Introducing Islam to Non-Muslims - Yusuf Estes

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you you you Oh you you you you bismillah alhamdulillah rubella me who love a gentleman Amin was selected salam on solo cream well Ali wasabi asthma initiative allah allahu allah why sheikh muhammad abdul rasul what's an American now hamdulillah usually I just go right into the program but I couldn't help but hear the mentioned of someone I know very well who happen to be there when I made Shahada in 1991 Shaykh Muhammad Jamali who he just was talking about actually lives in Medina now but he when he was doing his the gray work in Texas he was there in Arlington Texas and that particular much did right there was in those days the only one we had so that happens to be the same place watch each other and he is a great guy since then hamdullah we've shared the podium a number of times together he's also formerly the head of the qss the Quran and Sunnah Society United States be a part of it and they still have a website up so it's good guy and you can get some of his stuff is on one of our websites called watch Islam calm so let's look at the topic tonight well one to talk about is the subject that I think is probably at least to some extent a valid topper to every one of us it's a subject Oh responding or being able to answer the harsh attacks and the criticisms that are coming toward Islam the Muslims the Prophet seller light of the solemn and every aspect of Islam and I don't mean by this clearing up misconceptions this is another subject I'm talking about people who are intentionally attacking Islam or people who are follow those who are intentionally attacking Islam now how many of you the speaker to come out or be how many about half undeveloped because you'll understand this very quick if I talk to you about those who are Arab Christians and Jews then you quickly you know exactly what I'm talking about but I will mention to you now something from the Quran and this is for all of us to think about when Allah says yahoo lily nama new attack allah okuru calledand sadita you hear this in the Juma Padma in hood or speech that we have every Friday along with some of the other ayahs of the Quran but the meaning behind it is very powerful that allows telling the believers to have cup or for loss contella but then always we have to say the truth throughout the Quran you see there's this comparison between truth and falsehood truth and falsehood even in the translations you cannot help but pick it up the hawk and the bottle when someone is speaking the truth or if somebody is clouded a liar these things are constantly coming up over and over and over throughout the Quran from the beginning up until the very end even at the very last surah of the Quran when allah subhanho wa taala is talking about the wish was-- and the wish was coming inside your heart from the jinn and mankind and certainly you don't think he's wish watching the truth to you so obviously you can see this from the beginning from the very beginning and all the way through the Quran the subject of truth and falsehood being on the hop our being elsewhere you know and I know that Islam is the only answer it's the only solution there isn't an option really to go to to look anything else and as Muslim we realize the value of telling the truth and everything we do anyway we don't see any benefit in lying even a temporary benefit isn't really there we know that you have to tell the truth even if it's against yourself your family you know the truth is the truth and you have to say the truth and this is what one of the great things it makes us Muslim is that we know what the truth is and this is what we operate off of this is how we function is from the standpoint of the truth how critical is it to us when somebody talks about the Quran and not only is coming to us today from a Ramaiah or a Jazza for how many centuries but it's still exactly the same today as it was when it was revealed this is I mean if I don't understand that I don't even understand what's the Quran right you got honest this is a basic thing the Quran has not changed meaning what that means that every time people said it they said it exactly the way it was in other words they didn't add to or take away from it's exactly the same this is why sometimes you hear people when they say Allah is hot well that's his name of how the Deen is Haq it's the truth the Quran is Hawk and prophet Aslam is of course under Hawk so this hot or truth absolute truth is we take it for granted this is why when they want to compare their books whatever they have we're going to said that we listen to them because out of politeness we're listening out of curiosity but never would we be able to accept even the first verse when they start to recite it especially if you've heard the Bible in Arabic anybody heard the Bible in Arabic I sit in the room in the hotel I wanted to bring it and let you hear it just wanted to let you hear it but for whatever reason the law didn't let me bring I didn't think about till we were gone but you can get it anytime you want to look at it any hotel or motel has right beside the bed a little night sand or something there you pull the drawer open there's a book in here what's the book it ain't the Yellow Pages somebody already beat you to that no I some Bible and it's put there by the Gideon society they're proud of the fact that they have translated this into 27 different languages and they will show you that with an example of a verse in the Gospel of st. John chapter 3 verse 16 it was John 3:16 it's the one if you've ever heard him preach it they say for God so loved the world and they go on from there when it says that and you find the word Allah in the Arabic which is second language first one is Afrikaans in Arabic you see it says for a lot of soul of the world so it's very clear but when you try to read it you're going to look at it you're gonna say oh it's not even correct grammar if you know a foot ha which is the Arabic classful error and you really you're going to go uh who did this you'll never be fooled not even for a second I was thinking actually when I was looking at it tonight that when we have these opportunities when we have so many of the Arab Christians who do come to the programs and they want to do this attacking thing that I was talking about and by the way it happened in Sydney the last time I was here really nasty but always thinking wouldn't it be something to let them say okay you got your guys with you choose whoever you like let him stand up and then choose any verse you like and if you don't have one memorized in your room your language because they won't here's the Bible that we pulled out of the hotel just read that verse for us and your best voice go ahead then listen to this choose any one of our guys that memorize the Quran anybody I don't care pick the one you like and then you go pick the verse any verse you like from the Quran okay then you recite well that other guy recite and let all those who don't know listen and see which one they like I have no doubt what will happen because I've seen people who didn't know anything about Islam for on Arabic language nothing yet when they heard Quran all of a sudden you