It's Not What it Looks Like - Stephanie Ike

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hey family I'm pastor Tori I'm pastor Sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the Lord I believe it's going to bless you I believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if God so loves you to use the information here in the video support what we're doing for being a blessing not to speak of spiritually we're being blessed with people practically we love you getting to this message I'll change your life family today we're going to take a journey with the Word of God if you were if you didn't see the message last week I spoke about the promise of justice and in that message one of the key takeaways was about a man named Moses right you see what's so interesting that when God saw the oppression of the Israelites he came down the scripture tells us that he came down and he met with this man he encountered this man named Moses and he tells him he says I have seen the oppression of my people and I have come down to deliver them but the next thing that he does is that he says Moses now you are gonna go to Egypt and you are gonna do the delivery you see God is so funny like that because you would think if God is coming down on the earth the next thing he wants to do maybe catch an uber to Egypt and bring the people out of the land but God says that no my deliverance system is people is the men and women who are in alignment with my will who will submit to Who I say they are that Moses this is who you are you are to bring them out of Egypt you are to bring them to a place that they would worship me you were to bring them to the land that I already swore to their jet to their forefathers you see it's so interesting because before their generation many years ago God already gave the guarantee and the promise to a man named Abraham he told him he said that there would be a time that your generation would be in slavery for 400 years but this is this is going to be there since and so we see that when God wants to bring deliverance when God wants to manifest justice he uses people he looks for the people who are willing and available to be sent and this is powerful to us because we recognize that Wow God is with me in this thing that is the comfort that we have in life there God if you're with me who can be against me God if you're standing with me I know I'm gonna have the victory it's a beautiful thing but there was something that the Lord pressed on my heart and it was a burden on my heart when it comes to partnership with God because if you've studied about the Israelites even though God said to them that I have given you these lands I've given you the territory they still had to fight there was going to be resistance you see the interesting thing about resistance is that it is the attempt of the enemy to stop you but it's not the guarantee that you will be stopped in the Book of Isaiah it says something so powerful it says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper isn't that beautiful that yes weapons will be formed God does not deny that he says no weapons will be formed but they would not prosper the Word of God tells us that opposition comes because of the word persecution comes because God has revealed his mysteries and he has revealed his will concerning man and that is what the enemy comes to fight against you see it's so interesting the Israelites even though Moses goes out there and he's like I have a word from the Lord and he says you should let his people go the Pharaoh the leader over over Egypt he says no I'm not doing that and so then they go into this whole thing about there's different plagues happening and all kinds of chaos has taken place in Egypt and the Pharaoh is still adamant I'm not doing that and then eventually you know he agrees and we're going to talk about that story but there was resistance and why would there be resistance you see they had natural resistance and they had spiritual resistance in the natural the Egyptians they had profited over the oppression of the Israelites the system that they had created they gained off of it and so for them to just let the Israelites go it's like this is gonna affect our economy so there was a natural resistance that I don't care where you say you come from we're not gonna do this the enemy also was resistant to what they were about to do you see because what is so powerful in in the book of Genesis we learn about the time when the enemy was in the Garden of Eden and as a result of the serpent deceiving the Eve to eat the Apple and in that moment it wasn't just about this Apple that was eaten but between even Adam it was that there was a submission of their authority that was given to the enemy the curse that came upon him was that the Lord that the Lord said to him he said that there would be the seed of the woman would bruise your head and what is so beautiful about that word bruises that the seed of the woman would crush your head that there would be a seed that comes out from this woman and that is a singular word that that there is something that there is a person that would come from her generation from her lineage and he would destroy the authorities of darkness so that word was already known and I can imagine how the enemy was panicked who is this seed where is this seed gonna come from and the next time we are introduced to this story about the seed is with Abraham when God says to Abraham that in your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed this message is brought up again and so the clue that the enemy has is okay I don't know where this seed is gonna come from but what I do know oh I don't know who he is or what generation or what century he's gonna be born into but the thing that I do know is that he's gonna come from these people and any way he could stop it he tried any form of resistance he will try the thing about resistance is that it is a lie the beautiful thing is that the enemy wants you to believe