You Are Not Ordinary - Stephanie Ike

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessing people practically we love you get into this message gonna change your life hallelujah family it's such a pleasure to be with you on a sunday morning afternoon evening whatever time you're tuning in from even let us know right now where you're tuning in from you know i'm so excited about this word because there was an encounter that i had with the lord about a couple years ago and there are some things in it that he has released me to share that really speaks to the times that we're in you see a few years back you know even to explain this encounter i'm just reminded by the book of revelation you see in the book of revelation the writer john describes what he was able to see when he was pulled in the spirit by the lord you see what happened to me was something a little bit similar in that i was taken up in the spirit for the lord to show me something and one of the things he showed me is that there was this round table and the round table had many seats around it and he said to me that this is the seed of influence and i found that very intriguing because i'm like why is it you know a singular word when there are many seats connected to it and he began to teach me about how influence itself is a sea shared amongst many for the purpose of the lord on the earth now one of the things that stood out in that moment is that there were these people who came as new leaders that would emerge on the earth there was a transition that was taking place a shift of power that was taking place that was marked in the realm of the in in the heavenly realms that god had already marked people who on the earth at the time could have seemed as just ordinary people just living their maybe best lives i don't know and i saw this shift begin to take place now recently the lord began speaking to me that we are in a time that we will begin to see the fullness of that being manifested if you've been inclined to some of the things on the news right now in our age we are seeing almost really a shift of power taking place there are many things being revealed many things being exposed and there are many more to come there are some things that are going to shock us about some of the people we grew up with so much love in our hearts for and we will still have so much love in our hearts for but there are things that are going to come to the surface that is going to literally shock us but it is manifesting this change this transition of influence that will take place in the earth in this time leaders emerging that will carry out the will and purposes of god on the earth now what was so intriguing again about this is there were people that the lord began to speak to me about that i saw there but the thing is that on the earth they did not even have a clue that they were already marked for more that they were already marked for greatness you see today i'm going to be talking about you but i'm going to talk about you through a story and i'm going to talk about you through the life of a lady named esther in the bible you see esther was just this orphan girl just doing you know just living an ordinary life that she would think one moment if you've ever read the book of esther you may have heard about things in the book if you've ever heard the phrase about you know you were born for such a time as this that came from esther but you see esther was just this girl this orphan unknown to her there was a period of six months when the king at the time was just having a feast and just showing off and just doing all kinds of extravagant things but in that period of six months what she didn't realize was that god was setting up a stage for her that there was something that would take place in the end of that six-month mark that will cause esther to be revealed esther had no clue what was taking place she thought she was just this ordinary girl and then all of a sudden during that six months you see the book of esther is a book that is so intriguing because the book starts up by literally telling us about this king and this royal face i mean who does a feast for 160 180 days i believe it marks six months who does that i mean you know that he was truly living his best life but a whole six month period this man is just showing off and doing all kinds of things almost as though there was something else that motivated him to do what he did you know all around the world we are actually entering our six month mark when it comes to what's been taking place with this pandemic when it comes to the lock lockdown and all of that and we've been seeing god reveal things that are just like what is going on but god is setting a stage for you esther had no clue she's just thinking that hey you know we hear about the stories the parties that the kings throw but then all of a sudden the king's wife at the time vashti to kind of like end his celebration and all of that he calls for his wife she doesn't show up you should read the story when you get the chance and while you're at it just read the whole bible but she calls for his wife he doesn't show up and then the people the council tells the king they're like hey if you let this slide other women are going to copy this behavior so you have to you have to cause some kind of disciplinary action and it ends up with the king divorcing the um vashti and so now the king needs a new wife and esther is introduced to the picture they bring all the virgins in the land and they're like yes let's bring them one by one and prepare them to be in the presence of the king to see who he will choose and the story ends this is my version esther is chosen by the king to be the