Change Your Core | Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm going to be speaking from X 7 X 4 verse 7 X 4 verse 7 and my subject for tonight is change your core change your core and he said that's a word already PT can come and give the benediction we're finished here verse 7 and my text begins it says and when they had set them in the mist that them here's Peter and John just for context Peter and John have been filled with the Holy Spirit they're going throughout Jerusalem they're healing the lame their preaching their prophesy and they're kicking up a little bit of dust wherever they go so much so that they have been called into this council to talk about what it is they've been up to and it says and when they had set them in the midst they asked by what power or by what name have you done this then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them rulers of the people in elders of Israel if we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man by what means he has been made well let it be known to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead by him this man stands before you ho this is the stone which was rejected by you builders which has become the chief Cornerstone nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name having given among men by which we must be saved now when they saw the boldness of Peter in John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men they marveled and they realized that they had been with Jesus father God it is truly an honor to be in your presence and when we've been in the presence of so many other people and so many other industries and opportunities we recognize that being in your presence is like no other thing we've ever experienced and your presence we have joy and your presence we have revelation in your presence we have healing and your presence depression has to loose its hold and your presence sickness has to back away in your presence we are not stressed because we are just marveling at the glory that is your presence and so God we ask that you would continue to allow your presence to permeate every area of this room that you would withhold nothing from us your sons and daughters as we seek to hear from you that we may be changed from the inside out and so God I turned this moment over to you I want to be so close to you that they don't know where I end or you begin but we would become one in this moment so that your glory can be manifested and lives can be changed in Jesus name Amen did you all know you guys know this because you know everything that the most important part of an apple is really not the part that we eat and enjoy but it's the part that we end up throwing away the core the core is defined as the part of the fruit that holds several small seeds and is surrounded by a tough membrane the membrane is encased in an edible layer of flesh and so the most important part of this fruit is not the part that everyone gets to see and enjoy it is the core that most of us throw away but the truth is that it's not important to us but if we were responsible for producing apples then the core would be more important to us because we would recognize that in order for us to produce more apples that we would need to make sure that we protected the core I'm one of those people who believe that what we see in the natural is a reflection and a clue about us as humans and so when I look at this notion I realize that it is also true that the most important parts of us is not the part that people get to see and enjoy but it's really our core and it's important for us to know that because we will be so glad that we've met someone and that we've been in their presence that we never stop to ask what's underneath them what's who are they at their core and we are the only creation that has the ability to change our core an apple tree doesn't get to decide that it's going to become an orange an orange doesn't get to decide that it will become a pear but yet us as humans us as beings we get to decide that we can change our core there are people in this room who were once so fearful and insecure but I got in this situation and it forced me to get into alignment with God him when I got into alignment with God I went from being afraid of public speaking to being the first one to stand up in the meeting because something happened in my core you got to know that you can change your core I don't always have to be this way I don't always have to think this way I don't just have to accept that because everyone else in my family acted a certain way that I have to act that way too I can change my core I may have been born in this community but I don't have to look like this community I can change my core and if you are not intentional about changing your core you will revert to your default setting changing your core takes intention because we all have a default setting my default setting showed up on me when I was driving I said Lord I thought I was more safe than this she's trying to make a left turn traffic is building up okay but you're supposed to leave a little space so that a car can still make a left turn even if you're at a red light okay two lanes of traffic trying to make a left turn alright here I go first lane stops gives me a little space second lane the girl pulls up and blocks my little space and she's at a red light and she could back up if she wanted to and she just stood there and looked straight ahead I had not had breakfast and I had not had my vitamins and my default setting tried to creep up on me and I just laid on the horn for a really long time I started to open up the door and just go cuz you had a red light and I don't have a number time an opportunity anyway since you want to block the lane I had somewhere to go but now you want to block the lane so you Morenci that was the default setting she came up right here and I had to make a decision in that moment to not let someone else's experience and let someone else his personality and let someone else's decision change who I was at my core you have to know that protecting your core is necessary so you don't fall back into a default setting so when we meet Peter and John in this text they're working with the new core when Jesus first met them they were fishermen and they've walked with Jesus as disciples and now Jesus is gone and they have his Holy Spirit but they have made a decision that I'm not going to revert back to who I was before I had this encounter so now I have to fight for my new court got a fight for this new court because I had this default setting I receive a word