see tears to come down their face and maybe they'll even say what is that one time I was given a lecture for the elderly in San Antonio Texas they asked me to come and talk about what is the Islamic perspective on death and dying school is for all people and indeed I had recited some Quran my voice is not all that great and I don't claim to have a very good you know Kirra of Quran but anyway after it was over this old man come up to me and they were all thanking me for coming out and every suite and he said man that's the best thing and I ever heard I said thing I'm see what is he anything because you know what used to be Christian and I was a music minister so obviously I'm thinking did I sing Sunni but he was talking about before um so how much we've got going for us we take it for granted it's talking about honey again truth is critical to us do we accept hadith if somebody come in and say hey here's a hadith bla bla bla bla bla and you see I never heard it before and the guy says I didn't either but you know I saw it on the back of advertising on something and it looked like a good idea to work where did it come from nobody knows but still it sounds nice you know sure that you incorporate it into a talk or a program nobody would do that they wouldn't do it were already come from you don't know it came from what look did it come out of who cares it sounds nice you know something really nice you get those probably on the internet you get email some brother or sister will send you something and you read it you're gone doesn't sound right but they're telling you if you pass this on the X amount of people or somebody else got it and they you had passed it on and they got some money and the other guy he didn't pass it on you drop dead the next day or something like that you're going wait a minute you definitely not known for this now this is not a phone doesn't work like that we're not going to be impressed if you come up with a hadith especially if there's no Arabic for it say what's the Arabic for mmm nobody knows a given where it came from I'm sorry all things heavy I think you pulled it off the internet I think you got some little warm fuzzy that somebody sent to you and you just put a bismillah across the top and I sell a modicum across the bottom and send it out to everybody on your list oh and guess what you did yeah you're not I'm talking about you seeing them right so but if somebody shows you were there honey here inside you will hurry or inside a Muslim and you can look at it and you said there it is right there all of a sudden this is part of our Deen it's not just a nice saying it's part of our life it's not an option to us all of a sudden it's real yeah okay for the other people they don't have that they don't even know what that is they've never been exposed to real truth in their lives they use the word they know there's a difference between a lie on the truth basically but for me even people with education even people with degrees people with social status people with responsible positions in the world still have trouble differentiating between the truth and falsehood is that right or wrong remember Clinton I did not you remember what he said huh huh and when they caught him I won't say red-handed but they had a clear proof and what do you say what I meant was did and what about Nixon maybe some of you're too young to remember Richard Milhous Nixon I was there I remember real well he put his hands like this he said I am NOT a crook and then they proved that he was a big liar what about the one we got now now remember I got to go back home so I'm going to stop for a Muslim the truth is not just being accurate in what you say it also means that you're going to be accurate and your intention to go with it because you could be accurate real accurate and still be lying because you could just not say all the truth you could just say part of the truth or or you can say all the truth but not let the person understand how it comes what it's relevant to that still be a lie I've never met any other group of people I've met individuals of course who are truthful but I never met a group of people more responsible for giving messages correctly than I have with Muslims I never saw this from other people when somebody gives you a mana and they said I need you to tell Abdullah that I'm real sorry I couldn't seem before I caught the plane I have to go so when you see him tell him I said now your brain is already clicking in Abdullah he's in the Sheikh is leaving he's given me a anumana and I got to remember what he said so when you go to him you're gonna say chef had a message it's a mana I have to give it to you now even if I said stuff that you don't particularly agree with you were telling me exactly what I said because that was the amount given to you true or false there's no doubt about it and I promise you that's not the case and the rest of the society that we live in you have no idea really the value of the truth unless you've lived without it and then when it comes to you it is and it is beautiful and those who live it speak it and practice it they're beautiful people I want to mention something to you that I've heard quite a lot of in the last 17 years and I take exception to it and I don't agree with it because I don't believe it's the truth although I've heard a lot more some say the statement says if you want to know Islam you have to look to the Quran and the Sunnah don't look at the Muslims because if you look at the Muslims you don't want to know even the statement that someone said if I had met Muslims first I wouldn't even become a Muslim have you heard statements like this some of you may have fallen into this trap this is not true it only has some tiny truth in it but it is not true from a person who was not Muslim didn't even know any Muslims tell was in my late 40s I immediately could see the difference between Muslims and non-muslims on that one topic alone the truth and how valuable it is so I say if you want to know what's Islam look to the good Muslims because if you're saying if you said you can't find Islam and I this is some check he even said it like this that he went to Europe and when he came back he made this statement that he found Islam without Muslims and then when he gets back home he finds Muslims without Islam a very famous statement I'm not going to say we said it doesn't matter the point is that is not a good statement that does more damage than it does good in the juma hood buddy mom is supposed to admonish the community and there's no doubt about it but he still has a responsibility not to go too far and that's going too far because when you do that here's what the next thing will happen and it has happened we find ourselves criticizing the Muslims for their shortcomings and praising the non-muslims and they don't even have the al-qaeda to know la la la la have you heard this happen yeah I'll be saying oh man you know this guy Shawn so he's not a Muslim but man you know he was very good with the business dealing we had with him and it was and he was on time Wow and then immediately on the Muslims they don't pray and they don't fast and so and so and so and without realizing it without thinking about it you're absolutely doing