Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix

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read it tell me your glitch in the matrix stories my little sister call her cece and i were exploring the cottage a few years ago and came across a pair of walkie-talkies now this in itself wasn't unusual it's an isolated sprawling place shared by many friends and family who often leave things behind as they come and go we run around in the night trying them out and find out there's about a 10 20 meters cut off range we are fooling around and eventually we are on opposite sides of the house when something like the following exchange goes down breaker breaker come in this is thundercat over sue so see giggling this is dragon seven we are closing in on your location over me my negative you'll never catch me thunder cut out sue [ __ ] giggling who is this methysis thundercut come in poop smith sue to see giggling know who is this at this point i walk into the next room and see cece looking through a bookshelf walkie-talkie abandoned on the floor she says hello to me and the giggling is still coming from the walkie-talkie i look at her i look at the walkie-talkie and ask wait who is this the giggling stops on the other end of the line there's nothing but dead air the next house is a couple of kilometers away and there's nothing but woods and a spooky cave around us cece says she got bored of the walkie talkie a while ago and denies any part in the goofy cod name conversation we search the place top to bottom and find no one and nothing that could have been making the call we try the walkie-talkie a few more times but are never able to raise our ghost girl again i still accuse her of having been the voice on the other end of the line once in a while but deep down i know that when i told her what went down she showed real fear tl a haunted walkie-talkie what if the girl on the walkie-talkie was your sister cece but the cece that followed you home was not your sister ah oh duck you that story wasn't creepy until you said that i had a monkey on my keychain back in high school this chain was three links long one day i was walking out to my car and i heard something hit the ground i looked down to discover the monkey with links one and two of the chains still attached on the ground and link three still attached to my belt all of the links were still fused together my only guess is the chain phased itself apart why am i always so late to these threads sy pair this gets read was a sophomore in hs at my gf's house watching a movie it was around 10 p.m when the flick ended proceed to skateboard home i only lived like two blocks away and it was a pretty quiet suburban neighborhood i'm skating down the hill towards a larger street larger but never really busy especially not at night when i reached the intersection i made a rock i had planned on blasting across the street since there were no cars coming either direction fly off the board skid a good three or four feet on my head right shoulder hip and knee i rolled to my back and screamed out in agony the pain was so bad i couldn't really move look up the road and about 30 yards off is a car coming down the way why and where i landed i was right in its path whoa lane street was right in the middle of his lane why head was aligned with the wheel tried like hell to move screamed yelled couldn't do anything i was about 15 yards off he doesn't see me aches no attempt to swerve zero yards hear him barreling down close my eyes race thing pen eyes look where the car had been offing ear the car behind me okay where it was supposed to be in the other direction ale lights cruising up the road hadn't moved he didn't swerve was like he passed through me or i passed through him there isn't really any way he could have passed over me not with the way i had landed and was positioned in the street it was a little car i can't explain it i got up terrified bloody and baffled hobbled home and went to sleep no one believed me but it's ducking true tl draft fell off my skateboard onto a street with a car headed down at sea car passed right through me middle school the entire eighth grade class had to do this thing called a cultural fair where we research our lineage cultural roots a and d present it after school at night for all families to see and a buddy are cruising the empty halls out of boredom before the whole thing starts and for some stupid reason bet him 10 bucks i can open any locker andy he gets to choose which one he takes my bet and picks a random locker he jiggles the handle and spins the dial on this a few times to make sure it's locked remember t was locker hash 424 oh i look at him ops ssshhh atch this i spin it six right 24 left 34 right i remember thinking these numbers sound right in my head he latch lifts up and it swings open i had something like this happen in my high school history class history was always my thing and i was doing well in the class the teacher decided to split people into teams for a group quiz but he would pick the hardest questions he could think of my group ended up winning with all the answers correct mostly because of me to be honest and immodest so someone on the other team goes jesus christ danger underscore mcboom did you memorize the freaking book he then opens the textbook to a random page nd asks what is a little factoid on the side of the page on page 492 question mark had no idea but right before quiz i had had my book open on random page and read a little factoid thing on the side which was about the genocide in rwanda appropriately titled genocide in rwanda a it was the only thing i could think of so i replied very calmly genocide in rwanda his mouth dropped open he slammed his book closed and said very matter-of-factly [ __ ] you you i have no idea what the chances would be of him opening to the exact random page my book had been open to and asked about that one little paragraph i just happened to read it remains my favorite mean duck to this day edit the teacher was as shocked at everyone else and either missed the ducky part oh or shared the sentiment and didn't care but it was the only time i ever heard anyone get away with using the word duck in front of faculty without consequences at my fairly strict catholic high school two years ago edit three years i had a dream that and meteor ripped through