and the word stretched in my mind and it stretched in my faith and in that moment I didn't have depression and in that moment I thought I could create and in that moment I thought I could forgive and in that moment I thought that I could love unconditionally and so now I have to fight for the core that I received when I stepped into this newness and so when we begin this text Peter and John are learning to navigate their new connection with Jesus they once had him physically but now they have him in the spirit and their conscious of protecting the court the only way that they can protect their core is that they produce from that core because they have to make sure that they don't go back to who they used to be and the only way I can make sure that I don't go back to who I used to be as if I make a demand that I produce from this Court I've got to say that the way of selling I can't let the old me make decisions anymore because I'm trying to protect this change that I experienced in my core I can't let the old me just speak anymore because I'm trying to change my Court and the only way I can change it is if I start producing from it because the core is what holds the seeds and the seeds will reveal the next version of Who I am and I cannot expect a harvest from somewhere I have not watered and so I have to produce from this new core I have to produce from this new mentality I have to produce from this new spirituality and you have to be conscious of that because when you are used to producing from your old core when you step into your new core it feels a little uncomfortable Peter and John are producing from this new core because they realized that they have a destiny my default setting was a fisherman but jesus said he would make me a Fisher of men and now Jesus is gone but he's given me the spirit so that I can reach other people and so I have to produce from this court do you know that your default setting and your destiny may not be in alignment that's why you can't trust your default setting that's why you have to be willing to change your core I'll give you a practical example your default setting may be a strong independent woman but now you're married I'm not speaking my life I'm just talking about somebody else and if you aren't careful you'll bring your default setting into your new destiny you're shy but God has called you to speak your default setting could sabotage your destiny if you aren't careful and so they have made a decision to not let this default setting you will no longer trust your initial reaction when you realize I can't trust my default setting my initial reaction will likely be wrong because it is what I am most used to doing and so before I act and before I speak I have to qualify what I'm doing with who I've been called to be because my default setting and my destiny don't always align yeah so Peter and John has been working in producing from their core and what happens to them is what will happen to all of us is they've gone from speaking and preaching and now it's time for them to actually start doing and they heal the lame man and when they healed the lame man it begins to create a problem with the Sanhedrin Council because no one had a problem when they were just speaking about Jesus and no one had a problem when they were just talking about it but what happened to them is when they actually started activating from their new core it produced questions god help me when they started producing from their new core it started creating questions amongst those around them you see the Sanhedrin Council at this point thinks that they have gotten rid of this Jesus problem because he's dead and he's been crucified but he left his core in the earth and because he left his core in the earth even though he's not there he's still there because he left something that would be produced from who he was so when what begins in your heart moves to your lips and then becomes tangible for everyone to see it will eventually begin to attract questioning I love this because they are first validated by what Jesus has given them because it attracts this audience and it resonates with this audience and they know that they are doing exactly what Jesus has called them to do and that's how they knew they were producing from their core but you cannot earn the right to consistently produce from your core until you can withstand the questioning that comes when what starts on the inside of you begins to manifest on the outside the questions about where this power came from the questions about where this talent came from and who did you know when how did you get there the questions the questions the questions and let me tell you Peter and John were prepared for the questions because they had already gone through some things that prepared them in advance I want to say it the way I wrote it down Peter Peter and John were able to withstand the external questioning because their insides had an answer the greatest question you will ever answer will not come from those outside of you the greatest questions that you will ever answer is how you respond to the fear and anxiety that lives within you because when you move from one core of being to the next core of being it creates a battle of the core inside of you and when it creates a battle of the core inside of you you can be your biggest critic and your biggest cheerleader depending on what day it was but until you come to a place where you know how to answer the questions that take place inside of you you're not ready to answer the naysayers that exist on the outside of you I gotta say it the way I saw it when I was studying in my room child yeah you see because Peter denied Jesus before he was crucified and it had created questions on the inside of him and when Jesus called for him after he had been resurrected he called for the eleven disciples and he said meet me in our spot and bring Peter it was assigned to Peter that even though he had denied Jesus that he was still included in the plan that Jesus had for him and so Jesus continuing to call him answer the questions that Peter had on the inside of him so sometimes the only answer you have for the questions that exists on the inside of you is not a list of your achievements and accolades it's just one narrative that keeps showing up in your mind over and over again and that Jesus kept calling me in spite of what I did to deny him see we got to get that down in our spirit because those questions keep coming and those questions don't ever ease up but when you remember that Jesus remembered you it makes it easier for you to