the worst thing you can do to your own Eman you are basically throwing your belief in the toilet got me it's not good what is the order and Islam on how to look at your brother if he makes even a mistake do you immediately criticized or give excuse give him excuse but only once twice three seven times seventy seven times thirty William one example we see our brother here comes Tariq he's coming along a man started over there of it oh my god man look he's got a can of beer in his hand oh stop for a lot what's up is that a cigarette he's got to I don't know looks like he's good cigarettes his beer and everything and look where he's going man he went he went in that place older what world and women in Soho Wow hmm stuck for a law man mmm and he's always out there Impala acting like he's some guy oh man next time I see somebody anybody hey you know Tariq Turku you know Tariq oh yeah man I don't say thing about anybody but you ain't never seen him within beer cans heavy or smoking or going over that place over on such such Main Street over there and with them huh you saw him over there I mean I don't want to say anything but you know I mean I got till truth when shake was here from America he told us we got till truth I got Dave manna stop for Allah we didn't give him one excuse what would happen what would happen on the day of judgment if we found that what we said about him that spread around and other people spread it around and it got back and it damaged his reputation damaged him and all he would say is Allah knows best Allah knows best well then it comes on us and come to find out what he was doing there's a hadith of a soul seller life Salaam whoever clears the way for the believers is get active charity for each little thing gets rid of so when he reaches down and picks up that empty beer can half empty beer can and a cigarette it was laying there look for the closest place to throw it and there's a door over there you stick it in or throw it in the trash and you went on his business and you did what Oh big problem anyway giving warning suits so I want to come back now to our topic because it's very critical for us today in spite of what other people are doing to us and attacking and saying all the things that they're saying we cannot do what they do now this has been going on since before I got to Islam some of the Christians were down in South Africa really going after their business was what they dope that's one group the job is witness there's another group called the Mormons but jobs witnesses were done there really pumping it up and blowing it out la with all their spiel that they've got so some of the Muslims were taking exception to that one of them ran across a series of some books there were 150 years old from one of the scholars in India who had developed this whole thing to respond back to those who were converting Muslims to Christianity so this one it takes it and as good orator a good speaker and a big guy on top of that and he starts going after him and turning him around in their tracks they couldn't wait to run away from this guy but then it turns into debates and then it becomes like a public thing and then it becomes like okay half the room will be filled up with Christians the other half will be filled up with Muslims ah the Christians came some time more Christians than the motions and this was the case down in Louisiana and they brought the man all the way from South Africa to Louisiana and they had a debate it became very famous they made videotapes spread it all over the world you know which one I'm talking about don't you you no doubt in your mind what I'm talking about how many of you ever been to Lafayette Louisiana huh never I have now building those little villages those little towns there and I've talked to the people the Muslims and non-muslims only question I had was what was your relationship before and after the debate what was the relationship Muslims and Christians before this debate it was good better than it was between let us say for instance the Catholics and the Protestants because they're mostly in reason is Catholic they even have Catholic law still there today it's the only state in United States that does not have counties it has parishes and parishes are associated with the Catholic Church to his death and they under the structure their constitution is more on the French law than it is on British and again I'm going to repeat that's in Louisiana only so in that state where the Muslims had a better chance with the Protestants for sure after the debate they hated them and to this day I was there right after the Hurricane Katrina and I talked with the people about this some of the refugees that had left from it we discussed some of these things in passing I didn't let him know that that was a big issue that I was introduced dialogue and talking but I wanted to find out I talked to two people on two different occasions once when I was in hives and the other when I was down after Katrina who were there at the debate and I asked him what was the response to the people when they started out we could talk to them easily after I afterwards everybody was polarized you know what polarize means has none to the North Pole South Pole it's told about the poles of a magnet you're attracted to each other and away from them each of the communities that are visited where they've done these kind of debates suffers more than it gains that's why I refuse to do the debates not because I don't think I can be somebody talking it's not got no problem doing that but because I know Allah is not going to like it and when I was here the last time down in Sydney that's exactly what they tried to start out with I told him I wouldn't even come over here if they were going to do that the reason I came was to keep him from doing that they were going to get somebody else to do this debate stuff and it was going to be real serious the plan was to bring in three of the top Christian guys and put one of the Muslims from America up against them and then have a judge sit and listen to the whole thing and make a final judgment it was going to be broadcast and everything what do you think would have happened after that well I Got News for you it would have been a huge collision because only a month later two months four seven seven remember that and what happened in England that was just two months later do you have any idea how bad the Muslims would have looked in all of Australia you probably all be living in a refugee camp right now do you think I'm joking huh of hamdullah we were able to avert that what I told them was will come and we will just talk about the nice things of Islam they said we get this one guy now we've already started he wants to do it I said only if it's a dialogue he finally agreed to a dialogue dialogue means diamonds too by the way log speak dialogue so okay and the deal is we'll each talk about the good things that we have that will contribute to the community in the future of our children let's build it on that and go for it and that was the premise from all the way back in November December like that all the way up till I came here in May or June end of May or whatever it was that year and super Nala everything went so smooth the