"Prophetic Response" - Stephanie Ike

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[Music] God is so good you see today you know God has been speaking to me about this day about the message for those that are coming to the house on this day those I'll be watching livestream wherever this message wherever this message reaches whoever this message touches and one thing that he's been teaching me is about prophetic response and so I tried it the message that I'm not trying go too hard on this I'm just gonna call it what I heard it and what I'm learning about this what this means is because you see we all receive prophetic words right whether sometimes you could be reading a scripture and something jumps at you you could be listening to a sermon and in one moment it's almost like even though the word is coming out of the the preacher or whoever's mouth it touches you as truth like this person is talking to me God could speak to you to dreams through messages to so many kinds of ways we all have prophetic words and it's interesting because in the moment right when God tells you something about your destiny about your future about what your legacy is gonna be everybody is just like thank you Jesus all right you get excited you get pumped up you're dancing you know enhances a little bit and then circumstances come obstacles come and we almost try to psych ourselves out that did I really hear God say that we start seeking counsel amongst people that would validate our fear we're like you know what I don't know if you know I don't like you know what girl or sir you know maybe you know this just doesn't seem wise you know I'm not sure God would tell you that but there was a moment where everything was peaceful and you knew that you knew that God was speaking to you but a little tribulation and trials and we lose our ground and so what what I want to teach today about is that we have to understand that the prophetic word is not just a word that God comes with to inform you because he could just let it happen how many times have we just walked into situations that we never even planned for we never act so we never saw it just happened God could just allow the thing to happen so when he speaks to you he's in for me he's not just informing you his army knew and there is a response required from you you see quick story my mom you know my mom loves property development and so her current project she's working on this like a commercial property this one property the moment they started work God gives her a dream and in the dream is a prophetic dream he shows her the building completed to the point where it even gives her like ideas about things she wasn't thinking of before she's like oh wow that looks good maybe we should change this here and change that there and she calls me she's like wow God showed me in my dream this building completed and he spoke to me that this building will be completed and we're just like amen praise God hallelujah and so work continues all of a sudden because she's in Nigeria the state is fighting against the progress of this building and it wasn't even something legal it wasn't even something that the people that were doing they were trying to look and I even you know sometimes Africa we're still you know on the rise right but the states of certain people start threatening her progress they come to the property they lock it up they're like you you need this paper you need this you need that permit and my mom is like we have all of that what what else are you looking for ultimately what they wanted was money so they locked the place of what they were asking for was ridiculous and my mom if you if you know her my mom is very like she's hilarious she's goofy but at least because she has a nickname we call her Iron Lady because my mom would not just tolerate something because that's what you're telling her to do if it's wrong she's like no we're not doing that so they lock up the building my mom calls me and she's and it was crazy because they locked that building up somehow they found out where she lived locked our house up and my mom calls and at this point she was a bit emotional she's like Stephanie look at what's going on you know she's like stuffing everything you know just pray about this thing with me and let me understand what God is saying and all that stuff right and so I'm like mom I'm gonna take it to prayer so I'm talking to God about I'm praying I'm like God this is what's going on you know what what kind of encouragement a word do I need to give my mother the Lord gives me this vision in the vision I'm standing and I haven't even been to the site I mean this is this is recent right in the vision I'm standing in the land that she's building and to my right the Lord tells me that there's a I see a land to my right and he says that your mother will buy that land this will be her next project and so I'm like God that sounds amazing but what does that have to do with the situation now what am I supposed to tell my mother right and he said I've already told her that this would be finished so I'm only going to entertain what's next so ittsan it sounds great now but my mom was like okay right but this is the beautiful thing so I called my mom I told my mom I said mom when you stand I'm trying to explain to her because I don't know what it looks like I said when you stand in this position there's a property to your right and that land is gonna go for sale and you're gonna buy it and this is your next project he's like yes Stephanie but what is the Lord saying concerning this issue I said well mom that's all I got for you cuz I'm not gonna speak hear what I don't know that same day she goes over to the site the owner of the land to her rights she they randomly needs so this it's not even publicly known that it's for sale he sees her and they were talking and he says like oh yeah I'm gonna be selling my land my mom calls me and she's like Stephanie you're right because the the lands of the to the right all of a sudden he's telling me if I want to buy it he wouldn't even take it public and I say mom I'm so glad that God was fast and confirming that word because if you believe that he's already concerned about what's next then you have to understand that everything about this situation is taken care of you have to engage the word that he gave you and I said to her as a mom decree to the situation decree to the circumstance what God has revealed to you and so the Cree is not just about it's not a religious practice of you know you she goes to the house and says house the Lord has said right if it's not just a religious practice because the scripture tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks what that means is you're not just speaking empty words you're speaking what you believe and when you believe a thing your decisions are in alignment with that thing your