most of my house and my neighbor's house it reminded me of something out of a war movie when a bomb goes off and my roommate and i are disoriented and semi-deaf as we walk around the fire and rubble screaming and looking for roommates and neighbors it felt very real and painful and was horrific i woke up really shaken and told my roommate about it in the morning about three hours later my whole house starts rumbling and we hear the sound of like a turbine engine powering down directly over my house followed by two huge explosions we run outside and there is below in black smoke we run around the block to the houses on the other side and see two houses completely ripped through by a fighter jet the houses were completely destroyed and what was still standing was on fire we tried walking around and yelling to see if anyone was in the houses it was then when my roommate reminded me of my dream i like to say coincidence because i don't believe that but i still can't explain it some photos page next page next edit tld dream meteor rip through edit tld revealed meteorite through miner neighbors house same day fighter jet rips through houses behind me i was driving home from my girlfriends one night going home the back way where i live is very flat so the road i was on was dead straight with no bumps small hills or any places the road got higher or lower or anything like that so i'm just driving straight got my high beams on because there's no one around and i can see everything in front of me there's no houses on either side no driveways just fields nothing behind me either out of nowhere a car appears about 20 feet in front of me driving the opposite direction on the other side of the road i was going pretty fast so i passed them quickly and when i look in my rear view there's nothing there freaked me out so bad i had to pull over and gather my thoughts before i could keep going still freaks me out to remember it edits bulling it to a ton of people have been saying that someone was just driving with their lights off and turned them on to freak me out b but this doesn't make sense because i would have seen them much sooner with my high beams on someone threw out the idea of microsleep which i may have experienced and been woken up from by the other cast headlights there's probably some logical explanation for it but i like to think of it as my experience with glitches in the matrix you pulled over on a dark road alone after that you're the kind of person who dies first in a horror movie [ __ ] you've got a good point guess i'm a lucky one in this universe you probably died in the other one my family owns a house on cape cod the previous owner was a white supremacist with an autistic son named jimmy jimmy was known for putting on a trench coat and fedora climbing trees and shooting cats and dogs with a bb gun when my parents moved into the house they found a bunch of nazi paraphernalia in a bedroom they put it in the shed told the former owner they had a week to get rid of it and then threw it out of course at the age of seven i didn't know any of this that's when i was visited five nights in a row by a figure in a trench coat and fedora he didn't have any detail he looked like a silhouette like he was being powerfully backlit but with no light source he would stand in the corner of the room i sit there crouched i sit on the bed opposite mine my brother's bed arty was at summer camp at the time one time he sat in a rocking chair nd when i looked later he was gone but the chair was still rocking tear a few nights of this told my parents about it my mom called it a nightmare up my dad was intrigued he told me to tell the figure jimmy don't have your stuff the next night hen the figure appeared again in the corner of the room said jimmy don't have your stuff and jimmy walked right over to me put his face an inch away from mine and then disappeared i never saw him again years later i found out about the history of the house i've often wondered if i had heard it before and somehow suppressed it and then imagined my encounters with jimmy but he was and remains entirely vivid to me your description of the silhouette being backlit with no light source is the best i've seen my own experience described i once saw such a figure in the lower floor of my house we lived on a hill and the bottom floor had large windows but felt like a basement i used to sleep down there in the summer because it was cool enough to fall asleep one night i woke up with sleep paralysis and saw the figure in the corner of the room i tried to scream but the only sound i made was the rushing sound of their leaving my paralyzed throat the silhouette had a haunting and invasive quality to it like it didn't respect any boundaries i regained my movement and bolted to the computer room to find a rational and comforting explanation sleep paralysis fine many cultures around the world have a different name and interpretation for the figure most tend to be more negative fast forward to about six months later my sister and i are visiting my dad in the next town over my sister tells us the exact same story same couch paralysis and haunting silhouette in the same corner i had never told her about my story we had an uneasy drive home that night and she was too scared to sleep in her room downstairs years later i still don't like being down there not sure if this relates but out two years into my relationship with my gf we'll call her susan had a dream about my ex rheem went like this was in my room at my mother's house where i lived at the time slamming my ex balls to the wall sexing it up i knew i was cheating on susan but didn't care so in the middle of it i look over to the window which you can see the back porch from and susan is there watching us crying and mortified i then woke up thought it was a weird dream but dismissed it a few days go by and susan and i are hanging out in my room she brings up this weird dream she had a few days prior and describes my exact dream except from her pov looking through the window freaked me the duck out didn't say anything about it at the time i still haven't said anything five or six years later it still weirds me out i was working in a decades old nursing home out in the middle of the woods in pa as a nurse aide on the night shift wife won't come visit me at work because she insists it looks like a