queen but you see the interesting thing is that esther is probably thinking like hey this is a step up from poverty this is a step up from being an offering i am the queen she's probably thinking like i never thought that i would be here that just ordinary me esther now i'm the queen i'm comfortable in this space i don't want nothing more nothing less but you see again this story about esther intrigues me so much because ultimately spoiler alert if you haven't read the story esther was called by god to save a nation but it was not a call that she had as a personal encounter with the lord what stands out about esther's story in the whole bible is that whenever we see god marking someone to save a nation or to deliver a people there is some type of encounter there is a there is a prophet involved there is a priest involved perhaps an angelic encounter we don't see any of this in the book of esther we don't even hear anyone saying thus says the lord nothing is mentioned in the book of esther you see unlike the story of a man named david before david became king in the natural david was already highlighted by god in the in the spiritual and was made known to him there was a prophet named the prophet samuel who came to david's home and anointed him and revealing to him that you would be king before he ever touched the physical crown there was another man named moses called by god to deliver the israelites he had an encounter with the lord where a bush was on fire but it was not consumed so moses is like wow what is going on here you know look at that but he had a personal encounter of the lord speaking to him about the plans that he has for moses there was another man named gideon gideon was also called to deliver his people gideon had an encounter with an angel the angel comes to him he's like wow mighty man of valor gideon is like who are you talking to but all these people the greatness of their lives there was it was marked by moments that were so symbolic a priest a prophet an angel having an encounter with them but in the life of esther there is none of that but unknown to esther in the heavens she's already been marked her steps are already being ordered but it could have just seemed like these random events happening and finally i'm out of poverty finally but esther was marked by god to deliver a nation you see esther had a cousin named madakai madakai was the one who would kind of like guide her through certain things and there was a period in time when her people were could have been extinct based on someone's jealousy and hatred for the jews and it was up to esther to step in it was up to esther to be the intercessor it was up to esther to stand in the gap for the people but what it would take esther to stand in the gap could be the very thing that could cost her her life and so when word gets to esther and they're like hey esther there is literally a decree against our people for us to all be wiped out you have to do something because esther could have been seen herself as just this ordinary girl she was just like hey i know and everybody knows that if you have not been called before the king for 30 days that you could be killed that unless there is this mercy that he shows you when he gives you the golden scepter that is a mercy of the king to say okay let me listen to what you have to say but it was known in all the land that if the king did not send for you don't send for him esther was like we all know this you see the people their lives were a stake they didn't stutter when they told esther what was happening but you see sometimes when we think of our lives just as this ordinary things when god begins to give you a platform when god begins to allow your voice to be heard when god begins to give you a stage if you never recognize that it was the hand of god that attracted everything to you you would begin to worship the vehicle that god sent for you to deliver his work esther was like look we all know this everybody knows this ultimately what esther was saying was that um if y'all die i'm really sorry you know as long as i'm alive i'm really sorry y'all because you know it's not going down like that molokai here's what she has to say and monica is like hey esther don't think you would escape this because even though they don't know we know that you're one of us and he says something so incredible to her and i want us to read that and that's going to be in esther chapter 4 and we're going to look at let me get this verse right it's in verse 14. and molokai says for if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise for the jews from another place but you and your father's house will perish yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for the word that many of you have heard for such a time as this you see what i want to highlight to you that the lord pressed on my heart to share with you is that esther never had this grand experience of a prophet coming to her of a priest coming to her of an angel of the lord coming to her yet her calling was so great esther only had modicai who said to her even in his uncertainty he said who knows but perhaps there's more to this than you think perhaps this is not just an escape for you from being this orphan girl who lived an ordinary life that esther what if this very platform that you have as queen was purpose for this very moment that what if esther all along your steps have been ordered by god because he saw what was to come and he chose you to break to be the one that brought salvation to god's people you see in times like this you know especially in faith we always talk about purpose living the life of purpose living a life to do what god has called us to do but what we