Muslims Issues In the West - Yusuf Estes

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Islam tells us about rights but at the same time tells us about limits always in Islam if there's rights there's limits to offset so you know where the limits are don't play with making something her own when it's not her own if you examine what Islam really is teaching and then examine what the Commission really is if we ignore reality this is suicide the person I'm trying to introduce you to you now has had I don't know the latest figure because day before yesterday I knew that he had one thousand and eight hundred websites eighteen hundred his own personal websites and when I introduced him like that he said he's gone to 1806 so at that point I realized that overnight he bought six more Islamic websites and he collects them like the way we collect our toys and things like that so now inshallah he will be coming on stage he will introduce you to some of his websites also please visit those websites he has a stall downstairs where his wife is present and his daughter is present you can collect his CDs and press put some donation in shala in the box downstairs also please welcome chef Yusuf Estes all the way from America wassalamualaikum bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu salam on rasullullah while Ali was a BH - sherrilyn Allah and the law well I Sharon [ __ ] I'm diverse ummah by this is very special day it's a day for the Muslims when we go for Juma the Salah it's also a day that according to Islam is more than just a little bit special this is the day Friday that allah subhanho wa taala created the very first human being Adam la salon was created on Friday also the day Friday for us is a day when we like to remember our Prophet Muhammad SAW Malala is someone more than any other day of the week because as we remember him and make dua for him then this is something that is good for us and will really benefit us on the Judgment chawla so it's important I think to mention that every Friday I try to remember to remind myself and all of the Muslims to say son la ilaha illallah he will salaam peace and blessings be upon prophet muhammad let me hear you say that so the Lally persona fair you need to work on another thing that's important for us when we start talking about days of the week is to consider that we as Muslims today are living a lot of us were living in non-muslim countries and that doesn't necessarily mean something bad but it does mean something different whereas it is our our day of worship where they have Sunday and here we have Friday so it's really like our end of the week or maybe tomorrow at the beginning of a new week for us maybe you know so it feels kind of funny for us that this is our day yet we still have to go to work we have to do our thing you know a lot of times Muslims aren't able to get away from work to attend their religious duties and that's kind of sad so one of the things that we as educators hopefully a lot accept that from us educators helping other educator and the presenters of Islam one of the things that we should deal with I believe is some of the differences similarities and then the aspects that arise out of this for us as Muslims being in the West it occurred to me that this was a great chance to deal with some of those issues man I just mentioned one talking about Friday for us is what Sunday might be for Christians or Saturday might be for the Jews actually there are some Christians out if you know this there are some Christians called seventh-day adventists and they celebrate their worship on Saturday they uphold the commandment in the Old Testament the book of Exodus and also in the book of Deuteronomy where it calls on them in their fourth commandment I believe it is tells them that they have to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy now that being the case that Sabbath I don't know if you know what Sabbath means Sabbath is from Hebrew and it's very similar to the word said back which is in Arabic how many of you know what it's about you know it's the seventh number if you said oh I had it named talati our Abba humps citta Sabbagh exactly so I'd be number seven for them and they understand it to mean that that's the seventh day of the week and they're starting counting was Sunday being number one Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday boom Saturday so that's why some of the Christians uphold that and still worship on Saturday but coming back to us here we are having our day of worship on Fridays what should we do and what should we do about the many things that occur for us with regard to our religion living in other places other than not you know Muslim countries so this for us is something that's it really is serious and at the same time it's not that difficult it's a matter of understanding where you are and once around you for instance I get a lot of emails on these questions and we deal with a lot somebody will write to me and say that I'm gonna have to quit my job cuz my job is Haram and you're going really what's he doing I thought maybe like he's selling pork he's selling alcohol you know some horrible job and so what is the job I need to know he said well you know because I'm working in an engineering firm say well what are you doing this hirama engineering firm he said well we design you know cages and things for boxes and so what's a good why is it Haram he said cuz they