decisions the actions that you take you become you see words God God use words to perform things to create things but when you believe what you say you become a different you and why heaven responds to that version because for instance right I have a why I did not I just know someone named her Seuss right and a Seuss is like Jesus right no hey Suze you know you know Spanish people saying hey Suzanne Jesus right but if I'm calling hey Suze the the friend demons are not gonna tremble because in my heart I'm calling you know hey Suze you know the friend but if in my heart my mind is set on Jesus when I speak his name because of the belief that is coming from my heart things begin to happen so why I'm sharing this is because what makes your words powerful is the belief behind it and so when God says you shall decree a thing and it shall be established to establish that word talks about it shall be confirmed it shall it shall come to surface it shall be you know it's almost like God is gonna finalize the thing he's gonna confirm it he's gonna make it manifest in your life but that begins by a version of you that would not sabotage what the Angels want to do on your behalf and so I said to my mom I said mom it's not just about your words it's about your belief because if you believe that God has already gone ahead of you and God has already taken care of all of this your actions will change all of a sudden my mother found a way to undo what they used to lock the house and they found a way to fix it back so workers will go through the house undo it go inside work fix it by like nothing happened I said mom it reminded me there's a story about a man named Nehemiah it reminded me about him you see God has put in his heart to rebuild the wall of jerusalem nehemiah goes and starts rebuilding the walls all of a sudden there's a position people are not excited about him rebuilding these walls and they're coming against him they're threatening his life they are threatening the lives of everyone who's touching these walls Nehemiah did not back down instead on one hand the Bible talks about how with one hand they're working with another hand they have a weapon you see when circumstances come you have to learn how to change your rhythm it's not about backing down but your weapon becomes the Word of God that we're gonna continue this work because I'm holding on to something I'm holding on to what God said to me so my mother wasn't afraid anymore she said you know what whatever happens happens we end this and so they kept going they just date work continued all of a sudden somehow they got wind of it I don't know how you know haters out there somehow they got wind of this they came they arrested everybody took all her workers to jail my mom gets the call she's like that's okay we just got to bail them out right but something had shifted in her she had a mindset it was her what she started speaking that God you have completed this thing it it manifested in her that she knew that nothing was gonna stop her from completing this house and so when she she goes over to the police station she's like yeah I'm here to build my workers all of a sudden family favor the same people that were against her apologized they're like you know what we're gonna support what you're doing and all this stuff and I'm like how but you see when the Bible talks about angels respond to the Word of God when you decree in belief of what God said to you angels move on your behalf because you're walking in sync with them your belief your belief creates capacity for God to move but when you don't believe what he's telling you there's nothing he can do because you're gonna sabotage the very way that he's gonna bring to you and so from this message I understood something he's seen the Book of Isaiah I believe is 55 11 it talks about how the Word of God would not return to Him void and there's a scripture that always loves to quote I'm like yes Jesus because when you're in a situation oh god your word or not return to me void you know return to you void and you said it it's gonna be done and did that and then I remember how certain words have been spoken and it was kind of void you know I said how Jesus I've seen where prophetic words were given and the people died without ever seen that word and he showed me something he says my word said the word would not return to me void I gave it to you return it to me you see that tells you you're gonna be he gives you this word about you're gonna have this you know company and you're gonna you know build schools all around the world and all this stuff right and you try to start it and you know opposition comes and you're just like oh I don't know I don't know I don't know but then you want to be like thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and but thank you Jesus you're not really sure what you're thinking Jesus for because your movement is stagnant but then you're saying thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and that's almost a deception of the enemy in itself because you're not doing anything but you feel comfort and just saying thank you Jesus and Jesus is saying I'm waiting for you to walk and so God is saying that the response you give to the prophetic word is your own prophetic action that God gives you a word and you say okay God you've given me this word when I take a step towards it God is saying then your return that were to me and when you do that it would not be void it would not be empty that when you speak to me what I have spoken to you because it's not just about speaking it's about your your essence speaks to God you're being speaks to God you see Jesus is called the word but the word is flesh and so there is that there is there is a level where when the word of God becomes you and when when the word of God becomes your family it is you giving God back his word and that is when that is all that is why the Bible says when you decree it will be established it didn't say when when God says it is established he says when you decree it when you when your actions speak it to me then heaven starts to respond to you we think that because God gave us a word we can sit and do nothing we think that when trials come we start questioning ourselves and it's like wait what am I supposed to do but that very word was to arm you God gave you a word because he's aware of the tribulations that will come against the word there were other projects my mother did and God never told her anything about it because it was smooth sailing he's like you're good but the one he gives her a word about encounters the most difficulty because the word was to become her weapon that she's like no no no no God told me something about this and I would keep going because when I respond to God it would not be void you see the Apostle Paul said something that Timothy and I want us to read that it's in