the lie that this is gonna overcome you he wants you to believe the lie that this is gonna defeat you the lie that you are not gonna be able to withstand it and all of that is to bring you out of the alignment that if you stay in one of the biggest things is the mental warfare it's to hold on to what God said about you it's to hold on to the truth about who God says you are that is one of the biggest attacks when we encounter resistance because resistance makes us feel like we are in the corner and we don't know what to do but if we hold on that is where God shows up because that is alignment with him but you see the enemy was afraid that the Messiah is gonna come from this lineage and if I could keep them in slavery then maybe he's not as powerful as he could be you see the enemy does not understand the times and seasons but he had Clues you know what is so interesting that I just I feel this for someone because one of the ways that even the enemy engages or he gets information is when one what the moment that something is revealed on the earth the moment that something is made known you see Jesus I'm going to fast forward a little bit I'm gonna come back to my message but I just need to say something Jesus when he was a baby when he was born there was a knowing that what the scripture talks about how there was a star that appeared and there were these three wise men that recognized that oh wow there is a king that is born the king at the time was a man named Herod and Herod when he heard about this king who was born for some reason he was panicked panicked about a baby and Herod the Bible tells us that he starts asking the chief priests and he's asking different people about where is the location of this child and he can't find the child then he goes to this three wise men and he's like hey where is the baby can you lend me know so that I may go and worship Him it was he was trying to do a setup right the three wise men they go about their way and then they're warned in a dream that they should not return and tell the King where they found the baby Jesus Herod when he realizes that no one is coming with the information of his location because you see it was never because Herod was the one who was panicked but the enemy understood if I can take him out as an infant I don't need to worry about him and so Herod now orders an execution of all children under the age of two and maybe the enemy thought he succeeded but the funny part is that an angel comes to Joseph and tells Joseph hey take your son take you know well not really his son but take Jesus take your wife and this and just escape to Egypt and then when Herod had died and all of that the angel comes back to Joseph and he tells him all who sought the boy's life they're dead wiped out there was resistance even in the Lord's coming but the reason I'm sharing this is because when we fast-forward 30 years later for thirty years Jesus was living undercover he was walking around building chairs for people doing what carpenters do he was undercover he would go to the synagogue he would read the scriptures and all of that but there was a moment there was a moment that when he was baptized the scripture tells us that the father says this is my son in whom I am well pleased what took place in that moment was that the mystery about his identity was revealed but it wasn't just revealed to the people that heard it it echoed in the spiritual realm because what shifted between that time period and afterwards when you see Jesus in the synagogue again and then all of a sudden demons are panicked and demons would say what what would have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth we know who you are there's another another case in the Bible when the demons he didn't even say a word the demons came to him and they say what have you to do with us son of God have you come to torment us I'm sharing this because the moment a prophetic word was revealed on the earth it was not just to the person who heard in the moment the prophetic word the moment you some of you are wondering why is there so much resistance when God is revealing to me who I am because God did not just reveal it to you when you heard that it was echoed in the spiritual realm and the demons heard it the enemy heard it you said before then he saw you he just taught you a random Joe he thought you are a carpenter he said oh wow look at this some administrative person but when the Lord begins to reveal the mysteries of your life and echoes in the spiritual room and all of a sudden now there is resistance because the enemy is not aware of the territories that you are appointed and you are called to claim and those are territories that he thought he could still rule over because you see he is a ruler of darkness he rules over where we are most ignorant and when the Lord begins to reveal the mysteries of our lives to us he panics and he's wondering oh no they must not know they how do I fight against this he did it with the Lord Jesus the moment that the Lord Jesus is told this is my son in whom I am well pleased the first attack of the enemy if you are the son of God if you are the son of God how do I get you to to maybe have a have an identity crisis because even though this is who you want to be have you forgotten that for thirty years you are someone completely different when the past wants to war with who you truly are and the reality is that your past was ignorant to what God knew but when God begins to reveal the mysteries of your identity and God is showing you my son my daughter I'm gonna walk with you in this thing all of a sudden there is resistance and then the mistake we make is that we think the resistance who wipe us out we think that the resistance is to slow us down we think that the resistance is to stop us but it is only an attempt it is only an attempt from the enemy to see can I get you out of alignment but you see the beautiful thing is that resistance also exposes it reveals the good and the bad and