won't let me go pray on Friday so my job is Haram I said no the job is not Haram the fact that they won't let you go pray on Friday is the only problem you've got let us deal with that don't just quit your job let us let's see what we can do so a brother came to me with this kind of problem one time all we did really was to write an official letter on our stationery and send it to his boss as soon as his boss got the letter I got a phone call from the boss saying we didn't know we're very sorry we want to accommodate religions we thought he was just goofing around the way he said that he had to go do something called Goomer or something we had no idea what he was talking about we didn't understand thought he was playing but you know please accept our apology whatever if he needs the whole day off or part of the day whatever you say we don't want any problem I went over there to his jobsite and I met with the man myself and talked to him and they were very accommodating in another case we had a brother who was you know working he just got out of prison and we were happy that he got a job right away as an athletic instructor in one of the local youth groups and a Christian youth group and then he said his job is Haram and he wants to quit and I said why you know one of the last thing I want to do is see an inmate who just got out of prison quit his job because he's gonna have huge problems and have to explain a lot so I ask him what's Haram about your job he said well because I'm a swim instructor one of the things I do is teach swimming I have to wear a bathing suit and that's haram said a bathing suit is haram for a boy how he said well somebody told me it was wrong so let's see the bathing suit that he had does not reach his knees we have something called the aura you know the owl should be covered from the navel to the knees on the men all the time it should never expose any of that area in between the navel and knees I said well let me go talk to your employer and after a brief talk he said oh my god if it's your religion it's not a problem you can wear a longer garment you see you can wear a pair of blue jeans I don't care just just be sure that it covers a certain area too they don't want to have something that you know could be a problem so I said no this this is all we just want to be sure that it's covering the proper area and they were said well we know that a lot of people will wear blue jeans and they cut them off and the strings get tied up in our filters in the pool and it's caused a problem as long as he'll him it really good we don't care so again it solved the problem I'm giving you a couple of examples just for you to think about it a lot of the things that we see is a big deal a big problem our youth also sees a big problem it's not that big of a deal if you examine what Islam really is teaching and then examine what the condition really is all too often we try to make a problem where one doesn't exist and in other cases there may be a bit of a problem but it's not near the size of the magnitude that a lot of people want to who presented us let's look at another case people will ask us all the time about music I'm gonna ask you to think about something is music haram is it Haram or no or maybe or somewhere in between and in every group that I address I can get all of these answers some will say Haram Bravo some will say no problem and then another group will be like well sort of kind I don't know here's something to think about I want you to put this in your mind when you think about our Deen Islam as it involves us with along is our relationship with the law and Islam as it involves each other is our relationship with each other even though it's clear that the word means our relationship with the law because Allah has ordered us to have respect and give rights to others then it also is how we are with each other so our Islam is each other too let's look at that and think back I miss teaching us there's a balance you want your rights don't you you want your rights you want your right you want yours yours everybody wants his right you want yours not yet I'm a citizen of such-and-such a country I want my rights here people scream like that all the time you hear people also say that you know I'm a woman lady said that not man shouldn't say that they say I want my rights women's rights yeah and men want their rights a driver going down the road he wants his rights the driver on the right has a right away is that it good to what we have in this thing's so if you think about it if all of us could have all of our rights there would be a problem according to me what I want for my rights and what you want for your rights and you and you and you and everybody we would want more really than what would be in a balance that's why Islam tells us about rights but at the same time tells us about limits always in Islam if there's rights there's limits to offset so you know where the limits are got that and all of the things that we're going to talk about in this little lecture are gonna deal with that topic about a balance between what's right and what's limits think about this a law says in the and it's real clear when he talks to it so you hear it every Friday this being Friday I'll bring it up to you again the Imam almost always will read this to you from surah an-nisa all the blemishes on regime bismillah r-rahman r-rahim and then he'll read to you the very beginning