first Timothy we're gonna find out together you know one hallelujah eighteen to nineteen see you know what it's right there the Apostle Paul says the Apostle Paul says to Timothy so Timothy is a spiritual son he says to him the command i entrust to you Timothy my son in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you that by them you fight the good fight family he says the prophetic words that I have given you that I have made concerning you it is that word you use to fight the good fight you see I wonder when God has been teaching me this some for some people in here God says you're gonna have a child you couldn't have a baby girl gonna have a baby boy then that child is born premature and that is a child God spoke to you about the doctor says this child may die what do you do God gave you a word for that very reason have you ever been in this situation God tells you you're gonna come to and lay you're gonna do this he tells you what you're gonna get this job and this is what your position will be you're gonna start this business and this is what is gonna turn out - he said this word is for you to fight the good fight how many times do you know that if God gives you a word about a job and he says in this place you're gonna do ABC if somebody fires you from that job you better go back in X for an interview that is a posture of belief some people in here you've been fired from a place that God positioned you and you just accepted it well maybe God didn't talk to me I dare you to go back and say can I get a job interview again and watch God work when God sent you here it's you you're just like okay god you're gonna send me here and we're gonna do this I'm gonna do that stop questioning him because of your insecurities because of your doubts yes indeed if you want to get clarity get clarity because God is not the author of confusion but in your search for clarity don't have an expectation for him to say no because that's what you're comfortable with if you're searching for clarity keep the options open that perhaps this is where God actually wants me despite how hard it is and then the passage continues and says keeping faith and good conscience which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith you see when I hear the word shipwreck and as we talked about fighting the good fight with the word I remember some of us know the story about Jesus where Jesus was with the disciples in the boat in the sea right and a storm has hit this is in mark chapter 4 a storm comes the disciples begin to panic they're like and Jesus first of all is sleeping and Jesus is like being cradled by the storm the disciples are drowning by storm and the cybers are like is it you know Jesus um we're perishing over here while you're taking naps you know what having dreams and stuff and Jesus comes to them and Jesus is like why he talks about why why they have little faith he's like why are you afraid o ye of little faith and I've found it interesting like God okay first of all they are drowning where is the little faith coming in place here you've seen that passage if you're taking notes I really advise you there's certain things I would really love for you to read mark chapter four is one of them in that very passage prior to them entering the boats Jesus tells them let us go to the other side you see when Jesus speaks the thing he's not speaking aimlessly he's already seen what has happened so when he tells them let us go to the other side it's almost as though he's telling them we will get to the other side and so when the storm hit the boat it's like I just told y'all we are getting to the other side so the little faith was not something where it's like I don't understand God he already told them we are getting somewhere so this storm cannot stop my word because I've already seen us at the other side and so it's so fascinating because after he tells the storm be still the mark chapter 5 starts by saying then they got to the other side because he had already released a prophetic word about their destination and he released the word knowing and I believe even because of the storm that was gonna happen you see when storms happen in your life jesus said be still but is the storm shipwreck in your faith are you speaking to the storm with your life to say no not today even if this boat sinks we're gonna swim the Lord will empower me I don't know how to swim but the Lord he will empower me to swim I love this passage so much because you see when the Bible even talks about keeping faith and a good conscience conscience is talking about discernment it's have a good discernment the sermons is ultimately about seeing things as God sees it you call it you see a storm and you call it your ize calls it a limitation while God calls it your servant he says I've allowed the storm in your life to show you how strong you are to show you that actually you think you're beneath the storm but there is a yoo-hoo the one who lives in is greater than the storm and if there are no storms in your life you will never tap into that person good discernment family would save your life because you could be complaining about the situation while God is trying to show you how it's connected to work for your good you see one thing and you're just like oh my god I'm perishing it's over and God is like no no no no no if you see it as I see it if you call it what I'm calling it you will survive you see why this word came is because many of us are identifying things from our natural eyes and God is saying no without good discernment your faith will sink because you will look at the situation as a defeats moment you would not see that no God is actually it's not just we don't just recite you know all things are working for my good God desires to show you how all things are actually working for your good but this comes from the place of God what is this before I start panicking before I flare up what is this you gave me this word but this is happening what is this circumstance right here because like Petey talked about in previous messages and for our first time against Petey's you know however the nickname we call our pastor Tory Roberts and so yep Petey so Petey talked about in the message how before any promise there's preparation because you see family God will always there there are certain words that are suffering that means they're certain so a lot of times and those words are kind of you but a lot of times words are also conditional to your actions but there are certain words concerning your life that have nothing to do with what you do today do tomorrow is gonna happen but in God's goodness he says I can open the door for you but how long would you last there if I open the door for you is it gonna kill you if I open the door for you would it consume you how many times and this is not even like it's not it's not a strange thing we see