the bad so that God can deal with it but the good thing is that when it what it exposes is to show you that you are the one called to kill this giant you are the one called to slay this giant you see I want to talk about the Israelites and God is is hijacking this message and however way he that he chooses to but I want to talk about the Israelites on what they had to go through because the very word that God gave me to tell you is that it's not what it looks like and that's the name of my message today it's not what it looks like you may feel like God it looks like the enemy is surrounding me it looks like the doors war against me it looks like everything that could go wrong is going wrong and God is saying it's not what it looks like you think that it's a trap for you but actually I'm using this to track everything that could come against you it is the pattern of our Lord Jesus you see the Bible tells us that on the cross he took captivity captive while the enemy thought that oh I'm actually defeating him I got him to the cross and I'm gonna have victory over him what he did not know is that Jesus said you think it looks like I'm being defeated that's what the people thought the people thought that Wow look we're come save yourself they mocked him on the cross they said healer healed yourself Savior why won't you save yourself I wonder the people who heard about him walking on water and they were like all this magic shells you know where is Netflix for your special they didn't realize that it was his reality because when they saw him on the cross they thought that it looked like his defeat but jesus knew it's not what it looks like you think I'm being defeated but I'm taking everything that could come against my people and that is what is being defeated in me it's not what it looks like I don't know who you are but if you're going through something right now and you feel like there is oppression and opposition and resistance against the very things that God has called you to I want you to put in the comments right now that it is not what it looks like God is doing something that God is working behind the scenes for your good you see how does this even relate to the times that we're in in the United States right now we're seeing that there's a cry against racism and injustice and every form of oppression and there's gonna be resistance we're already seeing some of it and so beyond is there's some things it's going to intensify and the lie is that we will feel as though all this progress what is it for there's gonna be some resistance and that resistance is not to cause us to fear it's not to cause us to quit it's not to cause us to hold back something interesting happened just two days ago you see my cousin had called me actually I called her and she had shared with me something that happened and so basically she was jogging and as she was jogging and just minding her business living her best life and all of a sudden a woman just out of nowhere starts honking at her honking now and next thing she knows that she's confused she's like you know are you all right you know what's going on with you and she just keeps jogging she has a me music and she's listening and she's doing her thing and this woman chases after her so she finds herself jogging in and in an alley and this woman somehow found a way to corner her and like speeds towards her then slams her brakes and starts calling her all sorts of names and everything she said towards her was due to the color of her skin and there was this and and when I spoke to her I said how did you feel in that moment and we were both saying that this is not natural how does a person who is going by their way she's jogging she's doing her thing another woman she's doing her thing and all of a sudden you see someone and for some reason this is how you react this is this is your the first thing that comes to mind is you want to just chase them and let them know how disgusted a they make you feel that is not natural there's a spiritual warfare and when we were talking about this and I just wanted to make sure that she was okay and that you know if how did that shake her up and all of that and when we got off the phone I didn't realize what it did to me and so that evening I wanted to go for a run and then I died I talked myself out of the run I was like no I don't need to I could actually I could I could run indoors but then the truth of the matter is that when I sat with it I realized that I was afraid to go outside to run that for a slight moment I actually wondered that if I went running and it's a little dark at night and I encounter the wrong person under the wrong influence what would happen to me that I didn't realize that in that moment I subscribed to this fear that the resistance that we're seeing because right now as the world is crying out for justice in this country some people are not happy at all it's stepping on toes and it's exposing the heart of men and women the hearts of hatred and the hearts of those that know that they have profited over the oppression of black people and minorities and so there are people that are wrestling and God is exposing their true selves and we're also seeing the exposure of the enemy just his retaliation and in that moment I had to sit with the Lord because I was like God the truth is I'm actually afraid that if I'm honest with myself I don't want to run because I'm uncertain on what's about what's gonna happen if I go outside because you have people that are just so angry that all they see is about revenge for what reason I don't know and when I sat with the Lord he began to show me do not be afraid this is not to put you in the corner this is not so you that I am exposing things right now because you see family you cannot fight a battle if you don't see your enemy and God is exposing the enemy so there are things that are gonna come to light there are things that are going to be hard to listen to there are things that are gonna be hard to watch