of the 4th chapter of the quran uranus taco robocco melodical a common obscene wyden wahala common has el jihad what with our german Kadir in one Nessa what tuk Allah to such a Luna be here while our home in our alikoum rahiba and this then most of you know the meaning of it but I'll run over it real quick for the English is telling all the human beings regardless if you're Muslim or not to have respect and fear of your Lord who created all of you from Adam as we mentioned on Friday and from Adam his wife so Eve comes out of Adam she literally was a bone taken out by law and made into his mate and from these two a lot brought forth many men many women and then Allah says and fear Allah and he changes it from rub meaning Lord to Allah by whom you always demand your mutual rights I want my rights and that's our subject that's why I mentioned that Allah is the one everybody swears when you go to court for instance you swear by God when you start out that you're gonna tell the truth and you want your rights or you swear by God that you're innocent and you want your rights everybody is swearing by God and they want their rights but very seldom you hear anybody say I swear by God I want this guy to have his rights too you don't see that if you went into court could you imagine something they would probably think you were nuts to go in front of the judge and say you know what your honor uh my friend and I we have a big dispute going on but I want to be sure he gets his rights whether I get mine or not I don't think anybody's gonna say that you huh I doubt it yet that's what Allah is asking us to do Allah is asking us to give that kind of consideration in all so let's watch and think about it in Islam we have rights have limits but all of these things have adjustments that can be made to them all of it except one Allah is right to be worshipped alone without partners this has no exceptions whatsoever there's no exception to that rule always all worship devotion Thanksgiving prayers the salat everything is only for Allah only and there's no except in that in any case if that's violated and the law is clear on that by the way same chapter on Nisa chapter 4 verse 48 I think is where you'll find Allah says he does not forgive people to make partners with him in worship a shirk but anything less than that it can forgive and that's what I'm basing my talk on is that subject anything less than that Allah forgives and in addition to that he also provides for exceptions to rules let's look at a rule just so that we don't have to drag the Sun and turn it into a seminar it's just supposed to be a short talk there's a rule in this land that we take from the Quran many times where Allah says hirama it's forbidden Haram for you to eat lamb tanzir pork pig meat bacon lard or anything related to the pig and the pig's flesh don't eat it is that true Muslims don't eat pork and we know Jews also don't eat pork we know that right what if there's nothing else to eat what if there isn't anything else to eat and you will die according to the Old Testament I didn't find anything that allows that for the Jews in fact if they did it they're considered unclean and they made a big sin they have to make expiation they have to you know kick him out of the city for so many days or whatever I don't know but for us if there wasn't anything else to eat and we ate it would we be punished by Allah no because Islam is teaching about the rocks concession that allow make during the time of Dora necessity so if there's a necessity in this case no food you can eat the pork true yes or no have no sin on you you don't have to make up for it nobody considers you and out of Islam you became caliph or nothing you ate and you can eat all you want until other food becomes available yes just don't pig out it helps if you laugh at these stupid jokes I mean it makes the day go quicker okay so I'm do that now let us consider some of the other things that are perhaps not as profound but still there's something there what about music we're coming back to that is it forbidden in Islam or not how will we know let us examine another proposition that comes along from Islam which teaches us that everything in the world the worldly matters is open for you unless it is specifically forbidden got that that's one side of a coin remember we said balance what's the other side of the coin the other side is that anything in worship not the worldly matters but worship matters all of its forbidden except what you specifically have evidence for on the other side got it so you cannot make up some way to worship a law and think that he's going to like that when he clearly made it very evident for you in the Quran with his statement all yomel at mauá from dinner cumin welcome to our a commitment he were ready to Lacombe islam Idina that statement of a law says more or less the english on this day have i perfected for you your way of life often miss translated as religion but it's your whole way of life and have conferred upon you knit Matty my biggest mammal biggest favor and have chosen for you to submit to me true and complete peaceful submission al-islam so therefore because he said it's perfected you can't add to it did Allah ask you in the Quran to make a special day every year to set aside for a birthday for Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam no oops well Allah also told us in the Quran though hold on that we must follow the