don't talk about is when is the people that struggle with trying to identify god what is my purpose what is the very thing you've called me to do that's why oftentimes we see when we have those moments we're struggling where we're like why am i at this job why am i in this city god what plans do you have for me here why am i in this very place and there is no grand experience no prophet of the lord came to you and said your purpose connected to where you are no priest no nothing you didn't have a dream about nothing you didn't hear nothing but all along the lord is leading and guiding your steps you see the lord began to show me that many of you are conflicted about some of the positions that you're in because you're trying to understand what is the point of this why am i actually here but you see there is an appointed time that the lord begins to reveal the purpose of where he sent you there are some of you it could seem that you just stumbled into influence you did some video and it went viral and all of a sudden your influence began to grow but what you don't realize is the lord has already marked you for his purpose that heaven has already marked you for greatness esther was already marked by god before she even became queen and when she became queen the purpose of her of her authority and influence began to unravel you see many of you might feel like you're in a place and you just don't understand why but i'm sent to tell you to just hold on because in due time the lord begins to unravel where and why he sent you but one of the things that was so loud to me this morning is that the lord began to show me that you may feel as though you're just living this ordinary life and you just feel confused like god what is my purpose and the lord wants you to know that you are not ordinary because you have been marked by greatness from god even though no one has confirmed it to you but i want to be your mordecai today and tell you that you indeed were born for such a time as this you see it's so interesting when esther talks about but if the king has not called you for 30 days we know that if you go to him and he has not sent for she's like no first of all she said if the king hasn't sent for you and he hasn't sent for me for 30 whole days just last what last sunday rather our pastor pastor sarah talked about us committing this month of august to sow it in the fast or to sow it in any form of sacrifice that the lord leads your heart on she spoke that on august 2nd and that is going to be a 30-day period till the end of august on the 31st there was a correlation that the lord kept speaking to me about that this is a season of preparation for what he's going to do in revealing his sons and daughters and even if you have not you if you did not catch that message i want you to watch it because there is something that the lord will require of you and it's going to cost you more than what you are used to you see when esther declined in initially she was just like look i'm good on this because i'm not trying to die you know what is so interesting just personal story when pastor sarah shared about sacrifice immediately i knew that i would god was calling me into a fast and i jumped in on the fast and um i didn't last too long i think that same day the fast ended and i was like god this is this is something else you know normally when i'm fasting i feel the grace to just come upon me and it's i'm not even thinking about food i'm just you know swimming in water drinking water minding my business but this time around it was a different type of burden on my life and i just felt like this is too much all i'm thinking about is jamaican food oxtails and jerk chicken but the lord began to show me something and he showed me that there's a different weight of the fast because it's not about you it's about what you are the people that you're called to that in this time you're not it's not connected to you you see many times we fast and and we get excited about god what are you going to do in my life the breakthrough oh my gosh oh look at the lord i'm god it's about to be a lit you know but the lord said it's not about you and so the weight you feel the that weight can not only be responded to by compassion that when you begin to understand that your voice that the things that god has drawn you to is literally life and death for somebody else when you think about where you are today in god there are certain people that you can trace gratitude to because there was something about them unlocking their own gift and unlocking their own voice that has brought you to where you are even in the lord you see the things that god has placed within you is life or death to someone else esther's position as queen would have been life or death for the jews because if she stayed silent and nothing happened they could have been killed but when esther began to move in compassion outside of herself outside of you know what this is not even about me anymore and that is when esther said something so powerful she says gather everybody to fast with me and then she says that after the on the third day that she will go meet the king but there is a word that many of us know if i perish i perish esther was was willing to let her life be the seed of sacrifice to see other people set free you see mordecai in this scripture was such a powerful vessel of the lord whether he knew it or he didn't and there's something before i really go there's something that the lord kept pressing on my heart to share with you because there are those that are like mother chi and in this moment that was literally who the lord sent me to be to you to remind you to not be silent in this time to remind you that whatever