it we've seen how a person's version of success could be the very thing that killed them because God there's things concerning your life that will be he said to Abraham by this time next year you will have a son he didn't say TV they would tell him like okay Abraham I need you to have to know your wife and then when you do I'm gonna cause things to happen he said look by this time next year you have a son done there are certain things concerning your life that will happen but if we if we can look at the storm and say God how are you using this to prepare me how are you using this then we will stop complaining and start becoming you see I want to talk about all of this is leading I want to talk about a story of a lady that we may know her name is Bathsheba and from this story there were four insights that I received about prophetic response the story we're gonna look into is ultimately about so but Sheba has a son and I'll talk about the backstory in a little bit but but Sheba has a son named Solomon who God ultimately chooses to be king when during the time of David so David is the King David his reign is coming to an end because he's getting really old and he I mean he was really old and kind of sick and he wasn't really as mobile as he used to be and one of David's sons chooses to exalt himself and chooses to make himself King and but she but it's almost as though she gets a wind of what's going on but she does nothing even though she knew that her son was the one anointed to be king she hears that someone else it's trying to occupy the position that God had given her seed and she does nothing and I wondered because this word is going out to speak to us in in the areas where we are currently doing nothing and I wondered and I said Lord why didn't think why didn't she do anything about this and when I began to study Bathsheba one of the insights I I understood and that's the first thing that I gave them and it's that your past does not define your worth and why I say this is because if you study the story of David and Bathsheba but Sheba was married to a soldier in David's army the soldier it was someone who had integrity so it means that this must have been someone who was respected and well-known when David even saw because David was a to be at war and he's outside in his balcony he sees Bathsheba you know taking a shower and he didn't you know turn away and so in that moment of Attraction where he's like I want her someone else already knew of her he's like no isn't that bad Sheba so I assumed that Bathsheba was someone who was well known and David is over here David takes Bathsheba he sleeps with her but she baguettes pregnant while she's still married David is like oh my gosh you know we gotta do something about the situation and David is like so David is trying to get his you know but Sheba's husband to sleep with her that didn't work David ends up killing the man and then but Sheba becomes David's wife now when we read the story it sounds very like a B C & D right but when you think about it but Sheba seems to be someone that was well known she was married she gets pregnant she has a child the child dies people must have known about it because her you know things must have been changing right and it all can be food because it's going in one direction right so I I wondered the rumors that must have gone out about Bathsheba did she even love her husband how long was she really messing with David Wright what is really going on but Sheba is Suliman even David's son because Solomon ends up being the second child she has of him when he married her but when you think about it as everyday life we but Sheba you were married to a man of integrity and you were a little you know hoeing out there that is not that is a that is a word I believe my being the dictionary right it means when you're a bit you know out there with people they shouldn't be with okay and and so and so I think about it right and I'm like wait how did she feel about her worth based on how people define her to be there was not even based on the whole story and I wondered that when you see being David's wife was not really a spotlight because David had several wives before her I wondered that in knowing that the child I'm carrying is gonna be king and so just from being one of his wives I'm gonna become the mother of the king I wondered if that was a spotlight she felt she was unworthy of because of her past I wonder if the the memories the the rumors about her that's still lingered in the minds of the people made her feel she's not worth being the mother of a king I wondered if that's why she kept silence that in front of her there was a promise for her son to be king she's watching someone else take that position and she does nothing why didn't she do anything so these are just my different theories right so I wonder if anyone in this house it's holding back because they don't feel worth it it's holding back because of the things they've done in their past the rumors that lingers about them whether true or false because it exists in the minds of those around you there is an unbelief about God can this truly be me you see Jesus said when they tried to call Jesus good Jesus said no one is good except a father we are looking for this good person God give it to the good people and God is like none of y'all okay it's important we know that because your pain your pain is what validates your purpose you think that you're allowing the insecurities about your past to destroy your now what is it that you you did or didn't do whatever because God is a redeemer God is a God of grace a God of mercy whatever mistakes you feel that you have done that you you think it negated you out of his promise is a lie you see family guilt is not of God guilt guilt keeps you wrapped up in who you are not awareness is of God God wants you he desires us to be aware because what awareness does is that it shows us who we are who we are not to release us into who we are awareness says you know I did some crazy stuff back in the day but I actually realized that was not me I remember my college freshman year it was like the grace lifted that was just a little crazy right and then sometimes I'll be preaching and I look in the pews and I see somebody for my college freshman year I'm like you know what amen to you you're gonna receive this word but what the enemy wants wants from you is to say oh that's a reminder you are not that person no no no oh yes I am but that allowed me to see you were never I don't even know how you used to do the things you were doing back then because that is not who you are a lot of times God will take us through who we are not so fully identify with who we truly are you see when you think about song who became Paul God could have encountered him early on it was it was an encounter right Jesus you know BAM shows up he could have done