Why Charisma is NOT A Dump Stat In Baldur's Gate 3...

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if you have any experience with RPGs then you know what a dump stat is a dumpstat is an attribute that you don't need for your particular character built a clear example of this would be in basically any RPG intelligence in most cases for a fighter if you played pillars of Eternity say pillars of attorney 2 for example then boosting the dare's intellect as a fighter Rogue is non-beneficial if you were a wizard somehow it would be so the nature of a dump set is such that you basically don't need the stat at all to progress your character and above all to be effective in combat because really when you're talking about builds you're talking about the most effective way to defeat your enemies in combat and it really goes beyond that and in most role-playing games you're not punished for dumping certain stats independent of combat meaning a fighter with an eight intelligence and bothers Gate 3 isn't going to suffer particularly in combat or for that matter to prevent my argument here even a fighter with a Charisma of eight isn't going to suffer in combat in Ballers game three and so most bills really are just only talking about combat but I'm going to argue here that Ballers Gate 3 is a little bit different it's far more all-encompassing in terms of its scope so any build that you make ultimately is going to have to take into account the story and the many opportunity costs that arise if you dump one stat in particular and I am of course referring to Charisma specifically if you want to have a good experience in bothers Gate 3 I do not believe that Charisma can be a dump stat it's simply not possible it is the most important stat in the game overall I would argue because there's so many instances of dialogue that are required to progress the story in ways you would like and beyond that even the ability to defeat enemies and gain their XP without fighting them even once that are dependent upon Charisma in as much as you have to pass persuasion check or perhaps some other Charisma related check a recently bore witness to a very popular YouTuber who makes content about Ballers Gate 3 in many video games that I actually respect quite a bit setting his Charisma for his build suggestion to eight saying that you don't need it at all the problem with this is that there are things you will miss out on and you will have a lesser experience despite what Sven has claimed if you do not pass certain Charisma based checks above all persuasion checks and here's the thing yes you can save scum and yes you can reload but I can tell you from experience it's not fun if you have an eight Charisma and a negative one modifier to your charisma checks do you really want in some cases some of the most important cases later on the game where you have 30 checks required do you really want to roll a die 20 times and I'm not even counting inspiration points which you can use up in the process it's immersion breaking and let's be honest it's a pain in the ass to reload your game constantly to get a certain outcome and you actually do need to persuade people in this game to get the right outcomes in certain cases I can tell you from experience it's not fun failing checks again and again and again and failing to convince people certain things at the moment I'm rolling a monk of the way of Shadow and I have a tank Charisma so neither positive nor negative in terms of this modifier I'm currently level eight and respecting starting with Rogue so you can get proficiency and expertise and persuasion has been such a boon and has made my experience so much better than it otherwise would be that I cannot recommend it enough I do not believe Charisma is truly a dumpstat yes purely in terms of combat it is but as much as there's combat in this game to progress the story in ways you want you need to have charisma it's unavoidable now the easiest way to do this is to play a charisma-based character the best all-around package here obviously would be barred followed probably by Rogue for the sake of expertise and in general Sorcerers paladins warlocks any class that is charisma heavy you're going to benefit from that but there are tons of classes that don't and I would suggest to you and this is just my take do not dump Charisma below 10. and ideally if you have extra points which is hard say on a monk build it's very hard because you have strength as a necessity because of Tavern brawler dexterity for Armor class you need some Constitution for some hit points and you need wisdom for AC as well so in the case of the monk intelligence is a dump staff but Charisma is really really difficult so the best I could do was give it 10. but I would strongly encourage you not to completely dump Charisma this is an RPG after all and there's so many instances combat included where you can get XP simply by convincing enemies that they're wrong unless you simply enjoy the combat that has the added benefit I should mention of saving camp supplies saving long and short rests etc etc so that is my argument Charisma is not a dumpstat in Baldur's Gate 3. it simply cannot be if you want to have a good experience in the game if you want to constantly fail checks if you don't care about the outcome in terms of your role playing experience and you just want to see what happens sure but I do not believe for any character that Charisma is an absolute dump stat not the way some people have been building their characters and as always thank you for watching before I go I'd like to invite you to my Discord server where you can discuss Ballers Gate 3 with like-minded people as well as other RPGs and if you like my content you can leave a like comment share and subscribe as it really helps out the channel hit the Bell icon to be informed of my videos and I'll check you out next time take care
Channel: Spell&Shield
Views: 6,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LFIoWP5d5rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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