but God is exposing the real enemy and until it's exposed that is when it can be tore down if it's in the dark everything that we're seeing right now that that hurts us and and just makes us feel like how is this happening in 2020 it was oh it has always been it's just coming to the light that's the difference but when it comes to the light that is when God can deal with it that is when these systems up a precious can actually be tore down I'm sharing this because even some of you perhaps even in your personal life you are in a fight against generational curses in your family that you have said that you would be the one to turn things around to build a legacy that generations after you stand on that you are against the poverty that you are in a fight to break the chains of poverty addiction failed marriages that you are in the fight against things in your own family and all of a sudden you're feeling this resistance from nowhere and the Lord is using that to expose the spiritual wickedness that has been keeping the generations before you bound in those areas you cannot give up and you cannot lose your fight because it's not what it looks like you see there's a scripture I want to read about the Israelites and this is an exodus 14 from verse 13 to 17 and before I go into the scripture at this point you know the Israelites there's been plagues that are happening that the book of Exodus tells us about read the whole book of Exodus it will bless your life but they're all these plagues happening right and then finally the Pharaoh says you know what I'm gonna let the people go but then God says to Moses he said I'm gonna harden his heart and he's gonna pursue you guys once more but even though it would look as though you guys are cornered I'm actually using this to trap them and so they find themselves the Israelites they find themselves where what's in front of them is the Red Sea and they don't have any boats there's no K nu there's nothing right there's no Titanic ship there's nothing they find themselves the red seas in front of them and behind them all of a sudden the Pharaoh says ha wait why do we let them go again I'm not cool with that we're going after that we're going back and you see what's interesting is that even this word went when the Bible tells us that God hardened his heart it's not that God manipulated the circumstance for famous demise that's not the character of God that word hardened actually speaks about boldness right and and a better translation is that God allowed what was in his heart to be his reality that God made him bold to the very thin in his heart that God exposed his true intentions because the only thing that would make Pharaoh timid to his intentions was the reality that they serve a powerful God and I'm not sure what he's gonna do to us next it does not mean that he changed his mind it does not mean that he was not looking for another way another form of opportunity to go after the Israelites again and so when the Bible tells us this thing about God hardened their hearts God is not this unjust person to manipulate people oh the the basic thing that he did was that what was in his heart he brought it to light he exposed it and put it on the platform he says Pharaoh this is actually how you feel so I'm gonna make you bow to your truth and then Pharaoh starts pursuing them and this is what happens in the end the scripture tells us it says and Moses said to the people because at this point the people are panicking the people are like you know what God have you brothers here to die did you bring us here to bury us here and so they're panicking and Moses says to them he says do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward but lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea and I indeed will harden the hearts of the Egyptians again it was just to reveal what was already in there and they shall follow them so I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army his chariots and his horsemen this is so beautiful the very first thing the Lord says do not be afraid do not because even though you think that you are being surrounded it's actually the Lord is surrounding the Egyptians he says you think that this is coming against you but I'm actually surrounding it because the Lord had a plan to destroy them for good he says the Egyptians you see today you shall see them no more our today may be a season that what we have seen in seasons what we have seen in centuries what we have dealt with for many years that God is exposing it in such an intensified manner because some things that we're dealing with they're gonna intensify but I want to encourage you and this is my assignment from the Lord on this day to encourage you that the resistance that you feel is only an attempt that on the enemy side it's only an attempt to stop you but the Lord would actually use it for you to gain the victory and when it talks about that this would that the Lord would have glory would have honor over Pharaoh that the Lord will be glorified because the Lord is glorified when his will is manifested you know Jesus said something so beautiful when the disciples asked him Lord teach us how to pray and he said pray that the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven every time heaven and earth mirrors each other the Lord is glorified and so it is his will and it is his intention that there is partnership that we would manifest what the Lord has said you see something so beautiful that I love in this scripture is the rod when it talks about this this rod when the Lord says lift up your lift up the rod right and put your way put your hand with the rod over the sea and he was open I mean I mean this is something else I wish I was there you know I'm still praying that the Lord would just take me there in the vision because what does that look like where the sea literally parts into and you're walking on dry ground but there was something about this rod that really fascinated me because the rod has