whole time I was here because we kept focus on that one thing talk about the good of what we both have and some of you heard of Fred Niles he was one of those that I went and spoke to and he turned around 180 degrees and he was looking actually positive toward Muslims and toward Islam he even what we did Salah he stood behind us and he was praying like this in crying and I went to him afterwards and he was very positive toward Islam didn't last as you well know what happened right after that but we tried and then what happened on that last event on the last day the one representing the Christians came and broke his word on every point said he wasn't going to do it he did it said he would do this too that he didn't do it each thing that he thought he did the opposite of and the Muslims had worked closely with him asked him go to Sydney and ask them well they did they had a barbecue for the further youth and they brought him over and fed him they played soccer with him they even brought a well-known soccer player and let him meet him get autographs that kind of thing nice but when he got up on the stage he had a Quran in a Bible in his hand already I know his problem you know why you see me with anything up here well I need that for if I need to open book and read that I don't need to be given a speech about it do i do I need to be looking up something you're going to give a talk you either know it or you don't why he's got both books because he's going to use it as props to show people you know what the Bible says is what Christians do you know what the Quran said one of those deals we had exactly 30 minutes each he said he needed more time I said let him have some of my time it's alright give him five minutes elf of mine I'll talk to her if I would let me talk to father I don't care it's me all right but one thing I asked the moderator to do when you get up there read this it says this is not a debate we're not here to attack each other's religion we're here to talk about the positive future for our youth and the good that we have and let people see what it is and leave it at that when he started speaking he didn't wait two seconds before he was sane really bad things against Prophet Muhammad SAW song and then misfolding the Quran talking about hadith I didn't ever hero before I'm sure that their hadith because I could see where he got him from he had with him Arab Christians sitting right there feeding him like spoon-feeding you know say they say that they had been brainwashing him for two weeks just for this purpose and he came down bomb bomb bomb and for one whole hour he used up all the time the brothers asked me aren't you going to make any notes I said for what so Jay you can just say he did it as a debate whatever good after our break and came back in I told him I said there's no point in talking listen go ahead and try anyway I said well you know most of the people are leaving but I went up on the stage and I told him that I was real happy to be here in Australia I always want to get to see kangaroos and guys fighting crocodiles and figure out how guys can hang on to the end of the globe like you guys do down here I was trying to figure how you didn't fall off you know because I wanted them to relax a little bit laugh it up and and relax because there's no way I can come in and pick up after what he did then I did the only thing I could think to do is just talk about my trip since I've been there and the good things that I saw from the Christians and the Muslims working together and I mentioned the name of the people that they knew even one of them from the Uniting Methodist Church is that what they call it we have United they have you 19 I think here yeah well this one at the end of his speech he said I'm calling for the reinstitution of the Sharia of Islam if we had it in Christianity I would call but we don't have it they do and we need it this is what he said it's a Honi to give a speech after that guy that's great you not just say Amen let's go for it I'm at a call for everyone let me go home but I'm they left we had a lot of good things then I just pointed to him and I said the only disappointment I've had is sitting in that chair right there because before we came out here and what we talked about the last six months was what you heard the moderator saying this was not to be a debate this was not to cut each other down this was not to put anybody down all it was was to show the good that we had from both sides so that our youth can find things that they can work together on to build the future here in Australia that was our topic if you remember in the meantime I checked him out because I never took my finger off of his face I just kept pointing to him when I turn and look at him man he was red-faced and looking down so I said so I'm not going to respond to his misconceptions misunderstandings miss quotes from his book miss quotes from our book instead I'm just going to tell you the three words that came out here to tell you about and then I want to go in case you didn't figure it out I just responded everything he said in one sentence so I gave him the meaning of the word Islam the word of Muslim the word of law have four words because I talked about the Quran what does it actually mean that was it and I felt like well you know I did my job I'll go a guy came up on the stage and I was saying you know you gotta get off the stage you can't come up here because the people milling around everything and you don't know who's got what kind of agenda going on in their head it wasn't a Muslim you know and he said but I want to make sure harder I said what they get up on this stage and he did his Shahada a young man I think was in the Australian Navy or something was behind his on a bleacher area over there and he said I want to as well and he entered Islam then there were some girls three right over in the area right over there that we took the microphone over to them and they did Shahada now they're making Shahada after this guy insulted Islam every way could think to do it and it's not because of me but I guarantee if I would have done what was inside of me to do that would have been a big problem for me Allah would have made a problem for me because the hawk is hot and when they play their games we still cannot respond that way we've been told by a less Montella very clear that you have to be patient in forbearing they plan and a lot of plans not you plan they plan and Allah plans and who's the best of planners so you tell them you deliver your message and you do it in the best way now let's come to the main point of our talk tonight which is how do we deal with the harsh attacks somebody comes to you you want them [ __ ] ain't you yeah so you believe them allit don't you yeah how come you guys is terrorists who you said how come you guys have to beat your wives or like one woman asked me how come you men can have four wives and a woman can't have four husbands why do you have to oppress women how come you have to kill all the Jews and Christians why is your religion so violent hmm so what do you say has anybody ever set with you and showed you the right way to respond to this because we have the best example on earth of how to reply to those types of harsh