Prophet Muhammad's Ison I mean anything he says we have to take that - well at t Allah WA Atia rasool which means to obey Allah and obey his messenger many times in the Quran contain high Roma teenie okra jet and a seat at Meru Nabil Maru for Tanana unhuman core what took me new Nabila you know this one this ayah is showing us very clearly that we call to everything right and righteous about Islam forbid anything that's not Islam or takes people out of Islam and believe in Allah but then watch this because it's in the same surah it says cool say and it's told Muhammad SAW Salam coolin coolin - he brunel Offit ABI Unni come along well you're very kundo new become a lot o before him how many of you memorized that way you know that one anybody what it says here say o Muhammad if you truly love Allah follow me then and only then will all all love you and he will forgive your sins he's the forgiver of the merciful putting that into place and in context all of this together adds up to what we have to follow Muhammad's lesson and he's telling us do not do to me what the Christians did to my brother Jesus you follow that do not unitize do not set me up as somebody to worship like the Christians did to Jesus and He calls him a brother because he's talking about in profit it not a physical brother of course now what did he mean by that did he mean that we shouldn't make a cross with Mohammed on its ah Salaam well of course we wouldn't do that anyway but it's more in I've heard so many Muslims say statements that when I went to check it out with the real scholars of Islam it was so bogus that it was embarrassing to imagine that people would stand there with long beards and when you know they're short Khamis and stand up in front of a congregation a Jamaa and start preaching something and then you go and check it out and what they said was wrong it isn't Islam so one of the things they will tell you is that the Prophet SAW as Salam is sinless he doesn't have any sins at all have you heard this okay and that everything he does from the time he's born to the time he dies so life Salaam is absolute ye and there's absolutely no mistakes on his side I've heard that I've heard people say that now that means according to the Quran he's not a human being anymore he becomes an angel there's an angel he's not human but the Quran clearly said it he is a human and then Allah sent a human from amongst yourselves to give you this message so now which way am I gonna go am I gonna believe the firaon I'm gonna believe this [ __ ] over here it's telling me that the professor Salam is like angel I go bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu salam on rasul allah while ali with severe asthma in the shed we la la la la well i shadow in mind and i'm to resume my bad I've heard so many Muslims say statements that when I went to check it out with the real scholars of Islam it was so bogus that it was embarrassing to imagine that people would stand there with long beards and when you know they're sure Khamis and stand up in front of a congregation a Jamaat and start preaching something and then you go and check it out and what they was wrong it isn't Islam so one of the things they will tell you is that the Prophet SAW ISA mom is sinless he doesn't have any sins at all have you heard this okay and that everything he does from the time he's born to the time he dies Solarize Salam is absolute waki and there's absolutely no mistakes on his side I've heard that I've heard people say that now that means according to the Quran he's not a human being anymore he becomes an angel there's an angel who's not human but the Quran clearly said it he is a human and then Allah said a human from amongst yourselves to give you this message so now which way am I gonna go am I gonna believe the firaon I'm gonna believe this chef over here it's telling me that the process alone is like angel it has to be able to make some kind of mistakes otherwise why would he say a stuff for a long time today and why would he tell his wife that Allah had forgiven him for his future and his past sins if he didn't have any this doesn't make any sense does it and then again why in the Quran would allow say to him I miss or to Allah he frowned and turned away if you know sir opposite chapter 80 it's real clear that allies admonishing prophets last number cuz he did what he made mistake he turned away from a blind man who came to ask him a question about Islam but he can want to make dower to these non-muslims in LA saying never mind about them take care of that new Muslim that came in and by the way that's a subject that we really are weak on today and then ensure a time when a lawsuit panel would tell the questions the Prophet says Salam why do you make parma haram something which i didn't make her arm in a lug it's real tough on the province of salaam chapter 66 film look it up because he had made honey Haram because he misunderstood his wives were just teasing him playing a game with him saying that his breath smelled bad because he ate honey then it come to find out they were joking around playing he got a pretty upset about it because of course because the blood mana steam but it was to teach us don't play with making something Haram when it's not Haram and that's back to our subject getting it also at the same time don't make something Hollow does not allow what will happen if you do same thing why we'll go back to the Quran