it is that you feel led to it is your compassion for others that would unlock the grace that you may feel like the burden is too much you may feel like god i don't know if i have what it takes but when you begin to flow in compassion it would unlock the grace to carry the weight jesus was not looking at himself when he was going to the cross he was looking at you you were the strength that he needed it was not about his name being great what gave him the ability to go to the cross was you you were the glory on the other side of it for him many of you feel as though god i don't know if i have what it takes because you see a lot of times we complain about where we are the positions we carry and the platforms we're called to and those complaints are often self-centered oh this is too boring i'm tired can i do something better with my life but what if that position is a vehicle for the purposes of god to bring deliverance for other people you see in this time of sacrifice there are things that we literally have to lay down before the lord and some of those things is the how of what we thought life should be like you see why why i love motocai so much in this scripture is because the lord took me to another scripture and although i love and admired this woman's role in the bible there was a moment where she was a little funny you know and i really love her especially because her and my first lady my pastor share the same name but there's a woman named sarah in the bible and sarah was abraham's hus abraham's wife you see in the book of genesis the lord encountered abraham and when he encountered abraham he tells abraham that i'm going to establish my covenant with you abraham is like lord you know what is it you're going to do because already you know i don't have any children of my own who is going to inherit all of this and the lord makes makes it known to abraham that no you will indeed have a child you see the bible tells us that the blessings of god it comes without sorrow and so when the lord is telling abraham that you will have a child it's a blessing that is rich the lord is not looking for plan b he he understands abraham's predicament he understands that both abraham and sarah are in their old age and even though it may seem impossible when you look at it from a scientific perspective it is possible with god he understood everything and he saw abraham's situation and he said to him you will have a son right after the lord has this encounter with abraham right after day there's a covenant the covenant is sealed all of that this is in genesis 14. the next chapter sarah comes in and she's like you know what since i can conceive why don't you have my maid and just go in here you know i mean that's what they say in the bible i'm not making it up and he did so and next thing we know she was pregnant and she had a son named ishmael you see sarah encouraged abraham at the time to do the very thing that was against the will of god being manifested mordecai on the other hand speaks to esther about what will cause the will of god to be manifested the lord began to show me that for many of you you have had people direct you in ways and these were people that were they had an intimate relationship with you that were close to you but unfortunately they were limited to who you really were they were ignorant to the truth about what god has said to you abraham has ishmael now all of a sudden later on god i mean it takes a while before even god shows up again but god does and when he shows up he's telling abraham abraham you will have a son at the appointed time abraham says something to god that really stood out to me he says to the lord o that ishmael may live before you you see something is interesting because for many of you based on the advice that you have taken from others that were ignorant to your truths there were ishmaels created there were things created that was not in alignment with the will of god and the lord began to show me that stephanie ishmael is harder to let go than isaac you see there's something so fascinating when god later on let me just skip and i'll come back later on abraham does have the promised child his name is isaac and there was a moment that god says to abraham he's like abraham take your son the one you love isaac your only son in god's eyes he said this is your only son because this was the son of the covenant he says take this boy and sacrifice him to me abraham does not even blink he does not complain at all but when the lord encounters him about the coming of that particular child abraham says lord hold up you know what we have ishmael right here you know what's wrong with him look at him strong good looking you know can he be the the child of the covenant ishmael are always harder to let go of than isaac because ishmael is what you see is what you're familiar with is what you know it's like i i raised this i mean this i've been good with this lord i've had ishmael for such a long time and you never said anything and we sometimes equate the fact that god did not speak but the reality is that it was never the words of god that caused it to be born in the first place it was never the direction or the leading of god that caused you to have it and cultivate it in the first place that's why the word of god says that if if the lord is not the building the house the laborers labor in vain and so there are things that you can build but if it was not the lord that was building it it's in vain so when abraham says oh that ishmael can live before you you see isaac is easy to let go of because the sign of isaac is already a sign of god's greatness when you have an encounter isaac is the encounter you have with god to