Islam Today: Holding on to Burning Ember | Yusha Evans

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so yes this and guess what you think the struggle is tough now it might not be over you need to face up to the reality that it might get worse it might get worse it might get a lot worse are you ready for that it might get a lot worse what are you gonna do what you gonna do about it you're gonna drop that coal you're gonna drop the burning Ember you're gonna give up you're gonna sell your soul you're gonna sell your Acura for a measly price in this world is that what you want to do No so what do we do what do we do we do what we can this is all a lot of Hana what Alice asked from us fear Allah as much as you have the capacity to do so all Allah wants you to do is what you can do do a little bit do a little bit do what's within your capabilities number one worship him as he created you to worship Him give him the idea that he deserves the worship that he deserves worship Him alone with what the Nia the worship anything other than him number two put it a little bit of effort for his sake [Music] in Al hamdulillah al hamdulillah he not matter who when Esther you know who when Esther fearow who when I ruled to be let him ensure Rory and Fuu Cena women say yeah tiara Marina my yahoo fella Mouton Dalai Lama you little fella hadiyyah-lah whatcha doin ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika cara ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu that's it that's all I get Salam alaikum warahmatullahi or better care to whom at least I know there's somebody here now these bright lights I can't see beyond the cameras so I have to know these people here at hamdulillah so Mel hamdulillah it's my honor and pleasure to be here with you I was supposed to be here yesterday unfortunately my flight was canceled over a book they took some of us off so I literally got here just a few moments ago went to the hotel changed and Here I am 16 hours no sleep this is the life of Dawa you just got to keep going so if my thoughts take a moment to get going then no it's because I've been going on about 30-something hours of no sleep hamdulillah it's a small price to pay the topic the topic you see thinking about this topic there were so many things that came to mind and even up into this very moment I hadn't decided what I'm gonna talk about but I know that what comes from the heart reaches the heart so I'll speak from my heart the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said as narrated by an NSA bin Malik rot the Allahu and yachty runnin a sea salmon on a Subaru that they will come a time upon mankind of patience there would come a time upon mankind of patience meaning that this would be a time of struggle this would be a time of hardship and maybe not even hardship just for the Muslims but hardship for humanity the world would be in a very dark place how many of you today believe that we live in a world that's in a very dark place raise your hand world I'm talking about the world the world is in chaos the world is in confusion the world doesn't know what it is doing right now we are lost as a humanity but the Prophet peace be upon him said that upon this time of patience Fahim challah Dini he can Habib al-ajami that in this time of patience in this time of hardship it would be so difficult that for a believer for a Muslim to hold on to the Dean for a Muslim to continue upon their religion and I'm not talking about the religion that was made up by sheer full and full and two years ago to modernize Islam to fit into modern society I'm not talking about the Deen that people claim when they say I'm a Muslim but they don't do anything that outwardly shows the actions of a Muslim I'm talking about when the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam said i alladhina he he met upon the religion that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala revealed to him and the son upon which he himself replicated that Deen in his own life the book of Allah and the Sunnah that for Muslims to stay on that would be like holding on to burning coals or hot rocks what does this mean what do we learn from this what what what lesson can be taking from this because I say this hadith used all the time you can Google holding on to burning coals on Google and look up images and you'll find plenty of posters and means about holding on to the burning embers but what in actuality does that mean for me let's take it from a logical perspective for a moment if you were to take a burning coal let's say you know that the coals that we use to burn the before or from my Somali brothers and sisters their uncie and you get that thing red-hot and put it in your hands what's gonna happen first and foremost the majority of people won't hold it will they I'm when I ask a question please know for the next three days if I ask a question it's not rhetorical I'm seeking an answer most of the people will drop it will they not yes you're gonna drop it it's too hot the majority of people will drop it this is the first lesson we learned and we see it left and right people dropping that burning coal dropping the Dene even if they don't leave Islam and profess some other religion what is left of their Islam is nothing name only maybe even dress only but that's it so most of the people will drop the cold but those few who are strong enough to hold on to it what's gonna happen what's gonna happen you're gonna get burned you're gonna get hurt there's gonna be some pain there's gonna be some pain from holding on to this how many of you think you can hold on to that with no pain you wouldn't feel a thing no you're gonna be in pain and it's going to leave some scars these are the lessons that we learn from this the yes in this time of struggle in this time of fittin trials and tribulations that the um is going through that there will be those who will hold on to that burning coal but it doesn't mean they're not gonna pay for it it doesn't mean they're not gonna get burns it doesn't mean that they're not gonna suffer in pain and affliction you see these are the lessons of consolation we should take from this how many of you believe this um is living in a time of severe tribulation and hardship raise your hand yeah everywhere we go how many of you believe that