again one more time go to chapter 9 sir at Oba look at chapter 9 verse 31 and see right there real clear what Allah is telling you that the Jews and Christians took their rabbis and monks as partners with a law that's what it says so you know what happened shirk exactly they were making shirk but I'd be even hatton who used to be Christian he said to the Prophet SAW Salam they don't do that they don't you know they're not worshiping those guys probably saw some said oh yes they do said do they accept halau from those guys but Allah made it Haram and do they accept Haram from these guys but Allah didn't make it around me he made it hell out said yeah they do that and props Azam said in that way they worshipped him this is why when you sit with the real all amount the real scholars of Islam and I have hung there many times in many different countries I never found one real scholar who ever was in a hurry to give a fatwa about anything I never met one who was in a hurry to say Haram brother hello brother and how many of you heard of use of card owie you know whose use of car Adel we yes he's probably one of the most well known of all the scholars on the planet today and although you may not agree with his rulings on things I want to tell you a statement that he said doctor card that we said in one of his writings that any of the scholars can make something Haram they could you know I left there if there's a question mark is what he's talking about if there's a question on item it's easier to say a Haram brother and stay away from it because on the day of judgment then you know at least I can be away from something but it could have been halal but I'm wasn't sure he said but it's real hard to say hello on these questionable matters because what if it was Haram you follow that when I was in Egypt I had the beautiful opportunity to sit with a very knowledgeable person Islam and he doesn't like for anybody give him any advertising's I won't mention his name nothing like that it's just that I really respect all of our teachers so much I can't help but mention at least some reference to them and ask Allah to accept it from him but he gave me a beautiful statement in English that I never forgot which basically sums up everything I've said up to this point everything in the life that you go out here and do in the worldly matters everything you want to do as far as the law is concerned is halal for you unless it's specifically forbidden but everything in worship is totally Haram for you unless it's specifically ordered mandated or permitted by Allah and His Messenger now some examples and then I'm going to talk about some of the areas where we get confused an example of worship that you don't play with everybody knows Maghreb salat is how many raka three yes for Margaret okay Pledger how much for fudger - no doubt right and how about lover awesome Kisha and you're from all over the world you guys are from everywhere yes and we still all agree on that it doesn't matter if there are sea heights from Iran or dill Bundy from Pakistan or if there would ever all Muslims know this is basic so if somebody said you know what I feel real holy today let me go ahead and double up I'd like to pray for a cause for fudger eight for over eight for asar six for Margaret and eight more tonight for each oh wow nobody would accept that would night what they would tell you go ahead and pray what to do on time the regular way but if you want to pray some extra you're welcome to pray all you want to two by two by two as much as you like yeah no problem so we see right away an innovation it wouldn't be acceptable like somebody who said well you know fasting in the day is kind of hard for me but why don't I fast at night when the Sun Goes Down let's start fasting when it comes back up I'll quit good idea I can sleep through it all mmm we do that do Ramadan anyway but we know that's not acceptable wouldn't do that so these are some examples now let's look on the other side when it comes to areas that are open can we use a microwave oven can we drive a car can we fly in an airplane every time something new came like an automobile flying in airplanes all these things whenever something new came Muslims ran to their scholars they went to their Imams their mallanna's and they said is this her own and I don't blame him it's good to go and check it's okay to ask unfortunately a lot of them said yeah it's wrong telephone Oh brother stop for Allah you don't know what's in that phone could be Oh weird this is that that's very backward and this actually kept us out of the 20th century much of the 20th century came and went with Muslims still living a long time ago unfortunately that's true for whatever reason I'm not blaming specifically our educators here but that is a fact so we see right away an innovation it wouldn't be acceptable like somebody who said well you know fasting in the day is kind of hard for me but why don't I fast at night when the Sun Goes Down I'll start fasting when it comes back up I'll quit good idea I can sleep through it all we do that through Ramadan anyway but we know that's not acceptable wouldn't do that so these are some examples now let's look on the other side when it comes to areas that are open can we use a microwave oven can we drive a car can we fly in an airplane every time something new came like an automobile flying in airplanes all these things whenever something new came Muslims