answer the questions that start on the inside and show up on the outside I'm gonna say it the way I study of Jesus kept Peters name in mind when Jesus said and Peter he kept his name in mind so it was easier for Peter to keep Jesus's name in mind when it was time for a little boy from watts to create a church in Hollywood he kept to Ray's name in mind there's something about when Jesus keeps you in mind that when it's time for you to answer those questions that show up on the inside you can say to those questions and you can say to those fears and you can say to those anxiety that Jesus kept me in mind in spite of what I've gone through and spotted the issues that I've faced because he kept me in mind I can keep him in mind I'm not here because I deserved it I'm not here because I earned it I'm here because Jesus kept me in mind I shouldn't even have the job I should even have the opportunity but Jesus kept me in mind and because he kept me and mine I started producing from my core I started producing from what he saw that on the inside of me and it changed something down in me so much so that I could stand in a room full of lay sayers and not be afraid because I know that Jesus would not have put me in this situation if he didn't plan for me to make it to the other side Jesus kept me Jesus kept me in mind Jesus kept me in mind Romans 8 says that Jesus sits on the right hand of the father making intercession on our behalf that means that Jesus keeps us in mind Jesus and so we have a responsibility to give him something to work with and my texts when we begin in verse 7 they're in the midst of this Sanhedrin Council and the only thing that they want to know is by what power or by what name have you done this and Peter is instantly filled with the Holy Spirit and when he's filled with the Holy Spirit it changes the way he speaks and it changes the way he shows up in the room and it changes the power and the force in which he says what he says you see if Peter had to pull from his own court he may have been unqualified but because he had started practicing on how to produce from the court that God created from him he could stand in the middle of that room and declare who had brought him there and who had produced healing and wholeness in that man's life and I just wanted somebody in this room to know that you've been wondering how can I change my court and still experience the same level of success and comfort that I see other people experiencing and I just wanted to bring this story to your attention because there was something about them saying that Peter and John were uneducated and untrained but yet when they spoke they did it with such boldness and such confidence that they knew that they had been with Jesus how could they tell that they had been with Jesus because it was what came out of my core that was evidence that they had been with Jesus and I just wanted somebody to know in this room you don't need another connection you don't need another hookup you don't need another opportunity you need to pull from another core you need to pull from a different version of who you are you don't have to pull from what Instagram says it's hot you don't have to pull from what the industry says you are you don't have to pull from what your community says you need to pull from a court that has the feet of death itself you need to pull from a poor that will put you in a room where you look uneducated and untrained you have to understand that they were not uneducated and untrained like they weren't speaking ignorant ly or illiterate ly they just did not speak the language of the room that they were in this is a word for the uneducated and untrained but the called I may not have the right connections I may not have gone to the right schools I may not have come up the way everyone else came up but I got a cord that's done on the inside of me and it walks into a room and boldness shoots out of me it walks into the room and all of a sudden people know who I have been with because God did something down on the inside of me that changed my poor in such a way that I'm not afraid and I'm not fearful and I'm not insecure I'm learning to live from this new core and when I live from this new core Hale gets nervous and when I live from this new core I'm not afraid anymore and I've been praying that God would give me something or someone and I should have been praying all along that she would changed my core because if you change what I pull from on the inside then you can change what I'm surrounded by on the outside I must say that one more time so that I could speak to the core of who you are God if you would change my core on the inside then you can change what I'm surrounded by on the outside man thinks that they are against me no I am against everything that is against who my father is [Applause] because Peter and John are on a mission and Jesus gave them marching orders and so when they come into a room and the room doubts them that doesn't move them because they never came into the room for validation I came into this room because I was effective at my mission and when you are effective extra mission you will be called into rooms that question who you are but you get it to decide whether or not those questions change who you are you can question me baby I'm still anointed you can question me all day I'm still blessed you can question me all day his hand has been on my life and Alan talked to every fear and I want to talk to every insecurities and I want you to know that you have not earned the right to question me because you didn't die for me because you didn't go ahead of me I don't mean man I'm talking about fear and insecurity I'm talking about when Peter tells you are you sure you really have what it takes are you sure you really did step into the next dimension sometimes you got to lay a hold of that thought and say you don't have the right to question me anymore cuz I'm pulling from a different chord [Music] [Applause] and you have authority when you operate from your cord you have authority when your core has been with Jesus you see they said that they were uneducated and untrained yet they spoke with so much boldness that they knew they had been with Jesus it was something about what came out of them that let them know that they were connected to something bigger than them and when that came out of them then they knew they couldn't touch them anymore you got to read the whole chapter they tried to threaten them and they told them you have no power to threaten me you have no power to tell me I can't speak the name of Jesus and when