The Origin Of The Jinn Race

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the genes used to from a very old time and they were here when the genes were residing on the earth and there was no humans on the earth there there are a nation or they are a group of beings alas created they have everything similar to us they eat they sleep they have homes they have religions they were on this earth and they were causing a lot of mischief from the earth and when a messenger would come they would kill that messenger and that is when he believes at that time he was a jinn he was part of their world and he you know ascended high enough that he became part of the world of angels because of his good nature he was a good being and he started worship Allah worship politics until he got through to the ranks of the Angels some of the highest angels in fact there are certain weak Hadees to say that he even worship Allah on every single sky every single heaven he worshiped Allah and he got to so close that he then asked Allah to send with him a group of angels to go back to the earth and to banish these genes to try and curb the violence on the on the earth so Allah allowed that and he came he did that and you know the jinns were now only a few in scarce places of the world and that's when when he came back up Allah knew his intentions because it least was looking for his own little high rank and he wanted to become you know mr. chief and I'm not knew his intention so he wanted to show this and he created Adam and I said Ivan and he told him to bow and here it is refused because he knew the significance of this banner that barring wasn't because of worship that bearing was to accept the authority of Adam and I said I'm over the jinns and over even the Angels so if you saw this and he didn't bow and therefore you know we know the clash that happened you know he asked for extra time and got that that I wanna I'm not gonna let this human being and all these progeny off I want to take as many of them as I can to help fight with me and he said I want to come in front of them I want to come behind them won't come from the right side I went from the left side now you not find most of them to be thankful to you Italy said except for those of your servants have are going to be right yes if you go to any village if you go to any city if you go to any nation you will find that usually a part of their belief a part of their myths and their fairy tales the Djinn are mentioned so whether it be ghosts or spirits or the dead returning in spirit form these are all what we find in the tradition of the people usually they're referring to the Djinn so this unseen world the unseen what they call spirits concerning their origin and their creation we know that the gym are created from a smokeless flame of fire it means the very edge or the tip of the flame the purest and hottest part of the flame this is what the Djinn are created from this doesn't mean that they are now firing the messengers of allah wa alayhi wasalam he was in his masjid in medina and whilst he was praying he reached out and he like grabbed something later on I shall ready Allah and she narrated that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam saw that a Shaitaan a devil a jinn was walking towards him and was going to try and attack the messenger alayhi salatu salam so the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was able to grab hold of this jinn throw him to the ground and the messenger alayhi salam had held him and the words of the messenger were until I felt the coolness of his tongue on my hand and then the prophet alayhi Salam continued and he said were it not for the prayer of my brother Suleiman I would have tied up this devil in the morning so that each of the people could see him because Suleiman alayhis salam said o Allah don't give anybody a king like mine after me we know that from the kingdom of Suleiman alehissalaam was that Allah had given him the ability to do what to have control of the jinn normally we cannot see the jinn unless they take the form of animals or they take the form of humans Allah subhana WA Ta'ala say is referring to shape on verily he and his his followers or his tribe they see you from where you cannot see them the messenger Allah his Salam he told us that there are three types of jinn one type flies through the air and these are the types of jinn which can cover vast distances in a very short space of time they can go huge distances that would take us hours or days to travel the jinn of this type which flies they can cover these distances in the blink of an eye another type comes in the form of snakes and dogs and a third type is based in one place but it travels about yeah everyone it's important to note that they have their own religions sometimes when we think of jinn we think that they're all disbelievers we think that they are all evil but this isn't the case so you'll find jinns who are Hindu Sikh Muslim atheist those who worship the devil they have their own religion is every jinn a shape on and is every shape on a jinn the answer is no you get shale clean from amongst mankind and you get Sharleen from amongst the jinn but not all jinn are Devils we've already established that there are those who are Muslims what do they look like what's the appearance of these share clean now so when I say cheryline I'm referring to the evil rebellious disbelieving ones from amongst the jinn whenever we think about jinn we always have a very ugly picture in our heads in our minds we always have a scary frightening image and indeed this is what the shell team they look like we know that the shaitaan he has two horns it's a hadith which is recorded by Emma Muslim on the authority of even a Marathi ilaha and that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not