attacks and Who am I talking about some of the lighter the thoughts no doubt about it did he have a problem every single day they give him a problem the qureishi drive his own relatives man coming at him and by the way they weren't just coming up and saying things to hurt his feelings they were hurting the Muslims physically true or false how many of you know about the occasion when he and Abu Bakr were both right by the Kaaba and the creation nearly beat them to death they had to haul him home drag him home and Abu Bakr nearly died but when he came to all he could worry about was the Prophet Salla die Salaam and he wasn't going to relax until he knew resources numbers okay remember the story they nearly beat him to death okay so what happened so the problem said okay okay everybody tonight get your weapons and sneak up on him and we're going to go in and blow him up in nope nope it was still in the early years I was in Mecca they had no commandment and the prophesy song didn't make up the religion it has to come from alone and without a commandment to do it I can't do it all they can do is self defense which of course anybody can do that you in the orders for battle came they were very clear and even today in the Geneva Convention they cannot match they can't touch the laws and rules for battle that Islam has can't even get close it's too beautiful first you have to have the circumstance that our law is describing in the Quran it can't be that you're going out here fighting for money there's no such thing as being mercenaries in Islam you can't fight for money they can right now in the United States we have a huge number of people being trained in private camps private businesses training people to be mercenaries and then renting them out to the United States to the tune of over a hundred thousand dollars a month each have you heard about it you're looking at me like you got no clue what I'm talking about it's called Blackwater that's one of them one of six of the major ones and the guy runs it's a personal friend of Mr B's yeah take care of your buddies those are mercenaries we can't do that kill for money you can't do it property same thing nope and again I'm not talking about I'm not talk about self-defense that everybody always has rights up defense that's common sense but when it comes to organizing and going in battle there's a name for it and Arabic you know what it is what is it you guys are freezing up on me man what are you afraid of the secret cameras in here or something some isset check is it the j-word no it's not the J word the word actually has the reference to to killing it's called qatal from Kipple and this is the word that law is using in the quran but it means to engage in a type of fight that can wind up in death in english it has the word Mortal Kombat and this is what's mentioned in Quran but there's so many things that have to be in place and it has to be followed a certain way that's why the problem never allowed anybody to do this until they had it from Allah and how to do it and when to do it and most important of all when not to do it they use the term in the translators use this in verse one 90s or baccarat they use the term in English fight but more appropriately it should be combat because fighting you imagine somebody standing there going crystal no it's more like you know this is a lot closer fight them when they fight you but stop if they stop otherwise you're the aggressor and barely Allah doesn't let the aggressors verse 98 191 next says what to rule him now this is the imperative like Quran Quran is the word it's a noun khari one who recites at Quora you recite that's the imperative of the word so what - Lou - Lou who does well just means and says kill them but it's in combat so it's the same word again killing combat or mortal combat wherever you find them turn them out from where they turned you out now what did that mean that was specific it wasn't it they never read the rest of that verse by the way because right away the people would be gone who got turned out what was that all about so they just stopped short and that's another kind of line is to take part of a verse and just show that and in that in actuality it was smoking specifically about when they go for Hajj if you go back to verse one not a 189 you can see that there are three things they're being asked to rasul sell a lattice of them yes so muñeca they're asking you that's how the verse starts out about such things as the moons and this is to no one to do hide and entering your house by the wrong doors and that's superstition don't do that and then the subject of when are we ever going to get to fight I mean you know thirteen years and we've just been hassled to death all we want to do is go do Hajj so this is what it was pertaining to that and going back to the place which was their own land their own homes their own families their own property and they were being told now yes you can go back and if they fight you you can point them and you can even turn them back out of the property they stole from you and take your land back but it has these conditions to go with it because before that they never had any of the conditions Arabs before Islam came were very tribal in feudal meaning that they would just go after it and go after it and kill and galingale with no limits have you heard about the battle the feud actually that they had over a camel race there was a big camel race and the winner of the race certain camel another boy is jealous so he picks up a rock and throws it and kills the camel so they killed the boy so those people killed their boy and then they started killing each other now how long it went forty years to the extent that people couldn't remember what the battle was about anymore why are we killing these people over a stupid camel race aren't you glad we don't have camel races anymore of course we do have football oops it gets pretty rough too didn't but you can see if you put it in context this is nothing like what the people are trying to claim Islam is saying there's nothing like that especially because it has the warning marks in there stop if they stop and it repeats that again even after this thing about turning them out and everything but still if they stop it's up to alone it's back to a law again notice how many times when you're dealing with your enemies even if it's in your house you've got a problem with your wife but once they stop back off and don't keep jamming it in their face that's since you're on your son it doesn't say like that name in Arabic but I'm trying to give you the essence of what it's telling you about for sure the more you study Islam in Arabic and the more you understand how these things all fit together there's no way you'd ever let anybody convince you that there's a single thing wrong with Islam there's a lot wrong with some Muslims no doubt and I'll put myself in that category but there's nothing wrong with Islam Islam is perfect because this lamb describes a relationship between us and our Lord Islam is based on those words you've heard me say if you know any of our programs I said every program Islam is surrender submission obedience sincerity and peace and when those five things are together and you're