this is a bad thing that the Muslims are going through right now raise your hand I'm not raising my hand why this is what I want to explain to you today you see we as Muslims are too attuned and too quick to run away from struggle you see we want to live this blissful life we want to have everything in this life we want to have no sacrifice for it no struggle for it no hardship for it we want it given to us on a silver platter we want to live in this life as though we are living in a perfect world and then in return we also want a lot to grant us the highest ranks of jannah and it doesn't know it doesn't always work like that you see the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was telling us what was going to happen but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala already revealed to us every one of us in surat al-ankabut do you think that because you say you believe you won't be tested you see a loss of Hannah over to Al I asked you a question do you think that because you believe and you say you believe that you won't be tested Allah says surely I'm going to test you I'm gonna test you if we want a lot to grant us the greatest favors how many of you want to go to Jannah raise your hands you want to go to Jannah put your hands down all of us who want to go to Jenna what is Jenna surrounded by tell me what is surrounding Jenna what did you reel away he said I'm tell our prophets of the law and he was seldom that was surrounding Jenna anybody hardship struggle temptation fitna guerrilla Lisa damn said that when Allah created Jenna and Jahannam he told me to go look at it and when I looked at Jenna I said oh Allah there is no one who hears about this place except they're going to enter it and I looked at Jahannam and I said my lord there is no one who hears about this place where he will stay away from it then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala surrounded Jenna with hardships with struggles with stress with difficulty and then he surrounded Jahannam with all of the things we love the temptations the easy life the sin immorality the things which are lower desires seek after and he told you real delay said I'm gonna look at it again in jury'll when it looked at it when he looked at Jenna and motives around that he said my lord I don't think there's anyone who's gonna make it I don't think there's anyone who will make it and when he looked at Jahannam he said my lord I think everyone's going here you see jenna is not some road paved with gold bricks the gold bricks are inside the gates the road to Jannah is paved with hardship it's paved with struggle it's paved with trials difficulties afflictions suffering why because once you walk your two feet into those gates you forget about that long road you'll forget about all those struggles all that hardship all that difficulty all that testing all that pain all that affliction all those all those depressed days and depressed nights it'll be all gone you rest forever for eternity but no matter how easy that road is to Jahannam no matter how many desires you've fulfilled in your life no matter how good it's made you feel the moment you are tossed through its gates you will wish with everything that is in you you would have struggled a little bit more see this is the reality we're gonna have to struggle when I have to go through hardship we're gonna have to go through difficulties when we look at the life of our prophet alayhi surat there was to them did he go through hardship remember my questions aren't rhetorical then he go through hardship then he go through hardship similar to over going through a worse worse he was laughed at himself he was spat at himself he was abused himself he was called so many names he was beaten he was fought against wars against him his people turned away from him his family turned away from him his the entire city turned away from him he struggled so much so do you think that you and I should be treated any differently by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala than the way our prophet lai set out to a Sturm was dealt with do you think you're any better do you think you deserve any more we don't live in a time that is so bad we live in a time that is so opportunistic and we're missing the opportunity the opportunity is passing many of us by we're living in a time where yes it's difficult to be a Muslim it's not easy to live Islam openly in the West subhanAllah forget about that is not even easy to live Islam openly in Muslim countries I'm telling you for a fact there are many Muslim countries that have been Muslim since the time and the Companions that you go to and try to live your Deen the way that it was legislated by Allah and His Messenger you'll end up in jail quicker than you will here in Norway what law er thee it'll happen to you so it's everywhere it's everywhere yet difficult but you know with struggle and difficulty with a loss of Hanna who were Tirana comes reward the stronger the test the harsher the circumstances the more Grievous the difficulties the more allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increases the rewards this is the time that we live in you see we forget who we are and I've said this many times on and I've said it on not this stage but a stage here in Norway many times that we've forgotten who we are we've forgotten the legacy of this Ummah that this Ummah has always been an Ummah that's gone through hardship from the very beginning but I know Islam who are even the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said this Islam it started as very strange odd not like anything else what's a euro who had even come back and it would go back to being strange just how it began phatu by lelabear so tuba meaning Jenna the name of a tree in Jannah is Luba so Jenna be for the strangers his companions wanted to know who are these people who are these strangers who are these type of people he said alladhina used to herd them of a suddenness they are the people who when mankind has gone corrupt when the world is gone crazy when the world has lost its mind when it's backwards when it's ignorant they correct them they become the change they become the change in the Companions of the allahu anhu moral boy imagi mean they were that now islam has gone back to being something