pray when the Sun is rising or when the Sun is setting because it rises between the two horns of the shape on some of the commentators of this hadith what they have said is that this is the time when those people who worship the Sun they are worshipping so when the Sun rises and the Sun sets this is when those people who worship the Sun they are doing their worship at this time so whilst they are worshiping the shape and he comes and stands in front of them and as the Sun rises or sets it rises through his horns this is what some of the people have mentioned we know that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam he was sent as a messenger for all of the world's allah subhanaw taala tells us in the beginning of surah al jinn say it has been revealed to me that a group from amongst the jinn they have listened and they have said indeed we have heard an amazing Quran we also know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was in medina and he disappeared and the companions were terrified somebody has taken the messenger of allah in the morning the messenger alayhi salatu salam he came back and they were amazed where have you been o Messenger of Allah we spent the whole night looking for you he said I went with the jinn he told them that he had been giving dower to the jinn so the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam took some of his companions and showed them where he had been giving the hour to the jinn and the companions narrated that we could see the remains of the fires that they had lit we know we are f1 the jinn their world is for them and our world it is for us they have their own rules they have their own scholars like we've mentioned like the ones who listen to the messenger hiding his Salam we're back inside to giving dower to the people they have their own laws they have their own civilization it's not for us to meddle or get involved in their world and it's not for them it's not permissible for them to meddle or get involved with our world we mentioned that in general we cannot see the jinn some of the animals they can see the jinn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in a hadith which is recorded by Imam al bukhari if you hear the crowing of a rooster then ask Allah for his bounty because this rooster has seen an angel and if you hear the braying of a donkey then seek refuge in Allah for it has seen a devil also the messengers of the law I lay here Salam told us if you hear the barking of a dog then seek refuge in Allah because they see what you do not see what do the jinn eat and what do the drink gin drink Abu Hurairah already Allah Quran he narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he relieved himself and then he ordered Abu Hurairah radiallahu and to bring him some stones and the prophet alayhi salam told abu hurairah radiallahu and do not bring me bones nor bring me down he said they are the food of the jinn so when we are eating our chicken and our lamb and whatever it might be and we have the bones and we get rid of the bones if the jinn come across this and these are the good believing jinn then this will be food for them by the permission of Allah the eating habits of the shell team the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said as is recorded by imam muslim when anyone of you eats let him eat with his right hand and when he drinks let him drink with his right hand for the shape on eats with his left hand and he drinks with his left hand the jinn they marry and they multiply the jinn they can and they do fall in love with human beings this is one of the reasons why Jin possess a human being is due to love some of the ability of the gin in the times before the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam came the jinns they would ascend to very high places in the sky and then they would try and eavesdrop to try and listen to what was going on in jannah what was the decree from allah subhana wa ta'ala then those jinn they would bring it back and they would whisper it into the ear of the fortune-teller but when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent then allah subhanaw taala caused the skies to be guarded by stars and shooting stars and then they weren't able to listen anymore Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says referring to what the jinn said and we thought we tried to reach the heavens but we have found it filled with powerful gods and burning flames and we used to try and listen but whoever tries to listen now he will find a burning flame lying in wait for him after he came the heavens were guarded and they are still guarded by these by these stars and by these flames so when you see the shooting star then you know that it is a Shaitaan being pursued job it even abdullah about the allahu and he narrates that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when the night falls or when evening comes bring your children keep your children inside for the Devils they spread out at that time then when one hour of the night has passed let them out again and lock the doors and mention the name of Allah for the Shaitaan cannot open a locked door over which the name of Allah has been mentioned one of the abilities that the the jinn have is to possess human beings many people they they completely reject this indeed the Shaitaan flows through the veins of the son of Adam like his blood indeed the plot of Cheban is weak and sufficient is Allah as a disposer of affairs you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 492,975
Rating: 4.8347359 out of 5
Keywords: the jinn series, devils, paranormal activity, haunted houses, magicians, ruqya
Id: HuetaHtM1Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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