Hot Bite In Flooded Winter Creeks

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all right people at Sunday February 24th I went to the big catfish conference in Louisville Kentucky yesterday we've had major major rain and flooding all week all the docks and stuff are under the water typically this water level is way that way I'm not even going to attempt to fish the main channel right now I think this could be a good place to pick up a fish the wind is actually not in my face even though it's a 22 mile an hour wind it's kind of crosswind I'm still getting a good cast I believe in these conditions I've got a good shot at picking up some cats today even though we're in real bad flooding conditions I don't know if you all know who dieter milhorn is at dieter milhorn fishing he was up at the catfish conference and he actually did an interview with me you can't really hear me real well because I was hoarse from talking to everybody but that video he's got up he done several live videos from the catfish conference if y'all want to check that out I'm right slap dab in the middle of the day it's not a good time as far as time of the day but I believe all this flooding is going to get these cats moving even though they've been real lethargic with a shad kill I believe the waters have warmed up quite a bit since last weekend I believe I could get something out of here Poland Creek is usually not a great place to fish because it's just slept fished out but with these flooding conditions I believe we're going to have some fish coming in off that main river and coming back in here it's on people feels like a good fish oh that was a really big fish I have no idea how he come off let's get this back out there I can tell you how I miss that fish he was a big fish but because of this wind and because of the distance I'm getting I had an extreme bow in my line and I simply did not run far enough back across that parking lot to get a hook set with that thick wire hook I don't know how big that fish was but he was a nice fish anyway that was a good sign I know there's stuff in here so let's see if we can't pull out another one I've got that rod locked down one of them anyway 22 mile an hour winds the only reason it ain't real bad is I've got my truck parked right behind the camera towards not blowing my camera over but what I'm trying to catch and as far as it pushing the bow in my line it's extremely bad out here I've missed two men I got a lot of Bo on my line extremely amount I'm putting those baits way out there too I have to because this water level is 50 60 foot from where I'm usually casting and I have to cast that much farther and hit that Creek channel so this video also demonstrates a fence Starla brought older I went ahead and lock them both down they're moving real slow to this cold water very lethargic Lee if these fish would hit hard I would get them all but they're moving very slow and lethargic so it is what it is we're here we're gonna make a video regardless the one thing I hate about filming in these kind of conditions is it messes up my hair [Music] [Music] the first big fish I lost men slow-moving heavy thing going on I thought it was a flathead I'm like man it's too cold for that but what do we have there fish on people [Applause] tech blasted on missing some fish today man he had a bow on that deal about lost that rod that had to been a blue center section I'm gonna put a pressure center section on can't believe I'm it I don't know what the deal is look at the draw but I'm missing some fish man that's three I've had a shot at I missed he liked he got my rod didn't he that was most likely a blue there he took off a lot quicker than the mother's them slow bites or flat hit that one there with the blue so far it's bad luck but a good bite one fish landed about lost abroad I hardly ever locked me on my rods but I was getting that real slow bite of course by the time I locked down my rods I get a fast button you bout takes my rod [Music] [Music] little bitty ol blue cat that ain't what we're after [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the other small blue he's a little bigger than the other one I'm gonna let him have that [Applause] [Applause] now this flooding conditions can't bring some big blue cats in here I've been here when you couldn't use but one rod because the bite was so fast and hard with average 30 pound blue cats they might only come in here for a short time and leave out it might be tomorrow morning when they're here when I'm stuck at work [Music] I guess the flat-head bite has left us and these small blues are really moving in here now there's a time that some big blues will move in here over this flooding and if you were here at the right time it probably tomorrow when I'm at work [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you didn't get the hook out of that fish map now we got a double on we got a little bit bigger size fish moving in here now Bank Giants but they're little bigger [Music] backwater Creek people you get them floods going on you can't fish nowhere else start to get a little bit milder water tense in February water is up over the parking lot over the docks over the garbage cans you can't get on a good blue cap bite and as you seen even a flathead alright I guess I'm gonna go get a bite to eat but you see intense flooding conditions the main river is unfishable it's washed docks and stuff down the river there's all kind of weird stuff floating down the river it is unfishable but due to these backwater Creek systems I can get out of the current now the water is high but not only does the flooding hurt the main river as far as being able to fish because of the current it also helps the bike back here so even though I'm stuck back here fishing the bite is better now because of the flooding I'd like to take advantage of these places when it floods typically you can't catch a lot of fish out of this I made a vision video a while back called alternative rod holders here no I got with some a couple little tiny dainty fishes and you can see how much more active it is during the flooding conditions that frozen skipjack just ain't doing much we are under the shad kill they are wanting shed so it's been that way last few videos no monsters landed got some decent fishing done and out here in the middle of the day 22 mile an hour winds with higher gusts I can't complain about this video fishing on the bank we got the rods bent got some fish landed that's how it goes you take them as they come this is a video there were fish in the video that makes it a fishing video this is catfish tied with another one signing out [Music] you
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 54,581
Rating: 4.9461279 out of 5
Keywords: Catfishing, Blue Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Bank Fishing, Fishing
Id: PEDqjrNE0vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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