son my daughter I'm also watching over you that the outcome of your life is not your responsibility it's mine when you can posture yourself as sheep but if you want to be the shepherd of your life then it's not it's really not the safest place to be because then you have to be the one who comes up with everything and we are limited beings we are finite beings we don't know the end and that's what leaves us filled with anxiety but if I can be sheep if I can embrace myself as sheep and the Lord is my shepherd every anxiety will be broken off my life because I know for me what makes me anxious is about the outcome of a situation you see I'm reminded even now by a man named Daniel Daniel made a decision to be thrown in the lion's den not because he was certain that the Lord would deliver him but he was certain that the Lord was his shepherd and whatever was the outcome let it serve the purpose of the Lord he wasn't he did not realize that okay I might go to the Lions and he's never done that before it's not like Daniel was raised and playing with lions and angels that he would hang out with a lion and the angel will show up Daniel watch what I can do let me shut his mouth no there was a what first time thing Daniel I'm gonna turn the Lions then go you know what that's that's perfect go ahead it's not that he had a certainty of the outcome but he had a certainty of whose hand he was in and you see why this is so important in life is that one of the key things we have to embrace if we're gonna walk out this life with the Lord is a posture of sacrifice as well because sometimes what the Lord requires from your life is not what would please your flesh what the Lord that when you trust yourself in the hands of God it's not always gonna be pleasing to you when you can understand being sheep and living a life that is sacrificial you will never miss a beat with God because you would recognize that god it's not always about what pleases me it's not always about what makes me happy and when I say that I'm not saying that God is not after your happiness God is the Bible tells us that he gives us beauty for Ashes but you have to understand that there is a version of yourself that you still haven't met and in order to get to that version of yourself the pain of stripping everything that you thought you knew is sacrifice the pain of walking away from the life that you thought was yours is sacrifice that there is sacrifice when it deals with you know what this was how I was raised this was the expectations they were put on me by my family my community and God engages you in a way and he begins to awaken you to your truth but in order to walk in that something must be sacrificed something must be placed on the altar and the New Testament talks about how we are the altar they let our bodies be the living temple of the Lord that we should present ourselves before the Lord and so when you can embrace sacrifice and you can embrace being sheep you're not gonna miss a beat when you can embrace that God however you lead me I'm gonna go wherever you take me I'm going to go because what I'm gonna encounter is my truth I'm going to encounter the version of me that you saw before you place me in my mother's womb and it's not always gonna be pretty Jesus had to go through the cross you know what is so fascinating about the story of Jesus and is that after the cross the Bible tells us that he received a name that was above every other nail that after he went through this experience that I mean who wants to do that but in his embrace first of all I am sheep because I need the Lord to bring me back to life I need the power of the Holy Spirit to resurrect me once I give up the ghost but Jesus also understood the power of sacrifice that it costs something it costs something and the beautiful thing is that what it cost you is what's not really you when Jesus was on the cross what was killed was sin that was not him that's what he put on so that we would find freedom so what you think it's costing you is not costing you your truth it's not costing you your identity it's actually to reveal what is true it's to reveal what is you and so family this questions of what if I believe that it will no longer plague your life because the Lord is with you the Lord is for you present yourself to the Lord a sheep and recognize that he is responsible for you this is so good to me thank you Jesus thank you Lord if you know that you need to embrace that in the comments right now just put I am sheep you can put back you know if you want to God loves you and there's some of you watching right now and perhaps you have not embraced the Lord as your shepherd that you are led to watch this message and you're like let me just get inspired and revived and what not but that the Lord is knocking on your heart and he's showing you that you are not called to do this life by yourself that this weight this burden that has been on you is because you've been carrying what does not belong to you why is it that the Bible says that we should cast our cares before the Lord because he cares for us all of a sudden now I see a deeper meaning of that word I'm beginning to understand because it's not my responsibility it's not that I should be delusional and say okay God here are my worries I'm what are you gonna do with it no but that my mind is now renewed that what bothers me what frustrates me what is a bird what what seems like a burden on my life is not my responsibility God you are responsible for me there's a scripture where the Lord talks about that you would have no need to fight in this for the battle belongs to the Lord isn't that powerful that he he understood that you are my people this is not your fight this is my fight they were not coming against it's not like they were trying to find the gateway to heaven and and charge the armies of God but they were charging the armies that belong to the Lord on the earth they were against the people that God has said this is my people and so when he responded he said you have no need to fight this battle belongs to me what happens if you start embracing that in your life what is the power of your life what would that look like that you stopped complaining you stopped fussing and you simply said Lord this is not my fight I am NOT responsible for myself I am your sheep wherever you lead me I will go but the battle belongs to you this sickness is not my fight you need this body Lord you need this body to do the things that you have called it to and so you are responsible to heal me I just feel that for some of you watching and you're you you have a physical illness in your body I want you to begin to call out to the Lord who is your Shepherd I want you to begin to say that Lord you are my shepherd this is not my fight you are responsible for this body and you are responsible for me it is a powerful place to find that posturing god I am sheep I am sheep I know right now all of us want to be the goats and I know that's an acronym but right now I want to be sheep I want to be sheep come on just keep putting sheep in the comment a man family let us pray if you know that you are embracing the Lord as your Shepherd today I want you to just say that's me I don't want to do this life by myself I need you Lord and if you know that every that that this word this word is speaking to some indecisiveness in your life I want you to just put no more I'm gonna make a decision and I'm gonna trust that God is God enough so either continue to lead me because I'm in alignment or he will redirect me but I am surrendered before him and from that place let us pray Heavenly Father we thank you we thank you O God for who you are you are the great Shepherd you are the loving Shepherd you don't sleep you don't slumber you constantly watch over us and I thank you that right now your children are feeling the comfort of a shepherd they are feeling the comfort of a loving God and a loving Savior that they would recognize that they are not in this by themselves but they are in your hand the safest place to fall is in your hand the safest place to make a mistake is in your hand because in your hand Lord you cause all things to work together for our good and I think you Lord that they would embrace sacrifice to recognize that what's really being sacrificed is what has been covering who they truly are we thank you Jesus we thank you for those that have said yes Lord come into my life that Laurie got right now that they are embracing you as their Lord and their Savior that as they have their hands lifted in the air and they may not even know why but there is a need to worship there is a need to cry out and say Lord Here I am I've been trying to do this on my own I've been trying to do this from the pain of my past but in this moment I want to just honor that I am sheep I don't know any better because even when I think I know it all I am still ignorant before you thank you Jesus thank you Lord have your way feel what is taking place in the hearts and minds of your people right now in Jesus mighty name family we love you and we'll see you soon god bless you you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 127,651
Rating: 4.9515929 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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