that happened they decided that it would be more trouble to stop them than it would be to let them go [Applause] I started to call this message bring your core but I realized that so many times we bring our core we just have the wrong kind of core and what we really need is to change our core imagine how much more confident and powerful you would be if you brought this version of yourself into meetings if you brought this version of yourself this anointing there's no weapon formed against me will prosper version of who you are back into your marriages and back into your businesses and back into your opportunities imagine what would happen if you brought your core into everything that you do I could be nervous I could be afraid or I could just bring my core because my core has been with Jesus that's why you would come to church on a Thursday night that's why you would be watching a video on YouTube because I'm trying to make sure my core gets linked up with Jesus because I got some rooms I need to walk into and I got some missions that I must accomplish and I'm uneducated and untrained but I'm bold as a lion when my course I don't have the right words and that don't have the right to trees but when I linked up with Jesus everyone had to stop and take notice fear has to bow and security has no power because I let my corn [Music] [Applause] I refused to allow my core to go back to its default setting and I feel like we've been straddling the fence of two different course choose ye this day I got a step fully into this thing I got a step fully into my identity I don't know who this is for I don't know who you are but all I could hear when I was praying was it's been a battle of the cores it's been a battle of the cords there's two different versions of you and there needs to be one version that puts both feet on the other side of the line and says at the end of the day I want all of myself to be connected with all of who you are your promise isn't coming until you change your core the marriage isn't coming until you change your core I know that's not a feel-good message and I don't expect for you to clap pushed out but I'm telling you right now that you can't be lukewarm any longer you're gonna have to really decide to be about this thing I'm gonna really have to put the drink down I'm gonna have to really walk away from the friendships I know me and I handling and I can't produce with less of a version of Who I am I'm trying to change my core my family is dependent on it that generational curse will not be broken until you decide to change your core that industry will not take notice of who you are and till you decide it's the core thing it's the core thing that's where your strength is and Peter and John knew when they were in that room that they didn't have anything to be afraid everyone I want you to hear that you don't have anything to be afraid of there is no failure in your core there is no falling off when you're in your core there is no desperation there is no loneliness in your core I'm not saying you won't be in the situation I'm just saying that the situation won't have authority over you because I'm operating from a core that is greater than anything that you can see and what I want above anything is for you to be the most powerful anointed version of who you are for time full-time that every decision you make and every relationship you have and everything you create and everything you put in the earth will come from that anointed version of who you are because I'm on a mission to change the core of the earth and I just need one or two people who would link arms with me and say I'll produce from my core - I may have to break up with the few people I may have to go into seclusion to get myself together I may need to go to rehab I may need to go to counseling but I want to produce from a cord that has been connected with him and I want to be intentional about it because for too long I just allowed myself to produce from my default setting this is just how I do things this is just the default way that I hustle up on relationships it is the default way that I receive love this is the default way that I give love but I want to do something that changes my city and changes my family and changes my generation and I cannot do it if I do not resist my default setting my default setting is lonely my default setting is ambitious but with no wisdom my default setting doesn't care who I had to link up with to make it to the next level but I want to be wise and I want to be proud of Who I am when I look at myself in the mirror and listen we're talking about Peter who once denied Jesus becoming the mouthpiece for him once he's been resurrected and ascended to heaven that means that it doesn't matter how many times you revert it to your default setting my default setting keeps putting me back in this same situation over and over again but it's never too late to change your core and it's never too late to water that core and grow that core so if you're in this room tonight and you know that you continue to fall into this default setting I want to invite you to the altar so that we can offer an opportunity for Jesus to intercede on our behalf Romans 8 he sits on the right hand of our Father interceding on our behalf he's interceding on our behalf what does that mean he's keeping you in mind he's keeping you in mind I'm keeping you in mind I know you haven't always kept me in mind says the Lord I know you haven't always made me the forefront of your thoughts and that's okay I kept you in mind even when you didn't keep me in mind I kept you at the forefront of my mind even when you didn't keep me at the forefront of your mind I was waiting for this moment because I knew there would be a time in which you would decide to produce from your core and to change who you are on the inside I need to change my core I need my quarter partner with you God my core has been partnered with my fear it's been partnered with my end securities and I needed to change one of my favorite parts of this scriptures they said now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men they marveled and they realized that they had been with Jesus because the only way that you can stand with boldness and spite of the fact that you don't speak the way that other people speak and you haven't been trained the way other people have been trained is because you have been with someone who knows all of the training and has all knowledge in their hand and has positions you positions you to thrive in spite us not just so that you can feel good and not just so that