produce something that you could have never done in your flesh isaac is what comes out of a pure encounter with the lord when you encounter the might and greatness of god and so when when the lord will ask you to lay down what is isaac it's easy for you because you recognize that god this came directly from you there was nothing in me that could have produced isaac and if you want it you can have it back because you have the ability to bring it back to me isaac is what comes out of an encounter ishmael is what comes out of fear ishmael is what we create out of the uncertainties of god i don't know what tomorrow would bring and so this right here let me play with this i can do this this i could do on my own and there are things that they're ishmaels in your life that you have to let go of their relationships you know that are beneath you yet you entertain them because you don't want to be lonely there are things that you have taken on in your life because you're like god i need a solution somehow but in your heart you know that this is not what god wants for you and you have to lay that down because perhaps that is what your sacrifice looks like in order for you to receive what is the promise that is connected to other people you see ishmael was for abraham isaac was for the people because abraham wanted to be a father he all he wanted is god i i go childless i want to be a dad ishmael gave abraham that but isaac was the covenant child that our lord jesus the lineage would come through that was for the people you see we are entering a time that what the lord will require from you would seem a little difficult because it's not about you and a lot of times we are motivated by what we get out of a thing we are motivated by well okay i see how this is going to serve my life so most definitely lord i'm in this thing with you but in order for you to have the grace to carry the burden assigned to you in this season and to walk in the authority that the lord has already marked you for you would need to learn how to walk in compassion for others you will need to begin to pray lord show me who my life is connected to show me what my life is supposed to be laid down for show me what my life is what living and what it is worth dying for show me because if you're only motivated by yourself you would only go so far if you're only motivated by how this speaks to you and how this feeds you and how this helps you you would only go so far when the lord began to show me that stephanie the reason you couldn't fast that first day is because you are still looking at yourself and your ability to break it is because you know you're a little comfortable so you're like you know what lord yeah let me try again tomorrow but when you start looking at the people that are called on the other side of this the grace to sacrifice on the level that god is calling you to sacrifice on you would have it because you're not looking in the mirror you're looking at god's people you are looking at people that would only be set free when they hear the sound of your obedience you see there's a scripture i want us to read and that is in matthew 16 verse 24 is when jesus said to his disciples he said if anyone desires to come to to anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me this is so in alignment with what pastor sarah shared last sunday and it's a message we have to echo all throughout this month and beyond this message of sacrifice he said if you really want to come follow me if you want to and to follow jesus is to be led by jesus because you are following his leading he said if you really know what it takes to follow me it is to deny yourself and denying yourself is not something that is against you but it's denying what you think you know about yourself it's denying how you worship what you have because you thought that be you know before this my life was just ordinary and i'm using these things to give me some kind of meaning to life he said you have to let go of all of that and pick up your cross take your cross and then you can follow me what is your cross that job could be your cross because perhaps there is someone at that job and the only way they would get closer to the lord is going to be through you where is it what is it and where is it that god has called you to i am coming to you like mother chi and reminding you don't don't just give up don't be silent in this time don't hold back in this time because you are indeed called and appointed for such a time as this you see the lord also began to show me that there's some that you feel as though you're already in your heart you know the things that the lord is leading you to do but you you are you're wrestling and you're fighting with it because you feel like it goes against what you think brought you to where you are but in reality it is the lord that brought you to where you are you see when i had that encounter with the lord and with the whole round table discussion that i shared earlier there was someone that was highlighted to me i mean there were many things happening but there was someone in particular that was highlighted to me and the lord began to show me things that would happen in this person's life where it will cause their influence to grow and as their influence grows there will be an appointed time that it would be revealed that this person is actually going to be used as an evangelist of the lord they will start talking about the gospel start talking about jesus and many people would come to him and this is also why it's very critical that we don't judge people because you don't know the unfolding of their story you may see where they are today but you don't know what god is doing with their story