strange but where the strangers where are these strangers that are out there trying to make a difference in the world where they act there's so few in number I could count on my hands people that are out there trying to make a difference not just make a difference for Humanity but make a difference for the truth make a difference for the truth well officer in the concern la fÊe hosts are indeed by man my time mankind is lost in ladina airman or I'm in awe sorely hearty what the war cell bill ha you see we forget about this except for those who believe and do good deeds what do I sell bellhop and then they exhort one another to the truth they call to the truth what the was so be sovereign they called one another to have patience in this time of difficulty you see we're living in a very opportunistic time that we fail to realize we're living in a time where Islam is absent on the world scene Aslam is not making an impact on the world scene when if you go back a thousand years Islam was changing the world Islam was bringing about revolution and not the revolution of tearing up streets and burning things down and blowing things up no they were making a revolution in science they were making a revolution in astronomy they were revolutionizing the way the world thought and the way the world perceived things they were bringing the world out of the Dark Ages into the period of enlightenment they were the trendsetters on the planet and everyone knew this when someone said I'm a Muslim they were looked at with a bit of esteem now Wow not that's one of those Muslims when the Muslim Ummah was thought of it was thought of as something to be respected or to be dealt with as a serious entity now look at the Muslim Ummah today looked at with such degradation such humiliation such disgust by most of the world why is it our fault I'm asking a question is it our fault it's our fault it's not the media's fault it's not the media's fault stop blaming the media you know what the media's job is to sell you information to sell you information to get viewers to get paid ads on their channels the more people that watch the more viewer Raider ship they have the more they can charge for those commercials and those adverts and they put on their stage that's their job sell newspapers sell magazines and you know what's a hot topic selling right now you in a negative light that every Muslim is your enemy they're hiding in the corners they're hiding waiting to come out and get you so that's what's selling so you can't blame the media for doing what the media has been doing since its inception was their media at the time of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was their media yes or no yes there was media at the time of the prophet alayhi salatu was-salam there were people who carried these messages there were the poet's who delivered messages there were many forms of media at the time of the Prophet that had turned the people against him that had turned the people against Islam they made the people afraid of Muslims that had spies out in the city of Mecca looking for Muslims yes there was media and how did our prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam deal with that media how did he counter act and counterbalance that negative stigmatism against him and his followers you know what they did they lived the message that was sent to them they implemented the commands of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala they did what a lot old them to do say marijuana and it was a struggle there was difficult times they went through hardship they were banished into the desert for three years and almost starved to death but Allah made a way for them they held firm they stayed true to the covenant they had made with Allah Subhanahu WA - Anna they remain steadfast those who say their Lord is telethon must the power mu and then they remain steadfast as Allah says a little Teufel say that they remain steadfast and Allah made a way for them but here in the 21st century we have an who thinks that we should be able to do whatever we want to do this obey Allah every single day do whatever it is we want to do hold on to our Islam only by name and then we should make dua to Allah to save this and he should just come erase all of this hardship and grant us victory it's never worked like this in the past and let me tell you something about the son of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala it does not change the way a lot of deals of the mankind it does not change the way he dealt with those before us is the way he's going to deal with us I'm gonna give you a perspective really quickly about struggle real struggle how many of you I'm sure every hand in this room are aware of the crisis that's been happening for years now in sham raise your hand women children innocent dying every day I've seen too much of it breaks my heart how many of you feel sorry for those people you feel bad for them raise your hand you four bad for them the people of channel you see this is the problem right here this is the problem is that we feel sorry for them let me tell you something right now 10 years ago 10 years ago a decade ago if I were to ask you what is Damascus like what would you have told me but for all of this what was it known for was Damascus known for what was Syria known for anybody clubs party place Damascus was a party city yes or no be honest with me yes or no Damascus was well-known for people to go there and have lavish parties in clubs why didn't you feel sorry for them ten years ago where was your less safe Syria campaign ten years ago when they were away from being when the massages were empty when people were disobeying Allah rampantly left and right and the Deen in Syria was very little very little people even mentioned a lot anymore where were you then feeling sorry for them but now all of a sudden when Allah decides to test them when Allah decides you see you can call it whatever you want to call it you can say this man decided that man decided after Allah he will measure a better the color of Allah is whatever he wills to be so when Allah decided to test them now you feel sorry for them I don't feel sorry for them I feel sorry for those who can't help themselves and I'm trying to help but for the majority of them Allah