that way before Paul was doing a lot of nonsense he could have done that the moment you know Paul or when he was saw the moment he had a thought that what he was doing was right Jesus could have encountered him back then Jesus is not limited by time so why wait for Saul you know who became Paul why wait for him to super mature in ignorance before he encounters him you see a lot of times when you're if you if the beginning of your life is like boom oh my god Jesus yes words the people you're called to first of all they may not fully relate you know but apart from that you might find yourself desiring things like I wonder if I should try this I wonder if that is bad I wonder you know you might find yourself tempted by things that could actually destroy you then you might find yourself in the place where you start questioning have you ever met someone who you know has been a Christian all their lives and they start questioning is God really real like you know I mean I grew up in church but is he like real or is this like a universe stain or is it like you know are we all just like you know in this energy field you know but they grew up like in the in the front row and then all of a sudden they're like I don't know I think I think I'm an atheist I've seen I've seen that I've seen people that grew up in the church and then it's just like you Tata your them but you see sometimes and sometimes there's a grace for that that you could just shoot up in something I encounter God at a very early age and that's why I believe in my freshman year in college he literally lifted off a grace he's like Stephanie I need you to experience some things have my scene unlike me but you need to recognize who you are not so you never think or entertain that person and sometimes sometimes we go through things my family you are worth it if God would would come in form of man to kill himself to give his life for you that should determine your value that should tell you who you are to him that's why whatever you did in your past that should tell you this is who I see you as that I can give my life for you value is determined by price and he paid a price with his life I wondered if Bathsheba felt like she was unworthy for that kind of spotlight with what lingered in her history the second thing that came to me before this is that oftentimes we are so focused on who is against us that we don't see who is with us you see Bathsheba the son who tried to raise himself up as king his name was a deneva and a deneva he and I would encourage you to read this this is in first Kings chapter 1 a Tunisia he had all his brothers he gathered all his brothers so first of all he has the support of all his brothers he had the support of the the commander of David's army and if you have the support of the commander of the army I mean he could just give a word so his soldiers and say well kill them all Bathsheba it seems to be that she was aware all these things and could it have been that she was so focused on who was against her that she did not recognize that there were still people with her and that ultimately God was on her side do we lose sight of that when we're complaining about God and bout Sue you know and these are not things that anybody wishes on anybody but sometimes we're complaining about God I'm about to lose my place and I might be evicted and you lose sight of the person who is saying come and stay with me and so you bury yourself in complaining that god I might not afford this place come next month and someone in your circle is saying if you don't have a place to go you can stay with me we find ourselves complaining about things that God has put someone in your circle to be an answer but the problem is that your comfort has become your enemy because there is a way that you want a thing to be not realizing that provision is provision right whether it comes from our Peter or Paul or myself in his provision it may not come the way you desire it and the way you desire a thing is ultimately what is most comfortable for you but God says look you may not have this but there are people have assigned to give you the same thing in a different package Bathsheba did not have the support of certain crucial people on her side but she did have the support of people that could also shake things up I want to see one read the passage actually let's go to first Kings we're about to find out chapter one believe is verse 11 and so at this point nathan is a prophet and nathan is a prophet that has been that had a lot of you know just investment in there lives you know God used them a lot to speak to David about even about Solomon and so Nathan has caught wind of what's happening and he comes to Bathsheba and he says so Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon saying have you not heard that Adam neva the son of hagath has become king and David our Lord does not know it you see at the very least I would have thought that she would have at least spoken to David and say hey King you know what God has spoken about Solomon I'm one of your son's who's trying to do something else you see when I saw that what spoke to me about this is that a lot of times we are silent because of our fears and it's it's and these fears are very specific sometimes there is a fear of being betrayed there is a fear I wonder if if Bathsheba thought that if I tell you know first of all the David just tell me about Solomon because of what happened to our first child that perhaps because he felt that you know he had a part to play in the in the death of my child did he lie to me he just gave me a word to encourage me that hey you know I know we lost the first one but the second one is gonna be really great to make you forget what happened to the first one I wonder if sometimes we are silent about things because we fear vulnerability because we don't know what people would do with it we don't know if if the person I opened up to is lying to me is gonna betray me doesn't really care about me it's talking behind my back it's not a real person they're not sincere because when God gives you a word the word is always connected to people there's always going to be people that God will place in your life and says talk to this person tell this person this he literally showed me that some of you have have emails that still in your draft because you're so afraid to send it you don't know oh my gosh don't know what you're gonna think about me when they read this there are people that God has told you speak to this person tell this person this and you see them and you're just like this is the person right here and let's say this the person is some mister Fiji and you're just like oh yeah hey dear whatever that is and you just walk past mr. Fiji right here so many times God is telling you hey this person is connected to your destiny but your fear of being vulnerable is keeping you