the supernatural power to it we see the rod if you study the story of Moses you see the rod being brought up so many times you know lift up Raaj strike the rock with the rod that the rod rod rod you know it should be a song but we see all this things with the rod right and then he hit me what made this rod supernatural is that the rod was in the presence of God when the Lord encountered Moses and he's having this conversation he tells Moses you know that the ground you're standing is holy ground and Moses takes off his sandals and all that stuff and then Moses is having all this debate and he's saying God this is why I cannot go and all this stuff is happening right and then you need to study this if you don't know what I'm talking about you want to study this for yourself it would bless your life just the whole book of Exodus and so there was a point where you know Moses finally is like okay and I'm gonna go and then he looks for another thing to complain about he says but how you know what what is what am I gonna do how would the Pharaoh believe that you sent me and God said to him what is in your hand and it was a rod it was a staff and this was just an ordinary staff that Moses would use for the sheep it was just this ordinary thing but that staff was in the presence of God and the very ground that the Lord said this is holy ground he tells Moses now throw the staff on the ground there was something and when we read the story we read about how the staff turned into a snake and then the Lord tells Moses you know touched it touch it at the tip and it will turn to a staff again but we missed the fact that the rod touched what the Lord called holy ground that very rod what changed it from being this random thing that Shepherds use was that it was in the presence it encountered the presence of God and what I love about the rod is that the rod shows us what happens when you come out from the presence of God the power that is upon you when you come out of the presence of God and when that if that was the case for a rod imagine you imagine who you really are imagine the things that you have the ability to do because you come from the presence of God imagine what the Word of God over your life can achieve because that word came from him that word came from him this I mean that there is so much to unpack in this because when you recognize and this is the power of even starting your day you know I I believe that the same way that we tithe our income I believe we should tithe our time to the Lord the imagine starting your day just in worship in the acknowledgment of God's presence because it's not that we we you know the interesting thing about God is that a lot of things that the Lord sometimes tells us to do when in regards to numbers or all you know certain things it's so that we come into the consciousness of what what exactly we're doing when we worship we come into the consciousness of oh wow the presence of God is is in this place when you know have you ever said that all of a sudden you're in worship and you're like oh my gosh I i feel the lord's presence he was always there he was always there but there are things that we have to do for the natural mind to be awakened to that reality can you imagine if every day of your life you are living in the reality that who you are came from his presence he said to Jeremiah before I formed you I knew you I knew you you and that that word knew I knew you intimately that even before I got here I was in his presence and even as I'm here I am in his presence can you imagine the power that you have been called to walk in and the biggest thing has to do with the mind it has to do with coming back to that place of belief because the Lord is gonna call you into things and the biggest thing is for you to just believe it because you may be looking at your life and you're looking at your relationships and you're looking at your resources and I want you to know that it's not what it looks like you may feel like I don't have what it takes and the Lord is saying forget about all this you came from me your inheritance is authority your inheritance is power you came from me I want you to rest with that I want you to rest with the knowledge that who you are comes from the presence of God because when you can embrace that you can be in tune with the timing of the things that God has called concern in your life you see Moses was someone who even when he was arguing when he was telling the Lord like it's not me you know I have a speech problem and all these things and the Lord is like you know who made the mouth what are we talking about here Moses have a if you're gonna argue come up with something that makes more sense but what we see about Moses is that all his arguments it was just it was all based on fear because Moses was the very same person that years prior to that he was the one who killed an Egyptian and he killed an Egyptian because he believed that God was gonna use him to deliver the people but because there was resistance in how it was received and ultimately it was not in alignment with what how God would have wanted him to do it Moses just kind of caved in and the danger of this is that the scripture tells us something that I want to share with you in Genesis 15 verse 13 God when God encountered Abraham he tells Abraham I think I gave our team this but you may see it on the screen but he tells Abraham he says know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not deers and they will serve them and that they would be afflicted for 400 years this is what he tells Abraham right and then we fast-forward into the scriptures and we go to Exodus 12 verse 40 and it says the time that the people of Israel lived in Egypt was 430 years now there is a lot of argument right when people say you know what's the Bible accurate in that because on one hand it said God tells Abraham that for 400 years they'll be afflicted and then in another verse it says oh they were in Egypt for 430 years and there's