Back For Revenge

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all right people catfish Dave here and I'm back for revenge last time I was here which was a couple days ago I got skunked you know I caught a skipjack and I caught a striper but these are catfishing videos so I left out of here skunked you know I had to put that on YouTube had my tail between my legs the embarrassment the whole nine yards well I'm at it again now tonight's a weeknight I do not plan on staying out super late I'm a good hour drive from the house but I do plan on staying till after dark just a bit now there's good and bad to every trip I guess the bad thing is for one my cast wasn't near as good because the wind is blowing strong this direction and I need to be throwing my baits that direction I lost quite a bit of distance on that first throw with that head I'm trying to hit a hump out there I didn't hit it I got a little better on the second cast another good thing is will I don't have the rain factor like I did last time it is a chance of rain you can see the clouds but I'm not just going to get these tornadic storms it's going to flat run me out of here you know got a lot better chance to be able to stay here so I'm starting to see a little bit of bait flip around out there he'll be filling my foley spoon my bait is pretty old last skipjack I caught was here when I made that video several days ago and I do have some old frozen in there I'd rather not use I'm seeing skip so I need to be throwing my spoon I also bought some worms now I've only fished this spot a few times and I'm but I'm seeing a lot of rocks in the water might not be a bad spot to get a flathead now I know most of the flat heads a lot of them are still on the nest but either way it's going to open up my possibilities if I put a couple live baits on floats I don't even know if I can catch a live bait here I've never threw a worm in here in my but I'm gonna find out if that happens the way this wind is blowing it's gonna be hard to use my floats but I'm gonna use them anyway but anyway let me get set up let me try to get some bait the first thing I'm gonna try to score is a skipjack and then I'm gonna try to get some kind of live bait for my floats but like I say I'm not staying out late I'm giving this place another shot now it's still not a great time of year to catch catfish yet and we're still real close to them a lot I'm being on the nest some you know some are off I am around some deep water here so I do have a shot at a bigger fish here instead of the old four pound ten pound fifteen pound dink fish that's what I'm hoping for that's why I came to a place where my fish success isn't high but I usually catch a bigger one when I do I need up little fatter fish on video for a for a change you know I haven't got a really fat blue since uh back in the winter you know I was catching caught a couple close to 41 was a 48 back in January after that it's been dink ville you know five - OH 25 pounds you know I got some decent flat heads over the spring this is primarily going to be blue cat water there's also some stripers hanging but I'm gonna try for these flat heads I've never tried it in here and I'm gonna throw bait for them just in case you don't know until you throw that's my motto so let's go I normally throw my hip my Foley spoon on a 10-foot surf rod will I shut it in the truck door a couple months back so I found this ugly stick catfish rod and I don't get quite the distance with it but it has the power to throw that one ounce of lead and also the power to snatch the skipjack out of the water real quick so it's working until I get another surprise I'm not getting any luck on the skipjack right now and I'm not seeing them break near as good as I did last time I've seen a couple backs come up out of the water and that's it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna throw water I'm out here on a float while I'm throwing this spoon I might not get a fresh skipjack I might have to use frozen the rest of the nut that's what it's for for when you can't get fresh that's why we got it I never leave home without the zip code dot Diamond deluxe like I say there's not a lot of catfish in this lake there are some good catfish so I'm gonna use all my options I got if I can if I can get a live bait I'm gonna throw them up there there's a lot of rock along this Bank there should be some green sunfish if nothing else if there ain't many bluegill now after it gets dark maybe this wind will die down and I'll be able to get a better cast off that hunt what I'm hoping for I'm just gonna lay this rod down in the grass about see that float gunner I'll grab it I need to be to them for a skip this is real deep off this Bank I'm gonna I'm gonna set that float quite a bit deeper than what it is oh shoot what the hell my god my dang my dang our zip code bout went in the water there [Music] I got a bass going here I don't know what it is gotta be a bass or something we'll have nothing else I didn't get skunked there's a catfish in the catfishing video well mother told dock beam about went in the water there going to be a minute to get this little hook either side of his lip here there we go ha I did not get skunked there's a catfish right there now on the dock diamond deluxe yeah I about lost that bait run I mean I was kind of looking for the float no sudden oh I heard that bait rod hit the weeds by the edge of the water it's poison oak all over that dang Bank