Trophycatqueen The Fishing Machine

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all right people catfish Dave here title this video is trophy cat queen part two anyway it's a work night for me so the we ain't gonna pull real long one here got sidetracked by a little bit of vehicle issues so we're only going to get to fish the last part of the day it is high-pressure last time we were here the water was up to the butt of my rods and now you can see it's way out there so the fact I did get a hold of what I thought was a pretty good sized flathead last time I was here that came off and she actually had a good hook up on something that came off we are going to try it again it is still very high water even though it has receded its muddy the main river current is raging fish can come in here and find refuge out of that so we're gonna give this spot a little while now even this place is polling Creek Campground they open in the spring they close around the end of fall backwater Creek system typically the only time I would really like to fish here for a possible big fish would be in the wintertime when it's flooded like now or maybe in the spring right before they get ready to go on the nest they'll come up and look for holes and stuff in here nesting sites last time here it was so windy had a hard time setting Huck on fish it was just blowing this huge bow in my line it's nice and calm tonight lines are nice and tight the only problem is is its high pressure 30.4 ate last time I checked which absolutely sucks fish might not be that hungry but they ain't dead so I got a cut bait for them in case they want to get fed also got a trophy cat queen in this video only she's over there sidetracked fishing for what we'll bike [Music] they ain't no giant but it ain't no John cuz it ain't no skunk and she got her little flathead that's actually why I come in here because I sensed with this flooding Creek she would have a shot at a flathead I caught a flathead in one of my videos out here that I made a couple days previous I said we got to stop by and get some very fresh eggs I had a old shed I said the flood has preferred the fresh shed we set up out here and she got her little flathead so draw her a little photo there is living in South Dakota there's no telling how long it's been since she's caught a flood in and we eaten steak again last night it was t-bone that's not it's Reba in the last two videos I've been the one reeling down and actually set the hook on the fish the two reasons for that the first thing she was here I was even have a hard time setting the hook on the fish because of the extreme wind but another reason is she's never used gear like mine she's used to using braid and it's much easier to set a hook with braid because of the no stretch so her with eighty yards a mono out and a bow in the line I'm not confident she would have really been able to set the hook not being used to that stretch in that mono that kind of distance and she's not used to using my reels my reels or non level line dial with reels and basically she got here we've had very short notice to fish and if we would have had time I would have stuck her Abu reels with braids on my surf rods and then she'd be doing it all but short notice I wanted her at least get a hook up so that's why y'all see me setting hooks he's just not used to these rigs on her her politicking there's no problem she's a bad excuse me I can't touch on YouTube she's a great fisherman trust me just not used to my gear she cooks a mean steak - she said it was good till we got five cans some stuff called peace tea razzle berry ain't bad [Music] Oh - number two [Music] if you all keep wondering why I got to go get her every time we got a bite it's cuz she's doing all kind of stuff she's got this she's got these ice rods over here plucked in the water and so she's got worms stuck out over there for something on these little ice rods you got her a little channel cat but then I go over to see what she's doing you know I gotta see what she's doing and she's over there tying jigs man she's got this big old container full of epoxy and hooks and all these different color powders and she's got this lap full of stuff basically tying jigs in the seat of her truck when it's half dark with all these lines in the water she's just a fishing machine I mean what we got going on here ain't what's going on out here so she's tying all these funky concoctions that I don't necessarily use we got ones ones that change colors depending on the water temperature and then crystal ones they get fish though like that little one that was on the blinged out one yeah she hooked another fish on one while I was throwing her net before we come here she's out there with this little ice road and this jig over hook and fish well I'm trying to catch but this girl is just like preoccupied with 50 different things all to do with fishing at the same time me I throw my cutbacks and I see it I gotta see if she's doing man she's got this lat full of jigs and epoxies and powders and glow-in-the-dark powders and all kind of stuff going on and she's making this stuff while she's fishing and got rods everywhere all over the bank here but she's definitely a true fisherman probably more so than I am because I'm too lazy for all that no they just but now those if you lived in my area you could make your own skipjack jigs because that's pretty much what I use for skipjack those type of jigs and you know tie you a little hair or feather on it put you some glitter on it skipjack love that sort of stuff see how it's white that's whack yes she's making these jigs that change color with temperature changes and I guess it's got something to do with the ice fishing and stuff certain things for when the water temperature drops it'll automatically change to a color that fish typically prefer in those water temperatures pretty cool stuff or at least the color she prefers either way that's some pretty cool stuff I've never even heard of this stuff just being a cat fisherman you know jigs that change color with temperature and she's making him herself it's not okay well she's doing it herself then she's making jigs that change color with water temperature so people that see it just a pretty girl out there on the Facebook pages or whatever posing with fish a lot of them are just these girls that go out with their boyfriends or whatever and he's doing 90% of the work she's the fisherman she's more of a fisherman than I am you know I'm a catfish dude but this girl's just total fisherman she's got million things going on at one time here that was a striper that done that we're out here picking stuff up getting ready to go and I heard one break just about 30 seconds ago pick it up and spit it all right people it's been a long two days it's kind of been a long weekend for me and her both I went to catfish conference that was eight hours round-trip come back the same day she came down the catfish conference yesterday we filmed a video and she busted a brake line so she was going to go to Florida to see some folks I couldn't let her go with the busted break line I knew some good old boys and Kodak Tennessee that could hook her right up with some brake lines so we spent most of the day it was a six-hour job because they had to remove some other brake lines it was all I blew them up and then and then blew up again I guess yeah so anyway we got that straightened out it was just about dark before we got packed up and got down here going on a little bit of a dark bright Sheena blue she's seen the Flathead we missed a possible striper there but basically we've known each other for a while I finally got to fish with her I got to know her a little bit and she's just a lot more than a girl that just puts pictures on the facebook so she's got her truck looks like mine it's just stacked full of fishing gear and rods and reels and she's got like this kayak float thing tied to the top and oars and she's got all kind of stuff going on jigs she's making jigs inside her truck this girl's even more of a fisherman than I am you know what I mean she's like a total fisherman I'm a cat fisherman we got together and been a pretty good old time by being around here a couple of days I've got a lot of respect for her she's got a brain in her head I guess I was going to title this video trophy cat queen part too but instead I'm gonna title it trophy cat queen the fishing machine so anyway this is another catfish day video and you can look her up on Facebook on her trophy cat Queen and she has an Instagram follower there as well sign it out [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 60,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catfishing, Bank Fishing, Fishing, Girls Fishing, Cooking on the river, Flathead Catfish, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, Shad
Id: yJ205DHUytU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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