Fit the Mold | Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] [Music] I just have to scriptures for you I'm going to be speaking from Isaiah 55 it's not an unfamiliar text I'm gonna start in verse 10 it says and for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it might accomplish but it probably will accomplish but it shall accomplish there's a guarantee connected to my word there's some insurance connected to my word there is no maybe there is no probably there is no it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper and the thing for which I sent it father you have sent me a word and so I draw from this promise in isaiah 55:11 and i ask o god that this word that you sent that it would accomplish everything that you desire for it to accomplish God I'm praying that this word would take root in the hearts of us your people and that it would produce fruit and so God I turned this moment over to you and I say have your way stop at nothing to touch your people only you can make a word that customizes bits every person in this room and so God I ask that you would breathe the breath of life in this room that death would have to go running down LaBrea because you just touched down in this atmosphere have your way o Great God that you are in Jesus name Amen guys - I think that this generation of people whether you are a millennial or a baby boomer I think that there is something about anyone alive in this generation that has allowed us to expose fallacies and truths that have been necessary for us to really grow and become authentically and one of those things that I think that we've been able to really expose is this notion I have a nine year old and a three year old and there's this thing that we used to say when I was growing up that I don't ever hear them saying and I think it's because somewhere along the way we decided we can no longer say the sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't hurt me fraud when did we stop saying that is it when we got into adulthood and was like actually I would rather some sticks and stones hurt me because words have done a number on me in the past words are molds they create this hollow shape that have no power unless we step into what that word says I don't know if you've ever tried to give someone a compliment and they didn't believe it themselves and so they rejected it like girl I think you losing my oh no chaton fat well okay I mean I thought she was losing weight but if you say you're gonna go out there and you're gonna win I don't know I'm out here struggling I mean I guess I thought I was trying to help you but if you say there's something about is hanging on to certain words that render us unable to take on a new shape there are some words that have been spoken over our life that has been spoken over us when we were children when we were in boardrooms and those words have now become the mold that determined what is possible for our life yeah those words created a shape and it's important for us to realize that words create shapes or otherwise we will just receive any word and then one day we'll be wondering why can't I dream any higher than this why don't I think more of myself than I do and it all started when I received a word I don't really think I'm beautiful because everyone said that I was ugly I don't really think that I can do anything because people told me I wasn't smart just like my father this word that has been spoken over me created this mold and if I'm honest I'm trying to break out of that mold it's funny I was speaking somewhere and I guess it was like a big fancy conference that I was supposed to be excited about but you know your girl is nervous whether it's Thursday night or a big fancy conference and this lady told me on the way she said you know they're they're a little rough when they get started but it's okay just keep going and with you to the end and I knew instantly that her word was trying to shape my presentation I said I reject that I reject that but you have to be aware that words that do not go rebuked and words that don't go reject it creates shapes and perceptions down on the inside of you and so every now and then you got to reject a word because you're trying to make me take on a shape that I can't take anymore and so on one hand we have to break out of a mold but on the other hand we have to fit into a mold my subject is fit the mold fit the mold because God also has a word that is a mold that is supposed to shape you but his mold and the words of all of the other people along the way are in competition hmm yeah God has this vision for me that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made God has this vision for me that I'm supposed to break generational curses off of my family he spoke a word he spoke a word but now I have to become that word and in order for me to become that word I have to break the mold from all of the other words that I have received and it's not always easy to break the mold that has shaped us since we were children the mold that shaped our mothers and shaped our fathers but we come to this point in our life where we say to ourselves I've got to get into that mold I got to fit that mold that God predestined before the foundation of the world I have to fit into that mold I love this because in my text and isaiah 55:11 it says specifically that the word that comes out of God's mouth it will not return to me void void means empty it goes out void it goes out as a word that is looking for someone who can fit the mold and so when it comes back to me it's not empty because I found some one who could fit the mold oh that's good you know how people say like what God has for me is for me like that's kind of true and kind of not true because what God has for the earth he has for the earth and he is not gonna put his plans on hold while you just go on and live your life and decide whether or not you're going to submit yourself because this word has to