always this argument about how accurate is the Bible I mean they have to you know things I stand on when it comes to that one if we believe got to be so great and we believe got to be mighty and all-powerful this is just me what in the one book that would represent him on the earth I would think he would have in his power in his mind and in his wisdom that he would have some type of oversight concerning that book and so when people argue about how accurate is the Bible because it went through this and that and ABCD and in my mind I'm like God I know you to be all-powerful and so I'm sure that you had some oversight concerning this book and the second thing that is my personal conviction because I've had moments where you know the Lord would encounter me and talk to me about a scripture that I've never read in my life and he will start telling me about the details of the of what took place and then all of a sudden I would go and read that scripture and it's exactly what he said to me even though I've never seen it before and so he would even refer to his word but the thing about this so I don't believe that it's a it's an argument about if it was accurate but rather I believe that it points to who we are as people that in 400 years that there was a grace period after 400 years the Lord said that there is a grace period that all heaven is is ready to be in partnership with whoever would walk out in alignment to get these people out of here that if whoever's hearts were ready because God is searching for the heart that he can partner with but what happened with the delay of 30 years is that Moses had to get his heart together Moses had to get his mind together can you imagine how many years you can save if right now you took the decision to say that I am who God says I am can you imagine the delay that will be cut off if you began to embrace the words that God about you that if you allow disappointments if you don't allow disappointments to have you if you don't allow resistance to put you in a corner if you don't allow the opposition and the oppression to silence you can you imagine what it is that you're called to do right now if you stopped arguing in your heart with God it took them an additional 30 years when that was not supposed to be the case but the truth is God when God wants to do something even though he wills to do it he needs agreement on the earth even though it was the desire of God for the people to be free he needs a man or a woman to carry out his will and so it's not what it looks like you may feel like God I'm just not the one because of these reasons and God is saying forget about all that you may feel like God the moment I heard this word all hell broke loose and he's like it's supposed to because now the enemy also knows who you are and it's actually confirmed to you the power that you carry it's not to scare you it's to show you that no you are the giant-slayer you are the one to take down this dis mountain and so I want to pray with you if you know this word has been speaking to you I want you to just put hearts in the comments right now or you can just say you know a lord that's me because we have to when we when we talk about you know what God is gonna be with you and God is fighting for you and all of that and it's true but there's another reality that there will be resistance and when you can expect it and not be shocked by it you can be more effective if you're shocked by every opposition that comes your way then that that's shocking that we can now easily turn into fear that could easily you but when you expect it because you recognize I'm coming for some territories and those territories might be occupied but I have been anointed to take over it that there is an anointing on my life that I come from the presence of God and so I'm coming with his power and authority backing me up whatever it is you're after in this season whatever it is that God has charged in your heart to do go after it there's gonna be resistance there's gonna be opposition but you are gonna come out as a conqueror you were gonna be on the winning side because God is with you and the opposition it can't stop you I want you to meditate on that Scripture in the Book of Isaiah when it says no weapon formed against me shall prosper and there's another scripture I want you to meditate on and just write this down in Psalms 27 verse 1 2 3 and I'm gonna read it with you and I want you that even tonight take some time to read this in your personal devotion with the Lord it says the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh my enemies and foes they stumbled and fell though an army may encamped against me my heart shall not fear though war may rise against me and this I will be confident I will be confident in knowing that the Lord is my light and my salvation he is the stronghold of my life when I looked to him when I leaned on him I recognized that the enemies cannot have me I don't know what the enemies in your life looks like they have different faces and different names but you can be confident and knowing that the Lord would be your light and your salvation he would be your way maker can you imagine the thought process of saying that though they came to eat up my flesh though they came from my life in this I will be confident for some of you you're even right now you feel physically that you're going through a physical illness and that physical illness is that enemy that is surrounding you I want you to know that the Lord is your light and your salvation and I just speak healing over you right now in the name of Jesus that the healing power of the Lord would come upon you right now I think you Jesus family let us pray if you perhaps stumbled today and you're watching this and you have not given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and you want to make him Lord and Savior in your life you want to have that confidence in knowing that lord I can rely on you as my light and my salvation you want to have that