has blessed them through this because you see the people of Syria the people at that Shan they're in the streets now begging allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala turning to allah the massagin even though the walls are falling down they're full people are coming back to allah people are coming back to the Creator so in reality this may have been their blessing those who have died Allah knows their condition and if they've been have been wronged then Allah is just he's that other no one gets away with anything I heard someone I'm Muslim getting up saying that this man this leader has been getting away with so much tragedy for so long and I'm to him I said to him who did he get away from he might escape the punishment of man forever he might die with never paying for his sins in this life and it might be because a lot wanted it to be so because what Allah has waiting for him in the next life is nothing compared to what he would have gotten in this life a lot is that Adam in navaja deedily arm verily the punishment of Allah is severe so where were you at ten years ago why are you crying now yes we help what we can but where you are anybody here know about the wife anybody ever been to do a raise your hand to be raise your hand you been to it's luxurious glamorous Dubai hmm what's Dubai known for oh it's divine that's almost that's almost a rhetorical question we know what Dubai is known for I mean police police driving Lambos and MacLaren's and wealth and unimaginable clubs and all kinds of nonsense going on prostitution if you think it doesn't happen then you've never been to the way you've never been trying to walk through the bastion for fudger and being solicited on the street in a tub 6:00 in the morning so where is our safe dubai campaign where is that at you don't have no concern for them you're not worried about them as a matter of fact I guarantee you there's a bunch of us if they would give us a visa and give us citizenship we drop everything and run right now you've made it you live in the way what happens when Allah decides to test the vain then we're going to be running in the streets oh the travesty oh let's raise some money for them let's save them oh it's such a horrible thing but you're not worried about them now you see a loss of Hana home with the islet tests those who believe who believe a lot test those whom he loves if Allah is testing this um in such a difficult way like he's testing this man now it's because he has a plan he has a plan and a loss of Hana hoteles plan is always perfect it's always perfect we might not understand that McCormack or Allah we might not understand that we try to make our own plans and Allah plans and I land in a loss of Hannah who without is Carol Maki Dean he's the best of those who plan we never know what might be waiting for us I'll tell you a couple stories really quickly so you can understand that yes we might be struggling we might be holding on to the burning ember right now but Allah has a plan and I trust him who has this plan with all of my heart and soul even if I don't grasp what the plan is right now and it doesn't make sense I trust him there was a woman at the time of door with a laser then she used to earn her living by sewing things and selling them in the market and then the money she would make it the market that day she would buy food to feed her children and extra supplies to knit the next day and that's how she lived day to day anybody in this room ever had to live day to day check to check not having enough money more than what you needed for that very day anybody raise your hand I've been there done that been there done that well like him was my witness Allah is my witness I've had a point in my life where I was walking the streets looking for coins on the street to buy something to eat what law he allows my witness noticed like the struggle day today this woman came rushing in to the or delays around one day and she asked him in a very angry manner is a lot just or is a lot unjust in the wood was taken back by this question what kind of question is this of course Allah is just he said why do you ask she explained to him that she sells and she goes to the market and this and that and she said but today on my way to the market a bird came and snatched what was in my hands and took off with it and now I have nothing to sell and at the end of this day I will have no food to take home to my children it's a lot gesture is the unjust it's a difficult question to answer because this is a bird that is acting upon the fitrah there are lost even Hannah what that I created it with it doesn't think like we think but as the word la sera was preparing the response of this woman some men came in travelling men came in and dropped bags of gold in front of the wood Olay said I'm and said this is siddhartha from us for the sake of allah to whomsoever you think is deserving of it and the wood was surprised and where did where did what did you guys come from and what is this well what's the story here they said that we are merchants we are merchants and we travel by sea trading and selling and buying and we were on our way from one place to another and a very bad storm came and broke our sail broke our sail and the storm was just whipping us about and we were about to die and we made dua all together that oh Allah if you save us from this we will deny donate everything on this ship for your sake alone they said after we had made this dora a bird came along and dropped some knitting material and thread the needle so that we were able to repair our sail and make it here to your land and so here we are fulfilling our oath to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala there would LA said am he looked at that woman and he asked her the same question that she asked him is Allah just or is Allah unjust you have a rub who works for you on land and at sea now is a lot just to you or not and he gave it all to her you see sometimes we don't understand the last plan and we get angry and upset and we get frustrated and we don't know what's going on we just have to learn to have patience that Allah is plan is perfect we just need to hold on there was a man from the self of this own man named abu bakr al ansari he was known as audial Marist and he was a very