your name can be made great but so that he can continue to do what he's doing in the earth so when we talk about changing our core what we're really saying is that I want to be in partnership with you I want to be how you move on the earth the only way that God can move on the earth is if he moves through people and he can only move from those who are intentional about partnering with him and so I am NOT random and I don't just sign up for anything anymore because I have to make sure that what I'm signed up for is a reflection of the core that Jesus has for me I have to make sure that it's a reflection of the kingdom that I have been sent here to establish and we talking about grown folk stuff because changing your core takes discipline and sometimes that's the only thing that keeps us from really changing our core if we're honest I know what I should be doing I just don't have the to stop what I am doing to do what I need to do but did you know that you can literally pray that God would give you discipline god I need you to help partner with me so that I can have the victory over this current struggle God whenever I start thinking about that person or thinking about that thing just let worship pop up in my mind just like your presence begin to saturate me I want to partner with you because I've got some real areas of struggle and I've got some real areas of weakness and I cannot overcome it unless I have your power and authority connect it to me if you're here and you're like you know I was gonna come but I thought about not coming because it's already so full I'd like to give you another opportunity to make your way to this incredible altar of transformation and you can get as close as you can because I do believe that your default setting will keep you sitting in your seat or keep you standing where you are because you're not comfortable but when we talk about changing our courts about us moving outside of our default setting and I want to challenge those of you who are here at the altar to always ask yourself is this decision that I'm making is this thought I'm thinking is it coming from this core that I'm partnering with Jesus with or is it coming from my default setting of fear and insecurity and if you realize that it's coming from your default setting this is a fear-based decision this is a decision that I'm making because I still have a struggle that I'm dealing with and I want you to resist making that decision and instead to live from your core lift your hands in surrender father God we surrender every part of who we are into your precious hands because there is no safer place to be than in the will of God and God for too long I've been in the will of my insecurities for too long I've been in the will of my past mistakes I've been in the will of who my father said I could be the will of who my mother said I could be and God every time I try to pull up I feel like something keeps pulling me down but I know other men that is stronger than any gravitational pull that sin could ever lay a hold of me and so God I'm asking that you would partner with every soul who has a hand in this air God that you would partner with them like never before and not a surface level partnership where we feel you in church and then can't find you again but that we would begin to walk with you and that we would begin to talk with you and that you would begin to consume every part of who we are spirit of the Living God fall fresh in this places only you can do god we want to fresh fire for who you are we want to fresh fire for who you've called us to be God we want to stand in rooms not needing any validation but declaring who we are unapologetically because I know that God who sent me is gonna protect me whether I get the job or don't get the job whether you love me or total of me I've already been loved and accepted by a perfect Savior God that's the kind of thing you can do when you change our record so in security I serve notice on you right now in the name of Jesus you will loose your hold off of these our sons and daughters I rebuke you right now in name of Jesus and I send you back to Hell where you came from depression you can't have their minds anymore you are not our default setting I will not always be miserable I will not always be lonely I will not always be insecure because he who the Sun has set free my god is free indeed and I receive freedom over our sons and daughter I receive victory over these your sons and daughters God let your oil saturate every drop area in this room until our core is changed like never before and God let's see start springing up this only you can do I want to prophesy to every dream I want to prophesy to every generational blessing this is not just a moment at the altar this is a life-changing defining moment and which we will step into a new version of who we are gonna wanna prophesy bonus over this room I want to prophesy fire over this room I wanna prophesy authority over this room God unleash their tongues right now in the name of Jesus that they would begin to prophesy over their own lives No no weapon formed no weapon for me against me that's right depression let me go that's right the poor thing because of no weapons warning God give us back their identity God give them back their power and let them experience what Peter and John experienced in that moment that they would step into rooms not afraid that they are uneducated or untrained but because they have partnered with you they have boldness God gives them boldness and allow it to become their new normal we're not going back to our default setting fear can't have us the enemy can't control us only God has the power and the grace and the anointing to set us free repeat after me Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of my weakness all of my limitation all of my fears you placed in his body and when he was nailed to the cross they were nailed to the cross to no fear no limitation no anxiety no depression because when he was raised free and victorious I was raised up to I receive that power I receive that anointing I receive that glory let it touch every part of my life let it change anything any means that doesn't look like you I want to partner with you and I want to produce with you until the world marvels at what we did together in Jesus name Amen can you celebrate can you celebrate what's going to be produced from this moment [Music] you
Channel: The Potter's House at OneLA x Denver
Views: 1,141,164
Rating: 4.9080586 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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