having this relationship with your Lord that's the best relationship there is he's the boss and you're not and as long as we adhere to this relationship with our Lord doing what he wants us to do on his terms we're going to be okay but now how do I respond when these guys come up to me and I'm going to leave you with this and let you think about it it doesn't matter how they attack you it doesn't matter what they say or how they do it train yourself you can go in front of the mirror so you can do this so that you can be like the Companions of resorcinol and how they had to respond in those early years especially before the vs. came because you by the way you can't you cannot get together and get a little group and go out here and do stuff like that today this that's not Islam it has to be under Authority I don't have authority you cannot do that okay you're being tested and this is your test just as it was for many of the Sahaba somebody come to you and insult you say something bad like some of the things I mentioned I'm going to throw another one out how come you guys worship a black box in the desert and kiss the ground five times a day then you for asking me about my religion try it thank you for asking me about my religion thank you for asking me about my religion how come the web got that rag on her head thank you for asking me about my religion in my case how come you look like Santa Claus thank you for asking me about my religion and you're getting nothing for Christmas but seriously seriously you just be nice until thank you because guess what now he's stuck because you acted like you didn't know it was an insult and only the worst of the worst of the drunks is going to persist after that he'll be like a bull would you like to have the answer to your question would you like to sit down have coffee we can talk oh can I get your email I'll send you something or phone number we can talk maybe you're in a hurry or something oh it works it's perfect because they didn't come to really ask you I told you this is not about clearing up misconceptions this is about the ones who came to attack now some of them do it out of ignorance there's no doubt about that because they picked it up from people who are trying to program them to do this stuff but some of them are exactly that in any case when you say thank you for asking me about my religion and you smile they're going to go ok ok ok that's it that's I'm out of here oh that's good that's really good but when it comes to the issue if you happen to know the answer the proper answer you'd be surprised how many times it turns the whole thing around just turns it upside down in the other way here's one for you when they ask you how come a man can have four wives but a woman can't have four husbands thank you for asking me about my religion in Islam there are two important things always say this first is the truth meaning that I have to say the truth or I can go to hell the second thing is the proof even if I make a mistake you can find it out real easy because everything of Islam there's only one version there's only one version of Quran there's only one version of Prophet Muhammad's lost lamb it's all one so it's real easy if islam teaches it or doesn't teach it it's known we can ask any of our scholars it'll be the same so we have both truth proof we have the evidence but sometimes questions have a problem in the question because the question is a statement or a question mark may give an example somebody asks you can you answer this question yes or no answer only do choices you got it say yes or no it's about your mother is she out of jail yet my mother's never been asked always a yes or no question but my mother's never it is you mother out of jail yet yes or no yes good I'm glad she got out so then matter what you said you're stacked up because the way the question is yeah so in this case we have to straighten the question out oh and there's one more little thing and that is well I'm giving you the answer if you hear something that you like you see the sense of it the common sense and you find that what you thought was actually upside down are you going to be ready to reconsider your position and start to worship your God and my God without partners because by the way that's all Islam is really about worshiping God that's what Islam is about you ready for the answer he's going to be going huh how did I get into this deal because you are telling him exactly what he needs to know his name is about worshipping God on his terms let's check that out you asked me now about four wives and one husband yeah well according to Islam there is something called no sex except in marriage now the Catholic Church kind of goes to an extreme for the most holy and righteous of all the men or all the women they have no sex period ever because they can't get married can't have children never going to have any grandchildren nuns priests bishops Cardinals even a pope never ever ever get married and never have sex well at least they're not supposed to that was the whole idea one but Islam is not saying that it's just saying no sex that's not sanctioned by a law meaning you have to get married meaning you have to have a contract a written contract with the lady so that she has something to get her rights with because when Islam came women weren't getting their rights but now women get their rights women and you can go begin to explain how it is in Islam women have the right to own property women have the right to vote 1,400 years they didn't have to go through women's suffrage like we had in our country women have the right to be women they don't have to be men to try to get money so they can have the things they want they can just be women and stay home do things at home and still get money comes to them how because it's the man's responsibility to take care of them to bring them food to bring them close to help them with education about Islam especially all the things this lamb is providing these people don't even know about this subject and a woman who has even any kind of property at all whether she's very rich or not so rich never has to give a dime to support the household if a man is a street cleaner making minimum wage but he's married to a lady who's worth a half a million dollars she doesn't have to give him a quarter he still pays for the house he still pays for the utilities he still pays for the car it's his responsibility you can't marry a woman for her money in Islam but a woman can marry a man for his money easy because Islam has the ideal thing that every woman is looking for it's called what's mine is mine and what's his is mine - not a joke it's a truth by now the guy's going I didn't know that I didn't know that see now I watch it turn watch it turn and this is just one example so a woman has so many rights in Islam that she is considered the queen of the house and it's a very big royal status in Islam for a woman to be a Muslim woman in Queen Wearhouse something nice respect honor dignity and the man in Islam cannot cheat on his wife the punishment for it is you don't want to know don't even think about it that's why you see brothers yeah again this is something you take for granted but I'm trying to tell you that I know both