and my hook keeps getting caught and I'm about to reach down and get it seeing a couple skips bus but they're all way way over across this thing the bluegill are not super active I can tell you that I'll tell you what people if you ever want to bring you kids out for some great bluegill fishing don't bring them here this floats went under a couple times but every time I go to grab it he lets go skipjack are non-existent - oh man I got hit blasted probably the only hit I'd get all night I've got just about a full moon coming up over there that ain't good skipjack ain't doing squat bluegill ain't doing squat I've got almost a full moon coming up over here this bait getting thing warm ain't getting squat Roli spoon I had one little bite on it I've got old frozen in there I mean that's what I got to use that's what I got to use and I got here a little lighter he skips been busted in here a little earlier in the afternoon and then once they quit they quit I got here Oh probably after they've done quit but it was a workday so I couldn't get out of here - all the way to the end of the day working can really mess up your fishing I'm fixing to grab me something to drink and I'm gonna suck on a york peppermint pattie real quick get back to business here there's a boat ramp over this way and I walked out and it last time I was here kind of looking for any shad swimming around or any blue gills all I seen was these little minnows now I know there's some shad swimming out like thread fins because I can see the pockets but they're nowhere close to the bike I got something on my float finally or just barely under the water like a like a crappie of course when I pick it up he lets go well I've been thumb for skipjack for close to an hour and one little bite nothing landed and that Warren's been sitting off this rocky bank for almost an hour nothing landed you want to talk about a sorry place to catch some blue gills ain't never tried it and to be honest only kept fishing I've ever done here was in the winter but it's a good spot for a big fish I don't care what time of year it is maybe that's why there ain't no blue gills here they don't come and eat them all I'm gonna put on a fresh worm try one more time I mean this is pathetic man I've never seen we couldn't catch bluegill you can't catch something on a worm that's pretty bad I sight fish that boy there might not be two blue gills in this whole Lake but I'm sitting there with this float and I seen this dude swim right up to my feet just cruising the bank I pulled my float in right in front of it first he tried to hit the float I pulled a little more and then he found the worm there ain't many but I got one drop this pump down just a little bit okay she's got a buddy up there I just got a big old striper on here then my blue gills gonna die can't even get him in the water big ol striper I hope he don't swim around the other side that barge my blue gills gonna die he's swimming around that barge I'm a loser come on I don't want my blue good if he's sweating throwing that barge where he's tied up I'm gonna lose this rock what would be great is if I could get the rockfish and kick the bluegill alive [Music] [Applause] that's a rockfish right there whoo I don't know if he's gonna make it or not this wasn't so big he fought hard I'm gonna bust a picture of him real quick I hope he makes it he was a little bit deep hooked as well I'm wondering that's close to a 40-pounder there I'm off to really work to get this fish alive and I might not do it he was deep hooked and he was huge he went belly-up and it's summer so I'm gonna try [Applause] think I'll make it I'm gonna catch him need him I'll make another attempt at reviving him but I'd say he's gone man a really big one like that and summer from that far out you probably not gonna be able to save him become belly-up by Tommy finally come up they're just so strong but I'm gonna try to get him he's a casualty I kind of knew it before I ever took a picture or I wouldn't even bother taking a picture I'm gonna go get my other net so I don't hang my I made a second attempt caught him with my cast net he'd act like he'd want to go well I was hold them up but every time I'd shove him in he'd go right back up to the side now I don't think I hooked him quite deep enough to be guests and even if you do if you uh them air bladders fill up on a striper you really can't save them they're not like a catfish so I'm gonna go get my net and that fish is going to be about 10 mils for some may and some others it's a never really well I can't say I've never had it happen it's very rare a big striper dies on me but now if you hook one slop dab in the middle of summer as long as it took to get that one in you know they probably I'll make it cold water you can usually save them but hot water now go get my net and get him in ain't no sense in wasting them you oh he ain't gonna do it people here's casually since he's occasionally I'm gonna get a couple good picks of them don't put him in the cooler man I'll hate it but ain't no sense in him just floating out there wasting I got one more piece of fresh skip there's a big blue out there if he'll hit got a little but I'll tell you what man y'all seen me save that bluegill while I was pulling in that big fish well I've still got a lot of bluegill night ain't over with yet I hate I lost that striper but man he changed color fast got a muddy he's completely changed color already I'm barely gonna get