famous man who was known for his piety he was known for having taqwa for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and even the Rajab writes about him and Abu Bakr is telling his story that one day he was so hungry in Mecca he had no food he had no money he was a machine and he was in the streets of Mecca looking for some food to eat and he came across a pearl necklace laying on the ground and he picked it up and it was a very beautiful pearl necklace was an amazing expensive necklace and him thinking to himself this might be my this might be mother's but knowing that it doesn't belong to him he said let me take it and put it home and wait a while and try to see if his owner shows up and he went back out looking for food later on that day he heard a man calling out an old man was calling that he had lost a pearl necklace if anyone had found it you know to let him know so he went to him and he said I have found the necklace but explained to me what yours looks like so that I can know that is yours he said the man explained it perfectly the amount of pearls what they look like the string that they were on the that it was in everything so he knew this belonged to this man and the man who's offering a reward for this the man was offering a huge reward for whoever found this necklace so I brought over at home got it and gave it to the man and the man is trying to give him the reward but audiometers fan is thinking to himself that I have not earned this he didn't feel right taking the money because he said I've done no work I'm returning to you what belongs to you therefore I don't deserve to be paid for this but the man is still trying to pay him you know how we do take it no I'm not gonna take it take it take it finally abu bakr door just walks away he said i'm not taking it I'm not taking it I feel Allah not taking this so later on he said I couldn't find my sustenance in Mecca so I decided to go somewhere else so he got on a ship to go to another land and maybe seek some sustenance in that way on his way on this trip a storm came and broke this ship into pieces many people died he said but I was able to hold on to a piece of the broken ship and the wind blew me and the wind blew me in the wind blew me to an island can you imagine what he's thinking at this moment this ship and Allah I left Mecca to try to go and seek sustenance in RA I'm almost dying in the ocean I was better off who I stayed he said I got to this island I couldn't find any people so I went to the Masjid he saw a Masjid so he went to it and he sat down and he started to recite from the Quran and his karate his recitation was very beautiful and some people were coming by this message they heard him and they all came rushing in and said Japan Allah you recite Quran so beautifully please teach us and our children how to recite Quran and we will pay you and give you a place to live so he started working there teaching them to recite Quran he had a place to live he was doing okay one day they saw him reading from some of the pages of the Quran that were in the message and they said you know have to read he said yes I know how to read said none of us know how to read or write so if you were teachers to read and write we will increase your salary and pay you even more so they increased his salary and he's doing okay now he's making a good sustenance but after a while he decided that he wanted to leave there he didn't this is not where you wanted to be and they realized that he was going to leave so they decided they said we have to keep him here and the easiest way to keep him here is just get him married if we get him married he's not going anywhere so they asked him there was a girl who had recently been orphaned from a very good family from a very good lineage one of the most beautiful women of that town and she's an orphan now they asked her will you marry this girl and stay here with us he refused it no no I'm not trying to stay and you know the debate went back and forth merrier come on finally he agreed finally he agrees and the nikah was arranged and the girl was brought to him and he said as I looked from her feet all the way up and started to look I wanted to look at her he's now permissible to look at her he said I got to her neck and his head dropped and he started to cry and the people there thought it was because he thought she was ugly and so they were shocked and the girl was so broken she just ran off and the people are like oh my god you just embarrassed this girl she's from a pious family she's the most beautiful girl of this town why me what do you want he said no no I don't think it's not because I think she's ugly he said on her neck she was wearing a necklace that I saw a long time ago I found that same necklace on the streets of Mecca one day and I gave it to an old man and all of the people and the message started chanting Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar they said that Nicholas and that man you gave that necklace to was this girl's father and we used to openly hear him speak about you we used to hear him talk about a man that he met in Mecca who is one of the most pious men he had ever met in his entire life and we used to hear him make dua to Allah for you to be married to his daughter and here you are you see sometimes a mosque plan doesn't make sense to us have a bucket at the time he left Mecca when that ship was broken and he was being pushed about by the wind he probably didn't understand what was about doing with his life had no idea little did he know that he was only answering the door I love this father he was answering the door of his father he had no choice it was the father of Allah for him to go there so he got married to this girl they had children long story short he became a very wealthy man in that place so you see sometimes a lost plan might not make sense like right now when we look at the Muslim Ummah the plan I don't know what the plan is no idea people have asked me what do you think I lost plan is for this immoral I don't know Allah knows best but I do know that a lost plan is perfect and a loss of Hanover to Allah is testing this um like he has not tested this in a very long time Allies footing this ummah through hardship like it's not been put through in a very long time I mean I live in America