and when he showed me all of this there were very specific things he showed me concerning this person's life and the funny thing is that today i've seen many of those things manifest in their life and it's so intriguing that they could think that wow this is because of my hard work and this is because of my commitment and this is because of all of this not recognizing that it has always been the hand of the lord who even spoke it before it happened that caused this the type of influence that this person has gathered in this day to come to them because the lord has marked this individual to spread his name you see some of you that you feel as though the very things that god has put in your heart to do you feel like if i speak on this especially in the culture we're in than the fear of cancelled culture i don't want to be canceled you see culture cannot cancel who god has appointed it is not even possible when the kingdom has appointed cannot be canceled even by culture because the kingdom influences culture and so you have to see yourself right you have to recognize that you are not ordinary the enemy can bark a little bit but it is the kingdom that influences culture whatever the lord has put in your heart to do recognize that wherever you are and where you are heading it may seem random because you never had this grand moment of an encounter you never had this grand moment of a prophet coming to you or a dream where the lord said mighty man and woman you know or some kind of king james language thou shalt be greateth [Laughter] you never had that you just lived this ordinary life matter of fact you you lived a life that you even had a lot of regret about you lived the life that made you even angry at god esther didn't even grow up with her parents you lived a life where you questioned god a lot like god why is this even my life not knowing that all along that he has been right there you see the book of esther it doesn't mention there's no one who is like oh yes i walk with the lord none of that but the lord is so evident in that scripture in this in the scriptures you don't see esther talking about the lord reveal to me that i should do this you don't see anyone bringing up anything connected to you know oh wow i was instructed by the lord oh wow there's no prophet in the book but yet the presence of god is so evident in the book of esther because even when you didn't know even when you didn't realize that god was leading your life he was always there he was the one who led you to the very things that you're you feel like oh my gosh i don't want to lose and if you're scared of losing it this the person who gave it can take it away because at the end of the day he doesn't want it to have you you have a call you have an assignment by the lord and in this time it is critical and whenever you feel like it is too much to bear you need to begin to ask the lord show me who is connected to this on the other side because it is your compassion that would unlock the grace to carry what god has assigned to you family i want to pray with you because god is doing something so mighty in your life even right now many of you you feel this the presence of the lord in your home you feel the holy spirit so heavy on your heart he's always been there you've been waiting for someone to tell you that your life mattered well i'm telling you right now you've been waiting you're like god i've i've heard about all these people can you imagine when esther got to heaven and perhaps maybe she's reading the bible and she's like wow where where was a prophet when i needed one and god said i said mordecai you didn't need to have a prophet you didn't need to have a priest there was someone that was able to echo what i knew about you and if you have ever felt like you didn't have anyone to speak into your life about the greatness you carry i am doing that for you right now and all you need to do is receive it that god perhaps i'm like esther and you could be a man and you could be like esther too we could just call you e perhaps i'm like e perhaps i'm the one who just seemed like my life was just this ordinary life my life was just this random life i never had this encounter like people say they had i never had this moment of awakening i never had anyone tell me this is what god has called you to do but the lord says that he orders the steps of the righteous it doesn't mean he speaks to you about where you're going but he orders the steps of the righteous the lord has been ordering your step all along and even in the place that you feel confused about ask the lord who is on the other side of this what is on the other side of this i don't want to be led by my flesh anymore you see why sacrifice is so important is that sacrifice causes us to submit the flesh i don't want to be led by my own selfish ambition anymore i want to be led by your word and god's word is always motivated by love and one of the things that the bible teaches us about love is that love is not self seeking that love it it focuses on others it's a magnifying glass on others god how can i serve how can i help whose voice can i amplify who can i cater to who can i be a covering to you see even in this season of fasting i encourage you to read there's a there's a passage in the book of isaiah when the lord talks about the type of fast he has chosen the fast that will break bonds of injustice the fast that will set people free because fasting is about who you get to become fasting changes your nature before god it causes you to be one whose life is laid down there is nothing sexy about the fast there's nothing sexy about denying yourself of things that your natural body is inclined to but it's the beauty