Why Did "That One Teacher" Get Fired At Your School? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what was the biggest fck up a teacher did to get fired female student was texting in class teacher confiscated the phone and looked through it finding nude pics of the girl that she had taken for her boyfriend the teacher emails the pics to himself he then tried to sell the pictures to a child prn site he used his professional teacher email address when communicating with the people who run the site that's how he was caught police picked him up on campus in the middle of a school day what the fck 60ish year-old band teacher at the school for like 30 years a 17-year seventeen-year-old player confessed her love to him and they had sx she told someone and he got fired after the grapevine spread this is so f ked up oboe players are never s why souls anax to students it had been going on for years at the high school before she was caught there was a teacher in my system who got fired after some kids found his online dating profile it was so weird he didn't talk about the profile at school and it was clearly something he did in his private life like it wasn't even a particularly racy profile he just wanted to meet women his age to date whatever anyway the kids reported finding it and the administration fired him he successfully sued the town for wrongful termination my old chemistry teacher told me he got fired at one school he worked at because he did a potassium-based thermite reaction on the school's new concrete courtyard some wind blew it over and the reaction apparently stained a large patch of concrete purple maybe not the biggest fck up of this thread but one that was completely avoidable she had open liquor bottles in her classroom office a student saw it and told his parents resulting in a principal search she was escorted off the property immediately oh come on man noob mistake everyone knows you can get away with it if you just add baileys to your coffee thermos at home before filling it up he got badly drunk one night and broke into a house so he could sleep on the couch with a stroke of complete genius he chose the house of the chairman of the school board of governors she drove to work high on pills hit a school bus full of elementary school kids and drove off he was the best most enthusiastic and nice teacher i ever had he taught science and would talk to us about video games and stuff during break he was doing an experiment involving fire and flammable liquid and somehow the beaker fell over launching essentially napalm all over the wall some desks and unfortunately a student's face third degree burns and a good amount of mental trauma i feel really bad for him he was one of the nicest people i've met he watched prn while letting us do whatever we want during art lesson his wife was also a teacher at our school some consider prn a form of art my year 12 teacher called a boy in my class rf king cnt to be fair he was he hit a student with a chair had a kid in my spanish one class that was your stereotypical i'm gonna ignore and disrespect the teacher so the ladies will think i'm funny jerk one day in the middle of the year she calls him out for the 100th time for not paying attention and gives him the tension he has an absolute fit gets up gets two inches from this sweet elderly lady's face cursing so loudly his face was blood red and had saliva coming out of his mouth in a quick second i hear the loudest smack and see this kid stumbling backwards onto a desk i look to see the titch's hand slightly raised in the air in her face ghost white eyes in horror of what she had just done the class is dead silent and she just ran out of the classroom didn't see her again for the rest of the year i hope she was able to successfully claim self-defense my elementary grade 0-6 gym teacher yelled at kids for using the gym equipment and hit one of the more annoying kids my eighth grade science teacher got fired because he one told an african-american student to go back to prison and two was handing back tests and was returning an asian student's test which he got on 92 on and said umph parents aren't gonna like that one too much i feel bad for laughing at two girl asked to use the bathroom male teacher said no she said she needed to go as it was that time of the month he gave her a tissue and told her to prove it she stormed out called her mom who raised all kind of much understood hell and he was fired within the day yup he deserved to be fired for sure that's horrific similar was in class with a girl named emma 10th grade she said she needed to use the restroom teacher refused she said she was going through a bad duty and really needed to go he refused stating girls don't need to go as often as boys she threatened to pee on his desk if he didn't let her go if you left class without a pass it's a week's assumption she never missed a day teacher still refused so emma hopped on the desk pulled down her pants and peed all over it papers his phone cockies etc thermite burned a hole through the desk and the floor [Music] i worked in an after-school program and a teacher aide was struggling for money and apparently did some prn on the side no one knew until one of the parents of the kids saw her in a video and went straight to the office and reported her she got escorted off campus with handcuffs it was really sad because she obviously needed the extra money for school and she was really good with the kids i don't even know if it's legal one of my religious education teachers got caught with child prn on his computer he also had a mannequin wearing a school uniform if he wanted to get off to little girls in school uniforms he could have just watched anime a substitute teacher i had in fifth grade sent a kid to the office because the kid asked him to stop rubbing his shoulders sensually he never showed up again his name was and i sht you not mr tickle some horrible horrible girl was being a titan lesson teacher told her to knuckle down or she wouldn't amount to anything her reply was that her plan was to leave school and basically be a baby making machine and sit