rob zombie video a resident pulls a mechanical call bell in the bathroom for assistance i flip it off and help her back to bed as i'm exiting the only way in or out the call bell goes on again i look back and it's not the electronic one in her bedroom which blinks slowly it's the mechanically operated one you have to physically in the bathroom which blinks twice as fast e lady is close to 400 lbs non-ambulatory there is no physical way she cold pulled that bell sure as hell did not indeed there was no one else around my father died in 2008 a night before visiting his house for the last time he appeared in my dream where he handed to me a black camera in a plastic bag and specifically said take this camera as i won't be needing it anymore and i took it from him first thing in the morning i visit his house where most of the stuff is already moved by my uncle and open one of his wardrobes find a sealed cardboard box deep inside rip it open with a knife and take out his retro black camera apparently my uncle missed that one and took off all his other electronics but the camera all i can say is that this experience was a proper communication and it significantly eased my pain knowing that something remains after a loved one passes my mom and i both dream about the same place it's a three-story white house we usually dream about the house on the same night so that in the morning we have conversations like so the house was in the midwest last night yeah no has the laundry out on the line yet no the cloth pins were rotten the first time we found out that we had been dreaming about the same house was the day my ma came out and said i just had the most terrifying dream ever i was in a big square three-story house in the woods and i was just investigating it i think i was going to buy it i went up to the third story and got lost and then ran into this idiot manchild um as he wearing a blue work shirt and suspenders eddie sleep on the mattress in the back room question mark s s was the third story kitchen floor rotting through gh yes yes the conversation went on for hours as we went into minute detail l everything g and i mean everything g matched up p we ended the conversation by each drawing a picture of the house e identical l so yeah h there's that t posted this before in a similar thread that didn't gain traction course i'll preface this with the usual i'm not a superstitious or generally spiritual person but in high school i was in the drum line and we usually practiced early in the morning prior to school starting we were inside the band room that day because it was fairly cold so anyway i'm doing my thing playing the tenors tom's for the layman and i dropped one of my mallets i turned to pick it up and i can't find it it t there is about 10 feet of open bare floor surrounding me and nowhere to be found my instructor stops us and basically just asks me what the problem is so several of us start searching around can't find it i say screw it and grab a spare set about 20 minimums later the band director walks in unlocks his office sits at his desk and knocks on the window i look up and he picks up the mallet off his desk with a look like what is this doing in here i could verify that it was mine because i marked each set t nobody had gone in or out t no gap under the door r locked room m ended up on the desk k there were 15 of us in the room at that time and there was a unanimous nope nope exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark moment nt i was stunned and one of my buddies came unglued addition we pretty much cancelled the rest of rehearsal right there and many if us were pretty bugged about it the rest of the day i couldn't concentrate on anything for almost a week after that eventually my brain just filed it away under unsolved misty recent i went on with life tld replaying drums dropped stick edit it ended up in a locked room okay such an interesting thread i had to register to tell this thing that happened to me it happened two days after i turned eight i live in finland and we had just moved into town our apartment was in these cheap rental high rises eighth floor my grandma had given me a few comic books as a present and i had been reading them ever since the party quite a stack something like 10 to 15 individual comics there was this one book a spider-man comic it wasn't about the usual spidey but something about peter parker's clone acting as crimson spider-man at least that's how it was translated to finish had just returned from school so my parents were still at work and i started reading this comic t some paige the protagonist is crouching on a roof umps down and lands into the spidey crouch and between his legs without thinking anything i just laid down the comic out to our balcony and climbed on the fence using a chair as a ladder as i was sitting there i see some man down and across the street he saw me sitting there and started running towards our house at this same moment i had this really calm feeling taking over me i took a deep breath closed my eyes and jumped down when i jumped i could hear the man screaming exclamation mark exclamation mark one no f allowed by an abbreviation to god help me hen i just heard wind in my ears next thing i know m on the ground rouching like spider-man he-man runs around some high bushes just when i stand up top's dead on his tracks and all color escapes his face he just stood there with absolute terror in his eyes completely silent and looking at me for a few seconds before backing away slowly i felt turning his face off me before he's back at the corner here he turns away returned to the lower door only to find out i had left mikey inside oh i just sat down and waited for my father to return from work on a thing like one hour he was naturally surprised to find me there i found my backpack told him what had happened that m spider-man when we were in the elevator i'd thought it was just my imagination henry returned inside and he saw my comic book laid open on the ground if the page featuring the jump and the balcony door left open he took away the particular comic book and never allowed me on the balcony before i turned 12 and we moved to a bit better house herd floor he also becomes disoriented every time i mention this to him and changes the subject quickly look how he does admit he found me downstairs and balcony