and the power of it is that when we can lay them our body when we can say this flesh you would be in submission to the things of the spirit the beauty of that is that when god begins to show you the essence of what your life is called to serve that you would obey and so i charge you that if you feel like i will say this again if you feel like it's too much of a burden to carry ask the lord to show you who is assigned to it and it is your compassion that would unlock the grace for you to carry it you matter what you're called to do matters even in the randomness of your life god is leading you and guiding you and there is an appointed time that is set by god to reveal who you are to reveal what heaven knows about you heaven has marked you for greatness and it will be manifested on the earth and so pray with me heavenly father we thank you we thank you for your children oh god we thank you lord that they will come and even now they are coming to the reality that there is so much more to them their their life is far from ordinary lord i thank you that they would know that it has always been you it has always been you the favor on their life it has always been jehovah that everything that you may feel like is just this random thing happening that maybe is coincidence no it has been what the lord appointed to you even the things that you would be perplexed about that this this probably did not come from the lord the lord said no i'm i'm building you i'm creating a stage for you and then i will unravel what i have known about you before time be patient and give of yourself if you're in a position that you find yourself complaining because of how something does not speak to you lord i pray that they would begin to know how it speaks to others there are others that have laid their life for us and in this season the people that you are raising to be your leaders on the earth are the people who would embrace sacrifice on behalf of others and so lord i thank you for what you're doing i thank you lord that you will teach us how to lay our life you will teach us how to lay our lives for your glory and for your purpose and for your will to be manifested have your way lord jesus in the hearts and in the minds of your children in jesus mighty name family we love you and i'm believing that even right now there is such a mighty work that god is doing in your heart and in your mind this is a powerful time to be alive and as you commit and as you seek god as you lay your life before his throne as you lay your life to say god have your way in me i don't want to miss out on what you're doing this is a very unique time that we're in this is a time that generations after we speak about this is a time there are leaders that are being raised in this time and that is you i'm speaking about you the lord sent me here to talk to you about you you are going to be raised in this time for the glory of the lord to shine and generations after we'll talk about the move of god that happened in this generation in this era it's going to be worth it it's going to be worth it god bless you amen hey what's up family my name is ty headlee and i'm brenda palmer and this is the breakdown guys we want you to take a second and after you just heard that powerful message from pastor stephanie you got to take a second and really just receive the fact that you're not ordinary you're not ordinary and we want you to actually partner with us right now in the comments just type it for yourself to encourage you to encourage your neighbor to encourage whoever's listening to this and say i'm not ordinary you're not ordinary type it in the comments right now i'm not ordinary i'm not ordinary yes no that message was like you know how you hear something it just alters the way you think completely like that's how i feel and i feel like i'm walking into this week and the rest of this month and the rest of this year like i'm not ordinary time yeah absolutely it should change the way that you view yourself and and really it brings up this thing about your purpose because our purpose is really what makes us unordinary in a way because when you're ordinary it's kind of like you can blend into the flow of things and it's it's interesting because you try to build things in your own way and actually pastor steph brought up a beautiful passage of scripture in psalm 127 and 1 and she was talking about how unless the lord builds the house the laborers who who build the house essentially are laboring in vain because you're trying to build your own life you're trying to build your own purpose and it was funny how she used the parallel of ishmael and isaac and how you know abraham sought out to really build his life he wanted to have the kid he wanted to have the promise and he really put his all into trying to build the promise himself right and he took matters into his own hands he didn't listen to what god was saying but he listened to what sarah might have said in that moment but the thing was isaac was who the promise was so it teaches us that sometimes we have to be patient and wait on what god gave us and wait on what he promised us and wait on his word that his word is true to his purposes for our life yes and you got to lay down the things that aren't really the purposes which it might be difficult but you got to lay it down yeah no that's so real and the thing that stood out to me about that very point is that how she said that ishmael was connected to abraham and what he wanted and isaac was the promise that was about the people yeah and how like our whole purpose is connected to people it's not about us it's not about what we want and so we shouldn't try to build things um because we don't want to wait