Why are Earthquakes on the Increase? - Yusuf Estes

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you're watching the newsroom islam' newsroom the news you want when you want it from the Islamic perspective I'm Yusuf Estes and this is Islam newsroom earthquakes tsunamis hurricanes typhoons and all in the same week how about this earthquakes are occurring every single hour all around this planet yet we hardly notice what's going on what about the prophecies and the predictions of the earthquakes zalazala it's known in Islam that in the last days earthquakes will be so frequent that everybody will experience them all around the globe today in California you would be amazed at how many earthquakes of high magnitudes have struck throughout d'andres fault you'd be surprised to learn how many earthquakes and the great magnitudes that are happening all the way from the far northern Pacific in the Aleutian Islands near Alaska all the way down to Samoa the Philippines and Indonesia this is not something new this is something that's been going on for a long time but it's increasing both in frequency and intensity we're going to be talking about that and the prophesies the predictions and where we are in these days of the quakes all that and more coming up right here on Islam newsroom we're gonna take this break and be right back with more Islam news room Islam news room calm our website on the Internet has a special place just for the subject of reporting earthquakes on a daily basis we're linked in to the government's earthquake monitoring so that you can see observe go directly to the site where you will find clear evidence of earthquakes occurring around the world and maybe even in your own neighborhood every single day hour after hour minute upon minute there are quakes of varying degrees all the way from one to two to three even five all the way up to seven and eight magnitude on the Richter scale you would be amazed to learn what's happening we invite you to go to our website Islam newsroom comm and find out for yourself Gold is a box at the top of the page and type in the word earthquake and see what comes up these websites are updated not just every day but by the minute so that you can see and understand what is taking place the prophecies that we spoke of earlier have been mentioned over 1400 years ago both in the Quran of Islam and the hadith or the stories and narrations from the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and we'd like to emphasize that what has been said is coming true to the nth degree when the Quran warns us about zalazala there's a whole chapter in the Quran and the last portion of the Quran called the earthquakes the final earthquakes when they come and the shaking and what will happen and when mankind is spread out across the earth and when the mountains are falling down and looked like carded wool and then what will happen and how the earth will give up her information and what would be known at that time and then it goes on to tell us how serious will it be on that day when mankind is asking what is the matter with her what is going on and exactly what we're seeing happening today when people look around and they say what is going on how did so many earthquakes come not not to 6 10 15 in the same epicenters within a short period of time check it out on Islam newsroom calm for yourself you and I will be amazed if we just spend a little bit of time each day seeing what's happening there and that's not all in the hadith or the stories of the Prophet Muhammad as he was explaining to us what would happen in the last days it's clear without doubt that this is a proof that he was indeed a prophet a prophet of Almighty God because he tells us that in the last days that the frequency will increase the intensity will increase exactly what we're seeing day after day he tells us even in the holy places such as Mecca that earthquakes will be so intense so profound that eventually it will destroy the very holy place of the Kaaba itself this is not something to be set aside lightly this is something to consider heavily as we approach each of those days closer and closer and closer take the opportunity and go to the web site see for yourself compare and then check out the other web sites allows Quran qtf sear these are dot-coms cute etsy.com allows Quran calm and on these websites you'll have a chance to actually experience the translation to the English language from the Arabic you'll be able to hear with your own ears the Arabic and understand from these translations what's being said when it talks about earthquakes this is not a joke this is something serious something for you and I to consider heavily because on that day on that day every human will be shown their deeds and even a tiny atom's weight of good will be seen them and even a tiny weight of evil will be seen that all of this is to indicate to us for sure that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was indeed a true Messenger of Almighty God and to warn us in these last days of what's the inevitable and how we you and I should prepare for that isn't it time that we took this moment to reflect and think what have my deeds earned me to this point where will I stand on the day of judgment how long will I actually live and there's so much more and those same teachings the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told us that lightning would begin to strike people so often that it would not be strange for people to have a discussion about who had just been hit by lightning in recent times so many people being hit by lightning this is