Donald Trump is all the proof I need that Muslims are going through some struggles this guy is I don't know he's a walk in tragedy man and he's bringing out all of the rednecks in America openly hateful towards this land so yes this and guess what you think the struggle is tough now it might not be over you need to face up to the reality that it might get worse it might get worse if I get a lot worse are you ready for that it might get a lot worse what are you gonna do what you gonna do about it you're gonna drop that coal you're gonna drop the burning Ember you're gonna give up you're gonna sell your soul you're gonna sell your Acura for a measly price in this world is that what you want to do No so what do we do what do we do we do what we can this is all a lot of Hana what Alice asked from us fear Allah as much as you have the capacity to do so all Allah want you to do is what you can do do a little bit do a little bit do what's within your capabilities number one worship him as he created you to worship him give him the idea that he deserves the worship that he deserves worship Him alone with what the Nia the worship anything other than him number two put it a little bit of effort for his sake put it a little bit of effort for his sake allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala asks us a beautiful question in salute Asif yeah you holla Dena Amano Hannah do local morality Java Tintin Jean come in either beam aleem oh you who believe can i guide you to a transaction eighty jarrah a business yes Allah is asking us about business can i guide you to a business that will avoid you a painful punishment it's a rhetorical question because no one wants to be punished Allah says do three things and I won't punish you took me noon a bit leahy what a fool he believed in me and my messenger one and two believed in me and my messenger one in - what - J he doin fi sabili llahi' be a modicum one for Sikkim and then struggle hard put some effort in for my sake do some work for me we are moitie confuso come with your money that I have already given you give it back to me some of it donate Linda back to me and then give me an foe to come give me your time yourself your energy or talents use them for me use them for me they're like Oh Mahalo come in come to meet Errol a moon that would be better for you if you only understood it and then allah subhanho wa taala tells us in the next verse you're filled up on the new book whom i will forgive you your sins or your agenda and then i'll enter you into paradise and i'll give you beautiful homes free generally Adam in the most beautiful part of Paradise Valley Co follows Allah Dean this is the most great achievement of your life then Allah says something next whoa clatter hey vana ha and I'll give you something else which you love which is close to your heart which you beg for Nostrum in Allah I will give you my help I will help you I'll help you will for Eve and I will make you victorious I will help you and I will give you the victory or bashira meaning so give glad tidings to those who believe you see this um we have we think that we have took me no Nabila he water slowly he we say we believe in Allah and His Messenger but what we're missing is the active particle of that agreement with Allah is that we do some work for him that we do something for him that we struggle for him that we strive for him that we sacrifice for him you see this Ummah has lost its meaning of sacrifice unless it's forced upon us unless that sacrifice is forced upon us this Ummah has lost the meaning of that before I leave you my last few seconds I want you to think and remember that everything is not always so bad every non-muslim is not your enemy whoever's been infiltrating the minds of our youth with that idea has lost his or her mind for you to think that every non-muslim is your enemy you've already lost this battle you've already lost your mind in the process every non-muslim is not your enemy at the time of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam he never viewed every non-muslim as his enemy ever there are plenty of people out there did not believe what you believe I do not believe and who you believe in but are not your enemy and wallah he they will stand by our sides if we are willing to do what's right and stand up for what's good we need to start waking up this month that we need to be active in this world doing good being active helping the homeless helping the needy helping the alcohol abuse problem helping the drug addiction of problem helping the homelessness problem helping the orphans problem we need to be involved in this world we cannot live separate to it anymore we cannot act like we're not responsible for the people who live next door to us or the people who live in our neighborhood or the people who live in our city or the people who live in our state or our country we cannot continue with this idea that we are separatists and that we are going to worry about only ourselves and we can care less what happens to the rest of the world because that's understanding and that idea has put us in this position in the first place Allah has taken the leadership from this Ummah because we don't deserve it right now if we deserved it aloud would give it to us Allah will not give this Ummah what it does not deserve and has not worked for so if you want leadership to come back to this Ummah work for it if you want dignity to come back to this Ummah work for it if you want people to respect you work for it the way our prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam worked for it the way his companions worked for it and I'll leave you with this one last small thought if that's not enough to wake you up and I know I'm over my time 30 seconds fine don't don't don't freak out on me I just took a 16-hour flight no sleep I can take a minute and I may have said this last time I was here and I might say it every single time you allow me to come back here because this is what keeps me going this is why I get on 16-hour flights are coming here with no sleep leaving this conference and going straight to Kenya probably with no sleep leaving there going straight to another country for the next four weeks because I have a message to deliver how many of you in this room are Muslim right now