Shad Kill 2019

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[Music] all right people catfish Dave here title this video is shad kill 2019 well we've had kind of a weird winter it got kind of cold around Thanksgiving and then by Christmas it got kind of mild water temps got up around the 50s people was catching flathead here in January and everything else well towards the end of January we finally got some real cold air below freezing I finally started seeing some ice on some of the back waters and I noticed the bite was really lethargic i was using skipjack fresh skipjack and i haven't used much shed this year but one of the things that makes wintertime such good fishing for blue cats is a shad kill because it just gets them to key in on easy food and they go on the search now the problem with the shad kill is the blue cat can be extremely full already when they swim by your bait basically I noticed really lethargic fishing with the skipjack I got to riding around yesterday well the first thing I noticed was I dunno went out Friday night after I caught some skipjack I caught a blue cat and this blue cat it looked like a basketball I caught it out of shallow water this thing was gorging on shed I'm not you know I'm like you know this kind of looks like a shad kill fish but I didn't really think we had a she had kill yet well yesterday I got to riding around at Caney Creek which is where I'm at now there were seagulls I call them la Mar deagles they were everywhere just work in this water I'm like I wonder these shattered on you know I got the idea that she had might be dying because of all the bird action I come out here in the daylight and sure enough every so many feed on the bottom you see these little bitty thread fins they're the first ones to go there's a small fish through the skinny fish I see more of them they're trying to swim in sideways they're getting ready to die we've got a shad and kill started basically I'm gonna try to take advantage of it the only reason I'm here is to get things sorted out I'm gonna rig up a bunch of rods I went out and got some actual shad because I know that's what they're clean I've got to sort them out and basically this is an easy comfortable place right now I've actually got crappie on the line that's probably not what they're keying on but I'm fixing to dump this net out here and start sorting bait I got all kinds of goodies in that net this morning [Applause] [Applause] typically hey shad kill fish is a gorgeous fish and the best way to catch them is on smaller baits they typically don't want a big hunk of something they're already full you know they see a little speck of something they can eat they're already full they might pick up a little speck of something but this fish is already about to bust he's not going to swallow a one pound bait when he's already about to bust he don't want it you know so during this shad kill I like to use smaller baits there's about a gallon bag a bigger gizzard shad I'm gonna go up here and tie up some lines get ready to move to another spot [Music] feels like a good fish this is on the cropping [Music] it ain't no tank [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's the lot bigger than the one I caught in the Dinka thumb video there's a lot of fish in here back that day but it was early in the winter we're starting to get into close to a thirty pound fish here getting close definitely upper 20s that was on the crappie that wasn't a bad fish to start today like I say I haven't been getting much luck at all on skipjack when water starts getting cold last year we had a bad shad kill and I did better on baits like crappie common carp knowing the hot water I won't get a nibble around here on common carp but during that real cold time they were eating it up so we start getting the real coldest part of the winter I like to experiment with several baits I seen the birds I seen the Walmart Eagles I said yeah this is where to get some fish you start seeing birds out there working like that could be some good fish under them I would like to get some more shad on I would like to get some skipjack on I've got skipjack I've got frozen skipjack I'm just kind of doing a bait experimentation thing going on here and I brought the frozen skipjack just because believe it or not I have seen days in the winter time when they would prefer a frozen skipjack over a fresh one don't ask me why fish they're nuts you know but I have seen that so variety of bait when it gets to be this time of year can be key you might catch a bunch of gizzard shad and that's the best bait to use that day but sometimes they get really weird especially during the shad kill all right people I've got everything rigged up I got my bait sorted out I stayed here for just a minute because I caught that one fish now I'm just going to check and see if it's gonna be active or not it doesn't seem to be super active so there is a shad kill going on so I'm going to hunt down some birds because then birds will let me know where the biggest action is that you know so that's where I'm headed to go find some Walmart Eagles I'm pretty sure I hit at least 25 foot of water with that one there now I might not be as deep out here but I've got one in some deep water out there I like that I know they're feeding on shad so I'm going to put a shadow on at least one of them here's old Walmart eagle dipping down right there another one they're starting eating a little bit the one I caught on that crappie it hit a head so I'm gonna put a couple heads out there I've got a center section of crappie I'm gonna have a head of a gizzard shad I'm putting a head of a skipjack just see what happens that was deep but not as deep I've never actually fished this