stagnant why wouldn't Bathsheba for the very least tell David the perfect nation is like are you kidding me how can David not know about this who has God told you to call to send a text message to to send an email to what is it on your heart that you've been waiting to tell a certain person but your fear of being rejected your fear of being betrayed being lied to is killing your tomorrow you see family when God tells you gives you a word you have to understand that he's already gone ahead of you there was a prophet named Elijah through him God you know God spoke about a famine that will come to the land and if there's a famine in the land at some point it would affect him and so he had no provisions either and God says to him I have commanded a widow to feed you when you read the story the widow it didn't seem like she got a word from God because she seemed pretty surprised to him by Elijah's request but I wonder if it was that God had touched the widow's hearts that if Elijah would believe that God did send me to you that her obedience would favor and ultimately when you read the story it favors her God has gone ahead of you you're so worried but how is this gonna sound what is this gonna look like are they gonna look at me as foolish your assumptions is killing you you sit down and you're assuming too many things at the same time and then you do nothing and the truth is sometimes people will betray you but I want you to understand that their betrayal is a betrayal to your emotions not your destiny because because in God's wisdom when he puts a person in your life when he put Judas in the life of Jesus Judas never betrayed Jesus's destiny actually his betrayal pushed Jesus into his destiny so you're so concerned about people hurting you but the only thing a person is gonna betray is your emotions because you had an expectation with your feelings you know I just I just felt that you are gonna be in my life you know for so long I just felt like we're gonna be friends I just felt like you would not be the kind of person to do this to me but in God's wisdom we forget that we're dealing with a God that that works on the beginning from the end so the very betrayal betrayal you're scared of is never gonna be a betrayal to your destiny to your legacy the only thing family being affected is your feelings and that's why we are not led sometimes by emotions I'm here to tell you family you have to let go of all this because fear is a burden and it would keep you stagnant fear would not allow you to move because you're you're like oh my gosh I'm assuming oh this person might this person might do that the the constant replay of lies you're telling yourself it's keeping you right here because you just okay but if they don't do this and then you try something and you're really questioning their motive learn to trust people because what you're what you're doing is that it's not them you're trusting you're trusting God who put you in their life or who put them in your life and so you're trusting you're trusting that everything you're not you the the thoughts and the lies that we carry about people if Jesus said I am the truth not the Assumption so when you find yourself assuming well I think you know this is why he did this stop it because Jesus is never in the thinking if you don't know you don't know that's just what it is if you do not know what a person is thinking if you don't know why they didn't say hi back maybe they didn't hear you you know maybe they were busy and then you go about like you know I just think that you know you know after that day I notice a change you know in her did God tell you that family your vulnerability would increase your capacity it increases how God can can move and shift things in your life and that's the third thing from the four things fear something about fear it's gonna come up amen yeah fear is a burden that hinders your ability to move forward now let's continue reading the passage and so it says so prophet Nathan tells Bathsheba and he says come please let me give you advice who is your counsel you see prophet Nathan represented the voice of God family you need people in your circle that speak to God before they speak to you he says come please let me give you advice that you may save your own life and the life of your son Solomon Bathsheba if Bathsheba allowed a Denisha to be king he most likely have killed Solomon and herself you see by deneva when he was you know making his plans to run to be king as I said he invited all his brothers except Solomon and a de Nieva actually knew when you read first Kings I believe is in chapter 2 chapter 3 he knew that God had chosen Solomon but he felt entitled because he was looking at how it is done in the natural and Anisha was the fourth son of King David and the first three sons had died the first son you know all kinds of crazy things but he was the the the eldest living son of King David so according to the natural ways of how other kingdoms pick their you know who's gonna reign next that's how a Denisha was like he felt entitled that this should be mine even though God has chosen Solomon so Solomon would have been a threat to him and he would have killed Solomon and Bathsheba how many people here we're gonna pray into this but and I know and I don't want you to feel ashamed or anything like that because I know what God showed me there are some people that literally are embracing societal thoughts that she by this point was willing to just end and just okay they kill me they kill me they kill my see to some people the actions that you're taking is killing the very vision that God has given you the Prophet Nathan says come let me give you advice and he said to her go immediately to King David and say to him did you not my lord o king swear to your maidservant saying assuredly your son Solomon shall reign after me and he shall sit on my throne why then has a de Nieva become king what is interesting about this is Nathan is a prophet God could have given Nathan a word to go directly to David and say David you know a de Nieva it's trying to be king and Solomon is the one who I've called why did he go through Bathsheba first you see in the natural but Sheba carried a son according to heaven she was birthing a king she had already done the job of birthing her son but there was a responsibility for her to birth the king you see family in the natural you filed the paperwork for this company in the natural there are certain things you've done that okay it sets things in motion but are your actions towards what God has given you is it reflecting what heaven defines it to be in the natural you're having meetings in the natural you're you're doing certain things and the natural she had given birth to a healthy child where you are with your vision could look healthy things could be functioning you got your paperwork you got the LLC