door was open i still remember this occasionally clear as day tl dr i was the glitch in the matrix [Music] back when my husband and i first got together we used to work opposite shifts one day i was napping in our apartment before i went to work as i was drifting off i had this strange feeling like he was right there laying with me it was really comforting and warm so i drifting right into a dream where we were napping together outside in the sun i woke up about 30 minutes later feeling totally refreshed my phone vibrated with a text message from my husband it said just took a nap on my break thanks for joining me cool huh decided to marry him in an effort to absorb his powers right after high school i got a job life guarding at a water park resort i had been there about a year and by that point dreaming about work was pretty routine the dreams weren't usually about anything dramatic like rescuing a distressed swimmer or doing cpr but on this particular occasion i had a dream that one of my co-workers rescued an unconscious boy from a particular pool in the dream i was only assisting with the first aid not the primary in the rescue but i remember clearly what the boy looked like i went back to work the next day after the dream after having a few days off and about halfway through my shift i see the kid from the dream walking through the park with his family they were still in their street clothes and had just checked him so there was no way i could have seen him before i nearly fell out of my chair he didn't drown but holy duck was i careful to keep an eye on him the whole time he was visiting mine's not too out there but it made an already great day even funnier i was biking around a neighboring town elora with some friends and we were going to go to the local gorge for a swim we picked up a case of 12 cream sodas and tried to bike with them on one of our handlebars of course this was a terrible idea and as we got to the crosswalk it falls over and breaks open and the cans go everywhere we managed to coincidentally save nine and there were three of us so three each not but jpg yes we are biking i ain't paranoid about dropping things again as i am bound the ones i'm holding nly2 ask my friends to count this hey each have three i'm a little miffed but one less cream soda for me wasn't a big deal oh i check my pockets very thing andy no cream soda figure it must have fallen out w s we parked our bikes in the nearby forest trail hope off my bike as i do i kick a cream soda can that was sitting near my foot didn't hear one fall and it wasn't rolling down the slope of the trail t was just sitting there asked if either of my friends had dropped one of those of course i had both of mine still they said nope the mysterious cream soda can that had vanished returned to me at my feet when we stopped biking i thought about this for a second and wondered if i had put one in my water bottle holder underneath my bike seems logical except that there was already a water bottle in its place we decided it was a wormhole but a glitch in the matrix is just as likely dramatic missing cream soda can mysteriously returns to me via thin air i'm a bit late on this but twice in my life i have encountered experiences with myself as a younger person both times i was with people who did not see the person i saw once in middle school i passed myself walking home he was a little boy who looked exactly like me exactly h he had my same favorite shirt on and he was wearing a blue towel as a cape just as i did he same hair color mine is dark brown now but i was blonde as a child he was running full force and he when he saw me he stopped just as i did he didn't say anything tea just happened my friend was walking behind me about 100 foot and he didn't see any of this terran university i was in a dining hall and saw myself as a high school student myself oh only about five years younger same jeans exact same plaid shirt that i wore until it had holes same hairstyle everything even the same color bag worn on the same shoulder he looked completely lost our eyes met only for a second then he walked out of the dining hall i yelled to him and my friend sitting with me thought i was crazy for yelling at someone who wasn't there me and a mate sitting in a mcdonald's we always ordered out so as not to get a shitty plastic tray for the food but we'd eat in any ways so we finish eating and my mate jolts his left leg and a tray appears at his feet we have no idea where it came from we looked about and no one seemed to be missing one slash laughing as far as we both know his leg created a tray edit one more i just remembered at night to my flatmate remember it being around 11 p.m as i stripped off for bed i remember hearing my flatmates music playing turn off the light and jump into bed get comfortable and roll onto my right hand side and my heart stops as i see some short bipedal creature walking straight through the wall right next to my bed freak and roll to my left to see another creature walking through the wall to my left leap out of bed and hit the lights and the room is empty he music from my flatmates room is also gone and i start freaking out edge my way down the hallway and knock gently on my flatmates door he tells me to come in and he's wondering what the duck i'm up to he had thought i had gone to bed hours ago and had turned his music off to accommodate that he's right bows have passed and it's now after one in the morning i slink back to my room with my heart racing weird night for sure just realize this would totally get buried and it's a story very few know of at least it'll stay that way p please click subscribe if you enjoyed this video
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 7,702
Rating: 4.7432432 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the materials horror stories, glitch in the matrices r/askreddit, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matric stories, glitch in matrix reddit, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in matrix askreddit, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, reddit paranormal, glitch in the matrix stories 2020, creepy glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix, gitm stories, askreddit scary
Id: EA7j0wCm2_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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