accomplish what it was sent to accomplish and I don't have time to wait for you so you're gonna answer the call or not answer the call but I'm trying to find somebody who will fit this word I don't care where they've come from I don't care who was in their life or who was not in their life I gotta find somebody who can fit this mold who's willing to sacrifice to fit this mold who's willing to give some things up to fit this mode I'm looking for some people who don't have to have it their way who don't mind having it my way you may lose some things in the process but what you're gonna gain in the long run is going to be worth what you end up losing I'm looking for somebody who can fit the mold if God is talking to you in this moment and you recognize that there are some changes I'm going through but I'm not losing anything I'm actually becoming something because I'm learning how to fit that mold I'm learning how to fit that word I'm learning how to become that person of integrity I'm learning how to become that person who doesn't just quit I'm learning how to fit fit the mold yeah I'm learning I'm learning how to fit the mold I'm the first person in my family to think like this I'm the first person in my family to walk like this I can't afford to give up right now because I'm trying to fit a mold I can't afford to back down right now cuz I'm trying to fit a moat I came too far I've already broken out of who I used to be but I haven't quite stepped into who I'm gonna be I'm trying to fit a mold yeah God gave me a word and that words not gonna come back to him void it's not coming back to me empty and because it's not coming back to him empty to become the person who can fit that mold and so what I love about this is that what it says to me is that because his word is not coming back to him void that it means that man's word may have to come back to them void so that God's Word doesn't come back to him boy [Applause] that's why you got to reject certain words because those words take you out of shape so you got to return it to the sender I can't afford to receive that word I gotta let you take that one back and sometimes you have to send the word back without permission from the other person to receive it when that woman said that to me before the conference I didn't even have to have a confrontation with her I just had to say something in my spirit that says I don't I don't receive that fear I don't receive that anxiety those words that you spoke to me are coming back to you empty I think somebody needs to let it devil know somewhere you may have spoken the word but I'm sending that word back to you it's coming back to you void you know why cuz God's words are coming back fool and if God's Word is coming back fool that means there are some lies that the enemy has spoken over my life there are some lies that generational curses has spoken over my life and it's coming back to you void I don't care what you say about divorcees I don't care what you say about teenage mothers I've got a word from God that's gonna make your word come back so you void cuz when I get finished filling out this word that God gave me it ain't gonna be no room for your word and his word in my life anymore if your word don't look like his words and your words got to go because I'm trying to fit into something I'm trying to become somebody and in order for me to become I got to send some things back what if we have become loyal to the wrong molds what if our whole paradigm about who we can be and how we are is really just a reflection of words that have been spoken to over us and we are so loyal to that mold that we cannot take on this new form I gotta go to the next stage in school because that's the word that was spoken over me I gotta stay in the business because that's the word that was what if I'm loyal to the wrong word is that my word or their word or God's word and if I can't answer that then I gotta take my hands off of everything because at the end of the day I want to be aligned with something that I know is gonna accomplish something in earth I can't just be aligned with any old person's word because I don't know where that word has taken me but when I align God's Word I know that it is going to accomplish what it was sin to do and I don't know about you but I've wasted enough time I don't have anymore time to just be passing that I'm trying to make every moment count I'm trying to make every book count I'm trying to make every message count I'm trying to make every phone call count I know it might sound juvenile to some of you cuz you still got some time to waste but when you've been through hell and came out on the other side there's something about it that makes you say I can't just go anywhere I just can't pink anything I just can't do whatever I gotta be aligned with something that I know is going to accomplish what God has predestined for it to accomplish and so let's talk about let's talk about God's Word what I love about this text is I was studying it is that of all the analogies to use God uses the analogy for his word he uses rain and snow precipitation he uses precipitation he says I'm gonna say it the way I studied it he says that that precipitation comes from above it falls to the ground and changes the state of the ground my word is like precipitation in that it comes from above and falls down into your soul and then it produces what was already down in there but could not come forth until the word hit it yeah we don't always get rain in LA right but we got a lot of rain this winter and now I'm seeing flowers that I didn't even know that we had in Los Angeles there's a calla lily growing outside of my kitchen window we've been living there for years I never saw a calla lily but there was something about the precipitation coming down to the ground and producing from the earth something that was never supposed to be there I guess but was always there but was just waiting for the right word