When The Time Is Right/For The Backwater Bite

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[Music] [Music] all right people it's the last weekend in October it's very windy and I might even write here in another right before dark so I hope not it's already hard enough dealing with the wind I've already got my camera wet once I don't either need either one of these things wind or rain but it seems like it's been windy every day seems like we've been getting a lot of rain that can't stop us from fishing so here we are [Music] last video I made I caught a 50-pounder in a backwater Creek so if something works keep doing it my biggest fish ever came out of a backwater Creek now that don't mean they're always in backwater creeks you got to be there at the right time of year you know spring when they're going on the nest you might find them in a backwater Creek and the spring actually mid summer when they're coming off the nest you might still catch the male's coming off the nest in a backwater Creek in the fall when it starts cooling down the bait fish the thread fins and whatever they move up heavy into the backwater creeks the skipjacks follow them the big fish come in info because there's just massive amounts of balls of shad that can swim through and eat it will that's another good time to fish the backwater creeks when they drop the water for winter pool around November the big fish will kind of move out for a little bit but then as it gets cold the shadows start moving back in again in the winter and you can catch them again all through the winter in the backwater creeks summertime I wouldn't be fishing for a big blue cat in a backwater Creek but it's not summer it's the last week of October all the conditions I told you about have happened I've already got a big fish in the back water creeks that tells me it's time to fish the backwater creeks I don't believe in day time fishing much but it is daytime I'm not working so I might as well be fishing I won't be here late because I do have to work tomorrow I'm a long way from the house not something small chewing on my rods that's definitely channel cat probably won't catch too many of those on that 12 OTT hook after what appears to be a channel cap bite on the left and a turtle bite on the right I will be having to check my baits here before long that was a bigger fish that done that that what no peck picking channel kit it almost like you'd like a flathead bite or a bigger blue that just spit it [Applause] they dropped the rain chance down to 10% that's good now my most likely factor will still be the wind I'm getting a hot channel cap bite over here and that's really not a bad thing because I figured in Big Blue's are in here so I'm hoping the closer it gets the dark that that will pick up at least I know there's no type of atmospheric conditions it's shutting the fish off other than the fact it's a full moon I need to check and see when that moon rises because once it gets up visible you can about hang it up for the night 10:09 p.m. for moonrise so I got plenty of time to fish without the moon that's good hello general kiss just wearing me out over there I'm fixing to try to snatch his lip off with that twelve on hook twelve on circle hook got a channel I'm gonna go get some fresh bait I'm gonna bring my lights and stuff down here getting closer to dark I got that culprit though this wind is coming in spurts I'm going to try to wait till gets a little slack before I throw I'm not getting real far out because it's blowing right in my face I'm wanting to hit that actual Creek Channel and I'm getting real close with this one but that one there is hitting pretty shallow [Music] [Music] the time is right for the back water but if something works keep on doing it had the camera shut off start another track when he hit and I had to try and flip it on real quick whoa I'm still getting channel cat bit on that one on the left I hope they slack off because they'll keep my bait too chewed off I know the Blues are in here it's that time of year tink channels mixed in with bigger blues there we go that one wanting to channel [Music] dag-blasted striper swallowed my headpiece they took off like a missile he was ready to go they get all nervous when they see catfish Dave I'm gonna go get another head it ain't a catfish so it just don't count anytime you see bite after bite you gotta check them Bates man that's a couple up holding empty now I'm running heads on one body pieces on the others just to get kind of an experimentation of what they're wanting it seems to be a lot deeper on this left side but so far both my fish it's come to this right which is I know ain't near as deep hey whatever works that's what I'll do I see all this stuff on Facebook and you know cat fishings turned into just one big advertisement people selling this people selling that people invent and stuff like it's gonna be better blah blah blah I've seen something on there the other day some kind of rod holders the best in the market Bank or boat you know what I mean well I've been doing this a while and I can tell y'all that that tackle box style a rod holder right there has landed me a ton of good fish I mean a ton of good fish and not only is it a rod holder but it stores a bunch of my stuff you know I've even sat on it before most out of your money you know that's a rod holder that's a tackle box that's a seat you know so I don't fall for all this sales hype and tactics and stuff going on I've been doing this a while you know what I do works for me I wish it wasn't so windy all the time wind wind wind every time I fish I know it's hard to hear me in the video sometimes with all the wind blowing [Music] [Music] it's that time of year that job a year something's working keep on doing it [Music] like I saw people it's the right time to be in the back waters right now no Giants but by God none of those fish I caught were Dinks either so body pieces ain't getting much - all heads all my big fish this last month other than that 145 pounder in that little bite big fish video was all on head pieces so I'm gonna keep going head pieces if something works keep on doing it I got here it was blowing hard this way now it's blowing hard this way I don't even know if you can hear me say that but it has reversed direction yeah there we go I played letters another striper such a blue it's our good if it's a blue cat it's a good [Music] I'll tell you what it spiked more like a cat than a precious that's a catfish it's a good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I don't know striper he stand too deep [Music] yeah lord have mercy mm well he just chopped me good he taught me good again that's a heavy fish that's a heavy piss oh this is the right time people be fishing the backorder yeah he's uh he's definitely over 40 he's not as long as that last 50 I got but he could be 50 just a shorter fish I'm tempted to weigh him I made a comment that I never caught a good fish in this aqua shirt this is my first one so I'm going to take a picture just wearing this aqua shirt that way I got proof that I caught a good fish in this aqua sure fifty-one eight that's my second 50 founder of the year hey and I caught it in my aqua shirt that's two fifties people on YouTube video I'm gonna get this bad boy in the water jump me good I got him sitting real shallow enough to hold them upright got his gills on her to water I'm gonna let them rest a little bit there it's pretty late we'll take that light but it's a work night so I want to call this a video that's 250 pounders now in back waters because I'm in back waters at the right time of year and I got to tell you man don't let these guys I'm both discourage you it's all about seasons if you know where to be when you can get just as good at fish as they do I mean we're both throwing our baits in the same place in the water this is catfish game with another video so on it now let me go release this fish real quick [Music] that's the video [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 79,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catfishing, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, Striper, Skipjacks, Fishing
Id: fzhcTYQl_Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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