everything looks ok I'm pretty I'm set but are your actions what you're investing in that thing is it according to what God called it to be how much of yourself are you investing in it what are you putting into it are you aligning it are you are you just birth in a project or your birthing something that would change the world are you satisfied because you have done your due diligence or are you willing to take things a step further so not just birth the son but to give birth to the king Bathsheba had to take there was a response that she had to make he could have bypassed her easily but she was involved for a reason family I want us to take inventory of the things that we don't feel comfortable right with right now is it according to heavens standard always according to the you know social media oh I just we just got this going on a man yes recently I worked on a short film and these are moving pretty cool right in the natural we did a great job listen but what God has shown me about the project it's gonna require a whole lot more I cannot be comfortable to say what we've done this and you know we we were able to do that but God is saying no no no inside of that there's so much more that would require more from you I didn't call this to end on a short film I didn't call this to end right here I didn't call it to end with that I could pat myself on the back and say look you know what team we did a great job but it is not what heaven called it to be what is it that you're slacking in because in the natural it looks okay but Sheba had a role to play in birthing the king and so do we and so he tells her go and sell him all this stuff and the next verse says then while you are still talking there with the king I also coming after you and confirm your words I found it interesting because he calls it her words but he gave her the word and then he says I will confirm your work but I gave it to you you see family it all comes back to this place of becoming the word God gave you a word he wants you to take ownership of it it's not just about God well this is what you said you were going to do no no no no I'm gonna become what you said I'm gonna take ownership of this and whatever you own you have a responsibility for if you own a car if the car is in your name it's not gonna be the responsibility of someone else to take it for an oil change it's gonna be your responsibility and so God is saying take ownership take ownership and I will begin to confirm things in your life I'll begin to confirm who you are begin to confirm when you take ownership and you step forward I would confirm that I led you to take that step and family that is when manifestation begins to happen when you take ownership of the word that it doesn't matter what storm comes my way I'm gonna own who God says I am I'm gonna own who I he said I should accomplish on this earth I'm not gonna just be settled in a place of mediocrity I'm not just gonna be so easy to cast things away and say well God might this might not be working out no I'm not gonna embrace societal thoughts because I think that this is my end I think that I'm perishing because of this storm I'm gonna take ownership of it see the fourth thing says that your faith would lead you to sight sights can never inspire faith but faith will lead you to see what God spoke to her David the same King David that we're also talking about he said in the Book of Psalms he said I would have fainted if I did not believe mm-hmm so check this out he says I would have lost energy I wouldn't have had any strength if I did not believe that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the earth in this time his faith strengthened him because he knew that if I believe what God is telling me I would eventually see it if I take ownership of this word that should be my source of strength because I know that I will say this again I'm not starting anything I'm being led to the finish line when you think you're starting something then there is a weight on you it's like well you know what I'm tired you know but when God has said this is who you are it's finished in him the only thing that is happening is that you're being led to the finish line family rise with me as we pray the first set of people I want to call down and this is very critical for many of you this is a actually it's a matter of life or death some have began embracing societal thoughts even the fact of for others the very fact that you're willing to sabotage your destiny is death to someone else because who we are is connected to people if they don't hear our voice that could also be life or death for someone else family letting go of any fear this is the house of the Lord this is not a place of being judged this is not a place of I don't want them to know what dragged you to this house is because your spirit is calling you out it's calling the real version of you that I want you to awaken to who you truly are anyone in this house that is having embracing suicidal thoughts I want you to come down to this altar this is not a time to panic about who is seen me you came to this house to be set free thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come on down [Music] [Applause] come on down come on down Holy Spirit touch the hearts of your people this is not the time to worry about who's looking at you you came to this house for freedom the devil will not have your mind he will not thank you Jesus I would I know when to stop keep coming thank you Jesus [Applause] someone is battling in their in their mind even right now you can't here to be set free but you're still struggling within yourself Healing is gonna take place today deliverance is gonna take place today you're not you're not gonna walk out of here with the same things thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus you see family one thing I've learnt about depression we call it so many things but ultimately depression is an identity battle the enemy is fighting to define you as something that you are not and when you're not certain of who you are it's a battle where if you're not certain then you submit so what he is calling you as but there's something in you that doesn't resonate with that and so this struggle at some point needs to a place where you're like let me just end my life suicidal thoughts come down [Music] thank you Jesus Holy Spirit touch touch the hearts this is not a place this is not where you're gonna be judged I promise you God has purpose to set you free contemplating and for someone you even have dreams of seeing yourself it's almost like you you have dreams of a coffin there's a dream you're having where you almost see it is whether you see yourself in the coffin or you keep seeing this thing with like a coffin and it's like a funeral and you're having these dreams right it's like you're seeing yourself dying Who am I talking to thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's not gonna happen Oh No thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus the next set of people I want to call [Music] it's been so easy for you to just feel like you want to sabotage your own destiny the circumstances in your life it's making you feel as though things are never gonna work out but I'm here to tell you that's a lie because of the circumstances God gave you a word that you would war and fight the good fight through that word if you're here and you've been feeling like giving up your voice you see the enemy is not just attacking the word God gave you he's attacking those connected to the word God gave you if you are here and you know that you are on the brink of you know what I don't know if I can do this anymore I want you to come down here thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] the third set of people and everything I'm calling is literally based on even what the Lord showed me about this house the third set of people when I talked about fear and and the burdens where where there's a fear of being vulnerable there's a fear of God I don't know if you know if I do this and you you're someone who assumes a lot and it's keeping you stagnant when I talked about you have emails that you haven't sent out is literally just in your in your draft there are people you want to call you literally pick up the phone you go to your number and then you do something else I want you to calm down we're not gonna sabotage our destinies anymore [Music] thank you Jesus and finally when we talk about council even when joking about growing up in the church and feeling as though I don't know if this is for me some people hear you you desire a true relationship with God you grew up in what seemed to be religion but Christianity's of our relationship that God will talk to you God will counsel you if you are in this house and your desire is to have a communicative relationship with God that you can speak and he will speak back he can start the conversation and you would respond to see him as father to see him as friend to see him as king if that is you and you desire an authentic relationship with God I want you to come down [Music] thank you lord thank you lord in a moment we're gonna pray but I want us to open the passage it's Psalms 118 I believe everyone who is coming up I want everyone who the first set of people when we talked about suicide and we're all gonna say this together but I want us to all speak this passage of our lives all of us together so let's go I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord family God desires to show you things and no nothing I don't care what it is it's not gonna cut your life short there's a song I want us to sing and I want to pray for some of you I'm gonna call Dana and that's and as she sings this words pay attention to the lyrics and just give me a moment [Music] sweet join me this ain't your where there is a steel [Music] my sphere so cold the [Music] morons [Music] I'm going [Music] so please lay down [Music] you this ain't you [Music] [Music] to destroy to me [Music] [Music] the burns you have carry more in the same shoe [Music] oh come lay down burnt you have carry for in the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he to destroy [Music] [Music] you have Carrie Lauren mistake [Music] [Music] sweet anointing man the same joy there is a steel oh come lay down the burdens you have carry Jesus your healing is here your pregnancy your life is here everything you need is you lay your burden down receive your healing for innocent you will call me down the birds you have carried for in the same [Music] [Music] thank you Lord see what I love about that that song I haven't even heard that song in the longest time but as I was praying about the service I could hear where this this sound was being sounded and what what is so beautiful about the lyrics is a reminder that God is here God is here and when it says lay down the burdens that you carry trust God with the things that worry you trust God that God if you be lord over my life I have nothing to fear because even what even what seems to be against me is for me it is for me a lot of times the things that trouble us the most is not because it's how we feel about things but I declare that we are going into a realm that we know what things are we know what God has put in front of us and why that we would be patient in the season knowing that God if you don't prepare me then the blessing could kill me family it's it's it's bigger than you when we understand that what we are what we are what we are reaching for is bigger than us then it's almost like that in itself is a grace to wait it's not just about me getting this or getting that you see so many times we're so consumed with the external sources of housing or feeding but we have a body that is rent free a body that God has called to carry a destiny that would such nations let's be patient with what God wants to do through us thank you Jesus for your children thank you Jesus for this night I thank you Lord that your children walk in here battling thoughts but you said in your house they will be set free I thank you Lord that as they have come forth every burden is being laid before you I speak Lord God even to those that I have been dreams where they see themselves dying I rebuke premature death in this house in the name of Jesus Lorelai thank you I thank you for the dreams and the destinies and and though and the legacies on the lives of these your children I thank you Lord God that we would not sabotage the help that we are calling for but that we would become we would become we would become your world we will become Lord God I thank you Lord there is a sweet anointing in this house there is a sweet and knowing sins archive and anointing that heals the anointing breaks the yoke I think you Lord God that yokes have been broken off your children every yoke every chain through the renewal of their mind it is no more I thank you Lord that we would know that even the mountain that we face there is a word for it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus your children would arise and shine [Music] they would arise and shine no more will they would they walk around feeling as though the weight of the world is on their shoulders but as they give it to you Lord God they are free to rise up and shine because your glory has risen upon them may the Lord God bless and keep you may he cause his face to shine upon you may he be gracious towards you and grant you shallow shell that is perfect peace family [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 87,369
Rating: 4.903213 out of 5
Id: D-XM0hWNkjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 33sec (4953 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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