somebody caught what I'm saying that God's Word is like precipitation and that when it hits your soul it produces something that you never thought was in there I got happy when I studied that but I got really happy when I studied what precipitate means precipitate means that it's in someone or something suddenly into a particular state or condition God says I can send a word that can suddenly change your state or condition I can send a word yeah I'm happy about it all it takes is one word if you dare to receive this word if you dare to break out in her mold and receive this word I can suddenly change your state or condition I don't know who you were when you walked in this room but I dare two or three people to open up their hearts and finally surrender to that word and see if you don't experience as suddenly moment I think the Apostles would say that suddenly there came a sound like a mighty Russian when that suddenly P God says you don't have to wait for it I'll do it suddenly you don't have to postpone it you don't have to wait for everyone to validate it I'll do it suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly God give me a suddenly word God give me a suddenly word I hear God saying prophetically that I already gave some of you a suddenly word you just didn't receive it because it was in conflict with the other words but I want to give you 10 seconds to break the mold of the other words so that you can lay hold of the word that I have for you I want to give you a suddenly anointing I said that you were fearfully and wonderfully made I don't care what she went through before you got here I want to give you a suddenly anointing [Music] I know it doesn't line up but I got a friendly word for you I feel rain coming down from heaven suddenly suddenly suddenly I can't wait another week I can't wait another month I can't keep living the way that I'm living god I need a suddenly kind of word to bow from heaven and hid my soul I needed suddenly anointing over my finances I need a suddenly anointing over my heartbreak I can't keep crying these tears I can't keep feeling the way that I'm feeling suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly I feel cancer leaving suddenly I feel my health coming back suddenly my husband said he felt like fighting the devil honey I want to get in the ring with you and Phyllis suddenly annoys and coming back to your people snap out of it daughter the King of glory is here suddenly exchange strong identity suddenly exchanged stroke confidence [Applause] and the people were asked at what moment did everything change and you will say I don't know it just suddenly happened I just suddenly started taking my body seriously I just suddenly started taking my art seriously I just suddenly started taking my health seriously I don't know what happened nobody came nobody lifted my hands and worship and suddenly the king of glory suddenly the he'll acceptance [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I just I just let the word hit me really I just let it see past all the other words I let it see past my fears I let it become my foundation and suddenly suddenly I wasn't depressed like I was anymore I mean I'm still going to counseling I'm still going to therapy but I believe that there's hope on the other side you see suddenly we'll start changing the outcome when you have other words you only have one outcome but when you let God's word get done in your sphere you know there's only one outcome to this I may still have to walk through it but I know what's on the other side of it suddenly I started seeing a different finish line suddenly I started seeing a different outcome suddenly [Applause] [Applause] suddenly suddenly I want to move forth but I hear it like a song in my head suddenly suddenly my peace came back suddenly suddenly suddenly I was in my darkest moments but suddenly I started seeing a light at the end of the tunnel suddenly I started thinking that there was a better me on the other side of this suddenly suddenly I had to go through how to get you suddenly but I see suddenly is on the other side suddenly and when the word comes from God and it suddenly suddenly shifts your spirit my text says something just like the precipitation the rain and the snow it comes down from heaven and doesn't return there but why does the earth it says that and it makes it bring forth and bud this is God comparing his word to the rain and the snow so suddenly this precipitation has changed my state and not only has it changed my state but now what's making me bring forth and but it's making me bring forth them but those are two different things because you can bring forth and not bud let me break it down you can bring forth and nobody knows what's happening in you but you and the God who sent the rain other people don't know it right now but I'm coming forth [Music] you can't see it right now because it's not budding season the season hasn't changed yet but I received it suddenly in my spirit and when I received it suddenly in my spirit I started coming forth that's somebody's word I don't know who you are but I heard it when I was studying I heard that say you're coming forth you're coming forth you're coming forth you don't have the budget you don't have the fruit yet but you're coming forth you have not been wasting your time I have seen your worship I have seen your prayer life I hear God's saying you're coming forth you're coming forth I had to do it where no one can see it first before it could bud where everyone could see it you're coming forth you're coming forth you're coming forth everything got put in you is coming forth every word I spoke over you was coming forth keep receiving that word keep receiving networks you're coming fourth keep pressing in you're coming foot you're coming what somebody was about to quit and I hear God say you don't quit baby the seasons about to change and when the seasons change you're gonna burn when this