on benefits for the rest of her life teachers genius reply jesus christ girl the only way you'll get pregnant is if you get in the bath after your dad girl starts crying storms out teacher never seen again molested a bunch of young teenage boys teacher was male he got more than fired he had kids too poor kids didn't deserve to live with that legacy comma more than fired super fired so it wasn't really a teacher it was a substitute but still so he had this really strict no phone rule if he saw phones out he will take it this one girl was snapchatting in the middle of class and he asked her repeatedly to give him her phone she refused and continued making funny faces on her camera then he grabbed her arm and tried to forcefully take it so she hid it in between her legs well this was a persistent man and he really wanted the phone well you can guess what happened next okay fine he was wrong but man some students are real cnts he was a religion teacher he kept saying if someone did something bad he would kiss them someone did something bad he kissed them and bam he was gone my chemistry teacher in grade 11 blew up four windows with a balloon sadly they transferred him what he was doing was demonstrating reactivity fill a balloon with hydrogen and oxygen poke it with a burning stick and it goes boom fill it with hydrogen and chlorine then either poke it or shine a laser at it much more boom now use hydrogen and fluorine well fluorescent lighting will set that off and it'll blow st up when he released the last balloon on a cold dark winter morning in the middle of the school courtyard he hadn't first checked if his laser worked so the balloon kept drifting right up to the windows of a fourth floor classroom that had students inside and the lights on boom he barged into the girls locker room in middle school and said that he mistook it for the boys locker room but that didn't explain why he wanted to stand in our tiny locker room and watch people change anyway he had done other creepy stuff before like asking girls to do stretches while he stared at them among other things he also had anger issues we had a substitute student teacher for a few weeks back in grade school who taught us the wrong way to identify prime numbers i don't remember exactly how she f headed up or what she had us doing wrong but when our real teacher came back and told us to throw out our study guides we never saw the new lady again to be fair he didn't get fired he killed himself in the science store affair with another teacher got out he was married with kids i never knew him or was taught by him but he was awful an art teacher was playing a game with students where you spread your hand and take a sharp instrument an exacto knife in this case and stab the spaces between the fingers he stabbed a student's hand then two years ago same school acquired teacher referred to a black student as the n-word in front of a group of students before a choir concert at christmas time after she was reported she tried to join the teachers union she had previously decided not to join needless to say she couldn't retroactively join and they didn't want to defend her repulsive actions i know of more that they should have fired but weren't nothing that would physically hurt students but bad behavior just the same not my story but my husband's a female teacher at his high school had a relationship with one of his classmates he bragged someone told and she was fired and sent to jail i'm pretty sure i heard that they still ended up together after all that the teacher had multiple guns in the trunk of his car unlocked car within 100 feet of a middle school i guess it's not particularly unusual for rural schools but this is in a los angeles school dude was led off campus in handcuffs male teacher gave his phone to a girl in class to show a picture of his cat it turns out his dick and a cat look nothing alike had sex with a girl whose father had just passed away there had been rumors that he had had sex with numerous students but once he went after this girl it raised some flags that he was a true predator and not just a horny guy who liked 16-year age of consent and older girls comey he was a true predator why wasn't a true predator prior to that he called my class a bunch of [ __ ] and regularly looked down girl's tops jokingly smacked a student student was a dramatic bully teacher got fired teacher's son is still my best friend invite kids from his class to his house for sleepovers and let them do drugs rumors were that other stuff also went on a slightly mentally challenged black kid poked the teacher's mug which had a gold rim and said shiny the teacher then replied s in the hood get shot for that kind of sht what the f ck leaving child prn on the school's computers i don't know why people are so casual with illegal prn like i have an alias as a british man on gmail just to hide my perfectly legal fetish prn my freshman chemistry teacher got caught banging a student and had a bunch of polaroids of her if you could picture a small town totally socially awkward chemistry teacher here's probably what you'd expect slightly long hair tan polyester tight polos every day pants just about a half inch too short thin frame with a little round belly thick rimmed brown glasses and black or brown orthopedic shoes at the time he was around 45 and i would have thought he was a virgin this student was a nerdy band girl would have never expected it looking back she was actually kind of cute it seriously sent shockwaves through the school he ended up serving a little jail time then went on the sx offenders registry three years later at graduation the female student was voted teacher's pet for our senior superlatives my ccd teacher in sixth grade told the entire class about her theory that the sandy hook shootings were fake a girl lost her father to a long and hard fight with cancer teacher pulls her aside a few days later before clarson says it's such a relief that your dad has died now you can finally focus more on your studies well she wasn't fired but put on leave when people were talking she would scream one two three stop