I've I balled it from the road said it looked like a good spot it's a junction man where it comes in off the main river there's a point here there's a system that goes back that way a system that way I'm on a point there's another point over there and then it goes way back that way it's just kind of a junction where all these fish coming in and out can kind of meet if they're moving this is a great spot to get them [Applause] it's kind of midday not my favorite time to be fishing but they're in here you can bet all these shed did these birds flying around they hear there's a lot of Walmart Eagles out there floating around bunch of them every one small you seen come over and get him about to eat Walmart Eagles they were basically designed by Walmart for Walmart to keep french fries picked up out of the parking lot they come over here eat fish you know well what goes good with fish french fries so they go back to Walmart they eat more fries they come back over here and eat more fish you know it's kind of back and forth till that's why you see them at both places anyway Walmart Eagles a lot of people making fun of my banjo music on my videos don't make fun of my banjo music people this is Tennessee you know I'm saying people make fun of it I'll play it louder I'll play it so loud you can't even hear me talking just for spite well there's the first sign of a fish that's a slow boat and I knew it was that they've been real lethargic the water temps have dropped a whole lot in the last week we've got dead shad now so the fish are full I know it's going to be a slow bite that's the first sign of action so far it's obviously a very lethargic bite water tent drop too much to eat for him right in front of their face so I went through the trouble of tying these other shorter rods up I guess I'm gonna scatter a couple down the bank here they won't catch this bar but at least I'll be placed in a different spot you know get a little wider spread with my baits it's a tough day out so I'm gonna increase my odds here that's pretty deep water right over there I just looked at that didn't think that would be nothing at all I'm in 25 foot of water right there got a little better bait placement I'm gonna give this maybe an hour and a half nothing don't take off here I'm gonna go get me about to eat [Music] gizzard shad finally caught a fish say that's what they're in here feeding on it's it's a slow lethargic bite but the longer we get into winter the more these fish will figure out what's going on and towards the end of the winters start getting into February there might be some really big fish in here oh he's starting to gorge getting him a little bit of a good on him been using these must add wide gap demons and I've been having good luck on hookups with them they're not cheap shad kill people how you like that banjo music [Music] [Music] I'll be cooking Adi she's got me in something I mean I am in something I don't know what [Music] still got me in something come on I'm a fresh bullet see if I can get out of this I don't know if he's on there or not [Music] well he really had me in septum pistou aren't off he's on or not [Music] this is on the skipjack head I've never fished out here I don't know what's out here it acts like it's got it in a tree [Music] I'm not even sure if this fish is still on [Music] this is still on there I'm kind of wrapped he might be coming now I got to be easy because I don't know if that was rock or wood I was on [Music] he's pretty scraped up on whatever he had me on I don't know I got him out of there either way that was on a piece of skipjack so it's not impossible to get him on skipjack yeah I have no idea what's out here hot this first time I've ever fished this part of it I don't know if that was the rocky rocks he had me in or a tree well they're hitting a little bit of everything I guess it is a little kite though either way we're getting a few out here today well that was on a head the one I caught on the gizzard shad was on a head the one I actually caught on crappie was on a head three four threes been on heads that's why he experimented people experiment with different baits with different cuts of baits I've seen days they won't hit nothing but a head I've seen days they wouldn't touch a head you just kind of fill it out from day to day trip the trip week to week month to month these old Walmart Eagles is really get to cruising around there's literally hundreds of them back over that way I'd love to fish the point off that RV park over there that looks like it'd be a good night spot but they ain't gonna let us poor boys over there not unless you run in on one of those $300,000 set of wheels right there with a small bite and still on ahead my two center cuts ain't getting squat all right people cold weather dead shed catfish banjo music all part of the video we are at the beginning of the shed kill all the fish aren't fat yet it's just starting give it a few more weeks we've got another arctic blast coming up here in a couple nights few weeks all these fish gonna look like the swallowed basketballs got out here got a few fish you have the bites lethargic but we're out here in January when a lot of people don't even know you can catch catfish so here's another spot this is Rowan County Park it's in the Caney Creek system here's another video showing the realities of fishing off the bank in East Tennessee this is catfish Dave signing out [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 78,350
Rating: 4.9077668 out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Fishing, Blue Catfish, Skipjack, Gizzard Shad, Crappie, Bank fishng
Id: 0EntYuEtCNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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