confidence that God you are with me I'm not in this alone that you felt so much opposition against your life some of you you've questioned the Lord because you felt that the moment God released a word about you you're like God how is it that my life seemed fine and then all of a sudden you really reveal a prophetic word concerning my future and it seems like everything that could go wrong and that's not the case it's just that some other people is dropped in the conversation and they said ah that's who you are but when you embrace who you are when you embrace that oh they would back off because the truth is you are the threat your marriage is the threat your business is the threat that book is a threat to the enemy's camp the very things that God is calling you to do your voice is a threat that in this fight against injustice there are things that God is calling you to build and that is the threat it's not what's coming against you it's what you are called to produce because what your culture produced came from the presence of God and so I want to pray for those that want that confidence to know that God you are my life and you are my salvation you are with me I'm not in this by myself I'm not walking this life by myself I can be confident in knowing that the God of all the earth and all the heavens that you are for me that is powerful I want to pray for those that even in this moment you know that you need to renew your mind concerning how you saw the opposition that came against you that you thought that God maybe this this is this makes me question who you really are and if this is what you really said no you see there's a there's a scripture I know it's not coming to mind right now but if you google what I'm saying you find it but there's a scripture that talks about the like you know the seeds that were sown in like different places right the rocky place and the good place and all these places right and there's a part in that scripture that talks about the very verse I mentioned early that when the opposition comes because of the word but there's a part that says when opposition comes because of the word that those that don't have that are not in like a good soil they easily fall away and they easily fall away because the word has not taken root in their hearts and you don't want to be the one that is by the you know the seed thrown on the rocky ground and all this stuff right you want to be good soil and you become good soil honestly it's not complicated it's not this mystery it's not this religious thing you become good so by simply embracing God I am who you say I am we find it so easy to embrace being insecure having low self-esteem having all these issues we find it so easy we we talk about it so easily we're with our girlfriends were like girl shall I struggle with all types of insecurities you know what me too girl you know I'm just not vulnerable and then we talk about all these things so you know just carefree or like you know I'm really selfish oh my gosh child me too no we need to embrace what God says about us you know what the next conversation you have with your girlfriend's your friends your mail I don't know what men call each other I don't think it's boring but the next time you have a conversation with your you know your friends start speaking up about yourself you know what I'm just so confident Chow meats if I'm just walking in bonus whoo wow you know I'm just embracing what God says about me I'm gonna be the next best-selling author you know what girl I'm with you embrace it let's stop being so easy to embrace our flaws that we can't also embrace the beauty of what God says about us let's not be so quick to be you know just jump up when it talks about you know who has how many floors who same right here let's also be that quick to jump on what God says about us and share that my challenge to you even right now in the comments right now take that step of boldness and start writing the things that God has said about you put it in the comments right now because we're cheering you on we're saying that you are who God says you are that's right look at that just beautiful family let us pray Heavenly Father we thank you we thank you for what you're doing in this moment we thank you for the embrace of identity Oh God we thank you Lord that you're renewing our minds and you're touching our hearts Heavenly Father we thank you Lord that we're gonna see resistance differently we're gonna see opposition differently we're gonna know then Lord this is not here to overtake me this is not here to overcome me but Lord that you have assigned me to something and I will do everything that your word has called me to do that Lord you are with me you are for me and you are with me in this fight Heavenly Father I thank you for those that are saying that Lord come into my heart that Lord I want to have that confidence to say that you are my light and my salvation I want to have the confidence to know that I can rely on you as my way maker come into my heart Lord many are we starting even their journey with you because they feel like they've been back and forth and have and now they want to come to this place of stability in you and so I thank you Lord for what is taking place I thank you Lord that no resistance no opposition will slow us down but Lord we're gonna keep the fight we're gonna guard our minds and guard our hearts with your truth thank you Lord Jesus in Jesus mighty name family if you know that word was for you and if you agree with this prayer just put amen in the comments amen I love you family God is doing a mighty work in your life hold on to this it's not what it looks like it's not what it looks like it's gonna work for your gut in the end I love you god bless you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 70,031
Rating: 4.9346118 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: ACK0VSydM8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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