sides and if you see it the difference between the young brothers for the and these other youngsters out here in college jobs and so on or without jobs and a girl goes by Muslim or sees a girl go by and the other boy sees a girl go by and both of them do this okay and boy the mostly not supposed to but he's going like this I know boys going like that both of them do the same thing but what's the difference is what what I'm saying one of them is saying stuffer hasta la la look it's fitting a man it's fitna yes or not the other one's going oh mama yes or no even here Australia the brothers still have Islam they still know this is wrong this is not the right way to be we don't like it I want to get married that's the answer in it that's not what those other guys are saying they're looking for instant solution to their problem and Muslim to do that Muslims are looking to get married and prata sallam told us get the children married as soon as they're old enough don't wait till they're 21 because then they're fully grown that's not it's long it's not what the Prophet SAW song taught us is it okay you have to be honest that's what this lecture is about by the way along with that getting married when you get married there's a whole lot about giving rights to the lady is that right she has a wakil or a wali who is responsible for her and he's taking care to be sure she gets a fair deal and whatever is oh and here's another thing dowry for Christians has always been girls pay the boy how many of you knew that the dowry goes the other way and for two thousand years now just in the last couple decades the women are going hey I why should I have to give any money but it's always been in Islam the men have to take care of the women right always so when you get married you give her and she gets to tell you what it's going to be or you can make an offer and if she doesn't like it just say no we need more than that that's not right if he could say well you know the process now I mentioned to one of the sahabi just to teach her one ayah from the Quran said yeah because he didn't have anything else okay go back out there and your BMW and do it dig around a little bit you know because that ain't going to work she has the right because that's what Islam is about about writes about know the person you're talking about he's going whoa he wishes he didn't get into this you're telling him things he never heard of before but check this out in Islam the man is the one who is having the heavy burden when it comes to support the woman doesn't support anything and it's set up in Islam that the women have extra protection so that they don't wind up out in the streets with nothing they don't wind up as old bag ladies they don't wind up as prostitutes they don't wind up with a child with no father Islam is providing for them in the best way even if they are in a society with 20 women 20 women out here in only six or seven men no problem it's not a problem because each of those men can take on the responsibilities of up to four yeah have you got seven men 20 women still got one opening yeah no more than that was four so it's not a problem not only that though and this is usually where I kept it with them I asked them I'd you ever consider if you have a hundred women on this side and 100 men on that side as soon as you marry this man to this woman here we got a match how many are left 99 on both sides so let's start getting a married you would get down to the very end and we find all of a sudden there's five men left and five women left now what's the choice man can only choose from the five right right because in Islam the woman cannot have more than one husband bow one of the reasons by the way is because a child born wouldn't know who the father was and when it comes time for inheritance how would you know how to distribute it that's one of the rights of the child but to come back to this the man over here can only choose from the unmarried women true but the women who did they get to choose from every single man they're still eligible to her because they don't have four wives yet who's got the most choice see you never thought of that never hit you did a lot see because we're not allowed we can't think like God but Allah knows what he created and there's always more women on this earth and there are men today it's more than four to one but that's not the point of that having the discussion I'm just saying who has the most choice the woman because the man is stuck he's only got five women to choose from or three women or what if there's only one woman left that's it that's your wife that's it I don't care if she's really healthy you know that's it but for the ladies they can choose from any other men as long as he doesn't have four wives now what's another advantage of that is a man gets around we're social we know each other we know who's worth we're going on level up but the women don't a lot of times they don't know what's up and they might think oh this guy he's real nice but then they find out all he's stingy he slaps his wife around he does you know think I don't like that I will show I know that beforehand well how would you know oh it's real easy because if she's already if she has a friend it's already married to the guy she'd know word gets out real fast who was the nice guy really and who's one praying and going to the Masjid and pairing charity and so this is one of the ways that she is being benefited by this so who's got the most choice and who's got the most benefit and by now the guys going I didn't know that I didn't know that having actually it having a woman had asked me the same way and when we got to the end of the thing shadow that Allah Allah have a month immersed in law why because it becomes clear that this is not from a human being no human could have figured all of this out and nothing in his name said you had to marry for women this Sahaba the Companions of Muhammad SAW Salam when the order came it didn't say marry for women it said marry other women because it was talking about not take the orphan girls and Miriam to get their money away from them that's what it's talking about the Virgin before it marry other women of your choice if not to salat three I'll rap for if you can treat them with equality and this work makes it so great because if I have one wife and I give her this and this and this I have to give the other wife the same thing I cannot mistreat her and put her lower than this one they have to have the same status social status material status you have to provide for them and if you stay a night with this one you have to stand on it without one this is the deal your time your money your resources it's theirs mmm so the Companions of Muhammad they weren't like out on the street going hey we can get wives no come on they already had wires there was not forbidden for them to have multiple was what they did they had to divorce wives yes or no though it was like oh not an so that you understand what I'm trying to get across there are a lot of things that we take for granted today because we're trying to put our mindset of the mentality of the people around us of the society that we live in and we're not realizing how it came we're not realizing the ramifications