season [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because all while it was raining I didn't know that the calla lilies were coming forth but the calla lilies knew and the earth knew that something was happening on a level you can't see that you're going to see when the seasons change and when the seasons change you're going to thank God for the rain and you're gonna thank God for the dark days I know it seems crazy right now but I got something in you that can only come forth if I put you in some pressure if I make you feel like you're just might drown I'm watering what I put in you I'm watering that word it's coming forth and the season has changed so everything that he was watering is about to start budding and I hear God's saying that you're gonna start seeing things budding and areas that you could have never planned for and areas you could have never prepared for you don't even really want to be in the entertainment industry but for some reason God's gonna spring up something and the entertainment industry is not gonna make any sense I'm not even a business person I'm a creative but something happened in this season and now I want to help other people with their businesses I guess you could say that the rain water seed I didn't even know was down on the inside of me and if you have ever been in this season where you slept on yourself and then God took you through the storm and you came out on the other side and said I didn't even know that was in me until the rain made it come out of me God made it rain in my shoulder God made it rain in the real meat spring up I shouldn't even be in this room but God made it rain for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there is a promise connected to fitting his mold not only will you discover what he placed down on the inside of you but his word promises that what he produces from you it's going to be seed to the sower what does that mean that means that I'm gonna produce seed I'm going to multiply this thing this word is for you I'm gonna multiply that thing that I'm doing down on the inside of you it's going to be seed to the sower now all of a sudden are going to people are gonna see what I did in your life and they're gonna take this seed of what I did in your life and go and plant it somewhere don't be mad when people take your seed just be mad when they take your word you can have my seeds you can't have my word cuz gotta give me another seeds you can't give me another word I'm not man when you walk away with my idea I'm not mad when you start trying to live like me that seed I was supposed to inspire you I was supposed to make you want to become but what you cannot have is my word cuz my word is what produced the scene [Applause] mm I don't know who you are but somebody took your seed Jesus and when they took your seed that made you feel like there was no more room for your idea your anointing or your calling anymore you didn't realize that they took your seed but you let them take your word and when they walked away with your word they walked away with your power the power was never in this seed the seed is the byproduct of what happens when the word hits you you can have my time you can have my money but you cannot have my word you cannot have my word my word is what I know God is gonna accomplish through me you may do what I do the way that I do it but you cannot have my word my word says that I'm the only one who can do what I do the way that I need to do it in this generation so you can imitate it you can take it and go plant it somewhere else but you cannot stop my momentum unless you take my word I feel like somebody needs to take their word back didn't just walk away with your heart they walked away with your word now you don't believe in love now you don't believe in marriage now you don't believe in your business anymore now you don't believe in your talent anymore they didn't just take your seat they took your word but I came here to tell you that you can go into the enemy's camp and take back what is strong [Applause] you know I'm a church girl if underneath this I'm coming back from my word you can keep the seat I got more seed I'm coming back for that word I'm coming back for my creativity I'm coming back for my power I'm coming back for my anointing you can't have my word [Music] I'm the only one who can write this book I'm the only one who can write this script that's what the word told me I don't care what you produce the word has told me something and until that word accomplishes what it was it to do and will not return to God boy so I got a say connection to this word my promise is connected to the word his glory is connected to the word see to the soul that's fine you can take my seed but you can't have my word then it says that it will be bread to the eater sustenance someone is going to be connected to you because of the sustenance that that word provides them and so there are seed relationships and there are bred relationships my husband feeds me good brand I am sustained not because of the dinners and not because of the movies and the days but because of the word that is on his life it feeds me it nourishes me and I am connected to him i sat down and I ate at his table you need people in your life who give you bread I don't want to get high I don't need no alcohol I can feed myself I need a bread do you have something that is gonna sustain me now you do you have something that's gonna help move me into the next dimension I need bread in this season cuz I can't do candy no more that sweet tooth got your girl in trouble I need bread I need sustenance then the last thing connected to this word the ultimate most important promise is that my word is not coming back to me void it's not coming back to me empty I'm sending it out Hollow I'm waiting for someone to fill it so that when it comes back to me my word is on a mission and that mission is for the word to come back to me fool God gave