another prophecy will it come true I'll leave that for you to decide remember visit our website Aslam muslem dot-com or you'll find these and many other stories we're back with more Islam newsroom we're talking about the subject in general about the weather phenomenon we've been talking of course about the quakes the tsunamis we've discussed to some degree the frequency and the intensity of these monstrous shakings or quakes that have been taking place around the world in addition to that we should mention the other weather phenomenon in the past called omni know what this has done is to bring about some of the strangest weather conditions throughout the southern pacific ocean that anyone could ever have imagined and the Galapagos Islands alone so many different types of life-forms the very birds that Darwin had observed and came up with his ideas of evolution these birds changed not within the million of years that Darwin had supposed but rather within the very senior in fact within only six to eight months because the ecological niche on their islands had changed when the eggs opened up their beaks their bodies were ready to adapt and make adaptations to their new environment how is that possible you ask well it isn't possible by anything we know but it's certainly easy for the one who created everything in the first place isn't it and this is what we have found to be true time and again throughout history when we just about figured out everything as human beings we had to go back to the drawing board and start all over again because in fact we don't know everything Allah tells us in the Quran yeah Lama ma baina aide to him one mark of home well allow you he to know be stay in Manila illa bima saw that in fact Allah is the one who has all knowledge encompassing everything from the beginning to the end well we have no knowledge at all except that which he gives us now let's refer to more of what Allah has said in his book let's look to the Quran and trying to discover some of the other phenomenon one of the things I'd like to mention is about the prophecies dealing with the subject of yeah juju am i George of course for those who are not familiar with the Arabic they'll be wondering what is he talking about well this has been translated into English as gog and magog if you've ever read The Book of Revelations in the Bible if you've ever taken the opportunity to study some of the prophecies that have been mentioned in the old in the New Testament then you to realize just as the Muslims realize these are all signs signs of the last days but who are these people or these beings called Gog and Magog or yeah juju am i judge mentioned in quran in surah al-anbiya chapter 21 and also in alka which is chapter 18 in the Quran these beings these juju a modular gog and magog are in fact one of the biggest of all Fitness calamities or trials tests that the human beings will experience in the last days they will be everywhere they will come from every possible end of the earth and there will be no stopping them this is one of the things prophesied by the proper Mohammed but let us now examine what the quran says about that let's take a look and let's listen to what the quran says let me manliness wali heard you who I mean a little small and sang-hyun a team or whoever does righteous good deeds well he is a believer in monotheism his or her efforts will not be rejected verily Allah will recorded for them well how long are we at in luck and a ban is laid on every town or population which Allah has destroyed that they shall not return to this world again in foody hottia do you wanna do mojo not until win your juju or my judge dog in my god I let loose and they swooped down from every mound and the true promise shall draw near then you shall see the eyes of the disbelievers fixated staring in horror woe to us we were indeed heedless of this nay but they were very moon the politest the wrongdoers in dunya Szabo Jahannam certainly you meaning the disbelievers and that which you were worshipping beside the law is nothing but the fuel for hell surely you will enter it early had them now I do what will be now Hollywood had these idols been aliha gods they would not have entered the fire hill and all of them will abide therein level rufino's a few therein they will be breathing out with deep sighs and roaring therein they will hear not you can rarely those for whom good has proceeded from a law they will be removed far from hell is my aha see Salafi mr. hunt they shall not hear the slightest sound of hell while they live in that which they desire for man I do the greatest terror will not greet them and the angels will meet them this is your day which you were promised Yamato ECG a little co2 come and recall the day when Allah shall roll up to heaven like a scroll rolled up for books and as he began the first creation he will repeat it a promise binding on him truly he threw everybody else warning and indeed it was written in the books before the Psalms the Old Testament the New Testament that the righteous slaves of Allah shall inherit the land only nabi the rarely in this there is a plain message for people who worship Allah Allah and Allah has not sent you Muhammad except as a mercy for all of mankind jinns and all that exists you know say Mohammed it is revealed to me that your Allah your God is only one Allah will you then submit to his will and do his will on earth become Muslims and stop worshipping other than Allah the commentary that we've been talking about is from the early scholars of Islam who memorized and preserved these precious words the translation