him in the cooler I'm gonna have to dump my bait out to get him in the cooler getting a little dink peck on the Left getting a little closer to catfish hour right now one thing that the striper guys will tell you is if you get on a bunch of stripers just one after the other in the summer you know you might as well just pack up and leave now you seen me get rid of a 20-pound fish like it was nothing the 25 pound fish was hooked dead in the corner I got him in in no time you know he pulled some drag right out the gate that thing there he kept me loaded up for a while you know I couldn't get him in til he come belly-up he was just too big of a striper and when you do that this time of year from that far of a distance out in this warmer temperatures you're going to lose them some I'm not getting ridiculous amounts of stripers here I'm getting like one per trip hopefully that'll be the last one like I say the smaller ones I horse them in and I can release them big boy like that in this at this time of year now they're a strong but fragile fish man a lot of guys if they're big into the CPR and all that kind of stuff they wouldn't even post that fish dying but I'm going to post it as a reality because it is a reality and with stripers especially the big stripers in the summer when the water temperatures are warm they're already stressed anyway and they pull that hard for that long and it's I gotta say I knew when I got him in he wasn't gonna make it I could just tell I've released too many I've caught too many that's why I went ahead just took a picture I said well I'll get a picture you know the extra thirty seconds but uh hey but don't make it I knew it they pull too hard man well I got that live bluegill I'm planning on staying a little bit I won't throw them on that float I only got one just gonna throw them off over here hope the boat there's one boat left hope you don't get into them [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] plug my phone in I can't stay out real late it's a work night we're gonna give it a little while longer I'll be guys something hit my float oh man this is a good fish got one on the float fly bluegill oh man that's pretty good fish oh man there goes the drag he's pulling drag I got a drag pool here hope you don't get around that dock lot of bluegill scores they're kinda acts like a blanket [Music] one lie bluegill man took forever to catch him I figure there be some flat heads here I've never tried it but I've seen all these rocks definitely a skinny fish man getting off the nest got a lot of dark black in it pretty color pretty color to him now this one's going with if I'm gonna pop a picture of him too [Applause] I'm not gonna be a hole here a lot longer here pretty flathead okay I did get to catfish tonight a channel cat and a flathead because I had enough sense to catch another type of bait besides the cut bait we had the unfortunate striper you know I hate that that that happens this is summer post spawn fishing you know I'm doing what I can out here off the bank and I am at the right place for a big blue I can guarantee you that and maybe not numbers but I'm in the right place I know I've been here before trust me off camera all right people come back for revenge almost the same scenario started out with a striker of course I got my little channel cap which meant I wasn't skunked on my Zebco rod unfortunate for that striper that happens when you catch a big striper and hot weather he was hooked way out here an even farther and he was out there a while for a goddamn man I knew I knew he was done I knew it I've been doing this too long I don't lose many stripers but I'm going to tell you what I also don't usually hook them that size in the summer either that often I usually hook my big stripers in the fall in the spring or the winter but it happened still I ain't seen a blue cat show up but I had enough to me to stop at Walmart and get a pack of worms and I fished and I fished and I fished and not being able to get a bluegill after about an hour and a half I seen one by itself swim right next to the bank cruising for food I said ok and I pulled that float right in front him and he nailed it that's how I ended up with my flat head I had enough sense knowing I was coming back to this spot and I haven't seen a blue yet a tattoo trip so you know or out of the first trip so I'm like well I need to take another form of action which was the live bluegill I ended up with a flat head on video either way it was it was kind of a sad trip with the striper it was a successful trip with getting the flat head and you know it also makes awareness to how fragile those stripers are so I hate that happen I hate that it happened on video especially especially my video but it's a reality that fish is going to be flayed tonight so that's one reason I'm getting out of here early I got to take care of that but I'm gonna keep at this fishing thing it's summer it's a little tough it's it's actually early summer you know post mid to post spawn so anyway hope you all enjoyed this video this is catfish Dave signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 141,417
Rating: 4.9065256 out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Striper, Rockfish, Bluegill, Skipjack, Zebco Dock Demon Deluxe, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, Striped Bass
Id: os_0TcJbQ4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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