me a hollow mould of a woman's ministry and now I'm trying to fit into that mold that he predestined so that when I get to heaven I can have 1.1 million lives to show him look God what I did with the mold I'm trying to give you something Jesus went out blameless he made him who had no sin to become sin he went out void but he came back home with our sins and now we're iniquity so that nothing could stand in our way anymore he's God's got a history of sending out words that are Hollow so that you can bring them back fool and all I want to know is what are you gonna do when you finally get in that mode that you're gonna return to God and say this is what I did with that mold you sent me this is who I saved this is who I this is how I changed I did something with what you sent me I love this because it says it shall accomplish it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it so when you want to talk about no weapon formed against me will prosper that what it's talking about because I live my life under a word and because I live my life under a word I'm guaranteed to prosper in the thing that means I can't pick that word and try to make it fit something else I got to keep this word connected to the glory so that it can accomplish and it can prosper and the thing for which I sent it that word that God gave you it may be optional to you but for someone else it is not optional someone else has decided that it is not optional that I become who I must be it's not optional everyone else can keep living the way that they're living but I have come to a place in my life where it is no longer optional I just can't do whatever you want to say I tried I tried and I ended up empty but I want to come back to fit this mode so that I can find the thing that I've been called to prosper in this is my thing this is my thing and I will prosper in this thing when I activate the word that God has over my life I can't lose in this mode I can't quit in this mode and anytime something comes up that dares to take me out of that mode I gotta cut that thing off cuz I'm trying to fit in this mode I'm trying to be the kind of woman who was worthy of the grace that God has shared over in my life I'm trying to be the kind of woman that is worthy of the blood that God shed it's not optional for me and I prosper in this thing my marriage prospers in this mode my family prospers in this mode I'm not just talking about money that's low level prospering I'm talking about when you got joy for real that the world could give you the world can't take away I'm talking about when you're not worried about who's gonna sign your next check because you know God is gonna provide all of your needs I'm talking about prospering in my health I'm talking about prospering in my mind I'm not saying I don't have to fight I just know that the fight is already fixed all I gotta do is get in the ring because if I get in the ring man my word I'm gonna fight this thing God is not a man that he should lie I wish somebody knew they weren't in this place no weapon formed against me is gonna prosper I am the righteousness of God I am a part of a royal priesthood why because I took that word and I made that word working learn [Applause] [Music] and so maybe you're here and you want to fit you want to fit that mold but you can't break out of the other molds so that you can fit his mold and you need breakthrough prayer you need I need to break through prayer I need a strong hold coming down prayer I need a chain breaking prayer over my life I need someone who understands what it's like to break out of a mold to tell me that I'm just too close to quit right now I want you to meet me at this altar because I believe that God wants to give you breakthrough you're not ready to fit the mold that's okay take your time it's your own journey but if you're ready to break out of this pattern I'm ready to break out of this routine I'm ready to break out of this thought pattern I'm ready to break out of it it's changing me it's restricting me I don't even like Who I am sometimes but I can't stop I can't quit I need to break out of this mold the thoughts they haunt me and they taught me I got a break out of this mode I want to be that person that God saw I want to be aligned with that destiny that he foreknew I want to be a part of something that is bigger than Who I am and God has undoubtedly sent a word in this place but God wants to know can you receive it can you receive what he says about you can you step into the knowledge of who he says you are which means that you may have to break up some of the things that you've been in relationship with in the past anything that restricts you to that old mold is going to keep you in that same shape so what we're talking about really is having strength the kind of strength that can only come from a bus where you don't mind seasons of coming forth where no one knows what's happening in me but me and God but I'm coming forth and I'm not afraid to do this thing by myself if I have to but I just want to remind you you never do it by yourself look at this altar you never do it by yourself that's the beauty of being a part of a community like this is that you can look around if you saw these people on the streets you wouldn't even think that they was trying to be at church on a Thursday night at 8 o'clock but people who look like us and talk like this who you would never suspect are on undercover missions for the kingdom and they're walking the streets of LA trying to fit into the mold that God has for them I hear God saying they're executives that networks I hear God's saying they're over in Paris sketch and fashion designs I got undercover people who are coming forth and I'm just ready for you to get an alignment so that you can be a part of what I'm doing in the earth this is not just a moment and feel-good inspiration this is a moment of dedication for some of you you'll be dedicating your life for the first time