these are from various individuals and as best we could we've tried to present to you so you could understand because there is such a comparison between the true message of Christianity the true message of Judaism and the true message of Islam that in fact your God is one Lord and to worship Him with all your heart and all your might and all your splint is the basic obligation of every single human being to recognize who your Creator is who your sustainer is and how you can best serve Him doing his will on earth as it is in heaven the words that I'm talking about now are from the New Testament the book of Mark chapter 12 verse 29 when Jesus was asked the question what is the greatest commandment and he responded that the greatest commandment is to know Oh Israel the Lord your God is one Lord and you must love him with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength and we look to the Old Testament in the Torah and we find this is the exact teaching and the Book of Leviticus read read chapter 6 and read the commandments read chapter 5 and find this great commandment the greatest commandment worship one God and the worst of all blasphemy thou shalt not have any other gods beside me meaning Allah we choose now to read from that surah called a teen the fig and look now as you listen to the recitation from the Quran how will I finish a toner regime bismillahi r-rahman or what do you as a what would he see well done I do look for the horn up on a lil Sanofi a Sunita who s felis actually what allah is telling us in this surah in this chapter of the quran is not just about food to eat when he says a teeny was a tune it's a swearing swearing by the fig and the olive and then he swears by Mount Sinai to Racine and the city made safe and that's Mecca these swearing's that Allah is making us to show an emphasis to put such a impact in your mind in your heart when you hear when you read you understand that Allah is swearing what teenie was 18 what duly seen what has it about a deal I mean what a beautiful swing by Allah swearing on these holy places the fig and the olive representing Jerusalem to Racine mal Sinai where Moses received revelation face-to-face with Almighty God and of course Mecca the place where every single prophet has gone at least once to pray and to worship Almighty God since the time of Adam because right after this mighty and illustrious swearing Allah says indeed he created the human being from the best of moles look know in Sunapee a son eat a queen the best of all Summa rudder Nachum us ballast up early then reduced to the lowest of low how many of the Muslims know a portion of the Bible Ana portion of the car how much the soul alike they know that there is the reference to the one God worshipping Him alone without any partners loving him above all things and this is the highest this is the greatest but then the lowest the lowest is to fall prey to the whispering of the devil the Wits West's of the Shaitaan who takes people down down down to the lowest depths of humanity when they begin to worship other than Almighty God they begin to worship Mammon they begin to worship the dunya in Arabic they begin to worship the very thing that was created by a law rather than a law they worship their position their money their wealth they worship their status they worshipped themselves and then deny deny Almighty God and certainly this is what brought about destruction in devastation to the people before us to the people of AD in the mood to the people before of the Greeks and the Romans every single one of these great empires was brought to nothing for what for the very thing that we're talking about when people bring themselves to such a low status but then a lot continues and he tells us what will bring us out of this depth of darkness because he says a little Idina except for those people who believe they come to this correct belief the belief in one God and they do the deeds of righteousness and for them is a reward reward in abundance oh yes and rightfully so and who is the judge and after all isn't a law the best of judges the teachings that you're hearing or from Islam but for yourself you know you can compare and find these same teachings and the teachings of what remains of the Bible of the old the New Testament the Psalms the book of Ecclesiastes and of course in the blue of Revelation it's there although we don't have the original Bible anymore we don't have the original language anymore we do have this book we have this book we have the Quran in the original language the Quran and the arabiya the Arabic exists today not just in our hands not just something for us to look at to read but to memorize to hold in our hearts and recite as you've heard in our program today isn't it time you thought about or I've been talking about this presentation of Islam news from is more than just news for the mind this is news for the heart this is news for the spirit this is Islam you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 29,146
Rating: 4.6983604 out of 5
Keywords: Why, Earth, Quakes, are, on, the, Increase, Yusuf, Estes, Muhammad, Prophet, Quran, Koran, Ahmed, Youtube, Sheikh, Nasheed, Ramadan, Convert, Imam, Lecture, Anasheed (Composition), Holy, Mecca, Arabic, Mecca (musician), Moses, Peace, natural, disaster, Storm, Thunder, Lightning, Tornado, Weather, Flood, Wind, Rain, Thunderstorm, Earthquake (Disaster Type), Thunder (band), Concert Band (Musical Group), Jews, Christians, pagans, Hindus, terrorist
Id: h2N0jW-TN_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2012
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