raise your hand you're Muslim how many of you born and raised a Muslim you grew up knowing what love was put your hands down how many of you came to Islam later on in your life to reversion you didn't grow up knowing what love was it won't matter for this you know I used to think when I accepted Islam in 1998 that I had done something to accept Islam I used to think that I brought myself to Islam you know that I I struggled and I worked hard and I studied and I finally found the truth and one day I realized something that keeps me motivated to this day what is the first thing that Allah created what did Allah create first the pen alum there's a lot of wisdom behind this and Allah commanded that pen octobe right and the pen wanted to know what do you want me to write My Lord he said write everything but whatever happen ever in the Prophet lays that out to us Adam said that the pen has been lifted and the ink has become dry and that is a book that is with Allah I want you to think about something every day that if this doesn't make you want to work for Allah then your iman is dead dead dead when Allah was writing in that book your story when he wrote your life when he wrote my story he wrote in my story he told that pen write December 1998 I will guide him to Islam before I existed before my parents existed Allah wrote in a book that is with himself that you would be a Muslim he willed it for you and you didn't earn it you deserve it you didn't do anything for it Allah gave it to you as a Naima from himself what have you done with your life to repay it that's why you were Abdullah that's why you're a Mottola that's why you are the slave of Allah because you are in debt that you cannot pay back and the longer you live the deeper that that becomes the only people who were enter into Jannah are the people who Allah forgives them of their debt this is why I do what I do because Allah gave me a gift in 1998 that I didn't deserve I didn't earn it He willed it for me and gifted it to me so that gift I'm gonna use it and I'm gonna share it with as many people as I can that's what this Ummah needs to be about that's what our prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was about sharing the gift you you said that we who are Muslim and born Muslim did nothing to deserve it but what about those who became Muslim later in life did they do anything to deserve it no none of us did anything to deserve it if I go around thinking that just because I decided to leave Christianity after reading the Bible decided to look for other religions and finally found Islam and decided to accept it as the truth that I deserve to become a Muslim no I didn't do how could i deserve something that a loss of Hanna without already written for me maybe I may be a loss of Hanna without her looked at me for some reason and thought that I deserved it but personally do I think that I deserved it no but Allah gave it to me so he saw this is a question that I wrangle with every day and I've asked a lot many times why me why what what is it that was in me that caused my Lord the creator of all things he you opposed the heavens in the earth he who controls the balance of everything in this universe what caused him to look at me and decide I'm gonna guide him to Islam well I I cannot think of any reason that I deserve that therefore I am in debts I'm in debt that's a gift a gift is given to someone who necessarily didn't deserve it but they were given it anyway Allah has wisdom to why he guides we will never know that Allah guides whom ever he wishes and his witness wisdom is ultimate in that fact and I will ask him there would be something I would seriously want to know on the day of qiyama why me but do I think that I deserved it that I do something to earn it no no I don't think I deserved it I give it was given it to it as a gift and I'm very grateful for it I'm extremely grateful for it any other questions from the sisters how about those who never became Muslim what you know like why didn't where why weren't they gifted with Islam like what did they do to deserve not be gifted with Islam now we're asking questions that are getting way beyond my pay love of ability to answer but I can very simply tell you that the reason why I lost to Panama Tyler does not guide people is the same reason why he does guide people it's with him alone that knowledge is with him alone that knowledge is with him alone maybe chef - could elaborate better than that but Allah knows why he does not guide this is why the prophet alayhi salatu was-salam said whom sort of Allah guides cannot be misguided in whomsoever Allah leads astray cannot be guided but except but by him Allah chooses his guidance for whom He wills and he chooses miss guidance for whomsoever He wills and he best knows that he best knows that and this gets into issues this is an area where I behoove Muslims not to go too deep into is the issues of father this is an issue where many Muslims have gone astray and lost their up either based upon this issue yes you hate them please we have with us someone who can answer all of it I don't know why you're asking me questions father you should never in put me on a Q&A session with this man in the rope [Applause] yes if you allow me Jeff yeah if you allow me Jeff if I I know this is a very sensitive issue to be explained but please listen carefully the chef's disallow Herren he was speaking from an added prospective so then from an added perspective yes we believe that Allah Allah Allah guides whom He wills to go yes from an other perspective we believe that Allah Allah Allah guides whom He wills to guide but also from a technical perspective from a other perspective yes if we just leave it up to that point then we will ask the sister ask we might think that Allah Allah Allah is being unjust and he selected people to guide them and there are other people he did not select them to guide them just arbitrary and this means that Allah is what is unjust he selected people and he just sends them to paradise he selects other people and he sends them to Hellfire and they have no choice yeah they have no choice though they have no power but Allah Allah Allah okay proved in the Quran that that you earn things by maja Kesava tid co-wallow Holika come Amata a maroon so he added earning to us