for others yeah that's worth rejoicing over cuz the kingdom just got stronger cuz our wings just got widened cuz I'm not just doing it for me no more I'm doing it for everyone connected to me I'm trying to produce seed for the sower and bread for the eater and for others you're rededicating some experiences took you out of shape that's okay it happens to all of us some moments you didn't think really shaped you until you was it was time for you to step into something that looked like it again and you couldn't do it because you still had this shape from that old situation I can't step into this business venture I can't step into this relationship I can't even step into church and give my all again because last time I did that I got burned but I hear God's saying that you cannot hold your person a hostage for what your past did and I want to do something in your life but you're going to have to be willing to break out of the mold of what was so that you can step into the mold of what can be and there are possibilities connected to you promises exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or imagine God wants to do a new thing in this place I always like lifting our hands in surrender cuz I think it's our way of saying God you got me you got me I can't go no further than this my hands are up and surrender father God you have captivated this room as only you can do and God in the midst of this process you have reminded us of the beauty of being called and connected to you God and you there is no lack God and you there is no pain God in you there is no depression and yet we have to live in this earth where all of those things exist and so God we're asking that you would elevate our consciousness that we would be connected to you and only you that we would not be shaped and formed by the disappointments and the depressions that led us to this identity but instead that we would allow you and you alone to define us God you are the author and the finisher of our state glad you wrote our story and you know they in from the beginning so god we are giving you back the pen I'm giving you back the pencil God I'm taking away from my shame I'm taking it away from my mistakes I'm taking it away from my father and my mother and I'm giving you the pin god I am who you say I am I can do what you say I can do I am forgiving and you have made me new and so God I surrender God wherever there's a hand lifted there is a heart surrender to your identity God we want to fit the mold God take away anything in us that's keeping us from becoming who you need us to be God uproot fear God uproot those words that were spoken over us I rebuke it I send it back cinder you have no place in my heart any longer you have no place in my mind any longer I want to prophesy right now in the name of Jesus wherever there are words that have been spoken over your sons and daughters I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus to rebuke means to literally send it back I send it back to Hell where it came from I send it back to darkness where it came from I send it back to the oppression where it came from suicides you got to go anxiety you cannot stay low self-esteem we've had our last dance you got to go because I'm taking shape and I'm getting into the mood that God has for me god I want to prophesy power over your sons and daughter Holy Ghost power the kind of power that can only come from above the kind of power that helps them say no and walk away with confidence I want to prophesy glory like never before the kind of glory that leaves with them when they go out of this place and sticks with them whenever they play a worship song whenever they hear is Scripture wherever they think of the goodness of God may your glory rush over them like never before and may they be reminded that old things have passed away and that in you they have been made new repeat after me Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who went out empty to come back full full of my sins full of my limitations full of my insecurities full of my fears and when he was crucified and resurrected I was resurrected too I was resurrected as the best version of myself so father order my steps to that version of Who I am help me to walk away from who I used to be and to fall in love with Who I am becoming attracted me relationships that can sustain me and subtracts from me relationships that hold me to who I used to be I decree I have been made new I receive this word like rain and snow from heaven I'm coming forth as a result of this word in Jesus name Amen can you just celebrate you can't even see what happens to the person beside you [Applause] that you come in fourth child I see you coming don't nobody has celebrates you out there you won't get celebrated in here [Music] you babe you just made a bar I see you doing big things [Music] listen it's so important that you take this word and play this word over and over again because at the end of the day what you feed is going to grow and you gotta feed yourself who you are becoming not who you used to be sometimes we think it's just one song and struggles one night out but you could be paying for that one night for the next six months I need you to get serious about this thing I need you to lock down so that you can come forth because I need your seed in this earth I need your spirit to multiply in this earth can we just give God a praise [Applause] Kaji make all things work together for God there is no one like you can you just magnify the Lord from this your word and will not return to you I'm gonna fill that word out that word is gonna be busting at the seams I'm gonna throw everything and everything I don't have at it in the process [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 244,381
Rating: 4.8929033 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Id: MsRo4YqbYt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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