Why Boat Ramps Are Good Places To Catch Catfish

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it's almost the middle of January and it's 79 degrees very strong storms on the way in the next few hours getting some off and on showers before that time no green jacket today there's a sign that says it's no fishing within 50 foot of that dock right there my depth perception is a little bit off so with the approaching weather even though it's warm I don't plan to see too many boats coming and going out of here very shallow to the right very shallow to the left there's a secondary channel that runs this way comes right up in front of this boat ramping them back out to the main river so I'm fishing moderately deep water 20-something foot I'd say frozen skipjack and fresh gizzard shad it's been a fairly mild winter not cold enough for shad to be the main bait here comes the rain again luckily it's warm I got a little hat over the top of my camera this cast net has several broken Braille lines a good-sized net it's a heavy net and even though it loses a lot of fish I still catch fish with it until I quit being lazy and actually try to repair the thing again [Music] doing me some cast net repair on the side [Music] [Music] Oh healthy blue cat ain't no monster it's fish they'll must add demons are easy to go in and hard to come out [Music] Oh skipjack head got the smaller one I fixed it for the fourth time this time I tied 120 pound Braille lines on it I'm gonna check my radar make sure these storms ain't right on me oh there she comes she getting closer I'm right in between the line of storms here on the front of the front but this is real nasty stuff back here there are calling 70 mile an hour straight line winds tornado watch whole nine yards I plan to be booking out here before that gets here all right people we're going to talk about why boat ramps are good places to catch catfish I guess the number one reason is every boat ramp I've ever been to and I mean every single one of them they're all on the water now we all know the catfish are in the water another good reason boat ramps are a good place to catch a fish as you can access them you can drive right up to them how else you gonna launch a boat if you can't get the boat and trailer up in there so you have access to something you can get in your car step right out throw a bait out a lot of these boat ramps are getting anymore before they want to put signs saying uh you know no fishing within 50 feet of it well it's like me you know I got bad depth perception I really can't tell the distance there so I used my judgement I'm saying that's 50 feet 51 feet that way I'm legal another reason bow traps are a good place to catch catfish there's a lot of times you can catch a bait right there off the ramp them little docks and stuff tend to hold bluegill and stuff around them and the concrete of the ramp itself just to produce algae which produces plankton which is food for shed off in my net one time and got a bunch of them little 2 inch sized ones in there this time but if I waited an hour or so and throw it again I'm liable to get some big gizzards yet a boat ramp is one of the safer places to throw in that although I have hung that's upright on the boat ramp some of them will have little pieces of rebar sticking up or sometimes you'll catch the end of the ramp but either way bait tends to hang right around you can run out of bait next thing you know start throwing your net catch bait right where yeah usually I chose a boat ramp to fish because of these severe storms on the way tornado warnings whole nine yards and my truck is right there I can spit on it from here so I've got easy access pack everything up and get out of Dodge another reason boat ramps are good I'm just going to be honest with you two of the biggest fish I ever lost and I'll guarantee you these fish were triple digit fish we're hooked right off a boat ramp there's a time there's a season when something's going to come around and it's going to swim right in front of that ramp and you get out there at that right time at that right place you're going to be hooked up pin monster fish caught all over the country right off the boat ramp catfish tournament comes in biggest fish on the boats 25 pounds and some guy off the boat ramp catches a 40-pounder another reason but ramps are good places to fish because I don't know how many times I've been out here downtown Knoxville area and got hungry and looked up a Domino's Pizza and had a pizza delivered right here on the rim that's a GPS able spot another good thing about fishing it around is if you ever do break down out here you know good and well the next day someone's probably going to be coming along and launching their boat you got a dead battery or something hey you can probably get jumped off and get on out of here another reason I like catfishing off the boat real I don't get my boots money ain't no mud on that ramp it's a little bit slick sometimes when you go step it on it but you don't get your boots muddy I've had many a good day I don't know what it is about these people they want to catch a boatload of crappie and they had no intentions of eating it at all I guess the whole idea was they wanted to bring it back to the ramp just so they could hopefully show somebody that they caught some fish when they get back to them they want to give you their fish so the guys that like eating cropping I don't know how many times a boat is pulled up said amen you want these crappie many reasons boat ramps are great places to catch catfish but the main one of course is there's water out there that's moving in fast I see Blackwall back that way in the distance all right people she's just about right on me so just a little short trip I was this kind of weather would hit when it wasn't during my fishing time on the weekend but it is what it is I can hear thunder in the background time to go this is catfish Dave from Louisville boat ramp this is a video there was fish in the video that makes it a fishing video its catfish Dave with another one it's not it out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 80,073
Rating: 4.9169192 out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Fishing, Bank Fishing, Shad, Skipjack, Tennessee River, Mustad Demon, Bluegill, Catfish Tournament, Dominos Pizza, Storms, Tornado Watch
Id: c8Zqo0kdE5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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