of the laws of allah subhanaw taala and the hokum it's very important to understand the rulings and the wisdom with it because then when you do and somebody asks you a stupid question like that you can say thank you for asking me about my religion and then when you begin you're going to be surprised at how quick it'll go the other way one of two things will happen when I get to talking to them one of two things will happen either they're going to make sure hada are they going to shut up and they're never going to do it again and remember again I will repeat this is I'm only talking about the cases of real harsh attacks and harsh treatment I'm not saying about the one who just has misconceptions or doesn't understand this is for the one who comes to you and wants to treat you harsh treat him good treating better than good but then lay it out real smooth and let him realize that what he's got is nothing compared to what you have in the true Muslim society where Muslims are practicing real Islam with Islamic state you have a much much better overall community than you do anywhere else and that's for Muslims and non-muslims alike it's just a safer place and a better place I'm going to end it now by telling you what happened with one person not that he was harsh at all he was a lovely person but I always reminded this now of something that happened with him he was in the hospital and the one taking care of him happened to be a Muslim who had was a med student and was taking care of this man along with other patients and the man became interested in fascinated 12 name every time I saw him I asked him about Islam something else about Islam Islam Islam so I happen to be visiting their UK was in England and they asked me if I would go and see this man just talk to him for a few minutes so I went to see him is very nice man he used to drive a truck in fact right here in Australia is where he was from and he's old but he would like to talk about the old days what he used to do and I asked him because he kept talking about Australia and relatives that he had here so just one time I just said to him well what's your favourite country I knew he was going to say Australia no doubt he said Saudi Arabia I said huh you've been in Saudi Arabia he said oh yeah I used to drive truck from here to there in Europe from the isn't it so he had literally driven everywhere but he said of all the places I ever went I never felt more safe secure or at ease than in Saudi Arabia I still didn't get it I know how I feel want to go to Medina but I know he didn't go to Medina cuz I'm gonna let him in not there so what is he talking about he said you know I used to park my rig that's what he calls his truck and trailer you know he said I used to park my rig I could leave the keys in it and go over and have a cup of coffee talk to people and I could come back I knew it's gonna be just like it was nobody's gonna tell you he said they're Muslims they won't do it he said Muslims there who are conscious of their way best people that's what he said you know what is it the heat that he likes don't get me wrong he was talking about the people because that was our subject home but people I said what do you like best he said Saudi Arabia so I said to him you know I'm going to teach you something and here's what I heard when I came in here you were given Shahada I was beautiful because I told him this is the Shahada you say this like this you know I said oh I'm not United alone I said my horse in law what it means I bear witness there's none to worship except Allah I bear witness muhammad is his messenger he smiled at me and he said that's all it takes I said that'll get you started he said I say it every morning when I wake up and I said every night before I go to bed I almost fell over and when we were on our way back the brother was driving he said how come you didn't give chata I said that brother could give me Shahada well it's not about a formal piece of paper you know he already has it he already believes it we'd talked several times about the subject I thought he needed to make sure that I didn't know he's saying it all the time and he said it while I was sitting there so you don't need to jump up and shake my hand and go there at all he said it that's it so panel Oh so we don't know really when we're talking to people who might flip and go the other way I used to be one who used to attack Islam because I was totally ignorant and all I knew is what other preachers had told me I had never met a Muslim never did business with a Muslim I didn't know about the truth factor I didn't know anything it wasn't until I met a Muslim did business with him and watched him and his Islam that I understood about this beautiful day so I'm just encouraging you that when people come to you this way don't respond the same way that they're coming to you remember thank you for asking me about my religion Islam is built on two important things truth and proof and we have to tell you the way it is now if you don't know the answer to them I don't know but we'll get back to you let me get your email on or if you don't want to give it to me I'll give you an email and you can write Yousef why you suf at share Islam calm that's one of our many websites and then you can also go to our websites to learn the answers to these many other questions today I posted fifteen ayahs of the Quran that are miss quoted out of context and they're used by those who particularly want to destroy Islam those 15 eyes are on one of our websites and then the explanation that goes with it okay I'm the composer but I'm not going to put it all together we actually have scholars who help us do these things so if you want to go there it's called Islam news room Islam news room and in the search box put the word misquoting not misquote misquoting and it will pull up misquoting quran there was five parts to this is very big you may want to turn it into a PDF father's a click button you click it turn it in PDF file you can print the whole thing out and make a book for you so that when people come to you with this stuff you got the answers clear answers and you can even give it to them so here ready inshallah this will spray this mountain fast and you can imagine because Allah can use something very negative to express time in fact I've watched it happen many times well I went further than I wanted to go in the talk but I wanted to be sure to hit this main point no matter what other people do to you you're still responsible in front of a long to be a good Muslim and I'm making the other that you hang fast with that if I don't do anything else this whole tour while I'm here in Australia except get that one point out to keep us patient keep us in sub and Allah says in Aloha Maya submarine I love you with you a lot keep you strong allow keep your feet in his being always and forgive us and give us his Jenna come from olive hair somebody come wrong till every cut
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 274,969
Rating: 4.7673645 out of 5
Keywords: yusuf estes islam
Id: RJttCU_Tzb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 5sec (5045 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2009
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