ran to their scholars they went to their Imams their mallanna's and they said is this Haram and I don't blame them it's good to go and check it's okay to ask unfortunately a lot of them said yeah it's her home telephone Oh brother stop for Allah you don't know what's in that phone could be Oh weird this that is that that's very backward and this actually kept us out of the 20th century much of the 20th century came and went with Muslims still living a long time ago unfortunately that's true for whatever reason I'm not blaming specifically our educators here but that is a fact and today now we're in the 21st century and Muslims are all around the world it's really eminent for us today to take the responsibility to learn what this Deen really is all about and be sure to pass that on to the next generations otherwise this could cause a serious problem for Muslims in the future our youth they have a right on us they have the right to know what Islam really teaches and they have a right to know how to think about the reality of where they live I'm gonna sum up a couple of points I didn't answer your question about music on purpose cuz I want to keep your attention but I want some up with a couple of points today I visited with our youth here in the building in other places and I asked them some questions our youth by the way are the best of the kids on the earth today I love all kids but Muslim kids are the best they really are yet I found from them the kids that I've visited with as much as they would like to know nobody has really set with them and given them the opportunity to pick up the real Dean we have our so called mallanna's and Khateeb 'he's standing on memoirs giving speeches in arabic or do bengali different languages every friday and those kids have no clue what it's about all they know is I got to put a CUFI on my head I have to wear something it looks like a dress when I'm going to go with my father my grandfather and my uncles and I have to do this but without a clue why then when they go to school during the week unfortunately most of our kids are going to public school therefore they can't dress like that even if the school led them they'd be laughed out of the building some of our girls by the way even though they can wear the hijab when they get to their locker they take it off and put on a ball cap or something else because they just don't want to be embarrassed with that and it's cool and they have no idea why they're doing it anyway that's a reality and this is why I mention it to you if we ignore reality this is suicide this is not a joke there is something that's eminent in front of us and all of us are responsible for it and that's why we're talking about this subject of educating our educators let me come to a couple of points and wrap it up first of all our kids are the future of Islam it's not an option for you or me it's our responsibility regardless of what anybody else does do or doesn't do you and I both have to say this is my responsibility I'm gonna do the best I can with a lot of God and I'm gonna ask Allah to guide me and guide my kids because we really need this then we need to seek competent teachers who can communicate with our youth I don't just mean language I mean get down where they are and speak to them on their level when I talk to our kids I don't try to address them as a college professor I don't talk to them about my degrees or how much money I made or any of the rest of it because this is what has that got to do with it what they want to know is was up or like they say was down with that I'm not sure which way to go up or down but in any case I try to talk to them so they realize okay this is somebody that'll that I can talk to they'll listen to me and understand where I'm coming from the example that I used with a couple of our youth today was kind of funny because I was asking about the Quran and some kids that I know have memorized the entire Quran and we say masha'Allah he memorized the whole Quran it's great how old were you when you memorize this year nine years old you memorized it in Arabic but you grew up speaking Ordo yes or no you can't even remember back that far did they teach you the meaning of what you were saying or just teach you how to recite just how to recite and this is not the exception it's the absolute rule on the planet even in for Arabs in Arabic homes where they speak Arabic they teach their children to put on cover to cover but they still don't tell them what it means and I'm gonna challenge every Muslim here today to think about something that if you said you know look we're on you personally you say yeah well I know the Quran or I know some of it or I know a little of it I'll challenge you on one letter only the first letter in the Quran first letter is what when you say bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim what's the first letter Bob what does it mean do you know because if you don't know what that one letter means how could you possibly talk about interpreting the rest of the poem many people with all the translations that I've read always say in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful is that true now I have a microphone and you don't so I'm gonna have to talk for you I understand where you're going just Eiffel up there now but when you use it depending I use it in a sentence when you translate it to English you have to consider did you say like bill logical