nobody stopped so she yelled like a b-i-e-i-e-ike screech and everyone would shut up her nickname was frieza because she had the same voice as the dragon ball character frieza she went on leave with nervous breakdown our old history teacher probably in his early 70s was a chaperone on one of those take your class on a tour of europe trips he had too much to drink and groped one of the female students rightfully so he got fired which is too bad that he behaved like that because he was a hilarious guy and a bit of a legend around the school the guy they replaced his with was a 350-pound dude who decided to hold sing-alongs rather than teach his replacement was a college student who brought in his friend in the ku klux klan to do a qa session it would have been interesting but kkk man was a complete dumbass who couldn't defend any of his ideology he kept his job since he could coach basketball ah yes the old joke from my history classes at college half of all the history teachers in the us have same first name coach a student male forgot his textbook so the teacher also male made him take his shirt off because showing up without your book is like showing up to school without your clothes a biggest fck up i've seen recently was a teacher who yanked a student out of a desk wasn't even her classroom because she had on a hoodie and we can't wear hoodies in school someone was recording and she got fired and we never saw her again at one school i attended the band director assaulted a kid because the kid was having trouble learning a particularly hard song at the school i graduated from the woodshop teacher just went postal and beat the ever-loving sht out of a kid in the bathroom that was about eight years ago woodshop isn't taught there any more because of that incident but the woodshop room still has half-finished projects piles of sawdust and tools laying around i doubt it will ever get cleaned up wait so they totally shut down woodshop instead of just getting a notched tty teacher why special ed teacher was caught with meth in her bag a kid i graduated high school with was a band teacher he was snapchatting a 13 year old student and kept demanding nudes it got to the point that why kept demanding them and threatened her that if she didn't send them he'd post them on social media [ __ ] got caught when the girl went to her parents and told them what was going on looking back it totally makes sense why my male friends would pretty much not let any girl in our friend group be alone with him he definitely gave off a creep vibe and obviously it was way worse than i thought it was i feel so sorry for that young girl who had to go through that kept his stash of weed in his desk not an optimal place as he found out during high school an elderly teacher put a lollipop in her 17yo girl's hoodie and said some things are meant to stay in little girls the dude got fired two months after he started teaching at the school i heard he was also really exist and made racist remarks in class what does that even mean my english teacher went to thailand we were in a private school in europe and he is american for a job search back then he was renting an apartment from a rich student's family the police asked the student for the key and raided the teacher's house they found few ten zero zero zeros of child p renography half of which was all boys he got fired and the news was that he had to be forced back to us but all he got was a year of in-house suspension grounded like when you can't leave about 50 meters your property my middle school teacher was so nice that everyone made fun of him for it so much so that he was fired because he couldn't contain his students being a teacher sounds like a damn hard job i've got mad respect for all teachers out there not a teacher but a sub the school was having a practice lockdown and two kids wouldn't shut up he told them that if there was a real shooter he wouldn't mind if the two of them were shot accuse the whole class of plagiarism we told another teacher explain to us in geometry class how to huff whipped cream cans to get high she was canned the next day the guy who was supposed to be my math teacher freshman year was replaced just a couple weeks before school began because a student ef ked the previous school year turned him in before leaving for college presumably because he didn't want to continue the relationship two teachers who were dating each other both called in sick in the middle of standardized testing week which i'm guessing is a bad time to call in sick coma they called in sick to fly to hawaii and get married it became obvious when they came back wearing wedding rings they told their students and teacher friends and their picks were all over myspace from what i heard the board put them on a probationary period so if they were caught doing anything else they'd be fired well the wife went to the superintendent and custom the fck out and got fired the husband lasted one more year went to a different school and got fired from there and lost his license after a 14 year old girl's parents reported several shady texts between her and him on her phone indicating they had sex didn't lead to a firing if i remember correctly but arts teacher at our school was a heavy smoker art room was on third floor of the building too far for a smoke break so in the short breaks or while we were futzing around trying to paint something she'd sneak out into the corridor and have a smoke she had an ashtray which he stored in the art supplies cupboard outside of the arts room yup the supply is covered with all the paint thinner bush cleaning stuff etc so one day one happy little accident later we're all standing outside the school while the local fire brigade is trying to put out the blaze caused by her half extinguished cigarette and her little ashtray [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 10,100
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, teacher, teacher fired, school, high school, student, class, college
Id: VvqjoIguGKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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