which means that we as human beings earn we choose so Allah Allah Allah guides those whom he knows that they want guidance so actually they wanted guidance so Allah Allah Allah added their guidance that's why Allah Allah Allah says babe what Daka was at the cabarrus na Festa new yes sir ooh-hoo loser the one who gives and he believes we will guide him more and more so initially the person himself what initially the person himself what he s wanted guidance wanted guidance from a monopolist nu est Lulu Lulu Sarah remember Sheila was tough on our capability now fasten us yohoo lil ursula and this summarizes it and the one who doesn't want guidance Gianni internally he doesn't want guidance he didn't put any effort internally so Allah will abandon him and Allah will leave him alone is it clear so the first one he deserves guidance because what he did something although little to get guidance so Allah guided him and the other person didn't want guidance he turned away okay so Allah Allah Allah turned away from him that's why Allah Allah Allah says phenomena whoo ha ha what is the ayah Allah Allah Allah bomb when they turned away Allah Allah Allah what ha ha turned away turned away from them more and more yes way Aziz Allah Allah Dina Ted Oh Buddha those who were guided initially yes they want guidance Allah Allah Allah increases their guidance and this summarizes the issue of what of Iman dockable cutter again please brothers and sisters sorry for to take much of your time then the issue is initially the person wanted guidance and he did something by his heart to get guidance Allah will give him more and more the person the other person the disbeliever internally although Allah created in his heart belief in him and submission to him he rejected that yes so he turned away from Allah then Allah as a result turned away from him because Allah is so just and Allah gave opportunities for all of us equal opportunities for all of us deserve Elohim I think we have a question from the brothers it's only you mentioned earlier that you don't feel sorry for what's happening in Syria because it's a person from Allah and I'm wondering do we as a Muslim that have to like have an obligation to help those people or is that like a blessing from Allah that they like it's good for that or do we have to like help them in there ok what's a blessing for some people in disguise might also be a test for the other people you understand yeah well these people are suffering in a sham going through this fit and this struggle distress this trial we might also be being tested in our response to that we understand because we go home every night we sleep in our nice warm beds we have a frigerator full of food we have ready available running water we have all the luxuries we get a hot warm car and drive out throughout the city so we have a lot of blessings so it might be that we are being tested like they're being tested their test might be the blessing in disguise and our test might be a hardship in disguise if we don't respond to it correctly because everything is a test everything is a test so yes we have an obligation to help but what I'm saying is I'm not going to say that you know I feel sorry in the sense that these people have come back to Allah these people there are people who I've been able to speak to that I have gone through these from some refugees that have gone through these struggles that say they are thankful to Allah for what is happening because the people are coming back to Allah the massages are becoming full again these people are thankful to that so it's all about perspective it's all about perspective and same situation our perspective might be to look at them in feel sorry for them while we don't feel sorry for ourselves while we have all this luxury you understand because those people when they go to that struggle in their tests and if Allah grants them Jannah for they're not going to be feeling sorry for themselves for they went through they would go through it again if they could but if we don't respond appropriately sitting in our lap and life of luxuries we might be the ones who actually should be feeling sorry for because we might regret it in the end so yes everything's a test I'm not saying don't help I'm I'm a person who actively helps tries to help this refugee crisis but at the same time I like to put things in proper perspective is that if we feel sorry for them we should also feel sorry for the other Muslim countries that are lost and right now there are that are doing so much fishman facade and all these other things we should feel just as sorry for them now as we would be if allah decided to test them in the same way does that make sense yeah also what kind of charity should be prioritized because we as individuals we can't help all the Muslims in the world and also should be like can we also help people in Africa like non-muslims or do we like prioritize the Muslims in need what would you prioritize that's a personal decision but priorities go on the most urgent matters what's the most urgent but you can't forget about what you live either you have to be doing some good in the community in which you live but what is a priority is a priority you know you have to understand what's the more urgent matter if this is a more urgent this is about 15 and thousand urgent matters right now in the world that's why I said the world is in chaos so you have to pick what is what is what is within your means that should be at the top of your list is that okay this is an important matter that needs to be dealt with right now the same like you wouldn't your day your life you prioritize I need to deal with this today that one kind of maybe can wait to tomorrow what I can get to it a little bit more so it's it's up to you what you feel your best capable of and what's the biggest priority that we see right now in front of us [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Islam Net
Views: 39,185
Rating: 4.9369841 out of 5
Keywords: yusha evans, islam, today, ghuraba, strangers, holding on to burning ember, coul, muslim, islamophobia, racism, Quran, hadith, sunnah
Id: j5KPEVhfUDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 46sec (4006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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