Arabiya in this case you mean in the Arabic language it means in but if you say for instance on a hypocrite law I love you for the sake of Allah we don't say I love you in a law in English because it means like are you inside of a law out below what's this that's crazy yes so see what happens when you try to do a literal translation it literally it says with the name of the law but you have to understand it in proper English you have to come up with in the name of a law because when you're representing the king or queen for instance you say in the name of the king or the name of the queen you never say with you say in you didn't say well that's small well if it's so small how come nobody knew it except one person mashallah now if we realize that in learning the quran and the interpretation of quran is important then we're going to be ahead of the game and by the way they asked of the law even of umar they asked him about memorizing the quran and he had said something about just memorizing surah Baqarah they said what you only have sort of opera and he said yes we we used to only memorize the quran as we understood it and put it into practice meaning that you don't just recite it for no reason this is a point another point and and this is where you're gonna throw me out and tell me never come back which is fine with me anyway but one of the things that we're going to get into the 21st century we need to go to every single mustard on this planet and you know that halal thing that we got that crescent moon on top of the buildings we need to cut that thing off why because it has no connection with rasoolallah lightly with someone not one connection at all that represents a symbol of the Ottoman Empire that went down the drain in 1922 it's nothing but a sad reminder of something we don't have anymore and it makes people think we worship hmm and even our own kids sometimes ask well why do we have that up there's that have some connection with the you know I don't know and so we don't need that and I know I made a lot of people mad right telling me my chef he's saying the wrong stuff from the mimbar telling me we don't know the quran boy I'm just trying to make sure that there's no way I can get back I'm destroying my breath till my bridge building this is called blowing up your bridges something that music Islam didn't forbid music it didn't what it did it put the limit on it and understand that's the difference if you say music is Haram you have that reproof and there's none but there's plenty of evidence about the limits of music and that's where you have to go to the scholars and understand why we mustn't participate in these things where they're using musical instruments singing songs that have wrong implications and also things that'll buzz in your head instead of the Quran so there are serious limits on that but it's not Haram as long as you stay within the limits then what about smoking I take another one because I know a lot of people used to ask us about that they quit asking me because they knew what I was gonna say question and a good scholar by the way you know what you'll do but when you ask a question who I should go question back he'll ask you a question back cuz he needs to know before gives you just a ruling you you smoke if the answer is yes do you want to continue or would you like to get away from it if I tell you it's Haram is that gonna help you stop huh cuz if it'll help you stop I'll tell you to rhom right now but let us find out Hawaii you're into this thing and then figure out what you can do about it but the ruling is anything that can kill you isn't wrong can smoking kill people I asked you I didn't tell you I asked you what will happen will you make your own decision you feel better about it I decided smoking sarama I'm gonna quit instead of this guy said Haram but I'm gonna this guy and see if I can get a better deal let's go shopping bet with shopping have you heard about that boy shopping chop the Internet do you get what you want so inshallah some of the points that I made today although open-ended maybe possibly in the future we can come to some more conclusions on that but try to keep this in mind that when it comes to worship and listen to this phrase the moms use it every Friday and you should be listening to the phrase in the translation of the meaning when he says washer or morimoto Tata Hakuna Matata turn bitter locally bid attend illallah well Kula the volatile phenom and you've heard it and heard it and heard it but how many times did anybody tell you what it means the worst of all deeds are innovations into the deen of islam and it means regarding those subjects and those innovations are misguiding x' and all misguidance lead to the fire of hell and may Allah save us from that I mean well I ask Allah subhana WA tell her to give us nor the light of knowledge and let that knowledge spread throughout the Muslim community and raise up from you here right now some of you as educators for our Muslims and may allah subhana wa tella make all of us of those who put dean first and do you later so that we can go to his paradise on me Challa salam alaykum wa rahmatullah ricotta you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 67,087
Rating: 4.8083835 out of 5
Keywords: Muslims, Issues, In, the, West, Sheikh, Yusuf, Estes
Id: buA_Og0dbE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2012
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