and i think the other thing that she said about how compassion when we have compassion for the people who our purpose is assigned to that it gives us the grace to handle the weight of the call and i think it also gives us the grace to wait because then i recognize that okay i get that i'm impatient and i want to see this come to pass but because it's connected to some other person and their life depends on my way i'll wait like i'm going to try to and what i'll create will never be as great as what god would give me so it's like oh no i'll wait on it and so family i think you should put that in the comments right now make the commitment like because i'm not ordinary i'll wait i'll wait i'll wait on it i'll wait i'll wait on god because what he has for me it's better is and you can see the pain that he went through because he didn't wake yeah but yeah you know if you don't look at the purpose of god as something that's bigger than you you'll miss it because you're looking at how how fast you want things to happen for yourself and and that's really evident that in abraham's life he wanted it to happen his way he was ready for the child he didn't even like to a certain degree he didn't believe the promises so it's a warning for us to say i got to believe the promise i got to believe what god said by of what my circumstances present yes because usually we'll receive a promise and life will contradict it right away absolutely so it's like am i going to believe what god said over what i see and that's the bottom line like i choose god's word no matter what it looks like yeah have you ever had a time where you feel like you stepped out and created your own thing instead of waiting maybe you tried to build and instead of you know waiting on god to build you you built it yourself yeah absolutely i remember a time in my life where i moved out to la to pursue acting and filmmaking and all this different stuff in the entertainment world and i remember a time where god really started to kind of call me deeper and really bring me into this family this church home and i remember a time where god had put it on my heart so heavy to say lay it all down i want you to surrender everything so that i can show you your purpose in in a way that you otherwise won't find out and at the time i was like okay i surrender it all and shortly after i had this incredible encounter here at this church this this it changed my whole life but i had to lay some things down i had to lay down my idea of being an actor and how i wanted to do it how i hustled up and and was able to you know find a manager find a you know a thing and go to all these great auditions i'm getting in these awesome rooms and i'm getting like on the board i'm getting pinned for major projects and all this stuff is happening i'm thinking that's where i'm going but really god was trying to show me like that's not where i'm taking you and it's not that that was wrong but i tried to do it myself you know and and i saw all that stuff actually i had delayed like when after laying it down i saw shortly after that that stuff faded away like i lost the manager lost the agent lost all that stuff but it was for my gain because it was for my purpose and it led me to where i'm at now no that's so real and i wholeheartedly identify with that even with like my move to la it was like i wanted to come like soon as i finished school i was like oh you got to go to la like it doesn't work if you don't go to la and i like slowly but surely started hearing guys say that ain't it right now that's not it and i had to like lay down how i planned my life i was very much so planned and like what i was going to do and then there's that fear of like if i lay it down will i ever be able to pick it back up or will i ever be able to get it back and there just came to a point where it's like okay god like i know that there's a way that i see how i want this to be but i know that you can see way beyond how i feel right now and so i just had to trust him with it and you know like in the industry or just in life we're always like yo i'm chasing my dreams i'm chasing my dreams that used to be me too but then i shifted that and now i'm chasing god and letting my dreams catch me and i feel like the life that i'm living right now is way better than what it would have ever been had i've done things my way absolutely so family i think from both of our stories and both of our testimonies you should feel encouraged to wait on god it is worth the wait and i think anything that is worth having is worth waiting for and because you are not ordinary you you are worth the wait your purpose your dreams that thing in your heart it's worth it god's way that is the only way that it that it produces the fruit that it was born to produce absolutely guys we want to make sure that you stay plugged in with us we have a lot of other options and opportunities this week we have a wednesday service we have a thursday service we have a sunday and a saturday community we got weekend services for you we want to make sure that you guys are tuned in for those as well connect with each other in the comments connect with us on social media instagram facebook twitter we're everywhere we want to make sure that anywhere that you can connect with us that you do because we want you to know that you're a part of this family so get plugged in we love you guys thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of the breakdown you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 102,843
Rating: 4.9575596 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: zqwrpMGwOKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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